Analysis of the cognitive component of the psychological culture of the head presentation. Psychological culture of the leader. Influence on the psychological climate in the team

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1. Management efficiency: psychological criteria.

2. Personality of the leader and management efficiency:

a) socio-biographical characteristics,

b) management skills,

c) personal characteristics.

3. Managerial characteristics (qualities) and the personality of the leader.


1. Krichevsky R. L.

2. A. Asmolov G.Psychology of Personality. - M., 1990.

3. Kitov A.I.Economic psychology. - M., 1987.

4. Kitov A.I.Psychology of economic management. - M., 1984.

5. L. D. KudryashovaWhat a leader should be like. - L., 1986. b. Ford G.My life, my achievements. - M., 1989.

Topic 2. Management style and leadership style: psychological characteristics

1. Traditional approaches to management styles. Brief description of the main styles of management.

2. Modern approaches to the problem of styles and types of management: rational management theory, probabilistic management theory, leadership theory.


1. Andreeva G.M.Social Psychology. - M., 1988.

2. Peter T., Waterman R.

3. Krichevsky R. L.If you are a leader. - M., 1993.

4. Kozletsky Yu.Psychological decision theory. - M., 1979.

5. Ankudinov Yu.A.Business manager. Style and methods of work. - M., 1988.

6. Woodcock M., Francis D.Liberated manager. - M., 1991.

Topic 3. Psychological climate in the team: management aspects

1. The concept of the psychological climate in the team.

2. Factors affecting the psychological climate in the team.

3. The role of the leader in ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team.


1. Sventsitsky A. L.Social psychology of management. - L., 1986.

2. Shibutani T.Social Psychology. - M., 1989.

3. A. A. LeontievPsychology of communication. - Tartu, 1974.

4. Boyko V.V., Kovalev A.G., Panferov V.N.Socio-psychological climate of the team and personality. - M., 1983.

5.3igert W., LangL.

Topic 4. Conflict in the production team: psychological analysis

1. The concept of conflict. The psychological essence of the conflict.

2. Types and types of conflicts. Classification of conflicts.

3. Intergroup conflict: stages of development.

4. Prevention of conflicts in the team. The role of the leader in conflict prevention.


1. Siegert W., Lang L.Lead without conflict. - M., 1990.

2. Meliburda E. I -you are us. Psychological opportunities to improve communication. - M., 1986.

3. Kovalevsky S.Manager and subordinate. - M., 1975.

4. Borodkin F.M., Koryak N.M.Attention: conflict! - Novosibirsk, 1989.

5. Lupyan Ya.A.Communication barriers, conflicts, stress ... - Minsk, 1986.

6. Scott D.G.Conflicts, ways to overcome them. - Kiev, 1988.

Topic 5. Organizational culture of the leader: psychological factors

1. Organizational culture and management activities.

2. Self-organization as a component of organizational culture.

3. Organizational innovations in the team and their socio-psychological consequences.

4. Personnel policy and organizational culture.


1. Kono T.The strategy and structure of Japanese enterprises. - M., 1987.

2. Morita A.Made in Japan. - M., 1990.

3 Peter T., Waterman R.In search of effective management. - M., 1986.

4. Makarov S.F.Manager at work. - M., 1989.

5. Perlaki I.Innovations in organizations. - M., 1980.

6. Popov G.X. Personal work technique. - M., 1979.

Natalia Borzykh
Ways to form the psychological culture and authority of the leader educational organization

Leadership is the art of leadership use all your professionalism and scientific knowledge about management to achieve the set goals and objectives by a team of employees.

Efficiency leadership directly depends on the authority of the leader and his management culture.

Personality head is determined not by deliberate severity, ostentatious solidity and the ability to speak beautifully from the podium, but organizational talent and truly human spiritual qualities. Only such the leader is capable prove yourself the best way at all stages of the management process, in all management activities.

It is rightly believed that both order and disorder begin with head: Difficult to straighten the shadow if the trunk is crooked. Another immature the leaderunwittingly destroys the economy, established by the many years of work of others leaders... Significant differences in work style and performance educational organizations due to the main way different quality levels leadership... Truly true utterance: « Organization couldn't be betterthan her leaders».

