Financial plan photo studio example. Ready business plan: Organization of interior photo studio

Accounting and taxes 21.04.2021
Accounting and taxes

Each person periodically makes photos for documents. Such photos are needed when making a job when entering any educational institution, when making an internal and foreign passport, skips, badges, medical certificates, identity cards, student tickets and other things. To make high-quality photos that meet all the conditions of organs and institutions, it is quite difficult to make it yourself, so the need for photo chalters will always be.

According to experts, in the future, demand for professional shooting and photodishenirs will continue to grow. Such a business does not require too high costs and is characterized by high profitability. In addition, you do not need to be a photographer and professionally understand this area, it is quite easy to organize.

At first glance, the photo challenge market seems already crowded, but with the right organization you can take your niche and attract the flow of customers.

The amount of initial investment is 378 500 rubles.

The break-even point is achieved on the secondmonth of work.

Payback period: 9 months.

Middle net profit: 74 000 rubles.

2. Business, product or service description

3. Sales Market Description

Customers of photo chalters can be segmented as follows:

  • students;
  • pupils;
  • buyers of souvenirs and gift products for holidays;
  • owners of enterprises that need a photo on leaflets and booklets;
  • people who need photographs for documents (passport of the Russian Federation, passport, visas, military ID, student card, police and civil IDs, medical assignments, San. books, skip, Badji.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

A detailed calculation of the photo for 24 months, taking into account the premium part and insurance premiums, is represented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

The prediction data was calculated on the basis of average prices for goods and services. The composition of photoswayrs include mugs, t-shirts, office, photo frames with a defined image. The share of the cost of acquiring the starting products is about 10% of the total amount of revenue. The greatest number of profits brings the manufacturer's photo to documents. Once a year in the amount of costs it is necessary to make a purchase of 8,000 rubles per year, which is taken into account in the calculations. In addition, the cost of buying paper and other materials necessary for the work of the photo studio were calculated. Complete payback of the project will come for the ninth month of work. The profitability of the business is 46%, and the expected average monthly profit of the project is 74,000 rubles.

A detailed sales plan for 24 month, an investment efficiency forecast and the calculation of business indicators is represented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

Risks that may accompany your project at the stages of its launch and implementation:

  • High level competition. Indeed, points for the provision of this kind of services a lot, however, you should provide your service a little faster, better or cheaper - you will find your client;
  • Equipment breakdown. It should be carefully related to the purchase and verification of fixed assets, because the further existence of a photo sealing depends on their work;
  • Unfair admin work. In order to avoid theft and work by the cashier, it is recommended to calculate consumables;
  • Seasonality business. In months with low demand, it is recommended to carry out shares, diversify the range of services provided.

Photosalons, photo studio - at first glance, it may seem that this type of business has lost its popularity. All those who think are deeply mistaken. It would seem that the new one can take when digital technology broke into our life. Now almost everyone can take pictures and print pictures. Then why do you need salons, where the masters are creating miracles?

In the modern world, the photo services market develops sevenmal steps. Photography has long won our hearts and has become an integral part of everyone's life. This type of product uses the continued success in the population of all social layers and provisions.

The leading place in the segment of this market is worthy of private entrepreneurs and enterprises in need of promotional products, as well as ordinary people who prefer high-quality professional photos. Your attention is offered a business plan: "How to open a photo studio?".

The relevance of this type of business

The main thing purpose This type of human creative activity is to ensure all those who want good pictures that meet high aesthetic requirements.

Priority a task - Providing the highest quality services.

Photo showrooms and photo studios are especially relevant among beginner businessmen. If desired, the amateur can grow into a real pro and open a photo studio from scratch with a list of various services. For example, you can offer customers to use the services of professional makeup artist - everyone will want to give their appearance even more attractiveness. The owner of the salon will be able to have a double benefit from this.

By summing up the above, it can be safe to say that the most up-to-date sphere is the scope of services to which the photography belongs.

Analysis of the photo services market and competitors

By analyzing this area of \u200b\u200bentrepreneurial activity, at the moment its condition can be characterized as a transitional. And this is due to the fact that in Russia only the digital technology market is generated and formed.

You can define several indicators characterizing the prospects for the development of this type of business.

  • The Russian Association of Trading Companies and Household Appliance Manufacturers made research, as a result of which it turned out that cameras are available at about 40% of Russian families. At the same time, film chambers are significantly larger than digital.
  • The modern market is not sufficiently saturated with the equipment of the new generation. There is quite a big risk of acquiring low-quality products.
  • The sales volumes of digital cameras are steadily growing, which indicates the incomplete saturation of the consumer market.

Today we can state the following fact: with an increase in the number of sales of cameras, the need for the provision of photomaster services is significantly reduced. Photographs processing and printing technology have become more available. Almost everyone has an inkjet or laser printer home. Scientific developments allow you to receive high-quality pictures at home at an affordable price.

Analyzing the sectoral market in this area, it can be concluded that a splash of interest in this type of business is still ahead. These forecasts are associated with an increase in sales of professional equipment. There are no strong competition at the market. Therefore, the Council to everyone - enter into the case right now.

The analysis of competitors pursues the idea that there are not many professional studios in Russia, ready to compete with European standards. Therefore, when opening your own business in this area, it is necessary to carefully weigh all "for" and "against". If you decide to try your own strength in creating beautiful pictures, you need to visit courses or seminars of famous masters, learn from them with high-quality shooting, try to create a creative atmosphere in your team and try to find a creative approach to each client.

