Organization of rapid dates! How to make money on speed-dating, organizing fast dates instructions for rapid dates.

Business 21.04.2021

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Today it is not surprising by marriage agencies, such a type of business received sufficient dissemination due to its effectiveness. However, not so long ago a new concept of lonely people has been proposed, which quickly gained popularity in Western Culture countries. These are so-called fast dates, or in the original Speed-Dating. They are that there are single women and men in the same quantity, after which they are invited to a pre-agreed establishment, and there they have to quickly meet each other.

Usually, girls are sitting on one side of the table, and the guys are transplanted from one girl to another until everyone gets acquainted alone. The Course's conversation is represented short, this requires the rules of the event, and therefore people immediately go to acquaintance. After all this, people leave their preferences anonymously on special sheets, the organizers check the coincidences if they are located, personal contacts are sent to each other. As a result, in the evening, it is possible to find several steam, which is much more efficient than the work of a simple marriage agency. However, Speed-Dating is not aimed at doing something for the client, he simply finds the place of people open to dating and communicating, and then everything depends on them themselves. In this regard, Speed-Dating only helps in resolving the client's problem, but does not eliminate it independently, therefore the contingent here is usually very different from the clients of the marriage agency.

That is why we can say that the marriage agencies will not become competitive firms for a company engaged in fast dates. As for direct competitors, even in big cities today, this business is not yet very common, it is only developing, so the newbie has every chance to take their place. At the same time, Speed-Dating can also be focused on completely different people, the main thing is to develop the concept of your business and offer to its customers what the competitors do not yet have. In fact, in such a beginnation there are many opportunities to attract customers at the expense of unusual solutions.

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Speed-Dating is still first and foremost on young people, so some interesting and spectacular events are offered, which are more likely to pass in the format of parties after dating. In the classical understanding of Speed-Dating represents only not long-term session of dating, after which all participants diverge. However, such events were lured not only by single people, but also simply those who are looking for communication or new impressions, and their percentage is already high enough among visitors to events. That is why Speed-Dating can change the format slightly, depending on what the client is waiting for and what competitors offer him. Therefore, such a business line is more suitable for creative people, sociable, those entrepreneurs who know that modern youth needs and what can interest her.

However, it is not necessary to forget that initially Speed-Dating was focused mostly on people who have a good income, but it doesn't have time for a personal life, so they needed quick dating, which initially carry a romantic or even erotic subtext . Today, Speed-Dating is loved by a very diverse public, in connection with which it is necessary to take into account the interests of all, conducting different events on their topics.

This type of business is quite difficult to classify, but best suits (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services. In accordance with this, the OKVED code is selected. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, and if there is a need for a legal entity registration, it is better to choose a limited liability company. This is due to the fact that a simplified taxation system is available to an individual entrepreneur and a limited entrepreneur, which allows you to transfer in favor of the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of the operating profit. Registration of a legal entity is an order of magnitude more difficult than registration of an individual entrepreneur, and since this business will not have to be responsible for their own property, it is better to remain an individual.

For work, it will not be necessary to have its own office or room, because all the events will be held in the cafes rented on the evening, restaurants and bars. Thus, it is possible to save significantly without paying the monthly rent, although some of the organizations engaged in fast dates have their own representative office where customers accept. However, such organizations are usually practicing and the work of the usual marriage agency, for which they are required. In any case, if there is a need for one's own room, then you do not need to find a too big office, there will be one and two employees in it.

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Especially close attention should be paid to the placement of information on all thematic resources. It is also desirable to create your own website on which all information about the organization will be presented, a schedule of evenings is drawn up, prices and conditions of participation are indicated. In addition to creating a site, if there is a large number of competitors in the field of work, you will have to pay for the site optimization in order for the search queries to be on the first pages. In addition to the site, you should create your own pages on social networks in which you can find a very large number of potential customers. Some social networks offer promotion of advertising on their portal, which can also be very effective. At the same time, advertising in local media probably will not justify the funds embedded in her, so it does not have to do it.

