How to choose a profitable business in agriculture. "Survive as we can"

Labor Relations 21.04.2021
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One of the least costly and profitable business ideas for novice entrepreneurs is agricultural activities.

In this industry, each product produced is in demand by the buyer, so it should not be afraid of competition.

Farming as a business idea for beginners will become an excellent start, which requires small financial investments, but requires concentration and care.

Choice of activity

Farming or agriculture can be divided into two directions:

  • crop production;
  • animal husbandry;

A resident of the city or countryside has equal opportunities for the start of entrepreneurial activity.

No need to buy a large plot of land or rent premises. At the initial stage, you can organize a mini-farm in a private house or in the country.

Than you can do:

  1. Livestock breeding - breeding pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, sheep, cows.
  2. Poultry farming involves the cultivation of Indek, chickens, broilers, geese, ducks.
  3. Beekeeping for the purpose of selling honey.
  4. Fish farming is the breeding of carps, lumps, sturgeon.
  5. Gardening - growing fruits and berries.
  6. Mushroom production - the cultivation of them, champignons.

Some activities bring a dual benefit to the owner. For example, the content of the rabbit farm brings profit from the sale of dietary meat and valuable skins.

Where to start your business

For a start, you need a ready business plan of the economy. First of all, you should decide on the direction.

For animal husbandry, a large plot of land is not required if you grow a bird or small animals.

With crop, things are more complicated than the larger the area, the greater the harvest. It is seasonal activities, plants can be grown only in the summer season.

To grow and implement products of plant origin year-round, greenhouses are needed.

The cost of building the greenhouse is large enough, and the starting capital should be more than one million rubles.

A beginner inexperienced entrepreneur is more expedient to start with a small one. A good example is a home farm for the cultivation of birds.

Sources of financing

Even small business requires material costs of cell construction, purchasing animals or plant seeds, feed or fertilizer. Not everyone has the necessary amount of money available.

There are several options:

  • Accumulate or occupy from relatives. In the first case, you will have to wait long, in the second - you need to warn the lender that money from the sale of agricultural products will not appear immediately.
  • Credit in the bank. But in this option, the same thing: the loan must be paid regularly, and the profit will appear after some time.
  • Governmental support. Beginner farmers the state provides a loan for business development. The amount is small, only 500,000-60000 rubles.
  • Investor search. This is not such a difficult task if you provide a competent business project.

There are very long, but less costly way is to start a deal from the zero itself, for example, growing greens or strawberries at home.

Dissected from the implementation of the means to invest in development. Thus, after 2 years, it is safe to undergo a state registration procedure and expand the scale of production.

check in

The farm must be required to be registered in the tax inspectorate.

An individual entrepreneur is much easier to realize its products than the ordinary farmer.

The registration procedure is quite simple: it is necessary to contact the tax inspectorate at the place of residence, fill out the application, transfer notarized copies of personal documents and pay the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

After receiving the registration paper, you must register in insurance and pension funds, open a bill account in the bank.

Financial questions

In addition to starting attachments, regular expenses should be taken into account.

The initial costs are those cash that is necessary for the organization of business activities: registration, equipment, construction of premises, purchase of seeds or tribe.

Permanent costs are fertilizers, feed, utility bills.

It is necessary to compile a detailed plan with calculations.

Income from activity can only be obtained after the completion of the cultivation process.

Although some activities, such as quail farm, pay off very quickly. It will bring income from the sale of eggs almost immediately after the purchase of adult birds.

By drawing up a plan with calculations, it is necessary to take into account the income and consumption in two versions: favorable and unfavorable.

After all, plants and animals are not always able to justify the expectations of the farmer, the crop may not be so rich as planned, animals are sick, which entails additional costs for veterinarian services. Options for the difficulties that can be encountered quite a lot.

Any enterprise requires constant development so that small businesses have acquired a larger scale.

For example, you can purchase additional land plots that can be equipped with greenhouses or animal pans.

Your enterprise is your success.

And the last item is an assessment of competitiveness. The sales market is better to take care in advance.

For a particularly large economy, it is more expedient to open your store or rent a place in the market.

Small farms are a little more difficult to implement their products, wholesale buyers and shops prefer to enter into contracts only with large suppliers.

Therefore, if there are quite a lot of small farms in the region, to capture our part of the market will be difficult. You can come up with new ideas for farming, which are not developed in the region.

Farming as a business idea for beginners depends only on businessman's enterprise.

Start your business from scratch is difficult. It follows how you can easily plan each step.

At the same time, agricultural activities in Russia today is not so well developed, so every newcomer has every chance to organize a profitable enterprise.

