Socio psychological factors of labor efficiency. The main psychological factors affecting the professional activities of operational employees

NK RF. 21.05.2020

A group, like any organizational education, is subject to certain patterns in its development. To organize it is important to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the group. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group are about the same as used to assess the work outcomes of the employee: productivity, job satisfaction, adaptation and training, etc.

Forming a working group, the manager must ensure the compliance of its main parameters in which the group will function. The effectiveness of its work depends on the validity of solutions regarding the group parameters. Most important factorsdefining the efficiency of the Group's work are the following:

1. Group size. The number of participants in the group is selected based on its conditions of operation. Too small group (2-3 people) reduces specialization capabilities and can reduce the quality of labor results, the set is increasing social rolesper employee decreases the intellectual potential of the group.

Diabe is a group of two people. There is no third person in the Diage, whose opinion could be addressed or which could help in the event of disagreements. As a result, friction often arise between two people (especially with different psychological types of personality). People working in a pair feel or should feel this and avoid categorical judgments and actions that could lead to disagreements. In the Deda, opinions are more often asked than they are expressed. Diaps seek to avoid disagreements (as they can lead to failure), and the result of this may be the apparent consistency of actions, even if it does not exist (false consensus).

The desire to avoid disagreements may be harmful to the organization, especially if it affects the quality of the work of the pair. In case of disagreement, the ideas speak freely and are discussed together. If two people who need to work together cannot cope with their disagreements or if the lack of such negatively affects the success of the task being performed, then, most likely, in this case, the Diaband should be refused.

Triad, or a group of three, sets other problems before managers. In the triads, a very high potential for the struggle for power, unplanned associations and general instability. Manager, as a rule, it is recommended to avoid using triads, especially when the tasks assigned to the need for frequent interaction of employees, which creates the ability to put pressure on each other. In confrontation and struggle for leadership, the specified tasks can not be solved.

The small group most often has at least 4 and no more than 15 people, as in a group of more than 15 people, it is more difficult to communicate with each other. With a group of less than 10 people, you can freely communicate with each other, but when the group becomes big, people do not catch the essence of problems and take less participation in the discussion, express fewer ideas. The concept of a small group has interest from different points of view for managers, as working groups, project implementation groups, commissions, etc. Usually represent a small group.

In the formation of small groups, managers should avoid an even number of members of the group, since groups with an even number of members are more likely to enter the deadlock. It is better to create groups with an odd number of members - for example, 5, 7, 9 people who work much more efficiently.

A large group is a group with more than 15 members. Large groups are organized for a short time. For example, a meeting of shareholders, members of a team, various kinds of conference, etc. With an increase in the size of the group, the effectiveness of its operations can, how to increase and decrease. The consequences of increasing the size of the group include a decrease in the possibility of participation, a decrease in the level of cohesion, reducing the degree of satisfaction from work, strengthening the formal component of the work process, etc. Large formal groups, as a rule, disintegrate into several informal groups, the existence of which requires the management of efforts to orientate their work towards the goals set.

In general, the influence of the group's size on its success depends on the task. If its effectiveness increases from adding people to the group, then the size is a positive factor. If the members of the group work independently, for example, in Mashburo, the greater number of people means higher performance. The group size may also play a positive role when performing work requiring interaction within the group and joint efforts.

However, in large groups, the achievement of the task is not always depends on the most capable members of the group, for example, on the conveyor, the weakest limit the productivity of previous links and do not follow to work in full force.

2. Group composition. The correct selection of the composition of the group is the most difficult task solved by the manager in the formation of the group. The selection of participants is carried out on the basis of the nature and level of requirements for the quality of the tasks to be solved by the group. It should be considered:

Value orientation of employees;

Compatibility of individual psychological characteristics;

Sexual age;

Professional qualification characteristics of employees

Status-role relations.

The work performed in groups, as a rule, requires various knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities. In this regard, it is believed that heterogeneous groups of the group (by sex, age, work experience in the organization) work more efficiently than groups relatively homogeneous in their composition. At the same time, conflicts may arise in heterogeneous groups of groups, the struggle for power, the high flow fluidity is noted. However, when skillful management, these problems are successfully overcome.

Under the status in the group, we understand the situation or rank, which is assigned to one or another member of this group by its other members. The status may also be formal (for example, the winner of the "best-profession" competition) and informal (respect corresponding to merit, knowledge, etc.).

Almost every group has its own formally leader, which can be the head of the unit, project manager, Chairman of the Committee, President of the Association, etc. Leaders largely determine the moral climate, relationships in the team and, ultimately, the effectiveness of its work.

Each member of the group usually consolidates certain roles, i.e. Models of behavior expected from it in accordance with the place in the group he occupies. Everyone has to play not one, but several roles. For example, personnel manager at the same time can be the chairman of the Commission on Permit labor disputes, member of the release commission work force From the enterprise, vice-president of the Association of Personnel Specialists. In some cases, these roles may be incompatible and contradict one other. If the behavior of the employee comes in contradiction with what surroundings are expected from him, role conflict arises.

Both in formal and informal groups great importance It has the definition of the most typical roles that are most often used when conducting a "brainstorming", business meetings and meetings. These include the following roles:

Organizer. Organizes a discussion of the problem, establishes communications between members, manages the decision-making process, consolidates conflicts. Group leader. Sanguine or phlegmatic with a high level of intelligence, who received recognition in the group.

Idea's generator. He puts forward new ideas, explains them, determines the decision-making alternatives, actively participates in their discussion. Sanguine or choleric with high level of intelligence having encyclopedic knowledge

Critic. Critically considers ideas, gives the argument "against", actively crosses the shortcomings of the problem, goals, criteria for decisions. Pessimist with medium intelligence, sometimes standing in opposition to the group

Expert. Determines the "grains of truth" in the problems discussed, argues "for" and "against" and orient the group in the right direction. Optimist with medium or high intelligence having extensive experience and work experience.

Connected. Provides information connections with other groups, delivers fresh information (data and rumors), connects the leader with all team members and transfers orders. Choleric with an average level of intelligence, mobile, sociable, without complexes, has good visual and hearing memory

Clerk. Responsible for office work, sometimes a group cashier. Fixes the results of the discussion of the problem and prepares documentation for the leader. Phlegmatic or a choleric with medium or low intelligence, has good memory and handwriting.

