From the letters of Evgenia Chichvarkina to employees "Euroset. Letters of Chichvarkina, or HR Epoch of Financial Problems of Evgeny Chichvarkina Eurport employees

Development 12.06.2020

Actively promoted by the view that prices for mobile phones in the EUROSet salons are lower than that of competitors, for some reason no one is disputed by anyone. In fact, the market has long stabilized, and manufacturers work with all networks on the same conditions. Competition rules forcing other networks to raise prices not higher than in Euroset. Despite the closed image, Yevgeny Chichvarkina became the recognized leader in the mobile retail market. And this is a frankly weak service. What is the phenomenon of the company's success working on the principle "sold and forgot"?

Last year, the August Cleansing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seem to "repay" the supply of mobile phones to Russia. Representatives of Euroset say that, according to their estimates, there are no more than 20% of the "gray" tubes on the market. But still there are many small companies, with a staff of 3 - 4 people who import mobile phones and sell them wholesale on domestic market. The employee of one of these structures anonymously made it clear that all the "gray" schemes of the mobile communications through the border remained the same.

Painty Serness

"Several chiefs at the Vyborg Customs removed, but new ones came to their place. Customs officers will always take bribes. If it were not for this, such companies as our, not survive at all. All our small suppliers of "gray phones" worked, and work. According to my estimates, the share of such tubes on the market from 25% to 40%. Sure, large companies, including Euroset, you have to do official "white" purchases, but to trade only "white" phones is simply unprofitable, "says our interlocutor. A company employee responsible for purchases will always try to buy devices in the domestic market at a lower price than the manufacturer. With such a scheme, according to the source, on some models you can earn $ 100 - 150 more from each mobile phone compared to legal sales schemes. "Euroset", by the way, is also our client - buying phones through our subsidiary, "our interlocutor summarizes.

The seduction of the purchase of so-called operator phones is still large, foreign cellular operators can sell devices at a price of about 10 euros to attract new subscribers. Dmitry (surname he requested not to indicate) for more than six years worked in a small company, which imported the "gray" phones and reflash them to sell to large wholesalers. Not so long ago, he decided to change the scope of activity and settled in a company that supplies the equipment for computer networks, but his friends are still importing operator phones and independently remove the blocking from them. Bridges are brought by parties from several hundred to 2000 - 3000 pieces. "Previously, we took the devices from the United Kingdom, the Arab Emirates, Europe. There was a supply channel through Belorussia, but the key person from the customs was planted, but other partners remained. Now "gray" phones mainly go to the regions, "says Dmitry.

There is also another scheme of "gray" import: large retailers simply send their representatives directly to the plants in China, where you can buy a batch of devices, exactly repeating models of leading manufacturers. And here it is already about the parties of fakes in several dozen, and even hundreds of thousands of pieces.

"I for a long time He worked in Euroset, - shared with "Co." the former employee of the office - a curator of retail in the company. - A large proportion of phones sold in the salons was "gray". Sometimes even the windows stood devices with logos of European operators and Chinese hieroglyphs on the housing. Now everything is not so clearly, but look at at least the phones inlaid by Swarovski crystals - they are not certified. After the scandal with the Vertu Euroset suggested as an exclusive product, the Mobiado wooden housing, which are also not certified, as an exclusive product.

The chosen Salon "Euroset" at the metro station "Roman" did not disappoint: the showcase was Sony Ericsson K790i. After studying the device and packaging, it turned out that the inner IMEI (unique identification code) The phone displayed when calling a command * # 06 #, did not coincide with the box specified on the box. This is a faithful sign of the "gray" apparatus. Igor Koznyakovsky - Sony Ericsson's product manager explained that the "gray" usually turns out to be the most popular, popular models. IN this case The counterfeit was the Sony Ericsson K790i apparatus - a rare model that is in demand.

Problems with "gray" phones occur shortly after their purchase. But returning money for a problem mobile phone turns out to be almost impossible. Even those heroes who are able to surrender in the queues to the service center are extremely rarely achieved. meaningful resultsSimply because the "gray" device is often not subject to repair.

One of the buyers of Euroset complains that she had to take his phone twice for repair: the mobile phone spontaneously turned off. Both times the device was repaired for 30 days. Each time after repair, he was given to the client with the same problems. The company's service center refused to issue a conclusion that the phone must be returned, and offered to repair it again. The acceptor manager expressed his compliance with the buyer and recommended her just sell the phone for half the Internet. According to him, other results will be given.

