The concept of social protection according to experts. Forms and mechanisms of social protection

Development 11.05.2020


SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL PROTECTION - care of the state, society about citizens who need help, assistance due to age, health, social status, insufficient means of subsistence. Social assistance (social protection, social security) is manifested in the form of pensions, benefits, provision material assistance, serving the sick and the elderly, taking care of children. A firmly guaranteed system of material security for the disabled is called social insurance.

Economic Dictionary. 2010 .

Economic Dictionary. 2000 .

See what "SOCIAL PROTECTION" is in other dictionaries:

    In a broad sense, the activities of the state to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively enshrined economic, legal and social guarantees that provide each member ... ... Financial vocabulary

    See Social Protection Glossary of Business Terms. 2001 ... Business glossary

    The system of measures carried out by state and public organizations to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, to maintain the life and active existence of a person. Contents 1 Types of social protection 2 ... Wikipedia

    Social protection - a form of family policy of the state, when protective measures are used against the negative influence of the environment, organizations, individuals, events, phenomena. Social protection is carried out both in relation to an individual and ... ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

    social protection - care of the state, society for citizens who need help, assistance in connection with age, health, social status, insufficient means of subsistence. Social assistance (social protection, ... ... Dictionary of economic terms

    SOCIAL PROTECTION - - protection provided in accordance with the law by the state to its citizens against risk situations in normal (optimal) life, such as illness, unemployment, death of the breadwinner, old age, disability ... Terminological Dictionary of Juvenile Studies

    SOCIAL PROTECTION - a system of state and public measures aimed at protecting the rights of the individual, his social and economic interests ... Professional education... Dictionary

    SOCIAL PROTECTION - - a system of measures and relevant institutions designed to protect various segments of the population from economic and social degradation associated with unemployment, loss or reduction of income, work injury or occupational ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Social protection - - the means by which a society ensures the safety of its members, for example by ensuring equal rights to education or by preventing a criminal from committing further crimes ... Social Work Dictionary

    Social protection of citizens exposed to radiation - as a result of radiation accidents, nuclear tests and incidents (hereinafter referred to as social protection of citizens exposed to radiation), a system of special economic, social, legal, medical and ... ... Official terminology


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  • Social protection. Moscow Region # 4 2016, Absent. "Social protection. Podmoskovye ”is a quarterly publication for social specialists and their wards. The magazine contains programs, projects and recent changes in social sphere Moscow ...

The term "social protection" was first used in the US Social Protection Act in 1935, which legislatively defined the institution of compulsory insurance for old age, death, disability and unemployment, new for this country. Soon this term began to be widely used in many countries of the world and in the practice of the International Labor Organization (ILO), as it simply and intelligibly expressed the essence of the problem of organizing national programs and systems of assistance to the elderly and disabled. Subsequently, the scope of this definition was significantly expanded when developing and adopting conventions and recommendations of the ILO, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) on social insurance and social assistance, guaranteeing minimum incomes for workers in the event of disability, as well as in the field of conditions and labor protection, wages.

There are several approaches to defining the category of "social protection": political economy, methodological and instrumental.

Within the political economy approach it is noted that, in a broad sense, social security is the social order in which objects can rely on the social system when promoting and defending their interests, when forming and defending their position in society. Social security always means that, firstly, the social status of certain or all subjects of society is protected; secondly, there are subjects defending their social position; thirdly, there are risk factors (violations of the normal social status), from the action of which security is required; fourthly, the degrees (levels) of security can be determined; Fifth, there are forms of security that reflect all of the above points.

Within the methodological approach the most important characteristics of the category of "social protection" include the types and organizational and legal forms of social protection; categories of citizens who receive social assistance or who are covered by social insurance. This approach is based on the positions of the ILO, which are based on the institutional structure of national social protection systems as a combination of various institutions of social insurance and social assistance. The forms of social protection within the framework of the methodological approach include: a) various types of social insurance (pension, medical insurance against industrial accidents, against unemployment); b) social assistance in the form of various types of assistance; c) national labor protection systems; d) state assistance in obtaining education; e) social protection systems at the enterprise level.

Instrumentalist approach to the category of "social protection" is very fruitful in solving applied problems of social policy of the state: assessing the need for resources, methods of their distribution using state guarantees and minimum social standards.

The forms and methods of protection against material insecurity are associated with disability due to old age, disability, job loss, illness, work injury and so on, which acquire a mass character and embrace many persons of hired labor. At the same time, various forms and methods are used: mutual assistance of employees of enterprises and industries; material support for the elderly, disabled people established by custom or law; social insurance, social assistance, charity, etc. Taken together, they form the social protection of the population, which is an integral element of the social market economy, socially oriented state and private business. The right to social protection is recognized by the international community and guaranteed by the state for a person to satisfy his physiological, social and spiritual needs in the amount necessary to maintain a dignified life. The structure of the national social protection system largely determines the order in the country, the degree of harmony in society, the stability and dynamics of economic and social development... In accordance with Art. 25 of the ILO Convention No. 117 "On the Basic Aims and Norms of Social Policy" a person has the right to such a standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and social service, which is necessary to maintain the health and well-being of himself and his family, as well as the right to security in the event of unemployment, disability or other loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.

