Business Plan Production Program. Industrial plan of the enterprise: What is it? Production plan

Lending 21.04.2021

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Step 7: Preparation of the section Business Plan "Production Plan"

If you open a manufacturing enterprise, your business plan should have an additional chapter on the description of the product production process.
The main goal of this section of the business plan is to prove to a potential investor that you can ensure the production of planned volumes of high-quality products and on time.

Description of the technological process

First of all, answer the question whether your enterprise is already active or it is only created. That is what interests your investors and partners first.

Often the production plan is drawn up on the basis of the sales plan of products. In this section, write about how you plan to produce your product, and consider all stages of creating a product or service. It is best to make it in the form of a calendar plan, which will include a forecast of the terms of the events and the amount of funding necessary for their implementation.

Describe in detail all the nuances of the technological process (best with visual schemes) from the time of the acquisition of raw materials and materials and to the sale of finished products to wholesalers.

Think how you can improve the technological process and what is required for this. The composition and structure of production facilities can not be considered very detailed.

If this information is of particular importance (for example, for large manufacturing companies), it can be specified in the attachment to the business plan.

But the supply issues of raw materials, materials and components deserve more attention, since they largely depends the stability of the technological process. Write what material values \u200b\u200b(land, buildings, production facilities), stocks of raw materials and materials, which equipment and components have your company now and how delivery will be carried out in the future.

Ready ideas for your business

If the raw material you use requires special conditions for transportation and storage, write about how these conditions will be observed. Think out how quality control and timeliness will be carried out, because the profit and reputation of your company depends on it.

Evaluate productivity indicators that are determined by the number of time and human resources necessary for the production of goods or services. This indicator also directly affects the amount of profit, which is particularly interested in investors.

Describe what equipment is required for the production of products. If the company does not have all the necessary equipment at the time of writing a business plan, indicate that it is necessary to purchase it and how much time from the moment of receipt of the required financing it will be necessary on its purchase, installation, debugging and launch.

Consider in detail the requirements for quality control at all stages of production, specify the standards that you will be guided.

Pay attention to energy support issues: list the requirements for energy sources, analyze their availability and consider alternative options for interruptions in the operation of the main sources of energy.

For example:

In the process of producing our products, we plan to use _____. Our main supplier of raw materials is company ______. In the event that this provider cannot fulfill its obligations, we will use the services of another company _____. The constituents will be transported ____.

On our production line will be used equipment issued ____. According to the contract, this manufacturer will provide technical support, which will increase the efficiency of operations by ___%. Thanks to the use of new equipment, we will be able to reduce production costs by ___%.

In the production process, a patented technology will be used, which allows you to further reduce the cost of one unit of products to ___ rubles.

On the purchase and maintenance of equipment required ____. The owners of the enterprise are planning to invest ____ of their own funds.

Requirements for qualifications and availability of necessary personnel

In the second part of the production plan, let the staff of the enterprise. Special attention is paid to administrative, engineering and industrial personnel. Describe the structure and composition of divisions, working conditions, payment and stimulation. Consider how to improve the qualifications and training of employees (if it is assumed).

If over time you plan to make changes in the structure of the company's personnel (as a rule, this is the expansion of the state), then be sure to mention this in the production plan: Give the company's development forecasts for the next 2-3 years and write what experts in this regard you will need in future.

For example:

Currently, the company employs ___ person. The company has the following divisions / departments / working groups: ____. The administration includes ____. Their obligations include the management of the enterprise, the development of a common strategy, ____. Production staff includes ____. They are responsible for ____.

When assigning wages, we will use the classification of the company's posts / follow the standards adopted in the industry / strive to ensure that its dimensions are at ___% above average in the region. The system of benefits and benefits will include premiums, additional medical insurance, assistance in obtaining education and advanced training.

In connection with the expansion of the scope of the enterprise over the next 3 years, it is planned to take ___ employees working at an incomplete rate / on a freelance basis by this time.