Defining role head is a consequence of the fact that head - facewho is empowered to make decisions, who decides what to do and how to do, and is responsible for it. With real power executive in a substantial way affects the work collective, and through it - on the nature and results of functioning organization... It is especially important to note that he "Reproduces" system frames in its own way likeness: authoritative leader surrounds himself with qualified, knowledgeable colleagues, and the weak - with even weaker subordinates. As a consequence, the first the leader leads the system to prosperity, and the weak, with his cadres, ultimately drives it into a dead end. Skillful the leader clearly formulates the tasks of the team, clearly understands his role in their solution, capable use internal incentives to independent action and anticipate possible difficulties, prevent failures and find best solution in each specific situation.

To the head of the educational organization have to do diverse functions... It is mainly about the functions of the administrator, organizer, specialist, public figure, educator.

Performing functions organizer, the leader creates conditions, necessary for fruitful joint work, purposeful and coordinated actions of subordinates employed in management and production processes. Such work presupposes a clear understanding of the goals of one's activity, the ability to identify the most significant tasks in a given period, to determine the prerequisites, methods and resources required to solve them.

Work head of educational organization really multifunctional, complex. Professional knowledge alone is not enough the leader must be fluent in the art of managing people, the ability to educate subordinates and through them to solve social and economic problems.

Of particular importance is the ability head to create in the team such a moral atmosphere that would spontaneously stimulate effective activity. Capabilities head meet these requirements find an integrated expression in its authority.

The main thing for the formation of authority is a psychological state of the leader's personality... Skill manager to manage himself, by their behavior, mood, emotions (psychological culture of the leader) serves as a guarantee of a balanced mood in the team.

Authoritative leader is respected, has the ability to influence decisions, beliefs, opinions, others, exercises management, combining administrative ways and strength of your authority.

Official (formal authority) .

Functional (competence and business qualities).

Moral (moral and personal qualities).

It can be said with all certainty that without there is no worthy leader... Not high enough authority, and even more so its absence usually cause a lot of difficulties in relationships manager with subordinates andon the contrary, the leaderusing authority, has no communication problems and relatively easily realizes the tasks facing the team.

Authority of the leader is based on two sources: his official status (objective factor) and the prestige he himself won (a subjective factor that may be in organic unity or some contradiction with each other. Complementing each other, they create the preconditions for the normal functioning of the work collective.

There are several ways to increase authority.

1. "Personal" - creating a well-founded conviction among subordinates in positive and strong personality traits head... Of such as:

Active leader position. Remove from the lexicon the words and expressions of the victim, eg: "I have to, I have to, it happened, I didn't succeed ..." There are no victims of circumstances authoritative... Track your speech - both written and spoken

Confidence. It develops and is perceived by others from shape expressing your thoughts, business communication. The rules of confident communication. (Stop asking - start offering where there is such an opportunity. You can ask when it is known in advance that the other person will happily fulfill the request, otherwise why? If you are offering, then this should be an offer that cannot be refused.

Replacing a request with a statement. Requests in business communication are permissible, but a confident person often makes statements to feel the importance of what was said).

Responsibility, discipline and dedication. About such leaders say: "If he said something, it will definitely be so"... I promised - I did. Gave an assignment - asked for execution. I set a goal - I got a result. Authority increases with each confirmation of the correctness of the decision made, the achievement of the set goal.

Emotional stability. Leader should not be subject to uncontrollable emotions, he needs to be able to set himself up for work and easily create around the atmosphere necessary for work.

2. "Professional" - creation authority due to the possession of professional skills, skills, at a high level. Subordinates must be convinced of competence head... What promotes:

A large amount of knowledge on all issues arising in the process of work.

Experience - learned ability, skills, abilities. Leader should have personal experience solving professional problems.

A quick understanding of the questions of subordinates and the ability to respond to them correctly.

Authority depends not only on the nature of communication manager with subordinates, but even more from the style of work - business qualities, direct results of activities, ability, to independent actions without instructions from above.

Style leadership is expressed inwhat techniques the leader encourages the team to proactively and creatively fulfill the responsibilities assigned to it, as it controls the performance of subordinates.

From this position, it is customary to distinguish three styles leadership:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of imposed decisions from the outside, "From above"... Participation of team members in management, characteristic of this style leadership, promotes optimization of social psychological climate.

Authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, humility and ingratiation, envy and distrust. But if this style leads to success that justifies its use in the eyes of the collective, it promotes favorable social psychological climate.