The typical distribution of roles in the group provides the ability to concrete and active participation of each member of the Group in solving the tasks staged by the leader and binds members of the group to a cohesive and efficient team. Otherwise, the group works inefficiently or disbanded on the microbroup, where new leaders create conditions for their more productive work.

3. Group standards. Group standards are expressed in standard rules defining the borders of the behavior of the group members. Formal norms are determined by the manual. In informal groups, the norms ensure the interests of participants in the interaction. They can be both positive, relevant to the formal standards of the organization (requirements for disciplinary standards, quality of labor) and negative, reaching against the requirements of formal interaction (poor quality of labor, resistance to change). The adoption or non-acceptance of the personality in the group of norms is the condition for its entry into the group. Norms can be formalized in specific documents - standards, provisions and procedures. However, the majority of the norms that are guided by groups are informal.

4. Psychological climate in the group. A favorable psychological climate in the group is determined by a number of factors: the psychological compatibility of its members, value orientation, level of cohesion of workers, group conflict. The diagnosis of psychological climate should be carried out by the specialists of the organization systematically.

Socio-psychological factors of the effectiveness of the joint activities of the military team

Joint military activities, the collective subject of which is the unit (crew, calculation, the personnel of the guard, etc.), is a system of group activity that combines individual activities of military personnel and regulated by group socio-psychological processes (states, formations).

For the military psychologist-practice of the task of understanding the psychology and management of military activities, it is most often advocated as the tasks of studying factors affecting its level of efficiency, obtaining specific empirical patterns, as well as the wording of some general and private recommendations for managers on accounting and optimization of these factors

Factors of the effectiveness of group activities as a socio-psychological process

Taking into account the results of socio-psychological research in domestic and foreign science (D. Curch, R. Kratchifld, E. Bellichi, Hhobozov, R.S.Hemov, A.V. Petrovsky, A.I. Dontsov et al.), Several groups of co-operational efficiency groups can be isolated, many of which are the main components of the structure of the psychology of the military team:

I. Primary factors:

(They act as independent variables for a natural or formative military psychological experiment, are controlled easier, direct varying can lead to an increase in the efficiency of activities without additional special socio-psychological innovations).

1.1. Number of members in the group;

1.2. The duration of the group's existence;

1.3. A composition (socio-demographic, individual-personal composition) of the group;

1.4. The absence of a group organization that determines the cooding of military personnel, the hierarchy of role statuses;

1.5. Providing a group of material and technical resources;

1.6. State of communication channels, features of information and communicative processes and the structure of communications;

1.7. A cleaning situation, physical, climatic, ergonomic environment;

1.8. Functional place, position of the group in an organization that determines its relationship with other groups;

1.9. The level of available information and resource isolation (autonomy) of the group in the activities of the whole organization;

1.10. Type of group task (its divisibility, indivisibility, saturation of sensing, perceptual, mental operations), the degree of its difficulty (novelty, uncertainty, extreme, monotony);

1.11. Hormatical (organizational, statutory, tablet, instructive, etc.) Requirements for the structure of interaction (joint actions and communication).

II. Secondary factors:

(Act as intermediate variables, are controlled by socio-psychological diagnostic tools and change, formulate with the help of special innovations in the structure of activity, communication and impact on the individual).

2.1. Title leadership (typical management and communication methods of the official leader);

2.2. Individual group level of military-professional training and service and combat experience;

2.3. The silence of unofficial (positive and negative) leadership;

2.4. Individual and group dominant motivation (service, combat, training);

2.5. Structure of socio-psychological roles (intragroup, interpersonal, individual);

2.6. Interpersonal relationships (the nature of relationships, communication or the moral and psychological climate, determined by the dominant emotional states, the regulatory-value ideas and the real appeal of military personnel to each other, i.e. group moods, opinions, traditions, forms of group sanctions and the behavior of individual servicemen);

2.7. Experience and compatibility of group members;

III. Dependent variables:

3.1. Efficiency of activity (productivity, quality, resourceport, reliability).

3.2. Satisfaction with members of a group of activities and relationships, as well as its position in the group (ourselves).

3.3. Professional and socio-psychological development (growth) of individual military personnel and the team as a whole.

In the process of study, it is necessary to establish the existing empirical dependencies between indicators of dependent variables associated with the efficiency of group processes and, on the other hand, indicators of primary and secondary factors.

In everyday life, the increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system is observed when a person feels stress and feels that he will not be able to cope with him.

Psychologists have discovered that stress has four types of consequences for the human experience: emotional, physiological, cognitive (related informative functions) and behavioral (behavioral).

Here are some examples of typical signs of stress:

Emotional effects:

A person is feeling anxiety and depression.

Physical tension increases.

Psychological tensions increase.

Physiological effects:

Adrenaline and norepinephrine is thrown into the blood.

Digestion is broken.

Increases the amount of inhaled air.

Cardiac abbreviations are rapidly.

Blood vessels narrow.

Dream is disturbed.

Cognitive effects:

The concentration of attention is reduced.

There is scattered.

The short-term memory is worse.

Bihewic effects:

The lack of at work.

Passes productivity.

Stress physiology.

Common adaptation syndrome. 3 Basic Stages of Selle:

1. Stage of the alarm reaction. At this stage, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenaline system is activated. This system turns on when the hypothalamus begins to highlight the hormone corticotropin released factor, which stimulates the front share of the pituitary gland. As a result, the latter allocates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which includes the release of adrenal cortex of glucocorticoid hormones, which cause the reaction to stress. Glucocorticoids received their name for have the ability to change glucose metabolism. They are able to split protein and turn it into glucose, convert fat into energy, increase blood flow. As a result of the processes described, the organism is ready for active actions, for example, to fight or escape.

2. Stage of resistance. All physiological systems that are designed to cope with stress are fully activated. However, as this stage passes, the parasimpatic nervous system (responsible for the accumulation of energy) encourages the use of resources economically. Personal strategies to overcome stress are connected (for example, the denial of the stressful nature of the situation).

3. Stage of exhaustion. The physiological systems responsible for the stress reaction becomes ineffective, and the likelihood of developing diseases associated with stress (for example, hypertension, asthma, heart disease) increases. In especially heavy cases The bark of adrenal glands grow up, and at the same time the work of the immune system (in particular, the spleen and thymus - the fork gland) is destroyed), the ridiculum of the ulcer of the stomach.

Also during stress, the nervous system stimulates the release into blood and hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones enhance the inflow of blood to the muscles, heartbeat and breathing are rapidly, reduced the activity of the digestive system, increase blood clotting in order to reduce its loss in case of injury. Adrenaline affects the metabolism of glucose, preparing nutrients contained in tissues to splitting.