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Tasks and components of the production plan

"Competitive struggle wins in the market, and lose at home." Therefore, investors are always interested in manufacturing business aspects.

The production plan is based on marketing forecasts for sales volumes and product range.

The production plan provides standards, standards relating to the organization of production, material costs, material reserves, etc.

The main task of the production plan is to prove that the firm:

- really can organize production;

- able to produce the required amount of product of the appropriate quality;

- It has the ability to purchase the necessary resources.

The production plan should give answers to the following questions:

1) what production operations will be carried out by the firm in the process of manufacturing products;

2) what material and technical resources are necessary for the manufacture of products;

3) What external factors can affect the production process.

The production plan begins with a brief characteristics of the production process and describing the main production operations in their sequence.

Describing the technological process must be specified:

1) which machines and tools are necessary for production;

2) what raw materials and materials will be used;

3) employees, what professions and qualifications need to be hired;

4) what specific premises are needed;

5) What work will be carried out by the firm on their own, and which are third-party organizations.

The development of the production plan begins with the preparation of basic production operations and technological processes. Here you need to show:

1) where raw materials come from, materials, components;

2) in which sequence, and in which shops will be recycled;

3) Where products will be supplied.

If the production of products is carried out by subcontractors, then it is necessary to specify which work will be carried out by the firm on their own, and which are subcontractors. It is necessary to characterize subcontractors (field; the reasons that caused their choice; the costs associated with their involvement). If there are copies of concluded contracts, contracts, signed protocols on intentions.

In the subsection "Machines and equipment" are given:

Full list of machines and equipment;

Calculation of the costs associated with their acquisition or lease;

Information on depreciation deductions for each type of equipment and service life.

In the subsection "Raw materials, materials and components":

- It is necessary to bring the list of all types of raw materials, materials and components to be used in the production process;

- It is necessary to specify specific suppliers, specific prices, give explanations on financial and other delivery conditions, the location of suppliers;

- show the necessary amounts of reserves, specify the special conditions for their storage.

In the subsection "Production and non-production premises" provides information on all the premises necessary for the company. It is necessary to describe the location, resources, the availability of platforms for loading and unloading, providing transport communications.

At the end of the production plan, the influence of external factors for the production activity of the company should be characterized. The main external factors include:

The possibility of acquiring production resources;

The probability of manifestation of new technologies for the production of this product;

Legal restrictions are sanitary standards, waste and security utilization requirements.

Entrepreneurs engaged in the production of goods or service provision should pay special attention to the section of a business plan dedicated to production planning. An example of a business plan in a business plan should be formed on the basis of forecasting products or provision of services. The more detailed this section is registered, the higher the chance of attracting investors into business.

Start development

Before starting to develop a production plan in a business plan, it is necessary to clarify, is an enterprise acting or is at the creation stage. It is this question that interests investors in the first place. If an enterprise is only created, investors can doubt the profitability of cash investment. To prevent possible errors, it is necessary to properly arrange accents in the preparation of the production plan.


  1. As a rule, the production plan is written using the product sales plan. It should be exhaustively describing the production plan. It is better to arrange it with the help of a calendar plan and include forecasts of the activities carried out, the necessary financing.
  2. The important moments of the technological process are described since the acquisition of materials and ending with the implementation of the finished product. It is necessary to think about how technology will be improved and that it will be necessary for this.
  3. An analysis of the demand of products and services is carried out. It is necessary to think about the issues related to the promotion of the technology used. Ideally, it should be more perfect than potential competitors.
  4. Materials relating to the supply of materials and components are thought out, since they depend on them in most cases the constancy of the technologies applied.
  5. It is determined by the need for premises for the location of equipment, warehouse equipment. There is a placement of production facilities and their composition.
  6. The material values \u200b\u200bare indicated that the enterprise has, and what methods of the necessary materials in the future will be delivered. If the materials used require special conditions for transportation and storage, it should be described, with which these conditions are followed which quality control is applied.
  7. Assessment of performance indicators, determined by the amount of time and human resources required for production. Indicators affect the amount of profits, namely, this moment is more concerned with many investors.

