How to make explanatory for the bank to avoid blocking the account. Written description of the organization Sample for the Bank Written explanation in the Bank Sample

Development 21.04.2021

Small business companies are increasingly complaining about bankers, there are more and more messages about blocking banks by banks and on cases of termination of service contracts without any reason, as affected by the victims. However, in many cases, banks have good reasons. Recently, the main postulate of the client policy of any bank - in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank - has become the reality of the client's business. Signs of bad companies were formulated in the position of the Bank of Russia No. 18-MP of July 21, 2017. What are banks doing to make sure the reality of the business?

1. The Bank studies the client's operation to identify the signs that indicate the absence of real business or the presence of tax optimization schemes. Signs are:

From the account of the company, salaries payments are not made for employees, as well as transfer tax on income tax (NDFL) and insurance premiums; or payments do not correspond to the average number of customer employees and indicate an understatement of real salaries;

The average accrued salary is lower than the official subsistence minimum;

Cash balances are missing or insignificant compared to the volume of operations commonly conducted by the Client on account;

The basis of payments do not correspond to the claimed type of activity (for example, the client in the questionnaire indicates that it is engaged in the production of bakery products, and receives money for transport or consulting services);

Cash to the client's account is credited by one grounds, and then debited on others. In other words, the client receives money mainly, for example, for building materials, and pays mainly for transport and consulting services;

There is a sharp increase in client account revolutions, the company noticeably exceeds the maximum values \u200b\u200bof money turnover claimed when opening an account;

the client does not pay from the account for economic needs: for example, rental, utilities, procurement of stationery goods, etc.;

Customer counterparties pay the client under goods and services with VAT allocation, and then these amounts are almost completely debited by the client in favor of counterparties without VAT;

The criterion for paying taxes and other mandatory payments is violated (about 0.9% of the debit turnover on the client's account or slightly more).

2. Then the Bank studies the place of doing business, checks whether the company is on the place of registration.

3. Further, the Bank compares the volume of business with the size of office, warehouse and industrial premises, with staff. For example, a company with hundreds of millions of rubles per year who does not have a permanent office, a warehouse and industrial premises, in the state of which only one director is created for the transit of cash flows.

4. Then the Bank studies the structure of the enterprise. A real-life enterprise should have a staff accountant or a contract with the company leading accounting.

5. Bank reveals business beneficiaries. It checks the information specified by the client in the questionnaires, and uses all available methods. In particular, if the client indicates the beneficiary of the director, which is not really the owner or co-owner, will follow additional check. Open sources (press, Internet) are studied to identify information about the client, including negative. Specialized databases are also often used to verify the client (Spark, "contour focus" and other).

6. If you have any questions, the bank holds a conversation with the company's managers.

Such a comprehensive study of the client requires the cost of time and money. Therefore, some banks, revealing the client at least one sign of the lack of real business, prefer to refuse him to be serviced without continuing further proceedings.

For customers, such a decision has the most negative consequences. Now they will not be able to open an account after refusing in one bank. Work with such crafts is now prohibited by all banks in Russia. Therefore, if you have come to the number of those with whom the bank is ramming the service contract, it is necessary to make a maximum effort to prove the reality of the business. You can invite bank representatives to your office, show shopping or industrial premises, warehouses, products. The Bank needs to include agreements that will confirm the maintenance of economic activities, acts of acceptance of works and services that exercise contracts for renting premises. Present a list of counterparties, links to their sites. Give a description of the ownership structure of your company and information about real business owners. If you have accounts in other banks, let's recommend letters from them. And of course, caution should be taken in the choice of counterparties - work only with trustworthy firms.

Delivered constructively to attempts by the Bank's representatives to understand your activities. If you have a real business, you have nothing to hide from the bank.

Often, companies have to deal with various situations - by blocking the bank of the current account, termination unilaterally on the initiative of the bank of the concluded service contract without, it would seem obvious to the reasons, etc.

Since such situations occur, in this article we will tell you that it can be the cause of such actions of the bank, and how to avoid them using such a tool as an information letter to the bank. At the end of the article, we will consider a sample letter to the bank on the activities of the enterprise, the form of which can be used in business correspondence with a credit institution.

The motives and powers of the bank

Recently, banks are endowed with the right to study and analyze the operations of their clients in order to identify in its financial activity of signs indicating the absence of real business, as well as the availability of various tax optimization schemes and "laundering" of income. The list of signs indicating such violations of financial and tax policies is formulated in the provisions set forth in the methodological recommendations of the Bank of Russia No. 18-MR of July 21, 2017

Thus, within its own activities, banks not only have the right, but are obliged to control financial transactions on the accounts of their clients, for their full compliance with the norms of Russian legislation. Also, banks are endowed with the authority to refer to the client, with respect to the activities of which there were doubts, written explanations on the economic component of a particular operation. Answering a banking institution to such a request is an information letter to the Bank on the organization's activities.

Letter to the Bank of the organization's activities: sample document and its structure

To the right and attempts of the Bank to make sure the reality of business and the organization's activities should be treated constructively. In order for the credit institution, there was no reason for the use of impure measures, it is necessary to provide a letter to the Bank on the activities of the Organization, the sample of which must comply with the requirements of the Business Correspondence and maintain information requested by the Bank.

Information letters for the Bank refer to the category of business letters. The shape and sample letter of the bank must :

    reply to the general rules of business etiquette, and comply with the standards of business correspondence;

The standard sample letter of the bank on the activities of the enterprise (organization, company) is not approved by any regulatory acts, therefore, in business correspondence with a credit institution, the form and structure is used, which is provided in a particular bank with which the agent has a service agreement.

