How to attract clients to a novice makeup artist. Where can a makeup artist find clients? Tips for aspiring makeup artists

The property 30.07.2020
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Makeup artist is one of the most popular modern women's professions. How to become a master in the beauty industry and start your own small business? Vladlena Kaminskaya, wedding makeup artist, will tell us about this. She not only works in the beauty industry herself, but also transfers her knowledge to others in author's courses. How did she start her career and from an ordinary master turned into a teacher and one of the most demanded specialists in her field?

Key points of the interview

  • Occupation: make-up artist and make-up courses
  • Business location: Russia, Kaliningrad
  • Occupation before starting entrepreneurship: Bartender-administrator
  • Business start date: 2011
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment: 10,000 rubles.
  • Source of initial capital: own savings
  • Return on investment: 2 months
  • The formula for success: You need to demand from yourself the perfect result, always invest money and time in your training and improve.

Hello Vladlena! Tell our readers about what you do?

Hello! I am engaged in beauty in the broadest sense of the word: make-up, body art, hairstyles, hair extensions and straightening, stage make-up, etc. Besides the fact that I work myself as a make-up artist, I also conduct my own courses on makeup.

Who were you before you started working in the beauty industry? What's your education?

I started working at the age of 15. Before becoming a make-up artist, she tried herself in various professions: she was a telephone operator, a waitress, and a bartender - an administrator, and also studied in college and then at the university. I am an accountant-economist by education. The last job is a bartender-administrator in a restaurant. Having worked in this position for almost two years, I was already thinking about building a career in public catering - I wanted to become a manager, then a manager. I liked the profession of an administrator: constant contact with people, communication with guests and employees gave me great pleasure. I did my best, but the authorities did not notice them. This often happens - when you are an employee, management takes your work for granted, and for any defect - fines and angry looks. I lacked the encouragement to be seen and appreciated for my efforts. So I began to think about a radical change in activity and accidentally saw an ad about makeup courses.

How long have you become a makeup artist and did you immediately work for yourself? Tell us how you got started!

She started doing makeup three years ago and immediately began working for herself.

How did you start? First I graduated from the courses. Then I began to practice - I did free makeup for friends and everyone. So I "killed two birds with one stone" - firstly, I got my hands on and gained experience, and secondly, pretty soon people began to ask about the cost of my services. Word of mouth also turned on, and just a month after I started, I already had my first bride. The more experience I gained and the more famous I became, the more was the demand and cost of my services. So I came to what I have now.

How did you find your models for free makeup?

What were the difficulties at the beginning of work? What happened immediately and what didn't?

The main difficulties were and remain associated with my character. The fact is that by nature I am a perfectionist. I need everything to be perfect. Sometimes there is even such a situation - the client likes everything, but I am not completely satisfied with what I see. I want to achieve perfect results in everything, and it is this persistence that helped me achieve success. I see the flaw and correct it. Even if you have to redo everything. Each client is very important and valuable to me.

On the one hand, self-criticism is good, it helps me not to stand still, to develop, but sometimes it interferes a little.

Difficulties at the very beginning of the activity were associated with the acquisition of experience. The work of a make-up artist is not as easy as it seems to ignorant people: one standard make-up cannot be done to all people, an individual approach is important. It takes a lot of practice and time to become a professional.

A significant part of your job is creating an image for models in photo shoots. How did you get involved in this?

When I did makeup for brides, of course, photographers took them. I made friends with some of them, exchanged business cards, and eventually began to collaborate. Many found me on the Internet. At the very beginning of my career, I collaborated with novice photographers - I needed experience, and they needed a free makeup artist. In general, at the beginning of my career, I worked a lot for free, and even now I do it sometimes, but I gain experience, fame and a good portfolio.

How much did it cost you to start your own business?

It is difficult to name the exact amount. I remember that when I started, I had in my arsenal:

  1. Eyeshadow palette of 5 colors.
  2. Three makeup brushes.
  3. Two tonal creams.

Judging by today's prices for professional cosmetics, I would call the amount of 10,000 rubles the minimum start-up capital.

What is included in this amount?

The minimum that a novice makeup artist must definitely purchase is:

  1. Two foundations - one dark, the other lighter. All other shades will have to be obtained by mixing in accordance with the client's skin tone.
  2. Makeup brushes.
  3. At least 10 shades of eyeshadow.
  4. Foundation for foundation and eyeshadow.
  5. Highlighter, concealer and blush.
  6. Mascara and eyeliner - regular black and colored.