These are the necessary moments for which special attention should be paid. Of course, to properly draw up a production plan, experience is needed in the manufacture of goods and services. If production begins with scratch both in terms of knowledge and in terms of work as a whole, when developing a production plan in a business plan, you should use the examples of other enterprises, having learned from their experience.

How to identify basic technological processes

When choosing technological processes, attention should be paid to not only the perfection of equipment, but also the availability of its application in various conditions of functioning of the enterprise.

For more accurate analysis, the following data sources can be used:

  1. Technical characteristics of equipment. For example, you can use the official sites of manufacturers, objective consumer reviews, etc.
  2. Evaluation of the work of analogues used at the enterprises of the same profile.

When choosing equipment, pay attention to the advantages of its operation:

  • durability;
  • the presence of space-standing service centers;
  • universality.

The production section should also include the calculation of the need for the required office equipment for the normal functioning of the workflow.

Justification of the room

When choosing a placement for production, attention is paid to the following points:

  • The possibility of compliance with production and fire protection requirements.
  • The presence of areas for warehouses.
  • The possibility of placing ventilation, air conditioners, water supply and sewage systems.
  • The presence of heating in the building.

Along with the development of a production plan, you need to create an equipment plan with a possible expansion of production in the future.

Selection of transport

The business plan manufacturing plan should include options for selecting internal and external transport.

Internal transport:

  • loaders and conveyors;
  • manipulators operating in the enterprise.

Selection of internal transport should occur simultaneously with the choice of equipment and technology processes.

External transport is used to deliver materials and export finished products to the market for implementation. This type of transport is better to take into the long-term rent - its acquisition is unprofitable, as it requires a separate room for parking, consumables, spare parts and service personnel. The acquisition of external transport to the property is beneficial to larger enterprises.

Expense forecast

When developing a production plan, you should register the possible costs that will have to be incurred during the planning of the workflow:

Attracting personnel

When developing a production plan, attention should be paid to the working conditions of workers, payment and stimulating efficiency. Premium and other surcharges can be laid. When expanding production, it may be necessary to improve staff skills. In this case, planning should include training costs.

Development of a production plan in a business plan- complex and time-consuming case, requiring special attention and availability of special knowledge in various fields. If possible, people who work out in engineering and economic issues should be connected to the design of the project.

Business from scratch - how to make a business plan: video

The basis for planning the work of any enterprise is a production plan. This document records the volume and procedure for the production of goods or the provision of services with related characteristics: the volume of the used raw materials, cost, labor costs. Consider how it is necessary to draw up a production plan, what kind of purpose it serves that it is necessary to reflect in this document and its sample.

The production plan is called a document with which the management of the enterprise organizes the work and controls the labor process, the consumption of raw materials and energy, personnel employment. Production plan is the basis of the Company's activities. Without it, it is impossible to effectively control the enterprise, track profit and losses, find ways to optimize.

Such a document puts the task for each department / structural unit. The production plan is drawn up at each enterprise independently. Find the finished pattern is actually impossible: each organization has its own specificity. At the same time, there are generally accepted approaches and algorithms for the preparation of this document. Their use greatly simplifies the procedure. It is also important to know that it is impossible to write planning once and constantly use it. The document requires regular adjustment.

Work in accordance with the production plan is more promising

What he gives

Any production plan simultaneously serves several goals:

  1. Determination of the number of units of goods and services required for profit.
  2. Planning a specific amount of profit, the ratio of expenses and income, any other important financial indicators.
  3. Evaluation of the efficiency of resource and raw materials.
  4. Quality control. In the document, you can fix specific characteristics of goods and seek them.
  5. Planning raw material costs.
  6. Search for ways to optimize the process and work options.
  7. Power control.
  8. Control of the efficiency of the use of labor resources.
  9. Evaluation of sales efficiency.
  10. Development of optimal ways to use the budget.
  11. Standardization of reporting.