Permissive (liberal) style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation unfavorable social psychological climate.

Individual style formed depending on the ratio in which organizational, professional and moral and ethical qualities head... The type of style is determined by the one of the named components that dominates in his personality.

In real life, the behavior of almost everyone head there are common features inherent in various styles, but with the dominance of any one of them.

Even the leader uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, making a decision, he takes into account the interests of his subordinates, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and reasonable, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close connection with his subordinates.

So way, the leader can significantly affect the nature of interpersonal relations in the work collective, the attitude to joint activities, satisfaction with the conditions and results of work, i.e. social psychological climate, on which the effectiveness of activities largely depends the organization as a whole.

In weak organized teamwhere there are few proactive and conscientious workers, and interpersonal relationships leave much to be desired, to the headadhering to a democratic style of work, it is very difficult to solve economic, social and educational problems. In such a team, it is more in demand authoritarian leader, with inherent energy and tough exactingness. therefore authoritarian the style, in principle, is not contraindicated even today, especially in extreme situations, when it is necessary to quickly make decisions and take full responsibility, demanding the unquestioning obedience of subordinates.

Style leadership is not given once and for all, frozen: it can and should be changed as needed. At the same time, style is a category, of course, quite stable, and its renewal in most cases requires serious effort leader.

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ON THE TOPIC: "Management culture"

1. The concept of management

2. Personality of the leader, leader and team

3. The culture of communication of the leader

4. Fundamentals and problems of the psychology of managerial influences

5. Methods and techniques of exposure


1 . Control concept

management team personality leader

Management psychology is one of the most important branches of modern social psychology, which studies the problems of communication and interaction of people in various social structures. Various branches of knowledge are engaged in the development of the management problem: informatics, jurisprudence, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, ergonomics, sociology, etc. However general theory management began to be developed in the depths of cybernetics and systems theory. Cybernetics (from the Greek kibernetike - the art of management) is the science of management, communication and information processing in biological, technical and complex (human-machine) systems. Management processes take place where the general activities of people are carried out to achieve certain results.

Management is carried out according to general laws in all complex dynamic systems (social, psychological, biological, technical, economic, administrative, etc.) and is based on the receipt, processing and transmission of information. The main feature of management in social systems is the development of a solution based on the analysis and assessment of information by the subject of management (leader), information control circuits - direct and feedback in complex systems.

The formation of a person as a person and his activities are always carried out in social structures, in connection with which they acquire special importance social forms management: economic, political, pedagogical, legal (legal), law enforcement, moral and ideological (moral norms, religious precepts), cultural, etc.

Management carried out in social structures has its own specific characteristics and involves the use of a variety of knowledge, flexibility of the human mind, memory, volitional qualities. For effective management in complex social formations, it is necessary to clearly define the ultimate goal, outline possible ways to achieve it, predict (predict) the behavior of the controlled system under various control influences and changes in external situations.

Individual psychological properties of personality.

The individual psychological properties of a person include temperament, character, orientation and abilities.

Temperament is a combination of individual properties that determine the dynamic side of behavior.

Character is a combination of stable properties of behavior that determine the subject's attitude to the surrounding reality.

The orientation of a person is a manifestation of a person's business aspirations in life and his motivation.

Abilities are personality traits that determine their suitability for successfully solving educational, production and creative tasks. Allocate different types of abilities. In relation to activity, there are:

General abilities as the basis for the success of various types of activities (efficiency, perseverance, activity, etc.);

Special (professional) abilities as the basis for the success of specific types of activities (educational, sports, labor). For example, managerial activity requires from a leader such abilities as communication, decisiveness, perseverance, leadership, observation, tact, etc.

According to the elements of novelty in the activities performed, they distinguish between executive and creative abilities (for example, the work of a draftsman and a designer).

