Development of a rational route for the movement of vehicles. Calculation of logistics costs for transport

Lending 12.05.2020

An important condition for improving the management and optimization of freight traffic is to increase the scientific validity of decision-making methods at all levels of planning management. To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to make a correct socio-economic justification of the effectiveness of the implementation of each progressive technical solution.

At enterprises road transport determination of efficiency from implementation new technology, inventions and rationalization proposals is carried out in accordance with certain methods, which should play the role of the most important tool for managing technological progress and its effectiveness. Road transport has specific goals to increase the volume of freight traffic, increase the intensity of the use of rolling stock, save material and energy resources, reduce labor costs... To achieve these goals, it is necessary to make decisions on improving the management and optimization of cargo transportation, which creates an opportunity for the enterprise to influence the technical level of new technology and production in general.

The logistics approach to the organization of road transport determines a new methodological content, which consists in the fact that the main component of transportation should be the design of an optimal (rational) transportation process. This means the search for the best organizational and technically possible solutions that ensure the maximum efficiency of transportation of goods from the place of their production to the place of consumption.

Based on the foregoing, in order to improve the system of cargo transportation at the enterprise and increase the efficiency of using the rolling stock, an event such as the development of a rational route of movement can be proposed vehicle.

The organization of the movement of rolling stock on routes should ensure the highest productivity and the lowest cost of transportation. The route of movement is the route of the rolling stock when carrying out transportation. There are pendulum and circular routes.

The length of the route is the distance traveled by the car from the start to the end point of the route.

The turnover of rolling stock on a route is a complete cycle of movement, i.e. movement along the entire route with a return to the starting point from which the movement began, with the performance of all relevant operations (loading - unloading, paperwork, etc.).

A pendulum route is a route in which movement between two points is repeated several times.

Pendulum routes are shown in Figure 3.1. (Appendix B)

Routing consists in the development of such routes for the movement of rolling stock, which ensure the best use of the mileage of vehicles.

Thus, it is necessary to develop an optimal route for the main customer ATP-10 of the plant of concrete goods "Pervomaisky", which is engaged in the supply of reinforced concrete products to the point "Moscow-City".

The choice of the route depends on the location of the loading and unloading points, the type of cargo and the type of use of the rolling stock. The type of goods transported influences the compilation of routes. In some cases, even in the presence of oncoming traffic flows, the empty run of the rolling stock is inevitable. The type of rolling stock used also has an impact. So, when using specialized rolling stock (except for dump trucks), empty mileage in most cases cannot be ruled out either.

The amount of cargo on a certain route often does not provide the full load of the rolling stock during the operating time. Therefore, in practice, there are very frequent cases when, during a shift, the rolling stock is used to transport goods for several orders.

The following routes may be proposed as alternatives for developing a rational route:

Pendulum route with reverse idle run, i.e. delivery of reinforced concrete products from the precast concrete plant to the destination "Moscow-City", and then return to the precast concrete plant without cargo.

Pendulum route with reverse fully loaded run, i.e. movement of vehicles with cargo in both directions.

The route with the return run not fully loaded. The supply of reinforced concrete structures (reinforcement) from the Kashirsky RC # 1 to the “Pervomaysky” concrete goods plant can be considered as a passing cargo for ATP vehicles.

At present, the movement of cars along the route "Zavod ZHBI - Moscow-City" is organized according to the first option.

As the criteria for choosing the best alternative, one can single out such criteria as: maximum transport load; minimum empty run; reducing the cost of transporting 1 ton of cargo; increased mileage utilization.

When developing routes, it is necessary to take into account that it is most expedient to organize the movement of rolling stock along pendulum routes with a reverse not fully loaded run or with a loaded run in both directions. Ring routes are organized in cases where pendulum routes cannot be organized.

Correct routing ensures the achievement of the highest mileage utilization rate, and, consequently, ensures a reduction in the cost of transportation.

The organization of a route with a reverse idle run is impractical, since only one ride with a load is made per vehicle revolution. In this case, the utilization factor of the mileage is 0.5, there is no maximum load of transport, the costs per 1 ton of transported cargo are quite high. The use of the route with a loaded run in both directions is not possible, since the Moscow-City point is not a cargo-generating one.

Consequently, the most expedient is the organization of the route with the return not fully loaded mileage. At the same time, the maximum loading of vehicles is achieved, the utilization rate of the escape increases (\u003e 0.5) and the costs per 1 ton of transported cargo are reduced.

In this case, the work of the rolling stock will be organized as follows: KAMAZ 5410 vehicles with trailers are sent to the Pervomaysky precast concrete plant, where they are loaded with reinforced concrete products and sent to the destination “Moscow-City” (transportation distance 200 km). Then, upon arrival, the vehicles are unloaded and the next day they are sent to Kashirsky RC # 1 to be loaded with fittings, after which they go to the plant of concrete goods "Pervomaisky", and then return to the ATP.

The time required by the car for one revolution is calculated by the formula (3.1) given in: see Appendix *

Since the turnover time of the rolling stock is 11 hours, it is advisable to organize its movement in not one day, but two.

Route diagrams before and after making a managerial decision are presented in Appendix B.

For the implementation of the proposed event, it is necessary to coordinate and coordinate the actions of all participants in this route: ATP, reinforced concrete plant and Kashira reinforced concrete plant №1. In this case, the trucking company must conclude two contracts: one - with the Kashirsky plant of reinforced concrete structures No. 1 for self-pickup of fittings and delivery to the customer, the second - with the Pervomaysky plant for the supply of fittings as associated cargo.

The following main sections should be considered in the contract:

The subject of the contract, which indicates the amount of the contract in monetary terms, i.e. the estimated cost of the upcoming transportation of goods;

Conditions of carriage, which specify the obligations of the parties;

Payment for carriage and terms of settlements, which indicate the procedure and form of settlements for the performed carriage;

Sanctions where it is determined material liability parties for non-fulfillment of approved plans and violation of the conditions of carriage;

The validity period and procedure for the execution of the contract, which indicates the period for which the contract is concluded, the legal addresses and settlement accounts of the parties.

When concluding and executing contracts for the carriage of goods by road, the parties should be guided by current legislation, as well as instructions from higher organizations.

Since the transportation will be systematic, not one-time, the basis for the transportation of goods and the performance of expeditionary operations will be the contract and the order. The transportation of goods by a trucking company is carried out subject to the obligatory observance of the following conditions by customers: access roads to points and places of loading and unloading must be in a condition that ensures normal access and free maneuvering of vehicles at any time of the year; loading and unloading sites must be equipped with appropriate mechanization equipment, weighing devices and fire-fighting equipment; access roads and places of loading and unloading must be equipped in accordance with current regulations.

Consignors are obliged to prepare the cargo for transportation before the arrival of the rolling stock, and the trucking company, in turn, is required to submit the rolling stock for loading in its pure form and in a condition suitable for the carriage of a specific cargo.

Until the customer pays the cost of the upcoming transportation, the ATP does not accept goods for transportation.

A model contract for the carriage of goods by road is given in Appendix D.

It should be noted that the proposed route rationalization option will significantly increase the mileage utilization rate, and therefore reduce transportation costs and allow you to get additional profit.

To assess the effectiveness of the developed rational route for the movement of ATP cars, it is necessary to select as criteria:

mileage utilization factor;

diesel fuel costs per 1 ton of transported cargo.

The mileage utilization factor is calculated using the formula (3.2) given in: see Appendix _

The consumption of diesel fuel per 1 ton of transported cargo is calculated by the formula (3.3) given in: see Appendix _

We summarize the calculation results in Table 3.1: see Appendix _

From the data in Table 3.1. It can be seen that when the proposed measures were introduced, the value of the mileage utilization factor (0.8) on the route increased significantly, the productivity of the rolling stock increased (P0 \u003d 5120 tkm), and the cost of fuel and lubricants per 1 ton of transported cargo decreased.

