What are the harmful conditions of the watchmen. Harmful production factors

Business 16.05.2020

List of harmful factors

In January 1976, the current and today GOST 12.0.003-74 was adopted, dedicated to hazardous and harmful production factors.

At first glance, it seems that in this context, harmful and dangerous are synonyms. However, this interpretation is incorrect.

Dangerous is a production factor, the impact of which on the human body can lead to a sharp deterioration in health or injury.

Harmful is a production factor that, affecting the employee's body, leads to illness or a decrease in the level of performance.

Absolutely all harmful and dangerous production factors are divided into 4 types:

  1. Physical. These include, for example, a lack of natural light, gas pollution in a room or an increased level of humidity in the workplace.
  2. Biological. This refers to pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses.
  3. Chemical. Irritating, toxic and other substances that enter the employee's body through the respiratory system, mucous membranes or skin and cause harm to his health.
  4. Psychophysical. These include, for example, nervous overload.

At the same time, as the legislator notes, one and the same harmful or hazardous production factor may belong to different groups.

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Occupational safety at work

Organization of working conditions for workers in order to exclude exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors is nothing more than labor protection.

One of the most effective methods in this case is the use of collective and individual protective equipment. For example, ventilation equipped in the room will be a collective method of protection, and a respirator will be an individual one.

Despite the fact that the employer should strive for the complete absence of hazardous and harmful production factors at the enterprise, it is often not possible to completely eliminate them. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the rules for organizing the employee's workplace and maintain the maximum permissible level of concentration of biological, physical and chemical substances in the air.

By the decision of the head, the position of an engineer or other specialist may be introduced at the enterprise, whose duties will include the organization of safe working conditions.

Employees who are exposed to harmful factors during their work are required to undergo medical examinations.

The legislator determines this requirement not only by the interests of the employer (who, based on the results of the medical examination, will find out whether the employee can continue to occupy his position), but also by taking care of citizens in order to prevent the development of diseases that may arise in the course of performing work duties.

Each type of activity has its own harmfulness, but their level is significantly different. There are a number of professions that involve an increased level of exposure of a working person to adverse factors and substances associated with increased physical exertion or a high degree of direct risk to life, the threat of disability. In order to avoid confusion and ambiguous interpretations in relation to hazardous production factors and to ensure proper protection of the interests of all parties (employee, employer, society), this area is regulated by the state, which determines and establishes by law, their maximum permissible concentrations and exposure levels (MPC and PDU), a list of hazardous professions, the procedure for compulsory medical examination, as well as other labor law and labor protection standards.

What are harmful production factors

From a regulatory perspective, harmful production factors Are those that are associated with increased stress and risks in terms of physical and mental health (compared to most activities). Harmful working conditions are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors (PF) that exceed the established standards.

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Types of harmful and dangerous production factors

The list of harmful production factors is very extensive. Production factors by profession can vary significantly, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

By the type of impact, they can be divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Physical - implies the adverse effects on humans of hazardous and hazardous physical working conditions such as noise, vibration, insufficient lighting, changes or exposure to dangerous high or low temperatures, humidity, radiation, etc.
  2. Chemical- associated with work or potential contact with hazardous substances that pose a threat to life and health if they enter the body, contact with the skin, if inhaled (for example, caustic substances, refined products, synthetic liquids, dyes, fertilizers, hazardous volatile compounds, products combustion, radiation, etc.)
  3. Biological - an increased likelihood of contact with dangerous microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) or work with animals and plants that, under certain circumstances, can pose a threat, act as carriers of dangerous diseases, etc.
  4. Psychophysiological - this is a huge list of factors associated with both physical and psycho-emotional overload: hard physical work, increased load on analyzers and sense organs (vision, hearing, etc.), high intensity or monotony of work, mental fatigue and stressful emotional overload ...

The degree and duration of exposure to adverse production factors may vary.

In this regard, according to the degree of danger, they are distinguished:

  1. Harmful - exceeding the maximum permissible concentration, which, with a single exposure, does not carry an increased risk, but as a result of constant long-term exposure leads to deterioration in health, diseases, and decreased performance. This is a wide group of factors - such as increased noise level, monotony, etc.
  2. Dangerous PF - This is a factor, even a single exposure of which leads to a sharp deterioration in health, injury, disability or death. These are, for example, high doses of radiation, ingestion of a dangerous virus, contact with an open flame, etc.