What does adrenaline and norepinephrine have?

The short-term impact of the stressor to work the sympathetic nervous and endocrine systems can be positive. Like glucocorticoids, adrenaline and norepinephrine arm or animal to fight or escape. When the body's mobilization state is delayed, the hormones increase the intensity of the heart of the heart, which increases the pressure and may develop heart disease.

The problem of adaptation.

Adaptation is a dynamic process, thanks to which, mobile systems of living organisms, despite the variability of conditions, maintain the stability necessary for the existence, development and continuation of the genus. It is the mechanism of adaptation, developed as a result of a long evolution, ensures the possibility of the body's existence in ever-changing environments.

Thanks to the process of adaptation, maintaining homeostasis is achieved when the body interacts with the outside world is achieved. In this regard, adaptation processes include not only the optimization of the functioning of the body, but also maintaining a balance in the system of the "organism environment". The adaptation process is being implemented whenever significant changes arise in the "organism environment" system, and ensures the formation of a new homeostatic state, which allows to achieve the maximum efficiency of physiological functions and behavioral reactions. Since the body and medium are not in static, but dynamic equilibrium, their ratios are constantly changing, and therefore, the adaptation process is also constantly being carried out.

The above applies equally to animals, and to a person. However, the essential difference of a person is that a decisive role in the process of maintaining adequate relationships in the "individual environment" system, during which all system parameters may change, mental adaptation plays.

Mental adaptation is considered as a result of the activities of a housing self-governing system (at the level of "operational peace"), under the case of its systemic organization. But with this consideration, the picture remains incomplete. But with this consideration, the picture remains incomplete. It is necessary to include the concept of need for the wording. The maximum possible satisfaction of current needs is, thus, an important criterion for the effectiveness of the adaptation process. Consequently, mental adaptation can be defined as the process of establishing optimal identity compliance and ambient In the implementation of the optimal compliance of the individual and the environment during the implementation of a person inherent. The process that allows an individual to satisfy current needs and implement related meaningful goals, providing at the same time compliance with the requirements of the medium.

The mental adaptation of a person is a solid process, which, along with itself, mental adaptation (i.e. adhesion of mental homeostasis) includes 2 more aspects:

a) optimization of permanent interaction of an individual with a surroundings;

b) the establishment of adequate compliance of the individual between mental and physiological characteristics.

The study of adaptation processes is closely related to the ideas about emotional stress and stress. This served as the basis for determining stress as a non-specific response of the body to the requirements for it, and consideration of it as a general adaptation syndrome.

One of the factors of stress is emotional tension, which is physiologically expressed in changes in the human endocrine system. For example, with experimental studies in patients with clinics, it was found that people constantly in nervous voltage are harder to prevent viral infections. In such cases, the help of a qualified psychologist is necessary.

The main features of mental stress:

1) stress - the condition of the body, its emergence involves the interaction between the body and the medium;

2) stress - more intense state than the usual motivational; It requires a threat to its occurrence;

3) stress phenomena take place when the normal adaptive reaction is not enough.

Since stress arose, mainly from the perception of the threat, its emergence of a certain situation may arise on subjective reasons associated with the peculiarities of a given personality.

In general, since individuals are not similar to each other, a lot depends on the personality factor. For example, in the "man-environment" system, the level of emotional tensions increases as the differences between the conditions in which the mechanisms of the subject are formed. Thus, those or other conditions cause emotional stress not by virtue of their absolute stiffness, but as a result of the inconsistency of these conditions of the emotional mechanism of the individual.

In any violation of the balance of the "man-environment", the lack of mental and physical resources of the individual to meet current needs or mismatch of the system itself is a source of anxiety.

Krylov Dmitry Andreevich, applicant for the Russian International Academy of Tourism.

The article describes professional activities in general and features of operational employees. A brief analysis of the elements of operational activities is carried out. The opinions of various authors are reflected in the main psychological factors that have a different impact on the professional activities of the Opera Compact. Reveal some important requirements for candidates (characterological features). The need for further study of the factors listed in the article, their causes and features of influence is revealed.

Keywords: professional activities, professionally important qualities, suitability criteria, operational and investigative activities, operational employee, psychological factors, operational and cognitive situation.

Fundamental Psychological Factors Influencing Professional Activities Of Field Agents

The article Describes Professional Activities in General and Peculiarities of Activities of Field Agents; Makes A Short Analysis of Elements of Field Activities; Reflects Opinions of Various Authors with Regard to Fundamental Psychological Factors Influencing in Various Aspects Professional Activities of Field Agents; Reveals Some Significant Requirements to Candidates (Character Peculiarities); Detects Necessity of Further Study of Factors Notic In The Article, Causes and Peculiarities of Influence Thereof.

Key Words: Professional Activities, Professionally Important Qualities, Criteria for Applicability, Investigative Activities, Field Agent, Psychological Factors, Investigative-Cognitive Situation.

Activities are usually considered in psychology as a methodological category that provides an understanding of many problems of the formation and development of human psyche. At the same time, the activity is understood as the form of an active attitude of the subject to reality, aimed at achieving a consciously set target associated with the creation of socially significant values \u200b\u200band the development of social experience.

The relevance of the study of professional activity in Russian psychology was noticed for a long time ago, in 1965. K.K. Platonov, who noted that "in psychology for a long time There was a flaw. She taught what psychological qualities of personality should be studied, but he taught very little to observe what particular activity to be observed to study these qualities of the individual. "

The requirements for a person who presented to a person are objective. At the same time, their formation is carried out with the participation and under the influence of a person. Thus, the problem of claims that makes one or another is a problem that has not only an objective, but also a subjective component. The subjective component of professional demands from the profession is the formation of the so-called professionally important qualities (hereinafter - PVC) personality. Under the data of the PVC, the subject means the qualities included in the process of activity and affecting the effectiveness of its implementation in the main parameters - productivity, quality, reliability.

It must be remembered that many types of professional activities are provided with a set of PVCs.

It can be assumed that this problem has the greatest importance for those activities that are largely difficult to algorithm, including the professional activities of operational employees.

In connection with the definition of a complex of professionally important qualities, which can ensure the maximum efficiency of each specific activity, the problem of a clear differentiation of various types of professional activities, as well as the search for its effectiveness criteria, arises.

