Work in Estonia for Latvian. How to look for a job in Estonia

Job search 21.04.2021
Job search

Fresh vacancies 2020 abroad for men and women

Currently, a large number of people are arranged for work not only in their own country, but also in neighboring states. Work abroad allows you to find a place with high payroll and quickly build a career. One of the countries popular with our compatriots is Estonia. Our site represents a huge number of the most recent vacancies from employers from this country that are constantly updated. If necessary, the applicant may immediately contact the employer directly, without the need to pay commissions.

It is worth noting that specialty, as a programmer, cook, nurse, medical sister, electrician, handyman, always use special demand. Jobs are always available for both women and men. For successful employment, you need to have all the necessary documents for traveling abroad, as well as a proposed summary. You can write it, relying on the example that is on our website.

Jobs in Europe 2020 allow you to find a position as with knowledge of the language and without it. The presence of education and experience is an additional advantage, however, and without them you can make a good place with the ability to realize your potential.

In 2020, the European Union's citizens still sharpen a personnel question - a good, stable work "on the weight of gold", the situation in Estonia is no exception: according to statistics, in February, about 6% of the population were not employed. Therefore, for a foreigner find a decent position in this country - something from the field of fiction. Nevertheless, it is a rather popular direction for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians who dream of changing the situation and move to a more developed state.

Estonian crown, in 2010 replaced by euro

The easiest option to find a place is to seek help from special agencies. All possible difficulties will take on professionals. A positive feature of Estonian intermediaries is the fact that in most cases the cost takes on the employer. Thus, the applicant is delivered from additional financial spending.

Without intermediaries, you can do if you constantly browse on the Internet sites dedicated to employment. It makes sense to accommodate its resume on one of them. You may be interested in the potential boss with your personal and professional qualities. Vacan ads are placed in Estonian newspapers. The most famous is Eestiekspress, Eestipaevaleht and Postimees.

Search for ads in newspapers - current way to find a vacancy in Estonia

Finally, it is possible to purposefully look for a place in one of the companies that attracts you personally. Often firms publish information about specialists in which they need. It is better not only to send a resume, but even call back personally, demonstrating your interest.

Requirements for applicants

Work in Estonia for Russians is available only for those who own Estonian. Although most of the population still speaks Russian fluently, especially people aged, all documentation and business communication are in principle in the national language. In this Baltic country, we really relate to the question of the Soviet occupation (so here it is called the period from 1940 to 1990, when Estonia was part of the USSR), therefore, they protect their national identity. Nevertheless, there is no negative attitude to foreigners, even to visitors from Russia, despite common rumors about Estonian hostility towards Russian-speaking citizens.

In order to make a specialty, a diploma is needed that meets European standards. Ideally, the applicant must complete one of the higher educational institutions of the European Union, the United States or Canada. The residents of the post-Soviet space remains the opportunity to confirm their diploma, passing certification from the Special Commission. For most posts, a master's degree is preferred, however, the bachelor's bachelors also have a good chance.

The next important nuance is the presence of experience, at least two or three years. Without it, it is impossible to even start building a career, as the top managers are not interested in training employees. Currently, competition is such that there is enough applicants with a sufficient level of qualifications and skills, so the time of time to explain the duties and education of personnel does not make sense.

Registration of documents

Migrants can do without permission, if they plan to hold no more than 6 months in the state. Another feature that allows it -. In all other situations, it will be necessary to arrange a document. You can implement this procedure as outside the country and being on its territory. In the first case, it is necessary to contact the consulate, and in the second to the state structure called the "Department of Police and Border Guards".

Before starting work, a foreigner must immediately register its police permit after entry. In addition, it is forbidden to change the place of work. This paper is valid for 1 year, after that it is possible to extend it for a longer period, presenting a working contract and passport.

As in the entire European Union, the employer has the right to invite a foreigner only when none of the local citizens are suitable for the requirements. These measures are the struggle with the mass migration of residents of less prosperous countries, as well as the protection of our own population from loss of jobs and unfair competition from visitors.

