Internship and work in Mexico. Work and vacancies in Mexico Recognition of Russian and Ukrainian diplomas

Banks 21.04.2021
Mexico is a country located in North America. Because of the Hollywood films, it is believed that the state is quite poor and all of his citizens dream to leave their homeland. Reality is not so gloomy. Mexico is considered one of the most economically developed countries in Latin America, thanks to several industries: petroleum, mining, gas. In addition, a significant part of the income is obtained at the expense of well-developed tourism.

Documents required for legal employment

In Mexico, there is the status of Residente Tempora (temporary resident). It happens two species - with a permit for work and without. Acts from one year to four years. It is easiest to arrange it, having an invitation from a particular employer in my hands. After four years, renewed the status of Residente Tempora is impossible. There are two outputs: leave the state or getting the status of Residente Permanente (permanent resident). A foreigner, who aroused him, acquires all the rights of a citizen of the country.

Exception - it is impossible to vote in the elections. Issuance is made once, subsequently there is no need for extension. If you decide to change the place of residence or work, this is mandatory to be informed about the migration service. Residente Permanente is a significant step towards receiving a Mexican passport.

Jobs for Russian citizens

Most of all chances to find highly paid and interesting work for those who own Spanish or English and can confirm their knowledge with the help of an international certificate. Among the possible vacancies - a programmer, teacher, translator.

As mentioned above, tourism is well developed in Mexico. Russians often take guides to work. Our compatriots in the city of Cancun are especially in demand. It is not necessary to work in any company at all. You can work on yourself. In this case, the number of orders will directly depend on the experience and reviews of customers.

Chief Council - stay confidently at the interview. Prove the potential employer that you are interested not only money, but Mexico itself.

The salary

At the guides often payment for a piece. They earn one part of the money thanks to the provision of their services, the second - from the sale of excursions. On average, it can exit from 1000 to 1500 USD. Concierges and office staff get much less - in the area 600-700 USD. Sometimes the percentage of sales is added to the salary. Workers who arrive in programs for highly qualified specialists, the salary directly depends on the company that invited them. Several factors play an important role: the presence of grants and scholarships is provided whether corporate housing is provided and so on.

Where and when to look for work

Suitable vacancies Russians can be found at international exhibitions, with the help of personnel agencies through specialized Internet sites. Those who wish to work in the tourist sphere, the search for work is better to take care of autumn, because the main flow of holidaymakers from the Russian Federation in Mexico arrives for the new year.

The most important documents: a diploma of the Russian Federation and a resident map

The official work in the country is not so difficult, as it seems, if you are in order all the documents. The first thing you need to take with you to Mexico is your own diploma of higher education. Our diplomas are quoted here, it is not necessary to confirm them further. But the translation and apostil will have to do.

For employment, you will have enough of your diploma and migration card (Residente Temporaal or Residente Permanente). The only moment: with Residente Temporal you will definitely notify the migration service that you start working. And for this you have to provide them with a letter from your employer in which he explains what you, a foreigner, is so valuable to its enterprise that it is impossible to replace you with Mexican.

For example, for employment to a specific position, you have extensive experience in a particular field. In this case, there are hardly any problems. The fact is that Mexicans should work on the Mexican enterprise, and only a small percentage of foreigners. In fact, this procedure is quite ordinary, but its necessity often scares the employers themselves who do not want to be superfluous.

The remaining documents, like that: medical insurance, tax number and other necessary documents can be done at work, if you have them at that time.

In resort cities with all this simpler, because There in itself above the percentage of aliens living. Plus to this, there is a lot of work without official design, such as "service-money".

Working conditions in Mexico

We offer work in the elite gentleman-club of Guadalajara, which stands along with famous North American strip clubs. Guadalajara ranks 2nd among the most densely populated cities Mexico. As a cultural center of the country, this place is famous for architecture, the most picturesque parks. It is here that it is best to go to make acquaintance with the culture and traditions of the country. This city for its uniqueness and uniqueness is called the "City of Roses", the Mexican "Silicone Valley", which manites travelers from all over the world.

The club, the magnificent decoration of which is impressive, is located in proximity to the historic center of Guadalajara. Here is the largest shopping center "La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall", surrounded by solid hotels and restaurants. Mode of operation - daily, except Sunday.

It is worth noting that the city is the capital of the Mexican state of Khalisco. He is one of the richest in Mexico. The Pacific coast has a length of 342 kilometers.