Under social protection means a set of various measures taken by the state, society, corporations, and public organizations to protect citizens from various kinds of social threats already noted earlier (unemployment, poverty, disease, etc.). In a broad sense, social protection is the activity of the state and public organizations (primarily trade unions) to implement the goals and priorities of social policy, implement a set of legislatively enshrined economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure every member of society respects important social rights, including a decent human standard of living necessary for normal reproduction and development of the individual. Social protection is becoming a system of economic, social, legal, organizational, medical and technical measures to protect workers from adverse factors (social and professional risk) that worsen the quality of their working life, in order to protect the health, working capacity of workers, their financial situation by creating enterprises, in the regions and the state of special mechanisms, funds, including insurance funds, and institutions of social protection, in cases and on conditions established by legislation and labor agreements.

In the European Social Charter, which is the basic EU document in this area (and which was signed by Russia in 2000), social protection is interpreted quite broadly and includes the protection of citizens from social risks (unemployment, illness, old age, loss of a breadwinner), and a number of other essential elements of life: education, health care, housing, social services, family benefits, housing benefits for renting housing in the private sector. In a narrow sense, social protection is a complex of targeted specific measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature to support, first of all, financially, the most vulnerable segments of the population - disabled people, pensioners, unemployed people, citizens with low incomes, etc.

Social protection of employees includes the following areas:

  • a) creation of conditions for employment of the population with labor activity, which allows employees to freely earn a living for themselves in amounts sufficient for a decent existence for their families;
  • b) ensuring safe working conditions for workers and access for them and their families to national health care, rehabilitation and vocational education systems;
  • c) providing employees and members of their families with a living wage of material resources in cases of unemployment, loss or sharp decrease in income due to illness, childbirth, an accident at home, work injury or occupational disease, disability, old age, loss of a breadwinner.

Social protection includes a system of various forms and directions, as well as a set of various organizations and institutions (state and non-state) that implement it. A set of measures for social protection of the population is implemented both at the expense of the federal and local budgets, and at the expense of socially created funds (social insurance funds, charitable foundations corporations, etc.).

In modern conditions, the Government of the Russian Federation concentrates its main efforts in the field of social policy in the following main areas:

  • ensuring the growth of money incomes of the population and reducing their differentiation;
  • improving pension provision and strengthening the targeting of social support for the population (redistributing social spending in favor of the poor, transferring benefits and compensations into cash payments to the most needy citizens);
  • quality improvement medical care;
  • significant reduction in social and economic poverty;
  • strengthening the social security of citizens, etc.

At the same time, as experts note, a developed system of social protection becomes the political content of mass democracy. Political system unable to achieve unlimited loyalty of the masses and therefore, in order to give legitimacy to their actions, they must offer state and social programs, the implementation of which is subject to control

The last decade of the twentieth century was the period of the most active formation and development of the social protection system in our country. The natural catalyst for this process in Russia was the radical economic reform. It demanded adequate changes in the sphere of social policy, which predetermined the need for the progressive development of mechanisms that ensure social protection of a person in market conditions.

The ongoing process of the formation of the domestic system of social protection determines its fragmentation, the absence of some systemic elements and relationships. Of course, it would be premature to speak today about the finally formed existence of a new systemic education.

SD Solovyova believes that the institution of social protection of the population is a complex constitutional and legal institution that implements one of the fundamental foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. It directly stems from the essence of the welfare state and is aimed at its implementation, although the essence of the welfare state is not limited to it. .

OA Snezhko analyzes the constitutional foundations of social protection, by which he understands "the fundamental principles (principles) enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, directing all activities for the social protection of citizens." Therefore, the concept of "social protection" is considered by the author rather broadly, since "only a comprehensive approach to this legal category allows us to reveal its essence" .

The development of individual parts ("nodes") of social protection is uneven, since the field of activity in this area is practically unlimited. In one case, existing schemes are being improved, in the other, new ones are being born, conditioned by new economic and social realities. The emerging system of social protection in our country has not yet led to the formation unified system categories, concepts and terms. The unsettled process is evidenced by the ambiguity of the very concept of "social protection". This is evidence that "this social phenomenon is complex and multifaceted." .