The dependence of the cost of transportation on the mileage utilization factor is shown in Figure 3.2. : see Attachment _

Figure 3.2. it can be seen that before implementation (\u003d 0.5), the costs were 2 rubles. / tkm, and after the implementation of the proposed option (\u003d 0.8) is 1 rub. / tkm. Consequently, there will be a general decrease in the cost of transportation, and the rolling stock of the ATP will be used more rationally.

In addition, the proposed measures will allow the ATP to receive additional income in the form of payment for transport services for the delivery of reinforcement bars to the Pervomayskiy reinforced concrete plant.

S0 \u003d 2 * 3200 \u003d 6400 rubles.

After implementation:

S1 \u003d 1 * 5120 \u003d 5120 rubles.

Consequently, there will be a decrease in the total cost of transportation by 1280 rubles. According to the company, the cost of transportation is 7040 rubles, which means that before the introduction the additional income of the enterprise was 640 rubles, and after the implementation at the same price it will be 1280 rubles.

Considering all of the above, it becomes obvious that the proposed route rationalization option is quite effective, it allows to improve the technical and operational performance of the rolling stock, increase the productivity of vehicles and reduce the cost of 1 ton km of transported cargo, as well as get additional profit for the provided transport services.








Group students 423-Ls

Specialty: 380203

Operations in logistics


Course work is protected

with an estimate of _______________

"___" ____________ 2015




1.1 Essence and classification of routes. 6

1.2 Features of routing in rail transport. ten

1.3 Technology development route transportation. 13


2.1 general characteristics activities of the enterprise. 19

2.2 Analysis of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of using the freight fleet. 24

2.3 Choosing the optimal route for Russian Railways. thirty

3.1 Measures to improve the efficiency of using freight cars 40

3.2 Calculation of effects for the cargo owner when routing transportation. 42

Conclusion. 46


APPENDIX A History of routing development in Russia. 51

Application BSmolenskoe (Belarusian) direction. 52


At present, competition in the transport services market is acquiring qualitatively new features: against the background of increased transportation costs, tougher requirements for vehicles, the requirements for the quality of the transportation process have increased. In such conditions, the functioning of an enterprise is impossible without an effective management system.

One of the most effective options for solving the problems of reducing costs and improving the quality of the transportation process is the optimization of routes for the transportation of goods.

Railway transport occupies a special place among various types of transport.

The relevance of studying the topic of the economic activity of railway transport in Russia is due to its huge socio-economic role in the country's economy. In the context of the transition to market relations, the role of transport rationalization increases significantly. On the one hand, the efficiency of enterprises depends on the transport factor, which in market conditions is directly related to its viability, and on the other hand, the market itself implies the exchange of goods and services, which is impossible without transport, therefore, the market itself is impossible.

Therefore, transport is an essential part of the market infrastructure. Of course, for Russia, the largest country in the world by area, rail transport is one of the most essential modes of transport. Therefore, special attention is paid to him.

Russian railways, playing a leading role in transport provision and tariff stimulation of economic growth in the country, simultaneously make a significant contribution to the formation of federal and regional budgets.

Rail transport - leading to transport system Russia. “Its leading importance is due to two factors: technical and economic advantages over most other types of transport and the coincidence of the direction and capacity of the main transport and economic interregional and interstate (within the borders of the CIS) relations of Russia with the configuration, throughput and carrying capacity of railway lines (as opposed to river and sea transport) ". This is also due to the geographical features of our country. The length of railways in Russia (87 thousand km.) Is less than in the USA and Canada, but the work performed by them is greater than in other countries of the world, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition and quality of railway lines.

If optimal routes are created and delivery times are observed, then the production stocks of consumers can be reduced by 1.5-2 times, thereby reducing the cost of storage. The need for routing cargo transportation is also justified by the fact that routes make it possible to draw up draft current plans and operational requests for transport based on the actual traffic volumes. This served as the basis for choosing the topic of the course work.

The purpose of the course work is to develop practical recommendations on the optimization of travel routes at Russian Railways.

Achievement of this goal determined the formulation and solution of a number of tasks:

  • examine theoretical basis routing;
  • analyze the methodology for developing optimal routes for Russian Railways;
  • to develop recommendations for optimizing the efficiency of routes at Russian Railways.

The object of the study is Russian Railways.

The subject of research of the course work is the methodology for developing optimal routes in Russian Railways.

During the course work, teaching materials and research were used by such scientists as Borovoy N.E., Galaburda V.G., Elizariev Yu.V., Zykin L.P., Kovalev V.I., Kudryavtsev V.A. and etc.

Numerous materials also provided invaluable help. periodicals, such as "Dispatcher of cargo transportation", "Avtotransinfo", "Transport business of Russia", numerous information portals, as well as Internet resources.


1.1 Essence and classification of routes

Route - an established (planned), if necessary and equipped route of transport between the starting and ending points.

Transportation routing is a system for organizing the dispatch of goods by routes (as a whole train set) from one or several railway stations to the unloading points located in the same area.

Routing allows you to optimize freight traffic taking into account:

  • traffic volume, direction and distance;
  • length in time;
  • congestion of roads of different categories;
  • movement consistency and delivery efficiency.

The main tasks of routing are:

  • traffic organization;
  • minimization of delivery times;
  • traffic safety;
  • efficient use of vehicles;
  • fulfillment of transportation plans and schedules;
  • responsiveness to changing road conditions.

Routing of transportation is the drawing up of routes for the movement of rolling stock or its sequence between the points of production and consumption. It is performed for homogeneous goods requiring the same type of rolling stock for transportation.

Routing of transportation in rail transport can be called the organization of trains at the points of loading (one or more) from wagons loaded here and passing without processing at least the initial technical station, where the formation plan provides for the first processing.

The dynamics of the routing level in Russia from 2009 to 2014 is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Routing level on Russian railways

From the data in Table 1, it can be seen that the level of routing increased in 2014 compared to 2009 by 7.8%, which is a positive trend.

Route classification is shown graphically in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Classification of sending routes

The dispatch route in the Rules for the carriage of goods by dispatch routes in railway transport means a train set of a specified weight or length, formed on a non-public railway track or under an agreement with a carrier and / or owner of public railway infrastructure on public railway tracks of a railway station a prerequisite liberation of at least one technical station on the way from processing such a train, provided for by the plan for the formation of freight trains.

The work required to form direct sending routes on public routes consists of shunting work and the process of accumulating wagons to a specified weight or route length.

Routes are classified according to the terms of the organization; the appointment and the order of the arrangement of the cars included in them; conditions and polygons of circulation; rolling stock accessories.

According to the terms of the organization, routes from places of loading, organized with the participation of shippers on the basis of applications for the carriage of goods, are divided into:

  • shipment routes fully formed on a non-public railway track by the consignor or the owner of a non-public railway track on the basis of an agreement for the operation of non-public railway tracks or an agreement for the supply and cleaning of wagons, or on public tracks of a railway station under an agreement between the shipper and the carrier. The dispatch route may consist of wagons, issued with one route consignment or several group or wagon consignments;
  • station routes formed on public tracks of a railway station by means of a carrier from wagons presented by one consignor, in the absence of an agreement with him for the formation of a route;
  • stepped routes formed from wagons presented by different shippers at public or non-public places adjacent to one railway station (station stepped route), by one shipper (owner of non-public railway tracks) or different shippers (owners of non-public railway tracks) on several railway stations of a section or a railway junction (sectional or nodal stepped route).