For the same reason, based on numerous reviews, the design of the working visa (category D) is a difficult task. Without prior signing a contract with the Estonian company, it is almost impossible to receive this document. It will be necessary to fill and print a questionnaire on the site of the embassy, \u200b\u200bpay for the duty and consular fee, provide information on the availability of funds in the bank account.

The working visa to Estonia looks like a tourist, but in the category indicates d instead of C

Jobs for Russians

Estonia is the first state of the post-Soviet space, which has introduced a system of electronic democracy. Currently, voting, as well as most bureaucratic procedures are carried out via the Internet. That is why specialists in the IT sphere are very in demand: programmers, system administrators, site developers. Salary are very decent: from 1000 to 2000 euros and even more in some cases. Along with the IT officers, specialists in finance are in demand: banking workers, insurance agents and so on. Mostly this work in Tallinn.

Statistics of secondary wages in Estonia, euro per month

Seasonal labor in agriculture involves short-term employment in Estonia. Family couples will be happy here, mainly the harvest in the fields. Without experience, you can also get a nurse or nanny in the family, where there is a child or an elderly relative.


There are affordable vacancies for metallurgists, shipbuilders, equipment operators and machine tools. Highly qualified workers will also not sit idle. However, all this is possible only in the situation when Estonians do not claim these positions, otherwise a foreigner does not take free space.

And finally, a qualitative motivating video about work in Estonia (in English):

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Among the former CIS countries, Estonia can be called the most stable and successfully developing. It is not by chance that many rushed here in search of work.

Choosing, in which of Europe, go to work, many choose Estonia. This decision is explained by several reasons:

  • Territorial proximity to Russia.
  • Estonia is included in the EU, which gives a number of advantages to citizens who have received permanent residence in the country.
  • A large number of Russian-speaking in Estonia greatly simplifies adaptation in an unfamiliar country.
  • Estonian economy is successfully developing and is considered one of the most stable among the former CIS countries.
  • The average salary is growing steadily in recent years.
  • The able-bodied population and young people leave for earnings to other European countries, because of this, a shortage of qualified specialists arises and attractive vacancies for foreign specialists appear.

Sophisticated specialty

One of the main problems of Estonia is an outflow of highly qualified specialists. Young people prefer to leave for other, more developed countries of Europe, to work. But for foreigners looking for work in Estonia, is a big plus. Thanks to this, interesting vacancies with a decent salary appear. First of all, specialists in the field of IT are required. This applies primarily by major cities - Tallinn, Harjumaa. Banking employees are also in demand - insurance agents and cashiers.

In Estonia, industry and processing spheres are actively developing. Therefore, metallurgists, chemists, machine operators, engineers will not remain without work. Even a proposal was made to allocate immigration quotas to attract foreign specialists.

Much attention in the country is given to the development of tourism, therefore specialists from this area are always in demand. An undoubted advantage for applicants will be the knowledge of Estonian, English and Russian.

It is possible to settle and without qualifications. Among male specialties, movers, builders, drivers are in demand. In the season you can get a harvest collector. Women can work nanny, nurse, maid, seamstress, manicure master, hairdresser.

The largest selection of vacancies in major cities. In the province, work is difficult to find even the local population, and salaries there are usually significantly lower.

Middle salary in Estonia

In recent years, there has been a stable wage growth in Estonia. So, from January 1, 2020, the minimum salary has grown. Now it is 584 €. The minimum hourly wage reached a mark of $ 3.48. The average salary in the country has grown. It amounted to 1419 € before tax deductions.

Highly qualified specialists receive an average of 1500-2000 €:

  • Programmer - € 2150,
  • Bank employee - € 2000,
  • Doctor - € 1700,
  • Engineer - € 1300 €.

But workers without qualifications have a good salary:

  • Machinist - € 1230,
  • Welder - € 1120,
  • Cook - € 1000,
  • Trucker driver - € 1600,
  • Nurse - € 920,
  • Loader - € 870,
  • Seller - € 700,
  • Nanny - € 500,
  • Maid - € 500.

It should be understood that the numbers are approximate and depend on the region. In Tallinn and large industrial cities, such as Harjumaa, Tartumaa, Ida-Virumaa wages will be higher. In small cities earn more difficult. The lowest salary is marked on the island of Hiyumaa and Saaremaa.

