How to open your trading company. His company: how to open your business? How to prepare documents for registering a company

Accounting and taxes 21.04.2021
Accounting and taxes

Starting your businessYou can organize your office or be a co-founder. So, I worked as director of sales of the branch network (hired director).

Choosing a second option, you can pull the whole company. But, while you are a hired director, without a documented option - share in business, at any time you can close access to CRM., change the castles and say: "Boy, go Natter."

It worked for me to replace the Mac, but you understood me.

Reflections on this feature made me to the fact that I registered the organization (legal entity) and formed more than a year (debt) processes for organizing the work of the company.

Costs for the first year I had the following:

1. State duty for registration of LLC - 4000 rubles.

2. The opening of the company across the office - 11,000 rubles in the presence of a legal entity. We opened through the office in Kursk, this is a good option. They can offer a charter, now the rules have changed into part of LLC

3. Providing a legal address - 10,000 rubles.

4. Office - room 2 by 2 meters. We, for example, 6200 rubles per month.

5. Mail - who has. We bring it free of charge directly to the housing - it is very convenient.

6. Contribution to the charter - 10 000 rubles.

TOTAL: 41200 rubleson theopening.

Currentexpenseson thecompany:

1. It will take to take an employee to the staff (he is the general director and he is an accountant). It will cost you 15,000 rubles per month.

2. You pay for rental office. We cost 6,200 rubles per month.

3. You will need an accountant that will work on a remote basis. He will solve recruitment issues, engage in salary, advise on legal issues. It will cost 13,000 rubles per month. Our company uses the possibilities of remote accounting, cooperating with "Prime-Audit" (Tver City), our Bitrix24 clients. We organized interaction with them, inviting their employee to our corporate portal as a regular employee. Cooperation is conducted on approved regulations for servicing the current account, accounting of accounting on both companies, personnel and reporting.

4. We will have to open an account in Sberbank - 1250 rubles per month.

TOTAL: 35450 rubleson themonthlycosts.

Thus, the costs of opening their firm are 4,1200 rubles. In addition, you will have to take into account the monthly costs of the company's content of about 35450 rubles.

Everyone chooses the road in business. But costs, in my opinion, is nothing compared to such a risk of work in a large foreign company, as the risk of hearing the following: "Boy, go to ter."

So the question about opening your business - This is a security question. You are planning a profit, calculate the risks, costs. The main thing is to make a decision about your status in business as early as possible in order not to invest in a deliberately losing option. If you open a firm without paying for a serious profit, you can take one or two transactions in the first time to earn 35,000 rubles for the maintenance of the company. This is not bad: the company works, and you master the order of work on documents.


1. A person who has his own business may easily make himself any help for a trip abroad and draw yourself any salary. Passport also, by the way, do much easier.

2. You can provide services and maintain transactions for other companies and individuals and take on average 3% of the transaction.

3. Do yourself and employees of your company corporate cellular communication. Transfer numbers from an individual to legal. In our company, all rooms are translated into the personal account of the Legal entity MegaFon. Payment is 3000 rubles for 5 numbers per month. In addition, the company pays the calls of each employee (1000 rubles per month), so they all have unlimited communication capabilities with customers. Communication services include Internet packages. Of course, the whole range of communication services is bought on the company and is written off at its costs.

4. If you are planning to buy a car, then having your business with an annual turnover from 10 million rubles a year, you can easily take a car into lease. That is how we took a car for trips to the suburbs and other needs. Payment on such a purchase is written off on the cost of the company. This, among other things, makes it possible to reduce the payment of VAT on the amount of payment of VAT leasing. Machine maintenance is paid by non-cash payments and is written off into costs. In the same way, we write off the cost of buying gasoline. We buy gasoline on non-cash payment through the "Auto Mainer".