As a rule, credit institutions in business correspondence use standard forms of written messages, so we can say that in its structure the sample letter should have:

    requisites of the sender organization

point in the left corner of the letter. Information (Name of the organization, its address and contact phones, the coming and date of registration of correspondence) can be printed or indicated by simplication of the corner stamp of the organization. When using a branded form, only the outgoing number and the date of registration of the letter are indicated;

    address information

the official, the name of the bank is indicated;

    title of the document

the title should specify the essence of the content, for example, a letter to changing the bank details - a sample of the right name will be as follows: "On the change of details";

the presentation of this part should be notified and contain only specific information that answers the Bank's request (if the letter to the credit institution is a response to that), or information on aspects of activities requiring the relevant notification of the bank about them;

    application information (if any)

the list of documents requested by the credit institution is indicated (for example, to confirm the reality of the business);

it is indicated by the position and surname of an official who signed a letter to the bank.

Read more about the content part of the organization's activities

Let us give several examples of the formulation of appeals from which an information letter should be started into a bank, the sample of which meets the requirements of the business correspondence:

    "In accordance with the request of the Bank" XXX "of 01.02.2019, Ex. № 124/231, we inform the following: ... "

the wording is used when writing an answer to a credit institution request;

    "I hereby bring to your attention ..." either "notify (notify) of you ..."

these formulations are used in cases where the bank is sent information notification character, for example, about changing details, refusal to extend the service contract, about the need to change the limits of operations and so on.

Sample business letter:

We give a few more examples, as it should be drawn up in the informative part of the company's informational letter.

Example 1 "Bank Change" (a letter, a sample of which should take into account some provisions of the Service Treaty)

"We hereby bring to your information that the term of service contract No. 111 of 01.03.2018 between your bank and Progress LLC expires 28.02.2019. In accordance with paragraph "X.Hh" of the above agreement, Progress LLC notifies you that it does not intend to extend the contract in connection with the transition to servicing the Bank KB "Reliable". "

Example 2 "On the change of the company's head":

"We hereby bring to your information that from February 10, 2019, the progress of the company's head has occurred. The acting director of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was dismissed from 09.02.2019. From 10.02.2019, Petrov Petrovich began the duties of the director. In connection with the foregoing, we ask all payments on a settlement account of the enterprise from February 10, 2019, signed by Petrova P.P. "

Example 3 "On the change of details":

"We inform you that Progress LLC has changed in the serving bank of KB" Reliable "from February 11, 2019. In connection with the previously specified, we provide you with new details and ask since the receipt of this letter all payments to implement on the following details:

k / C 301018104000000146

r / s 40176543210000007534 in KB "Reliable" Moscow

Beach 047539146 "

Such a letter notify counterparties about changing bank details.

Useful information on the topic: "Written description of the organization's activities Sample for the Bank." The available information on the topic is collected and processed. We tried to raise it in a convenient and understandable form. If you have any questions, please ask them to our duty consultant.

TEKHNOSTROYSERVIS LLC has been assigned the code of the type of economic activity according to the OKVED classifier 51.51, which gives permission to the wholesale trade in the fuel. This company relates to small and medium-sized businesses and meets all criteria established by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation":

  • 1. It is a commercial organization.
  • 2. The company is established by one individual and an authorized capital is formed in the amount of 10,000.00 rubles.
  • 3. The average number of employees is:

a. In 2013 - 102 people;

b. In 2014, -123 people.

4. Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) excluding VAT is:

a. in 2013 -134906 thousand rubles;

b. In 2014 - 156,000 thousand rubles.

Developed and adopted TEHNOSTROYSERVIS LLC Accounting policy for accounting and tax accounting purposes. In 2015, add-ons are made to the accounting policies associated with changes in legislation.

TEHNOSTROYSERVIS LLC is located on a common tax system, in which accounting is fully accounting and paying all general taxes.

Sewing production activities The company decided to acquire specialized vehicles on credit.

The main source of information for analyzing the financial condition and financial results of small enterprises is accounting (financial statements).

A comprehensive assessment of financial and economic activities is an enterprise management element, it serves as one of the stages of management activities and is an important source of information for making and justifying effective management decisions.

The main goal of an integrated analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise is to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the commercial organization and identifying reserves of its increase.

We will reveal the meaning of the following economic indicators:

  • 3. Financial stability and liquidity
  • - The financial independence ratio shows the share of assets of the organization, which are covered at the expense of own capital (provided by their own sources of formation). The remaining share of assets is covered by borrowed funds.

Investors and banks issued loans pay attention to the value of this coefficient. The higher the value of the coefficient, the more likely the organization can pay off their debts at their own expense. The greater the indicator, the independent enterprise.

  • - The current liquidity ratio shows the company's ability to repay current (short-term) liabilities due to only turnover assets. The value of the coefficient is more, the better the solvency of the enterprise. This indicator takes into account that not all assets can be implemented urgently.
  • - The coefficient of the provision of own means shows the share of current assets of the company funded at the expense of own funds of the enterprise.

The assets turnover coefficient shows the number of full production circulation cycles for the analyzed period. Or how many monetary units of realized products brought each monetary unit of assets. Or otherwise shows the number of revolutions of one ruble of assets for the analyzed period.

This indicator is used by investors to assess the effectiveness of capital investment.

