How to start your own manufacture of shoes from scratch? Your business: how to open the production of shoes equipment for the production of children's shoes.

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Russian shoe manufacturers - in the list of 350 factories and shoe plants.Large brands and new brands. Catalog 2020: Official sites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers. Providers of own production - reliable wholesale partners. Become a dealer, order a price list!

Leading domestic shoe manufacturers represent a decent range - you will see if you review the directory on the Internet exhibition. For several years in a row, footwear production in Russia demonstrates growth in the range of up to 10%.

Factory shoes russian manufacturers More often than buyers in stores, they prefer recognized brands and quality, proven time and evaluate new shoe market companies. Shoes that cannot serve one season, now not interesting to buyers, even in cheap prices.

In Russia, enter state programs Growth of the internal manufacture of shoes and restoring the sector. Investments are on the development of the shoe industry, and shoes imported from abroad are subject to additional duties.

However, the share of shoes of foreign manufacturers remains significant, find and buy wholesale shoes of Russian factories is still difficult, especially sneakers and fashionable women's high-heeled shoes. Although measures to restore the shoe industry sector give results. In addition, choosing between the goods of the same quality and the price of a domestic and foreign brand, buyers give a choice in favor of Russian manufacturers.

Special success russian companies I managed to achieve in the release of children's and winter shoes. Children's shoe factories as a rule, pays more attention to the safety of materials and reliability of fittings.

On the online exhibition catalog of only Russian manufacturers of shoes, producing products in the territory of the Russian Federation. Now buy shoes of Russian manufacturers just - it is enough to choose from the list of the company you are interested in and contact it - published contacts belong to the manufacturer.

Manufacturers are looking for wholesale customers, dealers, corporate customers, shoe stores for uninterrupted supply of products, including export.

Today, the shoe business is advanced high requirements. Not only that shoes should be comfortable and reliable, it must match the latest fashion trees, be original. Foreign manufacturers left in this matter far ahead, so the most of the market is imported products. However, the prices of it are significantly higher than the domestic product. Therefore, an entrepreneur who managed to occupy a niche between cheap domestic and expensive imported products, will be able to withdraw his business for a successful course. Especially since experts there are an increase in demand for model shoes.

Features of the shoe sphere

To make a business successful important not only to understand it well. Only if you constantly know recent trends Shoe fashion, various innovations and unusual solutions, you can provide the market on time with these new items, and, therefore, improve your position on it.

But the shoe market is very extensive, and it is simply impossible to be competent in all its manifestations. Therefore, it is recommended to choose narrow specialization Manufacturing shoes and become an expert in this area. Only so you can withdraw a business to leading positions in acute competitive struggle.

Competition on the market is very high. Therefore, before making a business plan, it is necessary to study the situation on the market of your region: its saturation, specialization of competitors, the quality of the products offered, pricing policy, and so on.

Registration case

For official work Factory Your business needs to register. If you are planning small production, you can stay on individual entrepreneur. This will require only five working days and minimum of funds:

To open a large factory it is advisable to register entity. Then you can trade large batches of goods.

From the tax system of small and medium businesses it is recommended to choose simplified. There are two possible options here. 6% is paid from the total income or 15% from net income, that is, from which expenses were detected. What system it is better to choose in relation to your case, will advise an accountant or a lawyer.

During registration, you must specify the OKVED code 19.30: manufacture of shoes. It makes it possible to make any kind of shoes, from any material, as well as its details: heels, stelc, soles and other things. Please note that this code is not applied to make such types of shoes:

  • orthopedic;
  • from asbestos;
  • for skates and rollers.

Company name

An important step in creating its own production is to register the original name of your company. It should be short and memorable, as well as associated with the activities of the enterprise. When choosing the name it is necessary to take into account some existing restrictions. For example, to use the names of states, cities, subjects Russian Federation, Special permission will be required. And these are additional costs.

In mandatory, it is necessary to register the original name in Russian: full and abbreviated. Additionally, you can approve the full and abbreviated name on english language and the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation.

We define the range

Your business plan should determine with which assortment of shoes you will work. And first of all, to establish which price category is planning to cover. Practice shows that the most profitable production - Production of shoes for middle-weight people. Include in your plan production shoes for all age categories and gender.