According to the purpose of the included cars, the routes are divided into:

  • direct routes - to one railway station of destination to the address of one or several consignees (freight cars to the address of each consignee must be in a separate group);
  • spraying routes - routes by appointment to certain by the carrier (including at the request of shippers, consignees), in agreement with the owner of the infrastructure, points (stations) of spraying routes, where wagons are addressed (indicating the destination station and consignee) to the unloading station to specific consignees;
  • routes by appointment to the station of disbandment when processing shipping documents to the final station (cargo unloading station) with the disbandment of such a train at a passing technical station according to the train formation plan or by assigning one unloading section at the station with a selection of wagons in groups by destination stations.

According to the terms of circulation, the following are distinguished:

  • ring routes with permanent trains, which, after unloading, return to the same station, section, node for re-loading;
  • technological routes that circulate along the established schedule lines between the enterprises-shippers and recipients with technological processes of the main production that require regular (rhythmic) delivery of goods;
  • difficult ring routes are separately distinguished, running according to a technological scheme determined by the carrier, which provides for the return loading of cars at stations lying within the empty voyage of the train determined by the carrier (if the cars are in the carrier's management) or by the operator (owner) of the rolling stock.

Based on the distance traveled, network routes are distinguished that circulate within two or more roads, and intra-road ones - on the same road.

By polygons, routes are subdivided into:

  • interstate routes from stations of departure (loading or formation) to stations of destination (unloading or spraying) on \u200b\u200bthe railways of two or more states (railway administrations);
  • network routes within two or more Russian railways;
  • on-road routes within the same railroad.

According to the arrangement of the included cars, the routes are divided into:

  • group routes with a selection of wagons by stations, sections or recipients;
  • single-group routes without a specified collection.

1.2 Features of routing in rail transport

Ring routes are organized in areas with stable economic ties. With ring routing, the reliability of loading with rolling stock increases, the costs of re-forming empty wagons arriving for loading are reduced, as a result of which the route speed increases. The most economical are circular routes from specialized cars, especially on routes where their organization does not increase the total empty run of cars. At the same time, the safety of goods and rolling stock is maximally ensured, loading and unloading operations are accelerated. Ring routes are used mainly for the transportation of bulk cargo - coal, ore, building materials, oil cargo, cars, grain. To increase the efficiency of ring routes on directions with stable cargo flows, they are also loaded in the direction of the empty run after unloading. By using firm lines of the schedule of such trains in laden and empty directions, carrying out scheduling of loading, it is possible to increase the stability of transportation.

The technology of forming the route car traffic is presented graphically in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - The main elements of the technology for the formation of a route car traffic

To optimize infrastructure utilization and reduce sorting work, loaded and empty car flows not covered by the dispatch routing are organized into technical routes in the direction of seaports, border crossings and large industrial enterprises.

The rapid growth in the number of freight car owners has led to the transition from management according to the principle of a "single fleet" to the independent construction of logistics chains by private companies - operators, because of this, the empty mileage has increased and the efficiency of the use of freight cars has decreased (since the owner's car is supplied for loading , with whom a contract for services was concluded, and not the nearest carriage). The deterioration in the performance of the carriage required an increase in the number of carriages on the railway network. for the export of the same volume of goods presented for transportation, a larger fleet of wagons is needed. The history of the development of routing in Russia is presented in the form of a table in Appendix A.

An increase in the number of cars on the network creates an additional load on the railway infrastructure and, as a result, leads to a decrease in train speed, which in turn negatively affects the efficiency of the car fleet as a whole and leads to an increase in the required car fleet. The continuation of this trend may lead to the supply of such a number of wagons to the network, in which the movement on the railway infrastructure will be difficult, which means that the transportation process will not be provided in full and all the goods presented for transportation will not be exported on time, which will slow down the development of the country's economy ...

There are requirements without which routing is not feasible.

The first necessary condition overall routing should be considered. This condition determines the ability of shippers, combined transport enterprises and stations to organize routes. Indicators this condition - the required dimensions of the consignment, loading capacity and storage capacity, the adequacy of track development and shunting means.

Therefore, a routing plan can only be drawn up for route capable shippers, stations, or groups of stations called route shippers.

To organize routes to individual destinations, private routing or destination routing is also required. This condition is that for the destination in question, which may be an enterprise, an unloading or spraying station, for all senders combined to organize routes to this destination, the total average daily shipment volume according to the transportation plan would allow loading no less than the train, and the loading the ability provided at least the whole composition.

To all destinations for which the originator has private routing capability, it can send routes based on loading scheduling.

There is also a condition for organizing routes in relation to consignees. If the route is sent to one recipient, then its daily unloading capacity and storage capacity for each cargo must be not less than its quantity in the route.

The main conditions for rail routing are general and private routing capacity.

1.3 Development of route transportation technology

The development of route transportation technology is carried out in accordance with Chapter 3.3 of the Instructional Guidelines for the Organization of Car Traffic on Railways, approved on 16.10.06, and includes:

  • setting norms for the weight and length of routes;
  • determination of the order of loading, forming, promoting and unloading routes;
  • development of a plan for organizing (forming) routes and calculating their effectiveness;
  • calculation of circulation schemes for circular and technological routes with an assessment of their effectiveness;
  • scheduling of block trains (for technological and other routes circulating on fixed lines of the schedule);
  • scheduling of loading routes based on accepted applications for the carriage of goods;
  • scheduling of operation of circular and technological routes.

The technology of transportation of goods by routes is based on:

  • concentration of freight flows by thickening the loading of bulk cargo in separate route destinations; scheduling of cargo loading by destination by one or several consignors from one or several stations; accumulation of wagons of a certain purpose on non-public railway tracks or station tracks;
  • strict adherence to the plan for the formation of freight trains when organizing routes by appointment at the station of disbandment and ensuring the safe passage of sending routes or their core in full from formation stations to destination stations;
  • rational use of the car fleet and technical means railway infrastructure for general and non-public use;
  • continuous improvement of forms and methods of organizing route transportation.

An increase in the established weight of the dispatch route to the norm in the order of its regulation is allowed no more than the tolerance of exceeding the critical weight of the train (30 tons).

In exceptional cases, deviation from the established norms in the direction of reducing the weight and length of the dispatch route by no more than 90 tons or per 1 physical wagon is allowed.

If there are downward changes in train weight (breakpoints) on the routes of the stations, the routes are organized from the core (the main part of the route of the set weight, which follows without re-forming to the destination station), corresponding to the smallest weight norm or length of trains in this direction, and a trailed group of wagons, following as part of the route to the station of breaking weight (for unloading or for disbandment). The weight and length of the route core are set in the same order as for routes in general.

It is not allowed to disband the core of the route along the route when the weight or length of its composition changes at the stations of breaking of weight norms.

The established norms for the weight and length of routes and their cores for specific purposes are announced to shippers and independent carriers by regional traffic management directorates in the form of extracts from the route organization (formation) plan.

Replenishment of routes to the weight norm established by the schedule of movement of dispatch routes and through trains at points of change in weight or length, as well as when uncoupling cars with commercial and technical malfunctions, is carried out by cars in accordance with the purpose of trains, and in the absence of such cars - by cars according to the formation plan trains installed for this station.

When uncoupling wagons with technical and commercial malfunctions in the absence of wagons at the station that correspond to the purpose of the through train or the dispatch route, the train departs:

  • up to three wagons - without replenishment and are not included in the number of incomplete (incomplete) cars;
  • more than three cars - with replenishment according to the plan of the formation of the station that uncoupled the cars, with subsequent uncoupling during the train stop according to the schedule without disbanding the train and without changing the train index.

When replenishing the compositions of shipping routes, it is necessary to take into account the observance of the terms of delivery of goods.

The possibility of acceptance by the consignee of routes of the specified weight and length to the address of one consignee is agreed by the consignor.

