Object subject and goals of psychology management. Psychology of management

Business 21.05.2020

Psychology - Interdisciplinary Science, which is successfully used in modern realities in the field of personnel work. The article discusses the main features of this science, the object and subject of the psychology of management, its goals and objectives used by the methods, the structure of the psychology of management. Acquaintance with this science will improve labor and managerial processes in such a way as to increase the overall labor efficiency.

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Psychology of Management: Subject

Speaking about the subject of psychology of management, it is worth remembering that management is not so much science as art. The psychology of the management, which appeared at the junction of two fundamental sciences, studies the psychology of a person, on the other, is aimed at improving the quality of work, that is, pursues quite utilitarian goals. Object of psychology management First of all, the staff or team and interaction within it can be called, aimed at increasing productivity.

The psychology of management is considered a separate section of psychology that studies patterns arising in managerial activities. The basis of science is a comprehensive analysis of the conditions existing in a particular company, and the definition of work features, improving the performance of the team.

The psychology of management is engaged in the problems of conforming to a working team of a particular company; aims to study the psyche of workers. Having knowledge of the psychology of management, the HR manager can give a mental description of the work of the head and management process, analyze and call skills and qualities that are necessary for successful managerial activities.

Like any modern science, the psychology of management is engaged in the accumulation of data. In this case, we are talking about the nature of the impact of one person on another, a group or society as a whole. The purpose of such a collection of information is to understand and explain the mechanisms underlying such an impact, as well as the search for methods for its improvement.

Subject of psychology management - This is a whole range of psychological relations existing in the company between the head and subordinate or the team as a whole. The subject of science includes mechanisms of interpersonal interaction, problems and conflicts that exist in the company social and professional communications and interactions.

The psychology of management, its object and the subject require consideration from the point of view of several aspects, to the number of which includes:

  • psychology personality of the head;
  • psychology of managerial management of the head;
  • psychological questions of finding and selection of specialists;
  • socio-psychological features of teams of workers;
  • psychological and adaptive aspects of personnel training.

In education, management, personnel processes - In all these industries, the methods of management psychology are used. Accordingly, the subject of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge is a combination of many phenomena and mental relations in the company. Conditionally, it can be described as a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • analysis of the functions and structure of the work of the manager;
  • psychological aspects of relationship between leadership and personnel;
  • the study of sociological and psychological issues of managing the team and interactions within it.

So, the subject of the management psychology consists of three key elements: an employee (manager), considered in dynamic development in the process of activity, the very managerial work and relationship (interactions) of the team.

Understanding the psychology of management is possible only through the prism of its main aspects:

  • influence psychological factors on the effectiveness of managers;
  • features of adoption of both individual and group decisions;
  • leadership problems;
  • questions motivation, behavioral acts of management subjects.

Object psychology management

The object of the psychology of the control is comprehensive system The activities of officials and divisions of the company focused on the overall useful goal of the organization. The goals of B. this case Considered in the context of management relations and subordination management relations.

It must be remembered that the object is, first of all, the activity of the head. IN the object of psychology management You can select several components:

  • the identity of the head and the process of its development as a result of the implementation of management activities, namely the psychology of the management entity;
  • activities of the company's manager and its implementation scheme in terms of achieving efficiency and effectiveness;
  • processes in the labor and social team.

The selection in the structure of the science of the object and the subject allows you to identify differences between several close sciences: general Theory management, social management, state administration.

Management, first of all, is related to people, namely, to the search for an individual approach from the point of view of the needs and the characteristics of each individual employee, the peculiarities of the perception of the surrounding world.

Despite the fact that there is a tendency that identifies the psychology of management and management, the object and the subject of the management of management and management is intersect only in part. The specificity of this science is to understand why you need to conduct management processes in one way or another.

Structure of management psychology: goals, methods and objectives

The psychology of management, its object and the subject make it possible to submit a control process in the form of a scheme. Interaction of several elements:

Control of management. As a subject, the head comes with authority to carry out management activities.