In the city laid in 1542, there are about one and a half million inhabitants. If you take into account all the nearby settlements, the population is approximately 4.5 million people.

It was here that the Mexican folk music "Mariachi" originated (about which herself in other states), the national entertainment "Charriad" arose (having a connection with Rodeo) and Tequila appeared.

There are excellent gardens, parks that are located next to the largest manufacturing giants - "General Electric", "Hitachi", "Siemens AG", "Flextronics", "Intel", "Solectron".

Features of admission of candidates for vacancies

Vacancies are open to slender, young, beautiful girls of 18-30 years old who can dance strip dancing and want to deal with consumption. Preference is given to contenders who know English.

Wishing to find a lot a girl should be known that, in addition to the qualities listed above, it is necessary to be sociable, possess charm, wit, be able to interest and encourage guests to make an order and buy a private dance.

Contract duration and visa

The contract is to at least 1 month. You can arrange it for 3 months or six months. Mexican or Visa USA is issued by the forces of candidates for employment. In the presence of an electronic permission to enter Ukrainians and Russians, it is possible to immediately begin work. At the same time, it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire on the Internet portal of the Mexican immigration service. With it, it is necessary to have a printed resolution, whose validity period will end in a month from the date of receipt. This is the so-called one-time opportunity to enter the state and is 6 months in it.

Features of work

The club can take up to four hundred visitors. The duration of the work shift is 7 hours. Working in the 1st shift of the girl work from 14 to 21 hours, in the 2nd - from 21 hours to 4 am. In coordination with the management of the nightclub, the girl can work in any of the shift.

At night, more girls are attracted to work - about 25, for the 1st shift there are enough girls.

During the work shift, each girl needs to go to the Topless scene 2-3 times and execute the dance for two musical compositions in the poles in the midst of columns. Outfits to the girl's speech must be prepared by the music itself, the music picks up.

The dancer should be able to execute private dance and dance on the table ("Table Dance") and show the show on the central scene, completely exposing the top. Can the visitor touch at the time of the dance to the girl? It all depends on the desire of the dancer. Reasoned naked parts of the body of visitors is unable.

To work on consumption without drinking alcohol, you must negotiate in advance with the bartender. It is also allowed to personally determine whether this is active work or passive (it is allowed to wait until the client will invite himself).

To work in the club must be prepared. Outfit, hairstyle, makeup - everything should be at the highest level. High studs and elegant outfit is the perfect option for clothes. And, of course, politeness and courtesy should be constant satellites of dancers.

The basis of the work on consumption can be called the inadmissibility of staying in alcohol intoxication and the emergence of the conflict of interest between girls.

Earnings and Commission Size

Earnings for the execution of privat dance and consumption can be varied. If in the week the dancer appeared in the club less than 6 times, you can forget about fixed earnings. If she came out 6 days, he can count on a daily salary, which will be formed on the basis of the commission received every day for consumption and private dancing.

If the dancer fails to shift anything to earn any category (or its earnings are less than a thousand peso), at the end of the change, you can also not wait for payment. The main earnings will be considered only commission for private dancing and work on consumption.

If in the aggregate girl managed to earn more than a thousand pesos, fixed earnings will be similar ($ 60). Having extensive experience of the dancer without special hassle can achieve such results.

On consuming drinks, club workers are calculated in local currency. It is less if the girl's earnings are fixed. So, the earnings of the girl (translated in $) will be when ordering a champagne client:

  • "Moet Nectar" - 103 dollars;
  • "Moet Ice" - 109 dollars;
  • "Moet Rose" - 120 dollars;
  • "Moet Nectar Rose" - 130 dollars;
  • "Dom Perignon" - 175 dollars;
  • 200 ml "Moet" - 23 dollars;
  • 750 ml "Moet" - 88 dollars (60 minutes of communication).

When ordering:

  • cocktail (Ladies Drink) - 6 dollars (a quarter of an hour of communication);
  • double cocktail (double ladies drink) - 11 dollars.

For the above-mentioned drinks to a girl who does not receive fixed earnings, due:

  • cocktail (Ladies Drink) - $ 7 (quarter of an hour of communication);
  • double cocktail (double ladies drink) - 13 dollars.