At the same time, dividing professions on species and types led to the need to allocate absolute and relative identity requirements. It must be borne in mind that there are professions in which some absolute, non-compatible requirements are contained. It is impossible to come up with learning, which in the end would work out the adaptation to these requirements. Professions that are not presented with absolute requirements are relative. If so, it can be assumed that the qualities of the person who causing its absolute fitness are outside those skills and skills that a person can work out in the process of carrying out activities.

To determine the concept of absolute fitness, it has a significant meaning to risk. So, in search of the criteria of absolute fitness, many authors have come to the fact that some spectrum of conditions was isolated, which would allow to clearly diagnose the parameters of the absolute suitability of a person. Such parameters were attributed to the speed parameters and the rate of activity (including the speed of adaptation and the development of style characteristics of the behavior), as well as the stressful nature of the incentives, which can also be considered as markers of human psycho-physiological characteristics.

However, it is quite often (especially in foreign psychology) that is the idea of \u200b\u200brelative, and not absolute fitness is interpreted as unsuitability of the profession as a whole and most often used as a sufficient basis for preventing a person to work in this profession. Absolute unsuitability (as well as absolute fitness) is quite rare. However, as a rule, it is determined by the main (or decisive) for this profession a sign. Some authors believe that the principle of absolute or relative fitness can be decisive for the further development of professional requirements from different professions. This is especially true for many specialties presented in the system of operational organs.

The most adequate form of discharge of PVCs in accordance with defined rules, dictated by the profession, is the compilation of professors who are a combination (or synthesis) of professional selection criteria.

Among the variety of professions, the activities of operational employees occupies a special place.

The object of studying the professional features of the specified category of persons was including representatives of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FCS, FSKN, UFSIN, FSO, FSB, SVR of Russia.

For a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem of psychological study of the peculiarities of the professional activity of the Opera Compact, it is necessary to know the main tasks, which primarily include:

  • identification, prevention and prevention of congestion crimes, as well as identifying and establishing persons who prepare them committing or committed;
  • the search for the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigators and court evading criminal punishment, as well as the search for missing citizens;
  • extraction of information on events or actions that create a threat to the state, military, economic or environmental safety of the Russian Federation.

As the main methods for obtaining information in accordance with the Federal Law "On Operational Search Engines": a survey of citizens; inquiry; Collection of samples for a comparative study; verification purchase; research subjects and documents; observation; identification personality; examination of premises, buildings, structures, sections of terrain and vehicles; control of postal shipments; listening to telephone conversations; Removing information from technical communication channels; operational implementation; controlled delivery; Operational experiment.

In this regard, the activities of the Opera Compact consists of:

  • establishing interpersonal contacts (35%);
  • operational search activities (50 - 60%);
  • works with documents (15 - 25%).

S.N. Tikhomirov in its work analyzes in detail the features of the activities of employees of operational divisions. The author believes that the search and operational-search activity is one of the main means of legal knowledge of the hidden threats to the interests of the personality, society and the state. The author cites the general features of operational employees. He relates to them:

  • legal regulation of activities;
  • the presence of authority;
  • time deficit;
  • unproductive mandatory spending of time and money;
  • communicability;
  • the presence of negative emotions.

At the same time, work on operational accounting includes the tasks of different degrees of complexity, various directions, various execution time. The complexity of the activities of operational-search units is that these numerous tasks are solved in the conditions of constantly changing and more complex operational and investigative situations, as well as countermeasure from stakeholders.

In addition, the activities of operational staff are characterized by a broad social orientation, efficiency, referring to overcoming possible counteraction, the presence of powerful powers, a high degree of risk, an increased level of responsibility for decisions, as well as a pronounced informative search or decisions.

Thus, these factors of activity require certain character traits from operational staff. The most effective activity in the framework of the implementation of a cognitive-search orientation may be observed in persons who have a dissonance of the personality, together in combining the manifestations of anxiety and psychopathic traits. Thus, psychopathic manifestations make it possible to use the authority provided in complete confidence, as well as conduct a survey of citizens from dominant positions. Building a conversation in this direction, with the reduction of argued arguments, a demonstration of self-confidence, tactful offensiveness in many cases contributes to the receipt of more complete and reliable operational information from the interlocutor in connection with the formation of the last empathy to the operational employee.

But you should not focus on these qualities. Demonstration and paranoids also play an important role in efficient work with people and competent work planning on operational materials.

S.N. Tikhomirov also believes that by nature, operational and cognitive situations may belong to two classes. They may be algorithmic (requiring predetermined methods of action) or problematic (requiring heuristic activities in a situation of uncertainty). The activities of operational staff are characterized by the presence of a large number of problematic situations containing data that are formed outside the submissions about the situation (impeccable circumstances).

In order to optimally resolve this kind of situations from operational employees, such qualities are required as the speed of orientation in the environment, knowledge of the psychology of subjects and objects of illegal activity, the ability to work with various types of people. In addition, it is worth noting the presence of common, as well as special abilities.

Yu.V. Chufarovsky to operational employees relates: cognitive activity; practical activity aimed at identifying, checking and evaluating facts and phenomena; Certificate. In his opinion, in a meaningful plan, all three types of activity are diverse and presented the requirements for completely different personal characteristics.

Thus, the activities of employees of operational units are multipurpose, carried out in conditions of time deficiency, insufficient or redundancy of side-information, complex situation and assumes the presence of two directions of response - static and dynamic reactions involving the active development of cognitive processes.

Recently, work devoted to the socio-psychological aspects of operational employees has appeared. So yes. Litvakovsky, considering specific activities of employees related to various specific types of information collection, including using technical means, notes that the modern operational worker to achieve tasks set before him should also have a high potential of technical knowledge and skills. At the same time, the requirements for PVC are growing immeasurably.

This type of activity is characterized primarily by contradiction between the desire of operational employees themselves choose the type of activity and the methods of its implementation, on the one hand, and the rigidity of the organization and management system of the organization and management.

The information aspect of the activities of operational staff (including the opportunity to work with the entire array of the Bank of Information Data) at the moment is not developed enough. Reduced the possibilities of technical equipment. This affects the quality of operational employees, because There is no fullness of information about the elements of illegal activity. At the same time, only 25% of employees are aware of the need to create and develop an informational and analytical base. Guided by the conclusions made, some of the authors presented offer a multi-level system.