Harmful factors, depending on the duration and intensity of exposure, can become dangerous.

Thus, hazardous and harmful factors differ in the degree of health risk, and harmful factors are already acting, while hazardous factors are potential, their impact occurs under certain circumstances. To prevent exposure to hazardous and minimize exposure to harmful factors, there is a safety technique and a set of labor protection measures at work, the observance of which is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee himself (for example, the use of personal protective equipment when performing hazardous work, etc.).

Based on the social significance of activities associated with the influence of harmful production factors, the legislation protects:

  1. Employee interests, whose activities are associated with increased harm: health monitoring is carried out (regular medical examinations), compensation and benefits are established, longer leave, early retirement and increased pension payments.
  2. Employer interests: the legislation is designed to ensure the resolution of labor disputes, protecting the interests of both the employee and the employee, and to ensure maximum safety and efficiency of labor.
  3. Public interests. The state establishes a special form of admission to positions and regular medical examinations for a number of socially significant professions, where the life and health of other people depends on the ability of a specialist to effectively cope with their tasks in conditions of increased loads and adverse factors (for example, a firefighter, pilot, driver, educator, doctor , NPP operator).

Legislation regulating the procedure for organizing medical examinations

The main normative legal documents governing the conduct of mandatory medical examinations are currently:

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 69, 212, 213, 266, 328).
  2. RF of April 12, 2011 N 302n "On the approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ”. As amended on: May 15, 2013, December 5, 2014
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development RF dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and works, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ”.
  4. Industry documents.

According to Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to organize mandatory medical examinations rests with the employer. The employee must undergo a medical examination in cases prescribed by law. If the employer does not fulfill the obligation to carry out medical examinations, then when checked by the labor inspectorate, a fine is imposed on the organization and responsible officials or the organization is threatened with suspension of activities. If the employee does not pass the medical examination due to his own fault in due time or refuses to pass it, he is not allowed to work, and he is not paid for downtime.

If the employee does not pass the mandatory examination due to the fault of the employer or due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, then the forced downtime is compensated to him in the amount of 2/3 of the average salary (according to Articles 76 and 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To fulfill its obligations on the organization of medical examinations, the employer concludes an agreement with a medical organization that is licensed to carry out this activity and has the necessary specialists trained in occupational pathology. The employer provides the medical institution with a list of employees with an indication of the harmful factors to which each of them is exposed and agrees with the head of the medical institution the schedule of medical examinations and the composition of the medical board (it must be headed by an occupational pathologist).

Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is drawn up, on the basis of which the possibility of admission to work is determined, and further recommendations are given for treatment, medical examination. If an occupational disease is suspected, as well as workers who have suffered as a result of accidents, are sent to occupational pathology centers.

Types of medical examinations

Medical examinations are one of the most important measures to ensure occupational safety at work. This measure is designed to ensure the interests of all participants in labor relations, the state and society, and is also aimed at preventing occupational diseases.

Depending on the purpose of the conduct, mandatory medical examinations are divided into two types:

  1. Conducted to determine the suitability of workers for a specific job and to prevent occupational diseases.
  2. Conducted to preserve health and ensure the safety of the population.

Each of these physical examinations can be:

  1. The preliminary (carried out before the conclusion of the employment contract). The list of employees who are required to undergo such medical examinations is established by law. The direction for such an examination is issued by the employer on the letterhead of the organization.
  2. Periodic (carried out at a certain time during labor activity).
  3. Extraordinary (carried out at the request of employees in accordance with medical recommendations).

Determination of the degree of exposure to harmful factors: MPU and MPC

The list of harmful factors and professions is not determined "at the arbitrary" discretion of the employer or employee, but is established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, which determines the list of harmful factors and sets standards based on which the harmfulness is calculated.