The most serious difficulties may occur at the stage of searching for premises, because every time you need to find a new hall for the event. Depending on the topic of the party, the institution can also be different, but in any case it is necessary to rent a whole hall for several hours, in which no one can enter, except for the participants of the event. At the same time, employees of the institution also serve the participants, but usually everything is limited to the provision of one free drink. Only free it is very conditional, because its cost is initially incorporated in the ticket price. In any case, the institution itself should also be in the hall with the organizers.

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Usually, such events last no more than two hours, if a full-fledged party is not supposed to get acquainted, but time is selected most convenient for potential customers, that is usually the evening. There is a successful experience of companies that spend parties daily and even several times a day, although customers are mainly convenient to visit dating evenings on weekends. However, the institution should be selected depending on the contingent and the age group of visitors, the unpopular institution can push a significant part of the participants. Moreover, you need to find restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs that are counting on long-term cooperation and are ready to take parties regularly. On the other hand, after each event, you need to collect visitors' reviews to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of the evening, and if a large percentage of participants do not like the service or the institution itself, then this is a serious reason to think about whether to cooperate with him in the future.

The cost of renting can be quite different depending on the level of the institution, and most importantly, on the size of the hall provided. More than 30 people are sometimes participating on fast dates, so large rooms are needed, comfortable and spacious. If it is assumed that people will be a bit, you will have to give about three thousand rubles in an average club or a restaurant for one hour lease, if there are quite a lot of people, then you need to count about 5-10 thousand. Also, you should not rent any noisy establishments only if the offered room will not be completely soundproofed. The atmosphere on fast dates should be easy, calm and relaxing, therefore, Lounge-bars can perform a very good platform. However, if any party is expected after acquaintance, then in this case the clubs are best suited.

It requires the attraction of a small staff of employees to work, moreover, the entrepreneur can independently cope with all the tasks by hiring one or two assistants. The entrepreneur itself must fulfill the administrator and organizational work, and assistants can communicate with customers by phone or through social networks, find them and promote services. If a similar business has started a group of friends, then they will cope without problems with all the tasks without attracting third-party help. To solve all other tasks that do not apply to the profit of the Organization, it is necessary to refer to outsourcing companies, which for the entrepreneur will be performed monthly. In this type of business, it is not supposed to be complex accounting and tax reporting, no payment of utility bills and protection is required, so monthly spending will be small. Employees tend to receive non-fixed salary, but a percentage of income, because they also indirectly affect the number of visitors, promoting the services of the enterprise.

Frequently often activities of this kind are invited special guests that can lead a subsequent party or just act as a date organizer. In this case, Speed-Dating is already becoming not only directly information and finding steam for lonely people, but also a entertainment event that lasts much longer, but also costs. In fact, for people who just want to find an interesting person for further communication beyond the event, which kind of service is not interesting, any special guests and the appropriate parties will be in demand for young people who are looking for new and original types of leisure, but not Critically interested in finding a relationship.

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The remaining costs will not be too large, it may be necessary only to print advertising material and sheets of sympathies, but these are insignificant typographical costs that even one party will take more than one part. It is also worth taking care of the transfer of invitations to customers if you need to get money in a deposit, and not directly at the entrance. This may be a forced measure, or if the entrepreneur fears that a significant part of the clients who already ordered clients will not come to the event. Also, many organizers of fast dates are pre-client are found to conduct an interview. This allows you to identify the client's type, its preferences and, possibly, mental deviations, for which he will have to politely refuse to participate. Sometimes for the convenience of customer customers, they can go through the Internet, but for this special function on the site should be built. It should be noted that not all organizations conducting fast dates are engaged in testing their customers.