An important psychological factor affecting the professional activities of operational employees is the process of professional deformation. This topic is more relevant at present. Some of the pronounced deformation elements are value orientation. Thus, some of the operational employees who have experience in the fight against economic crimes, due to the received professional knowledge become on the path of facilitating or the organization of illegal activities. It should also be noted the problems associated with the unrealization of personal professional growth, which, by virtue of pronounced psychopathic features, can lead to subsequent alcoholization.

In addition, it should always be remembered about the elemental, unforeseen change of the "appearance" of the profession, which is able to lead to its disorganization and change its features.

At the same time, taking into account the described, it should be noted that the analysis of psychological factors affecting the professional activities of operational employees is not enough in the literature. At the same time, the analysis of these analytical reviews shows that within the framework of this professional group there is a huge number of problem areas. As a rule, a number of problems in this matter seem to emphasize in the specifics of the activities of related professions related to communication with people.

Based on the foregoing, it can be said that the professional activities of operational employees refers to the most intense activities and implies not relative, but the absolute suitability of candidates. At the same time, all components of professional activities, the nature and working conditions with great difficulty can be modified and improved. This allows us to conclude that only a minor part of candidates can meet this kind of requirements. Such a state of affairs requires additional study of psychological factors and conditions that affect the professional activities of employees.


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  2. Platonov KK About the system of psychology. M., 1972.
  3. Platonov KK The problem of abilities. M., 1972.
  4. Rosov V.I. Basics of psychology for law enforcement officers: Tutorial. K.: CST, 2013.
  5. Tikhomirov S.N. Psychological peculiarities Professional thinking of employees of operational police devices: lecture. M.: MJs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1997.
  6. Chufarovsky Yu.F. Tutorial. M.: Prospekt; TK Velby, 2006.

The main factors for the effectiveness of psychological impacts are:

  • Properties of the initiator of exposure;
  • Features of the addressee of exposure;
  • qualities of relations that develop between the initiator and the addressee of psychological impact;
  • Compliance with type, shape, method and tactics of the impact of its goal, situation and personal features of the initiator and addressee.

The central figure in psychological impact under the Leader - followers system is the leader as the initiator of the impact. The effectiveness of exposure depends largely on its moral, psychological, professional qualities.

Yu. A. Sherkhnovin, speaking of suggestion as a method of psychological impact, emphasizes that the degree of partner's readiness to focus on information, perceive and take it to a large extent depends on his subjective understanding of the communicator.

In general, the following factors associated with the leader as initiator exposure determine its effectiveness:

  • The prestige of the leader (to increase its prestige leader as an impact initiator can, or showing its real high competence, or using the authority of another person or group);
  • Personal properties (charm, volitional, intellectual, characteristic superiority, etc.);
  • The degree of possession of a complex of special skills, in particular, to choose and apply the most effective ways and techniques, taking into account the purpose and features of the addressee of the impact, quickly and well understand people, take into account their features and conditions (for example, if the addressee of the impact is calm, other things being equal top scores will give conviction, and if he is excited, - a brief suggestion);
  • Features of the role of the leader as the initiator of the impact;
  • The nature of the general and situational attitude of the initiator of the impact to the addressee;
  • The leadership of the leader as the initiator of the impact on the content of this process (in experimental studies it was established that the attitude of speech speaking is transmitted to listeners and thereby affects the results of the impact; the relationship between faithful to the fact that he transfers to listeners, his conviction, its emotional saturation of his speeches and effectiveness of psychological impact);
  • The impact of the social environment on the leader as an exposure initiator (positive or negative).

If the assessment of the status and role-playing behavior is high enough, and the presence of its connections with social group Obviously, if the leader's personality for followers is undoubtedly positive and there are even the slightest suspicions in the insincerity of his intentions, and, finally, if the leader as the initiator of the impact is confidence in the accuracy of their information and conviction in their ideas, the process of exposure will be very effective.

Each person in one way or another has susceptibility to external influences. This ability is peculiar to all people, although in varying degrees. In relation to various methods of psychological impact, it acts as inspiration (suggestion), convinced, etc. The following types of susceptibility to psychological exposure are distinguished:

  • 1) according to the degree of awareness - deliberate and unintentional;
  • 2) on the content of exposure - general and special;
  • 3) by the number of objects of exposure - individual and group;
  • 4) under the terms of impact - personal and situational.

In addition, the effectiveness of exposure determines the following circumstances associated with the impact destination:

  • The participation of the destination in the process of transmitting information (the addressee is better reacting to the message, if it is in one way or another in this way in this process; so, the subordinate perceives information better if the manager does not just give him instructions, but discusses the possible way to solve the problem);
  • Availability from the addressee of psychological protection mechanisms from exposure.

As A. V. Kirichenko showed, psychological protection-delivered side of any psychological impact. It "filters" impacts, separating desired from unwanted, useful from harmful, taking or blocking them.

Psychological protection - a complex, multi-level, dynamic system, the main function of which is to prevent violation of the internal sustainability of the individual, the protection of the human psyche (personal structure) from negative, unwanted, destructive external influences. Psychological protection manifests itself on the interpersonal and intrapersonal level and inherent in each adult normal person.

As a result empirical studies A. V. Kirichenko found that the effectiveness of psychological impact on the socio-psychological level regulates the "security filter", "Filter of interest" and "confidence filter". These "filters", sieving all the effects from outside, automatically and practically instantly determine the level of psychological hazard, as well as the significance for the identity of psychological impacts, taking either blocking them. It is the work of "filters" explains the electoral nature of psychological protection and its dynamism, consisting in the "fluctuations of its strength, both towards increasing and downward".

The "Security Filter", which performs the function of general external psychological protection of the individual, allows, relying on stereotypical signs, to identify in the guise of a partner, but interacting everything that may pose a threat to personal security, creating uncomfortable livelihoods. The basis of the functioning of this "filter" lies an ancient psychological mechanism "We - they".

The "Filter of Interest" protects the personality from the oversupply of psychological contacts with various people, from the suggestion by human communication, separating significant interaction from the insignificant. This subsystem of psychological protection "filters" of all those part of the society "We" on the basis of "utility - uselessness". The psychological sign "useful - useless" ("interesting - uninteresting") underlying the functioning of this filter protects the human psyche from information overload, overvoltage and, as a result, its possible destruction.

The main feature of the "confidence filter" is to identify among the "safe" and "interesting" people of those in front of which a person can fully reveal. "Trust Filter", producing the thinnest dropout among the social environment, allows a person to maximize himself from targeted psychological impacts. Based on the system of signs of confidence - distrust, a person is checked by a holistic image of a partner to communicate with his "model" of a partner who can be trusted. If the reflected image of the interlocutor coincides with this "model", he begins to act as a prompting force to disclose a person before the interlocutor, he feels that "partner can be trusted."