How to make information on the company's activities

Information letter on the company's activities Sample

This resource is intended to assist people leading office work in practice, and not for students who are more necessary for theoretical knowledge (for the correct answers on exams). Therefore, in case you need to make an information letter in fact, and the classification for office work is different You should not delve into theoretical subtleties of the difference between letters, pay attention to the samples of the business letters presented below. The message-message - about events that represent mutual interest for the sender and recipient. It may be both an initiative letter and a response. The message of the letter-message (only the text is given below, the letter is made in the same way as the reference above). Employment messages №2Furnal purpose of writing letter - convey the information to the addressee The fact that the public event will take place.

A businessman either likely a period when registration in the tax is already over.

i looked at the receipt of the bank there really listed all three contract numbers. Explanatory letter Sample - Delivery and Letters This article prompted to write a constant mistake of our borrowers.

Info lists currency funds to the wage on the personal accounts in the Saving banks D70-K51.

Everyone too lazy to move hands, to simply attach a certificate in accounting and do everything as necessary. Banks will inspect the companies that are unrealistic to contact the list on the FTS website. To

Information letter on the company's activities

  1. head of Marketing Department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  2. deputy Director (if through the letter administration firm informs about any of its employees), etc.

In any case, the letter of the letter must be a person whose official functions include writing such letters or authorized to compile a separate order of the director.

Information letter on the company's activities: sample, how to make

Contains a proposal for possible favorable cooperation or acts as a preliminary phase preceding the conclusion of the main contract.

Insucessing obligations, for example, on the implementation of the terms of the prisoner, transfer of funds, etc.
Information mail. Includes various informational information, the purpose of which is to report to the addressee on what occurred or planned changes, possible suggestions, etc.

In order not to waste the time to draw up letters, we should take a general sample suitable for any of the types of business correspondence.

Information letters of informational letters can be applied in the following cases:

  1. To send recommendations, proposals, clarification of various information from the authorities and management to the subordinate organizations of various types.

This will be a process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its work is transmitted to the following. Description of business processes Examples of this in general can be seen throughout the article.

But full-fledged documentation is often comparable to the thickness with small books (or even large, if the work of a giant company is studied). Modeling business processes (examples of which are also given here) requires that all enterprise operations be as clear and transparent as possible.

How starts and how does the business process ends? What kind of protsas is it connected with? What is exchanged? What operations are performed?

In what order?

Business Maintenance Scheme Example for Bank

  1. company name;
  2. supply or procurement volumes;
  3. work period;

Real market analytics. If the project is small and the amount of credit is insignificant - you can use these polls and open publications.

  1. Marketing. In marketing plan, the volume and profitability of sales, possible consumers, the sales market and competitors are analyzed.

Sample letter to the bank

Naturally, if we are talking about the opening of the retail store - can not be about consumers.

But it is necessary to consider the alleged suppliers of goods or raw materials for production, specify their approximate rates. Info

Excellent if with suppliers there are any preliminary agreements on cooperation.

The list of suppliers and consumers should include:

  1. supply or procurement volumes;
  2. company name;
  3. any information characterizing the company as a sustainable reliable partner.
  4. work period;

Information letter on the activities of the organization for the Bank Sample

Information letter to the Bank on the company's activities Sample

Company Limited Liability Company OGRN 1045012461022 INN 7701025478 KPP 770101001127138, Moscow, ul. Basmannaya, 25 Leader of Akb "Kombank" Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich103473,

Moscow, Prospect Mira, d. 10. Location 08/29/11 No. 125B in order to correctly identify our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 115-ФЗ 07.08.01

"On countering legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism"

we inform about the following. The main type of entrepreneurial activity of the Company's limited liability company since its inception and to the present time is associated with retail trade of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores (OKVED code 52.2).

Important business lawyer information letter on the company's activities: sample, how to make information

Sample of the information letter on the company's activities for the bank

Info The fact is that this morning, during my following bus stop, I witnessed and participant in an unpleasant incident. There was no time to wait for interbanks while the Rostov theme with the elements was playing might and main. This includes everything that may be, but not yet decided or maybe, but not necessarily warranty and legal proceedings, at the time of the compilation of the PZ not yet completed.

And in these cases, Bank employees have reason to suspect the company that it is involved in money laundering.

My advice, write the truth honestly earned buns, funds, cards, accounts and accounts belong to me, nothing illegal.

Attention as issuing an informational letter to writing the letter, as well as no special requirements for its content.

These letters contain advertising information, which the sender wants to convey to customers or partners (both existing and potential). Such a document on the company's branded form of organization, while the size of the main text may vary from two or three sentences to several pages.

Despite the fact that the sample of the information letter and the forms for it is freely access, you can use your own forms in a particular organization. How to make it right

It can be: meeting, conference, exhibition, business tour, etc.

An example of an information letter for the bank

To whom to address an information letter on the company's activities, an informational letter can be directed to a particular person or a group of persons: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  1. overlooked, public (to inform the widest possible circle of people).
  2. confidential (intended for read by a specific person);

General rules for all letters Forming an informational letter, you need to scrupulously follow the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc. It is necessary to remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly information is described.

However, in general, for the reporting period, the organization has a profit of 36.6 thousand rubles. Indicators of liquidity and solvency of the organization are calculated in Table. 1.2. Table 1.2. The analysis of liquidity and solvency liquidity indicator The value of the indicator in thousand rubles. The calculation recommended to the beginning of the period at the end of the period 1. The coefficient of current liquidity is 0.92 1.87 The ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities. The recommended value of 2.0 2. The rapid liquidity ratio of 0.73 1.18 The ratio of current assets to the minus stocks of short-term liabilities. The recommended value of 1.0 3.