The responsibility of the organizer is already directly at the very evening, he also includes the duty to follow the behavior of the participants and even help them. The organizer must configure the public to the right way, create an evening atmosphere so that no one felt crammed or not comfortable. This is a very important point, because the mood of people directly affects the possibility of the formation of a couple, and the more their percentage, the more effective the work of the enterprise is better reviews it will receive in the future. The host also deals with a simple evening organization, for example, he follows the conversation time and reports to participants about the need to recover.

It is very important to accurately identify people who will go to events. As already noted, the most common Speed-Dating among middle-class people who are very busy work and do not find opportunities to get to know anywhere in a cafe or on the street. Thus, the majority of visitors to fast dates are sufficiently secured people who do not have any moral and physical disabilities. This can partly explain the success of a majority, because according to statistics after the event of rapid dates at least one pair develops. And this is 2 hours without intervening third parties, and such success can not guarantee any marriage agency. At the same time, quite often the agencies themselves began to contact organizations that conduct quick dates, in order for them to participate the clients of the marriage agency. This is only once again proves the effectiveness of such an endeavor.

Fast dates have earned popularity and among young people who are not very interested in serious relationship or not interested in them at all, but only in friendship and communication. It is very rare to find the event of rapid dates, where people over 35 years are invited, but the age value concerns and the minimum age and is usually 20 years old. It is believed that the middle age of a man should be somewhat higher than women at such an event, so men's half on average older than 3-4 years.

If any subject of the event is assumed, this makes it possible to more accurately choose people who are already following the interests. The organizer should be very tried to find approximately similar in spirit and interests of people, so that in the end everything remains as satisfied as possible, even those who did not like anyone, but simply received communication. At the same time, even the cost of the input ticket already allows you to form a group of people, approximately similar in our social status. The minimum cost of the ticket is about 500 rubles, but there is no thoughtful organization at such events, and they often come there only for entertainment or curiosity. The average price for one visit today is approximately one and a half thousand rubles, but if any known personality is invited or a banquet is planned after acquaintance, the cost can increase significantly.

It is also worth noting, Speed-Dating begins to be used no longer only for romantic dating, but also to search for business partners or simply people who are similar to professional interests and seeking to unite, that is, find like-minded people. In this case, you can arrange parties on which investors or business angels and people with a business idea will be present. The experience of some companies in this area also showed its sufficiently high efficiency, but to work in this direction will require the involvement of a more serious staff, which should include a marketer and statistics, a psychologist, a consultant on the issues of the chosen direction to the organizers will have to carry out a full-fledged presentation, but Participants must communicate with each other and independently select people with whom they are interested in dating. The cost of such an event is usually not very different from the cost of a simple fast date. However, this direction may be even more efficient and promising for the entrepreneur itself.

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How to make money on lonely people and, at the same time, help them find their soul mate? Very simple - Speed \u200b\u200bDating (Quick Dates). This scheme of earnings and helping lonely invented American Yakov Devo in 1998. Since then, fast meetings have spread wide all over the world and brought not one pair of people who could not find their halves.

Restaurant + 10 girls + 10 men + presenter \u003d fast date. The essence of such events is as follows. The organizer invites you to a cozy cafe or restaurant 10 men and 10 women of about the same age (for example, girls 20-30, men 25-35). Age groups can be formulated completely different, the main thing is that the average difference in the age of approximately 5-7 years.

Previously, all participants pass an interview with the organizer to identify the type. It is necessary in order to protect all those present from people with unbalanced psyche, maniacs and TP. The organizer sets a number of issues that determine the type of person's personality. For example, the organizer can spend the Test Leongard. A very good test, in which the test will have to respond to 88 questions and the test will definitely define all the components of the human type (hyperthymic type, excitable, emotional, pedantic, alarming, unbalanced and some others.). The test is one of the most important stages in choosing participants. The test can be held both in the office and in online mode, so as not to spend a person's time.

After testing of all participants, the organizer selects 20 people who then sends an invitation to participate in Speed \u200b\u200bDating with the specified date, time and venue for the event. The dress code of participants must be either official or weekend. Cannot be coming in a home or sports.