By the level of formation, they are distinguished:

Incentives as a natural basis for abilities;

Giftedness - a favorable combination of inclinations for any activity;

Abilities are personality traits that determine the success of mastering and performing a certain professional activity;

Talent is a complex of highly developed abilities. determining the possibilities of outstanding achievements in the chosen activity;

Genius is the highest degree of talent development, manifested in the development of new branches of science, art, and practical activity. Abilities are not a ready-made natural gift of a person, because they are based on natural giftedness, which turns into abilities only in favorable conditions of education, training, and education of the individual as a whole. Abilities can only be determined by methods of analyzing a specific activity of the subject, assessing its success, purposefulness, testing, etc. But this should always be a rationally selected set of methods. Being necessary condition successful implementation certain activities, abilities at the same time develop in the process of this activity in connection with the conditions of its organization. For example, the success of the participation of employees of a production group in a business game depends on their intellectual abilities:

intelligence, efficiency of memory and thinking, etc., but the very participation in business games how forms of active learning stimulate further development intellectual qualities, their transition to a higher level of activity.

2 . Personality of the leader, leader and team

Flow efficiency management process, the mood of people in the organization, the relationship between employees depend on many factors: immediate working conditions, professional qualities cadres, the level of the management staff, etc. And one of the first roles among these factors is played by the personality of the leader.

A leader is a person vested with the right to make decisions and acting as the sole chief within the powers given to him.

The influence of a manager on employees is aimed at encouraging them to certain official behavior that would correspond both to the requirements of the organization and to their own ideas.

There are two known ways to influence employees:

direct (order, task) mediated, motivating (through incentives).

The real influence of the leader on the activities of the team is based not only on his official powers, but also on personal authority, that is, it has two components: a formal leader and an informal leader. Leadership and leadership are both ways of organizing and managing the activities of people.

3. Communication culture of the leader

Communication of a leader is the process of transmitting and receiving information, due to which the actions and state of team members are influenced. Therefore, the level of mastery of communication is important for the correct construction of relations and interactions between the leader and the group and each of its members.

The leader must master the following basic communication functions:

Informational (transmission and receipt of information);

Cognitive (active search for information, the ability to extract them);

Manager (ability to influence people);

Developing (the pedagogical aspect of influencing subordinates in terms of educating them in the desired professional and personal aspects);

Emotional (exchange of emotions, transmission of mental states).

The leader uses verbal (from Lat. Verbalis - oral, verbal) and non-verbal means of communication. The level of development, the culture of speech is not only indicators of the general intellectual culture of the leader, but also a means of maintaining one's authority. Speech in her oral and writing forms is used by the head as the main channel for conveying the semantic side of information to employees, the content of goals, objectives and methods of activity

A high culture of communication gives the leader confidence that he will be understood correctly. By violating socially developed ways of communication, the leader introduces subordinates into a state of anxiety, uncertainty, uncertainty, resentment and other negative emotional states.

The leader can use different channels of communication: direct and indirect. Leader in different situations can use different types of communication.

Functional role communication. It is carried out at the level of social roles of partners (boss and subordinate, student and teacher). There are certain status roles and expectations here.

Interpersonal communication, which is built on an emotional basis, expresses positive or negative relationships between partners (trust, distrust, respect, disrespect, etc.).

Business communication is a type of interpersonal communication aimed at achieving a specific goal by agreement. In this communication, it is not role interests that are mainly affected, but the interests of the individual himself. There are some peculiarities in the business communication of a manager. For any goal, certain tasks are always set:

Assess a person from a business point of view;

Receive or transmit business information;

Influence the motives and decisions of the partner. Ultimately, in any business conversation, it is important to have specific agreements that are perceived by the interlocutor not as imposed by the leader, but as a result of their own beliefs. Evaluating an employee from a business point of view is to understand whether he can do the work assigned to him, who he is, what is his relationship with other members working group... Moving on to the specifics, it is necessary to explain the tasks to the employee, control understanding, evaluate his ability to predict the result, reveal his motivation and possible contradictory tendencies in activity, the ability to work more complex with a greater level of responsibility and independence.

In any conversation, three aspects must be kept in mind: business, personal and the dynamics of communication development.

The communication process is always active on both sides, so the leader must not only be able to speak, order, convince, but also be able to listen.

Other qualities of the leader's personality:

The personality of the leader, his experience, business and characterological characteristics play a leading role in the management of organizations.

List of personality requirements modern leader.

1. The leader should be a manager, not a driver, so he should:

Lead the team, not drive;

Rely on the cooperation and assistance of employees, and not only on their authority;

Keep employees in the loop, motivate them to solve problems, and not solve everything on their own, relying on their power;

To say "we", uniting oneself with the collective, and not always to say "I";

Setting an example, always come on time yourself, and not only demand it from others;

Correct your mistakes, and not look for those responsible for them.

