Reference information system for labor protection. Organization of the labor protection service at the enterprise

Accounting and taxes 27.05.2020
Accounting and taxes

Organization of the labor protection service at the enterprise

In February 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was prepared by the draft order "On approval of a model regulation on labor protection management system. Project Model position The system of labor protection management was drawn up taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions" and contains a special section dedicated to risk management establishing the need to develop, implement and maintain in the working condition of the assessment procedure and Risk management in the organization to develop measures to reduce them.

Is the professandard for a labor protection specialist

To date, more than 800 professional standards. They clearly define the borders of the profession, the functional area of \u200b\u200bthe employee. In this regard, employers have complex issues related to regulation labor relationship In the organisation. Already appeared first litigation Regarding the scope of official duties.

An employee, having studied the standard, sees that the employer requires it to fulfill the obligations that go beyond the framework of the standard. For example, one employee was instructed to engage in personnel management, and labor protection. He begins to challenge it or require payment for additional features. An increase in the number of those who will force employers to revise job descriptions.

All organizations are required to apply a professional standard "Specialist in the field of labor protection", approved order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 4, 2014 No. 524n.

According to article 217. TK RF, labor protection specialist must have appropriate training or experience in this area. And in Professandard "Specialist in the field of labor protection" shows the characteristics of the knowledge and skills of the employee who should master as a result of appropriate training. If legislation is established qualification requirementsSo, the employee applying to the position of "Specialist of Labor Protection" must comply with them. In other words, the requirements articles 217. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation can only be confirmed by the specialist who confirmed his qualifications according to Professandard.

The registry of the approved professandards can be found on the website

When applying Profystandard

Professons need to be applied in two cases that are registered in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • if it provides compensation and benefits for work on these posts, or limitations are established ( h. 2 tbsp. 57. TK RF);
  • qualifications requirements are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others federal lawsother regulatory acts Russian Federation (art. 195.3. TK RF).

In other cases, the requirements of the professor are a recommendatory nature.

Professandard lists the minimum requirements for the qualifications and competence of an employee for a particular position. It contains interrelated requirements for the level of knowledge of the employee, his skills, professional skills, work experience.

Specialists in labor protection in the near future will have to check for compliance with the requirements of Professandard. Legislation has not yet regulates this order, so each employer can determine it independently. The procedure is fixed by a local regulatory act.

An employer may conduct an assessment for compliance with the standard by creating a special commission. The result of the work of such a commission will be a report on the compliance of employees by Professandard, as well as recommendations for training workers whose qualifications do not meet the requirements.

Professandard introduced to update the qualifications of labor protection professionals. It complements in many ways outdated, but still existing single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and professions of workers (ETKS) and a single qualification directory posts of managers, specialists and employees (EKD). Now these documents contain over 5,500 workers' professions and 2000 employees.

It is impossible to dismiss the employee only on the grounds that it does not meet the requirements of the professandard. The legislation is clearly regulated by the list of grounds for dismissal, and the non-compliance of the trade law in it is not provided. If the employee does not comply with the requirements of the compulsory professandard, the employer needs to organize events to bring its qualifications, knowledge and skills to the level declared in the standard. For example, send to training. However, the discrepancy between the requirements of the trade law can be an indirect reason for the dismissal of the employee. The employer will begin a detailed procedure for certification, according to the results of which he will have a legitimate basis to terminate the employment contract ( p. 3 h. 1 Art. 81. TK RF).

What will happen if the requirements of the professandard ignore

If the employer ignores the requirements for the application of professional standards, it can be attracted to administrative responsibility. In this case entity Was fingered up to 50 thousand rubles. ( part 1 Art. 5.27 Administrative Code ). Judicial practice shows that the employer may bring to justice for each separate violation (decree of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2014 No. 60-ad14-12). If the inconsistency detects labor contracts The requirements of the Law (Professandard), the employer may threate fine up to 100 thousand rubles. ( h. 3 tbsp. 5.27 COAP RF). This applies to all existing employment contracts with employees, including decorated until July 1, 2016.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 19.08.2016 No. 438n "On Approval of the Model Regulations on the System of Labor Protection System"

The basic principles of labor protection management at the employer, aimed at ensuring a consistent improvement in the condition of the conditions and labor protection in the workplaces and a decrease in the professional risks of employees involved on them

Development and introduction of a typical position of labor protection management system ensures the implementation of the provisions of Article 209 Labor Code The Russian Federation, which is given to the definition of the concept of a labor protection management system - a complex of interrelated and interacting elements that establish policies and goals in the field of labor protection in a particular employer and procedures for achieving these goals.