When all the guests gathered at the specified time in a restaurant, which the organizers rented for the evening, the lead deals with all the girls for individual tables and gives them bageiks with numbers from 1 to 10. Men are also issued similar bageiks. The restaurant plays a pleasant music, muted light, on every table there is a bottle of champagne. And then the cultural program begins.

The presenter appears to once again tells the rules. The rules are: each man sits down to a woman and they have 5 minutes to learn about each other as much as possible. Scientists have proven that the first impression of a person occurs after 30 seconds of visual and verbal contact, and in 3 minutes it makes a general impression. Therefore, 5 minutes will be enough. After the participants talked with their ladies for 5 minutes, each man is transplanted for the neighboring (clockwise) table. And communication begins again. And so while every man does not talk with every woman. During the reassessions, waiters have 1 minute to replace champagne glasses.

When all participants communicated with each other, the lead gives each profile. In the questionnaires only 4 columns: the name of the contestant / TKI, the number, the graph "Only friendship", the Count "Interested / A", the graph "is not interested / a". At the top of the questionnaire field to fill the number and name of the owner of the questionnaire. Men and women should supply only 1 tick in 1 of 3 Count. Only friendship means it became interested, but not in terms of relationship, only communication and friendship suits. Interested - I want to get acquainted closer, it is possible to tie relationships. Not interested - the count says for himself.

After all participants handed over the filled questionnaires, they can be free. Then the organizers are checked by all the questionnaires and if they find coincidences - they are sent to the participants of their sympathy number, that is, the contacts are exchanged through the organizers. For example, a girl at number 3 showed sympathy for men near the numbers 1, 8, 10, and a man number 8 showed sympathy for girls under the numbers 2, 3, 5. So, the girl number 3 and the man number 8 coincided with them in the post office or A message will come to the phone with the number of one. If the incident occur in the form of more than one coincidence, then nothing terrible. Contacts are still sent. But the participant cannot write that everyone liked the girls, securing 100% confidence that he will send the number of one of the participants.

It is also possible to declare the results of the evening right in place. For example, if you rented a nightclub, the participants can stay and continue the evening. Couples will be able to get acquainted closer, drink, dance.

This is the whole essence of Speed \u200b\u200bDating. According to statistics, 1 pair of 10 possible 100% is developing.

Calculations, budget, payback.

We will assume that we rent a restaurant and advertising over the Internet. Rent a restaurant or cafe for the evening without snacks and food, and only 10 bottles of champagne will cost about 2000 rubles. But if you look good, you can meet at a smaller amount. Advertising. For advertising, you can create a VKontakte community and promote it. Good, productive advertising on the social network will cost approximately 2000 rubles (immediately on several publics, + ask to make repographs). Also put the advertising text on several free bulletin boards with a request to join Group Buy Contact and read more. On the printout of the final questionnaire you spend very little. You can print in any print service for the sulking pennies, so we will not count in the total price. Especially if you have a printer at home, print at home.

As a result, the organization of one evening you need about 4-5 thousand rubles.

Next, set the price policy. For example, a ticket pre-order for the week will cost approximately 500 rubles. Order ticket 2 days before the evening - 700 rubles. But if you are catastrophically lacking participants and all on the verge of breakdown, you can sell tickets and for 300 rubles. Suppose that all tickets are purchased for 500 rubles. And the evening will definitely take place. With this situation, the earnings will be 500 * 20 \u003d 10,000 rubles. Net profit is 10000-5000 \u003d 5000 rubles. Agree, 5000 rubles for 1 evening quite well. You can invent any new chips that will significantly increase the price of the ticket and your profits.

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The organization of rapid dates is, in fact, hard work, because everything in organizing such events is kept on people and relationships between them. And as you know, working with alive people is the most difficult task of all, especially in the field of organizing entertainment, such as fast dates in Moscow. There are so different people for quick dates and everyone needs to find their approach that complicates the task to the organizers twice. But the "cuisine" of the organization of rapid dates begins long before the event comes ...