But this, of course, is a minimum, then, already in the process of work, you will need to buy a lot.

How to choose a brand of cosmetics and where to get it? Which one do you personally use?

I use Inglot and Kriolan decorative cosmetics. My brushes are from the Make-up Forever brand.

I mainly work with the Inglot brand. How did I choose it? I just walked around the city and looked at what was on sale in stores, took samples. I stopped at this brand, as I was satisfied with the quality, color saturation and the ability to assemble palettes at my own discretion, and not buy ready-made ones, in which some positions may simply not be needed. For three years I have not changed this brand, although I am ready for experiments.

How quickly did you get the money back?

Hard to say. Since I started with a minimal set of cosmetics, I spent all my first royalties on replenishing my makeup arsenal. If I immediately bought a suitcase of cosmetics, then I could say ...

We have already discussed what is needed to get started. And what can you do without?

You can do without a lot - for example, without a make-up base, without a highlighter ... And you can apply, for example, foundation with your fingers, and not with a sponge or a brush ... In general, the list of necessary things can be reduced. But is it necessary? I would not recommend it, because 50% of the success of a master depends on the material with which he works.

Let's talk about the courses you teach. Is it profitable, or is it a hobby?

I would say that it is both profitable and for the soul too. It is a pleasure for me to share my experience with others, to see how my students succeed in something and with what enthusiasm they create ... At such moments I remember how I started myself.

Are you not afraid to make yourself competitors - your own students?

On the contrary! I consider them my "calling card"! I want to be proud of them, their success. Probably the biggest nightmare for me will be the situation if I hear somewhere: “What a horror! This is Vladlena Kaminskaya's student! " Conversely, I will be happy if I hear positive feedback about their work.

Do you take everyone as students? In general, can anyone become a makeup artist?

I take anyone who wants to be a student, I don't arrange entrance exams. The main thing is desire. Of course, in the process it already becomes clear that someone succeeds right away, while someone needs to put in more effort. But "patience and work", as they say ... and everything will work out!

Anyone can become a make-up artist. But a good, professional master is only one who has good taste, artist's abilities, and a strong creative principle. But, in principle, with a strong desire, these qualities can be developed.

How did you get started teaching? What do you need for this: premises, license, etc.?

When I already became famous in the city, and many clients appeared, some of them began to ask questions: can I teach them how to make up, can I teach courses? As the saying goes, “demand creates supply” and I thought - why not?

To teach courses, you need, first of all, premises. I equipped it right at home. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of proper lighting, comfortable tables and large mirrors, and high chairs for operation. The latter are especially important - with them you do not need to constantly bend over to the model or client. My young man helped me a lot in creating the studio. He, in accordance with my wishes, drew a floor plan and installed everything necessary.

The second thing you need to teach the class is a large assortment of cosmetics and brushes for your students. In my courses, I provide all the required material myself, and do not require students to bring their own.

You look great yourself. Tell me, how important is the appearance of the makeup artist for the client?

Thanks! I will say this: the look of a makeup artist with the right beautiful makeup is his calling card. But, alas, it is not always possible to look 100%. I believe that the main thing is to be well-groomed. I don't always come to my clients with make-up and styling - there is simply no time for that. Clean hair, skin in good condition, neat manicure, stylish but simple clothes - that's all it takes to look good. It is more important for me to make my client beautiful!

What does your work week look like?

On weekdays, I am more busy with my students or brides, to whom I do test makeup and hair (this can take a long time). In the evenings, I usually work on photo shoots, create various images for models. Sometimes such shooting can drag on until late at night. In general, the schedule for each week is unpredictable!

If from Monday to Thursday I can sleep longer in the morning, then Friday and Saturday mornings consistently start with wedding makeup and the bride's hairstyle. Sometimes I manage to serve several clients in one day.

I try to make Sunday a day off in order to spend it with my beloved, and since he is also a talented photographer who founded his own photography school, we often work together on the set.

Note from the Moneymaker Factory: We suggest you read the interview with Anna Kondratyeva, the owner of the Leona Group professional photo studio

What is special about this business? Does it have seasonality?

Yes, there is seasonality! Summer is the season of weddings, I would even say, "wedding boom"! From June to September, I am mainly busy with hair and makeup for brides. In the fall, preparations begin for the celebration of Halloween, which is very popular in our city, and therefore during this period, in addition to weddings, I also do makeup and master classes for this day.