When determining the degree of harmful and hazardous production factors for different professions, the values \u200b\u200bof MPL and MPC are used, the values \u200b\u200bof which can be found in reference publications of labor safety standards:

  1. MPC, or maximum permissible concentration - a certain safe level of the substance content in the environment of the working area (air, water, soil, snow), at which the health of workers during the work shift and the established production experience is not endangered. At the same time, the negative influence should not be passed on to subsequent generations.
  2. Remote control, or maximum permissible level - parameter applied to physical harmful and dangerous PF. This is the maximum value of PF, the action of which, with a regulated daily duration over the course of work experience, does not cause a drop in working capacity and the occurrence of diseases both during work and in the further period of life.

Harmful working conditions are characterized by the presence of harmful PF that exceed the established standards and adversely affect the human body or its offspring.

The most dangerous and harmful professions

Attention is paid to the issue of occupational safety both at the state level and at the level of international organizations. Standards and recommendations in this area are developed by the International Organization for Labor Protection (ILO), a number of documents and decrees have been adopted by the UN. Among the important areas are rationing of hazardous work, determination of maximum permissible concentration, maximum permissible concentration, as well as the development of a list of harmful and hazardous jobs and professions. So, the list of harmful professions in 1980 was approved in Geneva as a document of international importance. Each state can supplement this list at the level of national legislation.

In the Russian Federation, the list is extensive and includes several thousand professions. It is an official document binding on all labor market participants.

For the first time in our country, the list of harmful professions was approved in 1956, and then it was supplemented by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Health and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1975:

1. Mining operations

One of the most dangerous and difficult professions is mining. This is primarily the profession of a miner - work related to the extraction of coal, shale, ore, oil, gas, graphite, mica, salt and other ore and non-ore minerals by underground methods. Unfortunately, the people of this profession over the past decades have led the sad statistics of deaths as a result of accidents at work.

The reason is mine accidents, landslides, blasting operations. Among the constantly influencing harmful factors are dust, noise, poor illumination, excess concentration of hazardous substances in the air (a frequent occurrence - poisoning with methane and carbon monoxide). In terms of the degree of hazard, other types of work are comparable to the miner's profession, which involve full-time employment in underground work, such as, for example, the construction of mines, mines, various underground structures, the subway.

Mining operations involving work on the surface are also among the most dangerous, as well as the work of those employed in mining and processing plants, in metallurgical production (blast furnace, steel-making, ferroalloy, coke production, workshops for the preparation of compositions and repair of metallurgical furnaces, dolomite factories, rolling and pipe production). These categories of workers are separated into separate lists in Russian legislation.

2. Industry and agriculture

Difficult working conditions in the tractor and economic engineering, building materials industry, road construction engineering, logging industry, in agriculture. People of these professions experience serious physical activity every day, are exposed to many harmful chemical and physical factors (for example, the presence of dust from small particles of silicon oxide, wood chips or other similar components in the inhaled air increases the risk of lung disease, silicosis, and respiratory cancer).

3. Plumbers, electricians, pipelayers, mechanical engineers

This is due to asbestos, which at the end of the last century was widely used in construction. The work of an electrician is, among other things, associated with the risk of electrical injury.

4. Firefighter

Firefighter Is, by far, one of the most dangerous professions. However, as statistics show, firefighters often die not from burns or poisoning by combustion products, but from heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. The reason for this is the very high level of stress that this job entails. Emotional tension and internal mobilization is observed not only at the moment of fighting the fire, but at the moment of waiting for calls, teachings, and simply in "peaceful life."

As studies by Harvard University researchers have shown, the constant level of stress hormones in firefighters is several times higher than in people of quiet professions. This leads to the fact that the cardiovascular and nervous system of fire fighters is constantly working "at the limit", and as a result - an increased risk of getting the corresponding diseases. The same applies to all other representatives of professions associated with a direct risk to life - military, police, rescuers.

5. Pilot

Pilot - this profession, which also involves increased emotional stress and difficult working conditions. Among the occupational risks for a pilot is an increased likelihood of developing melanoma (skin cancer). This is due to the effect of solar and cosmic radiation, from which the rarefied atmosphere does not protect at high altitudes. In addition, as recent studies show, the constant change of time zones can lead in the long run to various failures in the body's self-regulation system, hormonal disruptions. This effect is exacerbated by the dry, conditioned and filtered air in the aircraft cabin, which causes premature aging and drying of the skin. Flight attendants are exposed to the same risks. Moreover, for the latter, the problem of diseases of the spine may be very relevant - due to the high load on it, a rather high level of vibration and falls during sharp maneuvers of the aircraft.