The organization of rapid dates begins with the search for an ideal place - a cafe for fast dates should be special. And the organizers have a plurality of strict criteria: step-down availability from the subway, a separate room with a large number of individual places, a romantic atmosphere and pleasant staff. The organization of rapid dates is a place where two loneliness are found, and this place should be truly special.

The next step in the organization of rapid dates is the leading. These are special attention, because the leading fast dates are in every sense of the organization's person, and this very person should be not only pleasant, but also professional. The organization of rapid dates is a careful recruitment. It is from leading that how successfully your quick dates will be held, because at the second stage of the organization of the event they are communicating with guests, create the right atmosphere and dispel all fears and myths about what fast dates are. In addition, FastLife does not stand still and strive for development, engaged in the organization of unusual quick dates, such as "", "", "" and "love at an altitude of 337 meters!".

The third step of the organization of rapid dates is the result. The result of fast dates for us is the same as as well as for you. We reverently relate to the questionnaires and their processing, so as not to miss one of the fastest databases of sympathies. We deliver to our customers "Letters of Happiness" in order for you to meet again.

In addition to all this, the organization of rapid dates is a lot of details that guests do not notice, but without which the impression and half would not be so incredibly cool, how it is now. This is the correctly selected bell, and the design of sympathy cards, handles, club cards; These are music, surprises, games and pleasant stocks; These are happy couples that inspire us to continue our business.

The organization of rapid dates is not the lungs, it consists of a variety of small parts that work interrelated as one car! So the car works like a clock due to a serious approach to the most disadvantaged lesson, as help in finding a second half.

Your FastLife Blog Editor

Now there is no one to urge such firms as marriage agencies. They work - people get married, and therefore their number grows as on yeast. But there is no limit for progress even in such a fine question as the relationship of two people. In the West countries, a new technique is now quite popular - quick dates (from English "Speed-Dating). Briefly: Lonely men and women are going to equal quantities and are invited to spend time in some institution. Getting acquainted with each other goes in fast mode.

The girls are located at the table on the one hand, and the guys take turns are transplanted from one young lady to the other until everyone gets acquainted with each other personally. It is always beginning with the acquaintance, the conversation itself is short - these are the rules of the event. Then each participant leaves her preferences on sheets, without signature. If, when checking, coincidences are detected, then you like each other people send personal contacts.

For the evening, there are a few pairs, it is faster and more fascinating than when contacting the usual marriage agency. But the very essence of the Speed-Dating concept is directed not to solving the problem of loneliness, but to create a platform for a lonely person. There is a place and people who also want to meet. Further each should do everything yourself. As they say - to post your own happiness yourself. Therefore, the target group Speed-Dating is different from the clientele of a marriage agency.

So it is impossible to say that the marriage agencies and firms of rapid dates are especially competing with each other. And even in big cities, this movement is not very common, so there are also not many direct competitors. Starting this in principle popular and still developing business is a fairly profitable event. The target group of customers is also different, both by age and by religion and other signs, the main thing is to competently approach everything. There is also an opportunity to realize unusual fantasies and to attract people.

The very essence of fast dates are designed for young people, so after directly acquaintance you can organize a show or entertainment events, such as parties and dances. At the very beginning, Speed-Dating was considered an event exclusively for lonely people who want to find their halves. Based on the name, everything goes fast - get acquainted, communicate a little, and then diverge.

Now it is a favorite pastime for those who love communication in principle or new sensations and adventures. So you can create a job under each client and its preferences, Speed-Dating in this plan is a fairly flexible business option. Here the creative person can turn around here, as well as a sociable person with a wide range, which knows the needs of modern youth and its interests.