At the end of autumn, the New Year's corporate events begin, which last until the end of December, and I do festive hairstyles and makeup for those who attend them. Also, there are usually various photo projects dedicated to the New Year - they also need a makeup artist, I also collaborate with several local magazines and photographers when they need a stylist.

There is usually little work in January and I try to take a vacation. After the New Year, people usually have no money, and there are few reasons for hair and makeup. From the first days of February, I already have students, and I mainly deal with them. In March-April, people start getting married and I have brides again.

Are there any conflict situations when customers do not like the result? How do you proceed in this case?

It is in order to avoid misunderstandings that I insist on pre-makeup for brides. As such, I have not had any conflict situations with clients. If during work I see that a person is upset or doesn't like something, I ask what is wrong and try to fix it. It often happens the other way around: the bride says that everything is super, and I, because of my self-criticism, see some flaws. After that, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in my soul, and I give the client some kind of bonus - for example, I do free hair styling.

A few words about advertising in magazines, including wedding ones. Yes, people see it and even remember it, but they react little. That is, in the subconscious of people, my name as a wedding makeup artist remains, but it does not always come to picking up the phone and calling. This ad is more for prestige.

Many people find me via the Internet - I have my own group on the social network VKontakte -

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The overwhelming majority of modern women use decorative cosmetics every day. The fair sex always wants to look perfect. Not every girl can do makeup at home for special occasions. And then a narrow-profile specialist is ready to help her. How to become a make-up artist, what features does this profession have?

Professional makeup: expectations and reality

To many uninitiated girls, the fashion world seems truly magical. Everyone wants to get behind the scenes of fashion shows and at the photo session of the most expensive magazines. Attracts the profession of "beauty specialists" and space for creativity, as well as a free schedule. However, in reality, not everything is so fabulous. If you want to pursue a career in professional makeup, you will have to study, work and promote yourself a lot. Earning big money immediately after completing professional courses will also not work. At first, too much money will be spent on materials and tools, as well as training. A free schedule isn't always a plus for makeup artists and hairdressers. Most likely, you will have to work on weekends and holidays. And when participating in large-scale projects (for example, photo shoots and filming) - work at least 10 hours in a row. If all this does not scare you, we will try to figure out how to become a makeup artist from scratch.

Profile education

Makeup artist is one of the few professions that does not require specialized higher education. In order to get a job in this specialty, you do not need anything other than a certificate of completion of specialized courses. Training is offered in multidisciplinary educational centers, beauty schools and beauty salons. Education is paid, the average duration of such courses is from 2 weeks to 3 months. The cost of training is acceptable, in many cities from 5-10 thousand rubles. However, anyone who wants to know how to become a makeup artist should remember that a lot of money will have to be spent on professional cosmetics and makeup accessories.

First steps towards the profession of a makeup artist

Where to start learning professional make-up? It is widely believed among many recognized masters that it is very important to choose your first mentor correctly. You should look for it among teachers who continue to decorate everyone. Study in detail the portfolio of the artist you like. And if you like all of his work, without exception, it makes sense to meet in person. The easiest way is to visit a makeup artist as a model or client. By observing a master as he works, you can finally decide how much you like his style and whether you are ready to enroll as a student. If everything went perfectly, it's time to pay for the training course.

How to become a professional makeup artist from scratch, which training program to choose? If you are completely inexperienced, it makes sense to start with a basic course. During its passage, you will learn about the features of the skin, types of professional cosmetics and accessories used for its application. Practice is essential to successful training in this profession. Try to do makeup in your free time with relatives and friends. During these experiments, you can repeat the techniques practiced during the course and try something new.

Career guidance of a makeup artist

It is useful even during the beginning of training to determine exactly the desired field of activity. It is important to understand that completely different makeup artists work in theaters, at fashion shows and photo shoots. Do not forget about the masters who apply makeup to everyone in beauty salons, and the make-up artists involved in filming films and promotional videos. Professional makeup is used in many areas today. Moreover, each of them uses different styles and techniques of application. By choosing the desired training profile at the beginning of work, you can get the maximum amount of knowledge and skills that will really be useful to you in your work.

First purchases of a beginner beauty master

What does it take to become a makeup artist, is it enough to buy professional cosmetics and makeup accessories? Make-up stores offer a variety of cosmetics, brushes, and other related accessories. It is not always possible even for a professional to choose quickly everything you need in such a wide range. What should a beginner buy first?

Even if you are not constrained in finances, you should not mindlessly buy up cosmetics and accessories for professional makeup. Chances are good that most impulse purchases will never be unpacked. In the early stages of training, it will be enough to acquire only what your teacher advises. Gradually, you will understand which accessories and tools you like to work with the most.

