All about contracts. Illegal activities in EVE Online have three types of fees for contract creators

Other 18.11.2020
→ → illegal activities in EVE Online

We all know what to deceive or make unlawful actions in MMO games are not good. For many misconduct, the administration of the game can ban a glowing player. Now I will not touch the bots, issuing myself for the administration of the server and other actions leading to the blocking of your favorite account. I want to mention that the developers themselves call "game interaction". This is an article on conditionally allowed crimes in Eva. The developers do not shine you for them, although you can make enemies in the game itself.

Hamming: And dirty affairs give net profit.

Bamming is the sale of things in a deliberately greater price than their real cost. At the same time, there is both "brazen" bembling, where a person loses its money completely and "tricky bembol", where the profit is about 30-40% and the seller is particularly nothing to reproach.

Naturally, if you just put a piece of tritanium for the market for 1 billion - no one will buy it with you. However, in addition to the usual market, there is a graph of the so-called contracts. There are selling things that cannot be put on the market. For example, you want to sell the ship you already unnecessary to you, but it's a misfortune: there are already expensive Riga on it, which do not remove, and if the ship is forgotten (make it possible to sell it in the market), then expensive equipment will simply burn. How to be? The answer is simple - the contract will allow you to sell the already collected ship. Also, contracts allow you to exchange things on each other or put a request for shipping to the place you need.

Of course, with such a system, there are many options for scam and fraud. First, we will look at the "brazen" bembling. Now the opportunity for him has become less, but still they remained. Previously, many icons did not differ, because to sell a copy of the drawing under the type of origin was very easy. It was also possible under the guise of a fractional ship to sell the usual one. Now the icons differ, because such scamming options practically do not bring income. Of course, no one will prevent you from trying. Sometimes there are people who are underway.

The most common scheme of the "contract of another type" is most common. Of course, the person does not always have the necessary product in the hangar, but often this can work with popular types of ships. In the chat, some person claims to be ready to sell something good for half. And gives a reference to the contract. The link itself was already configured, so the type of contract in the chat will be displayed as a contract for sale. Only from the inside will notice that the type of contract is different. As a result, instead of buying a spare Raven, you sell your ship by a fraudster. Or get a contract for the transportation of this product in distant zeros, a gigantic penalty is attached to the addition, which you pay upon the failure to comply with the contract (and the contract is made so that it is not completed). This is how "arrogant bench" is made. Any inattentive person can get to such such. To conduct a similar pattern is also simpler simple.

It is quite another thing - "smart bench". To make a contract of necessary type, you need to be well oriented at current market prices. This scam looks like this: in the contract there is a wild bunch of unrelated things. For example, ship, Rig, drawing, a piece of space, a pair of modules, a dozen different components. Sold everything only pack. At the same time, valuable positions there are not so many, all other goods are a penny. As a result, the player who saw that besides the ship, which is not much more expensive than in the market, he is also offered and a bunch of incomprehensible, but surely valuable things, happily buys a contract ... and overpays the seller, for the rest of the goods other than the ship and the drawing stands extremely few. The victim is difficult to prevent some claims to the seller. The goods are obtained, and the price was honest. For such an option, the scam is required to understand the current market prices and find a product that will look solid with a century-free price. Very good in this regard, MET2 modules and meta3 or some cheap and no one needed fractional mat.

In the contract environment, the third option of AFER meets. Conditionally you can call them "test for greed." A sinker puts a contract for transportation. In the contract - closed, but not a saved container. The one who puts the contract for the carriage can assign the size of the so-called collateral - the pledge of the cost of cargo, which the carrier issues the contractor for a time until the cargo is transported. If the cargo does not reach the target on time - then the deposit is not returned. The goods remain with the carrier, and the compiler remains money.

And here there are 2 subtleties. If the container is included in the transportation - then the carrier cannot be opened. Opening automatically fails.

The case is for small - to put a reasonable collateral, put a low price for distant transportation and put something cheap in the container.

If you have accomplices, you can make sure that the contract will not be fulfilled. Just needed - to put a seductive price and send a person to calm, but deadly lousheys. Your friends will take care that the cargo does not reach the goal. Maybe even a mud with an unlucky trucker will be diluted. I note that this is the type of scam, which is risked not only for the "client", but also for the most of the screw.

Afilary on the market bring scammers not very stable, but high income. It's easy to protect against them. Just need to carefully read contracts, and do not press the button faster thoughts. Yes, contracts are sometimes intercepted, but it is much better to stay "at their own" than to lose the part of the capital due to someone's deception. This is a good method of obtaining claims for sale without a grueling pharmacy.

Quietly stripped and left - called "found"

The second variation of the criminal path, which I want to tell you, is theft of the corporation and hijacking ships. This method is quite long, but the profit from it is colossal. The essence of this method is almost completely disclosed in the most popular video "Revenge" from the developers. In order to implement such a crime, it is necessary to find a newcomer corporation or for a long time to achieve confidence. The essence of the method is quite simple: fit into the corporation, rub in trust, we receive rights and assign everything to which we can reach. So that there were no special misunderstandings, I will tell you a little about the management of corporations in Eva.

There are many ranks in any corporation. The titles are needed not only for a tick, the chief of the corporation has the right to set various tolerances for each title. It can be access to a corporate hangar, a purse corp, the ability to turn on and off modules and a field of Posov - what is there, even the ability to write in the corporate chat can be blocked. It is for the sake of access to part of these functions, fraudsters come to the corporation.

You should not count on the fact that you immediately access the main resources of the corporation or her wallet. For someone who decided to choose a similar path, it is most often important access to the inclusion of the disption of modules on the stacks. If you turn off the module - it can be shown and rejected by part of what was kept. You can throw off the ships from the seeding hangar, and from the warehouse to get the let, accumulated by months of heavy farm. If you have accomplices - they will help you to catch several ships at once.

I will tell you the case from my practice. In one system, where I chased the mission, a certain random person appeared and began to propose to rob in the general chat with his corporation, they say, they acted him. Polas stood in Wormhol, because there were no wishing to get something on the dammer. And I thought that I would not lose anything, having agreed on this adventure. The clone was new and implants in it stood cheap. In the hole itself, I decided on Nubship ... The decision is made - and here we are in the fleet. Half an hour was taken to shoot the tower itself and removing the modules from it. From this campaign, I dragged 2 battlers, a full Hindu of the Lute (including 2 fractional modules for Posov), some drawings. For half an hour, I earned about 700 million. Despite the fact that the most expensive ships I did not know how to drive, and they had to be shot. Otherwise, profit would be a billion more than.

The hijackers have tremendous income, but to establish relationships with the corporation, the search for new victims and getting the right to go often to the month. Naturally, you should not forget that the enemies of such a method you will be caught a lot.

Imperial fun

There lives a lot of people in Haysec, who has never seen PVP in life, and does not seek. These people calmly chase missions, dig ore, traded, produce and explore. They consider themselves safe. But it is not. And this can earn. I will say right away, in order to nightmare imperial pveshniki, you will need a corporation where you will have at least a dozen like-minded people with good skills and skills to fight. Consider two methods earnings.

