What you need for the production of knitted yarn. Sewing shop: as a designer to choose knitted production

Labor Relations 09.06.2020
Labor Relations

The basic range of collections of Russian brands designers are often forming knitted things. But, as a rule, young brands work with Krohen knitwear and sew the circulation on ordinary sewing industries. At the same time, the Bridge-segment makes a bet on knitted knitwear using bins of premium quality.

Tatyana Szlovina, director of the Ecolife knitted factory, founded FREE AGE FASHION's clothing brand after the appearance of knitting production. Among the factory customers today - the company " Child's worldSETILA, RICH FAMILY, SILVER SPOON.

We asked Tatiana to talk about the specifics of working with knitted and critted knitwear, minimal editions to order a batch of products, types of yarn and design features and cut for models from knitwear.

Tatiana is sore,
cEO and the owner of the company "EclaiF", the founder of the brand FREE AGE FASHION

How is the production cycle in knit production organized?

Knitted factories are two types: those that produce critted knitwear, and those that produce knitted. The production of crocheted knitwear is also divided into two types - a complete and partial cycle.

Full-cycle factories produce a knitted cloth from a harsh thread on high-class machines (from 18 to 24th, sometimes higher), they are equipped with round and basic machines, equipment for honeycomb stroking, various interlock and footless. After the disorder, the obtained canvas are sent to the finishing workshop, where it is whiten, painted, dive, raise. After flying, the canvas goes into the opening workshop, then in tailoring, and then passes the final iron. The production of a partial cycle, which produce crotched knitwear, buy the finished canvas, necessary for one or another order, and sew products.

At the production of knitted knitwear, the technological chain is also quite long, but still radically different. Firstly, such factories are equipped with flat-based machines: the lowest "low" is, as a rule, the 3rd class machines, and the highest "high" - 18th grade. The higher the number, the higher the class of the machine, and the more subtle canvas it produces. But it should be borne in mind that high-quality yarn is required for high-grade machines, and this affects the price of the product obtained. Accordingly, the more expensive yarn, the more expensive knitting, as products made of high-quality yarn are produced only by regular way.

Then knitted coupons / semi-finished products erased - this required condition Regardless of the composition of the raw materials and the quality of the processed thread. After washing, the product passes a pre-wet-thermal processing site (WTO).

After complete drying and sellers, semi-finished products are linked or cutting as needed. Next, the prepared by the cut is sewn, kettite and pre-label. After that, the final WTO occurs and the finished models check the quality control site. Products with label pack and send to the warehouse finished products.

What materials are used in production knitwear Depending on seasonality?

The power of our company is quite large - about 200,000 products per year. We produce more than half of this circulation for third-party customers, so we work with various types of yarn. The main demand for knitted knitwear falls during the cold season and, of course, depending on the season, the composition of the yarn changes. In autumn-winter collections, yarn is predominant with wool, mohair, cashmere, for summer, choose viscose, flax, silk. Although now it is not quite possible to divide the yarn on the seasons - especially if we are talking about Petersburg or Moscow. Silk is often used for the winter range, and cashmere and merino - for summer, but the class of cars, model and mating density change.

We mainly work with natural yarn. For mass production, we purchase blended and shrinkage yarn in China - they are cheaper italian analogues. Cotton prefer to buy in Uzbekistan and it has its own reasons: price, logistics, quality thread. We buy a Russian or Belarusian semi-marquer for the mass market of collections of its customers. When it comes to small volumes, we work with Italian yarn and Mongol Cashmere - for own brand FREE AGE FASHION We use only these materials.

What features exist in designing and crop knitwear?

Features are. Let's start with the fact that the designer who works with Krohen knitwear will not be able to work on a knitted knitting product without special training. When creating a structure, it is important to understand and feel the degree of extensibility of the web, from which the model will be created, as well as take into account the structure of the weave. The designer must understand what can occur with the web in the process of its processing, and to predict possible deformations throughout the entire technological chain of production. In advance, you need to represent how to make gradation to make a gradation and intertwining each model to make it easier to facilitate the work of the session.

Building structures for crocheted knitwear approximated to sewing products. There may be molding, cutting, reliefs, but there are seams treated with overlock, which cuts the structure of the knitwear. In the regular knitwear, all edges of each detail are extended perfectly along the contour. Such products are assembled on the kettle, the seams are fine, do not disturb the loop structure.