The service center of the company is ready to accept the phone for repairs "until spare parts, but not to correct breakage. Another example is our colleague in February 2006 in Euroset phone Siemens SL 75. After two months, the device refused the button, the set of any room was almost inaccessible or demanded a lot of time and diligence - put ten times on one and that The same patience button is not enough. A day after the mining of the "clamshells" in the service salon Siemens, where the Euroset managers were recommended, the liquid crystal scoreboard stopped working at SL 75. Another repair though eliminated this disadvantage, but he gave rise to a new problem - a greenish stain appeared in the lower right corner of the screen. Only after the fourth examination of the device (the repair procedure took about two months - during this time SL 75 fell by about 30%), the functions of the tube were restored.


Somehow "Euroset" as new Year's gift His customers agreed to take back phones, who for some reason buyers wanted to return. One of the authors of this material was a witness to how in the salon in Tsaritsyn, a huge queue was lined up, reminding of long-forgotten shortages. But people were not at all for hours at all to buy something, they wanted to return the phones in Euroset. "There is an internal rule - not to accept the goods backwards any pretext," says the former senior seller of Euroset. - Especially this concerns expensive purchases. When returning the seller will be forced to fill in many internal documents, and also risks to pay the penalty. "

According to interregional public organization Society for the protection of consumer rights "Public control", half of all complaints about them takes place about mobile phones and other digital technology. At the same time, almost every second device is subject to repair or replacement. The overwhelming number of claims, approves the head of the legal department of the OZPP "Public Control" Pavel Morozov, the Euroset, Eurdorado and Betalinka are addressed. One of the main problems is that authorized service centers (SC) manufacturers refuse to take "gray" devices. The number of such phones, says frost, decreased, but still a lot of them. When selling retailers often do not show lists of authorized SC, offering to accept the guarantee of their own service centers, in every way advertising quality of service. The service centers of retailers, according to Pavel Morozov, of course hide the "gray" origin of phones, using a number of tricks that violate the rights of consumers: do not indicate the terms of repair; exceed the maximum permissible term for a period of 20 days; do not provide a similar device for repairs; They carry out poor-quality repair, after which the phone very quickly fails again. The breakdown is often written off on improper handling of the device, and managers are trying to determine the breakdown as a non-warranty case and require money for repairs. In addition, often masters produce flashing software Instead of the necessary substitution of key blocks, and without the consent of the consumer, which is also illegal. According to Morozov, managers of network service centers often say that they take the apparatus for examination, but only independent expert centers have the right to hold it and only for money. The verification that specialists of the same SC is carried out, is not expertise. To make a claim to repair under the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" in such cases, it is difficult, since the warranty repair is free, and to demand compensation, it is necessary to repel from the cost of the service. Pavel Morozov recommends consumers in case of problems with the purchased apparatus, to repair it only through the seller. And be sure to require the compilation of an act describing all the characteristics and appearance phone indicating the lack of external damage, traces of moisture, unauthorized opening, etc. Only in this case, you protect yourself from unreasonable accusations in improper use. In order not to deal with such problems of the service, the best immediately require the replacement of the device or refund.

The price of fatigue

The policy of companies operating on the principle of "sold and forgotten" is quite explained - the organization of a normal service is expensive and complex. Easier and much cheaper to create visibility of care for buyers. Ko "were provided with 20 brightest (out of 570) reviews of" secret buyers "of the independent NexTep agency about the service level in the salons" Euroset ". This study was conducted in the fall. Of the 20 reviewed reviews 7 turned out to be negative, 3 positive and 10 neutral. It is significant that "secret buyers" often noted the fatigue of the Euroset sellers.

Fatigue is the price that Euroset pays for leadership in the market. Most employees are both working, and who left the company, they say that it is very difficult to work there: the corporate pressing is too pressing. A person feels himself a curtic large conveyor, working on wear. I wonder what former workers Euroset even after a long time after dismissal, they prefer not to call their names, referring to a serious service security service.

"Euroset", of course, trying to look attractive in the eyes of new employees. Probably because the "soldier" wishing to work for little money is becoming less and less - frightening stories about work in Euroset enough, and the new generation has not grown yet. The company is littered with judicial claims from former employees. The leadership is not particularly ceremony. In February of this year, throughout the network, which employs about 30,000 people, was distributed List of employees most actively using the Internet for personal purposes. With photos, full names occupied by positions and frequently visited by them sites. Among them were girls who were accused of actively watching pornoresours. I wonder if the fact that local computers were taken into account that local computers could be infected with worm viruses that screw the pornotraphic automatically? In any case, such an appeal can lead to psychological injury for life, not to mention the "good" glory ...