The first method I want to tell you about, - suicide Ganges. In a recent article, you could read about trading in various hubs and the transport of values \u200b\u200bfrom one corner of the Empire to another. Single rich traders often forget about their safety. For example, they travel along the empire alone and on autopilot. This is just a sin not to take advantage of self a criminal. Most often, suicidians are hunting for single targets with a very expensive cargo. Depending on the purpose, you will need from 1 to 10-15 battlers capable of issuing a serious volley damag. The goal should be destroyed from the first volley. Concord will often won't give the second.

In addition to the killers themselves, you will need a nükhach - a man on a small ship that will watch the cargo flying by traders. This person needs to be installed 3 modules: Passive Targeting System, Cargo Scanner, SHIP Scanner. It is these modules that will allow to appreciate the fitting and the cargo of the merchant, in order to understand whether it is worth attacking it. Usually Nyukhach is in 2-3 jumps to the ambush. The killers are going to the right gates only after the goal is scheduled. Hangors hanging near the gate cause suspicion. There is a non-zero chance that someone will decide to warn all the oncomes.

Gaming currency in Eve Online is ISK, claims, as they are called. Earnings on shipping - one of the peaceful ways to enjoy the game, or make money on pumping the character and buying a more expensive and good ship.

Prerequisites for starting

To make money in this way, you need to have a starting capital - to buy a cargo ship and for the purchase of goods. It is also necessary to navigate in the cost of various items, know Market.

In addition, it is necessary to have a high level of skills:

  • pump trading (section Trade);
  • deal with marketing (section Marketing);
  • be able to control cargo ships (sections Industrial Ships and SpaceShip Command).

Choosing a cargo ship, pay attention to those whose large hold - for example, Iteron Mark V.

The essence of the earnings of lawsuits by cargo transportation

You can trade with:

  • NPC - non-player characters;
  • live players.

Trading with NPC, you can go two ways: public courier contracts and alliance delivery. Public contracts are paid not very high, there are bad routes and risks to lose freter. Advantage - You work only on yourself. Find a good contract cheaper, find a place where these items can be sold more expensive - and make a profit.

Public courier contracts are profitable, because in some regions of a certain product, it is very much cheap, and in others - there is great demand for it, and the price is higher. Many players are easier to pay more expensive than to look for profitable options for several jamps.

Nuance such freight - you can know the price of only the region in which you are. To monitor the cost of various items on the market, you need to plant second characters (alt) in other regions.

To increase the safety of independent travel, you need to use beech and all dangerous areas pass by hand, and not on autopilot.

When conducting trade, it is worth focusing on the most sought-after trade subjects: ammunition, fuel for refueling, equipment for ships. The market is self-regulated depending on the demand and suggestions. Therefore, you need to be ready for risks.

Alliance delivery will suit the pumling freight. Working with large alliances and having a jump-wagon, for one half-hour delivery you can earn yourself on a plex. The minus of this option is to work with alliances in which great competition for orders, or too few orders.

Trade with live players also has its own risks. You can buy a batch of goods, and arriving at the destination to find that someone got faster, sold similar items, the demand in place decreased, and the price also fell. You can get out of the position by purchasing a special order for sale and putting the desired cost in it. Sooner or later the price grows up to the desired level, and buyers will be found.

If you do not have large capital, which in cargo transportation is problematic to earn a lot. For a good profit, you need a TECH level ship 2. Alternative - trade in large trading systems: Jita, Yulai, Rens.

To make money on cargo transportation in Eve Online, you need to understand the market, pump skills for trading and managing the ship. Also important is the size of the starting capital to buy goods and the ship. Having invested the purchase of the ship, you will be able to reach the desired level, pump missing skills and proceed to trade. If you need a gaming currency from a reliable and official supplier - the GreedyDwarf team will help you. We care about our customers, because I credit Gold for 5-10 minutes.

What are contracts and how do they work?

The contract system is a controlled mechanism for corporations and players to formalize workers agreements with each other, providing an intuitive path in the management of commercial transactions supported by the market. Auctions, exchange of objects, loans and courier tasks will be the first types of contracts presented in EVE. Contracts will be an invaluable mechanism for managing a corporation, allowing tasks and missions to be created and accessible at any time.

Skills and roles

Each (except for the trial of users) the player was allocated initially one active contract. Active contract - a contract that did not accept anyone. For example, the courier mission, which no one has taken another auction, which has not ended at the proposed price. To increase the number of active contracts, buy the CONTRACTING skill. Each levell skill gives a +3 contract, that is, at 5m you can use 16 contracts, it is a maximum for one player. Keep in mind that there is no restriction on the number of completed contracts or existing contracts (such as the accepted courier mission)

Corporation contracts

Contracts - an extremely useful tool for managing the corporation. In order to create contracts on behalf of your corporation, you need the role of Contract Manager in your corporation. If you have this role, you can manage contracts exhibited on your corporation and formalize contract acceptance. The contract manager of one corporation exhibits a contract on behalf of his corporation, and the contract manager of another corporation accepts this contract on behalf of his corporation. Contract managers of any corporation can manipulate contracts - such as completing them or declare them unsuccessful (Failure).

You can have one active contract on behalf of your corporation without a skill requirement. To increase the number of active corporate contracts, you will need Corporation Contracting skill, which increases the number of contracts created by you on behalf of your corporation for 10 skill levels. At 5m, you can support 50 contracts on behalf of your corporation.

By clicking on the Contracts button (Contracts) on the Neozom panel, you will see the main window with three bookmarks. On the starting tab, how many contracts will be specified, and your current contracts will be shown if there are such. On the middle tab, "My Contracts" you can view the story of all your contracts. On the "Available Contracts" tab, you can view contracts that are currently available. Below you can read more detailed information on how to create, manage and for which you can use contracts.

Creating a contract

Create a contract is very easy, but a little obliging. You will need at least 100 thousand ISK as a returned deposit, to create a public contract. If you do not have a skill Contracting, you can create only one active contract, after completion, which you can create a new one. If you learn CONTRACTING skill, it will allow you to increase the number of contracts exhibited. To create a contract you are not necessarily located in the station dock, but it is necessary that the subject you want to expose in the contract was in your hangar at any station.

1. Choosing a contract type

To create a contract, click Contracts (Contracts) on your gear panel. You will see the main contract management window. Click Create Contract (Create Contract) at the top of the window to start the wizard. Now you are on the first of 4 pages of "contract creation". Here you can choose the type of contract you want to create and for whom it will be designed. If you have the role of a contract manager in the corporation you will have a Chekbox "in favor of the Corporation" those this contract Created for your corporation using corporate assets.

The "AVAILABILITY" will be asked 2 options:

  • Public (Public). This contract is visible to everyone in the region where it has been created. (Approx. You do not need to be in the region where the contract is set. You can choose an item from any hangar in the Eva Universe)
  • Private (Personal)

Here you can create a contract visible for any Sokorpovtsa in your corporation or alliance, as well as for any other player or corporation. (Approx. You cannot create a contract that you see in your corporation if you are in the Corporation's NPC). Personal contract has no regional restrictions and can be accepted anywhere in the Universe Eva. Loan (Loan) and FreeForm (free form) These types of contracts can only be personal.