What do you need to open a photo studio?

In order to open a photo studio, it is not necessary to have a license, it is enough to be an IP. As in any other business, it is important to refer to the selection of premises and the selection of personnel.

Room and decoration

At the very beginning of the business, rental premises under the photo studio.

The location of the salon must meet your preferences in the work. If you plan to perform only corporate orders, it is quite possible to use the room in the industrial zone.

To serve private clients, you need to choose the building closer to the city center, near the location of a large number of people. These may be educational institutions or government agencies. Do not forget about convenient parking lots - if they are missing, you can hardly drive up a wedding tuple to your salon.

The main requirement to the room Under the photo studio is the height of the ceilings - it must be at least 3 meters, the area is at least 50-60 sq.m. The greatest number of square meters will have to be highlighted in place for shooting. Many space will occupy the equipment, so save will not be able to save. It will also be required for the place for the Grider and the administrator zone.

Under the professional studio, it is not possible to convert the usual apartment - the height of the ceilings will not allow it to do. If the ceiling is not high enough, it will be impossible to set the lighting for high-quality shooting.

The design of the studio will fully depend on the preferences of the photographer. The walls are usually painted in white or gray colors - the main thing is that they are in one tone. The windows are closed by blinds or dense curtains - it is necessary for shooting with long exposure.

Wedding business requires great returns, significant investments. But, nevertheless, this type of business is known for its profitability. How to open your wedding salon and make money on it.

Costs and profits

How much does it cost to open a photo studio?

In addition to the cost of opening the studio, you will need to invest some funds for equipment, props, furniture and some items to create an additional coziness.

From your own funds you will have to invest about 250 thousand rubles, you will also have to attract bank lending.

Fixed assets is:

  • camera - about 70 thousand rubles;
  • lens - 100 000 rubles;
  • flash - 20 000 rubles;
  • light equipment - 150 - 200,000 rubles;
  • details - 25 - 30 000 rubles;
  • computer and household appliances - about 80 thousand rubles.

According to approximate calculations, you will have to spend about 500 - 600 thousand rubles in the first few months.

Is it profitable to open a photo studio?

First you will work at a loss, because to attract customers will have to reduce prices. The profits of the photo studio can only with full loading, at the 8th hour working day of the personnel and your complete return.

With proper load, the photo studio can already go to work until 12 hours a day. All initial investments will pay off approximately in a year.

The profitability of the photo studio is about 80% - it is a rather bad figure. With a competent and efficient organization of work in a year, it is possible to make a profit to 200,000 rubles. per month.


Good photographers in the market for so much. In order not to make a mistake when choosing personnel, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the summary of the applicant for the position.

The document indicated as "Summary" should always be at hand for each specialist. It describes the professional "life" and the ability of the applicant. Find an employee for this document is much easier.

Thus, a competently compiled business plan for opening a photo studio will allow to calculate all the pros and cons of this enterprise in advance, will help in choosing equipment and selection of personnel.

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Business Plan for 2013

Creating a photo studio LLC "Image"


Objective of the project

The purpose of organizing a photo studio is to ensure the population with high-quality photo services, the provision of a wide range of services in this field, as well as the creation of unique, bright, emotional and artistic images.

At the heart of the work of the photo studio "Image" lies a new integrated approach to the photo. It represents an individual approach to each client by attracting experienced and creative stylists in the studio, makeup artists and photographers.

In the new studio, you can perform any professional photography, as well as all the tasks associated with computer image processing.


Photo Studio provides professional photography services: exit and studio. Photographing portraits and portfolio, advertising, subject, interior, wedding, corporate, photo on documents can be taken.


Places for a photo studio are planned to be rented, its area is 30m 2. The equipment is the basic set of professional studio lighting HENSEL EXPERT STUDENT-500 KIT worth 41490 rubles.

Financing need

The magnitude of the starting capital is 700,000 rubles, 500,000 rubles. It is planned to take a loan in Sberbank for 3 years from June 1, 2013, the credit rate is 16% per annum. Return of the loan - in accordance with the payment schedule.

Financial assessment of the photo studio

The payback period of the project is 18 months. Pure cash flow in the third year of project implementation is 2 325 250.08 rubles, net profit will be 2 358 964.48 rubles.

Thus, the results of this project of the photo studio organization indicate the feasibility of its opening. It will be provided with effective advertising policies and experienced specialists through a high level of organization of work, a sensitive approach to the individuality of the client, high quality of work and, of course, the wide range of photography services.

1. Description of the enterprise and industry

Quality and professionalism! Photo studio in Novosibirsk make focus on this. All photographers promise to make high-quality photos and at a professional level. What is real quality and high professionalism?

Many people think that the quality of photography is determined by the sharpness, brightness, colorfulness and some other parameters. However, in fact, the factors affecting the quality of the photograph is immeasurably more. It is difficult, and almost impossible to list everything that takes a photo of truly high quality. It is important to understand that quality is a combination of many factors, most of which cannot be fascinated, measure or evaluate.