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Refers to agricultural activities.

It has long been long made great profits.

This industry is considered one of the most promising.

Even in ancient times, people bred cattle to provide families and sales.

Of course, the sphere is big. Here the main thing is to choose the right direction. And for this you need to determine which direction is in demand in the region of residence.

But even deciding with the animal, the entrepreneur should be borne in mind that to open a business will have to have not small money that will have to invest. With the correct formulation of the case, animal husbandry as a business from scratch will pay off quickly.

In Russia, animal husbandry is becoming increasingly popular not only among ordinary people, but also entrepreneurs. This is due to some indicators:

  • Our country has special programs supporting the farm. Entrepreneurs provide various subsidies and benefits, and also give land for doing business in the farm.
  • Noticeable increase in the cost of products, which provides big profits.
  • The product line obtained from this type of activity is always in demand. Entrepreneurs tend to have their own sales channels.
  • Now introduced restrictions on the market for products from abroad.
  • A large number of directions. The introduction of new varieties, for example, breeding ostriches.
  • Russian products cause confidence, respectively, in demand.

Therefore, farming activities are considered profitable and gives high hopes. It develops rapidly and brings big profit. Only for her organization will have to make a lot of effort and invest money. At the same time, the profit can be obtained very soon.

How to start activities

The first thing you need to determine to the entrepreneur is what purpose he will be pursued when breeding cattle. It is possible in one direction to combine several. Now there are many directions. For example, bred:

  • in order to sell meat
  • for milk production
  • generalized method
  • sales of young individuals

Farm activities affect two types of factors: external and internal. First include:

  • degree of specialization
  • security
  • availability of performance

External factors can be attributed to:

  • availability of demand
  • economy
  • politics

This type of activity is an integral part of the modern world. Refusing him can come to primitive times. Therefore, animal husbandry must be maintained and developed. Only in this case of the entrepreneur waiting for success.

Before breeding livestock, the newcomer should think about several issues:

  • selecting direction
  • business Plan Preparation
  • registration of activities
  • appeal for help to the state
  • acquisition of cattle, feed and necessary equipment

The correct statement of this business is associated with some difficulties. It is recommended to start the case with a more familiar direction. It is necessary to adhere to ideas that allow you to quickly return costs. This will help to reach a new level of activity with greater profit.

Many farmers simultaneously buy several types of livestock to determine which of them will be more profitable for them and soul. Indeed, in each region there may be its own level of sale, communication with the needs of people.

Having studied in practice the technology of cultivation and feeding the cattle in small volumes can be processed to a large scale. Just because you need to learn from the small one.

Possible directions of animal husbandry

Before making a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to be carefully understood in all sectors of animal husbandry. This includes breeding:

  • birds
  • cows
  • deer
  • camels
  • fur animals

Frequently often entrepreneurs are tormented by the question, animal husbandry as a business from scratch that is more profitable.

It is worth noting that the profitable direction belongs to the breeding of cows.

Entrepreneurs engaged in this business provide the population not only with meat, but also dairy products.

In addition, you can sell young individuals.

Of course, this direction is time consuming. After all, it will have to look for a hlev, and for cows he should not be small.

Therefore, for many beginner entrepreneurs, you can start a business with something easier. Another two no less profitable industries are:

  • pig breeding
  • bird breeding

This is due to the fact that the products obtained refers to the most sought-after. But to achieve a good result, you need to spend a lot of strength and money.

The stable option will be a large farm of various specialization.

But creating such a business from scratch and is quite difficult at once.

Yes, and investments it will require a lot.

If we consider separately the direction of breeding cows, then with the number of twenty heads, you should not wait for large profits.

It is necessary to constantly increase the livestock, and then you can come to an excellent result. Nevertheless, if there is no experience in this direction, it is better to start with a small number. To begin with, it is enough to have five cattle heads. This will make it possible to understand whether to do this direction and generally chose it correctly.

The most profitable business

As mentioned above, the breeding of cows is considered the most profitable activity. This is due, first of all, with the provision of people not only with meat, but also dairy products. Before doing this business, the entrepreneur needs to make a business plan. He must include:

  • volumes that farmer plans to get
  • cottage Purchase Costs, Feed and Inventory
  • marketing costs for advertising
  • designation of sales cost
  • sales Channel Information
  • employee salary costs
  • water costs, sanctification and heat
  • expenditures for regular medical care for animals, usually concerns vaccinations
  • analysis of possible risk
  • planned revenues
  • business opening costs
  • taxes
  • rental fee or cost of purchased premises

It is very important to determine in advance with the room. It should be away from the city. Then you can get an environmentally friendly product.