The plan for the organization (formation) of dispatch and stepped routes is developed annually and is an integral part of the plan for the formation of freight trains.

The indicators of the plan of the organization (formation) of routes include:

  • general loading, wagons / day;
  • the number of routed wagons, wagons / day;
  • level of routing,%, in general and for certain types of cargo;
  • the share of loading by shipment and stepped routes to one unloading station, to one unloading site and to spraying (disbandment),%;
  • average composition of the route, cars;
  • average gross weight of the route, t;
  • total savings of funds according to the drawn up plan for the formation of routes, determined by summing up the savings received for each destination of routes, rubles;
  • the size of wagons processed by dispatching routes at marshalling and divisional stations, wagons / day;
  • the average number of technical stations exempted from processing;
  • average mileage of routes, km (including on-road), determined by dividing all route-kilometers of mileage by the total number of planned routes.

The system for providing locomotives and locomotive crews with routes circulating daily or with a fixed calendar frequency (every other day, by days of the week) according to constant schedules laid out in the train schedule from the departure station to the destination station, provides:

  • issuance of locomotives corresponding to the weight and length of technological routes by series and sectionality;
  • organization of locomotive work according to their turnover schedule, and locomotive crews - according to personal schedules with the aim of guaranteed removal of technological routes from cargo, technical and joint stations;
  • unification of adjacent sections of locomotive crews in cases of accelerated skipping of technological routes in comparison with other freight trains;
  • skipping routes with train locomotives, as well as skipping train locomotives for ready-to-depart route trains directly to railways non-public use of enterprises - shippers and consignees, in the presence of appropriate technical development.

Thus, we can conclude that the preliminary selection of the optimal transport delivery route allows you to reduce transportation costs, not waste time and deliver the maximum possible amount of cargo.


2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

The functioning of the market economy is inextricably linked with transport - one of the main sectors in the infrastructure of the national economy, providing production and interregional ties, the sphere of circulation of goods and services, and meeting the population's needs for movement.

Railway transport has moved to a new organizational form of the Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways. The Concept of the strategic development program for Russian Railways was developed and approved.

Corporate management standards are internal corporate regulations that are a set of principles, requirements and rules aimed at achieving the strategic goals of Russian Railways and regulating the activities of the Company as a whole, its divisions and employees in a specific area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility.

JSC "Russian Railways" is a single economic entity, the founder of which is the Government Russian Federation.

100% of shares in Russian Railways in accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law "On the peculiarities of management and disposal of property of railway transport" are owned by the Russian Federation. The rights of a shareholder on behalf of the Russian Federation are exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Articles of Association of Russian Railways, as well as regulations on the management and control bodies of Russian Railways, were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the charter of Russian Railways JSC, Russian Railways JSC includes 158 branches (railways and functional branches) and 8 foreign representative offices.

At present, JSC Russian Railways participates in more than 100 subsidiaries and affiliates.

The Russian Railways network consists of 17 highways that run through the whole country - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Moscow-Smolensk branch of the road is structural unit Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Division).

The department operates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, other regulations Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Railway. The branch is not a legal entity, it has a separate balance sheet, a current account with a bank institution, a seal with its name and other necessary details.

The department carries out the following activities:

  • ensuring the implementation of the transportation process;
  • security maintenance and current repair of rolling stock;
  • provision of railway transport services, storage facilities, rental of rolling stock.

The area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Moscow-Smolensk branch of the road is represented by route 9 in the diagram presented in Appendix B.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all the property of the Division belongs to Federal property and belongs to it on the basis of economic management rights. Exercising this right, the Branch owns, uses and disposes of the specified property for the implementation of the above goals and objectives. The property is shown in a separate balance sheet.

Financing is carried out within the limits of funds approved by the head of the Department.

The Department is managed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions, other regulations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways.

The management is carried out by the head of the Department, acting on the principle of one-man management, appointed and dismissed by the head of the road.

Railway transport and its core Russian Railways JSC is one of the most important basic sectors of the economy. It plays a key role in meeting the transportation needs of the population and in the movement of products. economic activity enterprises. Given the vast Russian spaces, railways are the guarantor of the country's economic and social development, economic reforms, strengthening of the administrative and political integrity, and the normal functioning of Russia's complex economic complex. Railway transport is the most important tool for the rational development and deployment of production forces, optimization of economic ties, and the involvement of new sources of fuel and raw materials into industrial circulation.

It defines the main features of the formation of the Russian transport market, namely, the predominance of rail transportation in the total freight turnover in all sectors of the economy (84%) and the monopoly position in the market of Russian Railways JSC, which provides services for the transportation of goods to commercial basis. Industrial enterpriseshaving their own railway infrastructure and rolling stock, in most cases transport bulk cargo over short distances, which is reflected in the low rates of their cargo turnover.

In the last five years, against the background of positive changes in the socio-economic situation of the country, the volume of cargo transportation has significantly increased by rail... The volume of cargo dispatched through the railway network increased from 834.7 million tons. in 2012 to 1,084.3 million tons in 2014, i.e. the increase was 29.9%.

Coal (24%), construction (21%), oil (15%), other cargo (13%) and ore (10%) predominate in the dispatch of goods through the railway network.

In the structure of export transportation by rail, oil and cargo prevailed (31%), transshipments of coal accounted for 19%, ferrous metals - 12%. The transportation of goods of the “other” nomenclature was also significant, the share in the total volume of transportation was 9% (this group of goods is largely represented by non-ferrous metals, scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals, oil shale, sulfur and other chemical goods).

Dynamics of freight turnover by types of public transport for 2012-2014. is presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Dynamics of freight turnover by types of public transport for 2012-2014

Types of transport

Transport of everything:




Inland water



The data in Table 2 show the leading position of rail transport in the transportation market.

The expert assessment of the degree of influence of the factors characterizing competition in the transport market, according to the marketing specialists of the Division, is expedient to be determined using a point scale.

The weighted average score obtained in the course of the study makes it possible to assess the degree of influence of competition and to take it into account for further building the company's marketing policy.

The calculation of the weighted average competition score is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - Option for assessing the activities of competitors (in points)


Railway transport

Water transport

Automobile transport

Air Transport

Delivery period

Frequency of departures according to the transportation plan

Reliable delivery schedule


Geographically accessible

The cost

Total GPA

It should be noted that in terms of the value of the weighted average competition score, the railway enterprises are only in third place.

It should be noted that in many segments of the rail freight market, Russian Railways initially operates in a competitive environment. Serious competition for Russian Railways is from other modes of transport, primarily auto-mobile for short-distance transportation. More than 70% of railways along their entire length are duplicated by federal highways.

At the same time, in certain segments of the market, such as the transportation of containers, transportation of construction materials, oil cargo, metal, there is real competition, the same as in transportation over long distances, in which the advantage is gained by modes of transport unregulated by the state: road, river (during the navigation period), and in some cases pipeline.

2.2 Analysis of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of using the freight fleet

One of the factors that have a negative impact on transport process, is the unevenness of rail traffic. Economic, technical, organizational factors cause unevenness of the operational work of railway transport. Let us present the classification of these factors and their influence on unevenness in Table 4.