5. The next procurement in the "Comus" is also convenient to do through your personal account. It is clear that the purchases from the "Commus" are needed not only for the office (from paper to the microwave), but at home will be useful (make a daughter, for example). The main thing is that any purchases can be paid back to the company's costs. Gradually get used to such a way of savings, and any working or home purchase is checked from the point of view of the criterion: it is possible to save due to the write-off costs.

6. An example of such mini-discoveries in the field of purchases: water and cooler / pumps home each employee we acquire on non-cash payments and all this is written off on costs.

7. A recent example from your experience - business trips: I acquired tickets to Peter on bank transfer, I visited the exhibition and wrote off the cost of a trip to costs.

8. The moment arising from the listed one. You have the volume of expenses that you do as an individual. A certain part of them can be safely represented as "costs" of a legal entity. For example, a children's party can become a "corporate event for employees."

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Own business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be employees. Having a promising business plan should be determined in which organizational and legal form to register its enterprise, choose the optimal tax system and solve a number of other issues. About how to open a firm in Russia can be found from experienced lawyers who are familiar with the procedure for registering legal entities.

Optimal organizational and legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and the complexity of accounting and reporting is LLC. This conclusion comes most of the entrepreneurs who want to start their business without excess costs. You can cope with this task yourself, following step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the necessary package of documents;
  • - Decide on activities;
  • - form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal tax system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - Making print;
  • - pick up the office;
  • - Hire staff.

To organize and register a company with such a form of ownership, one founder is sufficient, but at the same time the total number of participants may not exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create its own company in the form of a limited liability company, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents in which in addition to the statement of the form, the P11001 must be logged in:

  1. the decision of the founder (accepted alone) or the protocol of the meeting of the founders (if there are several of them);
  2. company's charter;
  3. constituent agreement (subject to the creation of a company of 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming the payment of state duty;
  5. delivered power of attorney (if a representative is registered);
  6. application for the transition to an acceptable tax system.

Before submitting documents, you must take care of the legal address. The registering authority will require a document will require confirmation of its availability. If this is a leased or own room - you have to provide a warranty letter signed by the owner if the company is registered at the address of the Director General or the founder will need his written consent.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be fully submitted within 4 months after passing the registration procedure.

Taxation system: What to choose?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to choose such types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (based);
  • - a single tax on temporary tax (UNVD);
  • - Unified Agricultural Tax (ECHN);
  • - Patent system (PSN).

Most of the owners of modern companies give preference to "simplified". This system is the optimal option for owners of small firms. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. will have to regularly make one tax, instead of three;
  2. dependents to the budget are carried out 1 time per quarter;
  3. reporting is served Dean once a year.

The system allows you to select taxation in the 2nd rates:

  • - 6% (all income received by the enterprise is subject;
  • - 15%, which are subject to the company's revenues (at the same time, the costs that the enterprise has during the work) are taken into account.

Enterprises who choose the general system pay tax on property, profit and VAT and are obliged to regularly submit reports on them.

Companies operating on ENVD pay a contribution to the budget, the size of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area on which it is carried out, the presence and number of employees.

Eskhn can choose an enterprise, 70% of the income of which is obtained from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is intended for firms whose genus requires obtaining permits (patent).

Selection of activities

Any enterprise is created only in the case when its founders know what they want to do, and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work there may be concomitant directions that will make business even more successful. When issuing registration documents, one will have to specify one major activity and any amount of additional.

Not a problem if the company will need to add additional activities during the work. This can be easily done by writing a corresponding statement to the tax authority.

Registration procedure

Prepare the necessary documents by selecting the activities and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - submission of documents. Modern legislation allows this in several ways:

  1. personally or through the representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. with the Internet.

By choosing the first option, you should contact the FNS registering authority at the location of the company's legal address. In major cities, this feature is transferred to multifunctional centers. If the submission of documents is carried out by the representative, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a notarized power of attorney. With personal transfer of documents, the presence of all founders is necessary (in the same part it will have to make documents). Consideration of the application and the decision-making is carried out within three working days from the date of their submission.