One of the advantages of contracts is that taxes with them are paid by factions for the placement of Public contracts. However, the number of those who will see your contract may not be so great.
For more specific information on the type of contracts, see the chapter below.
(In this example, consider creating a public auction)

2. Selection of objects

In this menu you choose what you will be set in the contract. Choose a station on which there is a subject of the contract (put a check mark on the subject of the subject). All types of contracts except Freeform have the same paragraph 2. In most cases you need to choose the subject of the contract. In the case of a contract type "Item Exchange", you will not have to select the subject (s) here, but you will need to specify the station on which there is an item you want to exchange under the contract where another player will place the subject (s) He will exchange with you under the contract.

Once you choose a station (and hangar, if it is a corporation contract), a list with objects appear. If you are currently at the station, the list of items will be automatically taken from your hangar, otherwise you will have to select the station.

Having highlighting several items in the stack in the hangar and by clicking the right click on them you can disconnect them - "Split Stack" - in order to include a smaller amount of things in the contract created. By creating a public contract only from one subject in it will be the name and type of item, if there are two or more items, "Multiple Items" will be indicated.

Be careful. When you choose a non-packaged ship you lose insurance on it, when creating a contract, all the equipment that is in it appears in the contract list. Plyow such objects in the contract you will be warned. Once you have chosen the auction object, click Next.

3. Settings

This is the last step in which you enter information. In this step, various information is entered for each type of contract, for the auction field you enter the starting price (Starting BID) and the AUTION Time (AUTION TIME) - by default 1 day. The rest of the fields are not required, although it would be nice to put a redemption (buying the price) price at auction, and you can also enter a description of the subject of the contract in the Description field. Before creating an auction, you can learn contracts for the price of you to find out the actual cost of the item starting from the basic price (base price) that you can exhibit, although it does not always display the real value of the subject. Auction time ("AUTION TIME") - factor affecting the number of money that you have to pay for a contract broker; The more time, the more you have to pay.

4. Confirmation

Before pressing Finish always carefully check all the information you entered. For a public auction, the following fields of Sales Tax, Broker's Fee and Deposit will be displayed. Broker's Fee and Deposit is held with your account immediately when you press Finish. Sales Tax is held with you if the auction was completed successfully and you return the deposit. If the auction ended unsuccessfully, and no one bought your subject with you, the deposit is not refundable.

As soon as you click "Finish" the contract will be created and the window will be shown. You can see your contract in the MY Contracts tab in the Contracts window (Contracts). To do this, make sure that all filters are set to "Issued By", Owner - [Your character's name], Status - "Outstanding", Contract Type - "Auction", after clicking "Get Contracts". If the contract was created in the same region in which you are now, you can see it in the contracts "Available Contracts" tab, but if you did not find it there you can always see it in My Contracts.

As soon as the auction is completed, it does not matter or not, you will be notified via the Journal logbook "Contracts -\u003e Requires Attention". If the auction was successfully completed, go to the contract and click "Get Money" to complete the auction (or in the log on the contract through Right click from the drop-down menu), and if there were no bets according to your contract, delete this contract to get back the subject exposed in the contract.

View and accept constructs

The main interface of the contracts is located in the "Available Contracts" tab. From here, using filters you can choose the types of contracts that you are interested. Since the list of contracts can be very large, filters will help you save time when viewed in search of the right one. Each page displays 100 contracts, you can use the viewing buttons to view them. Pages are formed by contract creation time, the first page contains the last 100 newly created contracts. You can sort each page using the "Sort Each Page by" drop-down menu using the "View" drop-down menu. You can limit the number of results according to your location or personal contracts. If you sell the ship for example, you are not particularly interested in courier contracts, you can filter out the results by type "Type" auction "AUCTION" or exchange of Item Exchange items.

If you choose "suitable" - "Affordable", only those contracts that you personally will be adopted will be shown. This may have been a bit unreliable for auctions, since only the starting offer of the price is used as a determinant. When specifying the minimum price, it will also help you cut off unnecessary results. For example, if you buy a ship, at a price of 50mallions, you will be displayed, starting at the minimum price for the contract.

Use the "NOT Issued By" filter to filter unwanted people and corporations. This is a good mechanism against "spammers". You can put many character-in-corporations in this list, separating their comma. You will need to enter the first few letters of the name and system, after which you will be issued a selection list. The same settings apply to "Issued by". Remember that these two options are mutually exclusive if you have made several names to "Not Issued By" But when searching for contracts Introduced the "Issued By" the contract will be shown.

Types of contracts

There are 5 main types of contracts. Some of them are available for everyone, and part only for personal contracts. When you create a contract you install the expiration time of the contract. The expiration time varies for each type of contracts, but also the price (approx. Nations) varies depending on the expiration date.

1. Auction (AUCTION)

This type of contract allows you to set an item (several items) to auction, configure it can be specified by the minimum and redemption prices. You can also choose the time of the expiration of the auction 1 day (default), 3 days or 1 week. The rest of the players cannot see how much time it remains until the end of your auction, they will see only x days, x hours or less than an hour "Less Than An Hour."

When you create auction, put real targets. For example, if you sell Raven, the minimum price of which is 200 million ISK, it is unlikely that someone wants to acquire it, but you will not be returned to the deposit deposit.

Here 10% is the minimum rate on which it is possible to increase the price. For example, if the starting price was 1 million, and at the current time the price is 1.6 million, the next minimum rate will be 1,7million (or if the redemption contract price has been indicated). Up to the end of the auction left 15 minutes and at that time it was The bid was made, the auction is extended for another 15 minutes.

When the auction time is to end, it does not matter what result, you can see it in Journal-\u003e Contracts "Requires Your Attention". If the contract ended to no avail, there were no bets, you can delete it (delete) and get back the displayed item, or get Money, if there were bets (Get The Money). In the latter case, you will be returned to the deposit, and also will be recorded in the history of your contracts, unsuccessful auctions are not entered into history.

If your bid at the auction turned out to be the highest, you will also be informed about it in "Requires Attention" with a note about the winning auction "You Won This Auction", by opening the contract, click "Get item" ("Get Items") for the end of the auction. The subject will be delivered to you in the hangar (or be in delivery (deliveries) of your corporation) at the station specified in the contract.

If your bet was killed, in a contract that has not yet ended, you will also be notified via "Requires Attention" in the journal. This will be marked as "You Have Been Outbid", opening the contract you can make a new bet. If your bet has been interrupted or you lost auction, then the amount you want will be returned to the wallet, warnings will appear in the "Requires Attention" log until the auction end or you do not give up (right click on the contract) "Dismiss".

Public auctions are available only in the region in which they are created. If you started to participate in the auction, but then they left the region and confused your bet, you will have to go back to continue to participate in it further.

You can always keep a list of auctions in which you currently participate by selecting in the Bid On BI "magazine interface.

2. Item Exchange (Item Exchange)

This type of contracts gives you the opportunity to exchange your item Iii money to another item Iii money. When you create a contract of this type, you choose what you want to sell. Even if you do not want to sell anything, you will still need to specify the station in which the player who took your contract will leave the subject of interest to you.