Recently absorbed by the "Euroset" St. Petersburg network "Ultra" is experiencing the consequences of the change of management. "Many workers just immediately left, without waiting for reforms; Some are rented now, especially with key positions, - tells the employee of the Ultra partner company. - One of the managers of Ultra was sent to work from Peter in Ufa, it seems that the person simply did not have the choice. Of course, there is always a choice, he could write a statement about leaving own willingBut it's rather difficult to put a lot of strength and spending not one year for professional improvement, just to take and refuse everything. "

"Often the dismissal of a whole department, along with the head, if the plan has not been implemented, says former manager Network Development Department. - I survived three such cleaning: almost all employees of the Development Department were fired, including vice president. I stayed at my office just because I performed personal plan - opened two salons per month. When it was already physically impossible, I changed the organization. "

"Every employee company wakes up with thought, will fill it on this day or not. Euroset Head Evgeny Chichvarkin personally drives out the salons and checks the quality of the sellers, - shared the former coordinator with "Co." retail sales. - At first glance, it looks like care of buyers. But in fact it turns out on the contrary. The sealing sellers are moving between the "All For Client" instructions and the internal rules - do not take the goods implemented by any ways. You need to sell those brands for which "amnesty" announced at this time, ignoring the products of "loyal anathema" manufacturers.

In a man's blog under Nick Mrak_, you can find a fresh history about how the father of the family tried to buy his daughter in Euroset. Nokia phone has a certain model. For half an hour, he was told about the non-existent minuses of this tube and frequent cases of marriage from the manufacturer. As a result, a man bought this phone in a nearby cabin of another network.

The customer-oriented service of high-tech goods, which Evgeny Chichvarkin says, is often turning into a banal "pushing of Cheburekov" (paraphrasing the advertising slogan "Euroset"): You never know what is inside - high-quality meat or something else ... Sellers "Cheburekov" are exhausted and trained to sell exactly what they need to boss. Impact methods are simple: sudden raids on outlets, checks, penalties, dismissal. "Once, Chichvarkin launched a stapler in the head of the Selon Selon in Pyaterochka, who did not pay attention to visitors and was so tired that he didn't even notice his appearance," the employee remembers who witnessed one such raid high superiors. - Mowing an order, Chichvarkin personally checks his execution. Once I fired the distance between phones on the showcase, if more than 10 cm (for example, 13 cm), penalized all store employees. "

The role of Eugene Chichvarkina, who is more than one year, the image of a rigid, but the fair boss is generally indicative. It was he initially made a bet on humor "below the belt" and a strong little word, promoting the company's advertising image into the masses. As the girl was embarrassed, the nurses on the circles or T-shirts, the porched phrase "Prices just oh ...". But market analysts for the most part this advertising innovation was perceived favorably. No one for some reason did not remember the simple truth: in a decent society are not so expressed.

Chichvarkin, speaking in his language, for the decency "scored" for the sake of prosperity of the native company. Business is a jungle where the strongest survives. His letters for internal use that have been treated in the network - and it doesn't matter whether Eugene himself was the author or this is the fruit of the collective mind of subordinates - fueled in the eyes of the public and in the subordinate team of the "Fair Image" of the head. For those who are not familiar with the work of the head of the company, we give a few characteristic excerpts: "From May 11 we will wet all advertising. This is the most peak activity. When competitors see the word "Euroset", they must understand that they are! " Another quote, this time from the letter, in which the tense relations of Euroset with Samsung were expressed: "And the most terrible: Since the first of September, neither one employee in the company does not have the Samsung phone in personal use. Everything can be sold through retail network How used and get all the money to yourself. This is a question of principle. This is a test for loyalty. I don't like it - Hi ... But since the first of September, Samsung`I will fly into the wall, and the proud admirers of Kzotka are out of the door. "

The figurative style of these letters, according to psychologists, reveals quite brightly, the portrait of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euroset. "Young optimistic person, a player by nature, with well-developed figurative thinking. Highly appreciates his personal time, and he is constantly lacking him. It can be said that he lives in constant styling, "says Elena Junk's psychologist. According to her, Chichvarkin is purposeful, has a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he wants to achieve, but the preparation of the plan on paper is abundant. "It doesn't love to write," the junky continues. - Judging by letters, it is difficult for him to clearly and clearly formulate thoughts on paper, moving them into direct instructions. Employees should catch everything on the fly, otherwise they are translated into the discharge mentally defective. "