In the literature, there are often approaches when definitions of social protection are formulated simultaneously in both the broad and narrow sense of the word. When defining the concept of "social protection", terms such as "activity", "actions", "function", "measures", "measures", etc. are used. In the course of the analysis of this concept, the object and subject of social protection are identified, the semantic features of understanding social protection in broad and narrow senses, target attitudes, functional load, the mechanism for implementing social protection and the circumstances that necessitate the implementation of this activity are clarified ... These aspects are considered by the authors not only in general plan, but also in relation to specific categories of citizens .

In the context of the development of social security systems into social protection systems, the question of a clearer delineation of basic concepts arises again.

In the literature, one can come across the opinion that the term "social security" in the meaning of a complex of state measures to provide citizens in need at present has a rather historical character, since it refers only to a certain period of the twentieth century. In the last decade, the authors believe, there has been a tendency to use as a generalizing term in this area state activities the expression "social protection", and this expression has replaced the term "social security". At the same time, the need to preserve this term is recognized to designate the direction of state activity that relates to the social protection of citizens who have merit to society, but are not covered by social insurance (for example, the authors include military veterans here) .

In some cases, the authors do not distinguish between the concepts of "social security" and "social protection", which is reflected in the corresponding definitions. As an example, the following definition can be cited: "In industrialized countries, social security or social protection of the population is considered as a set of legislatively enshrined legal and socio-economic guarantees to citizens, ensuring an acceptable standard of living." ... There are cases of complete identification of the concepts of "social protection" and "social security", when these concepts are proposed to be considered as synonyms "due to the definition of their essence in legislative framework Russia as Equivalent " .

Lack of clarity and certainty in the delimitation of concepts leads to conflicting judgments. On the one hand, the opinion is expressed that the term "social protection" is "a broader concept that implies not only guarantees for social security, but also guarantees of the rights of employees in relations with employers."

On the other hand, it also argues that "social protection can be considered as a broadly understood social security" .
Sometimes the same approach takes place when assessing the substantive aspects of social protection as a structured education, when social protection (social security) includes social insurance and social assistance.

The question of the content aspect of social protection is of fundamental importance. If social protection is considered only as social insurance and social assistance, then it is impossible to talk about social protection as a broader concept, including, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, social security.

V.P. Yudin states that the term "social protection" does not have a clearly defined framework, boundaries and scope of content ... As a consequence, different opinions are expressed in the literature on the main building blocks or constituent parts of social protection.

G. Skachko expresses his agreement with those scientists who, on the basis of an analysis of world experience, identify five basic institutions of social protection of the population: 1) state social assistance; 2) state social security; 3) compulsory social insurance (by law); 4) voluntary additional social insurance; 5) voluntary personal insurance .

According to T.F. Romanova, the following basic institutions of social protection of the population have developed and are verified in world practice: social insurance; social assistance provided by the state and municipalities; private insurance initiative; social services provided by business entities .

A.N.Starshinov believes that social protection includes not only social insurance and social assistance, but also social security, as well as state and non-state charitable sectors .

A.M.Babich, E.V.Egorov, E.N. Zhiltsov note the following main elements of the modern system of social protection: the traditional form of state assistance (social assistance); a set of state social guarantees, including social benefits for certain categories of the population (categorical social services); social insurance (voluntary-corporate and compulsory, state) .

TD Vikulina is of the opinion that state social protection is implemented in the form of social assistance and social insurance. However, further in her work, she notes that the further development of social protection is associated with the reform of its components such as social insurance, social security, as well as with the introduction of the institution of assistance .

V.I.Sharin believes that the system of social protection of the population consists of four main blocks or links: 1) the social security system, including social services; 2) the social insurance system, represented by federal funds: social insurance, pension, compulsory health insurance and the private sector; 3) a system of social assistance (support), which includes a system of funds for social support of the population, as well as a non-state charitable sector; 4) a block of other social preferences and forms of social protection provided by the state, such as the indexation of incomes of the population, provision of minimum social guarantees of income, provision of benefits (discounts and subsidies), establishment of subsidies to prices, state regulation of consumer prices, norms of direct action of social labor legislation .

According to A.V. Pashkov, social protection is expressed through three large institutional complexes: social security, social assistance, additional social protection .

M.I. Lepikhov identifies the following organizational and legal forms of social protection: compulsory social insurance, compulsory state insurance, social security through direct allocations from the state budget, state social assistance .

VE Sharkov argues that the legal means (forms) of the constitutional and legal consistency of social protection of the population of Russia are: 1) social security; 2) social insurance; 3) social assistance; 4) social services; 5) social service; 6) medical care; 7) protection of the labor rights of employees; 8) protection of property and personal non-property rights of citizens; 9) protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of spouses, parents and children; 10) charity; 11) voluntary forms of social security. The most important and widespread forms of social protection are, according to the author, social security and social insurance. .

V.P. Galaganov, highlighting the organizational and legal forms of social security, includes social protection in one of these forms. The author believes that in general terms, the social security of the Russian Federation can be complementary organizational and legal forms: a) state social insurance; b) state social assistance (social protection, social assistance, social care); c) private social insurance; d) public charity .