2. A leader needs faith in his work, courage, purposefulness, determination and the ability to show these qualities to his subordinates.

3. Knowledge of management science.

4. Ability to value the time of subordinates.

5. Demonstration of severity and exactingness (without being picky).

6. Ability to criticize and accept criticism.

7. Ability to punish and reward.

8. Friendliness and tact.

9. Sense of humor.

10. Ability to speak, converse, listen, and also the ability to remain silent.

4 . Fundamentals and Problems of Management Psychologythcondiments

The problem of mastering scientifically grounded and effective means and methods of influencing people in order to manage their labor, upbringing and re-education, that is, the psychological impact of a leader on a subordinate, is one of the most important psychology of management. This is due to the fact that this socio-psychological phenomenon is included in all spheres of human life as a subject and object of control: it participates in the formation and functioning of many phenomena of social (group) psychology: public (group) opinion, mood, perception, collective will, activity motivation and so on. The results of the activity of the entire labor or educational collective largely depend on the effectiveness of these influences. That is why managers need to own scientifically grounded means and methods of influencing their subordinates, to know the patterns of their effectiveness. To the best way use this powerful leverage to influence labor activity people, managers cannot rely only on common sense, but must possess scientific methods and methods of managerial influence on labor collectives.

The most common mistakes made by managers include:

Excessive control of the current official activities in order to check the compliance of the work performed earlier with these tasks

Frequent reprimands to subordinates or open abuse, humiliation instead of expressing disapproval in a more constructive and correct form;

Rare interest in the opinion of subordinates;

Insufficient motivation of employees to analyze the assigned tasks and find ways of their most effective solution;

Constant prodding of subordinates with the requirement to work harder, faster and better;

Frequent use of power in the process of business discussion of emerging problems with subordinates;


Successful implementation of management activities requires the ability to build interaction with people, create an atmosphere of ease in relationships with subordinates, be able to convince and provide motivating influences, express appreciation and approval when achieving success, overcome resistance from those employees who pursue goals that are not consistent with the goals collective. All this testifies to the need for more active work on the formation of ideas of the leaders and employees of the organization about what should be the style of dealing with subordinates, as well as the nature of the psychological influences on them.

Genetic analysis, which should be aimed at revealing the dynamic characteristics of the process "subject of influence - object of influence", its course, development, is of essential importance in the study of psychological impact. In this regard, from the position systems approach in the psychological impact, a number of successive interrelated stages can be distinguished. An insignificant stage in the process is the so-called operational stage, that is, the effect of the subject on the psyche of his object. Then it continues with the processes of the concept (rejection) of the corresponding information by the object of psychological influence. The next stage of the process - the productive one - is revealed by the response reactions of the object of psychological influence, which serve as indicators of the fulfillment of the psychological influence. These reactions of the target have a dual function. On the one hand, they are perceived by the subject of influence, are compared with his goals and intentions and serve as the basis for developing a new influence. On the other hand, the reactions of the object of influence affect the degree of confidence of the subject of psychological influence in the success of the case, confidence that the goal will be achieved.

5 . Methods and techniques of exposure

The term "method" (from the Greek. Methodos - research) means a way of research or cognition, a way of practical implementation of something.

Historically, the first scientific discipline within which the practical and theoretical aspects of psychological influence began to develop was ancient rhetoric. Thus, Aristotle believed that it is applicable primarily to the legal sphere.

Currently, the following methods of influence are most often used in research on the psychology of management: persuasion, suggestion, coercion, reward and punishment. The methods of influence must be considered in their connection with certain norms, which are understood as rules of behavior, prescriptions, patterns. The norms are relative in nature and depend on a specific historical period, the level of development of culture, economy, political and legal organization society.

Establishing psychological contact in the team.

The creation and maintenance of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team is largely facilitated by individual contacts between managers of all levels and staff. Direct human ties between the manager and the subordinate unite the team, increase the readiness of employees to work not for fear, but for conscience. These connections are established either in the process of joint group activities, when the leader works "in one team" with a subordinate, or as a result of group or individual conversations. Moreover, if joint work as a factor in team building was used quite widely and effectively, then conversations (especially individual ones) for a long time clearly underestimated. Moreover, it was even believed that they are rather harmful than useful, since they supposedly contribute to the development of familiarity between the boss and the subordinate, while in a relationship of this kind, rigor and exactingness are necessary. For some reason, it was believed that good relations and exactingness are incompatible.