Table 4 - Classification of factors of unevenness and their influence

Irregularity type


customs operations, fluctuations in production, conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, seasonality of production, changes in interregional ties.

seasonal unevenness


Failures of technical means, random nature of train formation at train formation stations.

daily irregularity


provision of "windows" for repair and reconstruction work, operating hours of enterprises, the presence of passenger trains in the schedule.

thickening of work in certain periods of the day

The uneven operation of railway transport significantly affects the freight traffic and the transportation capacity of the railway network, which means that the volume of freight work and the required fleet of locomotives and freight wagons. Violation of the rhythm of the work of enterprises, especially intraday and intra-week (weekend) breaks, increase the turnover of a freight car, and therefore reduce the efficiency of railway transport. There are several types of unevenness: intraday, daily and seasonal. Seasonal irregularity is a change in the volume of traffic by periods of the year (season, month, quarter) depending on the interaction with water transport or the impact of climatic conditions on the transportation of certain types of goods, it is estimated by the coefficient of irregularity. Intra-station irregularity (irregularity in direction, not in time) is caused by a decrease in the interval between freight trains due to the priority of passenger traffic when organizing the transportation process.

Analyzing the causes of uneven traffic, we can conclude that in some cases certain types irregularities are of a random nature (for example, the irregularity of train formation is random, and the presence of "windows" in the schedule for scheduled network repair is natural), but the combination of different types of irregularities in the organization of the transportation process form a random nature of fluctuations in operational work by day.

Accounting for daily irregularities affects operational performance, since the organization of operational work is based on daily periods with a monthly volume of work. But taking into account the patterns of daily irregularity, it is possible to optimize operational processes in order to reduce its impact on the transportation process.

The unevenness of car and train flows is the result of the unevenness of all operational processes. Daily fluctuations in car traffic obey the law of normal distribution.

It should be noted that the maximum oncoming mileage of reserve locomotives arises due to the unevenness of train flows in directions, but the oncoming mileage decreases as the difference in average daily train flows in directions increases. an excess of locomotives in one direction compensates for changes in the train traffic in the opposite direction. The main parameters of unevenness are presented graphically in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Basic parameters of unevenness

The organization of the transportation process on the site depends on the flow density and the duration of train delays, speed and traffic intensity, the estimated time period for determining the intensity is set based on the research objectives (hour, day, year).

Figure 4 shows a graphical basis of the technology for organizing operational work in the field of freight rail transportation.

train schedule

system for organizing car flows and work of freight stations

Figure 4 - Basic principles of organizing operational work in the field of freight rail transportation.

The organization of freight traffic according to a clearly established schedule is customer-oriented, it can significantly improve the quality of freight traffic, improve the operational performance of the freight car fleet, and ensure the optimal use of transportation resources. But the organization of train traffic on fixed lines of the schedule is possible only if transportation planning and loading management are linked to the train schedule. To do this, it is necessary to track in real time all wagons and locomotives, as well as the volume and schedule of loading for each shipment.

Undoubtedly, in some cases, the dispatch of trains will be delayed until the full-weight and full completeness of trains on a fixed schedule is formed, however, delivery will be carried out on time due to the increase in train speed, by reducing the time spent at marshalling yards. To develop a train schedule with a large share of fixed timetables, reliable information in real time about all available rolling stock and all cargo presented for transportation is required. In my work, under the "firm schedule", I mean a set of technological measures for high-speed delivery of goods exactly at certain, pre-agreed terms, ie. the use of “hard” schedule lines is impossible without routing, and the routed car traffic may not follow the “hard” schedule line. Let us consider the influence of the organization of train traffic along fixed lines of the schedule on the congestion of the railway network.

Graphically, the main indicators of the quality of work in the implementation of transportation on a fixed schedule are presented in Figure 5.

Freight trains slow down when they pass through bottlenecks on the rail network.

Figure 5 - Key indicators of the quality of work in the implementation of transportation on fixed lines of the schedule

A pattern can be deduced: with an increase in the number of trains on the section, the inter-train interval often decreases, which leads to a reduction in the speed of the entire train traffic on the section, this explains low speeds traffic on heavily loaded lines. It should be noted that the efficiency of the locomotive, the weight and speed of the train are key to the characteristics of the locomotive. It can be concluded that locomotives do not work efficiently on loaded lines, which reduces the efficiency of the entire industry as a whole.

Interruptions in traffic or a decrease in design speed lead to economic losses caused by a reduction in the capacity of the railway infrastructure on a particular section. Graphically, ways to accelerate car traffic are presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Ways to accelerate the car flow

The actual average weight of incomplete trains is up to 15% less than the norm, if you use the locomotive power reserve, then the speed of the train will be higher than the schedule, but in practice this possibility is rarely realized due to the lack of real-time interaction between the locomotive crews and the dispatching apparatus.

It is possible to speed up the passage of trains using free schedule lines, which allows reducing the time spent by the train at stations and the number of train crossings. However, a key factor in reducing train delays is optimizing station load regulation. Graphically, the economic effects of the management of the transportation process based on the "fixed strings of the schedule" of train movement are presented in Figure 7.

The development of the train schedule is carried out on the basis of the car traffic organization system. Providing reliable information about the needs for transport links (delivery speed, regularity, traffic volumes, routes) allows you to form a freight train schedule with the allocation of up to 80% of the share of fixed schedules.

Figure 7 - The system of economic effects from the management of the transportation process based on the "firm schedule" of train traffic

After analyzing the experience of using this technology in foreign countries, we can conclude that the use of a fixed schedule will increase the section speed, reduce the time spent by freight cars at marshalling yards, increase the daily mileage of locomotives while reducing the need for locomotive crews, reduce losses transport companyassociated with penalties for late delivery of goods, reduce wagon turnover and free up the fleet of freight wagons.

2.3 Choosing the optimal route for Russian Railways

We will use the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the introduction of route transportation in modern conditions based on the element-by-element analysis of operating costs.

4500 tons of iron ore pellets per month will be sent from Kurbakinskaya station to Kuibas station in gondola cars of model 12-132, with a carrying capacity of 69.5 tons. Iron ore pellets are loaded according to the car's carrying capacity. The mass of the train without a locomotive is: (24 + 69.5) * 60 \u003d 5610 tons, the specific consumption of fuel and energy resources will be taken as an average, equal to 750 per 100 km. The rate of natural loss when transporting iron ore pellets in open wagons (0.15% of the weight of the cargo).

When passing a routed car flow, the route is laid along the following sections of the locomotive crews' work:

  • Kurbakinskaya - Ryazhsk 2;
  • Ryazhsk 2 - Beloretsk;
  • Beloretsk - Kuibas;

The distance is 2126 km.

When passing the car traffic in the trains, provided for by the formation plan, the route is laid along the following sections of the locomotive crews:

  • Kurbakinskaya - Kursk;
  • Kursk - Oryol;
  • Oryol - Stary Oskol;
  • Stary Oskol - Valuyki;
  • Valuyki - Penza 3;
  • Penza 3 - Oktyabrsk;
  • Oktyabrsk - Magnitogorsk-cargo;
  • Magnitogorsk-cargo - Kuibas.

The distance is 2818 km.

Based on the norm of the gross composition weight on the site and cf. tare weight of a car, the length of the train is 64 cars.

The calculation is based on the statistical data of the Main Computer Center of Russian Railways and is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 - Natural indicators for determining the dependent costs when passing the flow in the compositions of direct routes

Length, km Luch

Uch. speed km / h V

Locomotive weight

Train weight tons

Wed din. load gr. wag. tons

Wed tare weight wag. tons

Specific consumption of top. en. ResKvt. h. per 1000 tkm gr. trains

Coef. locomotive needs

The value of conditional losses, in%

Kurbakinskaya- Ryazhsk 2

Ryazhsk 2-Beloretsk

Beloretsk - Kuibas

Total route

The list of conditionally accepted coefficients is presented in Table 6.