Constant self-development within the chosen profession

Do not think that for successful work as a makeup artist, it is enough to take basic courses and get a diploma once. This is a profession that requires the constant development of a master. The secret of success lies in the interest in one's work and constant attendance at master classes and trainings. Do not forget that the beauty services industry offers us cosmetic innovations every year. At the same time, the fashion world dictates fresh trends every season. How to become a good makeup artist and always be in demand as a master? The answer is simple: you need to follow fashion trends and quickly learn to work with materials that are new to yourself. It is worth noting that many customers prefer to work with master generalists. This means that it is also useful for a make-up artist to learn the basics of hairdressing.

Where to go to work as a makeup artist?

You can start working as a makeup artist immediately after completing the course. It is important to understand that in this profession the real skills and talents of the master are valued, and not the number of diplomas and certificates. How to become a makeup artist, where to start your career? The easiest way for a beginner is to get a job in a beauty salon or modeling agency. There are similar organizations in every city, and from time to time they replenish their staff. Make-up artists and make-up artists are required from time to time in the theater, film crews and on television. It is difficult for a beginner with minimal experience to get a job in such a place.

For many novice beauty specialists, makeup remains a pleasant hobby for a certain period. Indeed, this profession can be combined with any other. Many of our compatriots like to do professional makeup before some important events with private masters. Start building your own portfolio while still learning. Create a business card site or social media groups. Such advertising on the Internet requires minimal investment and is quite effective.

Career prospects and real earnings

Asking the question of how to become a makeup artist, many girls dream of fame and high earnings. In fact, in order to work in the world of haute couture or to do makeup for celebrities, you must first gain experience and become a famous master. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to do wedding or evening makeup for “mere mortal” women every day. The work of a makeup artist also has its own routine. Some scope for creativity and personal expression is provided by cooperation with photographers and photo studios. This means that new acquaintances in this area are never superfluous and useless. What's especially nice is that many photo projects pay well. How much can a makeup artist make? Everything depends to a large extent on his abilities, hard work and fame.

How to become a professional makeup artist and earn decent money? Everything is quite simple: at the beginning of your career you need to agree to any invitations to cooperation and orders. Do not work only to your detriment. With the proper perseverance and professionalism, you will surely achieve success. It is difficult to talk about the average wage for this profession. One master earns no more than 15-20 thousand rubles a month, for another it is the minimum cost of 1 working day.

Pros and cons of the profession

With an interest in the world of beauty and fashion, the profession of a makeup artist can become a source of personal satisfaction and stable income. Someone takes courses in the basics of makeup in order to try something new and learn how to make beautiful makeup for yourself. For others, this profession becomes a real vocation and work of life. An important feature of the work of a makeup artist is an irregular work schedule. Be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to sit without work and independently look for new orders. While at other times you will barely get enough sleep. If this prospect does not scare you, you can safely enroll in courses and try something new for yourself. Nothing should stop you if you firmly decided: "I want to become a makeup artist!" How to start mastering this profession - you now know, we wish you creative and professional success!

After completing makeup courses, every makeup artist asks where to find clients and experience?

The first knowledge on attracting clients and communicating with them, as a rule, is given at the school of make-up. Therefore, it is very important to do it initially. One of the main duties of the teacher is to support the makeup artist without experience in the "first couple": a competent specialist will always give advice on finding clients, promoting services in social networks, and, of course, will help with self-determination, namely, he will tell you which direction is better to choose, consecrating all of it advantages and disadvantages. In our school, a whole lesson is devoted to this topic as part of the basic course.

Participate in activities

Some schools provide support to their students after graduation, involving them in practice - for example, participating as a master at fashion shows, Halloween parties or city holidays. For example, the Beautypro Academy school often attracts its graduates to participate in one of the largest holidays in Europe - Scarlet Sails. This allows a novice makeup artist to feel a real working atmosphere, make contacts and build a good portfolio, and then find clients.

Make connections

In addition to practice, it is also useful for a novice makeup artist to promote his services among relatives and friends: you can make up your sister for a wedding or your girlfriend for a fashionable party. If the guests like the created image, they will definitely ask who the author is. This is how your customer network will grow.

In addition, cooperation with photographers will be useful - offer first to participate in the shooting for the sake of experience, and then, if both parties are happy with the result, next time the work will be done for a fee. Make friends with models and bloggers: they lead a secular lifestyle, from time to time they need a makeup artist who will be able to create this or that image. And a significant part of subscribers will certainly go from the reporting photos to the marked link to your profile, so be ready and post your best work on the network.