An important thing is to determine the purpose of breeding cattle:

  • for sale young
  • on slaughter
  • production of dairy products
  • distribution of skins
  • production of meat products

After a business plan is drawn up and the room found can be started to design activities. To do this, have a number of permissions and collect the necessary documentation.

Dairy cow should have:

  • barrel
  • little horns
  • good musculature
  • elastic duc

Narrow rear and casing can be attributed to disadvantages.

Be sure to check the documents before purchasing the cattle.

Must be vaccinated.

Pre-cattle must be provided with feeds.

Ideally, nearby have good pastures.

Be sure to carry out disinfection of chlev and cattle vaccination. Be sure to provide additional placing for slaughterhouse.

Beef belongs to dear and high-quality meat. It has high demand. In order to gain greater profits, farmers buy cattle of different breeds. It helps to make a profit not only from meat, but also from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and the like.

What is more profitable to sell

Consider specifically how income each of the directions of animal husbandry:

  • Rabbit breeding is not associated with large investments and troubles. People who have not previously engaged in animal husbandry, it is recommended to start a business from this type of activity. The main advantage of these animals is the uppermostness. After a month, their weight increases twelve times. By purchasing five females, one year you can get two hundred skins and about three hundred kilograms of meat.
  • Nutry breeding, with proper business setting, can lead to good profits. After all, one carcass of this animal costs twenty-five conventional units. With the right organization of activity, one family will bring up to twenty thousand rubles for a month. To get good skins, they need to keep at least nine months.
  • Quite often people are bred. From this animal you can get down and useful milk. For beginners in the field of animal husbandry, this is a fairly profitable business.
  • When breeding turkey it is worth considering that they are difficult to contain. But after ten months this business pays off. By this time, the bird weighs about twenty-five kilograms. The demand for it is very good, so there are no problems with the implementation.
  • Pigs belong to the rapid cattle. If you provide a good care, an animal reaches a hundred kilograms of weight. One female can give two ranges for the year. Therefore, besides meat, you can trade with young. Little pigs stand no cheap.
  • Beef has always been and will be in price. Therefore, the cultivation of this animal for sale can be safely called one of the most profitable. With proper nutrition and care, this cattle is gaining weight to three hundred and fifty kilograms.

Due to the fact that the main types of products from animal husbandry are always in demand problems with their implementation, usually does not occur. Entrepreneurs can sell products on the market or hand over small outlets.

As for large farms, they conclude transactions with trading networks, as well as enterprises that are engaged in product recycling. Part of the farmers additionally shut off their own production for processing products, which helps increase yield from activity.

What is necessary for a successful business

Pig breeding - profitable business

Each beginner farmer should understand that this type of business does not allow to receive income instantly.

Livestock refers to one of the most risky activities.

Since there is always the likelihood of diseases or natural cataclysms that contribute to the emergence of damages and leading to bankruptcy.

In addition, it is necessary to get the time.

Do not forget, production is only the initial stage of the business. The second refers to a successful implementation. Some farmers find permanent sales channels.

Some of them open their own points for sale. With the last option, you can get big profits. It is expressed in the difference of prices, handed over products wholesale and retail. But when making a decision to sell food, it is necessary to take into account the costs associated with rental, equipment and salary personnel.

How to organize profitable animal husbandry as a business from scratch video:

The main key to any business is the constant control and presence of the head. An entrepreneur who independently carries out all the stages of activity, most likely will receive greater income than the one who trusts the leadership of unauthorized people.

But, with large volumes it is impossible to do all of the person and in any case there will have to hire people. However, it is not worth the whole process to let themselves. Control should be in any business.

Currently, the farms of our country receive assistance from the state. This is due to supporting Russian production. Livestock requires large investments of money, time and strength, but it is worth it. The man who began and put the case correctly will very soon receive a good profit. After all, food from this type of activity has always been and will be in demand.

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Fresh business ideas in agriculture are the topic that Russia's leading economists in business conferences are increasingly raising. Can agricultural production be cost-effective and how to achieve prosperity - draw a conclusion based on the facts.

Business in agriculture

The economic situation shows that the industry requires significant material, energy and time costs.

In general, the agro-industrial complex is highly similar. The product increases several times in price, passing intermediate stages: cleaning, processing, transportation, sorting, packing, distribution by points of sale.

Interference entrepreneurs meet a lot. Where difficulties will emerge:

  • climate change;
  • deterioration of environmental conditions;
  • epidemics, sea livestock, birds;
  • invasion of pest insects on plant cultures;
  • natural disasters;
  • high quality state standard;
  • inspections of sanitary and epidemiological services;
  • difficulties in obtaining concomitant documentation - certificates, overhead.