N.P. Chernomorchenko believes that the state system of social protection of the population provides not only measures of social insurance and social security (pensions, benefits, compensation, benefits, etc.), but also measures to protect the natural environment, mitigate the negative results of economic reform, etc. ...

According to G.A. Korobov and V.F. Makarov, at the present stage of development of statehood, the social protection system should be two complementary organizational and legal forms - insurance and assistance .

The question of the content of the concept of "social protection" has not been ignored by Western scientists. For example, H. Lampert considers various types of social insurance (pension, medical, industrial accidents, unemployment) to be forms of social protection; social assistance in the form of various types of assistance; national labor protection systems; government assistance in obtaining education; social safety nets at the enterprise level .

We believe that social protection in its broadest sense (Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) is carried out at the state and non-state levels, in various forms (including social security), with the provision of various types of material and non-material benefits and advantages, by establishing regimes for mitigating encumbrances, or establishment of measures of responsibility (based on a special social significance ongoing activities). Further development of the social protection system in Russia should be based on an optimal combination of centralization and decentralization. This approach is consistent with the objective development trends modern systems social protection and the essence of this social phenomenon. Main criterion - the implemented measures should be aimed at preventing or mitigating negative consequences for a person and his family in the event of certain socially significant circumstances (including social risks), as well as at maintaining an acceptable level of their material and social well-being.

As an example, we can consider individual provisions of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and their legal mediation in acts of current legislation.

Thus, the provision that human labor is protected in the Russian Federation finds its development in numerous articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Art. 5.27 and 23.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; Art. 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; Art. 63 of the RF Law "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens"; Art. 16-18, 22 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases", Chapter III of the Federal Law "On State Regulation in the Field of Coal Mining and Use, on the Features of Social Protection of Employees of Organizations coal industry"; Art. 20, 25 of the Federal Law "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of their activities"; Art. 11 and 16 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" and some other laws and codes.

The provision of part 2 of Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation that the health of people is protected in the Russian Federation is being developed not only within the framework of laws of a specific (medical) orientation (for example: the laws of the Russian Federation "On Health Insurance in the Russian Federation" and "Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation Federation on the Protection of Citizens' Health "; Federal Law" On Medicines ", etc.), but also by a number of laws and codes, which basically regulate relations in various areas (for example: federal laws" On the quality and safety of food products " ; "About advertising"; "About protection environment"; "On the animal world"; "On production and consumption waste"; "ABOUT physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation "; "On technical regulation"; "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation", etc.).

Within the framework of this article, it is not possible to analyze the essence of numerous definitive assessments of the concept under consideration. With all the variety of definitions of social protection, we believe that the main features this concept must be covered by one definition. It is clear that excessive detailing complicates the perception of the definition. The definition, which is given in general form, does not allow one to see the details of the concept being defined. Taking into account this remark, we consider it possible to offer the following definition:

"Social protection" is the activity of state and non-state bodies and organizations to implement measures of an economic, legal, organizational nature, which are aimed at preventing or mitigating negative consequences for a person and his family in the event of certain socially significant circumstances (including social risks), as well as maintaining an acceptable level of their material and social well-being.

Respectively , "Social protection system" is a set of institutions and a set of measures of an economic, legal, organizational nature, which are aimed at preventing or mitigating negative consequences for a person and his family when certain socially significant circumstances (including social risks) occur, as well as maintaining an acceptable level of their material and social well-being.

Solovieva S.D... Legal regulation of social protection of the population: Dis. ... Cand. jurid. sciences. M., 1997.S. 30.

Snezhko O.A.... Constitutional foundations of social protection of citizens // Constitutional and municipal law, 2006, No. 7. P. 7 - 8.
According to the author, the concept of "social protection" includes in its content not only the basic provisions of social security law, but also some of the problems labor law (unemployment, employment, social guarantees at work), family law (state support for the institutions of family and marriage), civil law (protection and protection of private property). - In the same place. P. 8.

Starshinov A.N.... Institutionalization of social protection of the population of Russia: Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. polit. sciences. Kazan, 2005.S. 11.


One of the main provisions of the Russian Constitution is that it was adopted in the name of a person whose rights and freedoms are the highest value, and their protection is the duty of the state (Article 2) .

Article 7 establishes that the Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free development of a person.

This provision is very fundamental, since only such a state can be social in which the main tasks are:

  • 1. Governmental support family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. social protection population risk
  • 2. Occupational safety and health of people.
  • 3. Assignment of pensions and benefits to the disabled.
  • 4. Establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage.