Work on yourself

Earned royalties should first be spent on advanced training. It is not necessary to immediately run to a master class of a top make-up artist, it is enough to master, for example, a profession or learn, in addition to makeup, to do hair as well. This will allow you to become a sought-after master due to the ability to create a coherent image, which is especially valuable for .

Search on social media

You can also find a job as a makeup artist without experience in specialized groups on social networks, where either administrators or users post job advertisements themselves and are looking for professionals for weddings and filming. Also, keep an eye out for vacancies on the websites of professional cosmetics stores. Working in them will allow you to better understand the products of your favorite brand, gain experience and get a steady income, until you set off on a free voyage.

Remember that reaching a professional level will require a lot of work and constant learning. And do not take on projects that you will regret participating in later - choose, this is your professional path, and you should work to improve your qualifications, and not grab any opportunity to practice or earn money.

One of the most interesting and exciting professions in the beauty industry is, of course, a make-up artist. This specialist is responsible for creating the image using various makeup techniques and cosmetic "tools". Appeared back in the 16th century, make-up masters have now retrained themselves as successful makeup artists who often earn very serious money.

Conditions and features of the work of a makeup artist

What is the profession?

A make-up artist is not only a specialist who is well versed in the properties of skin, creams and cosmetics. This is an artist who professionally paints his "pictures" on their faces.

A professional can easily “eliminate” pimples and freckles on the face, emphasize all the advantages, turn the ugly duckling into a beauty from a glossy cover and make the client believe that he is irresistible. Therefore, a makeup artist is also a psychologist.

Depending on the duties performed, this profession is divided into separate areas:

  • Makeup master. This specialist deals exclusively with "Make Up": applies cosmetics, hides flaws, emphasizes "charisma". Often, such makeup artists are called to weddings and photo shoots, various holidays and other events where professional bright makeup is required.
  • Make-up stylist. Here we are talking not only about cosmetics, but about creating an image in general. The specialist forms the client's image and then (as a rule) supports it.
  • Makeup artist-cosmetologist. But this specialist will not only find the most beneficial image for the client, but will also select the most effective skin care products. Of course, such a master will not be able to work with only one "crust" of make-up courses - a beautician certificate is required.

The main task of the makeup artist - make customers happy and beautiful. Moreover, in our time there are practically no restrictions in work - absolutely any person can be made beautiful.

Make-up is not limited to the application of cosmetics alone: \u200b\u200bit includes care for the skin, eyelashes, lips, as well as painting and building, permanent makeup, etc.

Working conditions: what is it like working as a makeup artist?

Most often, representatives of the profession work indoors - standing or sitting - therefore, the work is considered quite hard, with a serious load on the musculoskeletal system.

The work is very active, it requires constant communication with people, mobility, the ability to apply skills in any situation and with any clients.

Contraindications to work as a makeup artist:

  1. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Addiction to alcohol, drugs.
  5. Decreased visual acuity.
  6. Dermatological diseases and chronic infectious diseases.
  7. Allergy.

Of the advantages of the profession, the following can be noted:

  • Solid fees (approx. - from professionals).
  • Constant communication with people, new connections, the opportunity to work with celebrities.
  • Creative activity.
  • The ability to travel around the country and the world.
  • The demand for the profession.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to the profession:

  • Work on the legs and, as a result, varicose veins, stress on the spine.
  • High competition. There are many makeup artists today, and it is quite difficult to get to the stars.
  • It will not be possible to gain a foothold in the profession if the novice craftsman is unattractive in appearance, sloppy, unable to find an approach to the client, and is allergic to cosmetic products.
  • Working with irregular schedules. It's one thing if you work in a beauty salon on schedule, and quite another if you ride with a film crew around the country.

Professional skills and qualities

The main requirements regarding the personal qualities of a makeup artist include:

  1. The ability to focus for a long time.
  2. Creative thinking, rich imagination.
  3. Accuracy of the eye, excellent memory and a sense of harmony.
  4. Cleanliness.
  5. Accuracy, patience and initiative.
  6. Tactfulness and benevolence.

Professional qualities include:

  • Sociability, the ability to quickly win over the client.
  • Developed artistic abilities.
  • Color perception.
  • The presence of figurative memory and thinking.
  • A sense of symmetry, precision, harmony.

Also, the makeup artist should know ...