  • Entrepreneurial law
  • I am an individual entrepreneur (IP), we carry out lumber for construction companies. The bank asked in writing to submit the economic meaning of conducting operations in writing, referring to the law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ I reported funds for their personal accounts in other banks within a month in the amount of 1, 3 million rubles received from counterparties Product. I prepared the answer of the following content: in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 07.08.2001 No. 115-ФЗ, you asked in writing to clarify the economic meaning of operations to your own bank accounts of an individual open in other credit institutions.

The trade markup is an average of 60%. The cost of delivering goods to the value of goods is not included, and are recorded in account 44 "Sale expenses". All costs for the sale collected in the account 44, in the full amount are debited by 90 "Sales".

Calculation of expenses for the balance of goods is not compiled.

Written description of the organization Sample for the Bank

We definitely indicate that your company is not in any of the "black" lists (credit taxes, etc.). READ ALSO: Obtaining and re-registration of the YUR Address Such a document can be done by the main one (if there are no others), or optional. He not only confirms that other firms respect the company, but it is in a good account in the labor market, in the federal tax service and other structures. A letter to clarifying the bank to the bank no one is insured against the error when making payments, but not every error can be corrected with one call, some require the departure of the letter. Imagine this situation: you or your business partner made a payment for a large amount, but found that an error was made. It is worth notifying an institution as soon as possible, which will certainly contact the recipient and clarify the resonance of making the adjustment.

Unfortunately, this page is not found.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the bank again throws the company with its requests for intensive cash turnover. Company Limited Liability Company OGRN 1045012461022 INN 7701025478 CPP 770101001127138,

Moscow, ul. Basmannaya, d. 25 Head of the Kombank Akb Ivanov Ivan Ivanovichu 103473, Moscow, Prospect Mira, 10. Location of the company 08/29/11 No. 125B in order to correctly identify our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 of the Federal Law of 07.08.01 No. 115-FZ "On counteracting legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means, and financing terrorism" we inform us about the following.

However, it is not worth overly optimistic about future activities - non-fulfillment of the business plan parameters may entail sanctions from the creditor. An individual entrepreneur without employees, unlike Ltd. or another legal entity, is not required to analyze the management structure and optimize the costs of personnel. How to make a business plan for approval by the Bank of the loan, the business plan of each particular enterprise is unique. The amount is not so important for the credit institution, the bank should see in it the real prospects for the development of the organization, the possibility of paying a loan in full, as well as lending to the general financial recovery of the company.

The business plan should include an exemplary list of suppliers and consumers services. Naturally, if we are talking about the opening of the retail store - can not be about consumers. But it is necessary to consider the alleged suppliers of goods or raw materials for production, specify their approximate rates.

Informally, if suppliers exist any preliminary agreement on cooperation. The list of suppliers and consumers should include:

  • company name;
  • work period;
  • supply or procurement volumes;
  • any information characterizing the company as a sustainable reliable partner.

4. Real market analytics. If the project is small and the amount of credit is insignificant - you can use these polls and open publications.

  • Marketing. In marketing plan, the volume and profitability of sales, possible consumers, the sales market and competitors are analyzed. Of particular importance should be to pay for the analysis of the work of competitors, since they can significantly complicate the implementation of the project in full.
  • Legal aspects of the organization of the enterprise or project implementation are the cost of legal support, licensing and other things. Posses and possible difficulties, ways to resolve them;
  • Justification of financial costs.
    One of the most important sections of the business plan.

    Business Maintenance Scheme 🚇 Example for Bank

    It is necessary to consider in detail the need for financial resources, the order of their use, depreciation of fixed assets.

Business Plan to receive a loan

In the event that a large loan of the entrepreneur plans to take for a period of 10 years, and the project itself (for example, the construction and commissioning of the new workshop) will be implemented 1 year, the Bank will inevitably have any questions why at the "smooth" business plan and availability Significant profit, business is not able to pay a loan for 5 years? And vice versa, if the loan is taken for 5 years, and the project will last 3 years, when you enter the break-even point in the next, 4th year - the creditor will ask the question, due to what incoming payments will be repayed by a loan? 3.

Description of business processes: desire for simplicity

When lending to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, especially long-term or under certain investment projects, credit organizations as additional guarantees of cash payments require the provision of a business plan. This document is extremely important both for approval of the application and for subsequent trouble-free loan payments. In which cases, the Bank can request a business plan The main task of the bank - to extract the maximum profit from the available funds, without losing them in connection with the late execution of obligations by borrowers.
Additional losses of the so-called "missed profit" occur at large amounts of reservation. According to the standards of the Central Bank, the amount of the reserve in the absence of a business plan from the organization, which is just starting activities (a loan "Start AP") is at least 21% of the value of the loan issued.
To get a loan for creating or developing a business, you need a competently compiled business plan. It must reflect a comprehensive assessment of the development of activities, analyze the state of the market, consumer requests, competition level and, as a result, the economic efficiency of the project. The article shows and disassembled the sample. How to make a business plan to obtain a loan in a bank in order to get a bank loan, a business plan is drawn up so that the bank see the prospect of the project's development and, of course, the full repayment of the loan issued on time. First of all, the business plan should be competently compiled from a financial point of view: the bank is interested in the moments regarding the collateral, guarantors, debt obligations, turnover speed and profit growth. Make a business plan to be honest: it is not worth specifically for the bank to indicate an overestimated income growth. The main thing is to have a systematic growth.