In addition to young people, initially Speed-Dating originated for the needs of such people who have money, but there is no time for a personal life. They need quick acquaintances - it is a romantic and sometimes an erotic game that makes a variety of human life. But with the development of this business, the audience began to vary, and now these are a variety of segments of the population with various needs and expectations. You only need to pick up your niche that is most suitable for you and business.

It is quite difficult to define this business, but there is an article (OKPD 2) 93.29 "Other entertainment and recreation services". OKVED code is defined later. What are the options for registration? For example, an individual entrepreneur or LLC (limited liability company), but for this you need a legal entity.

The difference is that the individual entrepreneur and ooo have access to the reduced tax paying system. This is 6% of income or 15% of the operating profit. But the registration of a legal entity is much more difficult to register just an individual entrepreneur. And it's better to just be an individual, because this business is not designed for some kind of problems with your own property.

No need and indoors, because quick dates are held in cafes, bars or various restaurants. It is profitable - there is no cost of monthly rent. True, some Speed-Dating agencies have their own representative offices in order to meet with the clientele. This makes sense, because in addition to fast dates, you can take into account the wishes of customers who are interested in the services of a marriage agency, that is, so to speak, combine two directions in one. In general, you can make a small office, if necessary. Big makes no sense - workers will be only one or two.

The key to success always lies in advertising. Thematic resources, social networks are the favorite youth sites. You can create your own website. What to write about? Graph, information, bright photos, contact information. Do not forget about the promotion of a group or site - usually it is usually possible to just buy a service in some social networks or to order a specialist. Modern youth rarely watching TV and reads paper newspapers, so that such media is unprofitable.

The first task and stumbling block is the choice of premises for the event. It is quite difficult to find a restaurant, which is interested in constantly giveing \u200b\u200ba whole hall to the thematic event, where ordinary visitors cannot enter. Employees of the institution should work as usual, i.e. It is located in the room along with the organizers and serve the participants of the Speed-Dating. But the format of rapid dates is that everyone communicate, not eating and drink, therefore usually enough one drink, which is included in the cost of the ticket at the event. But you can find bars, cafes and restaurants, consonants for long-term cooperation and regular parties - it will greatly facilitate you drawing up a schedule and planning of events.

Speed-Dating is usually two hours of the dating and evaluation of others, as well as at the end, a party can take place, so you need to count on the evening. Most customers prefer to engage in new adventures on weekends, it is worth paying attention to it. Although there are firms that spend parties every day and at different times. We still do not forget that the institution should be on the subject of the age group of visitors, as well as contingent. An unpopular institution is not interested in anyone, and can push customers. In general, there is a wonderful way: to learn the opinion of visitors about the service and the very institution after the event. Based on such reviews (positive or negative, in most), it is possible to make an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is necessary to continue to carry out fast dates here.

If we talk about renting prices, it all depends on the level of the institution and size of the hall. Do not forget that guests are 20 people, and maybe more, so we consider spacious premises. The degree of noise is generally the factor that must be taken into account when choosing a cafe or restaurant. Lounge-bars are best suited - there is always a certain relaxed atmosphere, suitable for fast dates. Customers themselves must understand - they came to chat and relax, and not at the employment. But if after the acquaintance you want to arrange a show or party, then it is better to choose some club. For the price of a small room in a nonpopular club, it will cost three thousand rubles per hour, but the room is more, which can accommodate quite a lot of people - already 5-10 thousand.

Who needs from employees? If the entrepreneur himself is going to play fast dates, he is enough for one or two assistants in this matter. All administrative and other organizational issues are solved, in essence, one person. Assistants can be attached to the phone to communicate with clients and issue a task to promote a group on a social network or site in search engines so that it is in the first lines.

Such a business is convenient for a group of friends - together they easily cope with all the tasks, because the main thing is the ability to communicate and creativity. As for the accounting and tax reporting, then payments are small, because there is often no room and its rental, protection, utility payments and other things. It is possible to instruct all paper Volokut outsourcing companies that are just doing this kind of things for entrepreneurs. Payment by employees is usually specific - because they directly depend on the number of customers who pay the company money.