There is an opportunity to put a contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can offer money or get money and subject, but not both things. For example, you can set to exchange Raven on Megathron with a surcharge of 5 minutes of ISK. You can also use this type of contract to buy an item. For example, in this type of contract you can offer 95 million ISK in exchange for Raven. Remember when you set your ship in this contract. His insurance will be canceled, no matter how to end your contract.

3. Courier contracts (Courier)

You can create an express type of contract so that someone has been transported for you subject (s). The subject (s) will be placed in the box that the contractor agrees to deliver from point A to point B. For delivery you install the reward in case of successful delivery and deposit, if the cargo is not delivered to cover your expenses. But there is a restriction of 120 thousand m3 for one courier delivery, the contractor can also look into your package and can potentially steal your parcel, but it will lose a deposit. It is necessary to set a deposit in such a way as to cover the losses in the event of an unforeseen parcel loss.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can set the time during which the Contractor will be obliged to deliver your cargo after making a mission. As soon as the time has expired, as the result can click - not fulfilled - "FAIL" - at any time. Note, this does not mean that the contract was unsuccessful automatically, and you can provide the contractor to some additional time if you come with him to consent.
It does not matter with anyone a contract with a corporation or a player, the Contractor needs to make the parcel in his personal hangar before clicking Completing the Contract.

4. Loan (Loan)

You can give a loan to any player, corporation or alliance with the money Izli. You can set as the price and the deposit that will be charged from the contractor who has been agreed with the "Money Lent". You can also choose to lend money or install a deposit, but not both. This is done so as to reduce confusion, because installing the deposit and licking the money all the process loses any meaning.

You can prevent the total amount of ISK by setting this type of contract, but do not forget that the amount will be kept with you when you confirm the transaction without completion. For example, if you occupy someone 10 million and agree to accept 100 thousand as payment. Thus, the Contractor will receive 10 million with the consent of this contract (100 thousand are held immediately) it will have to return 10.1 million when the contract will be completed. You will not be able to set any kind of deposit with loans for money, so think about how well you trust this person, giving money money. Also, this type of contracts, after its creation between two individuals, will not be displayed in the history of contracts.

You can also give a debt the items that you own, starting with minerals and ending with fully equipped (reflected) ships.

If you give a loan, the subject of which will be the ship, all modules installed on it will be suitable after the transaction. It is very important to note that giving the insured ship as a loan, you will not receive insurance compensation if the ship will be lost (destroyed) while it is loan, insurance will receive the contractor as the main insurance pay for the lost ship.

However, if your corporation is constantly the insured ship to any character in a corporation or another corporation of your Alliance, the corporation will receive insurance pay, and the contractor will not receive anything. This means that if the ship was destroyed, and the corporation, which gives a loan, will receive insurance pay. Therefore, the corporation might take a deposit below the cost of the dried ship, taking into account the insurance price and the price of installed equipment. This can be applied between corporations under certain agreements. This action is not acceptable to the projected corporations outside their alliance!

If any object (any equipment installed on the ship) will be lost during the loan time, the contractor can replace it with a similar one. For example, Cruise Missile Launcher, which was installed on the ship taken as a loan was installed on another ship or lost, then the contractor needs to buy a new and install on the ship and thus "complete" »Complete» Contract loan, but if lost Raven contract The contractor will not be able to complete the contract.

As a loan, copies of the drawings cannot be made, but the originals can be used, but the corporation that will receive this drawing will be able to make copies.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

5. Free Form (FreeForm)

The free form of contracts can be created for both a certain person and corporations. The free form of contracts can be used to manage your corporation.

When you create a free type of contract, you can install both a reward and pledge. When the contract adopted a deposit (if installed) holds from the contractor and is saved in a safe place). How the contractor only marks the contract as successfully completed "Completed SuccessFully" is returned to the contractor and the reward is paid. However, if the contract maker will notice the contract as a failed "failed", it will receive a deposit and return the money that pointed out in the award.

Confidential relationship entirely unilaterally in this type of contracts. The creator has complete control over the contract. The contractor may mark the contract as complete "finished", but this is not quite the case until the contract maker confirm this.

Therefore, be careful, taking such contracts from people unfamiliar to you.

The free form of contracts mainly has only a block of text and fill it with a tedious occupation, for those who create a large number of monotonous contracts to write them again and again, save the template of your contract in the notebook, after which you can copy it to a new contract. It is not bad to have several templates to manage their corporation contracts.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

Rules for placement of items in contracts

  • You cannot post damaged items in any type of contracts.
  • If you exhibit the insured ship to auction or in exchange of objects, insurance will be canceled
  • The borrower can be returned by identical equipment that was employed with the exception of ships
  • Agreed to the courier contract can look inside the container, which they are carrying without exemption from the contract. But they can also steal objects in the parcel (but this certainly does the contract unfinished).
  • Insurance will be returned to the corporation from the reproach, if the ship transferred as a loan was destroyed while he was at a member of the corporation. Corporation maybe
  • install low deposit than it can be. It does not apply to other loans and insurance, if you give your ship another person in the loan.
  • Copies of the drawings cannot be transferred as collateral

Fitness, visibility and history (Availability, Visibility and History)

Contracts can be both public and created for a particular person, corporation, alliance. You can create a contract with any subject in any of your hangar in the Universe Eva

Public (Public)
Public contracts are based on the regions and can be available only within the region (placement of rates). As soon as the contract is completed (for example, a won public auction), the contract will become visible in your history of contracts;

Personal (Private)
If the contract was for a specific person, he and the Creator will be able to consider this contract (the representative may reject the contract if he chooses). The player can consider and take a contract despite the region. The representative can accept the contract directly or on behalf of its corporation.

Corporation Contract (Corporation)
A contract that is intended for the corporation can accept anyone in a corporation or corporation directly. Each member of the Corporation will be able to see the contract while it acts. After he was completed, each in the corporation will be able to watch it as part of the history of the contract created and the actual part. If you leave the corporation, you will not have any more access to this story. It is very important to note that in the contracts of the alliance anyone in the corporation can accept the contract, not only the corporation, which I was addressed to the contract.

If you want the contract to be accepted only by the Corporation, assign one of your contract managers for this, he will be able to accept this contract on behalf of your corporation.

Alliance (Alliance)
You can appoint a contract to your alliance that works, as well as intended for the corporation, except that each member of each corporation belonging to the Alliance will be able to consider this contract.

The Journal
The magazine is an important tool for anyone who is engaged in contracts. From there you can watch all contracts that are in the progress in which you or your corporation are or your corporation, or at the moment work. You can also see a list of all contracts that require your attention.

If your personal contract or any of the contracts of your corporation has expired, requires your attention or completed, it will be shown at the bottom of the Contracts Table in the log interface (Journal). If you click on this link, you will be shown the entire list of contracts requiring your intervention (attention ).

There are several different states of contracts that will be displayed in the list requiring your attention "Requires Attention"

The contract did not interest anyone and the invisible more for others. You will have to remove it, it treats all types of contracts.

Belated (OverDue)
This refers to loans, courier and free-form contracts. A number of days have passed, after the time settled for the contract has expired, but the contractor did not note it as a complete. The contractor can click on the contract in the journal and complete (finish) it, if it meets the criteria. He may also not do (Fail) of this. The crew of the contract can also close it as not done (FAIL), but it is required that he does not do so yet; He can give a contractor a little more time without taking any measures (those give to complete the contract).