When applying for mail, you should be aware that you do not need to attend the registering authority to obtain ready-made documents. They will be sent to the company's legal address. The disadvantage of this method is a mandatory notarization certificate of signatures of all founders, and these are the substantial costs to add payment of postal services.

Presents applications in online mode. Special service is simple and easy to handle, which makes it easy to fill the necessary forms even to people who are not confident users of the Internet. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to send forms filled with errors, and this greatly simplifies the procedure for receiving documents.

Also on the topic of opening your company, see:

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Firm registration services market

If you are going to make money on creating someone else's business, prepare for tough competition. Only state universities that are preparing lawyers, Russia has more than two hundred, and less prestigious educational institutions are not subject to counting. Meanwhile, registration of firms is far from the most difficult legal procedure, so every graduate is hardly able to start a similar business.

"To be honest, the market is saturated with" under the string, "says Inna Triadsk, General Director of Lenyust. - According to my information, now in St. Petersburg there are about 200 registration companies from 2 to 50 people. About 100 of them are combined into one network - this is the company "Registrar" created in 1999. Now this is a network of independent legal entities united by general guidance. Competition in our market is extremely tough. "

"In the yellow pages of order hundreds of specializing firms, not practicing, I think, much more - such services may offer in notarial offices, law firms of other specialization, audit companies, as well as individuals - adds Alexey Panov, head of the company" Backway Wind ". - Competition is great, because a small threshold of entry into this market. "

A little softens the picture Elena Grishin, working under the brand "My lawyer": "In fact, among such legal companies, many one-day firms, and the number of companies constantly working and having a certain reputation are much less - about 15-20. Competition is definitely becoming increasingly tougher, but the market is not yet saturated and still everyone finds his client. "

Starting capital and constant costs

Relatively small initial investments are perhaps the main plus of legal business. The minimum amount among those named by our experts amounted to $ 1500 - it includes registration of a legal entity, buying a cash register, furniture, office equipment and stationery. In practice, it will be necessary much more - it is necessary to take into account the costs of equipment of workers' workplaces ($ 1500-2000 per person) and, of course, advertising your services. "For advertising, which brings real returns, law firm has to spend at least 15,000 rubles per month," the director of Lenysta gives the figures.

In addition to promoting your company on the market to constant costs will have to be attributed to the salary of workers (on average $ 400 per person), rental payments ($ 25 per meter monthly), telephone, Internet and maintenance of equipment (about $ 300 per month).


Those who already have experience in working in the registration of firms pay attention to two key conditions of success. About their first they say to Alexey Panov, "Backway Wind": "Often those engaged in the registration of firms" under the wing "of a similar business - an audit company, a firm engaged in the manufacture of seals, notary offices, etc., respectively, and sources of customers will be the same Basic business. "

The leaders of the companies "Your Lawyer" and "Lenyust", in turn, note the importance of a careful attitude towards customers: "Customers come to us mainly thanks to advertising and" sarafan radio ". Many are replayed. One of the elements of our policy is to work for the future, and, as a rule, it works, "explains Inna Triad. About increasing the role of the same "Sarafan Radio" says Elena Grishin.


One of the main mines of business at the registration of firms, our experts consider just a low yield. "The main problem is artificially held low prices. In particular, market prices establishes the "Registrar" network, and it plays a "down", dumping, "says Inna Triadsk.

Alexey Panov talks about specific figures: "If you proceed from the fact that one specialist (implying that at least 2 people are involved - the courier and the secretary) can lead approximately 30-40 orders per month, then it turns out $ 4000-6000" dirty "That less a few expenses."