Control object. People or groups of people speaking as an object of organized, systematic, systematic exposure to the subject.

Management impacts (or methods).A set of measures that use the subject to influence the control object.

Purpose of management.The desired state of the control object or the result of the object activity. The goal is formulated by the management subject or set from the outside, from a higher level of control.

The purpose of the psychology of management, her practical application First of all, it is to solve the following problems that exist in the organization:

  • improving professional competence of executives: improving management styles, communicative skills, decision-making, skills strategic planning, overcoming stress;
  • analysis and improvement of methodologies for the preparation of the company's management composition;
  • search and activate personnel resources;
  • assessment and selection of managers in accordance with the needs of the company;
  • evaluation and improvement of the socio-psychological climate, increasing the level of loyalty of employees, cohesion of the team.

Thus, the main task of the Psychology of Management is the formation of manual methods, which are based on the laws identified in the process of studying between the tactics of the chief and the reaction of subordinates.

Generally, tasks of psychology management You can split into several large groups depending on the object of the study:

  1. Psychological analysis of management activities.The supervisor needs to carry out management activities consciously, analyzing its actions that it is necessary to accept the right management solutions.
  2. Study of mental regulation mechanisms. It is necessary to take correct decisions both in normal and extreme conditions
  3. Study of leadership. Development of leadership qualities necessary to the head for managing the workflow
  4. The practical application of psychological knowledge in management processes. This task includes conflict resolution, regulation of microclimate, improving the level of satisfaction with the work, achieving a high level of loyalty of employees
  5. Investigation of group interaction.It is necessary to achieve a sustainable social microclimate in the team
  6. Study of methods and mechanisms of motivation. Motivation is necessary in managerial processes to encourage employees to achieve more significant goals.

The psychology of management, being interdisciplinary science, successfully uses managerial techniques in combination with psychological. The structure of management psychology allocates two basic learning techniques: observation and experiment.

Observationanalytical methodbased on processes of perception. This method is the most complex objective method, since observation is carried out in a natural setting, respectively, the role and place of the observer affects and affects the object of observation. The study and search for effective principles of interaction of the head and the team occurs in passive form. During the study, reactions, opinions and results are recorded. To this method, both in obtaining a preliminary material before starting other studies and in those conditions when other ways of obtaining information are not available.

Passivity is the main disadvantage of this technique. Long expectation of the observation object reaction does not always justify itself, as it is high risk to skip the moment of the reaction and incorrectly interpret the result.

Experiment, on the contrary, belongs to active methods. With the help of the experiment, the search for effective interaction schemes by creating certain conditions To use various tactics of management.

The purpose of the experiment - Check hypotheses affecting the practice of making management decisions. With the help of an experimental technique, you can get a fairly extensive information of a unique nature, if you observe the necessary conditions Successful experiment:

  • faithful choice control characteristics,
  • use to change the factor characteristics (entered by the researcher),
  • the fence of the experiment from the maximum number of external influences that are not related to the situation.

The use of these techniques allows to comprehensively examine management processes and move to solving the tasks of the psychology of management.

Summing up, it should be noted that management activities in the organization are based on certain rules. Their observance can lead the company to success, and their ignoring is to collapse even with favorable conditions. Psychology of management, its facility and subject, make it possible to develop such rules and technical techniques to communicate that it becomes not only a form, but also a management factor. This is the main task of the management of management as an applied interdisciplinary science.

The subject of the management of the psychology and its facility, the practical application of science in management processes, the psychology of the management entity and the object, to which the Office is aimed, is considered in other articles related to personnel management:

Managerial activity has pretty great importance In organizing the work of any enterprise or organization. The study of the basic principles and patterns of this direction is engaged in a special section of practical psychology, which received the name.

It is based on a comprehensive analysis of the existing conditions and identifying the peculiarities of activity to achieve the high efficiency of the employment or social collective. Like any kind scientific workThe psychology of the Office allocates the subject, the object, tasks and methods that allow you to build a natural structure.