Thus, the list of tasks solved by the production plan is very wide. In addition, depending on the wishes of the manual, any other indicators and goals for structural divisions may be included in the document. The document helps to develop a development strategy - a list of specific actions of the enterprises necessary to achieve the goals of work. The plan helps to effectively distribute resources.

Varieties of production plans

All production plans can be divided into the following types:

  1. Short-term - 1-2 years. Divided into quarters and half of the year. Install what purpose the company should achieve during the year.
  2. Medium-term - from 2 to 5 years. The main goal is to determine the organizational structure, the number of employees, capital investments and production facilities, the volume of annual income and the dynamics of growth, investment needs, loans.
  3. Long-term - from 10 years and above. The goal is to develop an economic strategy, determining the place of organization in the market, position among competitors.

The long-term plan is specified in the medium term, medium-term - in the short-term. All three plans must be consistent with each other. They cannot contradict each other. Planning should provide for the dynamics of development. From the documents should follow, what indicators will the enterprise be consistently achieved.

Large organizations make up all 3 types of plans, less large-scale - only medium-term and short-term. The work of any enterprise specially producing material values, without an ineffective plan. Development strategy is needed even in the service sector and trade.

Drawing up a plan better to entrust specialists with profile education

Features of the plan

The production plan is not one document, but several at once. The most standard kit includes:

  1. Plan for the main activity, fixing the goals of the enterprise, categories of goods and volumes of their production.
  2. Work schedule - a list of categories of goods with an indication of their quantity, cost, raw materials. Dynamics of production - how many goods produce and sell in every month, in every year.
  3. Table of company needs in funds, investments, loans.

Among the important indicators that the plan of any manufacturing enterprise should be recorded:

  • tariffs for utilities, costs for their payment;
  • foundation for labor remuneration;
  • consumption of raw materials per unit of goods or services;
  • production process technology;
  • margin profit;
  • the presence of specialists with a certain level of qualifications;
  • amounts of borrowed funds, percentage size.

Detection of capacity loading

Determining capacity utilization - that is, the optimal methods of using equipment and raw materials for the release of the maximum volume of products are one of the most important parts of the production plan. How is it calculated?

  1. Determine the most popular categories in the market and specific models of goods.
  2. Calculate the number of resources that must be used for the manufacture of one unit.
  3. We predict the number of units of goods capable of being implemented as soon as possible.
  4. Determine how many units of goods and in what time frames can produce available equipment.
  5. Analyze, for which time you can produce the necessary batch of goods on the existing equipment.

This is a simplified power calculation algorithm. As a rule, these operations trust professional economists. To correctly calculate the firmness, you need to know the performance of the equipment, the speed of the staff and the consumption of raw materials. This process is associated with the planning and assumption of the market situation. Install the accurate required volume of production is almost impossible. Success is considered to achieve the most close to the reality of the indicators.

Sample of the production plan indicating units of products for each month of work

Reflection of the production process

Any sample of the enterprise production plan must necessarily include a description of the production process: both global and relative to each model of goods. Only accurate fixation of the entire process will help correctly plan and optimize the work.

It is convenient to reflect the production process in the form of a schema, where each action will be displayed in stages.

An understandable scheme with an indication of equipment involved, personnel and raw materials will help the management to evaluate the effectiveness of the current work order and, if necessary, find ways to optimize. Based on the analysis, optimal work methods can be determined.

Operating schedule

The production plan includes a section where the work schedule is described, namely:

  • the amount of shift, duration;
  • number of weekend days / absence of days off;
  • the number of workers in shift;
  • the expected performance of each shift.

Premises or territory for equipment

Such a document describes all available rooms with their appointment. You need to fix the area, the height of the ceilings, the state (whether the repair is required), connected communications, inputs, outputs, windows, if necessary, describe the finish. Make a conclusion about the suitability of the premises for production in the medium and long term.