  1. The basics of makeup techniques and hair styling.
  2. Colors and style combinations.
  3. The range of cosmetic products, their texture and purpose, indications and contraindications.
  4. All innovations in the beauty industry.
  5. Client psychology.
  6. Assortment of working tools and preparations, their combination.
  7. Fundamentals of Fine Arts.

Makeup Artist Salary and Career

Make-up technique alone is not enough for successful work and quick climbing the career ladder.

You need to be an extremely sociable and creative person with an attractive appearance - well-groomed, neat, benevolent.


The most solid earnings usually start from spring to mid-autumn.

However, in beauty salons and show business, good masters are in demand all year round.


There is no career ladder, in the literal sense of the word, in this profession (unless in a very large corporation). It all depends on the talent and professionalism of the master. The more clients, the louder the word of mouth, the higher the income.

The pinnacle of a career is recognition, your "name" in the stellar environment, your own school or beauty salon.

In general, the steps of a “career” are work from home, a gradual expansion of the circle of clients, work in a salon, work on TV, in the theater or in the film industry, work in show business, master classes of international level.


An average foreman in a metropolis has a salary of no more than 40,000-50,000 rubles / month, in the regions it is 10-15 thousand rubles.

As for the "star" makeup, for each "session", the makeup artist, on average, receives 300-1000 American "Washington".

Where to study to be a makeup artist?

The future masters receive basic knowledge in courses and in professional / educational institutions, as well as in schools and beauty studios, in special training centers.

Upon admission, the following specialties are selected:

  1. Makeup basics.
  2. Hairdressing.
  3. Stylist, makeup artist.
  4. Theatrical and decorative art.

Where to go to study?

The most prestigious are:

  • State Technological University in Penza.
  • Social and Pedagogical Institute in the capital.
  • State University named after H.M. Berbekov in Kabardino-Balkaria.
  • Ural Academy of Architecture and Art.
  • College LOKON in St. Petersburg.
  • State University of Technology and Design in St. Petersburg.

And also schools of makeup artists:

  • Vladimir Kalinchev Make-up Studio.
  • And ICON FACE.

Finding a job as a makeup artist from scratch

If you have already trained with family and friends, have acquired your own base of regular customers, and you and your talent are regularly invited to various events, you can start by looking for work in ...

  1. Hairdressers and beauty salons.
  2. In theaters and film / television studios.
  3. In fashion agencies (or in model ones).
  4. In beauty corners.
  5. In image creation companies.
  6. And you can also start your own home business.

True, work experience is required from 1 year, examples of work are required, and there is only one chance for an interview. And they are greeted there by their clothes!

What to remember when starting your job search?

  • We start with a portfolio. Ideal if you have your own website with your works, articles and tips. Photos with your work should be attached according to the "before and after" scheme of your magic hands.
  • An ideal starting point is a beauty salon. Here the client himself "floats" into your hands. All that remains is the competent promotion and advertising of your services. An important point: the client should be able to contact you at any time, and not just by appointment.
  • Do not shy away from TFP projects. This is a good experience and a chance to expand business ties.
  • Don't forget the newspapers! Yes, yes, and there, too, many give (or look for) the numbers of the masters. It is better to advertise immediately in a large digest - well-written and credible. And, naturally, regularly!
  • We also use the Internet to the maximum : your business card site, specialized forums, message boards, "beauty" sites, etc.
  • Master related services. For example, eyelash extension, eyebrow shaping, permanent make-up, etc. The more you can do, the wider your possibilities and the higher the demand for you.
  • Build contacts with good photographers, with employees of wedding salons, with models, florists, etc. First, they are useful to you, and secondly, they can advertise you to their clients. Make business contacts, advertise yourself, increase your chances of success with any available tools.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment , do not sit still, fill your hand - constantly move forward. One of the options is freelance (work on order and with a visit to the client). It is on regular trips (weddings, graduations, photo shoots) that the accuracy and subtlety of movements, technicality are worked out, that very important experience is acquired.
  • Look for an opportunity to study from famous masters.
  • Always charge for work. Even if it's your girlfriend. Even if it is 15 rubles, any work must certainly be paid. Starting to work with clients, in an adult way, immediately set the price for yourself. Not too high, but not too penny. Analyze the prices in this segment and find your sweet spot.
  • Please be patient. Glory does not come immediately, you have to work hard.
  • And stock up on tools. Be prepared to shell out for quality tools and cosmetics.

Improve, gain experience every day, and never give up. Success only comes to those who don't give up.

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