Table 6 - List of conditionally accepted coefficients

Natural indicators for determining the dependent costs when passing the flow in the compositions of dismantling trains are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Natural indicators for determining the dependent costs when passing the flow in the sets of dismantling trains

Work areas of locomotive crews

Length, km Luch

Uch. speed km / h

Locomotive weight

Wed din. load gr. wag. tons

Wed tare weight wag. tons

Specific consumption of top. en. res Kw. h. for 10000 tkm gr. trains

Coef. locomotive needs

Coef. accounting auxiliary. working time

The value of conditional losses, in%


Continuation of table 7


Eagle - Stary Oskol

Stary Oskol - Valuyki

Valuyki - Penza 3

Magnitogorsk-cargo - Kuibas

Total route

The calculated natural indicators for determining the dependent costs when passing the flow in the compositions of direct routes are presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - Estimated natural indicators to determine the dependent costs when passing the flow in the compositions of direct routes

Work areas of locomotive crews


Wagon clock

Locomotive - km.

Locomotive - clock

Brigade - watch

Tons km. gross

Electricity consumption for traction

Kurbakinskaya- Ryazhsk 2

Ryazhsk 2-Beloretsk

Beloretsk - Kuibas

w * - for 1 carriage on the train, l * - for a single locomotive

The calculated natural indicators for determining the dependent costs when passing the flow in the sets of dismantling trains are presented in Table 9.

Table 9 - Estimated natural indicators to determine the dependent costs when passing the flow in the trains of dismantling trains

Work areas of locomotive crews


Wagon clock

Locomotive - km.

Locomotive - clock

Brigade - watch

Tons km. gross

Electricity consumption for traction


Kursk - Oryol

Eagle - Stary Oskol

Stary Oskol - Valuyki

Valuyki - Penza 3

Oktyabrsk - Magnitogorsk-cargo.

Magnitogorsk-cargo - Kuibas

Dependent operating costs, when passing the flow through the sections in the trains of direct routes, rub. per carriage, per locomotive are presented in Table 10.

Table 10 - Dependent operating costs, when passing the flow through sections in the composition of direct routes, rubles. on a carriage, on a locomotive.

Work areas of locomotive crews

Costs associated with

Total transportation costs

wagon - km, including parts

Wagon clock

locomotive - km.

locomotive hour

brigade - watch

tons km gross

electric power for traction

In own wagons

In cars of a third-party TC

In their own locomotives

In locomotives, third-party TC


Kursk - Oryol

Eagle - Stary Oskol

Stary Oskol - Valuyki

Valuyki - Penza 3

Oktyabrsk - Magnitogorsk-cargo.


Cargo - Kuibas

Total route

After analyzing the results presented in tables 10 and 11, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • dependent operating costs for transportation (per wagon) when passing the flow in the trains of dismantling trains exceed the costs when passing the flow through sections in the trains of direct routes;
  • the difference in cost increases with increasing distance.

For a full-scale assessment of the costs of passing the car traffic, let us consider the costs arising from passing the traffic through technical stations, despite the low share of these costs in the costs of passing the car traffic per car (no more than 5% of the total amount).

The dependent operating costs when passing the flow through the technical stations are presented in table 12.

Table 12 - Dependent operating costs, when passing the flow through technical stations, rubles.

Those. station

Type of work

Duration of operations, hour

N lane

MN man

t tr.calc

t per.calc





Stary Oskol

Continuation of table 12




With break * - transit with processing, without - without processing

The costs of passing a routed car flow, attributable to a locomotive when passing a flow through technical stations: (0.085 + 0.3) * 2125.5 \u003d 818.3 rubles.

Expenses for the passage of non-routed car traffic attributable to the locomotive when passing the traffic through technical stations: (0.367 +0.5) * 2125.5 \u003d 1842.8 rubles.

Consider, as in the case of operating costs for transportation, 2 options:

  • when transported in own wagons;
  • when transporting leased wagons

Dependent operating costs are comprised of costs per settlement area and costs of technical stations. The costs for technical stations are made up of the costs for those stations through which the car traffic will follow. Expenses for the passage of a routed car traffic per car: Own car: 49.5 + 8384 \u003d 8433.5 rubles.

Third-party TC car: 7482 rubles.

For the locomotive: the locomotive is the property of TC: 52940 + 818.3 \u003d 53,758.3 rubles. locomotive of a third-party TC: 31328 rubles.

Expenses for the passage of non-routed car traffic per car:

Own carriage: 269 +69.1+ 11232 \u003d 11570.1 rubles.

Third-party TC carriage: 69.1 + 10071 \u003d 10140.1 rubles.

For the locomotive: the locomotive is the property of TC: 77904 +1842.8 \u003d 79746.8 rubles. locomotive of a third-party TC: 42 673 rubles.

When the flow is included in the block train at the advance stage, there is a reduction in operating costs

Own carriage: rub. 11232 - 8384 \u003d 2848 per carriage (or RUB 182272 per 64 carriages);

Third-party TC car: 10071-7482 \u003d 2589 rubles. per carriage (or RUB 165,696 for 64 carriages);

For the locomotive:

locomotive - the property of TC: 77904 - 52940 \u003d 24964 rubles. (or 207236 for the composition);

locomotive of a third-party TC: 42673 - 31328 \u003d 11345 rubles. (or 177041 for the composition).

Let's calculate the time change.

Routed car traffic: \u003d 40.7 + 3 + 2.15 + 1.45 \u003d 47.3 hours

Non-routed car traffic: \u003d 51.93 + 19.3 + 2.85 + 2.2 \u003d 76.28 hours

Θm \u003d 1.97 days.

Θnm \u003d 3.18 days.

When deciding on the allocation of car traffic to a route destination, it is necessary to determine the number of cars released from the considered destination, if we assume that we need to withdraw 4500 tons per month, then the savings of cars will be:

nwork \u003d (4500 \\ 69.5 * 30) * (3.18-1.97) \u003d 2.6 cars.

Analyzing the results obtained, it can be noted that the costs per 1 car and the locomotive of the routed car flow are lower, and the costs for passing the car flow and for passing the car flow through technical stations. From this we can conclude that an increase in the number of routed traffic will reduce costs, but it must be remembered that this should not increase the costs of managing the transportation process.

  • Recommendations for optimizing the efficiency of routes at Russian Railways

3.1 Measures to improve the efficiency of using freight cars

Analysis of methods for improving the quality of use of freight cars shows that in modern conditions the most relevant of them are:

  • traffic routing;
  • increasing the carrying capacity of wagons;
  • modification of cars;
  • organization of freight traffic according to "hard" schedule lines.

Ways to improve the efficiency of freight traffic management are presented graphically in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Ways to improve the efficiency of freight traffic management

The main measures to improve the efficiency of the use of freight cars include:

  • traffic routing;
  • consolidation of the car fleet;
  • improvement of freight car designs;
  • transportation management based on "fixed" schedule lines.

Measures to improve the efficiency of using freight cars are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Measures to improve the efficiency of using freight cars

Routing traffic is one of the key means of accelerating the movement of car traffic through freight stations, reducing transport costs by reducing shunting work at stations; rational use of technical means of the railway infrastructure, reduction of the turnaround time of cars and the need for capital investments for the development of district and marshalling yards. An increase in the rate of advance of a routed wagon flow gives an increase in the turnover of working capital in the national economy.

The effects of routing freight traffic are shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 - Effects of traffic routing

Routing allows you to optimize freight traffic taking into account the volume of traffic, direction, distance, length in time, road congestion, traffic sequence, delivery efficiency.

3.2 Calculation of effects for the cargo owner when routing transportation

Transportation routing has the following effects for the cargo owner.

  1. Acceleration of cargo delivery, leading to savings in working capital of cargo owners, a reduction in the time of a complete production cycle and, as a result, an increase in the number of production cycles per unit of time. Let's calculate the effect according to the formula (1), provided that the duration of the production cycle of the consignee enterprise is equal to one month.