A drop of optimism adds the head of the company "Your lawyer" Elena Grishin: "We believe that the ceiling for the profit level is not here, since the number of customers, and, accordingly, income depends on the professionalism of the lawyer. If I liked the client, it will also come and inform familiar. In St. Petersburg, several millions of workable population - if even fifty thousand of them decide to register their company, work is enough for all legal office of the city. "

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"So far, the legislation also changes often, as in the past few years, work will always be enough," Alexey Panov agrees, "Backway Wind". - But still, it would recommend to create such a business, I would recommend, approaching him, how to get yourself to try ourselves "in the case", to score a client base; Calculating in the future to reorient to a more narrow-profile, requiring higher skills of the business. "

Figures and facts

About 1,500 legal entities are registered daily in Russia.

In St. Petersburg there are about 150-200 companies offering registration services for firms.

Costs for opening a business on registration of firms make up from $ 1500 to $ 20,000

"Dirty" income per specialist when its full load is about $ 4000-6000

Oleg Punzev,

Source: My Business

79 people studies this business today.

In 30 days, this business was interested in 41723 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Today, the opening of Ltd. is the most common form of a legal entity that entrepreneurs are used everywhere to conduct their commercial activities, including when issuing Ltd. with a foreign founder. Statistics show that at present, more than half of all legal entities of our country are registered in the form of opening turnkey LLC. Our company UST Group provides a complete set of services to register Ltd. with the legal address at an accelerated time frame. We are ready to offer several different registration options: from the preparation of documents and consultations, to the registration of Turnkey LLC, including the manufacture of printing and opening an account in a bank, which includes maximum services. Also on the pages of our site you can familiarize yourself with the prices and list of services for the registration of LLC, which we are willing to offer.
Ltd., as a form of a legal entity, has a number of undoubted advantages.

Among them are worth noting:

  • inexpensive cost of registration Ltd. in 2020 (minimum costs of state duty, notary and share capital);
  • small package of documents for registration in the tax (application form, charter LLC, decision on the creation, state duty);
  • registration of a new LLC from scratch, with one founder (including a foreign founder);
  • registration of the opening of Ltd. Tax online, the accelerated terms of the business of documents in the tax, and the passage of the stages independently in Moscow;
  • minimum level of entrepreneurial risks.

Our company is ready to quickly and competently register your LLC. Dates of registration from one to nine days depending on the selected service package.

Necessary documents for registration of LLC

Turning to our company UST groups to register its LLC with a certain number of participants and authorized capital, you can count on a quick and relatively inexpensive execution of this procedure for paperwork. We can register LLC "Turnkey" or simply provide certain advisory services to collect the desired package of documents. You, as the future owner of the LLC, must submit the following documents:
1. A physical person is a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a passport of a foreign citizen (foreign founder).
2. The legal entity is all data on the accounting and directors, the legal address, the total size of the authorized capital, as well as the relationship of all co-owners.
We, in turn, are ready to provide all the documents you need for rapid registration of LLC:

  • a statement for a certain form from the applicant with his signature;
  • agreement or protocol of the Assembly, which confirms the decision of co-founders on the opening of LLC;
  • a document confirming the legal status of each co-founder;
  • the document in which the payment of a mandatory state duty is noted.

Step-by-step instruction 2020 - Stages of registration of LLC

1. Preparation in tax required documents.
2. Feed a full package of documents to the registration state authority (personally, online, public services, MFC).
3. Obtaining a certificate of registration of a legal entity (MI FTS RF No. 46 in Moscow).
4. Production of printing and opening an account in the selected bank.
At first glance, a unrecorded person may seem that the procedure for registering such a society is transparent and simple, but our experience speaks about the opposite. The slightest inaccuracy in the documents submitted may cause refusal. Given the highly inexpensive cost of registration of LLC by the forces of our specialists, you should think about whether it is worth spending time for an insignificant cash savings.
Our company has been working in the field of legal and registration services in the field of providing legal and registration services, so we are known all the subtleties of this process. We are ready to register your LLC as quickly as possible.
Contact Ust Group - we have reliable, fast and inexpensive registration of LLC.

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