Auction completed (AUTION HAS FINISHED)
The auction creator will see this message when the contract was successfully completed. It is necessary to open a contract and click Get Money to complete the contract.

Your Bet Catching (You Have Been Outbid On An Auction)
If you are in the region, too, where and the auction you can put a new price, or you will have to fly to the region where the contract is located.

You won an auction (You have Won An Auction)
The auction ended (expired or you bought) and you have not received the subject, open the contract and click Get Items (s) "Get Items" to complete the contract.

Taxes and Deposit (Taxes and Deposit)
Basic contract price - maximum price and reward. Only public contracts are subject to these fees with the exception of Broker's Fee (brokerage fees), which are fixed 10,000 ISK for personal contracts. Taxes with auctions are charged a little differently, since the final price is not defined while the auction does not end.
Basic price for auction is a starting price, award for courier contracts and the highest reward and price for exchange contracts (Item Exchange) and Loan.

There are three types of fees for contract creators:

Pledge Deposit (Deposit)
This is 1.0% of the basic price, the minimum mortgage deposit is 100 thousand maximum 10million. If the contract was completed, the deposit is returned. If the contract has expired or you delete it, you will lose this deposit.

Broker's Fee
This is 0.4% of the basic price starting with the minimum 10 thousand and maximum 10mallions. It is held when a contract is created, and this collection is not refundable. Skill Broker Relass lowers money collection by 0.02% per level of this skill. So on the 5m level of this skill you will have to pay 0.3% of brokerage fees. This skill also affects the deposit deposit and lowers it too. So on the 5m level of this skill with the maximum monetary assembly, you will have to pay 7.5mallions.

Expiration Time)
The expiration time is charged brokerage, the factor for which is the duration of the contract. It increases by 0.05% for every day of the contract after its start. This is not yet included in the calculation above as it can increase the brokerage fee above due to the maximum.
If you have created a contract for 7 days Your brokerage fee will increase from 0.4% to 0.7% but having a Broker Relations 5 level skill, the tax will be 0.6%

The maximum brokerage gathering also affects the expiration time of the contract and increases it to a certain percentage. Each additional day of the contract adds 5% of the maximum tax of brokerage fees, those if the contract was created for 7 days, then at maximum cash charges, the tax will grow to 13mallions, thereby increasing by 30% if you do not have a Broker Relations skill, and at 5m The level of this skill you pay only 9.75million.

Sales Tax (Sale's Tax)
This is 1.0% of the basic value, the minimum tax is 10 thousand. and maximum 100mallions. The tax is held with the successful completion of the contract. The accounting skill allows you to reduce sales tax by 0.1% for each level of this skill, lowering it to 0.5% on the 5m skill level. Accordingly, the taxable tax is also to change, with maximum tax you have to pay 50 million with 5 levels of accounting.

The maximum number is fixed, so you never have to pay more than 7.5m + 50m \u003d 57.5m ISK after the successful completion of the contract. For courier contracts, these taxes are 110 from the amount above and is neglecting Sale's Tax. If someone taking the courier contract will not fulfill him, the deposit will be returned to the owner of the contract together with the pledge.

Tips & Contract Tips (Hint S & Tip S ON Contracts)

You can drag the contract from your list of contracts in notepad or any chat, etc. It can be inserted as a text unit or as a reference to the contract. Keep in mind that not all references to contracts can be accessible to others.
You can also drag the contract from the list of available contracts. The left click of the mouse on the contract and drag it to any chat window.

Ships with equipment (Fitted Ships)
You can put a fully equipped ship in any contract. It is very convenient to use through a loan contract, where the corporation can rent mining barge for corporate mining for the weekend.

Continuing contracts are not completed independently

If you have created a courier, a loan or free form of contract you assign the number of days that the contractor is given to fulfill the contract. When the time passes, but the contract does not end, you like the creator you have the right to do nothing with him. The contract will be marked as "late" until the creator will not click on the contract and will not mark it as "not finished" (FAIL), but until this point the contract continues to operate. Therefore, the Contractor could ask for some more additional time to complete the contract, if he really believes that it will be able to complete the contract at all.


Contracts give the player new opportunities to interact with other players. Explore all types of contracts and use the history of other pilots / corporation contracts to determine their reliability.
Use filters in the list "Available Contracts" to specify which contracts you would like to see, because the list can be filled with unnecessary information to you.
By creating the auction contracts and subjects, put real prices, since after the expiration of the contract, your collateral deposit will be lost.

What are contracts and how do they work?

The contract system is a controlled mechanism for corporations and players to formalize workers agreements with each other, providing an intuitive path in the management of commercial transactions supported by the market. Auctions, exchange of objects, loans and courier tasks will be the first types of contracts presented in EVE. Contracts will be an invaluable mechanism for managing a corporation, allowing tasks and missions to be created and accessible at any time.

Skills and roles

Each (except for the trial of users) the player was allocated initially one active contract. Active contract - a contract that did not accept anyone. For example, the courier mission, which no one has taken another auction, which has not ended at the proposed price. To increase the number of active contracts, buy the CONTRACTING skill. Each levell skill gives a +3 contract, that is, at 5m you can use 16 contracts, it is a maximum for one player. Keep in mind that there is no restriction on the number of completed contracts or existing contracts (such as the accepted courier mission)

Corporation contracts

Contracts - an extremely useful tool for managing the corporation. In order to create contracts on behalf of your corporation, you need the role of Contract Manager in your corporation. If you have this role, you can manage contracts exhibited on your corporation and formalize contract acceptance. The contract manager of one corporation exhibits a contract on behalf of his corporation, and the contract manager of another corporation accepts this contract on behalf of his corporation. Contract managers of any corporation can manipulate contracts - such as completing them or declare them unsuccessful (Failure).

You can have one active contract on behalf of your corporation without a skill requirement. To increase the number of active corporate contracts, you will need Corporation Contracting skill, which increases the number of contracts created by you on behalf of your corporation for 10 skill levels. At 5m, you can support 50 contracts on behalf of your corporation.

By clicking on the Contracts button (Contracts) on the Neozom panel, you will see the main window with three bookmarks. On the starting tab, how many contracts will be specified, and your current contracts will be shown if there are such. On the middle tab, "My Contracts" you can view the story of all your contracts. On the "Available Contracts" tab, you can view contracts that are currently available. Below you can read more detailed information on how to create, manage and for which you can use contracts.

Creating a contract

Create a contract is very easy, but a little obliging. You will need at least 100 thousand ISK as a returned deposit, to create a public contract. If you do not have a skill Contracting, you can create only one active contract, after completion, which you can create a new one. If you learn CONTRACTING skill, it will allow you to increase the number of contracts exhibited. To create a contract you are not necessarily located in the station dock, but it is necessary that the subject you want to expose in the contract was in your hangar at any station.

1. Choosing a contract type

To create a contract, click Contracts (Contracts) on your gear panel. You will see the main contract management window. Click Create Contract (Create Contract) at the top of the window to start the wizard. Now you are on the first of 4 pages of "contract creation". Here you can choose the type of contract you want to create and for whom it will be designed. If you have the role of a contract manager in the corporation you will have a Chekbox "in favor of the Corporation" those this contract Created for your corporation using corporate assets.