There is a kind of speed-dating, where a special guest is invited, which is conducting some kind of thematic event. It is interesting and exciting, but more like an entertainment event than a fast date. Yes, and the cost of the ticket is then increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that this kind of entertainment is interesting more than such young people, which loves the original and interesting to have fun, but is not particularly interested in serious search for relationships and the second half.

Other expenses are insignificant: for example, printing of promotional materials and special sheets of sympathy. It does not prevent and take care of the transfer of invitations to participants - this is done in order to get a part of the money (or the whole amount) in pledge. It is necessary to do this anyway, because guests should be equal to both sexes, and some unscrupulous or just frivolous people can sign up for a quick date and do not come. Another feature is a meeting with the client to the events for a small consultation. It helps to understand the intentions and desires of a person, his preferences. There is also a small chance to cut off conflict or mentally unbalanced personalities that can spoil the event. If you make an advanced site, you can add the function of passing the questionnaire via the Internet. However, it must be said that not all firms are engaged in a survey of customers and their testing.

At the party itself, the organizer himself acts as an assistant and guide for guests, they are treated with questions and wishes. A very responsible moment that needs to be taken into account is a common attitude and atmosphere, because these factors allow people to behave naturally and please each other. Therefore, this is the task of the organizer - to create comfortable conditions for dates, be sociable and attentive to everyone. Not every person can show himself in this way, so it is better to entrust this work to a professional leading or simply more compatible and sociable assistant, able to influence the mood of people with their positive attitude. Another leading follows the technical moments of the event, for example, during the time - remember that for each person there is quite a little time.

You need to understand exactly who will go for quick dates. Above, we talked about the fact that such a method of acquaintance is preferable for people with an average intact, which simply do not have time for a personal life device in a conventional format - walking around a cafe or even just on the street. The bulk of the clientele is people secured, without moral or physical disadvantages. Therefore, the success of parties in principle is quite simply explaining. According to Speed-Dating Statistics, for the evening at least one of the heart-old couples is in the future.

Just two o'clock! No marriage agency can boast similar statistics. Moreover, some marriage agencies resort to rapid dates to visit customers to visit a similar event as an alternative or simply in addition to the traditional partner search. What once again talks about the effectiveness of such a method of acquaintance, and as a result - business.

But also for those who are not strongly interested in relations in principle or simply in long serious relationships (for example, young people), this is a new and exciting way to make friends and communicate. A rather rare phenomenon is a speed-dating for those who are more than 35 years old, but also the minimum threshold is 20 years old. It is an opinion that the age of a man should be more, so at such parties can usually meet men for 3-4 years older than the beautiful half of humanity.

With thematic events, the opportunity to find people in interest increases significantly. After all, in principle, it is necessary to make a lot of effort to find similar on the hobbies and spirit of people. From this directly depends on a comfortable and relaxed communication, even if no one liked in a romantic plan. Also, the cost of the ticket already implies some sorting of people in social status.

The smallest price is 500 rubles, but no one usually expects a strong organization or topics and invited guests here. It is rather an event for curious people who want to easily have fun. On average, the price of a ticket for a well-organized event is one and a half thousand rubles, but if there is some known personality in the program as a lead or just a guest, the cost can significantly increase.

Speed-Dating as a search method evolves, and now you can meet such events that are looking for business partners, professional activities, just like-minded profile. Investors or people with business offerings can be invited to such parties. Such events are successful, but require a more serious approach from the organizer and, desirable, hiring employees who understand this topic.

Here we are talking about marketers, business consultants, as well as psychologists. It makes sense to arrange a full-fledged presentation as a bonus program, but still the concept of fast dates is an independent search and communion of interest. The price of a ticket at such parties is not particularly different from the usual. However, this direction of the fast date can be quite interesting and advantageous for the owner itself, if he wants to continue to develop as a businessman.