6. Driver

Driver- this profession in Russia is among the three most dangerous. The main cause of death and disability is road traffic accidents. According to statistics, accidents with serious consequences in the work of a driver happen more often than in the work of a firefighter or policeman. In addition, due to prolonged sitting, hypothermia, drivers often develop spinal diseases, chronic back pain, and increased stress levels lead to the development of cardiovascular problems.

7. Dentists, dental hygienists

Dentists, dental hygienists engage in peaceful work that is not as risky as many of the above occupations. However, the uncomfortable and unhealthy posture they are in most of the working day often leads to spinal problems, back pain and joint pain.

8. Pathologists, mortuary workers

Pathologists, mortuary workers- this is not a job for the faint of heart. But as practice shows, they adapt quite well psychologically to the specifics of their work. The main danger for the people of this profession is the colorless substance formalin. Constant contact with it increases the risk of developing leukemia (a form of cancer) several times compared with the average level. The substance was recently officially listed as a carcinogen, but it is currently not possible to abandon its use. Formalin is also used in the woodworking industry and in the manufacture of paper, medical laboratories.

9. Middle managers, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers

Middle managers, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers Are the main victims of psychological problems, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. Working with people is associated with increased stress levels and psycho-emotional overload. The paradoxical fact has long been known that it is the people of the “helping” professions who are most susceptible to emotional burnout and personal deformations, although their work does not carry any visible risk. However, as psychologists note, this invisible, but constant stress turns out to be even more destructive for the nervous system than the acute stress experienced by firefighters, military personnel, and rescuers.

An obvious danger that must be dealt with is less traumatic for the psyche than constant emotional overstrain, for which there is no specific object for discharge. As a result, the stress accumulating over the years can lead to depletion of the nervous system, breakdowns, psychosomatic illnesses or negative personality changes (professional deformations, cynicism, irritability). Therefore, people of "helping" professions and managers should pay great attention to the prevention of emotional burnout, to learn how to resist the effects of chronic stress, to "safely" release stress.

10. Hairdressers

HairdressersIs another seemingly peaceful profession, which is associated with exposure to harmful factors. We are talking about constant contact with substances and components that make up hair dyes, varnishes and other cosmetics and household chemicals. Many of these substances are quite harmful and can cause allergies. An ordinary consumer or consumer usually does not face risks when using modern cosmetics (hair coloring, etc.), because in this case the body is in contact with an insignificant amount of a substance. Problems can arise only for those with hypersensitive skin.

However, it is another matter - professional hairdressers who daily carry out dyeing procedures and work with appropriate chemical dyes and components. The risk of getting persistent skin inflammation, occupational dermatitis increases by an order of magnitude. If representatives of many other professions can protect themselves from direct contact with an allergen, then for a hairdresser this is almost impossible. Moreover, gloves are a bad salvation: paint often gets under them, and in addition, being in gloves all day can also lead to allergies and problems with the skin of the hands. It may take several years for occupational dermatitis to manifest itself.

But if this happens, then, since there is no way to protect yourself from the allergen - many have to change their favorite profession - this is the only way to get rid of skin inflammation and maintain health.

Conducting an OSHMS. What are the factors in production. Obligations of the employer in identifying hazards. What the employee must do. All this will be discussed in this article.

What are harmful production factors?

In the process of life, a person is influenced by the environment, and the performance of technological tasks is no exception. Working conditions are both harmful and dangerous:

  • danger is a greater likelihood of injury. For example, work on machine tools with open moving mechanisms, activities with explosives and substances;
  • - this is contact with substances adversely acting on the body, physical overload, biological effects and psychoemotional stress. For example, harmful factors include the evaporation of chemicals in the air of the working area or gas pollution, as well as dustiness, contact with infected material during work, psychological and emotional overload.

As a result of the influence of these factors, the loss of health does not occur immediately, since harmful substances gradually accumulate in the body. If the fact of a violation of the state of health is revealed at the medical board, then an occupational disease is registered as a result of which the employer is obliged to pay the employee a certain amount by calculation.