As for the specific product range, there are many types of shoes. It is divided by sex on male and female. There is also a classification for seasons: demi-season, spring, autumn, winter and summer.

For destination, shoes are classified on:

  • orthopedic;
  • production;
  • professional;
  • output;
  • everyday;
  • military;
  • household.

In addition, there are many different models of each type of shoes. What exactly to build a business depends on the preferences of the entrepreneur and market requirements.

Process of production

Technology of shoe production is a complex and multi-step process. As part of the factory, each of them employs individual specialists on special equipment. Therefore, be prepared that the equipment plan will consist of a huge list of necessary items. There are quite a few equipment manufacturers. You can find everything you need for any budget that provides your business plan.

Representatives of such well-known world manufacturers of shoe equipment manufacturers are working as Volonte, Silpar, Sicomec, Selmac, Rachioni, Pfaff, Meccanica, Obe, Obe, Neve, Mec-Val, MAV, Matic Verdi, Knaoz, Iron Fox, Elettrotecnica, Ecom , Durcopp Adler, COMELZ, CERIM, CAMOGA, BANF, ATOM.

It is difficult to call even the approximate cost of such equipment, as it is made and delivered strictly to order each particular factory. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the manufacturer and it is personally to specify the cost of the order.


The first stage of the manufacture of shoes is the cutting of the necessary parts on the selected skin. For example, for the manufacture of one shoe, they will need about 30 pieces. At this stage, you will need cutters or special stencils, as well as cutting press. Last equipment can be adjusted under different type Skin. Please note that these presses will need two pieces. One is designed to cut the parts of the upper part, and the other is the bottom of the shoes.

Production of insoles

This stage of production can be omitted if the insoles cannot be prepared independently, but buying already ready. In the event that you decide to establish their own production, you will need to include in a business plan for the purchase of such equipment:

  • the unit, descending the edges of the details of the footwear;
  • hydraulic press that will form a warm insole;
  • unit for lubrication by half a lubrication;
  • aggregate for grinding edges of the steleke;
  • the press that forms the insole.

The technological process of production in this case begins with cutting insoles, pressing on a special press from two sides, grinding edges. After that, the insoles are sampled with rubber glue and processed by another press.

Preparation of blanks

At this stage, the details pass the markup stage - they cause lines for which the seams will take place. After that, the edge of the workpiece burn, paint and grind. This is necessary so that the edges become narrower and smooth. Then they are comfortable to sew.

For this stage of production, include the purchase of such machines in a business plan:

  • for duplication of lining elements, tops and thermal stroke parts;
  • to descend the edges of the elements to thin their edges;
  • aggregate for applying identification numbers for each pair of shoes;
  • machine for alignment of vertex parts.

Sewing shop

After preparation, the parts are sent to the sewing workshop. Here they are stitched in the desired sequence, creating blanks of shoes. In the same workshop, thermoplastic inserts are inserted into them, which longer help keep the shape. For this, the workpiece is stirred by temporary laces, put on a heated to 150 o with a metallic foot and immediately cooled to -20 o C.

For this shop in a business plan, it is necessary to include the purchase of such equipment:

  • apparatus for the formation of leather stripes on the rise and sock;
  • the device for smoothing the rear seam;
  • the device bending the edges of parts;
  • apparatus inserting a tray;
  • apparatus for glue spreading;
  • industrial sewing machines;
  • conveyor sewing.

Build shoes

The assembly of shoes begins with the processing of the workpiece on the climber. Here, the temporary sole is prepared for sticking: levels and cleaned from dust. After that, in a special furnace, it is treated at a temperature of 60 o C, the remains on the edges are cut off. Only after that the sole is glued or sewn to the workpiece. Finished shoes are watered with wasting sheep wool and stitched. The last stage is carried out exclusively manually.

At this stage, there will be a special assembly conveyor, which includes such devices:

  • for cleaning and polishing;
  • for smoothing the top;
  • for removal from the block of blanks;
  • press sickling seams;
  • thermoactivator of adhesive films;
  • marker;
  • sewer;
  • pUBLIC;
  • cooling tunnel;
  • dried passage;
  • humidifier;
  • for tightening;
  • scoremaster;
  • mortarighter;
  • safety insoles.