In order to make a really high-quality photo not enough to have a complete set of the most expensive and modern professional equipment and equipment. All this in the hands of an ineptly wizard or an amateur photographer will be useless and completely unnecessary. We must not forget that a high-quality and professional photo is a work of art, so except the necessary equipment is extremely important, creative approach, artistic vision, individual manner of performance and author's style of the specialist. Professional photographer can be compared with this artist. The same subject or plot performed by different photographers can get absolutely unlike. In addition, every genre in the photo (portraits, photography of events and celebrations, portfolio and many others) has its own specifics that need to be considered. Real masters of photos prefer to create in their genre and know all the subtleties and nuances of one or another type of shooting.

The photo studio will be distinguished by a comprehensive approach to quality and professionalism in the photo. It is planned to work in various genres: a photo portrait, a photo session, interiors, naked nature, anneal photography, etc., Purchase of the entire Arsenal of Studio Equipment for any type of shooting: Impulse, Softboxes, Backgrounds, Staging, Skin Tables and more. Experts will travel to the customer with any necessary equipment. It is also planned to cooperate with private and corporate clients. Many advertising and festive agencies and beauty studios, who will appreciate the skill of our photographers, experience and creative approach to business may be permanent customers.

Photo Studio "Image" is located in the city center, which provides convenience for consumers and an increase in demand for this service.

Studio size - 5 6 m. The height of the ceiling is 3 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 30 m 2. There is also a separate dressing room for comfortable work with a makeup artist-stylist.

The technical equipment of our studio allows you to perform a wide range of film crews: it is an artistic portrait photograph, and the creation of model portfolio, photography of children and a wedding photography, subject photo of products for directories and much more. An individual work is carried out with each client, taking into account his wishes for photography, and also provides for the possibility of instant viewing of the footage on the view monitor view.

There is a rich selection of backgrounds and props. Studio impulse lighting equipment with a large selection of various devices and nozzles allows you to create any lighting scheme, and our talented photographers will professionally carry out the necessary shooting.

We are addicted to photographers and lovers in a conveniently located professional photo studio. You can rent a photo studio with all professional lighting equipment.

2. Characteristics of services

Novosibirsk offers a wide range of photo services that are described below. Photo Studio Marketing Plan Competition

Subject photography

One of the photo studio services is a substantial photography for directories and any other promotional products.

Or as it is also called - catalog photography - shooting various items and compositions of them, from clothes and shoes, food, perfumery, technicians, to artistic works.

Such photography is carried out, as a rule, in the studio. But for your convenience, we are ready to offer and exit photography, which we can spend in a convenient place for you. This will save your time.

For exit photography, we have all the necessary lighting equipment, which allows us to fulfill the task in the photography as well as high quality.

Wedding photography

Wedding photography from our photo studio is not a documentary report, but the transformation of reality. Taking a wedding photo made by us, you will be surprised ...

Only happiness, only bright moments. Professional wedding photographer draws you a fairy tale about which you dreamed of from childhood.

Portrait photography

Portrait photography, perhaps, one of the most interesting and in-demand types of photography.

Its specificity is that it is necessary not only to expressively and reliably show external features, but also try to reflect the character of a person and his emotional state, to reveal his inner world.

Photos of the documents

Photo Studio "Image" carries out the on-site maintenance of enterprises and organizations of various profiles for taking pictures to documents (photo on documents).

For your convenience, we are ready to offer an express photo of the photo to the documents that includes:

Departure of the photographer to you on the enterprise;


Now order photos for documents and get ready-made photos you can, without leaving your office!


Portfolio is an album with photos for the presentation. The portfolio is necessary for models, actors, specialists of creative professions, public people, as well as all those who want to transform or try themselves in the new role. The portfolio is required during employment or for casting, views and contests. Often, the quality of the portfolio plays a decisive role when choosing a candidate for a particular project. That is why the creation of the original and professional portfolio creative people pay special attention.

In the process of working on the portfolio of photographers of our studio, we will create unique, individual and memorable images, will reveal the new faces of your talent, the image will change, create a new style, will emphasize the characteristics of the nature.

At your request, ready-made material on the photography, we can provide you with both digital form (i.e., record on CD) and a slide, negative or photographs.

The consumer who wants to use the photo studio services can find out the necessary information both by telephone and in the photo studio office. The administrator will answer all the questions and will record all the wishes of the client (time, place, character of shooting, etc.). In addition, photo studio stylist, at the request of the client, will create a bright unique image for you, which you can choose from magazines and ready-made portfolio.

A photo session can last from one hour to six hours, depending on the purpose and type of shooting. Throughout the photo shoot with you will work the makeup artist, adjusting and complementing the small details of the image.

After the filming of filming, the client can view his photos and choose the most successful, specifying the format and individual parts, and the professional photographer will issue and process the selected images. Photographs will be prepared in any desired dates.

The printout will be made in connection with the cooperation with the company "Cosmos" (based on a joint activity agreement).

3. Research and market analysis

During the development of this business plan, the analysis of potential consumers photo services was analyzed.

The survey was conducted in the form of questioning in the center of Novosibirsk in order to obtain reliable information on the need to use these services by consumers and identify consumer wishes to the terms of prices for these services.

100 people surveyed: 70 girls and 30 men aged 16 to 45 years old. The survey was carried out in such beauty salons like "Bagira", "Valerie", "Aphrodite", "Aquamarine", as well as visitors to the entertainment complexes "Mega", "Siberian Mall", "San City", "Aura", "Royal The park". The sample of the proposed questionnaire is given below.