The number of production cycles per year will increase by the following amount:

We get 1 (production cycle), which means that the consignor company (with the cost of iron ore pellets 3500 rubles per ton) will receive additional income in the amount of:

3500 * 4500 \u003d 15 750 000 rubles.

  1. Increase in the volume of products sold (over the same period of time) with a routed flow. Let's calculate the additional volume of loading based on the number of wagons that have been freed. According to the results of calculations in clause 3.2, 2 wagons are released per month, with a carrying capacity of 69.5 tons, i.e. 139 tons - cargo per month or 1668 tons per year, the company can additionally transfer with a routed wagon flow, which means that for the sale of this volume of products, the cargo owner will receive additional income in the amount of:

1668 * 3500 \u003d 5838000 rubles.

  1. The effect of the transfer of cargo owners from more expensive modes of transport when there is an opportunity to increase loading on rail transport. Let's consider the effect with an example. Transportation of lumber from Samara to Dmitrov. When transporting by rail (platforms with racks with a carrying capacity of 60 tons), the cost of transportation will be 72,489 rubles, but if we use the services of cargo transportation in wagons, with a carrying capacity of 20 tons, then we will need to load three trucks and pay 24,300 rubles for each. (according to price lists - road carriers), and for three trucks - 72,900 rubles. In total, we save 411 rubles. from one carriage, and from the whole train (if it has 64 cars): 26304 rubles or 315648 rubles. per year, provided that the train makes 12 flights per year. In practice, as a rule, only the second or third effect will take place (an exception is the case when part of the traffic flow is switched from another mode of transport, and part of it arises again due to the growth of production volumes).
  2. Effect on the state budget and budgets:
  • an increase in the amount of property tax due to the modification of the platform (the cost of removable racks and the work of installing fastenings to them on the platforms is 284,464 rubles, suppose that the car will become more expensive not by this amount, but by another 5% of its cost (1,750,000 - cost before modification), due to the expansion of the range of transported goods.After modification, the price of the car will increase: 87,500 + 284,464 \u003d 371,964 rubles, which means the amount of tax will increase by: 371,964 * 2.2% \u003d 8183.2 rubles from each modified carriage the transport company in question.
  • increase in the amount of income tax due to the platform modification: 20% * (869868-109800) \u003d 20% * 760,068 \u003d 152013 rubles. from each modified carriage of the considered transport company.
  • increase in the amount of VAT with platform modification:
  • 18% * 869868 \u003d 156576 rubles. from each modified carriage of the considered transport company.

In total, the budget will receive in connection with the modification of the carriage additionally: 156576 + 152013 + 8183 \u003d 316772 rubles. from each modified wagon of the transport company.

an increase in the amount of vat due to an increase in the volume of products sold per year when using routing:

5,838,000 * 18% \u003d 1,050,840 rubles.

  • an increase in the amount of income tax due to an increase in the volume of products sold per year when routing is applied: suppose that the profitability of the company - the shipper is 20%, then the amount of tax on additional income from an increase in the volume of products sold will be: (5,838,000 * 0.2) * 20% \u003d RUB 233 520
  • an increase in the amount of vat due to a reduction in the production cycle of the company - the shipper: 15,750,000 * 18% \u003d 2,835,000 rubles
  • an increase in the amount of income tax due to a reduction in the production cycle of the company - the shipper (provided that the profitability is 15%) \u003d 15% * 15 750 000 * 20% \u003d 472 500 rubles.
  • an increase in the amount of vat of the operator company (subject to 12 flights per year) due to a reduction in costs when using routing: 215528 * 12 * 18% \u003d 465,540 rubles.
  • an increase in the amount of income tax of the operator company due to a decrease in costs when using routing: suppose that the additional costs of the operator company for routing are 10% of the income received, then the amount of income tax will be: (2586336-465540-2586336 * 10 %) * 20% \u003d RUB 372,432

In total, the budget will receive in connection with the application of routing: 465540 + 372432 + 2835000 + 472500 + 1050840 + 233520 \u003d 5429832 rubles.

Let's see how the effects of routing are distributed:

  • budget: 5429832 rub.,
  • shipper: (15750000 * 15% -472500) + (5838000 * 0.2-233520) \u003d 2824080 rubles,
  • operator: (1862160-372432) \u003d 1489728.

Let us present the results obtained in percentage terms: 55.7% of the routing effect goes to budgets, 29% to shippers, and only 15.3% to operators.


In the process of planning new routes, creating unique cargo-and-passenger interchanges on transport maps, forming a concept for providing the entire range of social and business services, the managers of the shipping companies should take into account any, even the most insignificant, details. This is especially true for employees of firms working with the railway network in terms of optimal routing.

The main criterion for choosing the optimal route for the shipped cargo is the level of reliability and safety of the selected railway line. One of the indicators affecting the level of long-term work with the chosen route is track ballasting - control of the level of the ballast base laid on the prepared soil. The thicker and denser it is, the greater the throughput of the selected direction by the weight of the equipped trains.

AT term paper a calculation was made on the route from Kurbakinskaya station to Kuibas station and the overall reduction in operating costs for the formation of the route train in comparison with the export, provided that the locomotive and the car are owned by the transport company (private train formation) amounted to 215,528 rubles.

By calculation, the following ratio of effects from the application of routing was established: budget - 5429832 rubles, shipper - 2824080 rubles, operator - 1489728. If we take the cumulative effect as 100% - 55.7% receive budgets, 29% - shippers and only 15, 3% are operators. The lower effect figures for cargo owners, in comparison with those available in the scientific literature, are determined by the specifics of the measures studied, as well as by the decreasing gap in freight charges for rail and road transport (low efficiency of switching freight traffic to the railroad).

The basis for solving problems in logistics is the development of a strategy and a logistics concept for building a model of transport services for consumers and firms, which is based on rational transportation routes and scheduling delivery of products to consumers, i.e. routing traffic.

Transportation routing is the most perfect way to organize material flows of goods from wholesalers, which has a significant impact on the acceleration of vehicle turnover with its rational and efficient use.

The creation of routes will make it possible to accurately determine the volume of cargo transportation from supply and sales enterprises, the number of vehicles carrying out these transportation, helps to reduce the idle time of vehicles under loading and unloading, the efficient use of rolling stock and the release from the circulation of significant material resources of consumers. At the same time, routing allows you to increase the productivity of vehicles while reducing the number of rolling stock entering the enterprise with the same volume of traffic.

If the routes are created, determined and the delivery time is observed, then the production stocks of consumers can be reduced by 1.5-2 times, thereby reducing the costs of warehousing.

The need for routing cargo transportation is also justified by the fact that routes make it possible to draft current plans and operational requests for transport based on the actual traffic volumes.

Thus, the development of well-grounded routes and draft transportation plans will contribute to the timely and uninterrupted delivery of products and effective interaction between sales and transport organizations.

To develop routes, they use economic and mathematical methods, methods of network planning, practical materials and other sources. The end result should be a document characterizing the agreed work schedule for supply, transport organizations and enterprises.

When scheduling delivery, consider the following conditions:

  • 1. Availability of the required products at warehouse complexes, wholesale enterprises.
  • 2. Availability of vehicles for servicing the warehouse complex, wholesale enterprises, taking into account the transported products and the average load of the vehicle. The calculation should be made not only for the running number of vehicles, but also for the stock in case of breakdowns and other circumstances.
  • 3. Consumers of products must ensure timely receipt of products and unloading operations.

Optimal routes are developed using the combined plans method. In the matrix with the best distribution option, the plan-order is applied in a different color. A square with numbers of different colors indicates the pendulum route.

The pendulum route is the movement of rolling stock between two points. The traffic volume of the pendulum route is taken at the smallest load, regardless of the load of the cages, and subtracted from these figures.

The sum of downloads in circles must always be equal to the sum of downloads without circles, both in rows and in columns. The final figures are not included in the calculations.