In addition to social and psychological protection, human psyche It is fenced from the destructive effects from outside the system of intrapersonal protection.

Psychological protection can be directed to various structural elements of influence:

  • on the initiator (critical attitude to the leader as a person);
  • on the content (the follower does not accept the arguments and arguments of the leader);
  • On the situation, the conditions of exposure (for example, the follower may not perceive the acute critical remark in the presence of other members of the group).

At the same time, a "transfer" of a protective relationship from one element to another may be observed. So, often the lapse of the leader gives rise to a critical attitude towards what he says.

In addition, psychological protection is peculiar:

  • Election: The same addressee of impact may detect a different degree of countering various initiators of impact;
  • Dynamism is the oscillation of its strength, depending on the situation of the impact and personality of the initiator.

It should be borne in mind that the process of exposure is not unilateral. Often, it acquires the nature of mutual action when the individual acts on the individual b, and the latter not only responds to this impact, but, in turn, has an impact on individual a. If this scheme is supplemented with feedback, then we will have a closed system in which there are constant sharing of roles. In addition, partners in psychological impact connect mutual, albeit with different goals, knowledge. Thus, the leader seeks to know the followers to determine the tactics of interaction, choose the most effective methods of solving the general mutual tasks, and followers will know the leader to determine its competence and, consequently, confidence-confidence measures or mistrust to it.

The leader and followers bind and emotional relations that are the result of their knowledge of each other. Emotional relations can have both positive and negative painting, in any case they affect the focus and strength of psychological impact. For example, the sympathy of the follower to the leader increases the degree of trust, eliminates the communicative barriers, and thus increases the effectiveness of the impact.

Finally, important For the effectiveness of exposure, it has the correspondence of its type, shape and method of targets, situations and personal features of the initiator and the addressee.

Depending on the means of exposure The leader on followers can be distinguished by two types of psychological exposure: authoritarian and dialogical. Each type of exposure corresponds to different tasks solved in the process of communicative interaction (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2. Comparative characteristics authoritarian and dialogic type of psychological impact

Analysis parameters

Dialogic TIN impact

Psychological Installation of Exposure Initiator

"Top down"


Psychological position of the addressee of exposure

Passive object of impact, listening and perceiving information

Equal, active participant in interaction, which has the right to his own opinion, i.e. not only supports feedback, but also participate in the process of achieving the goal of communication

Message Content Method

Axioma or Dogma

Problem or task

Form of saying

Impersonal ("believed", "there is an opinion", "it is known that ...", etc.)

Personalified ("I think", "in my opinion," I know that ... ")

Means of exposure



offer, question

takes of indirect suggestion, etc.

Accounting for the features of the addressee

Not carried out


Own feelings of the initiator of influence in relation to the content of the message, situations and recipients


Openly express

Features of non-verbal support

Unselected Mimic, closed gestures

Open gesticulation, active Mimic

Principle of building stages of impact

Spatial position of exposure initiator

"Over the addressee" (at the head of the table, at the Department, on the Tribune, etc.)

At one level (behind the round table, near, etc.)

Spatial position of addressees in mass form of impact

Each destination sees only the initiator

Addressee see not only the initiator of exposure, but also each other

An authoritarian impact can be used only within the framework of the implementation of such types of power as legitimate and the power of coercion. The dialogic type of psychological impact The leader can use when implementing such types of power, as expert and reference.

As M. R. Bityanov emphasizes, an authoritarian impact may have a strong, but short effect. Dialogical impact, not possessing such effectiveness during communication and immediately after it, produces greater "effect of consequences" and has a stronger impact on the installation, motivation, beliefs and other personal identities of the addressees. The task of the leader is to harmoniously combine the authoritarian and dialogic type of exposure to followers, given the properties of these types of impact and the scope of their application.

Depending on the goal distinguish imperative, personal and manipulative effects. Comparison of their characteristics (Table 4.3) suggests that the use of manipulative, and often imperative effects reduces the effectiveness of influence.

Table 4.3. Characteristics of manipulative, imperative and personal effects

Manipulative impact

Imperative effect

Personal impact

Exodus is desirable only for the initiator

The outcome is desirable primarily for the initiator, but may affect the interests of the addressee.

The outcome may affect or not affect the interests of the initiator.

The consent of the addressee is not taken into account

Consides the consent of the addressee or the absence of such

Information disagree with the desire of the manipulating party is not announced

All facts are provided to the addressee

The object of manipulation is not provided with the possibility of free and independent choice.

The addressee is obliged to fulfill the direct requirement of the initiator

Addressee is provided freedom of choice

When choosing one or another method of psychological impact as a lead you need to consider a number of characteristics (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4. Characteristics of the main methods of psychological impact

The table given allows you to choose a leading method of psychological impact, taking into account its characteristic values \u200b\u200band possible recipient reactions.

Situationally dynamic models of psychological impact

If we consider the psychological impact as a certain holistic system, it is possible to submit it as a set of situational and structurally dynamic components, the relationship between which determine the effectiveness of the impact.

As situational components of psychological impact, they are:

  • The subject of the impact (that, for which this impact must be rendered);
  • The content of the impact (what is reported);
  • relationships between the initiator and the addressee of the impact;
  • The ability to properly use its types, forms, methods and tactics (for the initiator of psychological impact) and the ability to correctly evaluate the degree of succession of the impact and, if necessary, build protection against it (for the recipient of psychological impact);
  • Knowledge of individual partner features but interacting and itself;
  • Features of the interaction situation between the initiator and the addressee.

As the structural and dynamic components of psychological exposure (according to V. P. Shaynov):

  • involvement in contact - presenting information to the impact addressee to activate its definite orientation in accordance with the purpose of the impact;
  • background factors - The state of consciousness and the functional state of the addressee inherent in the automates, the usual behavior scenarios, which allows you to create a favorable external impact background (trust in the initiator, its high status, attractiveness, etc.);
  • target exposure - Sources of motivation of the addressee: its current needs and their manifestations are interests, tendency, desire, desire, beliefs, ideals, feelings, emotions, etc., for which the impact is directed;
  • activities for activity - The result of the total effect of involvement in contact, background factors and the effects of a target and the use of special techniques (the formation of internal motivation, direct updating of the desired motif), which pushes the addressee to activity in a given initiator of the direction (decision making, performing actions).