Dear respondents! We ask you to answer the following questions regarding the opening of a new photo studio in our city and identifying your wishes and preferences in the photo services. The survey is conducted anonymously. Your gender: female, male. Age: 16-20, 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, and more. Which of the listed categories do you feel: a student, a student, employee, another. The level of income per month, thousand rubles: 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, more than 20. Have you previously used any photo studios: yes, there is no reason for the opening of a new modern photo studio in our city: very Actual, irrelevant, I see no point. Are you ready for shooting in a new photo studio now: yes, no, I do not know. How much are you willing to pay for professional photography: from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, from 3,000 to 5 000 rubles, from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, from 10,000 rubles. and higher. Do you consider the high price of a professional photo shoot of 10 thousand rubles, including the services of the makeup artist and stylist: yes - high, acceptable, no - ready to pay more. Thank you for your participation! Good luck!

Data is systematized.

60% of respondents are girls aged 16 to 30 years old and men from 20 to 30 years old with an average of 15 thousand rubles, which consider the opening of a new photo studio necessary and ready to make an order;

20% of respondents are men and women aged 30 or more years with an average of 20 thousand rubles, which have never enjoyed professional photo studios and wanted to try this service;

15% of respondents are students and employees with an average of 5-8 thousand rubles. expressed an opinion on the high price of such services;

5% of respondents do not see the point in opening a photo studio.

Based on the analysis of consumer preferences, it is possible to conclude about the feasibility of opening a professional photo studio in the city center to meet various types of photo services.

4. Competition and competitive advantages

In Novosibirsk, 3 studios provide an extended range of services involved in professional photography of various directions. These are such a photo studio as "Sakura", "deja", "Funky". It is these three photo studios that are real competitors. It is also impossible to exclude from competitors the activities of private photographers working in the market of photo services of our city and occupy a significant proportion of this market. We will analyze competitors by the SWOT-analysis method, the data of which is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Feature Competitions



Weak sides

1. "Sakura" ul. Potanskaya 3A.

· Professionalism of the photographer; · Large room area; · Provision of various types of photography (portfolio, exit, wedding).

· One professional photographer; · High prices for services; · Lack of makeup artist services.

2. "Dejaub" Ave. Karl Marx, 51

· Low wages of workers; · Large time execution; · Lack of personal work with clients.

3. "Funky" ul. Maxim Gorky d.39 office 311

· New equipment; · Location in the city center; · Providing discounts to regular customers.

To each client, to each work on photography, the photo studio "image" will be suitable individually. It is important for us to quickly and qualitatively fulfill all your wishes by proposing reasonable prices for any of the photography services.

Photographers have many years of shooting experience. And exclusively modern professional photographic equipment helps to receive high-quality photos. In addition, during the photo session, in addition to the client and photographer, stylist and makeup artist will take part. In the process of shooting, they will work on creating a unique and original image.

The location of the photo studio "image" in the city center will allow you to attract a large number of customers and quickly find fame.

Energetic and responsible personnel of a photo studio, a high level of organization of work, a sensitive approach to the individuality of the client, high quality of work, the provision of discounts, and, of course, a wide range of photography services - all these advantages will highly appreciate our customers.

5. Marketing Plan

Photo Studio "Image" will be offered in the Market Photo Service Novosibirsk Separation of shooting on types and prices, which will provide convenience in choosing photography in accordance with individual wishes and customer income. Such a separation is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Price list of prices of the photo studio "Image", in rubles

Type / View of photo Services




Strap photography(Professional staged photography using studio light)

Removing Mini - Portfolio

Removal for professional portfolio

Model portfolio

Erotic photos

Photography nu.

Removing interiors and architecture

Photographing on the road, with professional lighting equipment and hourly payment (includes all types of producing photography for the magazine, portfolio, etc.)

Shot of a portrait in the studio

Artistic portrait

Group portrait

Family portrait

Children's portrait

Shooting portrait on leaving

Classic black and white portrait

Artistic portrait

Group portrait

Family portrait

Children's portrait

Reportage photography

Reportage shooting

Wedding photos

Other types of services

Work stylist-makeup artist

Additional retouching photos

Record on electronic media

from 50 to 100

In addition, the client offers free tea or coffee.

The tariff "Economy" assumes 100% prepayment. The tariff "Classic" implies at least 50% prepayment. The presence of unauthorized persons who do not participate in the shooting process is not welcome.

The following methods of stimulating photo services are assumed:

Exit photography into any part of Novosibirsk.

Exit service to enterprises and organizations for photography for documents.

5% discount birthday music, newlyweds and children.

Customers who have chosen the price "Extra" - a set of photo frames as a gift. Consider the necessary advertising costs shown in Table 3.

To calculate the cost price, we will also need monthly costs for advertising. Because Booklets will be printed not every month, we take into account only the cost of advertising in magazines and radio - advertising: (18 000 + 180 000) / 12 \u003d 16500 rubles / month.

For the successful development of the photo studio, its improvement is planned in accordance with the development of society and technology.

In the future, it is planned to expand the photo studio area, to increase the staff of employees, increase their professionalism. We want to expand the level of advertising photography for advertising catalogs, branded booklets, calendars, posters, postcards, packaging, magazine publications, outdoor advertising.

Another innovation will be the publication of its own magazine "Image", in which interesting articles on the technique of photography organization will be printed, about new achievements not only photographic equipment, but also about style and fashion, and one of the best photo shoots will be presented.