According to a psychologist, Chichvarkin is formed, familiar with the main techniques of marketing and management, however, from the entire course, he issued two basic principles: "Knut and gingerbread" and "divide and conquer." The latter it uses both his own employees and to competitors. In his work, it often relies on its own life experience, without considering that every person has his own. Does not like to delve into the little things and details ... He just sorry to spend his precious time on it.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Member of the International Association of Emergency Psychiatry Mikhail Vinogradov, in turn, notes that letters most likely prepared several people. But the task of the style of presentation, the manner of communicating with subordinates, "good" to the abnormative vocabulary, put Chichvarkin himself. His grapes refers to the category of personalities of coarse, primitive-nourishing, neglecting norms. "A kind of cave type, which suddenly came out of the darkness of the ages. A small excursion in history. Russian merchants since Petra clearly divided into two directions. The first presented the chams, booms, naughty and arrogant types, which immediately captured the main positions and quickly get rich. A bright representative of this cohort of Demidov. The second direction has developed only after a century and a half - from people of the thinking, analytical warehouse of the mind, seeking to high culture of production, communication and to improve their own personality. Ryabushinsky, Mammoths, Tretyakov, Morozov and many others from their number. It is thanks to them that merchants-Hama went up in history, "the psychologist notes. However, the analysis of Yevgeny Chichvarkina's letters, according to Vinogradov, returns us during Peter: with matt-darling, spacing, formation of internal infringement, stuffing, authoritarianism, bordering a dictatorium. "The landed communication style forms and landed style of work. Rudeness always generates only rudeness. At all levels inside the collective and with the consumers of services, "vinogradov summarizes.

Nevertheless, the company, despite the "non-printing marketing," gained its rather numerous buyer. In Euroset, they know who their client and what to attract it. "Low" prices, humor below the belt, promotions with an appropriate attitude to customers: for example, the discharge of the fools in public and get the phone to freebies. They also love the company also pensioners who have the opportunity to attend exhibitions for free - they are attracted by Darm yellow buckets, basins and rubber boots, which are so helpful in the farm.

The strategy of the "Euroset" owners looks obvious: maximum profit any means. The success of the leader of the mobile retail market, it turns out, is simple - conditionally low prices, hard handling of personnel and minimum service. Maybe after a half century it will be different.

The crisis makes many managers to develop a new genre - letters to employees. Learn how to make a letter to employees in an intelligible, you can have the former co-owner of Euroset Eugene Chichvarkina - hardly someone else addressed subordinates as bright appeal

Photo of ITAR-TASS

Moscow. 9th December. IFX.RU - How to build internal corporate communications to Lyuhang crisis? Many managers are difficult conditions for doing business forcing a new genre for themselves - letters to employees. They call for an increase in work efficiency, warn about the possible negative consequences of the financial crisis for the company and its employees.

About how to make a letter to employees of understandable and intelligible, much can tell the veteran of the epistolary genre - Chairman of the Board of Directors and the former Euroset co-owner Evgeny Chichvarkin. The last sample of his work is worthy of inclusion in textbooks on corporate communications. It is unlikely that someone else addressed the subordinate as a bright letter of anti-crisis happiness.

New Year will not be. It is this phrase that opens a colorfully decorated pre-New Year letter, sent by Euroset's employees on behalf of Chichvarkina. The favorite holiday will lose, in particular, lazy, "because there is no lazy on the salary, even" Bush's ham ", because there is no more Bush," and at Ham, "Because now, thank eggs, you can hire not Ham. " There will be nothing to celebrate and former employees Office, "who did not produce anything", and competitors, "because we will have less prices for 10 rubles, even if there is a deep minus." "Since we need money," Chichvarkin's price policy briefly explains.

Owners harmful habits Also risk meeting New Year In a sad mood. "To all managers! If it seems to you that you have to drive any more, see who smokes near the entrance," the handle says. Chichvarkin also warns that if the landlords do not reduce substantial rates, the number of salons will be reduced "per 1000, and even 1500". "And several thousand ineffective employees will be on the street," he adds.

"The best bonus on the basis of 2008 - workplace For 2009! ", - Chichvarkin places gloomily.

The author emphasizes that in the current difficult times, it is necessary to pay customer service as much attention as possible. "Buyer love is a real solid currency and the only value," the letter of which is available at the disposal of

"It seems to many that in the crisis of buyers, in addition to the price, nothing interests. What you can implement your dream and, settling in the floor with a gray face, rude, burst and grieve. This is a big misconception. The sleeveration will be very acute, inadequately and viciously react to the service violation. Politicians (spelling and style are preserved - IFX), "- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company warns.