Where to hiking vacancies from direct employers - sites on finding work in Estonia

One desire to work abroad little, the work still needs to be found. There are several ways to do it:

  • seek help from friends or familiar living in Estonia;
  • search for free vacancies on Internet resources;
  • view announcements about work in newspapers;
  • contact directly with the employer;
  • contact recruitment agency.

The easiest and most affordable way to find a job is to view online stock exchanges, where employers are gaining employees. There are plenty of such Internet resources in Estonia. The most popular of them:

  • Work in Estonia. This is the official resource of Estonia. This will be useful to look at everyone who is looking for work in this country: in addition to vacancies, you can find a lot of useful information about employment and life in the country as a whole.
  • CV-Online. On this resource, public institutions, as well as employers from other countries of the Baltic and Scandinavia, are most often placed. The search system allows you to sort the announcements by industry, specialties, companies, location.
  • CV Keskus. This Internet resource is part of the international group The Network. Basically here you can find vacancies from private companies, not only Estonian, but also European. A user-friendly interface allows you to search for work on various criteria: the date of advertisement, sectors, the location of the company. A separate section is highlighted for those who are looking for seasonal work, as well as for those who wish to pass internship in Estonian enterprises. Applicants can leave their resume completely free. The only minus of the site is all ads on Estonian.
  • Eurabota. This is a Russian-speaking platform offering work in various European countries. Estonia here is assigned a separate section. It is mainly that work related to physical labor: builders, auto mechanics, farm assistants, handymen. It is not very convenient that there is no filter to sort ads.
  • Leia. On this resource, you can find a variety of vacancies: from large state and commercial enterprises looking for highly qualified specialists to small private firms or even individuals looking for assistants to work in the garden plot or for walking dogs. Applicants can leave resume. If necessary, specialists of the resource will help him with its compilation.
  • Eesti Töötukassa. This Internet site coordinates the insurance fund of the unemployment insurance. Various vacancies are available here. In addition, applicants will find a lot of useful information regarding labor and tax legislation. It is possible to order a consultation with Skype specialist through the self-service service, if there are questions regarding employment in Estonia.

It should be borne in mind that most ads on sites in Estonian, even if it is possible to go to Russian in the menu. To communicate with the employer, too, most likely, will have to be in Estonian.

Another way to find work in Estonia is viewing vacancies in newspapers. The most popular publications in this regard are Eesti Ekspress and Eesti Päevaleht.

With good knowledge of Estonian language, you can try to find a job directly by contacting the employer. You can do this by sending a letter to an e-mail or by calling the reception. Company contacts can be found on InforeGister or 1182.

Specificity of work in Estonia for foreigners

There are many attractive vacancies in Estonia and for highly qualified specialists, and for workers without skills. However, a number of requirements are presented to foreign workers.

Language Requirements

Most Estonians understand the Russian language well and communicate on it in everyday life. However, for the device to work, the knowledge of the Estonian language is one of the main conditions. Without it, it is difficult to count on a good position, even having a diploma and work experience. But it is not worth a despair: you can try to get a job in international companies, where most employees communicate in English. There are also companies that are focused on Russian customers. They will take into their own staff of Russian-speaking staff.

Nostrification of the diploma: to whom it will take and where to apply

Not always a diploma received in other countries is recognized in Estonia. It will be necessary to confirm. This can be done on the official infoportal country. Here you can see what the requirements for education and experience are presented in the Baltic state to a specific profession.

Obtaining a working visa

One of the most difficult issues in the device to work in Estonia is a working visa. The process is very complex and durable in time.

The employer has the right to take an alien on an open vacancy only if there was no wishing among Estonians or EU citizens. After that, he must contact an unemployment office with a request to approve the candidacy. In the case of approval of the petition, a certificate is issued for employment to this company for a period of 6 months. Only after that, non-resident can begin registration of a working visa. To get it, he must prepare a package of documents, where includes:

  • international passport,
  • questionnaire
  • photos,
  • invitation from the employer;
  • labor contract;
  • certificate of the absence of criminal record;
  • medical insurance;
  • written explanation about the goals of arrival in Estonia;
  • financial guarantees;
  • lease / armor rental or document;
  • document on education / experience (certificate, diploma, certificate, workbook);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The maximum period for which you can get a working visa is 2 years 3 months. If the term of employment contract is less, the document is issued for the same period.