If the analysis of the room will show that it is unsuitable for increasing productivity, in the medium term, it is necessary to search for a suitable real estate with a clarification of specific requirements. It is important to reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the existing workshop to achieve maximum profits.

The company can plan the opening of new workshops, the creation of representative offices in other regions - all this must also be fixed in medium and long-term planning. Mandatory with a description of real estate requirements.

Plan compilers independently think over its structure

The need for materials and suppliers of raw materials

Planning helps competently use resources, but only in the case when contains information about the materials and their suppliers. Information on the quality and cost of raw materials will help evaluate product quality and expediency of working with a specific supplier. Information on working with counterparties will help if necessary to quickly predict how the price changes for any of its goods will affect the production.

The most convenient way to describe the need for materials and their suppliers are tables for each product. Specify:

  • weight / color / product size;
  • its key characteristics;
  • a full composition indicating the used volumes of raw materials;
  • the ability to replace any components;
  • information about the supplier;
  • the price of each component.

Permanent costs

An important section in which the list of permanent expenses will be presented for most enterprises:

  • rental of premises;
  • communal expenses;
  • raw materials and source materials;
  • taxes and compulsory payments;
  • logistics and transport;
  • fund of remuneration.

The document should record the current and planned values \u200b\u200bof each consumption, possibly indicating the permissible boundaries. Such an approach will help to make a plan more flexible, adapted to changing market conditions. Knowing the permissible boundaries of each direction of permanent costs will help if necessary, more quickly adjust prices for products.

Product costs

The manufacturer necessarily considers the full cost for each of its goods. Without the knowledge of this indicator it is impossible to competently select the price, which means it threatens with loss. To calculate the full cost, all values \u200b\u200bof the resources spent are folded:

  • source materials;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • communal and other energy expenses;
  • employee salary;
  • salary of managing personnel;
  • insurance premiums;
  • transportation costs;
  • advertising;
  • sales costs.

An example of a production plan

A typical example of a production plan for 1 year is presented in the image below. It is made according to the most common structure and reflects the most important indicators for the manufacturer. To use other people's plans should not be, but you can analyze them and adapt for your production.

Option of production plan

Frequently encountered errors

The most common mistakes in the preparation of such a document are incorrect accounting of the consumption of materials, incorrect assessment of the capacity of the equipment, an overestimated waiting for demand. These inaccuracies are adversely affect the content of the document: it is less related to reality. The incorrect development strategy built on erroneous calculations will inevitably lead to bankruptcy.

Therefore, it is extremely important to track the indicators as accurately as possible and adjust them if necessary. The more the company will monitor the content of the production plan, the more likely to achieve the optimal ratio of income and expenses.

When planning it is extremely important to take into account the likelihood of sudden circumstances: breakdowns of equipment, a large private order or a breakdown of raw materials. The company must have measures for each such case. It is reasonable to initially lay lower indicators, not at the limit of equipment opportunities, and in the success of them a little.

Plan control

Performance for the control of the plan carries out in fact the entire leading composition of the enterprise in its area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. So, the manufacturer of production controls the manufacture of the necessary batch of goods in specific time, the head of the delivery department is watching how much raw materials they need to get and ship every day and so on. Control over all areas and the implementation of the plan in general is the responsibility zone of the head.

The basis for planning the work of any enterprise is a production plan. This document records the volume and procedure for the production of goods or the provision of services with related characteristics: the volume of the used raw materials, cost, labor costs. Consider how it is necessary to draw up a production plan, what kind of purpose it serves that it is necessary to reflect in this document and its sample.

The production plan is called a document with which the management of the enterprise organizes the work and controls the labor process, the consumption of raw materials and energy, personnel employment. Production plan is the basis of the Company's activities. Without it, it is impossible to effectively control the enterprise, track profit and losses, find ways to optimize.

Such a document puts the task for each department / structural unit. The production plan is drawn up at each enterprise independently. Find the finished pattern is actually impossible: each organization has its own specificity. At the same time, there are generally accepted approaches and algorithms for the preparation of this document. Their use greatly simplifies the procedure. It is also important to know that it is impossible to write planning once and constantly use it. The document requires regular adjustment.