In the course of the development of a photo studio, various difficulties associated with competitive struggle, malfunction in equipment, lack of personnel may occur.

Another problem with which you can encounter is the late execution of the company, printing photos, timing of orders.

6. Production plan

Now in the photo equipment market there is a large range of proposals for its sale of various quality, level and prices. According to the advice of specialists in the field of photography services and councils of consultants in technology stores, it was decided to purchase imported equipment Hensel Expert, which supplies the Moscow photo services market. All proposed Internet options were considered. Preference was given to the Hensel Expert Student-500 Kit kit - this is a basic professional studio lighting kit worth 41490 rubles. The choice was made in favor of this kit, since with relatively low prices, this equipment takes small areas and can be easily converted to more large production facilities. In addition, this amount includes warranty service of equipment for one year and free replacement of spare parts for this period of time. Hensel Expert has official distributors in Moscow, so at any time it can advise free about the problems that have arisen.

Equipment for the provision of photo services is fully proper. The equipment includes the following parts:

Lighting 2x 5005

Two racks 69-200 cm,

One standard reflector 504,

One umbrella reflector 87,

One bag for two instruments 4200.

A room of 52 m 2 for opening a photo studio is supposed to be rented. For this, there is a corresponding agreement for which the rental price per month, taking into account the security and fire complex, utilities, the cost of the phone is 80,000 rubles. per month. The premises are ready to provide photo services and does not require additional repair tools.

In addition, for the start of the activity, such additional devices as a studio flash, a spider reflector Grifon, a reflector holder, background equipment, as well as two professional CANON models cameras are needed.

A set of accessories for stylist includes:


Set of scissors, comb, clamps, biguch;

Apron, towels;

A set of hair care products: shampoo, balsam, gel for laying, mousse, varnish, wax, shine.

Set of decorative cosmetics: mascara, eyeliner, eyeliner, tone cream, powder, blush, lipstick.

The total amount of such a set is 50,000 rubles.

The equipment required is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 - Equipment Need

Equipment identification

Units. Measurements


Cost unit, rub.

The amount of costs for equipment, rub.

1. A set of professional studio lighting

2. Studio flash

3. Reflector "Spider" Grifon

4. Holder on the reflector

5. Background equipment

6. Professional photo photo

7. Personal computer

8. Photo printer

9. Chaul

11. Office tables

14. Mirror

15. Stylist accessories

16. Telephone

17. Stationery set

18. Installation alarm equipment

19. Fire extinguisher

20. Fan

22. Air conditioning

23. Kettle

24. Tea set


423 930

Thus, this equipment will be enough to start efficient operation.

Taking the depreciation rate of 8%, we will find depreciation deductions for the year:

930 * 8% \u003d 33 914.4 rubles / year.

To calculate the cost, we will need depreciation for the month:

914.4 / 12 \u003d 2 826.2 rubles / month.

As a result, the amount of capital will be equal to (Table 5):

Table 5 - Capital Costs

When describing the production process, you must specify the production schedule. It is supposed to organize a decade-hour working day, with one weekend - Sunday (26 business days per month). Because We provide exit photography services, then the cost of gasoline should be calculated. Note that the photographer has a personal car. On a contractual basis, we will pay him for gasoline costs during working hours. The average gasoline costs will calculate for the month and a year:

* - The average daily car mileage is on average 5 km, the number of working days in the month was taken 26 days, but because Not all orders are associated with the exit photography, then for the calculation it was taken 13 days in a month (26/2).

** - the number of working days of the year was taken 280 days, but because Not all orders are associated with the exit photography, then for the calculation it was taken on average 140 days a year (280/2).

Every month we need to buy and update stylist accessories, buy additional accessories to improve photos of photos - all this is called materials, the costs for which on average will be 5,000 rubles. per month and, respectively, 60 000 rubles. per year (in the amount included the cost of balloons, various types of fabrics adorning photography, various decorations in the form of beads, belts, hairpins, colors, glossy magazines)

It should be noted that the photographer's personal car is not standing on the balance sheet of the photo studio, so organizations should not pay taxes on road users.

The interest rate of the loan established by the Bank \u003d 16% of this follows that in addition to the percentage paid by the Bank, we also expect the principal amount of the loan (it is 500,000 rubles / 36 months \u003d 13,888,89 руб.). Payment of the Bank per month will be within 20 875 rubles. And gradually will decline.

Table 6 - Credit repayment schedule for the project period


500 000


Thus, in the first year, the loan is paid 233 036.54 rubles. (Count 5+ Count 7), in the second year - 205,091,34 rubles., And on the third year - 177 146,12 руб. As can be seen from the table, overpayment will be 136,232.9 rubles.

7. Organizational plan

For the organization of production it is necessary to hire workers and provide them with a salary of a certain size. It is planned to file ads in newspapers and magazines about staff recruitment and consider all candidates. Data for recruiting staff will be: their accumulated experience - work experience, and photographers will offer their work and ready-made photographs for which the best specialist in the field of photographing will be selected. Data on employees and salary size are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 - Calculation of the monthly and annual wage foundation, rub.

Job title


20% district coefficient

30% discharge

per month

1. Director

2. Administrator

3. Photographer

4. Photographer-designer

5. Stylist-makeup artist

6. Cleaner

Thus, the staff of the photo studio will be 6 people. Such a small state will be enough to perform from 1 to 10 orders a week, from 26 to 40 orders per month.