It is easier to get a seasonal job. To do this, there will be enough registration of a conventional short-term visa of C. At the same time, it will not be necessary to obtain permission for employment from the unemployment cash register and make out a residence permit.

Illegal employment - consequences

A foreigner working in Estonia is illegally obliged to pay a fine of € 600- € 1700. In addition, he is threatened with deportation from the country and entering the blacklist for up to 10 years.

Employers themselves are also reluctant to go to the device of illegal immigrants. For them, it is fraught with a fine of € 1500 and even imprisonment in violation of the law more than 2 times in a year.

More than 20 years ago, Estonia finally agrees with the Soviet past and fully took the course to integrate with the West in economic and political terms. Since 2004, the country is part of the European Union, and in 2011 he joined the euro zone. Today, Estonia's economy is one of the most dynamic and stable not only in the Baltic region, but also throughout Central and Northern Europe.

Unemployment rate in Estonia is 3,9% . This is the average among EU countries. For example, less than in neighboring Lithuania and Latvia. In some sectors of the economy, there is even a certain deficit of employees, and both qualified and without special qualifications.

Therefore, work in Estonia for Russians and Ukrainians in 2020, with the proper level of perseverance and motivation, fully achieving the goal. Special attention in finding a vacancy in Estonia should be given to the sphere of information technology and road transport in the event of a long-term employment, and agricultural work that will be more suitable for short-term earnings.

A big advantage will be the presence of a diploma of one of Estonian universities and ownership of a local language, despite the considerable share of Russian speakers, even English may not be enough for successful employment. The population of Estonia in 2020 is a little more than 1.3 million people. This is a small, but rather prosperous state is considered one of the safest and most comfortable places for accommodation not only in Europe, but also in the world.

A completely suitable country for immigrants from the CIS countries, besides, about 30% of the Estonian population speak Russian freely. Next, learn how to go to work in Estonia, consider the most affordable vacancies in the local labor market in 2020 and denote the basic ways to search for a workplace for a foreigner.

How to go to work in Estonia

Despite the fairly acceptable level of unemployment, in comparison with other European countries, the Estonian authorities are interested in ensuring maximum employment primarily by local residents. In addition, EU citizens are entitled to work in Estonia without any special limitations, while other foreigners, in most cases, can take a vacancy only in the absence of the necessary specialists among the Estonians and the same Europeans.

All this testifies to a high level of competition, which are facing foreign workers from third countries, for example, Russia and Ukraine. For this category of applicants, the prerequisite is preliminary search and approval of the vacancy in the Estonian company, obtaining a work permit from local departments, registration of a working visa and a residence permit at the Estonian consulate in their own country.

It is easy to guess that most Estonian employers are not fought by the desire to prove to local departments the need to make a foreigner to work, collect a bunch of documents and the most important thing to spend personal time for it.

However, the number of the working-age population of Estonia gradually decreases, the economy is growing on the contrary, and young people, in turn, seeks to go to more developed European countries. From here there is a demand in highly qualified specialists and temporary workers of unskilled professions from the CIS countries.

In the event of a successful search for vacancies and signing a labor contract with a local employer, as well as an affirmative decision on the unemployment of Estonia on the employment of a foreigner, the applicant turns to the Estonian consulate with the relevant statement on providing a temporary residence permit on the basis of employment. Usually the term of consideration of the application takes no more than 2 months.

Continuous official stay in Estonia for 5 years Allows you to get the status of a permanent resident, and in the future and issue an Estonian passport. Some categories of foreign workers, usually for temporary employment, do not require pre-obtaining work permit, for example:

  • Holders of a long-term residence permit of one of the EU countries.
  • Accredited journalists.
  • Teachers of Estonian universities.
  • Athletes, coach, arbitrators and owners of some creative professions.
  • Graduates of the Universities of Estonia.
  • Managing and senior managers of foreign companies in Estonia.
  • Holders of the Blue EU card.
  • Scientists for research work.
  • Top-level specialists.
  • Seasonal workers in agriculture.