Harmful factors are present literally everywhere, even in the air that a person breathes, it is possible that there are substances hazardous to health.

Types of factors

The factors of the production process can be divided into 4 categories.


Various factors influence harmfulness.

These, in turn, include: illumination, temperature and humidity conditions, electromagnetic radiation, noise, background from radiation, physical overload. When conducting a special assessment, measurements are made with devices that have passed certification in the prescribed manner.

Experts working with these devices must also have the appropriate permission. Only if these two conditions are met, the results are accepted as reliable. Normative indicators of the effect of substances on a person are easy to find in SanPiNs, GOSTs and other documents.


In the course of work, a person is directly affected by harmful chemicals, for example, vapors during welding or gas cutting of metal contractions release ozone, iron, manganese and welding aerosol. They are especially noticeable when working with chemicals.

To identify their level of impact, measurements are made and laboratory tests are performed. The maximum permissible concentrations are indicated in the reference books, and the measurements are performed by an accredited laboratory.

Excessive dustiness in the air can also be attributed to a chemical hazard.

In this case, air measurements are also performed at a certain one.


Morally difficult work is also harmful.

The impact of biological materials on the respiratory system and skin is not excluded. This includes infectious material that laboratory technicians have to work with when performing analyzes, cleaners of industrial and domestic premises, as well as plumbers.

No special measurements are made, and the decision on attribution to harmfulness is carried out by experts. Here, too, it is necessary to conduct a special assessment of the conditions of the labor process.

Psycho-emotional stress

Usually this is the prerogative of managers, but it happens that the burden of this kind falls on simple performers.

For example, when performing work, a pilot is responsible for the lives of other people.

Loads of this kind are not measured by specialized instruments and devices, but are determined in the course of the OSMS by an expert.

How to determine the degree of exposure to harmful factors on a person

The workplace must undergo a special assessment, which is carried out by the OSHMS commission.

As a result of the work of this commission:

  1. An employee is interviewed about what he is doing in the process of work. For example, what time he is engaged in direct work, and what auxiliary. That is, the percentage of interaction with harmful factors is revealed;
  2. Further, an instrumental assessment of the conditions of the labor process is carried out, that is, all the factors affecting it are measured. After that, the indicators are recorded separately or examined by laboratory methods;
  3. Based on the studies carried out, it turns out that the MPC of the harmful substance exceeds the standards. Based on this, the classification is made to the hazard class.

What classes of harm are there

Four classes of harmfulness.

According to the hygienic assessment of the conditions of the labor process, several classes of hazard are identified:

  • 1 class of working conditions is optimal. Under such circumstances, life and health are not in danger. A person can work calmly and perform production tasks. The employer does not include him in the lists of compulsory medical examination;
  • Grade 2 is acceptable. Labor activity is carried out without exposure to harmful and dangerous factors. In the event of physical overload in the body, there is an opportunity to rest to restore the body's strength. If the workplaces are classified in this category, then the workers do not undergo a medical examination;
  • Grade 3 - harmful working conditions. You can talk about him in more detail. Harmful factors with MPC were identified as a result of the assessment of jobs. In total, there are 4 degrees of harm:
  1. Class 3.1 - exceeding the maximum permissible norms of indicators affecting the state of health, although the changes may be reversible. At the same time, measurements are 1.1 to 3.0 times higher than those indicated in GOSTs and other acts;
  2. Class 3.2 - exceeding the limits can cause permanent disability, as well as the development of diseases. Exceeding the MPC from 3.1 to 60, units;
  3. Class 3.3 is when work functions lead to disability in the process of performing tasks. Indicators exceed the standard from 6.0 - 10 units;
  4. Class 3.4 - contributes to an increase in the risk of developing an occupational disease;
  • Class 4 - dangerous.

Under such conditions, the development of pathological processes cannot be avoided, and, as a rule, jobs assigned to this class are subject to liquidation.

What an employer should do

Working conditions need to be improved.

After the OSHMS, the excess of the MPC of substances adversely affecting the body was detected, a map for assessing the conditions of the labor process was prepared, then the employer must adhere to the recommendations of this document.