Current interstate standard GOST 12.0.230-2007 "System of labor safety standards. Labor protection management systems. General requirements"Approved by order Federal Agency on technical regulation and metrology of July 10, 2007 No. 169, being a document on technical regulation legislation, applied by employers on a voluntary basis, which restrains the introduction of its requirements from employers.

It was developed to prevent accidents, decline in injuries and professional diseaseseliminating danger to life and harm to people's health. Standard Sets:

  • rules for applying and characteristics of signal colors;
  • dimensions technical requirements and characteristics of safety signs;
  • test methods of signal markup.

Standard does not apply:

  • on colors for light alarm of all types of transport and road;
  • colors, signs and marking shields of cylinders, pipelines, containers for storing and transporting gases and liquids;
  • road signs and marking, travel and signal signs railways, signs to ensure the safety of all kinds of movement;
  • signs and labeling of dangerous goods, freight units that require special conditions transportation and storage;
  • signs for electrical engineering.

The standard is voluntary for use.

Experts of the magazine "Directory of Labor Protection Specialist" - developers of the electronic system "Labor protection" - receive many letters with issues on labor protection. Experts carefully study them and give detailed professional answers. In a special section of an electronic system, you will find all the answers to questions about labor protection, which our specialists have already managed to give readers. The database of answers is constantly updated and maintained in the current state.

By the way! With the search you can easily find an answer to the question of labor protection, similar to yours. In order to easily navigate them, the thematic reference is provided.

Working questions Engineer for labor protection often have to be solved so much that there is no time to look even in the shortest instruction itself. In this case, all hope is on your theoretical training in professional matters. In order for in labor everyday life, you are always at the height, we offer you detailed explanations of the experts of the most difficult issues and legislation. In the "Expert Experts" section contains materials prepared specifically and only for an electronic labor protection system.

By the way! Each article is supported by active references to the necessary regulations, templates and sample documents, judicial practice And other copyright materials.

You do not agree with the prescription of the state inspection on labor protection? An administrative penalty is superimposed on your company, and you disagree with it? Then you here! We publish judicial practice: criminal and administrative cases on violation of labor protection requirements, appeal court decisionschallenging government agencies. You can be sure we will notify you about the most recent trends In the practice of resolving the Russian courts of labor disputes.

Often it is to understand what the developers of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in one or another article is very difficult. In the electronic system of "labor protection" you get access to the current version of the Labor Code, as well as to the article comments to the articles of the section X.Orochana.

Comments on labor protection laws specifically for you were prepared by V.A. Korzh, Deputy Director of the Department wages, labor protection and social partnership of the Ministry of Health and social Development Of the Russian Federation, and I.A. Sparrow, Head of Department state Supervision and monitoring compliance with labor legislation Federal Service in labor and employment.

The opinions of experts who can rely on work is always good. But probably you can only trust the law. The "Regulatory Documents" section contains all regulatory legal acts in the work of a labor protection specialist. You can be confident in the relevance of labor protection provisions: legislation updates appear in the electronic system immediately after their official publication.

By the way! In accordance with the changes in occurrence in labor protection laws, all materials of the electronic system of "labor protection" are updated - from templates to judicial practice.

The news feed of the electronic system contains information about the latest changes in labor protection legislation and events in your professional community. Actual information Experts are specifically selected for you: you will always be aware of the most important events and innovations in legislation. "Hot" Labor Protection News is published on the main page of the electronic system of labor protection, but you always have the opportunity to view the previously published. It is enough to choose the date of publication.

The legislation meets the mass of terms, which are understandable only by a lawyer, but not an ordinary labor protection specialist. But to understand what the law has in mind, it is necessary! From this directly depends on the correct execution of the requirements of the Code. In the "Professional Dictionary" section you will find a selection of terms and understandable explanations for them.

Labor protection engineer very often has to solve the most difficult issues (to draw up a plan for labor protection, to develop safety instructions and safety instructions by profession) and not always clear how to make their actions in terms of legislation. If you need a specialist support, you can ask your question to experts of the electronic system of "labor protection", the answer will be prepared within two business days and sent you by email.

Attention: This service is available only for users who bought the full version of the system!

it reference system, Established specifically for managers and specialists in the field of labor protection. The system gives an unequivocal and guaranteedly correct answer to the question from this area. Recommendations give authoritative specialists from ministries and departments. All materials are equipped with links to regulationswhich can be viewed immediately, in the built-in legal database.