Meanwhile, in the recommendations of Western psychology of management, managers were instructed not to be afraid to "break the distance" between the boss and the subordinate, to create the illusion of a "united family", and they reached considerable heights in the art of letting off "social steam". An interesting example in this respect is the example of Japan, where the idea of \u200b\u200b"an enterprise - a large family" is extremely widespread and widely used in the interests of production. Large Japanese concerns very effectively exploit the features of traditional national morality (first of all, a highly developed sense of clan, group solidarity) to obtain additional profits. So business, industrial ties are supported not only by friendly, but also by family contacts.

Informal contacts between people working together are a natural and inevitable "thing" inherent in any work collective. In this they are similar to such natural phenomena as rain and snow, each of which, depending on the time and measure, can turn out to be a blessing, salvation, or it can turn into evil, a tragedy.

A skillful leader must necessarily feel and take into account the informal side of the life of the team and be able to use it in the interests of the business. In any team, formal and informal relations of employees are closely intertwined, but it is necessary to ensure that one type of relationship does not overwhelm the other, that the main production actions are performed within the framework and according to formal rules, and not on the basis of personal relationships, so that abuse does not arise on the basis personal connections. The leader needs to devote considerable time to organizing individual conversations with subordinates.

Very often, the first phase of management influence determines its result. This task boils down to drawing the attention of the subordinate (interlocutor) to the subject of the conversation and establishing contact with him. Attention, according to the figurative expression of KD Ushinsky, is a "door" to human consciousness, but it has two important functions: selection (from the entire flow of information affecting a person), stimuli (selection of useful significant signals) and control. Attention is a special dynamic characteristic of activity and communication, their necessary side, increases the efficiency of the process, and, consequently, the result of activity and communication.

The psychological mechanism of speech influence is based on the following principles: accessibility, argumentation, intensity, associativity, clarity, expressiveness, clarity of expressions. Activation of attention is awakening to the activity of such intellectual processes as perception, memory, thinking, i.e. activation of cognition, strengthening of emotions and feelings. Compliance with the principle of accessibility, that is, reliance on the knowledge and experience of people, their needs and interests, contributes to the internal (psychological) predisposition of a person to the perception of information, its deep mastering.

In this process, the role of argumentation is great, which stimulates a person's attention to the perception of information. Argumentation includes such a psychological mechanism of cognition as thinking. Expressing his judgments, the leader fixes the interlocutor's attention on various shades of his thought. Effective is the "quantum emission" of information, that is, the submission of new ideas or arguments, new information for thought through certain time intervals. This rhetorical technique also helps to activate the interlocutor's attention.

For a business conversation, skillful expression of expression (tone, timbre of voice, intonation, etc.) is essential, which is designed to confirm a person's conviction in what he is talking about, his interest in solving the problem raised.

What should you look for when establishing personal contact with your interlocutor?

A few mundane little things can create a conversation-friendly climate relatively easily. These include:

Clear, concise and meaningful introductory phrases and explanations;

Addressing the interlocutor by name and patronymic (the subordinate regards this as respect and attention to his personality);

The corresponding appearance (clothing, fit, facial expression);

Positive comments related to business reputation, exemplary work organization (compliments);

Show of respect for the personality of the interlocutor, attention to his opinion and interests (you need to make this feel);

Mentioning changes that have occurred since the last meeting;

Seek advice, etc.

Psychological impact in the form of a conversation without using the influence of the group as a mediating link, technical means in the form of information and computer technology, helps the leader communicate with subordinates and influence them.

The result of a conversation, the purpose of which is to influence, is determined by the action of many factors. At the first stage of the conversation, it is important to establish psychological contact with subordinates, prevent the emergence of a psychological barrier, attract the attention of the interlocutor (subordinate), and arouse interest in the conversation. Several suggestions at the beginning of a conversation often have a decisive effect on the interlocutor. He should listen carefully to the beginning of a conversation out of curiosity, expectation of something new to relieve tension.