We are starting to develop circular routes.

A circular route is developed by constructing a closed line contour at right angles, all vertices of which must lie in the loaded cells alternately in circles and without circles.

The smallest load is selected from the vertices, which is the volume of traffic along the given route and is subtracted from all vertices. Then the steps are repeated until one last route remains.

We calculate a rational route

Here we make a choice in favor of a pendulum or a circular pattern of movement. We draw up coordinated schedules for the delivery of products to consumers and develop indicators of economic incentives for workers involved in the transport process.

It's not a secret for anyone that the cost of cargo transportation largely depends on the route chosen for the transportation of goods. There are times when transportation costs, such as the cost of fuel, are equal to half of the total cost of transportation. Pre-selection of the optimal transport delivery route will help to reduce transportation costs, not to waste time and deliver the maximum possible volume of cargo.

Calculation of the route of cargo transportation may take more than one day, although some carriers are of the opinion that best choice the path is determined automatically when the car is already leaving with the load on the route. This opinion is erroneous, it is not for nothing that there is a direction in transport logistics - "routing", which is directly involved in the development and calculation of the route of transport when delivering goods.

If you send goods over short distances, and no more than several times a month, by itself, you can develop a cargo transportation route yourself. Imagine, if you need to deliver various goods, daily to dozens of places, then in this case, the help of professionals from the routing department will help you not only bring the cargo faster, but also make its transportation much more profitable. Its success depends on the organization and calculation of the transportation route.

Let's take a look at the basic principles of routing.

Transport logistics routes are divided into 4 types:

  • Urban.
  • Suburban.
  • Intercity.
  • International.

Urban, in this case, the vehicle transports cargo only around the city without leaving it. (For example, shipping in Kazan)
Commuter - the movement of a vehicle carrying cargo to the point of unloading is carried out along a route within a radius of 50 kilometers from the point of its loading. (For example, delivery of goods in the Kaluga region)
Intercity, this is a route for the transportation of goods running from one city to another, at a distance of more than 50 kilometers. This item includes cargo transportation in Russia.
TO international, include the routes of cargo transportation crossing the borders of neighboring states.

The complexity of route planning during transportation directly depends on the type of cargo, for example, non-standard routes are used for transportation. Most often, the complexity of calculating the route of transportation depends on the length of the path itself. Also, during the movement of the vehicle to the point of unloading the cargo, along the previously planned route, you have to solve sudden problems. For example, when planning an urban route, you have to take into account the number of traffic lights that appear on the way and the likelihood of traffic jams, and when, during route calculation, you have to take into account the most convenient customs offices and ways of crossing state borders. In such cases, the time spent on the delivery of the cargo is saved in calculations not by a day, but sometimes by weeks.

What is routing, from theory to practice.

Having turned to the logistics department for help, you fill out your order, describe the points of loading and unloading points (if necessary, additional loading at), indicate the type of cargo transported, its tone, quantity and time frame in which the cargo should be delivered to the cargo owner. Analyzing all the points indicated in the order, the logisticians calculate several routes of transportation, indicating the cost of each worked out route, based on transportation rates and delivery time. After analysis, you choose the best route for the delivery of goods from all those presented by logisticians. To choose the most profitable route for a vehicle carrying cargo, I advise you to conduct a full analysis of all routes presented by logisticians, based on the following parameters:

  • Cargo delivery speed.
  • Shipping cost.
  • Safety of cargo transportation along the route.
  • Optimal use of the resources of the vehicle carrying the cargo.

I also advise you to set priorities for yourself in advance, for example, if you are, then the speed of its delivery will be the most important criterion for you, or the greatest value for you is saving transport delivery, and the timing is not so important, first of all put this in fame of logisticians. These requirements play a huge role in planning the route of cargo delivery and will be decisive in choosing the most optimal route for cargo transportation.

Please note that when choosing the route of the vehicle, calculate possible risks... Each region of Russia is distinguished by its road and natural features. When transporting goods in the mountains, one should take into account possible landslides, in the northern regions, severe frosts and heavy rainfall in the form of snow are not uncommon, in addition, in the far north, roads are seasonal. For example, in the northern regions in winter the ice on the rivers hardens, and “winter roads” appear, which make it possible to shorten the path when moving along them, but in spring and summer there are no such routes. For a person unfamiliar with the nature of these places, it is dangerous to plan the route himself, since some roads are temporary and during the transport of goods you can run into, say, swamps. Based on the above, we advise you to contact the professionals from the routing department to develop a route, it is their work that involves the analysis of regional features when planning routes for the delivery of goods.

Most often, the most important thing for a shipper is tracking and controlling the shipment. Regardless of the cargo transported, the shipper's requirements include it. Despite the fact that GPS navigation has gained its popularity, in Russia there are still places where satellite communication remains unavailable, it is professional planning of the vehicle route that will help you avoid such places, and will always allow you to be always aware of where your cargo is currently located.

With the successful completion of cargo transportation, this route is most often used again for regular cargo transportation.

Regular freight routes are divided into three types:

  • Pendulum routes for cargo transportation - when the cargo is transported between certain points, back and forth.
  • Delivery routes of cargo transportation- cargo transportation is carried out according to the same principle as pendulum, but with unloading in several places along the route of the vehicle.
  • Ring routes of cargo transportation - these routes look like a vicious circle, with unloading and loading along the entire route.

All the routes presented have their own characteristics, for example, pendulum, in this case it is necessary to take into account the return route, which will be loaded or empty, the profitability of cargo transportation ultimately depends on this. In such cases, it is advisable to adjust the route to reduce the cost of transportation, or vice versa, load from another supplier and ultimately increase the final profit. It is in these nuances that the logistics service understands, the best option route during the carriage of goods contributes to its successful delivery, as well as extracting the maximum benefit from cargo transportation.

That's all for now, stay with us. Online magazine « » .

Page 1

To develop transportation routes, the following algorithm is used: a fully loaded vehicle is sent to the farthest consignee, unloads the ordered amount of cargo and then goes to the nearest second point, etc., until it is completely unloaded and returns back to the supplier.

After the formation of the route by exhaustive search, the shortest route bypassing the consignees included in this route is found.

Of all the consignees, we select the point that is located farthest from the GOP - GPP No. 3. Then we select a consumer located not far from point No. 4, so as to rationally draw up a route - GPP No. 4. The distance between these points is 26 km. We unload 3 full containers at GPP # 3 (load 3 empty ones). Then the car goes to checkpoint # 4. There we unload 6 full containers (load 6 empty ones). Then we go to GPP No. 6. In it we unload 3 full containers (load 3 empty ones). The sum of the needs of these points coincides with the number of containers transported by the car. Then the car returns to the GOP (terminal). Route # 1 has been formed. All other routes are formed in the same way (Fig. 4)

Route number 1

Route number 2

Route number 3

Route number 4

Fig. 4. Formed routes

The technological process of the rolling stock operation along the distribution and assembly route No. 1 is as follows: the car leaves the vehicle at 7:52 am without load and, having passed zero mileage lн, arrives at the shipper (supplier). There, 12 containers with a total weight of 7.5 tons are loaded onto the arrived car with the help of a forklift. A fully loaded car goes to the farthest point No. 3 and unloads 3 containers there and immediately loads 3 empty containers. Then the car goes to the consignee No. 4, unloads 6 containers there and picks up 6 empty containers. Then the car goes to the consignee # 6, unloads 3 containers there and picks up 3 empty containers. Then it returns to the shipper with 6 empty containers. This technological process of transportation of goods can be repeated many times on this route, as well as on other routes.

Route number 1

Figure: 6. Scheme of route number 1

Table 4. Analysis of route # 1

Route sections

Number of containers in the car



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