And in the system there are:
- Fresh rooms and archive of professional magazines;
- regulations on labor protection;
- a large base of unified and non-type forms with filling prompts;
- convenient reference tables;
- training in the remote school of labor protection;
- Services and Calculations for labor protection, such as a service that will help determine when to wait for Git, the calculation of the number of labor protection professionals, etc.;
- Video of webinars, conferences and lectures on labor protection.

What is the difference between the labor protection system from reference and legal systems?

The labor protection system was not created for companies in general, but exclusively for a labor protection specialist, adapted precisely to his needs. It makes it possible to quickly and with minimal efforts to get a clear, unequivocal, detailed, corresponding existing legislation The answer from the authoritative expert of the Ministry of Labor of Russia or the State Labor Inspection (after all, the system is updated daily). You do not have to spend time on an independent analysis of tons of regulatory acts and scattered articles with an unknown relevance.

How does the labor protection system differ from the e-journal "Certificate of Labor Protection Specialist"?

The labor protection system is a huge systematized basis for recommendations on all issues of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, ecology and sectoral specifics on labor protection. You ask a question in the search bar and get a clear answer to it, and at the same time you may not doubt its relevance, as the system is updated immediately as soon as the legislation changes. At the same time, you can see what clarifications on the same issues were in the past, and for the most pressing issues? Rules that will still take effect.

And the magazine "Directory of Labor Protection Specialist", including its electronic version, contains articles that are most interesting for the majority of labor protection professionals at the time of the magazine. With it, it is convenient to learn about changes in work, it is the best way Be aware of legislative innovation. However, articles remain in the form in which they came out in the journal, and the legislation changes. Therefore, to enjoy the archive to resolve a specific working point, it is necessary with a certain caution. In addition, the system is much easier to choose a response, fully appropriate to your question, the system is for this purpose.

Electronic versions of the magazine "Directory of Labor Protection Specialist" and other magazines are available only in premium and optimal versions of the labor protection system.

Can users have a labor protection system get expert help?

Followers optimal I. premium versions Can ask questions in expert support for the labor protection system. Experts respond within one or two business days from the date of your request. You can ask the experts an unlimited number of questions. Base version subscribers do not have access to expert support.

Do you need to have a special technical or software to work with the labor protection system?

No, you do not need to download anything or install, wait for updates. No special knowledge or devices need. Computer and Internet access is everything you need to work.

Who is the labor protection system suitable for?

The system is suitable for different types of organizations - both commercial and budget. There are several versions:

- Basic version.
Contains all the necessary materials for labor protection professionals working in different areas activities, and will also be useful to personnel, accountants and managers small companies;

- Optimal version.
Contains all materials of the basic version, and also includes school safety, personal consultations, labor protection tests and calculations;

- Premium version.
Contains all materials and services of basic and optimal versions, and also includes electronic versions journals, recommendations for industrial safety and sectoral specifics.

Is it possible to work with the labor protection system from home? Or from the Internet cafe?

Can. It is only necessary to enter a login and password.

The authors of the recommendations are best specialists State Offices: Ministry of Labor, State Inspectorate for Labor, FSS of Russia, FIU. Guided by these recommendations, you can minimize risks, optimize costs and protect against penalties.

All materials in the system are divided by thematic blocks, over the creation and daily update of which a large author's team works. For each thematic block, the best experts from specialized departments and departments are responsible. For example, in special assessment Working conditions - from the Department of Conditions and Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, on accidents - from the management of state supervision in the field of labor. That is, the system provides information only first-hand.

How often are materials updated in the labor protection system?

Data is updated daily and fully automatically, so you always work with relevant recommendations and an updated legal framework.

How to quickly find the labor protection system?

Just enter a request in an arbitrary form to the search string. In this case, you can use the usual abbreviations (PB, NPB, TI RO, special fees). You can also take advantage of a large thematic catalog.

Can I learn at the School of Labor Protection, if I am a subscriber of the labor protection system?

School of labor protection is the service system of labor protection, which is included in the optimal and premium version.

Where to see how the labor protection system works?

You can quickly and absolutely try in the work system of labor protection, for this just get demo-free. And you can also order a presentation - our representative will hold it at any time convenient for you in your office or even by phone, and also answers questions. You can order a presentation in your city.