Designer-knotted little and technologist-knitter, since when building constructive lines of the armor, OKAT, the neck it uses not smooth, and the broken lines for which the conference will be easier to create a program for knitting. Pekal is obtained adapted to knitting equipment.

What circulations work knitted production?

The most expensive is the process of developing products. The enterprise with a fleet of machinery and staff, designed for mass production, is not interested in orders for five products. The cost of developing one model may begin from 15 thousand rubles and indefinitely - depending on the complexity. We work with circulations of 500-1000 units, from 300 - in the Bridge segment. Extremely rarely we take into the work of the Party up to 100 pieces, but not only in a high season for manufacturers.

How to make a designer to choose a suitable knitted production?

It is advisable to choose production with a full cycle, which includes washing and high-quality humid-thermal processing. There are knitted factories that work as a semi-regulatory way: do not use or used in a very small amount of processing products on the kettle machines - this is the most expensive sewing operation on knitted products.

The designer should clearly understand what product he wants to get at the exit: how models should be made and for what technology should be made by the canvas. Perhaps it should be a critted knitwear, not knitted. If knitted, which method obtained is regular or semi-regular. The cost and quality of the product directly depends on this. In the case of knitting products, it is also necessary to understand what class machines are used for production, and look for a factory with an appropriate fleet of equipment.

Can ordinary sewing productions work with high-quality knitted knitting?

With full confidence I can say - no. Any properly planned production is aimed at a specific product range, which is focused on all equipment. Therefore, the critched knitwear can manufacture only those productions that have sewing machines for knitting processing: overlocks for thin and medium-sized cloths, straight-string universal shuttle stitch machines with a shallow comb, which does not leave traces and holes on the canvas, two- and three-grade flat chain stitch machines (so-called seasheets), machines for penetrating loops with the launching of the Corsa Thread, high-quality equipment for the implementation of the WTO.

Russian producers of thread, yarn, rope: 50 domestic factories.Large brands and factories, new plants of sewing threads, ropes, cords, knitting yarn and other twisted fibers. Catalog 2019: Official sites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers of suppliers. Become a dealer, order a price list on wholesale supplies!

The first mass manufacturers of yarn in Russia are considered manofacts, mainly scattered type. At such weaving manufactories did not act workshop restrictions. Employees were poor and peasants who had tiny property - a house, a plot, but searched for additional means of existence. They received raw wool and processed raw materials in yarn. The yarn took another worker of the manufactory and passed it to the next one who had already turned yarn into the fabric.

The factory presented on the Internet exhibition offer to buy small, large wholesale:

  • yarn for manual knitting "Lada", "My Baby", "Suite" from the Trinity of the Kamvolna Factory;
  • camel's wool;
  • capron, linen threads and ropes;
  • ropes, harnesses, jute cords.

The list includes open contacts, the official website for procurement products wholesale directly. Russian supplier manufacturers support the Import and Modernization Program. Offer cooperation, looking for dealers, organize wholesale deliveries of products to garment factories and weaving enterprises.

Delivery to the regions Russian Federation, customs Union, countries abroad.

  • Features of the sale of yarn
        • Related business ideas:

The demand for yarn in our country is steadily growing. The yarn is widely used in the production of woven and knitwear products, such as clothes, for knitting threads and rope products. The growing demand for yarn is connected with a fashionable trend on knitting various things both manual and machine method.

Investments in the creation of a mini-factory for the production of yarn are quite reasonable, despite the existing competition both from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Production of yarn is the industry light industrywhich is completely dependent on the level and direction of the development of the country's agriculture. This industry has been safely developed in those countries where agriculture It is aimed at the development of cotton growing, animal husbandry, liner, silverhood, that is, those areas that serve as the main sources of raw materials for the production of yarn.

Success and popularity of domestic yarn

Despite the greater popularity of yarn of foreign manufacturers, our domestic yarn is not at all lost and successfully finds his buyer. Russian factories produce quite a variety of and high-quality products today, which successfully competes with global yarn manufacturers.

In our country different sources Over 200 enterprises are engaged in the production of yarn. Among them are large players, such as the "Pehor Factory" or "Trinity Kamvolna Factory". These are enterprises with more than a century-old history, who managed to remain afloat in the hard crisis years, and due to the modernization of production, they were driven into leaders in the field of household goods, among which the production of yarn is the main activity.