Every person has the right to count on a decent standard of living. Achieving this goal is one of the main tasks of any democratic state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation declares, i.e. proclaims the rights of citizens and defines guarantees for their implementation, thereby confirming the fundamental position according to which our country is a "social state", where guarantees of social protection of the population are established by the state authorities.

Social protection concept

Social protection of the population is an important component of the social policy of any state. For the first time, the concept of "social protection" was officially consolidated abroad - first in the law on social protection, adopted within the framework of the policy of the new course of F.D. Roosevelt in 1935, and later, in the 1940s, in documents of the International Labor Organization. In 1952, the ILO adopted Convention No. 102, which contains the whole concept of social protection. It proclaims the right of all members of society to social assistance, regardless of seniority and the amount of paid insurance contributions. This Convention also identifies nine areas in which it should be provided given help: medical care, sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, old age pensions, work injury pensions, maternity benefits, family benefits, disability benefits, survivors benefits. The Convention enshrines the basic principle of equality in the provision of social assistance - all states that have ratified the Convention undertake to provide on their territory citizens of any other ILO member state, as well as refugees and stateless persons, the same rights with their citizens regarding the rights established by the Convention types of social security. Countries that have not reached the required level of economic development and health care systems are given the opportunity to ratify the Convention, at the initial stage, temporarily excluding some aspects, while justifying the reasons for such exclusion in the annual reports submitted to the ILO. Subsequently, the ILO concept was reflected in the documents of the European Union: the European Social Security Code (1968), the Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers, the Green (1992) and White (1994) books on European social policy, etc.

In the domestic economic literature, the concept of social protection appeared with the beginning of Russia's transition from a planned economy to a market economy, but until now it has not received a final definition. This is due to both the relatively short history of the existence of this category in Russia, and the complexity of the economic and social processes taking place in our country. As a result, various authors interpreted the content of this concept, as a rule, depending on the subjective understanding of socio-economic phenomena and institutions that should be covered by this category, and by now a significant number of approaches to its definition have been formed. Thus, some authors consider social protection as an activity of the state to ensure the development of the individual, as well as support for low-income groups of the population. Others - as a system of guarantees ensuring the observance of the most important human rights to a decent standard of living Some researchers generally ignore the concept of social protection, remaining within the framework of the traditional categories of "social security" and "social insurance"

As an economic category, social protection is a system of distribution relations, in the process of which public funds are formed and used at the expense of a part of the national income. money material support and services for citizens; it is the concern of the state about a person who has completely or partially lost the ability to work; the activities of the state to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively enshrined economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure every member of society respects social rights, including an adequate standard of living. However, in order to identify the significance of this area directly for citizens, it seems more appropriate to focus on identifying the essence of the category "social protection" in the narrow sense.

  • V.V. Antropov believes that “the social protection system should be understood as a set of institutions and measures aimed at protecting individuals and social groups from social risks that can lead to complete or partial loss of economic independence and social well-being”;
  • · According to A.N. Averina, social protection "represents a system of measures to respect social rights and social guarantees, to create conditions necessary for the normal life of people, to reduce the negative impact of factors that reduce their quality of life";
  • T.K. Mironova proposes to consider social protection as “the activity of state and non-state bodies and organizations to implement measures of an economic, legal, organizational nature, which are aimed at preventing or mitigating negative consequences for a person and his family in the event of certain socially significant circumstances (including social risks ), as well as maintaining an acceptable level of their material and social well-being ”.

Social risk is understood as a supposed probable event in a person's life, the occurrence of which leads to a permanent or temporary loss of the ability to work. The main types of social risks include: illness, temporary disability, injury during the labor process, occupational Illness, maternity, disability, the onset of old age, loss of a breadwinner, recognition as unemployed, death of the insured person or disabled family members who are dependent on him.

This approach most fully reflects the category of "social protection" in relation to modern Russian realities. It is the existence of social risks, which represent a negative impact of the environment, that necessitates the development, implementation and improvement of measures for social protection of the population.

In the federal normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, the definition of the concept of "social protection" is fixed in relation to specific categories of citizens - its recipients or expressed by listing specific targeted measures, but there is no generalized interpretation of this category. So, for example, according to the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", "social protection of disabled people is a system of state-guaranteed economic, legal measures and social support measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing ( compensation) for restrictions on life and aimed at creating opportunities for them to participate in society on an equal basis with other citizens ”.

Summarizing all of the above, it seems possible to conclude that the meaning of social protection is to reduce the negative impact of factors that reduce the quality of life of the population, mitigate the negative consequences caused by the onset of social risks, and the social protection system is a set of institutions and measures aimed at implementing these areas ...