When ordering champagne:

  • "Moet Nectar" - 115 dollars;
  • "Moet Ice" - 120 dollars;
  • "Moet Rose" - 130 dollars;
  • "Moet Nectar Rose" - 141 dollars;
  • "DOM PERIGNON" - 206 dollars;
  • 200 ml "Moet" - 25 dollars;
  • 750 ml "Moet" - 103 dollars (60 minutes of communication).

Payment of private dance occurs similarly (receiving fixed earnings The girl has a lower income). So, for the execution of the dances, the next earnings relies:

  • table Dance (1 Music Track) - $ 8;
  • private Dance (1 Music Track) - 15 dollars;
  • private Dance (15 minutes) - 62 dollars;
  • show (Simple or Lesbian) - 38 dollars (15-20 minutes).

A worker who does not receive fixed earnings can earn more:

  • table Dance (1 Music Track) - 9 dollars;
  • private Dance (1 Music Track) - 18 dollars;
  • private Dance (15 minutes) - $ 70;
  • show (Simple or Lesbian) - 44 dollars.

Commission issuance is made for the next day. It is worth noting that it is possible to receive fixed earnings only once for each calendar week (salary is issued next week for the previous one).

Tip dancers are allowed to leave. The club does not take commissions from girls.

Any girl cares the magnitude of earnings. As a rule, at first it ranges from a thousand to one and a half thousand dollars, while adapting the dancer and guests of the club to her. After 2-4 weeks, earnings are growing to 1600-2500 dollars (weekly).

Of course, the level of earnings affects not only the youth and beauty of the girl, but also its charm, sociability and wit. An important factor is knowledge of English or Spanish, since among visitors, as a rule, media of these languages.

Wealthy Americans, Canadians and Europeans know about this club. He likes local officials, businessmen and top managers of local corporations. Of course, both girls have enormous opportunities for good earnings, this chance is simply necessary to use it right.

Flight conditions and accommodation

Wishing to find a job in the nightclub, the girl pays the flight to Guadalajara and back itself. The cost of the flight is $ 1000-1200, if the selection is carried out in favor of the Air France or KLM air carrier through the stop in Paris, Amsterdam or Mexico, from which it is possible to fly from the destination in just an hour.

IMPORTANT! A girl who spent more than 4 months can count on compensation for the cost of a ticket price, but the amount should not exceed $ 1200.

Get to place from the airport and back after completion of the contract you can be free.

The girls are located in a comfortable 4-room apartment (with a shower, kitchen area, fridge, microwave, TV, washing machine and free Wi-Fi), located within a radius of 100 m from the place of work. In one room there may be two dancers. In the first month, accommodation is absolutely free, then the monthly fee is 2000 mexican pesos (about $ 120). The girl, if desired, has the opportunity to live alone in the room under the condition of double payment (about $ 240 per month). Once during the shift, the girl looks forward to free meals at the expense of the club.

Process for registration in the program Internship in Mexico includes .

Cost of the program Internship in Mexico

Important: Over the first time, it is desirable to have $ 250-400 for personal expenses.

The programs are $1070

The cost of the program included:

  • selects
  • free accommodation
  • transfer
  • support Coordinator 24/7 During your stay in Mexico
  • spanish courses (optional, depending on the content of the selected vacancy)
  • participant Certificate

The cost of the program does not include:

  • airfare
  • medstrashovka (from $ 1 / day)

Arrival in Mexico is carried out without a visa, on the resolution previously obtained in electronic form.

Duration of the program: from 3 to 6 months.

The set in the program is carried out year-round. You can join the program at any time in accordance with the requirements and personal wishes.

Internship offers in Mexico for Russian

Foreign teachers can be involved for internship with the most different age groups, starting with kindergartens and ending with universities (in the presence of the necessary qualifications and confirmation documents). To participate in the program, it is absolutely not necessary to be a graduate specialist, however, the presence of a bachelor, master's diploma, master's or international certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) will be a significant advantage.

Terms of Internship by the teacher in Mexico for Russian

Internship in Mexico for the Russians suggests a scholarship, the size of which, as a rule, directly proportionally depends on the level of English, qualifications and learning experience. Since spending on utilities, meals and all other related costs in Mexico are quite a democratic nature, the program participants are able to live on the funds obtained.

Mexico is a motley mixture of Spanish, Indian and Caribbean cultures, the birthplace of chocolate, Chile and Tequila pepper. Here are some of the best beaches of the world, the most ancient monuments of historical heritage, an excellent kitchen and this is not a complete list of all the advantages of this wonderful country. Develop the teaching talent using the programInternship in Mexico!