In which areas you can observe the highest sizes of pure income - what are the analysts say?

Profit and profitability - what business is beneficial in the field of agriculture

You can judge this on competitiveness, niches and demand. Under these indicators fall:

  • growing grain, forage crops;

Under the concept of "the most profitable farmhouse" dairy enterprises can be applied: if the procurement of raw materials in farmers, breeders give a penny, although they implement processed and packaged products at a price are two times higher than the cost.

5 business ideas in s / x from scratch

Prospective ways for a novice entrepreneur:

1. Cropper on hydroponics

Baby technology is actively conquering peace. With drip irrigation You can produce decorative flowers for a whole year, (dill, parsley, salad, basil) for sale. Make a hydroponic device is easily at home, and the costs of fertilizers and substrates pay off after the implementation of the first harvest.

2. Production of feed

Depending on what product you want to produce, the size of costs and profits varies.

  1. Full-term - pure food without concentrates and additives. It is easier to make others, it does not require high costs and special equipment - natural components of plant crops are mixed, dried (hay), packaged and supplied to the customer.
  2. Combined - suitable for birds and animals. Production technology is complex, costly, storage time is short, however, profit is larger with the sales market.
  3. Canned - for pets. A significant investment in equipment will be required:
  • test machine;
  • screw extruder;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • line for coaching and packing, autoclave.

It is necessary to find a permanent supplier of high quality raw materials.

3. Smoke shop

The production of smoked fish and meat is always cost-effective, as the holidays do not cost without delicacies. An honest entrepreneur using high-quality fresh raw materials and good equipment will be glad supermarkets and retail points.

4. Dilution of quail

The benefits of eggs and meat of these birds have long been known, so the demand is high. The farm of 1000 heads pays off after the month of existence. Correctly develop and take care of the feathers properly.

5. Earth processing services

The problem of agricultural machinery and working hands is always sharp. Why not try to solve it?

With a tractor or a combine or can be drawn up plowing of land plots, targeting trees or soil saturation by fertilizers.

Success depends on the desire, workability, business grip, the material situation, a clear business plan and understanding the possible difficulties and prospects of the new case. Dare - The road is asset going!

Today, agricultural business is generally supported by the state - many entrepreneurs turned their eyes to this niche. The advantages of conducting their own farming is enough - a huge sales market, a quick payback of costs, obtaining steadily high profits. Of course, the newcomer will be expected to be many difficulties - but they are quite overcome if it is competent to organize their activities.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments - from 50,000 rubles.

Market saturation - average.

The complexity of the opening of the business is 7/10.

How to become a farmer from scratch in Russia?

Here, as in any other direction of business, you will need to make a business plan. This is especially important if you will use borrowed funds to organize activities.

Entrepreneurs who have decided to launch a business in the agricultural sector, there are many opportunities for business development - this can be both a small family animal farm and a large agricultural complex. But to minimize any risks, start with a small one - it is worth expanding the business only in the presence of "free" finances and accumulated experience.

The peasant farming is a commercial structure aimed at attracting revenues from the production and further sale of agricultural products. In our country, there are not many large enterprises - "capacity" to fully fill the market, definitely lacks. Everyone has every chance to occupy a strong position in niche.

Open your farm from scratch will be beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Now they work special state programs designed financially to help novice entrepreneurs. Get a subsidy is quite difficult - there will be many papers to collect, provide a business plan farm. But it becomes for many entrepreneurs an excellent start of promising business.
  • The population is interested in acquiring high-quality natural products - confidence in domestic products is growing.
  • Its farm will bring consistently high profits, since products for products grow every year.
  • Due to the imposed sanctions on the import of products from European countries, the Russian market is experiencing a shortage of farm products - the demand is huge.

Thinking how to organize a farm from scratch, do not forget about those pitfalls that they can wait for you to success - despite all the advantages of the direction, there are risks here. Agricultural business is a direction where profitability depends largely on external factors. You can lose half of the crop due to drought or pest invasions. In the field of animal husbandry - for example, epidemics of diseases, due to which half of the grown animals may die. The management of the farm involves a significant proportion of manual labor - especially this concerns the family business when the hired work is not used. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for hard work.

Already decided for ourselves "I want to do farming"? Come to the case thoroughly - carefully examine the direction in which you will continue to work. If there is such an opportunity, be sure to visit the existing farms to see everything in practice.

What direction to choose?