This is a reference system created specifically for managers and specialists in the field of labor protection. The system gives an unequivocal and guaranteedly correct answer to the question from this area. Recommendations give authoritative specialists from ministries and departments. All materials are equipped with links to regulatory documents that can be viewed immediately, in the built-in legal database.

And in the system there are:
- Fresh rooms and archive of professional magazines;
- regulations on labor protection;
- a large base of unified and non-type forms with filling prompts;
- convenient reference tables;
- Services and Calculations for labor protection, for example, a service that will help determine when to wait for Git, the calculation of the number of labor protection specialists, etc.

What is the difference between the labor protection system from reference and legal systems?

The labor protection system was not created for companies in general, but exclusively for a labor protection specialist, adapted precisely to his needs. It makes it possible to quickly and with minimal efforts to get a clear, unequivocal, detailed, corresponding to the current legislation response from the authoritative expert of the Ministry of Labor Ministry of Labor or the State Labor Inspection (after all, the system is updated daily). You do not have to spend time on an independent analysis of tons of regulatory acts and scattered articles with an unknown relevance.

How does the labor protection system differ from the e-journal "Certificate of Labor Protection Specialist"?

The labor protection system is a huge systematized base of recommendations on all issues of labor, industrial and fire safety, ecology and industry specifics on labor protection. You ask a question in the search bar and get a clear answer to it, and at the same time you may not doubt its relevance, as the system is updated immediately as soon as the legislation changes. At the same time, you can see what clarifications on the same issues were in the past, and for the most pressing issues? Rules that will still take effect.

And the magazine "Directory of Labor Protection Specialist", including its electronic version, contains articles that are most interesting for the majority of labor protection professionals at the time of the magazine. With it, it is convenient to learn about changes in work, this is the best way to be aware of legislative innovation. However, articles remain in the form in which they came out in the journal, and the legislation changes. Therefore, to enjoy the archive to resolve a specific working point, it is necessary with a certain caution. In addition, the system is much easier to choose a response, fully appropriate to your question, the system is for this purpose.

Electronic versions of the magazine "Directory of Labor Protection Specialist" and other magazines are available only in premium and optimal versions of the labor protection system.

Can users have a labor protection system get expert help?

Followers optimal and premium versions can ask questions in expert support for the labor protection system. Experts respond within one or two business days from the date of your request. You can ask the experts an unlimited number of questions. Base version subscribers do not have access to expert support.

Do you need to have a special technical or software to work with the labor protection system?

No, you do not need to download anything or install, wait for updates. No special knowledge or devices need. Computer and Internet access is everything you need to work.

Who is the labor protection system suitable for?

The system is suitable for different types of organizations - both commercial and budget. There are several versions:

- Basic version.
Contains all the necessary materials for labor protection professionals working in various fields of activity, and will also be useful to personnel, accountants and managers of small companies;

- Optimal version.
Contains all materials of the basic version, and also includes school safety, personal consultations, labor protection tests and calculations;

- Premium version.
Contains all materials and services of basic and optimal versions, and also includes electronic versions of magazines, industrial safety recommendations and industry specifics.

Is it possible to work with the labor protection system from home? Or from the Internet cafe?

Can. It is only necessary to enter a login and password.

The authors of the recommendations are the best specialists of government departments: Ministry of Labor, the State Inspectorate for Labor, FSS of Russia, FIU. Guided by these recommendations, you can minimize risks, optimize costs and protect against penalties.

All materials in the system are divided by thematic blocks, over the creation and daily update of which a large author's team works. For each thematic block, the best experts from specialized departments and departments are responsible. For example, according to a special assessment of working conditions - from the Department of Conditions and Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, on accidents - from the Office of State Supervision in the Sphere of Labor. That is, the system provides information only first-hand.

How often are materials updated in the labor protection system?

Data is updated daily and fully automatically, so you always work with relevant recommendations and an updated legal framework.

How to quickly find the labor protection system?

Just enter a request in an arbitrary form to the search string. In this case, you can use the usual abbreviations (PB, NPB, TI RO, special fees). You can also take advantage of a large thematic catalog.

Can I learn at the School of Labor Protection, if I am a subscriber of the labor protection system?

School of labor protection is the service system of labor protection, which is included in the optimal and premium version.

Where to see how the labor protection system works?

You can quickly and absolutely try in the work system of labor protection, for this just get demo-free. And you can also order a presentation - our representative will hold it at any time convenient for you in your office or even by phone, and also answers questions. You can order a presentation in your city.

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