The "AVAILABILITY" will be asked 2 options:

  • Public (Public). This contract is visible to everyone in the region where it has been created. (Approx. You do not need to be in the region where the contract is set. You can choose an item from any hangar in the Eva Universe)
  • Private (Personal)

Here you can create a contract visible for any Sokorpovtsa in your corporation or alliance, as well as for any other player or corporation. (Approx. You cannot create a contract that you see in your corporation if you are in the Corporation's NPC). Personal contract has no regional restrictions and can be accepted anywhere in the Universe Eva. Loan (Loan) and FreeForm (free form) These types of contracts can only be personal.

One of the advantages of contracts is that taxes with them are paid by factions for the placement of Public contracts. However, the number of those who will see your contract may not be so great.
For more specific information on the type of contracts, see the chapter below.
(In this example, consider creating a public auction)

2. Selection of objects

In this menu you choose what you will be set in the contract. Choose a station on which there is a subject of the contract (put a check mark on the subject of the subject). All types of contracts except Freeform have the same paragraph 2. In most cases you need to choose the subject of the contract. In the case of a contract type "Item Exchange", you will not have to select the subject (s) here, but you will need to specify the station on which there is an item you want to exchange under the contract where another player will place the subject (s) He will exchange with you under the contract.

Once you choose a station (and hangar, if it is a corporation contract), a list with objects appear. If you are currently at the station, the list of items will be automatically taken from your hangar, otherwise you will have to select the station.

Having highlighting several items in the stack in the hangar and by clicking the right click on them you can disconnect them - "Split Stack" - in order to include a smaller amount of things in the contract created. By creating a public contract only from one subject in it will be the name and type of item, if there are two or more items, "Multiple Items" will be indicated.

Be careful. When you choose a non-packaged ship you lose insurance on it, when creating a contract, all the equipment that is in it appears in the contract list. Plyow such objects in the contract you will be warned. Once you have chosen the auction object, click Next.

3. Settings

This is the last step in which you enter information. In this step, various information is entered for each type of contract, for the auction field you enter the starting price (Starting BID) and the AUTION Time (AUTION TIME) - by default 1 day. The rest of the fields are not required, although it would be nice to put a redemption (buying the price) price at auction, and you can also enter a description of the subject of the contract in the Description field. Before creating an auction, you can learn contracts for the price of you to find out the actual cost of the item starting from the basic price (base price) that you can exhibit, although it does not always display the real value of the subject. Auction time ("AUTION TIME") - factor affecting the number of money that you have to pay for a contract broker; The more time, the more you have to pay.

4. Confirmation

Before pressing Finish always carefully check all the information you entered. For a public auction, the following fields of Sales Tax, Broker's Fee and Deposit will be displayed. Broker's Fee and Deposit is held with your account immediately when you press Finish. Sales Tax is held with you if the auction was completed successfully and you return the deposit. If the auction ended unsuccessfully, and no one bought your subject with you, the deposit is not refundable.

As soon as you click "Finish" the contract will be created and the window will be shown. You can see your contract in the MY Contracts tab in the Contracts window (Contracts). To do this, make sure that all filters are set to "Issued By", Owner - [Your character's name], Status - "Outstanding", Contract Type - "Auction", after clicking "Get Contracts". If the contract was created in the same region in which you are now, you can see it in the contracts "Available Contracts" tab, but if you did not find it there you can always see it in My Contracts.

As soon as the auction is completed, it does not matter or not, you will be notified via the Journal logbook "Contracts -\u003e Requires Attention". If the auction was successfully completed, go to the contract and click "Get Money" to complete the auction (or in the log on the contract through Right click from the drop-down menu), and if there were no bets according to your contract, delete this contract to get back the subject exposed in the contract.

View and accept constructs

The main interface of the contracts is located in the "Available Contracts" tab. From here, using filters you can choose the types of contracts that you are interested. Since the list of contracts can be very large, filters will help you save time when viewed in search of the right one. Each page displays 100 contracts, you can use the viewing buttons to view them. Pages are formed by contract creation time, the first page contains the last 100 newly created contracts. You can sort each page using the "Sort Each Page by" drop-down menu using the "View" drop-down menu. You can limit the number of results according to your location or personal contracts. If you sell the ship for example, you are not particularly interested in courier contracts, you can filter out the results by type "Type" auction "AUCTION" or exchange of Item Exchange items.

If you choose "suitable" - "Affordable", only those contracts that you personally will be adopted will be shown. This may have been a bit unreliable for auctions, since only the starting offer of the price is used as a determinant. When specifying the minimum price, it will also help you cut off unnecessary results. For example, if you buy a ship, at a price of 50mallions, you will be displayed, starting at the minimum price for the contract.

Use the "NOT Issued By" filter to filter unwanted people and corporations. This is a good mechanism against "spammers". You can put many character-in-corporations in this list, separating their comma. You will need to enter the first few letters of the name and system, after which you will be issued a selection list. The same settings apply to "Issued by". Remember that these two options are mutually exclusive if you have made several names to "Not Issued By" But when searching for contracts Introduced the "Issued By" the contract will be shown.

Types of contracts

There are 5 main types of contracts. Some of them are available for everyone, and part only for personal contracts. When you create a contract you install the expiration time of the contract. The expiration time varies for each type of contracts, but also the price (approx. Nations) varies depending on the expiration date.

1. Auction (AUCTION)

This type of contract allows you to set an item (several items) to auction, configure it can be specified by the minimum and redemption prices. You can also choose the time of the expiration of the auction 1 day (default), 3 days or 1 week. The rest of the players cannot see how much time it remains until the end of your auction, they will see only x days, x hours or less than an hour "Less Than An Hour."

When you create auction, put real targets. For example, if you sell Raven, the minimum price of which is 200 million ISK, it is unlikely that someone wants to acquire it, but you will not be returned to the deposit deposit.

Here 10% is the minimum rate on which it is possible to increase the price. For example, if the starting price was 1 million, and at the current time the price is 1.6 million, the next minimum rate will be 1,7million (or if the redemption contract price has been indicated). Up to the end of the auction left 15 minutes and at that time it was The bid was made, the auction is extended for another 15 minutes.

When the auction time is to end, it does not matter what result, you can see it in Journal-\u003e Contracts "Requires Your Attention". If the contract ended to no avail, there were no bets, you can delete it (delete) and get back the displayed item, or get Money, if there were bets (Get The Money). In the latter case, you will be returned to the deposit, and also will be recorded in the history of your contracts, unsuccessful auctions are not entered into history.

If your bid at the auction turned out to be the highest, you will also be informed about it in "Requires Attention" with a note about the winning auction "You Won This Auction", by opening the contract, click "Get item" ("Get Items") for the end of the auction. The subject will be delivered to you in the hangar (or be in delivery (deliveries) of your corporation) at the station specified in the contract.

If your bet was killed, in a contract that has not yet ended, you will also be notified via "Requires Attention" in the journal. This will be marked as "You Have Been Outbid", opening the contract you can make a new bet. If your bet has been interrupted or you lost auction, then the amount you want will be returned to the wallet, warnings will appear in the "Requires Attention" log until the auction end or you do not give up (right click on the contract) "Dismiss".