To produce high-quality shoes, high-quality raw materials will be required. Therefore, enable the search plan for a reliable supplier of high-quality skin. It is not necessary to look for them abroad, there are also enough leather industries in the country. Large manufacturers have a minimum order of one ton of leather. But you can find small factories in which the minimum supplies begin with 300 kg. The cost of raw materials depends on the skin type. On average, the square meter will cost:

  • 100-180 rubles. with large cattle;
  • 50-150 rubles. for suede;
  • 100 rubles. For perforated skin.

Separately, the procurement plan needs to include various chemical consumables:

  • paints;
  • polyurethanes liquid;
  • reagents for skin training;
  • adhesives;
  • means of processing of seams and edges;
  • oils;
  • cream;
  • leather finishing fluids.

Prices for these materials depend on the manufacturer.


Do not forget that your shoes should be sold in special boxes. They can be ordered on any specialized factory. Packaging is prepared for your order separately on each model of shoes. As a rule, your company logo is applied to it.

Room and personnel

Based on the amount described necessary equipment, You can imagine the necessary extent of production areas. In addition to shops, it is necessary to provide storage facilities for the storage of raw materials and finished productsas well as room facilities. A total of 7 thousand square meters will be required. m. Looking for a suitable room better in industrial zones, as production should not be located near residential buildings.

Before renting the room, it is important to check the availability and health of all necessary communications: telephone line, water supply, gas pipeline, power grid. Please note that the network must be industrial, since electricity consumption by some machines reaches up to 50 kW.

In automatic mode, not all equipment works. Some stages of production provide for exclusively manual work. Therefore, personnel in the factory will need a lot. Almost every car needs an operator. Accordingly, it will take about 250 workers to work into two shifts to the factory.

Certification of products

Absolutely all manufactured shoes should be undergoing sanitary and epidemiological control. Baby shoes are subject to mandatory certification, and for an adult is a voluntary business. But adult is mandatoryly undergoing declaration. Also, any product must comply with GOST. For each type of shoes, their standards have been developed.


How to organize sales products - depends on the scale of your production. If you produce large batch of goods, it makes sense to conclude agreements with large networks. Alternatively, you can organize your small salon-shop to sell products. But the most important condition for successful sales is high-quality products.


As practice shows to organize the production of shoes from scratch, no less than 180 million rubles will be required. investment. The profitability of this production is kept at 48%. Attours will be accumulated about four years.

Manufacture of shoes: what equipment is needed + technology manufacturing technology - 9 main stages. What is needed to organize the work of shoe production: raw materials, room, personnel + detailed financial calculations.

Capital investments (factory): from 150,000,000 rubles.
The payback period for the production of shoes: 3.5 - 4 years.

The Russian market is overflowed by goods that are produced around the world, but with domestic producers it is not so good.

Most likely, this is due to the fact that China, similar to China, produce a large number of Products for every taste.

Yes, it differs not particularly high quality. However, it prices are quite low, while famous foreign brands high Quality have, respectively, high cost.

One of the industries of such an industry is manufacture of shoes. This type of activity is also not particularly developed in the Russian Federation.

Therefore, it can be assumed that if you create an excellent commodity offer in Russia, then demand will appear.

This business is not suitable for everyone.

You need to be a person who understands all the subtleties of the tight profession. Also have experience in sewing shoes, its repair or manufacture.

Even if you yourself do not plan to work, but only to manage management, such experience will help determine what may be needed for production.

What to choose a format for the production of shoes?

If you generalize, you can highlight two formats of shoes:

  • a small point in which the master sews shoes to order or for retail sale;
  • full-scale production, factory.

The first option is chosen when there are no money for arrangement large enterprise With factory premises and large personnel composition.

In this case, you can try to open a small boutique with author's shoes.

But to reveal all the possibilities in the presence of both a novice entrepreneur, and for an experienced businessman, will allow the option with the factory for sewing shoes.

The cardinal difference is that in the case of high production, it is necessary to focus on its mass, the rate of release of new models and accessibility for the masses.

And in the case of a private boutique, the main task is the production of exclusive models with an individual design, as well as the highest quality.

Another item in which the format for the production of shoes is varied is her style. You need to diametically separate the sports and classic format.