Language. In most cases, a worthy vacancy in Estonia will require knowledge of Estonian language. An exception can be international companies or unskilled labor, where English, and sometimes Russian, is enough.

Qualification. Education diplomas confirming the qualifications of a foreign worker should usually be recognized in Estonia. Check the list of regulated Estonian professions and recognition of a foreign diploma can be on a special site.

Wage level. Usually, to obtain a residence permit in Estonia for the purpose of employment, the level of salary of a foreign specialist should be at least an average annual indicator in the country.

How to find a job in Estonia. Search for vacancies without intermediaries.

The unconditional advantage of Estonia in terms of searching for vacancies without intermediaries is a large number of Russians permanently residing in this territory. And this is not a lot of a few quarter of the country's population. After all, according to statistics, only 30% of vacancies of the Estonian labor market are freely access.

Therefore, familiar and relatives in Estonia are undoubtedly plus. Even a short-term tourist trip to this country can serve as a great way to acquire the necessary links and speed up the employment process.

Otherwise, open the Internet and begin to seem to look for a suitable vacancy. Start from visiting the official Estonian resource of In addition to directly proposals for work, there you can find a lot of information about the various aspects of life in Estonia. Next, go to specialized resources.

Popular sites of Estonia to find work

International Employment Resources

Estonian newspapers

Show activity in a professional social network If possible, visit the positions of vacancies. Carefully examine the samples of the resume and the accompanying letters directly under the Estonian employer. It is very important to use all of the above resources in the complex. In this case, the positive will necessarily be.

In 2020, the level of medium net wages in Estonia is 1 155 euros per month. This is a pretty good indicator, for example, higher than in the Czech Republic or Poland, as well as other Baltic and Eastern European countries.

In addition, in recent years there has been a permanent increase in the minimum wage in Estonia. From 320 euros per month in 2013, up to 540 euros in January 1, 2019.

Available vacancies in Estonia in 2020 for Russian and Ukrainians, according to the latest research on various employment agencies, are viewed for the following employees:

  • specialists of the sphere IT.
  • builders
  • representatives of technical professions
  • drivers of motor vehicles
  • business and Management Managers
  • employees of education and healthcare
  • various types of unskilled labor

The greatest number of jobs focused in the capital and the largest city of Estonian state - Tallinn. Among the popular vacancies in Estonia is the area of \u200b\u200binformation technology, including for foreigners from the CIS. Every year the country seeks substantial progress in this area and in 2020 the demand for experienced specialists will only increase.

Quite often occasion of vacancies in the tourist industry. Mainly requires young and energetic people, and one of the conditions is knowledge of English and Russian languages. Relatively available and seasonal work in Estonia, as a rule, in agriculture to harvest, where there is no special qualifications and language skills, which actually attracts foreigners from third countries.

After 2008, work in Estonia was problematic due to the global financial crisis. Nevertheless, Western investments and loans allowed the Estonian economy to develop in a positive way. The unemployment rate decreased, in 2018 it is no more than 5%. Moreover, in some industries there is a deficit of employees, so work in Estonia in 2018 is available both highly qualified employees and without qualifications.

Despite the considerable share of Russian-speaking countries (more than 30%), to quickly adapt to new conditions, we recommend to prepare and learn or national, or English. As in other EU countries, it is possible to get a job in Estonia and from direct employers only if no Estonian pretends to her, so it is possible to count on a good place with education, knowledge and experience.

It is logical that the country is interested in the employment of its citizens. Nevertheless, the economy develops, and young professionals seek to leave to other countries where they pay more. Therefore, to find work in Estonia Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians are not problematic. The main thing, starting with the official "path", especially since 5 years of permanent residence there are all chances of obtaining citizenship of one of the European countries.

Middle salary level - from 1 000 eurosmonthly. This is higher than in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece. Since 2013, there has been an increase in this indicator. Mandatory condition for obtaining a residence permit - after employment in Estonia, the salary should be no lower than the average level.

The largest number of places - in Tallinn. In other cities, it all depends on the season and population. Vacancies in Estonia in the tourist sphere are in demand. Here, employees need to know English and Russian. In agriculture, seasonal work is available in Estonia for women, men and students.

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