How to start a farm business? The first step is to choose the direction of further activities. It is from this that all further stages of the organization of their own economy will depend. Several profitable "formats" of agricultural business can be distinguished:

  • Creeding - grain crops, vegetables, fruits and berries, greens.
  • Cattle breeding - pigs, sheep, cows, rabbits.
  • Poultry farming - chickens, turkeys, pheasants, geese.
  • Fish farming - sturgeon, trout, carps.
  • Beekeeping.
  • Growing mushrooms - oysteries, champignons.

Thinking, in what direction and how to start a farming, it is worth conducting a market analysis. Choose a niche in your region with minimal competition - it will be easier to achieve success in business. An important value also also has the number of financial available finances - some directions will require significant investments, while others can be led by minimum costs.

The newcomer will be easier to open KFH on breeding chickens or geese, pigs or rabbits, growing berries and fruits, mushrooms. Products that you will receive in the process of activity are in demand in the market. In addition, these directions are easy to learn and unparalleled.

How is the registration of business in the field of agriculture?

Many private farmers lead activities without registration - significant savings on regular tax payments. If you plan to grow multiple livestock heads on your own summer cottage, at first you can do without business design. But in this case, you can sell products only to private buyers - even the local markets will not be "empty" without relevant documents.

Farm registration will be required without fail if you are planning to sell ready-made wholesale customers. Subscribe activities in the form of IP or LLC. You are registered with the tax inspection, register in Rosportbnadzor and SES. If we talk about the sale of animal products (meat, eggs), the finished products must regularly undergo veterinary checks before marketing.

Financial costs for business organization

Is it profitable to engage in farming? Definitely, yes - if we consider that the organization of business in some areas requires a minimum cost. For example, to start breeding chickens on its own summer cottage, you need no more than 50,000 rubles. Therefore, without having an impressive amount of money for the opening of a large farm, start with a small one.

It will be quite difficult to designate the accurate digit of the investment - everything depends on the selected area of \u200b\u200bactivity. But in any case, in the business plan it is important to calculate all the upcoming costs.

Make a list of what is needed to become a farmer. Investments will be required for the following needs:

  • Rent a plot. You will save significantly if you have land ownership.
  • Purchase of equipment and inventory. To work according to any possible directions, you will need consumables - this often becomes a significant expenditure. Shovels and rakes, automatic polyvalki, greenhouses, feeders, buckets - only a small part of everything you need. In some cases, the finished products will not deteriorate in anticipation of their buyer, it will take to buy refrigeration and freezer.
  • Preparation of industrial premises. Stall, pegs, pigsties - to build "premises" you will need to invest money. Even when growing vegetable, fruit and grain crops, you will need to build a barn for the storage of finished products. If you do not need to abide by some special conditions when the content of animals or birds, the barn can be built yourself.
  • Purchase of the uterine population, seeds. Farm from scratch if you organize business in the field of animal husbandry or poultry farming, will surely require significant spending on the purchase of several heads or birds. For planting plant crops, seed material is purchased in the required quantity. There is no need to save - a great risk of buying patients with animals or poor-quality seeds.
  • Purchase of feed, fertilizers. It is necessary to spend money on the replenishment of feeds and fertilizers regularly. In order to save on variable costs, you can feed the cattle "self-made" food.

Thinking where to start farming, be sure to consider ways to find money to start activities. Excellent if you have our own savings. If the business accumulated to start is not enough, you will have to take a loan in a bank or try to arrange a state subsidy.

Sales Channel Finished Products

Become a novice farmer, considering possible risks and think over all the nuances is easy. It is difficult for a newcomer when finding wholesale buyers of finished products. Immediately establish cooperation with major supermarket networks is unlikely to work out - orient to small shopping points and private buyers.

How much the farmer earns depends on the sales volumes of finished products. The better your sales feeds will be debugged, the more profit you get.

We conclude - thinking where to start the farm business, to promote the market and already at the design stage, start looking for wholesale customers interested in the specific form of products.

When to wait for the first profit?

How much do farmers earn in Russia? The accurate profitability indicator will depend on the "scale" of business, sales volumes and prices installed on the goods. Small farms from sales of finished products by the end of the season can have up to 500,000 rubles net profit. Some areas of activity (for example, the cultivation of chickens) bring revenue within the course of the year. Domestic business, of course, will give less profit, as sales will be significantly less.

Despite the different amount of investment, and animal husbandry, and crop production pays off in about the same time. During the upcoming 9-12 months, you will invest in the cultivation of animals or plant crops. Only after heading head or harvest you get revenue. In most cases, the first profit can be expected only a year later.

Knowing where to start a farming, you can build a highly profitable business in the field of agriculture.