Social protection of the population performs certain functions... Globally, they can be grouped into the following four main functional categories: preventive, economic, rehabilitation, and institutional. The preventive function of social protection is to carry out organizational, technical and medical measures that help protect the health and working capacity of a person. The economic function is associated with reimbursing a person for lost income, which is due to the onset of such social risks as temporary or permanent disability and health, as well as compensation for additional costs associated with treatment and disability. The rehabilitation function provides for medical, professional and social rehabilitation of a person, carried out with the aim of restoring lost health and working capacity, as well as facilitating the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy. Institutional function means maintaining institutions and ensuring the functioning of mechanisms for social protection of the population.

Along with the main functional areas, the institutional base of social protection of the population is made up of certain principles, the main of which are:

  • The principle of multisubjectivity - society, public authorities, local governments, political parties act as subjects of social protection, public associations and organizations, professional associations, organizations, enterprises, institutions, employers;
  • · The principle of solidarity of the subjects of social protection, due to the distribution of resources between the subjects for its implementation;
  • The principle of universality of measures in the social protection system, since they apply to all members of society and citizens of the state and imply the provision of conditions for a person's access to labor activity, education, health care, culture, physical culture, sports, tourism, sanatorium and resort sphere, housing and communal services and other objects of social infrastructure and types social services;
  • · The principle of continuity - social protection should be carried out throughout a person's life;
  • · The principle of differentiation (targeting), meaning the specific orientation of social protection measures depending on the level of economic independence of a person, the degree of his ability to work, income level and other factors.

It should be noted that the implementation of all four designated functions and the observance of the above principles ensures the complexity of measures, which is the basis for building an effective system of social protection of the population in the state. Moreover, despite the fact that the development and strengthening of economic and rehabilitation measures is of great importance in the current conditions, it is necessary to pay no less attention to measures to prevent the possibility of the emergence of social risks, since it is the effectiveness of the latter that guarantees the well-being of the population, an increase in the level and quality of life of citizens. , as well as, as a consequence, reducing government costs in this area