Depending on which funds of psychological impact are used in the level of each of the allocated dynamic components and which intratinarity processes are leading, it is possible to distinguish six situationally dynamic models of psychological impact (Table 4.5, according to V. P. Shaynov).

As can be seen from this table, the most effective logical, personality and spiritual and oriented models of the psychological effects of the leader on followers.

  • The table uses the development of M. R. Bityanova (see: Bityanova M. R. Social Psychology: studies. benefit. 2nd ed., Pererab. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010).
  • Cm.: Bityanova M. R. Social Psychology.
  • Cm.: Shaynov in, P. Psychological influence. MN: Harvest, 2007.

Elk. 18 teachers (out of 34) attempted to "unpacking" a new semantic content of pedagogical situations through the proposed form. 7 test teachers expressed their readiness to discuss the situation again. 5 people stated that they need to think (and later performed this task). The rest refused to fulfill the proposed work, referring to the inability to correct anything. There were no indifferent, not interested in their own reflections.

Thus, the use of techniques contributed to the process of awareness of the true personal position of the teacher, hidden motives and experiences, identifying personal problems and traumatic factors.

The concepts of the meaning and awareness of the activity are extremely promising in terms of understanding the potential of pedagogical psychology on finding ways and opportunities to overcome the teacher of vital and professional difficulties, including in terms of overcoming the assembly contradictions of the process of formation of professional consciousness, manifested in the inconsistency of the proclaimed value of the teacher's profession and realities His specific professional activity.

In our study, we proceed from the assumption that if we consider pedagogical activities from the position of a semantic approach, integrating various psychological and pedagogical ideas of a sense-forming nature and based on these experimental diagnostic studies showing the specifics of the semantic formations of the professional consciousness of teachers, you can:

Identify a system of methodological, theoretical mechanisms to determine the variety of psychological nature of sense-formation pedagogical activity And thereby set the vectors and criteria for evaluating its effectiveness in the logic of reorientation on the possibility of managing the subjective states of the teacher when interacting with the objective semantic reality of his professional activities;

Determine and test technological mechanisms accumulating

types of psychological support of teachers who have semantic nature and can be applied not only in organized specific meaning pedagogical space, but also in the mode of innovation or experimental program of any educational institution.


1. Agafonov, A.Yu. Basics of the semantic theory of consciousness / A.Yu. Agafonov. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

2. Agafonov, A.Yu. Cognitive psycho-gone consciousness / A.Yu. Agafonov. Samara: Bakhra-M, 2007.

3. Isaev, E.I. The formation and development of the professional consciousness of the future teacher / E.I. Isaev, S.G. Kosaretsky, V.I. Slo-Bodchikov // Vopr. Psychology. 2000. №3. S.57 - 66.

4. Leontyev, D.A. Psychology of the meaning / D.A. Leontyev. M.: Meaning, 2003.

5. Nalimov, V.V. In search of other meanings / V.V. Nalimov. M.: Progress, 1993.

6. Markova, A.K. Psychology of professionalism / A.K. Markova. M., 1996.

7. Frankl, V. Man in search of sense / V. Frankl. M.: Progress, 1990.

IS HE. Burmistra (Volgograd)

Socio-psychological factors of the effectiveness of the head

An analysis of factors affecting the effectiveness of the leader's activities is given.

The results of the study based on the basis of a hypothesis about the cumulative influence on the head of external and internal factors are given.

Currently, psychological science goes to the interdisciplinary level, since there has been a great experience of narrow-scientific research, and now before scientists are an important task - to associate these studies and discovering in one logical chain, where you can trace the relationship between different phenomena.

© Burmistrova ON, 2008

Analysis of the activities of the head allows you to distinguish several groups of factors affecting the effectiveness of management activities. The entire set of factors can be divided into two large groups: external factors and internal.

External factors forming the social situation in society in a particular industry, in the organization, we were conventionally divided into three levels: the national (country's economy, policies, changes in legislation, demographic situation); sectoral (level of interaction of the company with partners, competitors, consumers, supervisory authorities, local authorities); Organizational (internal life of the organization, its structure, communications in the organization, the level of development of the company, etc.)

The factors of the nationwide level affect the activities of organizations constantly. Moreover, executives, in turn, cannot affect them - these are the conditions in which it is necessary to carry out their activities. Thus, the effectiveness of the head at a given level is associated with the ability and ability to act in the "proposed circumstances".

On the sectoral level, the manager has more opportunities to minimize the influence of negative factors, and management of them. At this level, the development and implementation of the organization's strategy manager is of great importance.

Organizational factors are so closely interrelated with the activities of the head that we can talk about the impact and organizational factors on the head, and the leader - on organizational factors.

Thus, the significance of external factors for the activities of the head is obvious. Nevertheless, social and psychological factors are of particular interest in the framework of our study.

The second group of factors is internal. This factors are devoted to many studies. Internal factors include the identity of the head, his management style, features of building relationships with people. Studies dedicated to internal factors began to be held in the United States at the beginning of the XX century.

In these studies, three approaches can be distinguished.

The first approach is based on the fact that effective managers have a certain set of personal qualities. Among these qualities, you can note the level of intelligence, knowledge, honesty, initiative, education and self-confidence. The representative of this approach is Ralphm.Stogdill. Exploring the personal qualities of successful managers, he found that various abilities and quality are required in different situations. "The individual manifests itself as a leader, because it is provided with the abilities and characteristics that are recognized and approved by the members of the Group."

In modern scientific literature, you can meet the criticism of this approach, since it is based on the aggregate of specific qualities as a factor of the effectiveness of the head, while researchers found effective managers who did not have "necessary" qualities.

Despite the serious development of personality theories, scientists did not respond to the question of which depends on and how to increase the effectiveness of the work of the head. In search of a response to this question, researchers came out "beyond" personality and paid their attention to behavioral factors.

Social psychology played a large role in the development of a behavioral approach. This approach is based on the concept of "manual style". M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Achduri noted that the style of leadership is "the usual manner of the behavior of the head in relation to subordinates to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization." Among the researchers who developed their concept of the effectiveness of the head within the framework of this area, D. McGregor, R. Lykerta, can be called.

The last approach characterized by the presence of a link between the internal and external factors is situational. In their research, the authors, studying the factors of the performance of the head, classified a large number of situations based on specially developed criteria.