The director deigns to the responsibilities of subordinates, controls their implementation, is engaged in the conclusion of contracts, performs the function of an accountant, it is planning further development of the studio.

The administrator works with clients, taking their orders and wishes, advises consumers with issues that have arisen, and also carries out all operations to pay for services.

Photographer-designer In addition to the direct functions of the photographer (photographing and choosing the best angles), processing the photos received, their retouching, installation, electronic version and printout in the company "Cosmos".

The stylist-make-up artist is working on the way the client, which the stylist suggested itself or according to the client's preference. His work is to create hairstyles and make-up. In addition, it adjusts and complements small parts in the process of photography. Earned fee is included in the cost of finished products.

Photographers must have experience, creative approach to each client, take into account their wishes and age. The selection is planned to be produced by interviewing and viewing their pictures and albums. The stylist-make-up artist should have experience of at least 3 years in the presence of diplomas and awards of the regional level. The administrator (also as a photographer designer) must have a higher education, a computer experience, be able to work in Microsoft Office programs, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop by other programs related to the processing and adjustment of electronic shots.

All the work, the director distributes on the glider, which will be held every Monday. There will be negotiated by the work done in the previous period, shortcomings and new proposals, assessments and conclusions will be revealed. The director will be able to advise its employees according to issues in the process of activity and help solve these issues. Photographers have copyrights to their pictures that are documented. Wages to all employees are charged on plastic cards 28 numbers of each month. Photographers In addition to the salaries, interest may be accrued for overfulfing orders in the amount of 30% of each order.

The photo studio will have its own seal, the book of complaints and suggestions, also formed a corner of the client with price list, the procedure for the implementation of a photo shoot, with new information in the field of photographing, etc.

8. Financial plan

Having made all the necessary calculations, the cost calculation of the cost of products should be calculated (Table 8). The cost, designed for a year, will be necessary for us later to calculate profit and loss.

Table 8 - Complete cost of release

Elements of costs

Amount, rubles

1. Materials

2. Duration for the work of all personnel: deductions to the Pension Fund

1 008 000 362 880

3. Depreciation

4. Other expenses: rent (taking into account the security and fire complex, utilities, the cost of the phone); advertising; taxes (included in the cost); loan payment; Other expenses (gasoline)

80 000 16 500 - 20 875 813

960 000 208 000 - 233 036,54 8 750

Based on the calculations given in the previous sections the value of the starting capital is 700,000 rubles, 500,000 rubles. planned to take on credit in Sberbank for 3 years from June 1, 2008, lending rate - 16% per annum.

After the calculation of all the necessary data, data on the obtained indicators should be given. Below is the table of the projected amount of revenue and profits (Table 9).

Table 9 - Forecast revenue and profits, rub.

The permanent costs of the photo studio include rental, depreciation, advertising costs, the wages of administrative staff, loan payment, to variables - wages workers, materials, fuel.

Table12 - Calculation of the project payback period

The profitability of the project will be:

PI1 - In general, the project is acceptable, because According to inequality, the organization is in good position.

The payback period of the project will be 18 months.

9. Risks

In the process of work, the photo studio may face the following risks:

) difficulties with a set of qualified personnel;

) lack of wage;

) Demanding demand.

The first risk is insignificant, because Currently, the society is developing and therefore among a large number of those who want to work in our studio can choose the best specialists in the field of photo services.

Wasing dissatisfaction may arise due to the growth of variable costs, which can adversely affect the productivity of workers. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out effective personnel motivation, ensure cohesion in the team and psychological support.

The instability of demand may be associated with the time of the year, for example, in the summer, the number of clients will significantly decrease due to recreation, vacations, etc., the lower cost of photography services can affect the demand for demand, as well as their effective advertising. In such conditions, it is necessary to provide discounts to customers during the "low season" period, follow the activities of competitors, regulate the prices for services and, finally, adequately advertise the "Image" photo studio services.


Alekseeva M.M. Planning the activities of the company: educational and methodological manual. -M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997.

Balabanov I.T. "Fundamentals of financial management." - M: Finance and Statistics, 1999. - 610 p.

Business planning: textbook / ed. V.M. Popova and S.I. Lyapunova.-M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.-672 p.: Il.

Chizhkov L. and "Diagnosing vehicles" - M: Forum: Infra-M, 2002-280 s.

With the development and distribution of equipment, it would seem, the services of photographs had to go into the past. Now almost everyone has its own machine for photo and video and video printing devices. On the wave of cheaper technologies, a new photographing genre was even born - Selfie. However, as practice shows, photo studio services are still relevant.

And since services continue to be in demand, it makes sense to look at them closer, calculate the possibilities of doing business.

To do this, you can take the basis of a ready-made business plan for the opening of a photo studio and make the necessary adjustments for a specific goal. Or entrust it to developing professionals.

Generally speaking, the business plan is necessary for 2 goals:

  • To understand the overall stroke of things. Special requirements in this case are not to the plan;
  • For investment, lending, or attracting partners. In this case, the business plan is desirable to perform in accordance with the recommended standards.

The description below can serve as a model for writing a worked business plan.

Download ready-made photo studio business plan, relevant for 2019, you can have our proven partners "Biplane". Download link.