Development priorities for this direction of social policy. 1.3. The concept of “social protection” in the domestic scientific literature If we try to differentiate the approaches to the category of “social protection” in the domestic scientific literature, then we can single out several. The first approach is related to the consideration of social protection as a specific scientific category. Social protection is a set of socio-economic relations arising from the distribution of social income, and its nature, accordingly, is largely determined by the nature of distribution relations in society. The second approach is related to the applied aspect of this problem, and in accordance with it, social protection is considered as a system of state measures. But with this approach, extreme points of view should be taken into account, when social protection is interpreted either very broadly (as a set of state measures to ensure the social security of all citizens in the main spheres of human life), or very narrowly (as a system of state measures of social assistance to the most disadvantaged strata and groups of the population). The concretization of its interpretation depends on the tasks put forward, to the solution of which social protection is directed. So, Yu.V. Kolesnikov under social protection in the broad sense of the word understands the activity of the state to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively enshrined economic, legal and social guarantees that provide each member of society observance of important social rights, including the right to a decent standard of living, necessary for normal reproduction and development of the individual. In this sense, social protection covers all strata of society - both economically active population and disabled members of society. 11 However, much more often the understanding of “social protection” is narrowed even in those cases when a broad approach is declared. In a narrow sense, social protection is a set of targeted specific measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature to support the most vulnerable segments of the population1. With this approach, social protection is very often associated with social security in general or with a certain direction of it. And the third approach, which to some extent unites the first two, is to combine the essential categorical approach and the practical in defining the content of the concept of social protection. Among the representatives of this direction should be named Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences VI Zhukov. It defines social protection as an integral part of the state's social policy, embodied in its social programs and practices, which regulate relations in society in the interests and through the interests of the main social groups. GI Osadchy has the same understanding of the category of social protection. In contrast to the previous one, it includes separate details that allowed the author to define the boundaries of social protection. In her opinion, social protection is a system of social relations, measures and legal guarantees that protect any member of society from economic, social and physical degradation due to a sudden and sharp deterioration in the conditions of his well-being, threats to health and life, impossibility for reasons beyond his control, to realize his labor and civic potential. However, scientific developments that would comprehensively consider theoretical aspects social protection are practically absent, despite the practical need for this kind of research. 1 Employment. Unemployment. Employment Service: Explanatory Dictionary of Terms and Concepts. M., 1996. 12 Consider the essence and content of the definition of "social protection" from the position systems approach... It should be emphasized that a systematic approach to the study of social protection problems distinguishes the works of many well-known modern sociologists, is one of the main methodological approaches in sociology. The systematic approach to the analysis of the characteristics of social protection is based, first of all, on our understanding of the object of research as a system. This approach focuses on the disclosure of the integrity of the object, the identification of various connections in it and their reduction into a single theoretical construction. All elements of the system, its internal and external connections, the quality and level of implementation of the main objective function, contradictions, "challenges", "threats" are revealed external environment, hidden reserves and limits of development of both individual elements (components, subsystems) and connections, and the system as a whole. The importance in the study of social phenomena in modern society, the concept of “social subsystem” is introduced. Such a subsystem “unites individuals according to one of the functional characteristics of the system, is distinguished by a high degree of organization, strict regulation of the participation of execution in the framework of their types of activity”. When referring to social systems and subsystems, it is necessary to single out such features that make it possible to identify the specifics of the social and to formulate the criteria for dividing the social system and social communities as non-systems. To such important system-forming characteristics of Yu.V. Kolesnikov refers to a common goal (goals), the implementation by each component of the system of its functions, due to common goal and the corresponding tasks, the relationship of subordination, coordination between the components of the social system, the presence feedback between the controlling and controlled subsystems. The main elements of the social system as a holistic education are people, as well as their connections, interactions and relationships. 13 Moreover, it is in the ability to achieve the goal that the meaning of the system lies, and this same ability creates the basis for its further life. The system is viable as long as it can set and achieve goals. There is a criterion of how correctly the goal is chosen and whether the system is able to achieve the set goal. As such, there is a specific result, the achievement of which is aimed at the activities of social systems. So, the system represents an integral unity of the structure and functional complex associated with the ability of the organization and the need to manage it. The system-forming factors for the life of the social system are the goal, the ability to achieve it and the result as a criterion for achieving the goal. The structure of the social protection system can be characterized by methodological differences in its segmentation (definition of the system of incoming subsystems), typology of differences between internal and external components, etc. For example, V. Bekrenev for these purposes uses the attribute of the social protection system belonging to the economic sector. This is due, in his opinion, to the fact that there are organizations whose property is in private ownership (non-state), and the receipt and distribution of profit between the participants is not the main goal of the activity. Such organizations are a collection of non-governmental non-profit organizations... Hence, he represents the system of social protection consisting of three sectors (state, non-state, third sector). The structure of the public sector, in his opinion, should include federal system social protection, the system of social protection of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the municipal system of social protection, the non-state sector (the system of social protection of enterprises, the system of social protection of citizens), the third sector includes public non-profit foundations and organizations. 14 S.A. Yushkova considers social security, social assistance, social support and rehabilitation, social work, and social benefits as structural elements of the social protection system1. IN special literature contains many other classifications of the social protection system, designed to solve various problems in this area. We subordinate this typology to the solution of such an important, in our opinion, problem as the subordination of the main tasks of the social protection system, depending on the needs of the population and, first of all, socially vulnerable groups. Let us clarify our understanding of social protection within the framework of a systematic approach with the help of the following additional characteristics (features), oriented not only to general federal, but also to regional features:  consistency - orientation to regular connections and dependencies of all parts of the whole; • complexity - organization of control subsystems vertically and horizontally; • structuredness - the need for functional segments of management, a clear division of functions of federal, regional, local authorities, labor collectives; • social reproductive capacity - the ability to provide, at least at the minimum permissible level, the reproductive capabilities of subjects in the social plane; • vector - focus on social progress, on overcoming regressive tendencies; 1 Yushkova S.A. The structure and conditions for the functioning of an effective system of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation in the context of socio-economic changes. Abstract of Cand. econom. sciences. M., 1997.S. 10-11. 