If there are no particularly difficult differences in the technology of sewing summer sandals and winter boots, then sneakers are a completely different kind of product, the production of which requires other knowledge, technology and equipment.

The main equipment for the production of shoes is what you need?

Regardless of the scale and objectives of the shoe manufacturing factory, it is obvious that without sewing machine Do not do in any way.

Already in-depth in the nuances of production, you can emphasize the fact that the standard model is not suitable when working with skin and other hard material.

Detailed list
and indicative costs (rub.):

1) transition warning machine
And the edges of some details - 640,000 rubles.

2) Installation to create a form
nasal part of the boot (or shoe) - 450 000 rubles.

3) Special press
For the manufacture of stelek - 295,000 rubles.

4) Equipment for polished
The edges of the insoles - 235,000 rubles.

5) Installation that lowers the edge of the details
Products so that they were more convenient to sew in the future - 230,000 rubles.

TOTAL: from 1 850 000 rubles

Optional equipment,
which is required for large production
(in order to significantly speed up the manufacturing process)

1) special installation that will attach some parts
With the help of glue - 460,000 rubles.

2) equipment that will
put the stamp on each pair
To assign her identif. number -
355 000 rub.

3) installations that will fasten
upper part of shoes and soles -
355 000 rub.

4) Production conveyor - 465,000 rubles.

5) cutter for dividing material on the details,
of which will consist
Top of shoes - 335 000 rubles.

TOTAL: from 1 970 000 rubles

For final processing
Products will need equipment
which will perform such functions

1) Tightening - 240,000 rubles.

2) Moisturizing - 155,000 rubles.

3) Drying - 550,000 rubles.

4) Cooling - 445,000 rubles.

5) thermoactivation of glue becks -
240,000 rubles.

6) Removing the pads - 225,000 rubles.

7) smoothing from the field of the shin -
140 000 rub.

8) final cleaning and
Polishing finished shoes - 130,000 rubles.

TOTAL: from 2 125 000 rubles

In most cases, additional equipment may also be needed, the choice of which will be due to the peculiarities of production. This is due to the desire to make innovations even in such a habitual industry as the production of shoes.

Especially actively enjoyed by famous brands.

Bright examples: "Breathable shoes" from the Geox brand, shoes with the "Easy Tone" sole from Reebok (which, if you believe advertising, helps to keep the muscles of the buttocks in the tone).

9 stages of shoe manufacturing technology

    As in any sewing process, it all starts from the pattern.

    If we consider an example in which we have already ready-made skin or other material of the color we need, the next step will be the manufacture of parts.

    These components are cut with special cutters along the pre-stencil of the future product.

    To make one shoe, on average, you need to divide the material of the material for 20 or more details. But it all depends on the complexity of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis model.

    The next step will be formation of shoe insole.

    This is done using special equipment - press.

    This apparatus using a strong compression method connects several layers from different materials, and gives a certain shape and bends with a shoe insole.

  1. Further markups are applied where the connecting seams will be held.
  2. The edges of the details are burned and grind In order to make them more subtle and suitable for further stitching.
  3. Seamstances start crossingwho give the workpiece the form of future shoes.
  4. Thereafter plates are attachedwhich give the shoes the opportunity to remain in original form, without losing forms under the influence of temperatures.
  5. The last stage of manufacture is billet connection with sole.

    The sole itself is manufactured in a special oven, after which it is treated and cut off everything too much.

    After connecting to the sole the finished model is polished.

    This is done with the help of sheep wool and special booster.

  6. Tightening process in the finished product of the shoelaces Always happened manually.

What raw material may be needed for the production of shoes, and where is it better to take it?

Since it is still on the production of good and high-quality shoes, the main material for its production is considered to be natural skin.

Optional for the supply of quality material to contact foreign firms, since half the cost will be only delivery, yes embezzlement to customs and.

Throughout Russia, there are many enterprises that offer material for making shoes. You can refer to such as:

  1. Ronnon - Moscow (
  2. "Ostashkovsky Plant" - Tver region (
  3. "Russian leather" - Ryazan (
  4. "Kirovsky Tannery Artek" - Kirov (

And this is not full list All Russian Plants for Skin Production.

We also need materials chemical production For further processing of this skin. Under chemical treatment implies various liquids, cream, oil etc.