The difference of photo studio from amateur shooting

Photo Studio provides a range of services:

  • Professional photographer services. Use quality equipment. Saturated filming in the studio and with departure to the place. Filling portfolio professional pictures. Artistic shooting. Subsequent image processing.
  • Instant photos. Do not forget about the well-proven market for instant photo services for documents.
  • Printing and processing provided photo material. Both printing your own photos of the client and their different processing, including with the possibility of placement on various resources.
  • Providing studio and equipment for rent. Another destination is not enough in the market, the provision of professional equipment and studios.
  • Conducting training seminars, master classes. Photographing, image processing, art photography, etc.
  • Additional services. Here you can offer services for the preparation for the photo shoot: makeup artist, hairdresser.

In an amateur version, the quality of the pictures obtained is in most cases worse, and significant temporary costs for the refinement of images do not always lead to the desired results.

Market analysis

At the first stage, a business plan for creating a photo studio needs to be included in the market analysis.

We must receive an answer: how popular the service is in demand, who will use it, the saturation of suggestions. Market analysis is performed in several sections:

  • potential clients;
  • competition;
  • location.

Clients depending on the planned implementation of the photo studio may be:

  • companies, ordering photo services to promote their products, or for technical support for events;
  • models for filling portfolio;
  • private faces for high-quality photos or other services.

Competition in the photo services market is heterogeneous. First of all through the territories. The greatest competition is traditionally in Moscow, St. Petersburg and by major regional centers. In small cities, competition is significantly lower, but also the demand for services is low, and some of the services of professional photography can not be at all in demand.

The inhomogeneity of the market is also the fact that the elite segments of the photo services market are quite densely occupied by a relatively minor number of large players. The rest of the market is less saturated, especially with an increase in demand for these services of enterprises, high-quality photo lovers, etc.

Part of the consultants are inclined to believe that the placement of a photo studio is plays a significant role near the center. But the Internet and advertising largely leveled this significance. If the photo studio produces a quality product, then for its services, potential customers can ride several extra kilometers. And for the exit photography, the location of the studio does not matter.

Nevertheless, the studio located in a lively place is predetermined by more demanded than the studio located on the outskirts of the city. In particular, this concerns the initial stage of the work.

What will take to open a photo studio cost

To compile a photo studio business plan, it is necessary to calculate investments. Of course, at this stage there is an approximate costs of expenses.

First you need to choose a place. For a full photo studio, there is an room over 60 square meters. meters, ceilings height is not lower than 3 meters (this is required to accommodate sofits). Large variation is large enough. You can buy a room or rent. The price largely depends on the location. Additionally, target re-equipment will be required if the premises before that was not specialized.

The minimum set of equipment and equipment will be required:

At the initial stage, you can not spend money on workers, provided that you will independently shoot. But if you are not a photographer, it is advisable to hire a professional. Profit will be directly dependent on the professional qualities of the photographer. Other personnel are less important: administrator, technical.

In some cases, it is advisable to carry out a full-fledged advertising campaign: Street advertising, advertising in networks, on television, etc.

On average, we get

From an organizational point of view, the opening of the photographic studio of difficulties does not represent. It is enough to register with an individual entrepreneur. Licensing activity is not required. If you plan to work with large clients, the IP is not always convenient, in such cases it is better to register Ltd., licensing is also not required.

Profit and payback

At the beginning of the photo studio should not be waiting for a large tributary of customers. Even taking into account the well-thought-out marketing policy, a tangible response from an advertising company can be from a month to two. Without an advertising company, the first time the stream of customers will be small. Therefore, if there are hired personnel, it makes sense at the beginning to draw up contracts for part-time or piecework.

The average prices of photo studio services in Moscow are as follows:

  • 1 hour photos - 1,000 - 5,000 rubles.
  • wedding photo session, events - 30 000 - 50,000 rubles.

On average, approximately calculate 2 000 rubles per hour.

Works in the first months is expected for 2-3 hours a day, then the flow will increase. Those. About 5,000 rubles. in a day. Per month - 100,000 rubles.

How easy it is to see in the first months of work a photo studio will bring losses. About 50,000 rubles. per month. It is necessary to calculate its financial capabilities for this period. With an increase in customers, for 2-3 months, the photo studio should go to the level of self-sufficiency.

When leaving the 8-hour working hours, the monthly income will be from 200 to 400 tr.

Accordingly, profits - 50 - 100 tr. per month.

With this cash flow, the payback will be from 1 year to 2 years, which is a good payback period for business.

This article does not disclose in detail how to open its photo studio, this requires a more thorough project of the project for a specific goal. The article gives only an indicative business plan.

High-quality and high-quality photos are becoming increasingly popular, so the business idea on the opening of the photo studio is gaining popularity. Nevertheless, work in this area is painstaking daily work, quickly and make a lot of earnings here (except that you are engaged in wedding shooting). Support solid investments, the bulk will go to the purchase of equipment. Presumable payback periods - 1 year. In the article, consider the business plan of the photo studio from scratch with the calculations.

Consider a detailed business plan that will allow us to evaluate our capabilities, alleged expenses and expected profits.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening photo studio

In the table below, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the business. The main target audience of the photo studio is people with an active life position that they want to live brightly and beautifully.

Open photo studio: Tax registration

In order to open a photo studio, you must first register with the tax inspectorate at the place of residence. In our opinion, the most optimal form will be the registration of IP, since this legal form involves the minimum number of documentary reporting into the tax authorities. Previously, to providing services to the population it was necessary to be only on UNVD, from 01/01/2013 the choice of tax regime was voluntary. Consider the benefits of registration of IP and Ltd. in the table below.