Considering the farming as a business idea for beginners, many future entrepreneurs do not always understand that this work for those who are ready to live on it. But, if such a prospect does not scare and you, despite all the difficulties, are ready to think about your own, then our further recommendations on how to start farming from scratch - for you.

What do you get along with farming?

As already designated, farming is a hard work, where you need to be patient, responsible and ready for different kind of unexpected. But, having accepted a decision - to become a farmer, not even suspecting this, get a lot of positive moments:

  1. Your life will be transferred to the countryside, where the air is cleaner and the products are fresh, which has a very good result;
  2. Having organized a family farm, you get a huge chance along with relatives and close to achieve success, which will definitely strengthen the family;
  3. Working the whole family, you will save on the hired workers who would have to pay salary;
  4. Choosing several directions at once, you can avoid risks to stay without profit (for example, potatoes did not ride, but - pleased with strawberries);
  5. After putting the goal and asking the question, "I want to make a farming if there is a state help?" You can always count on benefits in taxation, and if you ask, then you will find out that the state is very favorably refers to such businessmen and in every way contributes to the development of their business.

Although there are some shortcomings:

  1. Planning to open a large farming, will have to upset, so until you have taken a final decision - you need to weigh your capabilities very well;
  2. In the agricultural business, you need to be prepared for the fact that your profits will begin to receive only in a few years therefore may have to climb into loans;
  3. No farmer can anticipate natural cataclysms, epidemics, which at all times were the main enemies of farmers (you can, of course, insure cattle, property, but everything is not insurfrant) and this is the main minus of the farm.

But if there is a goal and the desire to achieve it - all problems can be solved. After all, in which business everything is smooth?

What do you need to become a farmer?

If agricultural works are something new for you, then considering farming as a business from scratch, you will have to rush a little, or, at least:

  • To conduct informational excursions to the existing farms, it is desirable that they are close to the business that you plan to do. Chat with their owners, try to work in their mode (perhaps you will understand that such work is not for you?);
  • To visit themed fairs with the participation of products of local farms, where it is possible to chat with experienced manufacturers, and find out what products are produced by local farms (perhaps this information will affect the definition of your business idea);
  • Reading books in which there are necessary information on issues related to the chosen farming specialization; To understand where to start farming in Russia, determine what skills you need to master for the successful management of the farm business, to participate in the forums on the topic of farming;
  • Visit seminars and other classes to be able to navigate in the agricultural economy and farming policies, which is very useful in further work.

Choice of Farm Direction

To make it profitable for farming, and it began to make a profit in the shortest possible time, you need to properly determine the choice of business ideas. Moreover, in farming with this business is easy. After all, any agricultural specialization can belong to one of the total activities:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. Livestock.

In the first case, the farmer bet on growing different crops. These may be grain, vegetables or fruits, feed, etc. In general, the demand for one or another products will also tell me the idea that grow, but a prerequisite for this specialization - the presence of the Earth.

In the case of animal husbandry - the same scheme. Learning what is in demand in the market and form your business idea. The main thing here is howver it can be determined whether farming is profitable in the specialization chosen by you. After all, on the one hand, it is possible to hold a large flock of dairy cows (you will need large land plots for their grazing, billets of feed) and always have a sale of milk, but at the same time working with not very high profitability, and on the other - you can have a small herd of ostriches, and Get a much greater income.

In addition, there are some more factors that can affect the choice of the farming industry as a business:

  • Climatic conditions. This is perhaps the most important factor affecting the definition of the direction of the future farming and the number of investments. For example, speaking about the development of farming in Russia in the North-West, we understand that because of the harsh and very changeable climate, the most advantageous agricultural business can be breeding geese, cows, goats. In addition, there are just a lot of pastures and water bodies;
  • Deleteity from the road transport structure. If the farming is far from the sales market and there are no normal road messages - this leads to an increase in the cost of farm products. And it significantly affects its implementation. So, choosing a place for future farming, consider this nuance;
  • The nature of the terrain and quality of lands. If your land plot is on a flat terrain, sandy ground, then on your "I want to make a farming where to start?" There is a great idea - growing by the cultivation of carrots or strawberries. These cultures are glad to grow in such an earth. About Chernozema, for those who are interested, even I will not say anything, because everything is growing in such land. And the farmer having such a plot can only be envied. Well, if the terrain is a swampy, of course, it will have to work and put a lot of money. Although, if there is no money, there are some business ideas for such a terrain. But we will tell about them further;
  • Ecology. It is very important that your crop you are grown in an ecologically clean place. The presence on your farm products "Environmentally friendly" is a guarantee that it will have an advantage and quickly find its regular customer.