Work in Mexico does not often appear among the stories of our compatriots about how they live in the Mexican Earth. More often talk about climate, ocean, nature, people - but not about work. Let's try to fill this space.

It is believed that Mexico - The country is small and the population is running to the United States of America to get a job there. In many ways, it is so, but do not forget that I compare Mexico from the USA, and next to such a neighbor, few people will look worthy.

For whom there is a job in Mexico

Work is for high-level specialists - mainly managers and managers, they need to have appropriate experience and education. And in Mexico you will like if you know Spanish and English - and the better you know, the more you like it. There will be more opportunities at times, the salary is higher, and you can find such a job to suit you completely. Vacancies, for example, English teachers and translators always abound. Therefore, you work out in advance to engage in linguistic questions, pass international exams, and the certificate attaches to the summary. Half of the case will be made. Also, there are good chances of programmers - but not just yesterday's graduates, but those who have experience and well understand the innovations of this area.

One of the most common activities in Mexico for Russians is a guide. Guides work in tourist offices, individually, on Mexicans or themselves. To do this, you will still need to know the languages \u200b\u200b- Spanish and English - but Russian, of course, will be assessed above all. Typically, guides are arranged in the tourist places and those regions where Russian tourists come. It is quite logical and explained, but you can deliver some inconvenience - the region chooses you, and not vice versa.

A small, as practice shows, the category of people who need Mexico, these are people with rare, but in demand in this country professions or just those who can glorify Mexican Earth are artists, engineers, scientists, researchers, musicians and TP. Mental labor workers who are arranged in higher and secondary educational institutions, part pays part of their research costs, issued grants and special scholarships.

In the universities of Mexico, the international composition, the state policy of decades was aimed at providing elite all the conditions for successful work.

In small and just small cities, there are few workers qualified - everyone strive to large centers where life beats the key. However, for foreigners it is a good opportunity to get in Mexico and get documents.

Documents for work in Mexico

Many Mexican employers are not fought by the desire to take on the work of foreigners, because they have to argue their decision that sometimes it is just hard to do. And cash spending - the employee is obliged to pay taxes from their wages, but the guarantor for him is actually the one who invited him to work. That is, the responsibility of the employer is great, and there is no confidence in the new employee. But, if you are also lucky and the firm where you want to go to work, I went to meet and wrote an official letter that you are waiting for and for you will be assigned, you can make permission for legal accommodation and work in the country FM-2 or FM-3 . In forms, it is prescribed what you will specifically do and who will work for. When changing the employer will have to be changed and permission. Differences, at first glance, in these two documents, minor, but in the future, after five years of residence and work in the territory of Mexico, you can submit to citizenship - if the FM-3 form was originally framed.

In the presence of the second form, you can have the same rights, to be a resident of the country, but there will be no relationship to the policy. If you do not care before politics, you can make this permission. Although in practice it turns out that due to lower cost, employees prefer FM-3.


If we talk about employees immigrant of programs for highly qualified specialists, everything depends on a particular employer - scholarships, grants that we have said earlier, different amounts are made up of all. Someone removes accommodation, someone - provides corporate, the amount that you get directly on your hands depends on this.

Guides receive a piece of payment - from the sale of excursions and for their services - for Mexico it is good money - 1000-1500 American dollars.

The work of concierge or office workers is paid in a small amount - about $ 600-700, but you can receive a certain percentage for the sale of hotel or office services. This is a widespread practice in Mexico.

When and where to look for work

  • Search in Russia - work in Mexico can be presented at international exhibitions, the stands of Mexico traditionally become popular.
  • Another option is to contact the recruitment agency that will pick you up with suitable options.
  • You can search via the Internet yourself, if you speak the tongues at a good level (and otherwise I do not have the meaning), then you should not be difficult.
  • The option when you come to Mexico and are looking for a job there the last thing in the list is no coincidence - you will spend your money on an expensive ticket, you will not have documents for work, even if you find something, you will have to return to Russia (again costs) and Documents.

When to find - This question matters perhaps only for employees of the tourist area - guides, say. The greatest stream of Russian tourists is observed for the new year, so it is better to make paperwork in the fall.

We did not talk anything about the usual work in the office, but in Mexico there is a relatively small probability of finding it - it is unlikely that the employer will fuss and make up documents to you, and without permission to work - on your own risk, we do not advise.

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