If the maximum permissible concentration is exceeded, you should:

  • to take all measures that contribute to the improvement of work, namely, so that the influence of harmful factors on a person is as small as possible. For example, if work is carried out on machine-tool equipment and dust forms in the air of the working area, then an exhaust ventilation should be installed, which would be turned on only with the machine turned on at the same time.

The installation of gas analyzers when working on boiler plants is also necessary so that emergency measures are taken when the air contains carbon dioxide;

  • providing employees with personal protective equipment. To confirm that the worker has PPE, the latter should be issued against signature.

It should be remembered that the next issue is made at least after a year, and if the funds are worn out earlier than this period, then after determining the unsuitability. Not all workers want to use the same respirators in their work, and, of course, it is not easy to force them, but there are still measures of other influence.

For example, in the log of the first stage of control, the manager must make an entry indicating that such and such an employee does not use PPE in his work and invite the latter to sign. If, in this case, a refusal was received, then there is another option to protect the employer, namely, to draw up an act of arbitrary form stating that PPE is not used.

If, after the medical examination, an occupational disease is revealed, then it will need to be investigated, and this act will be attached to the case file;

  • compensation for harmful working conditions. If the indicators of harmful factors are exceeded, depending on the classification (we are talking about the 3rd class), additional payments are established.

The greater the excess, the greater the amount of surcharges. So the employer compensates for work in case of harmful influences;

  • medical examinations. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, medical examinations should be carried out at the frequency specified in this document.

According to the results of the work of the specialists of the medical board, diseases of workers, including professional ones, are detected. On the latter, investigations are carried out according to established standards.

In order to prevent such diseases, the employer should ensure control over employees for compliance with safety measures.

Order on approval of the list of harmful factors

You need to undergo regular medical examinations.

Order No. 302-N, issued in 2012, cancels previous documents for passing medical examinations and contains the following information:

  1. List of harmful factors for which medical examinations should be carried out. The first include chemical components, this includes aerosols, dust. The list of physical labor factors affecting a person during work, namely, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, working at a computer, exposure to ultraviolet rays, vibration, noise, ultrasound, infrasound, heat radiation, increased and decreased temperature indicators, light environment, physical overloads in during the work shift, sensory loads, psycho-emotional;
  2. The frequency of the medical examination is prescribed, while it is not necessarily carried out once a year;
  3. What kind of specialists the employee must visit;
  4. The list of examinations carried out to recognize the development of occupational pathology in an employee;
  5. The last column indicates contraindications, on which the chairman of the commission, an occupational pathologist, cannot allow the employee to perform this type of labor activity.

Sometimes there are doubts and misconceptions about in which case to send workers for a medical examination or not.

This should be done in the presence or in excess of the MPC of a harmful factor. To avoid this dilemma, you should adhere to the recommendations set out in the OSHMS map.

Harmful production factors by profession

The order of the Ministry of Health also contains information according to which it is necessary to send workers for medical examinations by type of work and direction of activity. In the same way, it is prescribed which specialists you need to undergo, the frequency of medical examinations, what studies are carried out and what contraindications exist.

These are specific work, for example, work at height, work with open rotating mechanisms, rescue work, mining, maintenance of electrical installations, felling trees, for those working with overpressure equipment and others.

From this video you will learn about harmful and hazardous production factors.

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Before hiring or enrolling in studies, a medical examination is required. Order 302H is a regulatory document that regulates this issue.

About document

Passing a medical examination is mandatory, this fact is reflected in labor legislation. The purpose of the event is to identify pathologies associated with future work activities or to obtain confirmation of the health status of an employed person.

If an employee works at the enterprise for a long time, then when specialists detect the development of a serious disease, it must be documented occupational Illness.

Attention! Order 302 N is required for specialists who examine persons sent for a medical examination.

The document approved:

  1. A list or list of harmful factors that affect the body during work.
  2. List or list of works related to the category of dangerous, which are or will be carried out by persons employed in production.
  3. The order has been established according to which an event is held in an organization or institution.
  4. Canceled the order on the passage of the medical examination and other documents issued earlier.

Types of medical examinations

Directions for medical examination by order are divided preliminary and periodic:

  1. Preliminary. A preliminary medical examination is carried out before direct employment.
  2. Periodic. Order 302H dated 12.04. 2011, the frequency of examination by specialists is established, that is, when working with hazardous or harmful substances and factors a criterion is established how often the survey should be carried out.