Public auctions are available only in the region in which they are created. If you started to participate in the auction, but then they left the region and confused your bet, you will have to go back to continue to participate in it further.

You can always keep a list of auctions in which you currently participate by selecting in the Bid On BI "magazine interface.

2. Item Exchange (Item Exchange)

This type of contracts gives you the opportunity to exchange your item Iii money to another item Iii money. When you create a contract of this type, you choose what you want to sell. Even if you do not want to sell anything, you will still need to specify the station in which the player who took your contract will leave the subject of interest to you.

There is an opportunity to put a contract for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can offer money or get money and subject, but not both things. For example, you can set to exchange Raven on Megathron with a surcharge of 5 minutes of ISK. You can also use this type of contract to buy an item. For example, in this type of contract you can offer 95 million ISK in exchange for Raven. Remember when you set your ship in this contract. His insurance will be canceled, no matter how to end your contract.

3. Courier contracts (Courier)

You can create an express type of contract so that someone has been transported for you subject (s). The subject (s) will be placed in the box that the contractor agrees to deliver from point A to point B. For delivery you install the reward in case of successful delivery and deposit, if the cargo is not delivered to cover your expenses. But there is a restriction of 120 thousand m3 for one courier delivery, the contractor can also look into your package and can potentially steal your parcel, but it will lose a deposit. It is necessary to set a deposit in such a way as to cover the losses in the event of an unforeseen parcel loss.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

You can set the time during which the Contractor will be obliged to deliver your cargo after making a mission. As soon as the time has expired, as the result can click - not fulfilled - "FAIL" - at any time. Note, this does not mean that the contract was unsuccessful automatically, and you can provide the contractor to some additional time if you come with him to consent.
It does not matter with anyone a contract with a corporation or a player, the Contractor needs to make the parcel in his personal hangar before clicking Completing the Contract.

4. Loan (Loan)

You can give a loan to any player, corporation or alliance with the money Izli. You can set as the price and the deposit that will be charged from the contractor who has been agreed with the "Money Lent". You can also choose to lend money or install a deposit, but not both. This is done so as to reduce confusion, because installing the deposit and licking the money all the process loses any meaning.

You can prevent the total amount of ISK by setting this type of contract, but do not forget that the amount will be kept with you when you confirm the transaction without completion. For example, if you occupy someone 10 million and agree to accept 100 thousand as payment. Thus, the Contractor will receive 10 million with the consent of this contract (100 thousand are held immediately) it will have to return 10.1 million when the contract will be completed. You will not be able to set any kind of deposit with loans for money, so think about how well you trust this person, giving money money. Also, this type of contracts, after its creation between two individuals, will not be displayed in the history of contracts.

You can also give a debt the items that you own, starting with minerals and ending with fully equipped (reflected) ships.

If you give a loan, the subject of which will be the ship, all modules installed on it will be suitable after the transaction. It is very important to note that giving the insured ship as a loan, you will not receive insurance compensation if the ship will be lost (destroyed) while it is loan, insurance will receive the contractor as the main insurance pay for the lost ship.

However, if your corporation is constantly the insured ship to any character in a corporation or another corporation of your Alliance, the corporation will receive insurance pay, and the contractor will not receive anything. This means that if the ship was destroyed, and the corporation, which gives a loan, will receive insurance pay. Therefore, the corporation might take a deposit below the cost of the dried ship, taking into account the insurance price and the price of installed equipment. This can be applied between corporations under certain agreements. This action is not acceptable to the projected corporations outside their alliance!

If any object (any equipment installed on the ship) will be lost during the loan time, the contractor can replace it with a similar one. For example, Cruise Missile Launcher, which was installed on the ship taken as a loan was installed on another ship or lost, then the contractor needs to buy a new and install on the ship and thus "complete" »Complete» Contract loan, but if lost Raven contract The contractor will not be able to complete the contract.

As a loan, copies of the drawings cannot be made, but the originals can be used, but the corporation that will receive this drawing will be able to make copies.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

5. Free Form (FreeForm)

The free form of contracts can be created for both a certain person and corporations. The free form of contracts can be used to manage your corporation.

When you create a free type of contract, you can install both a reward and pledge. When the contract adopted a deposit (if installed) holds from the contractor and is saved in a safe place). How the contractor only marks the contract as successfully completed "Completed SuccessFully" is returned to the contractor and the reward is paid. However, if the contract maker will notice the contract as a failed "failed", it will receive a deposit and return the money that pointed out in the award.

Confidential relationship entirely unilaterally in this type of contracts. The creator has complete control over the contract. The contractor may mark the contract as complete "finished", but this is not quite the case until the contract maker confirm this.

Therefore, be careful, taking such contracts from people unfamiliar to you.

The free form of contracts mainly has only a block of text and fill it with a tedious occupation, for those who create a large number of monotonous contracts to write them again and again, save the template of your contract in the notebook, after which you can copy it to a new contract. It is not bad to have several templates to manage their corporation contracts.

It is possible to set this type of contracts for 1 day, 3 days, 1 and 2 weeks.

Rules for placement of items in contracts

  • You cannot post damaged items in any type of contracts.
  • If you exhibit the insured ship to auction or in exchange of objects, insurance will be canceled
  • The borrower can be returned by identical equipment that was employed with the exception of ships
  • Agreed to the courier contract can look inside the container, which they are carrying without exemption from the contract. But they can also steal objects in the parcel (but this certainly does the contract unfinished).
  • Insurance will be returned to the corporation from the reproach, if the ship transferred as a loan was destroyed while he was at a member of the corporation. Corporation maybe
  • install low deposit than it can be. It does not apply to other loans and insurance, if you give your ship another person in the loan.
  • Copies of the drawings cannot be transferred as collateral

Fitness, visibility and history (Availability, Visibility and History)

Contracts can be both public and created for a particular person, corporation, alliance. You can create a contract with any subject in any of your hangar in the Universe Eva

Public (Public)
Public contracts are based on the regions and can be available only within the region (placement of rates). As soon as the contract is completed (for example, a won public auction), the contract will become visible in your history of contracts;

Personal (Private)
If the contract was for a specific person, he and the Creator will be able to consider this contract (the representative may reject the contract if he chooses). The player can consider and take a contract despite the region. The representative can accept the contract directly or on behalf of its corporation.

Corporation Contract (Corporation)
A contract that is intended for the corporation can accept anyone in a corporation or corporation directly. Each member of the Corporation will be able to see the contract while it acts. After he was completed, each in the corporation will be able to watch it as part of the history of the contract created and the actual part. If you leave the corporation, you will not have any more access to this story. It is very important to note that in the contracts of the alliance anyone in the corporation can accept the contract, not only the corporation, which I was addressed to the contract.

If you want the contract to be accepted only by the Corporation, assign one of your contract managers for this, he will be able to accept this contract on behalf of your corporation.

Alliance (Alliance)
You can appoint a contract to your alliance that works, as well as intended for the corporation, except that each member of each corporation belonging to the Alliance will be able to consider this contract.