Subject and object of management psychology

When considering this issue, there are, first of all, the problems of a person (supervisor), as a member of the team in carrying out management activities. It should be noted that the effectiveness of the management system in this case depends on the personal characteristics of the manager, which determine its ability to perform diagnostics and, as well as motivate the latter to the successful implementation of the goals.

Thus, the subject of psychology of management can be called a complex of psychological relations between the boss and the subordinate or team, which includes the mechanism of interpersonal interaction, problems and conflicts of work activities, social and professional relationships.

Under the object of the psychology of management, first of all, the object of study should be understood, namely the human activity (supervisor), aimed at the formation of material and social factors in the team. In some cases, in this role can perform specific situation Or the circumstances that need to be considered and analyzed to identify errors or, on the contrary, which determine its positive factors.

Objects of study of the psychology of management You can divide into three separate groups:

  • The personality of the head, as well as the process of its development as a result of management activities
  • Management of the managerial and its implementation scheme from the position of efficiency and effectiveness
  • Processes occurring in a social or labor collective

Tasks, principles and methods of management

For any type of activity, you can allocate goals and basic tasks. If we talk about the psychology of management, it is quite obvious that an increase in performance is in advance and, which can be achieved by applying certain techniques and schemes.

Based on this, the main task of the psychology of management It is the formation of various manual methods, based on the identified patterns between the tactics of the head and the reaction of subordinates.

At the same time, modern psychology allocates two basic methods of study:

  • Observation is an analytical method based on the process of perception of the actual situation formed in natural conditions. In this case, the study and search for effective principles of the interaction of the team and the manager is carried out in passive form, by fixing the reaction, opinions and results.
  • Experiment is an active form of searching for the resulting interaction schemes of the head and subordinate by artificially creating certain conditions, in the presence of which is required to reveal negative and positive sides Various tactics management. Compared to observation, the experiment allows to obtain more extensive information, sometimes a unique nature, but it is more difficult to implement it in practice, since in this case, moral responsibility arises to the participants of the experiment.

In practice, the psychology of management faces a number of problems that can be closely related to the specific features of the subordinate team. Since the latter is a totality personal qualities Its members reflected in the overall reaction and effectiveness of adopted management decisions, the final result of the use of a single may differ.

The following types of problem collectives are distinguished:

  • Paranoid. Each managerial solution causes distrust and fear.
  • Depressive. Lack of motivation, negative attitude to the work itself and disbelief in obtaining positive results.
  • Forced. Execution of work only within the framework of the instructions, without the manifestation of any initiative.
  • Dramatic. Active demonstration of activities and execution of orders, a public game, regardless of performance.
  • Conflict. A team divided into several separate groups that refuse to interact with each other to hold the feeling of power over the situation and other employees.

To a number of industries designed to contribute to the improvement of management include psychological science. Not knowing the psychology of people, it is impossible to deliberately influence their behavior and activities.

Psychology of management - This is a field of psychology formed at the intersection of social psychology and management science (i.e., synthesizing data from social psychology and refracting them in relation to the management system).

Object The psychology of the Office is the behavior and activity of the leadership and subordinate persons (so. Management necessarily includes human, and, consequently, the psychological component).

Subject Management psychology are psychological mechanisms and patterns that are manifested in management activities and allow you to effectively solve management tasks.

As a branch of psychological science, the Psychology of Management has determined not only the object and the subject, but also the goal, as well as the circle of tasks facing it.

Purpose Psychology of management is: to arm future managers with a system of psychological knowledge, skills and skills necessary to increase their levels professional skill, effective management in modern conditions, as well as develop the professional personal qualities of future managerial specialists.

The achievement of the course of studying the course is implemented in the process of solving the following tasks:

1. Formation of positive motivation on mastering the system of psychological knowledge, skills and skills implemented in the process professional activity In the control system.

2. Mastering the theoretical foundations of the course (Introduction to the course, personality in the system social management, socio-psychological phenomena in management activities).