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Mini-dating datings (Speed \u200b\u200bDating) came up with the Rabbi Yakov Devo in 1998. Sue-living in the US and his wife Sue was concerned that the Jewish girls there were no place to get acquainted with the Jewish young men to create a family. The big city dismisses people, without leaving time for simple acquaintances, talking about anything, during which mutual sympathy usually originates.

Initial investments: 70 tr.
Monthly profit: 30 tr.
Payback period: 2 months.
The old national tradition instructs if not pivoting, then assistance in creating families. And so, in the millionaire area Beverly Hills, the first express date took place in the institution under the sign "Pete's Cafe". The connection of the theory with the practice led to the improvement of the Speed \u200b\u200bDating format: each blitz date lasts 7 minutes, after which the interlocutors change.
At the beginning of the new century, dating party became fashionable in Europe, Australia, USA, and in the whole world. Such rapid popularity is a clear evidence that problems with communication are experiencing many people of different ages and social groups.

What is an express date?

By participating in Speed \u200b\u200bDating, you can start dating from 10-15 representatives of the opposite sex in a short time. In Russia, express dates appeared relatively recently, but already had to do many. It is not always a consequence of dating at such parties is the conclusion of marriage, but pleasant dating and interesting pastime are guaranteed to everyone.
With all the simplicity of express dates, someone must take care of their organization, so why don't you do this noble work - the connection of lonely hearts? You provide people with the opportunity to meet at the cafe table and communicate, and they are in gratitude for it pay you a small amount. Starting capital to start such a business is not required, only organizational abilities are required.

How to organize a business on express dating?

Two business development options: You have your own restaurant or cafe for speech dating.
To conduct express dates you collect in rented premises. This option can be considered a business from scratch.
With the first option, everything is clear - organizational issues are reduced before and attracting visitors.
In the second case, you must first find a suitable room. Successful places will be recently opened cafes, have not yet had time to acquire regular customers. Cooperation will be beneficial for you and for the owner of the institution receiving the flow of visitors.
Choose a cafe in the central part of the city or not far from the business center. In such places, the cafe is filled out only on weekdays during a lunch break, and almost no visitors in the evenings and on weekends. Express meeting is better to organize just on weekends, so the owner of the cafe will be happy to cooperate.
The situation in the cafe should be cozy and has the participants not straighten and felt confident. The task of the organizer is to provide participants to the meeting a pleasant atmosphere, order light drinks, sandwiches, fruits, etc. The cost of organizing a party for 30-40 people will amount to about 10,000 rubles (with rent).
When the issue with the venue will be resolved, you can begin searching for customers. Do not limit the choice of young people, as experience shows, people of mature age and even the elderly happy to participate in Speed \u200b\u200bDating. Groups need to be about one age, interests and social status. It was noted that in countries in Europe, family couples walk to such meetings, seeking to diversify relationships. Do not attempt to form groups on the eyes, let customers fill the questionnaires, on the basis of which you can judge the interests and purposes of each person who addressed you.
Questioning can be done when registering on Speed \u200b\u200bDating via the Internet. To organize this business, the Internet access is vital: you need your own website where participants could register, there will also be information about the place and time of meetings.
To attract participants, advertising in the local press will be useful, on the streets, in a cafe, where an event is expected. On average, advertising costs are 10,000-30,000 rubles per month.

How to hold meetings?

At the appointed time, participants gather in a cafe. The group should have the same number of women and men. Women occupy the tables, and men sit down to them. Communication lasts seven minutes. At the signal, men get up and transplanted for the next table. So, moving from the table to the table, all men will communicate with all women. Participants put marks in the questionnaire, noting the favorites of the interlocutors. In the coincided pair, participants exchange phone numbers.
If you are invited to 30 people to parties, selling tickets for 500 rubles, each event will bring about 5,000 rubles net income. It is quite good if we take into account the simplicity of organization and positive emotions from communication.

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