How to describe the business scheme for the bank

In the Bank and Credits section, the Bank requests written explanations about the peculiarities of our business. The best answer as the author Alexander Zimenko is the best answer is a competent person, he will write. Just you have to tell this person about your business, otherwise what will he write? I easily provide such a service with such a service, asking for a few clarifying issues. Answer from 2 standby! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: the bank asks to provide written explanations about the peculiarities of our business.

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The scheme of the process of the process reflects its essence and mechanism of work. Create a scheme, in itself is not very difficult. It is enough to understand what questions should be the scheme and adhere to the creation algorithm. If you do not wait to start creating models or you do not know where to start - this article for you.

I want to remind you that before starting to describe the business processes, it is necessary to establish their borders. The list of all business processes of the company is a platform with which you want to start. The algorithm that I cite here will be useful to those who are only going to describe business processes. For those who have undergone training, the article will be an excellent repetition of the completed)))) 1 - set the process boundaries each business process begins and ends with the event. The first thing to be done is to designate the events of the beginning and end.

Of course, any employee who has long been working in the wholesale firm will say that there are no OrgProjects in the company, everything works by itself. This is not so. Agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly accounted for together with clients to develop business schemes decorated in the form of OrgProjects. Look at the site about the design of activity schemes. And now imagine a novice entrepreneur who scraped money on a business plan and even able to receive investor funds.

He still has so much work in front of which he just does not recognize. Therefore, in addition to the development of investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs to organize the activities of a beginner company on project management technology. The agency not only creates the necessary OrgProjects, but also conducts trainings of employees on the workflow of the business being created.

The business plan of the business plan should include the following sections:

  • summary (summary). It reflects the dignity of the project, its profitability, market penetration methods or expansion inside it (if you need a bank loan for business development). This section is first, but must be written in the last to summarize the main thoughts of all previous sections;
  • characteristics of the industry. This presents the concept of a business: information about the company, its products or services (structure, market capacity of the market, growth trends, competition, etc.). Information must be the most specific one;
  • research and market analysis. This section is better to compile first of all, since the prospect of the development of the company and the stimulus of the compilation of the business plan depends on its indicators.

  • Categories
  • Entrepreneurial law
  • I am an individual entrepreneur (IP), we carry out lumber for construction companies. The bank asked in writing to submit the economic meaning of conducting operations in writing, referring to the law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ I reported funds for their personal accounts in other banks within a month in the amount of 1, 3 million rubles received from counterparties Product. I prepared the answer of the following content: in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 07.08.2001 No. 115-ФЗ, you asked in writing to clarify the economic meaning of operations to your own bank accounts of an individual open in other credit institutions.

Reply to the Bank's request for the economic sense of account operations

They chatted with an employee, said that the bank begins to be excited at the turn of more than 300 thousand on all cards. Again, on the basis of the letter, T-shirt was drawn up: in the branch of PJSC MTS-Bank in
Rostov-on-Don from In response to your appeal No. OT.2015 I inform the following: The main mass of funds made by me make up our own accumulations of past years, if necessary, is ready to provide references in the form of 2DFL, confirming my income. You can also make a request to the credit historical bureau if my financial consistency causes you questions.

Economic meaning of operations marked in an empty from the Internet Bank as "MS VPP Deposit for MTSBankMoscow RU \\ 643 \\, Moscow, Moscow," This is nothing more than replenishing the card of your bank through your service "Translation from the card to the card" .

If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank will have doubts about some of my operations, I ask you to immediately notify me about this by phone +7 and email, and also provide a list of operations related to the category of "dubious" in writing. I hope for further cooperation with your bank.
In addition to the bank, they called back, asked to convey the help of 2-NDFL, brought. Maps were not blocked, we work on. Urals followed by Bank Ubrir.

The girl said that I was blocked by their security service, and I need to bring documents. When asked, what exactly, she answered unexpectedly: "You better know what, it is clear that you are experienced."

Sample Explanation of the economic sense of the sample operations

I'm not sure if it is a legally competent answer, could you comment on or add it?

Explanation of the Bank: Sample Document

Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee lawyer.RU has already been considered similar issues, try to see here:

  • How to answer the Bank's request for an explanation of the economic meaning of the account operations?
  • How correct to answer the request of the bank with an explanation of the economic meaning of the operation?

Answers of Lawyers (1)

  • All services of lawyers in Moscow Assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee to provide applications for 44-FZ and 223-FZ Moscow from 15,000 rubles. Comprehensive support of tenders Moscow from 10,000 rubles.

Explanation of the Bank

Good evening, Dmitry! You must ask yourself a question for what grounds for the bank has a question for you. Each bank tries to protect themselves from an unscrupulous client, which can cause the bank irreparable damage to its activities.