Where to find money on business?

Despite the fact that farming in Russia enjoys supporting the state, the issue of financing beginner farmers is not always solved simply. Credit for organizing your own business in banks does not provide (it can only be taken by the current entrepreneur). So only the most realistic options remain:
  1. Attracting an investor (will have to find it, convince of giving money and guarantee the profitability of the case);
  2. Take a loan as an individual by laying property;
  3. Take a loan from wealthy friends or relatives;
  4. Contact the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation or regional offices and try to get a grant for opening your own business. But for this you need to have a ready-made business plan that you can write on your own (the instructions will easily find on the Internet) or contact the specialists.

Registration of activities

The next stage on the way to goal is the question - how to make a farming? After all, it depends on this to solve land issues. Having a document on registering his business, the civil service will be much more active than to contribute to you in their decision. What is needed for registration?

To begin, it will be necessary to form a package of documents consisting of:

  • Statements about the registration of farm in the form of P21002;
  • Agreement of partners (if the founders are several) on the creation of the farm;
  • A document confirming the payment of state duty;
  • A copy of the passport of the head of the farm;
  • Application for the transition to a single agricultural tax special mode (this is the most favorable tax option, if you intend to engage in only agricultural activities or its turnover will be at least 70% of the business activities).

To get answers to questions, how to start studying farming from scratch than to deal with and what direction to give preference to novice farmers, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of experienced farmers - start with growing vegetable crops.

Environmentally friendly vegetables

If you like to work on Earth, then a good project to make a farming from scratch, a business idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing vegetables with minimal use of nitrates can become. Those who lead a healthy lifestyle and pay special attention to their nutrition are ready to even overpay for such products.

And to start such a production, you will have to take care:

  • About the land plot for the construction of greenhouses (in the village there is no problem with this);
  • About greenhouse (preferably with heating, for the possibility of growing early vegetables);
  • Seeds (they are recommended to buy in specialized stores to have a guarantee for quality);
  • Organic fertilizers (from can be prepared directly on the plot or buy either to take from those who contain chickens, cows).

Of course, all this will require a certain amount of money. But if you consider that the profitability of such a business is quite high, this business idea of \u200b\u200bfarming is worth it. It is only necessary to carefully examine the recommendations on the cultivation of vegetables, the demand is best for sale and has a high price. And start work.

Growing remote strawberries

With the right organization of work and compliance with technology, this idea of \u200b\u200bfarming already at the end of the first season can give a clear answer to the question - is it profitable to do farming? After all, by treating a plot of only 15-16 square meters, it is possible to earn about 100 thousand rubles for the season. This can be seen in this, having spent simple calculations: one bush strawberries can give up to 2 kilograms of berries, which are packaged in glasses of 200 grams and are sold from 10 rubles. It turns out, with one bush, I have a profit - 100 rubles. On one square meter, 60 bushes can be placed (it is 6000 rubles).

Another advantage of this idea is the moment that you can start, having a small land plot. But, as you understand, there will be a lot to work on this site. Strawberries require good care - otherwise the crop loss is inevitable.

Growing Melon.

Considering this idea as a farm business, first need to find out whether the climatic conditions of your region are suitable for this culture. Although, modern breeders brought varieties capable of giving a good harvest in any conditions. In addition, it is necessary to carefully study the technology of its cultivation and acquire a suitable variety. For example, to sing a plot of 100 square meters, you need 250-300 grams of seeds (approximate cost - 800 rubles). Add the amount to this to acquire the necessary tools.

If the weather conditions do not go down, and the farmer adhered to all the rules of growing technology, even by realizing the goods at a wholesale price, you can earn from 20 to 40 thousand rubles from 100 square meters.

Growing Hazelnuk.

The advantage of this idea for farming is that with very large demand for products, it is distinguished by almost lack of competition. In addition, the hazelnut is very resistant to weather fluctuations, it does not require a lot of space and, most importantly, unpretentious in care. So, if you just started to be interested in the issue, how to do farming - we advise you to consider this idea more.

But, deciding to acquire a land plot under this culture, first make the analysis of the soil. It should be rich in magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as the pH level should be within 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, it will affect the yield of the hazelnut.

Selecting the seedlings (on the hectare of the Earth they will need about 600 pieces with a landing interval of 3-4 meters), try to focus on 2-3 varieties. So, they will be better polluted.

Funduke can be implemented in several ways:

  • With a shell (at the lowest price);
  • Purified (the price is much higher);
  • Packed in fried.