302n dated 12 04 11, developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development clearly formulates in which cases it is necessary to pass a commission of specialists, including the following:

  • by whom issuing a referral;
  • what information is indicated in the direction;
  • the procedure for passing specialists and passing tests has been established.

The document for passing is issued by the personnel department or a representative of the labor protection service, in it information is reflected:

  • the name of the organization and its details;
  • which medical institution conducts examinations;
  • full surname and initials of the person who is sent for examination;
  • list of factorsthat adversely affect health.

Signed by the employer or a person appointed by order of the head.

Important! If the employee or future employee does not pass the medical commission, the head does not accept him to the enterprise or organization, or removes him from his job function.

Medical examinations

Inspection procedure before employment consists in the following algorithm:

  1. After the employer signs the application for admission to the enterprise, the future employee is sent for a medical examination. Direction issued from the personnel department, in which harmful factors or types of work are clearly prescribed.
  2. With the referral, you need to go to the registry of the polyclinic located at the place of residence, and additionally present an identity document. After that, you should visit all the specialists who are indicated in the medical card and in the health passport, as well as hand over the biomaterial for analysis. It is possible to conduct additional examinations to clarify the state of health.

The conclusion of the preliminary examination is handed over to the future employee, and then transferred to the employer.

The meaning of passing the examination before admission to the enterprise is to confirm the normal state of health for working in the proposed conditions.

About passing periodic medical examinations:

  1. To undergo a professional examination the direction is written out, which indicates harmful factors. This function is carried out by the HR department or service representative.
  2. The event is organized by the employer in the clinic.
  3. To undergo a medical examination, a form is issued to an employee by the employees of the polyclinic, it contains a list of specialists who should be passed and the liver tests and instrumental examinations provided for by the order for medical examinations.
  4. With positive employee results allowed to work, and in case of negative ones, they are removed from the performance of labor functions in the manner established at the legislative level.

Periodic examinations are carried out with a frequency determined by order 302 on the passage of compulsory medical examinations.

Harmful factors and types of work

List of harmful factors:

  1. Allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions. This is ammonia, nitrogen, phthalic aldehyde,
  2. Carcinogens are substances that cause malignant formations, they are not excreted from the body. These include hydrochloride, phenyl, iron pentacarbonite.
  3. Chemicals that affect the reproductive functions of the body. These are metals and chemical compounds based on them.
  4. Fibrogens are substances deposited in the lungs that contribute to the formation of hardened tissue... These include cement, asbestos, fused corundum, albor, boron or silicon carbide, diamonds, cokes and others.
  5. Mixed substances. FKA are welding fumes.
  6. Physical factors - radiation, vibration, noise, labor intensity, heat radiation, increased or decreased temperature, light environment.
  7. Labor process factors - physical overload, sensory stress.

List of some types of hazardous work:

  1. High-rise.
  2. Rescue.
  3. Electrical installation.
  4. Cutting down trees.
  5. Labor in conditions Far North.
  6. Work with flammable and combustible liquids.
  7. Work in industries with a fire and explosion hazard.
  8. Performing operations on mechanical equipment requiring high precision and coordination of movements.
  9. Underground.

Full list professions and harmful factors approved by Order 302-N.


Preliminary and periodic medical examinations, the basis of which is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and order 302 of 12.04. 2011, contain information on contraindications, both general and specific:

  1. Information about general diseases, the presence of which is the basis for not passing the commission of specialists, is provided for in the last section of the document. That is, if any pathological changes are detected in a person, according to the list, the occupational pathologist prescribes a conclusion about professional unsuitability.
  2. Specific information (last column) indicates contraindications for this type of work or contact with harmful substances in the course of work. If, according to the results of the examinations, a disease is revealed that does not allow continuing to work at this workplace, then the occupational pathologist makes an appropriate entry.


Harmful production factors by profession are set out in Appendix 1.