Consequently, the bank has reason to believe that you are engaged in illegal business activities. In your interests, to submit information about cash flow information, and explain that you do not violate the norms of existing legislation. And also to you for information: from January 1, 2015, it was set forth in the new edition of paragraph 3 of Art. 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the right of the tax authority, block the account of the taxpayer, as well as suspend the translations of its electronic funds, in the event of non-submission of the tax declaration within 10 days after the deadline provided for submitting it. Starting from January 1, 2015

Banker's blog

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  • From the payment system, we bring to the map of the Bank "Education"
  • From the "Education" card translate funds to your bank card
  • Economic meaning of operations marked in an extract from the Internet Bank as "Depozit Qiwi-RTK Moscow RU \\ 643 \\, Mosk, Moscow,"
  1. I replenish my money Mil Map Iglobe
  2. I pay the card replenishment of the QIWI payment system, I get bonus miles for
  3. From the payment system I bring to the card of your bank
  4. I remove your cash and turn to claim 1

Thus, for operations for the amount of rubles listed in your appeal, I received 25 040 miles Iglobe, which at a price of 0.4 rubles per mile (taken from is 10,016 rubles.
I use my current account in the bank for direct purpose - to carry out activities as an individual entrepreneur (IP), guided in its work of the Civil Code of the Civil Code (part of the second) dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ (ed. From 05.23.2016) and other legislative acts. This is true that the economic meaning of this operation is to withdraw the funds earned by the entrepreneurial activities into the household - for the purpose of personal and family consumption and business expansion.

My operations do not carry the risk of loss of business reputation for your bank, carried out exclusively for legal purposes, and are not in any way related to financing terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities. I hope for further fruitful cooperation with your bank.

Explanation of the economic sense of the sample operations


If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank will have a doubt about some of my operations, I ask you to immediately notify me about this by phone and e-mail such, and also provide in writing a list of operations related to the category " dubious. " I hope for further cooperation with your bank.

He took a letter to the bank, put copies of several checks. There was no letter, no more calls and further sanctions, the card was not blocked and works to this day. Tractorists followed by the MTS Bank. A employee of the Rostov branch was called and asked to approach the department, where he handed me a request on a beautiful brand name, where I was asked to explain the economic meaning of the bank card replenishment operations to Manisend and through Kiwi and the origin of the funds in the amount of about 750,000 rubles. Removed mainly in cash.
Sat put ban - that all this is understandable because they are sitting under the financial monitoring, and they need to fight the size of the sizing operations so closing the score - they just do what they fight on the new account - it's like a new clientwood such a game playing at our receipt you like a client - in the bath you remain, and so that you have been removing this ban - you have to be loyal than you never open a new bill, the program does not make it selectively choose those who agree to this players make it possible to continue to be allowed to access their services Who still managed to learn which documents needed, had to collect discharge from all banks that participated in a particular scrolling scheme. In general, I did not put up with them, took it a letter of T-shirt almost a word for the word, as well as certificates about income for a couple of years.

This is the economic meaning of operations. All payments were made at the expense of my own savings, payments were made on my personal accounts and accounts in payment systems. If necessary, it is ready to provide information about accounts and telephone numbers attached to them.

Operations on your bank cards were carried out within the limits established by your bank. Thus, my operations were carried out exclusively for legal purposes, and in no way related to the financing of terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities indicated in Law No. 115-FZ. The attribution of them in the category of "suspicious" will only worsen the indicators of the involvement of your bank in questionable cash and non-cash operations and will lead to risk of loss of business reputation.

The first is briefly and accurately formulate the name of the described process, which must be understandable and reflect the general essence of the sequence of actions that make up the business process. For example, instead of "submission of an application for the manufacture of the product in the production and control of its execution", it is enough to name the Process "Control of the Production of the Product" .There The sequence of their execution. With a similar partition, the described process will be the top-level process. The degree of detailing the top-level process may be different, but must be adequate to understand the audience that will use your description. 2 Describe a business process in several ways.

Business Maintenance Scheme Example for Bank

Examples of this, because it was promised, what will they be? Now let's give one and consider. Imagine a map. In the very center is the main business process.
It is divided into separate components. They are accompanied by managing and supporting processes that ensure that everything is fulfilled as required. This will be a process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its work is transmitted to the following.
Description of business processes Examples of this in general can be seen throughout the article. But full-fledged documentation is often comparable to the thickness with small books (or even large, if the work of a giant company is studied).
Modeling business processes (examples of which are also given here) requires that all enterprise operations be as clear and transparent as possible.

Explanation of the Bank: Sample Document

  • How starts and how does the business process ends?
  • What kind of protsas is it connected with? What is exchanged?
  • What operations are performed? In what order?
  • Who performs operations in the process?
  • What documents are used and appear in the process? In which operation these zochements are used / appear?
  • What inspections, materials, software and database are used in the process and in what operations?
  • What are the performance indicators and where exactly are fixed in the business process?

As a modeling notation, I recommend using BPMN a qualitatively prepared scheme should be simple for perception and is quite informative. The system of the business process should be clear to the "person from the street". Schema business process, at the stage of description, should reflect how the process is performed in real life.

Business processes: examples and description

Next, a production meeting is conducted under the guidance of the Director General, the entire package of documents is approved as the OrgProject. Creation of the Organization Position Responsibility in the company Activities for the creation of the Organization of the Organization CEO of the Organization of Financial and Economic Activities Commercial Director Commercial Director Supply and Sale TNP selection of participants, work schemes, work procedures Financial director Planning and control of financial flows Development of financing scheme Economic Economic Calculations Development of an economic model of accounting Control of financial and economic activities Provision of standard forms of accounting reporting, coordination of the payment scheme. Lawyer Legal business issues Preparation of contracts with participants Conclusion After the Organization is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Algorithm for building a business process scheme

Most often it turns out that one working team is not enough. What then can be done? To replenish the lack of strength, you can attract a temporary group.

It does not prevent the creation and description of how the process is currently functions. At the same time, it should be striving to identify all links between actions, and not fix the smallest details.


To avoid care, you can use standard cards and forms of processes. When developing processes, it is recommended to use the method of consecutive approximations.

In other words, you need to repeat the cycle of actions to improve, until an acceptable result is obtained.