To process shoe soles may also be needed liquid polyurethanes. All this can be ordered from local chemical factories. Again, there are more than enough in Russia.

Packaging material Most often is ordered from companies that are engaged in the manufacture of packaging under the order. Most often, the larger order, the cheaper the unit costs.

How to choose the right room?

Room for small production.

If we are talking about mini-production, you can do without a small room.

Some equipment that will be needed for conveyor production in this case No need, since half of the work will be performed manually.

Also, as a rule, in the production of such a format there is no need for a large number of personnel.

Based on these data, you can determine: the room will be needed with a small area.

But general requirements The production remain unchanged, without regard to its volumes:

  • the presence of a gas pipeline;
  • conducted a water supply;
  • availability of telephone lines;
  • the electrically capable is able to withstand the load corresponding to the peculiarities of production;
  • heating and temperature isolation is also important, since the storage of material for the manufacture requires a specific temperature regime.

Nowadays, there are quite often a lot of workshops, where the store itself is in the same building with.

This makes it possible to save on rental and implement products in place.

Premises for the factory for sewing shoes.

In the case of a large-scale shoe manufacturing workshop, it is obvious that it is better to choose the factory room in the industrial zone of the city.

Usually, the cost of renting or buying a building in this part of the city is not so high.

If you include all the necessary zones (office department, goals for manufacture, tailoring and processing, room for personnel and warehouse), it will take the territory of about 7,000 square meters. m.

How to organize work in a shoe workshop?

The choice of personnel for mini production of shoes.

For a small trading + production point, in fact, one person is quite enough. But for more convenience it is better to divide administrative work And the process of creating a product itself.

Ideally, you need even one at least one representative of the administration (for example, managing or sellerif production is in one room with a shop), designer (as it's about author's shoes), cutter and seamstress In one person, as well as masterwhich will be engaged in all installation and similar works.

Personnel for factory tailoring shoes.

To work full-fledged shoe production, in addition to sufficient equipment, it is necessary to hire a fairly large state.

In general, about 150 people need to work at work (based on what they will work in two shifts). And speech only about workers of sewing and other workshops!

Administrative staff will also be needed, as well as warehouse workers. But, again, it all depends on the characteristics of the enterprise.

The exact amount of each managing determines itself, depending on whether it is interested in it.

Sales and implementation of shoes

Footwear can be sold both through and using various showrooms and boutiques that sell various brands.

The second option is much more profitable - there is no need to pay for rental of premises, wages, etc.

All you need is just to provide the goods to the store to implement, establish a certain amount per unit, depending on the model. The markup that the store will install, its owners can take themselves.

In fact, the sales methods of shoes are many: from the point in the market, to the big gallery in mall. But the method that is listed above is considered the most profitable.

Capital for the organization of shoe production. Profitability.

In the case of a small point for production and sale, cost calculations is difficult.

Uniquely can only be said that this business will pay off the faster factory production. Already in the first year of work, all initial costs should pay off, after which the enterprise will begin to make a profit.

If not, it will be a sign that you need to change the strategy.

In the case of a large workshop for mass production of shoes, approximate numbers can be called - from 150,000,000 rubles.

This amount includes costs not only to equipment for the production of shoes, but also rental, wage, utilities.

Article expenditureAmount (rub.)
TOTAL:from 150,000,000 rubles
Business registration5 000 000
Rental premises (year)From 25,000,000 (7,000 square meters m. In the Moscow region)
Communal services (year)10 000 000
Labor payment (approximately for 150 employees)From 3 000 000 / month.

From 36,000,000 / year

Equipment for the production ofFrom 5 945 000
Raw materials (material for manufacture)25 000 000 / year
Freight transportation2 000 000 / year
Rental of premises for the implementation of shoes (about 5 pcs.)30 000 000 / year
Other expenses (elimination of breakdowns, advertising, events)11 000 000 / year

If we take into account the average indicators of domestic production, then the profitability of such a business (on a large scale) will be about 48-50%.

Fully it can pay off for 3.5-4 years of work.

The development of this production is impossible without the knowledge of all the nuances of the industry.

How is shifting shoes? All stages of manufacture are shown in the video:

Conclusion about how to start the production of shoes and what is needed for this?