There are many ways to start a conversation, but as with chess, practice has developed a number of correct openings. They can be summarized as follows:

Tension relief techniques allow you to establish close contact with subordinates, if warm words, pleasant phrases (compliments) of a personal nature are spoken to them. A joke that elicits a smile or laughter from those present also greatly helps to defuse initial tension and create a friendly environment for conversation. The technique is based on attracting humor as a means of capturing the attention of an audience or interlocutor.

Reception of containment. This method of establishing contact consists in assimilating the emotional state of a leader to the state of a subordinate, in demonstrating a sympathetic attitude to experiences, as well as increased attention to the needs, successes and failures of subordinates and an expression of readiness to help in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. The technique is based on the mechanism of empathy, that is, the comprehension of the emotional states of another person, sympathy for him and identification with him, the ability to put oneself in his place. Empathy manifests itself in the form of empathy, compassion, pity, regret, solidarity, self-sacrifice, and mourning.

Manifestation on the part of the chief of increased attention to the needs of subordinates, friendliness and a benevolent tone in addressing can create a favorable background for subsequent influences. One of the private manifestations of this technique is the demonstration of close relationships on the basis of fellowship, joint service in the past, interests in science, art, sports, collecting, fishing and other activities. If you use all this rich palette of tools to win the sympathy and attention of the interlocutor, then all subsequent actions of the leader will gain greater success. Reception is realized in situations of meeting and greeting.

Reception "unexpected start". Among the reasons that can cause and maintain the involuntary attention of the object of influence, is not only the novelty of the stimulus, but also the degree of its intensity. Any sufficiently strong irritation - a loud sound, a bright light, an unexpected turn of events, new and significant information - can involuntarily attract attention. In such a situation, it is not so much the absolute as the relative intensity of the stimulus that matters.

The essence of the technique is that the leader suddenly, sometimes out of any, seemingly, connection with the topic of the upcoming conversation or speech, asks a question or provides facts that were not expected. Such a technique, for example, is capable of destroying passive attitudes if a person is prepared to read a book or newspaper at a "boring lecture". An unexpected beginning causes confusion in the mind due to the destruction of stereotypes and the need to connect new information with the existing one. This short period of restructuring of consciousness must be used in order to seize attention.

Taking a lead allows a small event, comparison, personal experience, etc., to be used as a starting point for a planned conversation, linking this lead to the content of the conversation.

The method of stimulating the play of the imagination involves posing at the beginning of the conversation many questions on a number of problems that should be considered in it. This technique is designed for interlocutors who, on the one hand, are distinguished by good imagination, and, on the other, by optimism and a sober view of the situation.

Reception of surprise consists in realizing a paradoxical situation or posing a problematic question, or in surprise, amazement at the unexpected, strange and incomprehensible. When implementing this technique, two opposite points of view are usually expressed on the same question, which, perhaps, did not raise doubts. Colliding opposing views, the leader attracts attention with the acuteness and unexpectedness of contradictions, destabilizes the real relationship of things, roles, forces, phenomena, views in the minds of subordinates and thereby causes the need for new explanatory information. The mechanism for implementing this technique is based on creating surprise from the contrast and contradiction of stimuli, a vivid impression of the unexpected, strange, unusual, unthinkable or incomprehensible.

A direct approach means a direct (directive) transition to the matter without much introduction, a quick transition from general issues to private, to the main topic of conversation. This technique is rational, "cold" and quite often observed in communication between the boss and his subordinates.

It is necessary to prepare for the conversation taking into account the characteristics of the future interlocutor, and also not to lose sight of not only its immediate reason, but also the more general long-term goals of establishing contacts: creating good relations in the team, increasing people's satisfaction with work and their role in it, ensuring cooperation between people and mutual understanding, promoting their individual development in the direction of increasing interest in work and awareness of its importance for others and for society as a whole.


1 Kovalev A.G. Team and socio-psychological problems of leadership. - M., 1988;

2 Mikheev V.I.Social and psychological aspects of management. - M., 1975;

3 Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V. Psychology of management. - Kharkov, 1998.

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Psychological culture has its own structure, consisting of four main components: Awareness of personal and professional goals, their own and others' needs; the ability to build relationships with others and regulate their behavior; adequate assessment of their capabilities and limitations; taking care of your health (mental, somatic and psychological).

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The nature of modern life requires clear and well-founded goals, both in professional activity and in personal life. This is a problem of choice that confronts every person, and there is no common solution for all.

Any work can be successful if its goals are comprehended and clear.

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