True, in this business there is one minus: three years, while the hazel will grow, there will be no harvest. Therefore, you will have to think that you can grow in aisle so that you can implement during this period. It may be onions, garlic, swallow, greens.

Mushrooms Veshinka

This idea for novice farmers can be interesting to the fact that it will not require high starting capital for its implementation. To, take:

  • The presence of a small room;
  • Mycelium Oyshemes;
  • Bags;
  • Straw.

The room should be provided with a temperature of 17-18 degrees, high humidity, full of darkness during the extension of mycelium and 12-hour lighting when the mushrooms go into growth.

The cultivation of oysteries, according to experts, one of the most profitable agricultural types of business. In addition to the sale of mushrooms, the farmer can successfully sell and from fruiting straw bags. They can also be used as fertilizer, and as animal feed.

Growing a vine

This idea is the perfect option for those who having a land plot thinks how to do farming without money. After all, growing a vine for weaving baskets, baskets for linen, produced by a steller, arbors, fences and other products, can be started, in general, without money, because the planting material can be prepared on both "wild" plantations growing near rivers or lakes.

Vine is very unpretentious and excellently grows on any soils, even unsuitable for agriculture. They are very good to grow plants with long, flexible, strong rods, which are used for weaving the most beautiful products. If the soil is rich in water - the twigs grow very long and thick. They are only suitable for frame sticks, for example, in the manufacture of furniture and hoop.

To have good products, you need to care for the plantation. First of all, it is the right landing. In particular, if the soil is wet, the seedlings are planted in the ranks from the north to the south, if dry - from west to the east, on the reservoir prone to the reservoir - in the direction of the current reservoir, and across the landing area on the slopes. The cuttings land according to the scheme of 60 x 40 cm. To get thin rods seedlings are placed closer, according to the 30 x 40cm scheme.

The first products can be obtained in a year. And in one place, the plantation can give a vine for 15 years.

Livestock Like Farm Business

One of the most relevant and promising industries of agricultural business is animal husbandry as a business idea, which even during crises remained profitable. It is clear, without certain investments in this case, it is not necessary, but with a competent approach, they pay off in a short time and for several years a beginner farmer can become a rich and financial independent businessman.

Growing bulls on meat

In the countryside, farming as it is quite realistic to organize almost from scratch, especially if it is possible to get cheap to buy young. But that the result of the activity is positive, you will also need time (about two years), and the forces to fade it, go out. Further, everything is simple - finished meat products wholesale rent in restaurants, supermarkets, or sell on the market. After all, beef is always in great demand.

Growing pigs

Pigs in the Russian Federation due to low profitability develops very slowly. Therefore, the state has recently began to pay more attention to the development of pig breeding and, most importantly, to give financial support to entrepreneurs who expressed the desire to do it. Therefore, if this business idea is interested in you - you can safely prepare documents and contact our local agricultural management to clarify the nuances of obtaining a state subsidy on.

Production of purebred geese

If you did not like the already listed ideas of business, farming on the cultivation of young purebred birds, you should like, because it is though troublesome, but very profitable. Breeding geese are appreciated on the market. They are constantly in demand, and not only in rural areas, but also among urban residents. There are breeds that are even 100 thousand rubles. And if a couple of such geese will bring offspring in the amount of about eight geese, then it is possible to earn 800 thousand rubles in the season. The big plus of this business production is that the maintenance of geese in the summer almost does not need cash investments on food. Geese feed themselves, drinking grass. And even for them you need to equip a small water for swimming. Theory, how to care for babies, can be easily found in Internet resources. For more information about, read on our website.

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The demand for turkey meat, which has high dietary qualities, always, despite economic conditions, is in high demand. Accordingly, the realization of products from farmers almost never has problems.

Of course, it has its own characteristics, you can even say - difficulties. But despite this, the business on the cultivation of Indeke brings farmers a good profit, and, in very short terms. All attachments pay off for 8-10 months, when the weight of an adult bird reaches 20-25 kg.

Breeding snails

This business idea in Russia is not considered traditional. But, it is probably because farmers do not yet know that a very profitable case, besides, which does not require many investments and efforts to care for the wards. This feature comes down to luch and protection against possible predators (hedgehogs, lizards, earthquakes, etc.).

So that the snails have demand, for example, in elite restaurants, with their cultivation it is necessary to take into account some standards. For example, at a price of 3-5 euros per kilogram, 20 gram snails can be realized, 5 cm long. But you need to be prepared and to a lower price.

The payback rate of the street farm is 1.5 years, provided that the 100 kg of the uterine flock can give four tons of product for 1.5 years (this is 360,000 rubles) the main condition - about the sales need to take care in advance.

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