Form of business organization Advantages of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form of business organization is used to create a wedding agency or network of agency with up to 50 people.
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified application for a notary in form No. 21001;
  • application for the transition of UNVD or USN (otherwise it will be default). Notification in form 26.2-1;
  • copy of all passport pages.
LTD ( limited Liability Company) This form of business organization is used for a wedding agency If you are planning to hire employees, the company scaling and attracting external financing (loans).
  • statement in form No. 21001;
  • charter LLC;
  • decision on the opening of LLC or the Protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4000 rubles);
  • certified by the notary copies of passports of founders;
  • application for transition to UNVD or USN. Notification in form 26.2-1.

According to the law, the authorized capital of LLC can not be less than 10,000 rubles.!

If the services turn out to be the population, then in the financial statements it is possible to apply the form of strict reporting (BSO) instead of the cash register (CCM). When selling goods of BSO, it is impossible to use / Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/2003

OKVED codes when registering a photo studio:

74.81 - Activities in the field of photography (main activity).
22.15 - Other publishing activities.
22.22 - Printing activities not included in other groupings.

Mobile photo studios. Strobiz practitioner

Photo Study Business Plan: Market Analysis

The demand for photo-services is gradually growing. Niche partly occupied large players, but there is a place for a new studio.

Potential customers (target audience)

  • companies in need of advertising brand;
  • ordinary people.


Major competitors are private photographers. Professional studios usually specialize in model and magazine shooting, private photo sessions are rare. In Moscow, about 400 photo studios, in other cities even less. Coverage is small if you consider the territory of the capital.

To obtain a territorial advantage in attracting customers, choose a place with a minimum concentration of competitors.

Photo Study services

The photo studio business plan assumes that the main income brings private photo shoots. Additional services of photo studios can be:

  • master classes in various directions of shooting;
  • photo artistic photo processing;
  • creating souvenirs (magnets, cups, photo books, etc.) based on photos;
  • printing pictures;
  • creating images for shooting (stylists and makeup artists).

With deficiency of orders, we use the rental for rent. Often studios are rented for the night. Rental premises together with high-quality equipment is more expensive.

Large studios have a large selection of instruments and scenery for photo shoots, so it is difficult to compete with them. To do this, it is necessary to have a unique trading offer (ITP) for your business. For example, concentrate on water photo sessions, or on photo sessions for newlyweds, and maybe at photos of photos.

Initial equipment and advertising costs

We find a suitable room with a minimum area of \u200b\u200b100 m². We carry out cosmetic repairs if necessary. We buy the "Starter Set" of the equipment:

  • three Softbox for 500 J;
  • reflectors;
  • reflector;
  • several racks;
  • colored filters;
  • air conditioning.

As the services are expanded, we purchase additional equipment. The equipment is chosen reliable and wear-resistant, especially if it is supposed to rent it. We prefer expensive technique of famous brands.

To process pictures, you will need a computer with a good monitor. The best option is an Apple IMAC (high-quality screen matrix), but the usual design monitor will be consolidated.

We carry out an advertising campaign in social networks and the Internet (the best solution to use Yandex.Frequet). To search for an effective way of advertising, we study the methods used by competitors. Estimated costs of advertising - $ 10,000. In the future, advertising costs will be reduced.

Let us estimate the final amount of costs for the launch of the photo studio (the costs are very conditionally presented):

  • room (Monthly Rent) - $ 1500-2000;
  • cosmetic repair - 2000 $;
  • computer with a monitor and software - $ 5000;
  • the minimum set of equipment is 5000-15000 $ (as it can be seen that it is one of the biggest trends);
  • air conditioning - $ 500;
  • advertising - $ 10,000 + $ 1000 / month.

Total - $ 24,000 excluding hiring staff. At the initial stage, you can not hire employees, otherwise expenses will grow.

Expected profit

Monthly, in addition to renting the premises, you will have to pay utility services (mainly electricity) - $ 500-700. The first time the staff is not hired. Costs for consumables, given the possible breakdowns of technology - $ 400, monthly advertising - $ 1000.

In total monthly costs - $ 3400.

Calculate the monthly earnings of the photo studio. Minimum profits per hour - $ 30. The first months we work 2-3 hours a day, a year - 12 hours a day. That is, after 12 months, monthly net profit will be $ 7,000.

Promotion and advertising

The best advertising method according to most photographers - Satisfied customers. They lead familiar and friends in 80% of cases. Therefore, improving the quality of services should always be. Attracting customers using search engines and social networks (to start Yandex.Direct with a single-page job will work well).

Evaluation of business attractiveness magazine site

Profitability of business
(4.0 out of 5)

Attractive business


Payback project
(4.0 out of 5)
Easy business creation
(4.0 out of 5)
The opening of the photo studio is cost-effective and quick-reaching business. It is possible to avoid high personnel costs, if the one is the only employee of the firm. The most significant line of expenses is the purchase of equipment for filming and renting premises. Key Business success factor - advertising and promotion of your business, on which you need to focus 80% of your time, as it will determine the survival of your business. For beginners entrepreneurs The optimal option will be the opening of a business on a franchise, a packed business decision, which already contains all the main indicators of the business model.

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