If you consider everything written above, we conclude: manufacture of shoes Large scales are not so suitable for entrepreneurs who are not ready for such tremendous costs, and also do not have the opportunity to wait for payback such a long time, as they do not need a large scale for the equipment for the production of shoes.

Nevertheless, there is always the opportunity to start with a smaller business, but in this case, you can expect success only if there are really fresh and interesting ideas.

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If you have free financial resources and a big desire to start your own business, Our material will be very interesting for you.

Today, one of the most profitable and promising directions Business is the production of shoes in Russia. Why? Everything is very simple. Shoes - Following food and clothing - is the subject of systematic spending practically any modern person.

Opening own shop and the manufacture of shoes in little citywhere the market is not so saturated yet, and there are no large shoe factories, just doomed to success! And yet you should not hope only for a crash good luck. Be sure to make a business plan. It must be verified and worked in detail. You must clearly understand what finances do you have how much money should invest in a business when it starts to bring you a profit, etc. So, how to open the production of shoes? What should I do for this? Where to start? Do not hurry. Let's tell about everything in order.

It is better to be the pros in something one

Perhaps, we will not open the Secret for you, saying that the shoe market requires competence and systematic monitoring both new trends and design innovations. This sphere is very extensive, so it is not worth spraying in it. If you focus your young business on some one segment and will become like a "guru" in it, you will certainly be waiting for success, and no competitors will be able to prevent. So let's run on the main parameters of this interesting, in terms of investment of funds, business.

Consult, and then do

First of all, you will need to register your business. The choice of ownership depends on the scale of the case. You can discuss this question in more detail with a lawyer or with an experienced accountant. The latter, by the way, can help choose such a form of ownership at which you can pay the minimum tax volume.

After registration of the company, it's time to make a choice of place where your trading point will be located. It is very important that, on the one hand, it was a crowded place, closer to the city center, in order to ensure the maximum profitability of the shoe store, and on the other it is important that the rent is in the framework of reasonable. Optimal time Works - from 10.00 to 20.00.

As for the assortment, it is better if it is designed for buyers with ordinary prosperity and people with average opportunities. This is the most profitable niche. It is important that in a wide range the variety of men's, children's and women's shoes are presented. The buyer needs to be able to choose between different price categories.

Analysis and monitoring

We missed the main thing. Before you directly open your case, carefully examine the niche that you assume to occupy. For you, information about competitors, about the degree of market saturation, its quality, and so on is extremely important. Otherwise, you are very risking. And in general, the situation when a person puts money into not enough well-studied business, it seems very absurd.

So how to open the production of shoes?

When you defined an approximate location for your trading pointIt is important to solve a number of serious issues. So, for example, it is necessary to understand whether your store will be a certain pavilion on the thing in the storage market, or will you prefer it to be in a large shopping center? Or maybe it will be a separate boutique? Depending on the decision made, it is necessary to prepare funds.

Their number of their number would be incorrectly, since each city has its own prices for renting premises, shopping and individual boutiques. At the same time, each of the possible solutions has its pros and cons.

From the market to boutique

However, if you ask how to open the production of shoes with the smallest investments (after all, at the beginning of any business of impressive capital, as a rule, it does not happen), then we can advise you to rent a small boutique in the mall. In the very extreme case, you can begin with a conventional clothing market. The most important thing in this business is to have a good, quality product at a profitable price for you (and it is better to produce it in general to control its cost).

Thanks to this, you will quickly get a circle of retail and wholesale customers, which will bring you the amount of money necessary to expand business. If you do not have equipment for the production of shoes and can not create your product, then you will have to solve the task with suppliers. Fortunately, there are no problems with their presence. There is only a question in their reliability and quality of the shoes provided.

The market is in fact literally flooded with various proposals for the wholesale delivery of this product, both from domestic and foreign manufacturers. In a wide range, Chinese, Turkish and Italian shoes are represented. It pleasantly striking the abundance of materials from which is manufactured, as well as a color and species diversity. IN foreign countries Factories (for the most part) are perfectly equipped and have wonderful equipment for the production of shoes. Therefore, their products are really beautiful.

Who and how much?