Work in accordance with the production plan is more promising

What he gives

Any production plan simultaneously serves several goals:

  1. Determination of the number of units of goods and services required for profit.
  2. Planning a specific amount of profit, the ratio of expenses and income, any other important financial indicators.
  3. Evaluation of the efficiency of resource and raw materials.
  4. Quality control. In the document, you can fix specific characteristics of goods and seek them.
  5. Planning raw material costs.
  6. Search for ways to optimize the process and work options.
  7. Power control.
  8. Control of the efficiency of the use of labor resources.
  9. Evaluation of sales efficiency.
  10. Development of optimal ways to use the budget.
  11. Standardization of reporting.

Thus, the list of tasks solved by the production plan is very wide. In addition, depending on the wishes of the manual, any other indicators and goals for structural divisions may be included in the document. The document helps to develop a development strategy - a list of specific actions of the enterprises necessary to achieve the goals of work. The plan helps to effectively distribute resources.

Varieties of production plans

All production plans can be divided into the following types:

  1. Short-term - 1-2 years. Divided into quarters and half of the year. Install what purpose the company should achieve during the year.
  2. Medium-term - from 2 to 5 years. The main goal is to determine the organizational structure, the number of employees, capital investments and production facilities, the volume of annual income and the dynamics of growth, investment needs, loans.
  3. Long-term - from 10 years and above. The goal is to develop an economic strategy, determining the place of organization in the market, position among competitors.

The long-term plan is specified in the medium term, medium-term - in the short-term. All three plans must be consistent with each other. They cannot contradict each other. Planning should provide for the dynamics of development. From the documents should follow, what indicators will the enterprise be consistently achieved.

Large organizations make up all 3 types of plans, less large-scale - only medium-term and short-term. The work of any enterprise specially producing material values, without an ineffective plan. Development strategy is needed even in the service sector and trade.

Drawing up a plan better to entrust specialists with profile education

Features of the plan

The production plan is not one document, but several at once. The most standard kit includes:

  1. Plan for the main activity, fixing the goals of the enterprise, categories of goods and volumes of their production.
  2. Work schedule - a list of categories of goods with an indication of their quantity, cost, raw materials. Dynamics of production - how many goods produce and sell in every month, in every year.
  3. Table of company needs in funds, investments, loans.

Among the important indicators that the plan of any manufacturing enterprise should be recorded:

  • tariffs for utilities, costs for their payment;
  • foundation for labor remuneration;
  • consumption of raw materials per unit of goods or services;
  • production process technology;
  • margin profit;
  • the presence of specialists with a certain level of qualifications;
  • amounts of borrowed funds, percentage size.

Detection of capacity loading

Determining capacity utilization - that is, the optimal methods of using equipment and raw materials for the release of the maximum volume of products are one of the most important parts of the production plan. How is it calculated?

  1. Determine the most popular categories in the market and specific models of goods.
  2. Calculate the number of resources that must be used for the manufacture of one unit.
  3. We predict the number of units of goods capable of being implemented as soon as possible.
  4. Determine how many units of goods and in what time frames can produce available equipment.
  5. Analyze, for which time you can produce the necessary batch of goods on the existing equipment.

This is a simplified power calculation algorithm. As a rule, these operations trust professional economists. To correctly calculate the firmness, you need to know the performance of the equipment, the speed of the staff and the consumption of raw materials. This process is associated with the planning and assumption of the market situation. Install the accurate required volume of production is almost impossible. Success is considered to achieve the most close to the reality of the indicators.

Sample of the production plan indicating units of products for each month of work

Reflection of the production process

Any sample of the enterprise production plan must necessarily include a description of the production process: both global and relative to each model of goods. Only accurate fixation of the entire process will help correctly plan and optimize the work.

It is convenient to reflect the production process in the form of a schema, where each action will be displayed in stages.