Representatives this approach F. Fidler, P. Hersi and K. Blanchar, T. Mitchell and R. House, V. Vouch and F. Yet-tone.

Thus, the analysis of domestic and foreign studies confirms the idea that it is important to take into account both personal and behavioral factors affecting the activities of the head and the social context.

There is a lawsager question about what effectiveness is and how to measure it. Moreover, how to determine that we measure the effectiveness of the manager, and not his subordinates. Answers to these questions are worthy of individual articles and discussions, in this article we consider the subjective perception of the effectiveness of the head of the head of management activities.

In 2006, we conducted a study of the effectiveness of the leader's activities at the industrial enterprise of the woodworking industry.

The objectives of the study took place in obtaining information for the development individual programs development of enterprise managers; Definition of criteria for the effectiveness of managers for different subjects of management activities.

The research methodology was based on the following methodological provisions regarding the activities of the head and factors affecting its effectiveness:

1. The effectiveness of the leader's activities depends on the totality of internal and external factors.

2. Internal factors - professional and personal competences of the head.

3. External factors - these are factors of surrounding: characteristics of the place of work, management systems, organizational structure etc.

In order to conduct a study of factors affecting the effectiveness of the leader's activities, we used the model used in the strategic planning of the organization's activities. Common method strategic planning is a SWOT analysis (acronym of the following words: Strengths (strengths), weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (possibilities), threats (threats)).

The SWOT analysis technique was adapted by us to study the factors affecting the effectiveness of the leader's activities. The collection of information was organized by the "360 degree" method.

The study included several stages. At the first stage, an interview was held with the head. On the second - interview with direct subordinates based on the same scheme as with the leader. After analyzing the data obtained as a result of interviews with leaders and subordinates, the third stage was implemented, which is to provide feedback to the head, joint discussion of the results and development of a development program aimed at improving the effectiveness of the head.

After the interview, we had four data arrays:

1) strengths of managers, their internal resources;

2) the weaknesses of managers, restrictions;

3) external environmental factors that help effectively carry out activities (positive external factors);

4) Factors of the external environment that prevent effective implementation of the activity (negative external factors).

In general, it can be noted that the factors that have a positive effect on the effectiveness of managers are within the organization, although if the subordinates restrict these factors directly by the enterprise, then the leaders are inclined to consider organizational factors at the group of companies. For managers and subordinates, important factors belonging to the category "Enterprise" are the professionalism of the team leaders, confidence in timely and competent assistance to colleagues. The factors belonging to the category "Group of Companies" help managers to conduct negotiation processes.

Among the factors that interfering with the effective implementation of activities are the most negative factors from categories "sectoral", "society and the state", and for subordinates - factors from the "Enterprise" category.

□ Officers

□ Subordinates

Fig. 1. The ratio of positive internal factors

There is a contradiction, because for subordinate factors from the category "Enterprise" provide both positive and negative impact on the activities of the head. The main array of problems that, according to subordinates, influence the effectiveness of managers, is associated with personnel fluidity, insufficient production financing and problems in the interaction between different management levels and divisions in the enterprise.

Thus, the priority problems with which managers need to be more efficient to cope (if it is impossible to eliminate these difficulties) include interaction with overall bodies and local authorities, the imperfection of legislation, the demographic situation, which is expressed in reducing the influx of young workers.

Domestic factors of the performance of the head can be attributed to several categories: knowledge, skills, experience, behavior, personal qualities.

When analyzing the positive factors of the effectiveness of leaders, the subordinates and the leaders themselves are primarily talking about the skills and personal qualities. The leader's skills are directly related to the activities, and personal qualities manifest themselves, above all,

in relations with subordinates and colleagues (Fig. 1).

According to managers, the main skills that helps effectively solve the tasks are the ability to communicate and make decisions. Among personal qualities it is necessary to note sociability, as well as the care of the head in relation to subordinates. At the same time, the basic knowledge necessary to the head concern production sphere and activity of the functional unit.

According to subordinates, the main skills of the manager are communicative skills: to negotiate, organize people's work and make decisions. Among personal qualities, sociability and perseverance are most promoted. The behavior of an effective leader, according to subordinates, is characterized by readiness and ability to help its employees.

Negative internal factors are personal and professional features of the leader who impede the effective implementation of activities, and the lack of skills and knowledge necessary to get. In fig. 2 It can be seen that managers and subordinates pay great attention to the sphere of knowledge and emotional behavioral sphere.

□ heads n subordinates

Fig. 2. The ratio of negative internal factors

According to the leaders, most of all, they lack financial knowledge, some skills, such as the ability to delegate tasks, systematize their activities, show demanding; Interferes in activities overly emotional response to some situations.

According to subordinates, managers need to receive additional knowledge of production management, new equipment, finance and personnel management. Improvements effectively an overly emotional response to some situations, as well as some personal qualities (forgetfulness, hot temper, non-layerness, maliciousness, reliability).

The results of this study cannot be generalized for all managers, since the effectiveness of managers has an influence of individual factors and situational external environmental factors. In addition, the proposed methodology reflects the most relevant for managers and subordinate factors of efficiency. We assume that when changing situational environmental factors, there will be a revaluation of internal factors. Supervised

teli can detect new areas of personal and professional development. With the change in internal factors, such as receiving new knowledge or skills, the perception of situational factors can change - revaluation of threats, the opening of new opportunities.


1. Fedler, Fred E. Engineer The Job to Fit The Manager // Harvard BUSINESS REVIEW; Sept./ Oct. 1965, Vol. 43. Issue 5. P. 115 - 122.

2. House, Robert J. A PATH GOAL THEORY OF LEADER EFFECTIVESESS // Administrative Science Quarterly. Sept. 71, Vol. 16. Issue 3. P. 321, 19.

3. Kearns, Kevin P. From Comparative Advantage to Damage Control: Clarifying Strategic Issues using Swot Anaysis: content // 342 / 3.Doc.

4. Likert, Rensis Management Styles and The Human Component // Management Review. Oct. 1977. Vol. 66. Issue 10. P. 23.

5. McGregor, Douglas. The Human Side of Enterprise // Reflections. Fall, 2000. Vol. 2. ISSUE 1. P 6 - 15.

6. STOGDILL, RALPH M. THE EVOLUTION OF LEADERSHIP THEORY // Academy of Management Proceedings. 1975. P. 4 - 6.

7. Meson, M. Fundamentals of Management / M. Meson, M. Albert, F. Hedori. M.: Case, 1997.

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