3. Acquaintance with the main techniques for studying the personality of the head and subordinate.

4. Developing major psychological skills and skills implemented in the management process.

Logic and course structure They proceed from the concept of humane leadership by man and are aimed at the activation of the psychological potential of the personality and the team for the successful decision of management tasks.

Distinctive feature The psychology of management is that its object is organized by people, i.e. This is not just a joint activity of people united by common interests or objectives, sympathies or values, and the activities of people united in one organization subject to the rules and standards of this organization and perform the joint work specified by him in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements).

These rules, norms, the requirements of the organization generate special psychological relations between people who exist only in the organization - management relations.

In the psychology of management and a separate worker, and the social group, and the team act in the context of the organization in which they enter. Without organization, their analysis in terms of management turns out to be incomplete.

Summarizing everything said, it can be concluded that the subject of psychology of management is a set of mental phenomena and relations in the organization:

Psychological factors of the effective activities of managers;

Psychological features of the adoption of individual and group decisions;

Psychological problems of leadership;

Problems of motivation of behavior of subjects of management relations, etc.


Electronic textbook

N.Novgorod, 2008.

The electronic textbook was drawn up by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Bugova O.G. based tutorials:

Volkonova OD, tooth A.T. Management psychology. - M.: ID "Forum" Infa - M., 2008.

Ostrovsky E.V. Psychology of management. - M.: Infa - M., 2008.

IN electronic textbook The basic concepts of the psychology of management, the process of its formation, as well as the current problems of the modern stage of its development are revealed.

The manual is intended to persons studying the psychology of management as educational discipline, as well as managers, psychologists and all those who are interested in psychological aspects of management activities.

Chapter 1. Object, subject of the course "Psychology of Management". five

1.1. Object, subject and tasks of the psychology of management. five

1.2. Formation of the psychology of management. 6.

1.2.1. Psychological aspect in theory scientific organization Labor

F.Telora. 7.

1.2.2. Psychological party administrative

(bureaucratic) school management. nine

1.2.3. Theory of human relations. 10

1.2.4. The formation of the psychology of management in Russia. eleven

1.2.5. Modern theory and management practices on the role of psycho-

logical factor in improving production efficiency. 12

Chapter 2. Psychology of the Management Process. fourteen

2.1. Main managerial functions, 14

2.2. Psychological planning features. fifteen

2.3. The psychological aspect of the organization as an integral part

lena activities. eighteen

2.4. Psychological basis Motivation. twenty

2.5. Psychological aspects of control. 21.

Chapter 3. Psychology of the Directory of Management. 23.

3.1. Cognitive processes in managerial activities. 23.

3.2. The role of perception in management activities. 24.

3.3. Requirements for the head of the head. 25.

3.4. Intellect of the head, his ability to think. 26.

3.5. The volitional properties of the head. 28.

3.6. Adoption of management decisions as a universal function

leader. thirty

3.7. Manual style. 31.

3.8. Characteristic different types Head behavior. 32.

3.9. The latest management styles: coaching and top management. 34.

Chapter 4. Psychology of the Management Object. 37.

4.1. Essence and structure of human needs. 37.

4.2. Labor activity motivation system. 40.

4.3. Social forms Motivation. Non-monetary remuneration. 42.

4.4. Motivation and development of human resources. 45.

4.5. The main changes in the practice of managing frames on modern

Chapter 5. Psychological component of group management

processes. 49.

5.1. Social role And the essence of small social groups. 49

5.2. The concept of the team. 52.

5.3. Community processing process. 53.

5.4. The concept of the psychological climate of the group. 55.

5.5. The controversial nature of the impact of the group on personality. 56.

5.6. Signs of a healthy psychological climate in labor group. 57

Chapter 6. Psychology of Management Communication. 59.

6.1. The essence of communication and its shape. 59.

6.2. The structure of managerial communication and its problem. 61.

6.3. Manipulative techniques and protection against them. 63.

6.4. The essence of communications, their structure and means. 66.

6.5. Mechanisms business communication, the ability to listen and speak. 69.

Chapter 7. Conflict in management activities. 76.