The Journal
The magazine is an important tool for anyone who is engaged in contracts. From there you can watch all contracts that are in the progress in which you or your corporation are or your corporation, or at the moment work. You can also see a list of all contracts that require your attention.

If your personal contract or any of the contracts of your corporation has expired, requires your attention or completed, it will be shown at the bottom of the Contracts Table in the log interface (Journal). If you click on this link, you will be shown the entire list of contracts requiring your intervention (attention ).

There are several different states of contracts that will be displayed in the list requiring your attention "Requires Attention"

The contract did not interest anyone and the invisible more for others. You will have to remove it, it treats all types of contracts.

Belated (OverDue)
This refers to loans, courier and free-form contracts. A number of days have passed, after the time settled for the contract has expired, but the contractor did not note it as a complete. The contractor can click on the contract in the journal and complete (finish) it, if it meets the criteria. He may also not do (Fail) of this. The crew of the contract can also close it as not done (FAIL), but it is required that he does not do so yet; He can give a contractor a little more time without taking any measures (those give to complete the contract).

Auction completed (AUTION HAS FINISHED)
The auction creator will see this message when the contract was successfully completed. It is necessary to open a contract and click Get Money to complete the contract.

Your Bet Catching (You Have Been Outbid On An Auction)
If you are in the region, too, where and the auction you can put a new price, or you will have to fly to the region where the contract is located.

You won an auction (You have Won An Auction)
The auction ended (expired or you bought) and you have not received the subject, open the contract and click Get Items (s) "Get Items" to complete the contract.

Taxes and Deposit (Taxes and Deposit)
Basic contract price - maximum price and reward. Only public contracts are subject to these fees with the exception of Broker's Fee (brokerage fees), which are fixed 10,000 ISK for personal contracts. Taxes with auctions are charged a little differently, since the final price is not defined while the auction does not end.
Basic price for auction is a starting price, award for courier contracts and the highest reward and price for exchange contracts (Item Exchange) and Loan.

There are three types of fees for contract creators:

Pledge Deposit (Deposit)
This is 1.0% of the basic price, the minimum mortgage deposit is 100 thousand maximum 10million. If the contract was completed, the deposit is returned. If the contract has expired or you delete it, you will lose this deposit.

Broker's Fee
This is 0.4% of the basic price starting with the minimum 10 thousand and maximum 10mallions. It is held when a contract is created, and this collection is not refundable. Skill Broker Relass lowers money collection by 0.02% per level of this skill. So on the 5m level of this skill you will have to pay 0.3% of brokerage fees. This skill also affects the deposit deposit and lowers it too. So on the 5m level of this skill with the maximum monetary assembly, you will have to pay 7.5mallions.

Expiration Time)
The expiration time is charged brokerage, the factor for which is the duration of the contract. It increases by 0.05% for every day of the contract after its start. This is not yet included in the calculation above as it can increase the brokerage fee above due to the maximum.
If you have created a contract for 7 days Your brokerage fee will increase from 0.4% to 0.7% but having a Broker Relations 5 level skill, the tax will be 0.6%

The maximum brokerage gathering also affects the expiration time of the contract and increases it to a certain percentage. Each additional day of the contract adds 5% of the maximum tax of brokerage fees, those if the contract was created for 7 days, then at maximum cash charges, the tax will grow to 13mallions, thereby increasing by 30% if you do not have a Broker Relations skill, and at 5m The level of this skill you pay only 9.75million.

Sales Tax (Sale's Tax)
This is 1.0% of the basic value, the minimum tax is 10 thousand. and maximum 100mallions. The tax is held with the successful completion of the contract. The accounting skill allows you to reduce sales tax by 0.1% for each level of this skill, lowering it to 0.5% on the 5m skill level. Accordingly, the taxable tax is also to change, with maximum tax you have to pay 50 million with 5 levels of accounting.

The maximum number is fixed, so you never have to pay more than 7.5m + 50m \u003d 57.5m ISK after the successful completion of the contract. For courier contracts, these taxes are 110 from the amount above and is neglecting Sale's Tax. If someone taking the courier contract will not fulfill him, the deposit will be returned to the owner of the contract together with the pledge.

Tips & Contract Tips (Hint S & Tip S ON Contracts)

You can drag the contract from your list of contracts in notepad or any chat, etc. It can be inserted as a text unit or as a reference to the contract. Keep in mind that not all references to contracts can be accessible to others.
You can also drag the contract from the list of available contracts. The left click of the mouse on the contract and drag it to any chat window.

Ships with equipment (Fitted Ships)
You can put a fully equipped ship in any contract. It is very convenient to use through a loan contract, where the corporation can rent mining barge for corporate mining for the weekend.

Continuing contracts are not completed independently

If you have created a courier, a loan or free form of contract you assign the number of days that the contractor is given to fulfill the contract. When the time passes, but the contract does not end, you like the creator you have the right to do nothing with him. The contract will be marked as "late" until the creator will not click on the contract and will not mark it as "not finished" (FAIL), but until this point the contract continues to operate. Therefore, the Contractor could ask for some more additional time to complete the contract, if he really believes that it will be able to complete the contract at all.


Contracts give the player new opportunities to interact with other players. Explore all types of contracts and use the history of other pilots / corporation contracts to determine their reliability.
Use filters in the list "Available Contracts" to specify which contracts you would like to see, because the list can be filled with unnecessary information to you.
By creating the auction contracts and subjects, put real prices, since after the expiration of the contract, your collateral deposit will be lost.

- This is a mechanism with which you can exchange products with other players and corporations in different ways. When you open the window " Contracts.", at the top of the window you can see the button" CREATE CONTRACT."If you press it, the process of creating a contract will begin. Available several types of contracts:

  • Auction-contracts
  • Item Exchange.
  • Courier

Auction-contracts (auction)

You can set your goods to auction using the contract type " Auction.". Such a contract allows players to bet on it, or buy goods at once, at the maximum price.

AUTION-Contract Settings:

Item Exchange-Contracts (Barter Transactions)

You can exchange one products to others using the Item Exchange type contracts.

Settings of the barter SELL-contract

Barter Buy Contract Settings

Barter Trade Contract Settings

Courier contracts (courier contracts)

If you want to move goods from one station to another, you can take advantage of the courier contract. The meaning of such a contract is that another player, taking it, transports your goods. After the terms of the contract are completed, the player will receive the remuneration you specify, and the goods will be placed in your hangar at the destination station.

Basics of using contracts

Once you have decided on what type of contract you want to use, you must choose several basic options. These include the time of the contract, the goods you want to give or get, pledge and remuneration, location, etc. As soon as you fill in all these fields, the contract will be formed and will appear in the list of contracts, where the other players will be able to find it and accept it.

Find contracts

Contracts can be found by using the "Available Contracts" tab of the contracts. Here you can specify the conditions for the filter, such as location, type (contract type), Category (category of goods in the contract), Issued by (contract owner), minimum and maximum contract cost, description, etc. After you configured the filter, click Get Contracts. (Get a list of contracts). Example:


Contracts include two skills: " Contracting."And" Corporation Contracting.". They ask the number of contracts that you can create on your own behalf and on behalf of the Corporation, respectively.

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