15  Multi-personality - focus on the diversity of actors within the social protection system; • flexibility in the performance of functions - proactive revision of social standards in the context of dynamically changing conditions (economic, social, political), the ability to self-development; • individualization - the organization of forms of social protection based on a more substantiated differentiation of population groups by the criterion of self-sufficiency. Social protection, being a derived system in the sphere of social order, was objectified in society and has relative autonomy, its own laws and principles of functioning. In Russian, the term “social security” is used to translate the term “social protection”, which is widely used in many countries. So, in the “Big Encyclopedic Dictionary” only the concept of “social security” is given. In the 1960 edition of the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, only a definition of social security is given, which in a broad sense is interpreted as a system of state and public events aimed at material, cultural and everyday support of disabled citizens. As you can see, in the Soviet period, the emphasis in disclosing the essence of the concept of "social security" was made only on the participation of the state in relevant activities. In modern conditions, the role of the state in the social security system is not emphasized, although, of course, it is not diminished. The emerging social protection as one of the important directions of the modern state social policy of Russia declares the desire to solve two tasks: to protect the most socially vulnerable segments of the population from the harsh impact of the market and to promote the realization of the individual's and family's own capabilities for self-sufficiency. At the same time, there are tendencies of rejection of state paternalism, as well as denationalization 16 of the social sphere and the liberation of the state from the function of directly providing citizens with social services. The state assigns itself the role of legislator and mediator, which is dictated by the need to reduce direct budget expenditures. Therefore, it occurs in recent times along with the concept of "social security" the concept of "social protection", which, in our opinion, are not synonymous, since "social security" is one of the forms of social protection, where the principles of state organization prevail with a very limited use. The term “social security” (“social security”) was first used in the United States in the “Social Security Act” in 1935, which stimulated the development of programs to help the elderly, disabled and unemployed. In 1938, this term was also used in the New Zealand legislation. Subsequently, the scope of this definition was expanded during the development and adoption of conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization, since they simply and clearly expressed the essence of the problem of organizing national programs and systems of assistance to the elderly and disabled. This term has also been actively used by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in social insurance and social assistance, guaranteeing a minimum income for working citizens in the event of disability, as well as in the field of conditions and protection labor, wages 1. The active use of the category "social protection" by the international community can be explained by the circumstances that in the period 30-50-ies. in many countries of the world there have been cardinal changes in social policy, which have led to the need to systematize and coordinate diverse segments and institutions of socio-1 Roik V.D. Fundamentals of social insurance. M., 2004. S. 41. 17 of the sphere from the standpoint of the characteristics of its protective functions. In the domestic scientific literature, the term "social protection" is quite new. Its appearance is associated with the transformation of the country's social structure in the 90s. Recently, it has become widely used to describe the social policy of the state in cases when it comes to forms of protection of socially vulnerable categories of the population. The UN report emphasizes that two areas prevail in the organization of social protection of the population: social assistance and social insurance. Social assistance implies the formation of certain resources by the state and the transfer of them to those groups of the population that are considered to have a reason for this due to their deprivation (low or lack of income, as well as limited access to social benefits). Social insurance is the pooling of resources of citizens in view of the fear of the onset of risks and their provision to citizens on the basis of contributions made by them in order to protect against manifestations of risks or mitigate their negative consequences. Thus, individuals or families protect themselves from risk by pooling their resources with those of a group of others at similar risk. From the point of view of specialists of the International Labor Office (ILO), which does not contradict the opinion of UN experts, there are two approaches to defining the essence and content of social protection: a broad approach that covers virtually all spheres of human life, all stages of its reproduction from birth to death ; a narrow approach that captures only critical moments in a person's life when he needs support from the state and society. As a result, by social protection in a broad sense, researchers mean activities that are aimed at ensuring the process of formation and development of a full-fledged personality, identifying and neutralizing negative factors affecting a person, creating conditions for self-determination and self-realization of a person in life. no1. In a narrower sense, social protection is support and assistance to people in the event of difficult life situations. Based on this, within the narrow approach, the main instruments of social protection are social insurance and social assistance, while within the broad approach, social protection includes other areas of the life support system. In our understanding, the category “social protection” is represented by a wide range of areas and includes not only the sphere of production of intangible (social) services for the population, but also the sphere of production of material and social services provided by the public (non-profit) sector. This approach is, in our opinion, theoretically justified. On the one hand, it makes it possible to identify the connections of this system with other systems (economic, political, legal, etc.) and institutions, on the other hand, it makes it possible to study the components and their interconnection within the framework of the emerging social protection system, and also the principles of construction and operation of the system. Social protection is a sphere of vital interests of the population. Its qualitative and quantitative characteristics indicate the level of social, economic, legal and cultural development of the state and society. The right to social protection is recognized by the international community and guaranteed by the state of a person's ability to satisfy his physiological, social and spiritual needs to the extent necessary to maintain a dignified life. The national social protection system largely determines the order in 1 Employment. Unemployment. Employment Service: Explanatory Dictionary of Terms and Concepts. M., 1996. 19 country, degree of consent in society, stability and dynamics of economic and social development. In addition, in our opinion, it is important to distinguish between such scientific categories as “social protection” and “social protection”. So, B.S. Pavlov believes that the concept of “social security” should be understood in a narrow sense as a minimum of social guarantees provided to a public individual. In this case, the criteria for social protection of a person could be, in his opinion, the following indicators: the presence of legal sources of income that provide a living wage; the ability to independently use monetary income for the purchase (payment) of goods and services in the volume and range of the minimum consumer basket; provision of housing that meets the minimum sanitary standards; provision of medicines and a minimum of medical services, without which it is impossible to maintain the life of the body1. At the same time, he clarifies that the same list can include all, without exception, the main indicators of the population's living standards: the level of wages, real incomes of the population, the volume of goods and services consumed, the level of consumption of food and non-food products, the amount of free and working time, life expectancy, living conditions, level of education, health care, culture, etc. Z.Kh Saralieva defined the concept of “social protection” from the standpoint of sociology as “the aggregate state, the main trend, the goal and means of subsistence society for a person, self-growth of the potential of the individual and society in their joint efforts. This category includes the objective quality of economic, social, spiritual maturity and vitality of society and the subjective awareness of this by the individual ”2. 1 Regional market: preconditions for the formation and functioning. Yekaterinburg, 1995. P.71. 2 Saralieva Z.Kh. The family is a client of social work. Novgorod, 2003, p. 21. 20

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