7.1. The main causes of conflicts in organizations. 78.

7.2. Conflict management. 80.

Chapter 8. Psychology of decision-making. 84.

8.1. Essence of managerial solutions. 84.

8.2. Classification of solutions. 86.

8.3. Methods for generating management decisions. 89.

8.4. The main styles of decision-making. 92.

Chapter 9. Management activities in extreme and stressful

situations. 96.

9.1. The essence of stress, its manifestations and stages of development. 96.

9.2. Protection protection against stress action. 98.

Chapter 10. Psychology organizational culture. 101

10.1. Definition of organizational culture and its process

formation. 101.

10.2. Effect of organizational culture on work efficiency

organizations. 104.

10.3. Consequences of organizational culture. 104.

10.4. Change of organizational culture. 108.

II. Test for self-control. 112.

III. Control questions. 116.

IV. Glossary. 119.

V. Literature. 127.


Object and subject of the course "Psychology of Management" Formation of psychology of management

Object, subject and objectives of the psychology of management

Modern psychology is the system of sciences, both fundamental and applied. Many of the industries of psychology have interdisciplinary in nature, which summarizes the researcher's arsenal with new methods of studying mental phenomena. In psychology today, such partly intersecting industries are allocated such as pedagogical, clinical, political, military, sports, age, comparative psychology, labor psychology, psychology of religion, labor psychology, advertising psychology and others. Rapidly developing social Psychology and psychology management. In many ways, the predominant development of these industries is due to the fact that they solve the tasks relating to the role of "human factor" in the development of society. In this series of industries in lately The theoretical and practical importance of the psychology of management increases.

Psychology of management- the interdisciplinary applied industry of psychology, the main task of which is to study and solve problems of management activities through psychological knowledge and theories.

The object of psychology management is organized by people. This is not just a joint activity, these are the activities of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and standards of this organization and fulfilling them to work together in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements.

The subject of management psychology is the activities of officials leading teams, and the management psychology is a complex knowledge system relating to the following parties to management activities:

Psychological factors ensuring successful and efficient management activities;

Psychology of motivation of people in the process of their activities;

Features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;

Psychological aspects of leadership, decision-making features;
psychology of power in the organization;

Psychological climate issues in the team;

Psychological conflictology.

Knowledge received by managers as a result of studying the psychology of management helps competently manage people, avoid unnecessary conflicts, understand the psychological nature management processeseffectively solve the problem of selection of personnel in the organization, analyze and improve psychological climate In the team, to properly evaluate your own activities.

Thus, the psychology of management seeks not only to facilitate the work of managers, but also make it more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about various manifestations of psyche, its functional, volatile character.

Tasks of psychology management:

Psychological analysis of managerial specialists;

Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of work in normal and extreme conditions;

Study of mental peculiarities of leadership;

Study of group interaction processes;

Study mechanisms for human motivation.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, the management was not considered an independent area scientific research. For the first time, this was spoke in connection with the advent of the book F. U. Taylor "Principles of Scientific Management" in 1911, in which the basic principles of managerial labor were allocated. A little later, in the 20s of the 20th century, the famous French engineer, managing a giant mining and metallurgical company, A. Fayol has already described a consistent system of management principles. It was thanks to A. Fayol, the Office began to consider special specific activities.

By this time, psychology has already been formed as a science in its theoretical and applied directions. Thanks to the merger of management and psychology, as well as in response to the requirements of developing production, an applied interdisciplinary science emerged - "Psychology of Management".

Administered management consider a combination of a system of coordinated measures aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization. These events are relevant primarily to people working in this organization, each of which needs to find a special approach, for which they need to know their needs and character traits, ability and features of the perception of the world around them.

Unlawful to the existing tendency to identify the psychology of management with management, as a system of management methods. To some extent, the subject of management psychology crosses off with management, but nevertheless it has its own specifics. If management teaches us what to do, then the psychology of management clarifies why you need to do so, and not otherwise, and how it works.