Defined with the one of the suppliers to give preference, it is primarily to be guided by the desires of their target audience. It will also be superfluous to take into account the climatic features of your region. However, however, no shoes be entered, we do not advise you to make big charges. Just because you just opened, you should learn about you, you should love consumers.

The quality of the shoes should be commensurate with the price. Try always adequately evaluate the goods offered to customers. Remember that if you now turn the price and begging a potential buyer, it will buy shoes from your competitors. You should always be concerned about sales, because only they can allow you to grow and expand your business. It is in them focused all the power.

Today, the Russian shoe market is highly dependent on the foreign manufacturer. Fast raising Prices for import shoes attracts an increasing number of buyers to the domestic manufacturer. Therefore, entrepreneurs can be thought about the opening of their own factory for the production of shoes.

Technology manufacturing shoes

All technology is divided steps. The first stage of the shoe sewing begins with the cutting shop, the components of the boot are made of prepared leather. They are cut with a stencil and with a special cutting press. In the same workshop, insoles for future shoes are cut. First, the special fabric is pressed, forming the insole, then the edges are grouped, they are sampled with rubber glue and pass another press. The next stage is the markup process, the lines of the seams are drawn here. After that, the billets are sent to the firing, after it the edges are obtained thin and puffy for further work.

The next stage is a sewing shop. With special machines, trained details are sewn. After their connection, thermoplastic inserts are pasted, to save the shoes in the original form. After all the main processes, the billet goes to process the machine preparing to the gluing of the present sole. The sole is prepared in a special oven, after it is glued to the excess pieces cut off. This stage is final. After that, the shoes are woozy and inwing laces.

Cutting shop

For details of the future boot, two cutting press are needed. One to work with the upper details of the shoes, the other for the lower parts.

Video about cutting:

Production of insoles

Shoe insoles are most often purchased separately. For the production of the stelek, a press for its formation is needed, the machine for grinding the stelec and for the smelting of it.


For this site, several cars are needed: two-tape, which levels the vertex parts, making their thickness the same; for sticking props; to descend the edges of the parts; For duplication of the vertex of shoes, lining and thermal stroke materials.

Sewing plot

For a sewing section, we need sewing machines; sewing conveyor; Machine for inserting trays, for the bending of the edges, to smooth the seams and for molding leather stripes on the shoe sock.

Video about the finish stage:

Necessary equipment

To date, there are a large number of manufacturers of various equipment for the production of shoes of all kinds: rubber, male, feminine, orthopedic, children's, winter, summer, etc.

To work at the assembly site, you need a large list of equipment:

  • assembly line;
  • car feeding machine;
  • machine for forming stripes on product sock and backs;
  • machine for tightening and for moisturizing;
  • machine for raising, for marking, to remove shoes with pads;
  • machine for smoothing the balance, for polishing and cleaning;
  • the passage dried;
  • cooling tunnel;
  • thermoactivator of adhesive films;
  • press for gluing seams.

Video pro technological process brand ECCO:

Materials for production

Most. best Material For the production of shoes - this is genuine leather. The skin for domestic production of shoes offers the Russian factory "Ronnon". In addition to this factory in the country there are a large number of other industries engaged in genuine leather. Skin purchases are calculated in tons. The cost of the skin can be different and depends on its type:

  • for m2 leisure of cattle price is 150-180 rubles;
  • for m2 suede - 50-150 rubles;
  • per m2 perforated skin Price from 100 rubles.


The shoes are packaged in boxes that are made to order, special factories that make packages with applying the name of the company or plant on it.

Business organization


The required production area is approximately 7 thousand square meters. m., it is taking into account different workshops, premises for warehouses and office. TO production room All communications must be carried out: electricity, taking into account the load from the operation of machines, plumbing and gas pipeline.


Adult shoes are certified at the discretion of the manufacturer, and children's shoes necessarily undergo certification process. Adult shoes are necessarily declared. Produced shoes must correspond to the necessary GOSTAs and is controlled by the SES. Certificates of conformity and declaration receives shoes without production damage, identical sizes, etc.


If the goods are high quality and presentable external view, the demand will be good, so it is possible to conclude contracts with large trading networks to implement it.


The amount of investments in the manufacture of shoes from the node itself will be approximately 180 million rubles. Payback period is about 4 years.

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