An understandable scheme with an indication of equipment involved, personnel and raw materials will help the management to evaluate the effectiveness of the current work order and, if necessary, find ways to optimize. Based on the analysis, optimal work methods can be determined.

Operating schedule

The production plan includes a section where the work schedule is described, namely:

  • the amount of shift, duration;
  • number of weekend days / absence of days off;
  • the number of workers in shift;
  • the expected performance of each shift.

Premises or territory for equipment

Such a document describes all available rooms with their appointment. You need to fix the area, the height of the ceilings, the state (whether the repair is required), connected communications, inputs, outputs, windows, if necessary, describe the finish. Make a conclusion about the suitability of the premises for production in the medium and long term.

If the analysis of the room will show that it is unsuitable for increasing productivity, in the medium term, it is necessary to search for a suitable real estate with a clarification of specific requirements. It is important to reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the existing workshop to achieve maximum profits.

The company can plan the opening of new workshops, the creation of representative offices in other regions - all this must also be fixed in medium and long-term planning. Mandatory with a description of real estate requirements.

Plan compilers independently think over its structure

The need for materials and suppliers of raw materials

Planning helps competently use resources, but only in the case when contains information about the materials and their suppliers. Information on the quality and cost of raw materials will help evaluate product quality and expediency of working with a specific supplier. Information on working with counterparties will help if necessary to quickly predict how the price changes for any of its goods will affect the production.

The most convenient way to describe the need for materials and their suppliers are tables for each product. Specify:

  • weight / color / product size;
  • its key characteristics;
  • a full composition indicating the used volumes of raw materials;
  • the ability to replace any components;
  • information about the supplier;
  • the price of each component.

Permanent costs

An important section in which the list of permanent expenses will be presented for most enterprises:

  • rental of premises;
  • communal expenses;
  • raw materials and source materials;
  • taxes and compulsory payments;
  • logistics and transport;
  • fund of remuneration.

The document should record the current and planned values \u200b\u200bof each consumption, possibly indicating the permissible boundaries. Such an approach will help to make a plan more flexible, adapted to changing market conditions. Knowing the permissible boundaries of each direction of permanent costs will help if necessary, more quickly adjust prices for products.

Product costs

The manufacturer necessarily considers the full cost for each of its goods. Without the knowledge of this indicator it is impossible to competently select the price, which means it threatens with loss. To calculate the full cost, all values \u200b\u200bof the resources spent are folded:

  • source materials;
  • depreciation of equipment;
  • communal and other energy expenses;
  • employee salary;
  • salary of managing personnel;
  • insurance premiums;
  • transportation costs;
  • advertising;
  • sales costs.

An example of a production plan

A typical example of a production plan for 1 year is presented in the image below. It is made according to the most common structure and reflects the most important indicators for the manufacturer. To use other people's plans should not be, but you can analyze them and adapt for your production.

Option of production plan

Frequently encountered errors

The most common mistakes in the preparation of such a document are incorrect accounting of the consumption of materials, incorrect assessment of the capacity of the equipment, an overestimated waiting for demand. These inaccuracies are adversely affect the content of the document: it is less related to reality. The incorrect development strategy built on erroneous calculations will inevitably lead to bankruptcy.

Therefore, it is extremely important to track the indicators as accurately as possible and adjust them if necessary. The more the company will monitor the content of the production plan, the more likely to achieve the optimal ratio of income and expenses.

When planning it is extremely important to take into account the likelihood of sudden circumstances: breakdowns of equipment, a large private order or a breakdown of raw materials. The company must have measures for each such case. It is reasonable to initially lay lower indicators, not at the limit of equipment opportunities, and in the success of them a little.

Plan control

Performance for the control of the plan carries out in fact the entire leading composition of the enterprise in its area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. So, the manufacturer of production controls the manufacture of the necessary batch of goods in specific time, the head of the delivery department is watching how much raw materials they need to get and ship every day and so on. Control over all areas and the implementation of the plan in general is the responsibility zone of the head.

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