Consequently, the subject of psychology of management is the psychological foundations of the management of the manager: the psycho-physiological features of labor activity, the psychological features of information processing, human perception mechanisms for man and the mechanisms of the impact of people on each other, the psychological features of the formation of a labor collective and interpersonal relations in it, the psychological features of making management decisions and Psychological factors of management activities in general.

The psychology of management as science and practice is aimed at the formation and development of the psychological management culture of managers, the creation of the necessary foundations for theoretical understanding and practical application in managing the knowledge of the characteristics of the personality of the employee, interpersonal relations and the patterns of the functioning of the labor collective.

The head must understand the nature of managerial processes, to know how to improve management efficiency, know information Technology and communication tools necessary for personnel management, etc., for which he needs to know the psychological peculiarities of the functioning of the labor collective, making management decisions in various conditions and circumstances, working with people.

Psychological factors of the functioning of the labor collective include psychophysical compatibility in groups, the phenomena of interpersonal interaction, labor motivation, socio-psychological climate and other psychological phenomena included in the joint labor activity Production of certain products or services. Psychological factors of making management decisions include the purpose of the goal as the result of the activity and the decision-making process. The personality of a man as a microcosm, on the one hand, and the perception of this person to another person, the desire to dominate and obey, status, social expectations, emotional response and many others constitute the essence of psychological factors of work with people.

Management Psychology as a specific branch of practical psychology originated almost simultaneously with the advent of the profession of the manager and professional managers. Like any applied industry of psychology, it appeared in response to a specific social order of an industrialized society, which researchers in the field of management formulate as follows:

  • How to make management effective?
  • How to make maximally in production human resources No coercion and pressure on people?
  • How to build and organize a collective management system?

The psychology of the Office arose at a certain stage of the development of society, in which it is important not only to obtain the maximum result of labor, but also to take into account the features of man's self-expression in the labor process, the implementation of the needs achieved as a result of labor. In other words, the manager turned to the personality of a freely worker person who wants to most fully reveal his own opportunities with the maximum benefit for himself for himself. Hence, the subject of psychology of management is the following problems of human relationships and interactions in terms of management situations.:

  1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the labor process.
  2. Management activities and its organization in terms of psychological efficiency.
  3. Group processes in the labor collective, and their regulation.

Personality, its self-improvement and self-development plays a material role in the management process. Here are important, at least two circumstances. First, among the many qualities, the features, the characteristics of the personality of the Psychology of Management reveals those that help successfully implement management activities. Secondly, considering the identity in the process of management, psychology is not limited to the description, comparative analysis and state defation. In this industry, knowledge has a fairly large volume. practical Soviets, recommendations and "recipes", allowing the head of any rank and with any initial level of managerial abilities to develop the qualities of the leader.

Management activities are built by certain rulesBy observing which one can succeed and, on the contrary, ignoring them will inevitably lead the organization to collapse even with the most favorable other conditions. Specialists in the field of psychology are developing rules and technical techniques of communication, allowing it not just a form, but also a management factor.

Any team is, first of all, people who pursue their goals that decide their tasks seeking to preserve or change their formal and informal status. The members of the labor collective are connected with each other system sometimes very complex relationships. Like any body, the team can experience both favorable and unfavorable periods in development. The crisis can occur at any time under the influence of a complex of external and internal reasons and circumstances. Its consequences can be both positive (a further rise in the development of the collective) and negative (the team that has recently worked as "clock" becomes unmanaged and disintegrates). The level of the head and the degree of its professionalism is determined not only to how it manages the development of its team in relatively favorable periods of its existence and development, but also how it acts in difficult moments in the situation of the crisis. The head must manage to anyone, even seemingly unmanaged the situation. And for this we need knowledge, and specific leadership skills in conflict and crisis. The art of conflict management is what professional leader differs from the head of the amateur. Where the second only breeds with his hands, the first is taken for business and acts with maximum benefit and minimal losses.

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