And those who try to cheer, "Euroset" threaten to arrange unpleasant communication with law enforcement agencies. "Who makes Fraud (draws contracts (to connect to a particular cellular operator - IFX) to non-existent persons), will be minimized, the money is removed from the last salary, and the materials for fraud is transferred to the most evil militiamen with a request to bring it to Legal decision, "- said in the text of the letter.

One of the most memorable visual images Letters of Chichvarkina - a couple of medieval rags (apparently) with a ramp (apparently) lumpen, sadly wrapped on the road. The picture encourages Euroset's employee to solve the simple dilemma dealer, clothed in obscene two: "or ... (Idiom, which can be voiced as" hard work "- IFX), or ... (" Leave immediately ")."

Euroset company

Branch "North West"


St. Petersburg

This letter must necessarily hang from June 13 to June 18, 2006 in all subsidies and on all ads on all countries where the company works.

Some leaders, apparently, on the Komsomol habit, or after seeing, the TV, turn into the power of the people who gave them to them. A few days ago, the portal applied Art. Seller "Ivanovo - 4" Levko Polina. They had +32 on their point and there was no air conditioning. T. K. Conditioners each spring - a sick question, if you remember the letter, it was promised to turn off the air conditioners of that branch, which did not take care of points.
The reaction was tough and immediate. The leadership of the AHO and the branch set a little cancer. For 3-4 days, air conditioner was set. But on June 07, 2006, Levko Polina turns out to be dismissed for the full ignorance of services and tariff plans Operator MegaFon and for disrupting re-certification. The 1st thought that came to mind - the manual is getting rid of people who can give a voice. To my great surprise in information letter There were some more dozen fines, including Levko. Levko was called me to Moscow for certification, which successfully passed and if it is advised to repeat the words of the employee training Center: "Not affordable." Fine at 50 y. e., imposed on Levko will pay Khrustalev D, Zhdanov O., Egorova E., Fofanova E. ($ 50 each). Moreover: for formalism and complete lack of understanding of the principles of the company Balandin A., Zhdanov O., Egorova E., Fofanova E. become interns for a period of 1 month, with the passage of the examinations of the training center. Branch manager Regional Center»Khrustalev D. For real merits in lifting the branch, it remains to fulfill its duties with a black mark before the end of summer, with the impossibility of receiving bonuses and premiums (with a black mark) until the end of summer. Levko P. is restored by the senior seller at Ivanovo - 4, Balandin A. may remain the seller on Ivanovo, or to go older to another point at will.
Conclusion: Freedom of speech in the company is a achievement and continuously liberal value, the portal has been created for this, for this there is my mail and mobile phone. If somewhere there is a prohibition of the exit to the portal under the threat of dismissal, I want to know about it, the reaction will be the same if not worse.
For your arms, you need to be able to answer everyone, including management. All formalists, soldiers, thieves, lazy people and other assholes sooner or later overtake bitter fate. Levko Polina cannot be removed from work or transferred to other point, for 2 years, if it does not have its desire. In response to promises to lead to the perfect condition of the store and communication with people.
P.S. ATTENTION OF OWNERS: Personal example is the perfect means of managing people. In case of such situations after June 08, I will drive out all the retail guide, right up to the head of the branch.

E. Chichvarkin

(Log in to clean the page.)

One of the functions modern leaders - Formation of each employee of the right idea of \u200b\u200bthe company in which they work. And this difficult work at the manager is intertwined all the time with the fight against those who surround this officer.

For example, the manager knows exactly what the employee is now occupied by the position, one can earn a hundred thousand rubles. It comes, sits down, takes a piece of paper and begins to assume that he needs to do in order to make such a sum.

In the evening, the same employee of his colleague proves the opposite. That this is generally impossible that for this you need to "be fed before the bosses" that the last time it was two months ago, and during this time the market had already managed to go, and so on ...

And what does he believe?

Of course, the second! Because in order to prove it, nothing needs to be done! Sitting calmly and wait, everything will be confirmed by itself.

And in order to prove the correctness of the first position, you need to work in the morning until the night.

With all this, the manager has no right to surrender and, if he wants his people to really earn a lot, should constantly pump out this topic, swept from the head of subordinate garbage and placing the necessary information there.

Here is such an eternal struggle.

But there are things about which the manager can accidentally forget. Maybe even to interpret ambiguously, leaving a choice for who listened to him. And then the person will fill the empty space in his head will certainly than do not need. In 100% of cases.

For the first time I heard this from Consultant to manage Tigran Arutyunyan. He said so at his seminars.

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