P / p No.The name of harmful or dangerous factors of the production process is prescribedThe data is indicated with what frequency the medical examination should be performedWhat specialists should conduct examinationsWhat tests need to be passed, and what tests are carried outList of contraindications
Substances * and compounds based on them fall into this category, including dust and gases, physical factors (overload, working postures, electromagnetic radiation, work with a PC, vibration, noise, increased and decreased temperatures), sensory loads (requiring special attention)The medical examination is not necessarily carried out once a year, it can be carried out less often, for example, once every 2 years. This is defined by a regulatory document ()The list of doctors who carry out admission to work is indicatedMandatory examinations conducted by specialists are indicated in this column **Based on the studies carried out and the examination of doctors, when diseases are detected, a number of pathological abnormalities are established, with which it is impossible to carry out admission to work

* Indicated only those substances, according to measurements carried out for gas content or dust content of which an excess was recorded. The determination is made by laboratory research.

** In addition, for women, it is necessary to undergo a gynecologist, for everyone: the delivery of FLG and blood for a general analysis is required.

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations by type of work, which are interpreted by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Appendix 2 identical to the first, the difference is that instead of factors, the column indicates a list of jobs and a number of professions.

Regulatory document 302H for medical examination, according to Appendix 2, certain requirements are established to dangerous professions.

Event organisation

Medical examination is a responsible procedure and requires special attention. The employer must be satisfied the following actions:

  1. Prepared administrative document to conduct a medical examination.
  2. Documents are issued directly to employees against signature, at the same time familiarization with the schedule of the event is carried out.
  3. According to the results of the event, a special act is drawn up by specialists.
  4. The employer is obliged to suspend from the duties of persons who have not passed the examination for the period until it is issued positive conclusion.

It is recommended that the employee supervising the event conduct a preliminary study of the regulatory document.

A referral form for a medical examination is developed by organizations and enterprises. The final act based on the results of the event is transferred to the representative of the employer or to the employer himself after its approval, no more than 5 working days.

Carrying out a medical examination is a procedure under the current legislation. If the manager was inattentive and allowed an employee who did not pass the medical examination to work, then if this factor is identified by the state authorities, they impose penalties.

Important!If an accident occurs with an employee who has not passed a medical examination, then the use of the criminal code is not excluded.

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To organize the timely conduct of medical examinations, as well as control over their passage, it is necessary to secure the executive document with an administrative document. Typically, this is done by O&M engineers or HR specialists.

When hiring, during employment, as well as extraordinary, depending on the state of health. Such workers, in particular, include workers who work in jobs with harmful or hazardous working conditions. They undergo mandatory medical examinations when applying for a job and periodic medical examinations to determine their health status. This is necessary to understand whether an employee can perform his job duties, as well as to timely diagnose the occurrence of occupational diseases.

Harmful and hazardous production factors

Order No. 302n regulates the procedure for conducting inspections and their frequency. However, the list of the harmful and dangerous factors themselves, when working with which it is necessary to undergo examinations, is also approved by this order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, adopted on 12.04.2011.

Harmful factors by order No. 302n

It is the employer's responsibility to arrange for pre-employment medical examinations or routine examinations of employees during their employment. Harmful production factors in order 302n, which make some types of activities harmful and even hazardous to health, are contained in Appendix 1. The list of factors is drawn up in the form of a table divided into several columns:

  • p / p number;
  • a group of substances that are harmful to health;
  • the frequency of passing the medical examination;
  • specialists who take part in the inspection;
  • medical procedures and examinations that employees need to undergo;
  • additional medical contraindications.

Appendix 2 approved the directory of factors of order 302n by profession. It is also designed as a five-column table:

  • activity, profession in which it is necessary to undergo examination;
  • frequency of medical examinations;
  • doctors who take part in the examination;
  • examinations and procedures to be completed;
  • additional contraindications.

The table of harmful factors by profession in order 302n is very detailed. Harmful factors are divided into chemical ones (among them allergens, carcinogens, natural asbestos, clay and cement, etc.); biological factors, including compound feed, biological toxins (animal or plant poisons), etc .; physical factors, including various types of radiation, industrial noise, etc., as well as factors of the labor process, in particular, various overloads.

For each factor, it is prescribed how often and which medical specialists should conduct a medical examination of workers who have to work in harmful or dangerous conditions in accordance with the listed factors.

The table of order No. 302n with harmful production factors by profession from Appendix 1 can be downloaded below.

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