Business management scheme

The most popular of them - graphic, with the help of diagrams made in various notations (notation - a set of characters to designate something). The most common types of notations for describing business processes is IDEF0, BPMN, EPC (ARIS) and other As an example, we will focus on the diagram made in the BPMN notation (Business Process Modelling Notation) using the PowerDesigner CASE (Fig. 1). The main elements on the diagram are: 1. "Process" (function) - rounded rectangle coal; 2.

Transition "- arrow connecting processes; 3. "Decision" - a diamond, which contains the question to which only "yes" or "no" can be answered; 4. Conditions - text expressions in which the transition from one function to another is carried out.

Conditions are always part of square brackets.

How to make a quality business plan, which will approve in the bank

The business plan structure The business plan should be compiled in such a way that all company performance indicators have been reviewed in the maximum volume, and the lender (that is, the Bank's employee who considers the application and is not familiar with the business) could compile an objective view about the activities and reliability of business . Mandatory partitions BP:

  • Summary: Description In the brief form of the goals and objectives of the project, sources of its financing, major consumers and the range of products.

    Step-by-step plan descriptions of the business process

    Summary should interest the expert and contain the main parameters of the project under consideration. Summary should be maximally compressed (1 page).

  • Description of the business idea. In this section it is important to conduct a so-called SWOT analysis, which discusses all the possibilities and threats to business, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.

Business Maintenance Scheme Example for Bank Construction Company

We write to the Bank Explanation of Plushechnical Operations - Plushki Su

Such notifications about activities as advertising are either. The explanatory letter to the bank on the activity of the reference was observed. On the one hand, working on simplified and paying income tax should not be credited to expenses.

I used them for the withdrawal of ale, I used not often, very evenly, since it was already heard about non-discontinued blockages.
etalon of the information letter on the company's activities. According to the clarification of the removal of currency funds with the RS JUR. The main activity of the organization is.

Business letters

Help, please make a letter to make a letter to the Labor Inspectorate. 3 and 4 was drawn up a letter, that the Declaration of PI for. The greatest sanctions that we can threaten the bank's refusal to work with us. They chatted with the employee, said that the bank begins to be excited when the turnover of more than 300 thousand on all cards.

Bank requires documents referring to its favorite 115-FZ - Forum

The FinMonitoring Department, which detects these operations is not earning, people sit on the naked salary, well, but if there is a bonus, then Fix (type 13th). So as not to be explained for each operation, you can put the bank in advance that the bank is unchanged. The bank that cash is normal, and it is applied to the tax authority, and not for the refusal of the extent to which it sends attention and The FNS of the Russian Federation (see I ask you to help draw up a letter to a request for the official portal of local governments. Banks began to show enthusiasm to the legality of customer income and include the question of funds from the questionnaire.

Banks request details from organizations for many operations. So what do you actually blame me and what are you referring to?

Banks and anti-cycle legislation banks RU

So what do you actually blame me and what are you referring to? - You read between the lines! There, except the law, there is a mass of registered acts! - I have no desire and time to do this. Make sure that you are applying for, and how you learned about it, the source of information. Even if there is no such condition in the contract, as practice shows, the Bank's Security Service requires documents within 115-ФЗ.

In what cases is one day of rest, in what cases two days of rest? Hello! For example, I ask you to clarify on the application of Art. If you do not like our bank - choose another! About how! This statement of the head of the FinMonitoring Department of Inresbank Ltd., paraphrase, as I understood this word - the law, if you think it does not care about another, do not like it - Vali. After talking with comrades on a hobby, armed as a template (thanks to my comrade Boris from Volgograd for the link), I compiled a letter of the following content from the bank. Consideration of the settlement of relationships between the bank and the client on the implementation by the client of operations that may carry the risk of loss of business Reputation. Most often, with the help of information letters, the activities of organizations manufactured by the literature published are promoted.

The first is briefly and accurately formulate the name of the described process, which must be understandable and reflect the general essence of the sequence of actions that make up the business process. For example, instead of "submission of an application for the manufacture of the product in the production and control of its execution", it is enough to name the Process "Control of the Production of the Product" .There The sequence of their execution. With a similar partition, the described process will be the top-level process. The degree of detailing the top-level process may be different, but must be adequate to understand the audience that will use your description. 2 Describe a business process in several ways.

Business Maintenance Scheme Example for Bank

The Commercial Department of the Wholesale Company draws them in the amount of 3 copies. Poofer rides the warehouse. In the warehouse, it receives TNP and 1 copy. The decorated invoice. The 2 remaining invoices - one remains in stock for the report, the other is transmitted to the accounting department of the wholesale company.

Agreement Wholesale firm-warehouse Wholesale firm and the stock company conclude an agreement for the provision of service responsible storage. On the basis of the concluded agreement, the wholesale firm transmits a warehouse of TNP for storage. The transmission of the TNP is fixed by the act of receiving and transmission. Monthly warehouse exposes a wholesale company for the service of responsible storage.

The account is exhibited in advance for the next month. Wholesale firm pays the bill. At the end of the month, the warehouse and wholesale firm sign an act-reception of the delivery on the amount of services rendered.

In addition, the warehouse provides a wholesale firm a monthly report on the actual released TNP.

Business processes: examples and description

At the same time, they also want a stock product to be always in stock. While the supply department plans to purchase a narrow range and large parties.
After all, in such cases they will work effectively, and their main indicator will grow (more precisely - to fall the price from the supplier). That is, there is a business process of implementation, to which the departments are watching differently.

Process approach, it considers everything that is what is happening as a set of processes. There are basic and supporting. Each process has a certain goal that is subordinated to the task facing the entire company.


In addition, there is an owner who manages resources and is responsible for the execution of all necessary. There must also be a quality control system and error correction.

By itself, no process can flow without resources. And completes the list of components a system of indicators for which business processes are evaluated.

Business Plan to receive a loan

If the loan is large - the reserve becomes quite a serious burden for the bank. The provision of a business plan helps to reduce the risks, and therefore the size of the reserve.
Other cases in which the bank can request a business plan:

  1. Lending for a long time (on average, from 3 years).
  2. The use of credit funds for investment purposes (the acquisition and construction of fixed assets - buildings, land, equipment).
  3. Lack of sufficient collateral.
  4. Short line of activity of the enterprise (less than 6 months).
  5. Obtaining loans on preferential terms (for example, agricultural subsidies).

The business plan may be needed and upon receipt of a standard loan. In this case, the entrepreneur can provide it as additional information about the business to reduce the risks of the Bank and, therefore, the interest rate on the loan.

How to make a quality business plan, which will approve in the bank


This means that after receiving and using a loan in full, the company must extract sufficient income to further conduct business without borrowed funds (effectively use the loan). The main nuances that should be considered when developing a business plan: 1.

The plan should take into account the most pessimistic expectations (the fall in currency courses, an increase in taxes on the company's activities and its property, a significant drop in demand, a high level of inflation, a one-time dismissal of a large number of employees and so on.). Employees of the Bank's credit division will check the document not only on the correctness of the calculations, but also for compliance with the real state of the market.

If the trends in the economic situation are such that the business may be at risk, the Bank has additional questions to the entrepreneur.

Description of business processes: desire for simplicity

Market Analysis includes data on consumers of products or company services (both active and potential) and that the "seller" can offer a "buyer";

  • enterprise economy. Planning the development strategy does not work out without economic indicators.
    The section contains data on calculated gross profits, taxes, types of costs and ways to reduce them;
  • marketing plan. It involves the company's methods to achieve the required level of sales. Try to introduce distinctive features in the overall market structure (and better than the advantage) of your product, which will be allowed to get around competitors. It is advisable to compare their activities with competitors to clearly demonstrate the promotion of your product or services relative to others;
  • technical refinement.

The most popular of them - graphic, with the help of diagrams made in various notations (notation - a set of characters to designate something). The most common types of notations for describing business processes is IDEF0, BPMN, EPC (ARIS) and other As an example, we will focus on the diagram made in the BPMN notation (Business Process Modelling Notation) using the PowerDesigner CASE (Fig. 1). The main elements on the diagram are: 1. "Process" (function) - rounded rectangle coal; 2. "Transition" - an arrow connecting processes; 3. "Decision" - a diamond, which contains the question to which only "yes" or "no" can be answered; 4. Conditions - text expressions in which the transition from one function to another is carried out. Conditions are always part of square brackets.

How to describe the business scheme for the bank

If a promising picture is to be folded, given all sorts of risks, the bank will most likely give you a loan for implementation or business expansion. Tip: Do not oversee the amount of credit to compensate for extra spending, take exactly as much as you need. Reflect the implementation of borrowed funds financially so that the bank see what his money goes;

  • applications. Annexes include any information that has not included in the other sections of business alan.

If the bank sees a good potential in the business plan and the possibility of rapid repayment of the loan, he can suggest to finalize it.

Therefore, make a plan with full responsibility, both in front of the lender and before yourself. The business plan is drawn up in detail, but with clear explanations of the described business.

As a result, it should be understood as you and the can.
To assess cash flows in the following years, the discounting coefficient is applied. Basic mistakes allowed in business plan:

  • lack of market forecasts, really reasonable data on demand and conjuncture;
  • technically complex projects that are difficult to implement in the context of the Russian economy;
  • lack of necessary qualifications of project initiators;
  • an overestimation of forecast income levels (if it is not substantiated by any objective data, for example, a signed contract with buyers);
  • too optimistic views on market trends (inflation 1%, the fall in the foreign currency exchange rate, the expectations of subsidies from the state and so on.);
  • too big volume of "water" in the business plan.

You can see detailed recommendations and business plan requirements on banking sites, such as Vesheconombank ( - download in PDF format.
From the point of view of business management, the document is information on any information carrier. E-mail, report, presentation, SMS - all these documents. Sometimes it is necessary to display intermediate products. These are billets, semi-finished products or simply important parts of the work that go from one block of the process to another. Add them at this stage. Of necessity. 6 - Add used programs and databases The process should reflect which programs and databases are used in it. 7 - Position Tools and Materials If the tools and / or materials are used during the process, it also needs to be displayed. Highlights can be denoted on the business process diagram. A detailed description is better to give in the comments and special sections of the description. An excellent option is to make a scheme focused on the use of tools and materials.

  • How starts and how does the business process ends?
  • What kind of protsas is it connected with? What is exchanged?
  • What operations are performed? In what order?
  • Who performs operations in the process?
  • What documents are used and appear in the process? In which operation these zochements are used / appear?
  • What inspections, materials, software and database are used in the process and in what operations?
  • What are the performance indicators and where exactly are fixed in the business process?

As a modeling notation, I recommend using BPMN a qualitatively prepared scheme should be simple for perception and is quite informative. The system of the business process should be clear to the "person from the street". Schema business process, at the stage of description, should reflect how the process is performed in real life.

We recommend to read