How much money is needed to start a business for the opening of a sewing shop for yarn production

Starting investments for the opening of the mini-factory for the production of yarn make up from 3 to 4 million rubles without taking into account the construction of premises. At the same time, the main costs (up to 80%) go to the purchase of equipment for the production of yarn.

For the organization of an enterprise with a capacity of 5 tons per month production room Square of at least 300m2. It will also require warehouse space from 40m2 and the production base building from 30m2.

At the same time, at least 7 people should be involved in the production of yarn, including managerial personnel.

Monthly profit Such a mini-factory is in the range from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. Naturally, such indicators of profitability are possible when the competitive product is issued (price, quality).

What equipment to choose for a sewing shop for the production of yarn

The main set of equipment for the production of yarn includes trimnaya machines, plug-in machines, fibrous-grinding machines, dyeing devices, mechanized labases, cheap devices, twisted and winding machines.

You can purchase equipment like russian companiesand foreign manufacturers. Many suggestions can be found from chinese manufacturersAt the same time, their variation is wide enough. For the selection of equipment, it is better to visit the manufacturer's office personally. For beginners, factories with limited capital can be considered offers and used equipment.

Raw materials used for yarn production

Raw materials for the production of yarn are fibers of animal and vegetable origin: wool, fluff, cotton, flax, lavsan, wicked and even bamboo (there are almost 50% of the global flow of textile fiber). The raw material entering the factory must be cleaned of impurities, align, select only the fiber necessary in size and properties. In other words, the raw material is undergoing a number of processes: quenching, leveling, loosening, clearance, tapping, lento education and spinning. As a result, the exit get yarn satisfying all the requirements, including textile sensation, airiness, ability to breathe, elasticity, etc. Also, during production, various additives can be applied, which make the yarn more convenient in the future.

What taxation system to choose for a sewing shop for the production of yarn

When choosing legal form Jig production workshop the best option Is Society S. limited liability. The legal entity has a more solid status, which will allow to build contacts with many counterparties. As a system of taxation, USN is suitable, 6% of revenue or 15% of profits.

The main cost of the cost will be paid wages employees of the enterprise. Do not bother to moral and material promotion For good labor indicators. Find and hold good employees In the time of "personnel hunger" one of the most important tasks of any leader.

Features of the sale of yarn

Realizing yarn it is important to remember that the goods have a minor seasonality of sales. In the fall and winter yarn is best selling than at another time of the year. It is important to alternate the range of products - in winter it is necessary to produce woolen and acrylic yarn, and in the summer cotton and viscose.

Step-by-step business plan: where to start a business for the production of yarn

Before starting a business for the production of yarn, you need to solve what kind of yarn you will produce, as it is better to start the case, opening small enterprise and produce a small range of products. After that, you can proceed to the preparation and implementation of the business plan. You will need to choose the room, register a business in the tax authorities and issue all the documents, draw up financial plan and calculate all risks; Purchase equipment and raw materials, score staff, solve issues with the sale of products.

How much can you earn at the production of yarn

The small workshop for the production of yarn per month can make a profit per month of 200-250 thousand rubles, but if prices are competitive, and quality is high. On average, such production pays off in 2-2.5 years.

What documents are needed to open a yarn business

To register LLC you need:

  • application form P11001;
  • receipt of the payment of state duty;
  • decision of the founders;
  • Charter in 2 copies;
  • certificate of registration of ownership;

In addition, you will need permits from Rospotrebnadzor, administration, SES and fire supervision. To confirm the quality of products, it is better to develop TU.

What code OKVED indicate when registering a yarn production business

OKVED code can be indicated 17.1 - spinning textile fibers.

Technology production of yarn

Production of yarn implies several stages. First there is primary sorting of raw materials, then it is cleaned of impurities and it, for greater elasticity, is treated with an oil medium. After that, the second purification passes, the raw materials are combing, wetting into the bobbins and undergoes the final filament.

Knitted yarn biskvit (100% cotton)

  • Yarn from the manufacturer
  • Constantly in stock in Moscow more than 5 tons in stock
  • The lowest wholesale prices in Russia on knitted yarn primary production
  • The yarn is cut on European equipment, worth 50,000 euros. Thanks to this, we can offer you the most best quality - Cutting yarn facial side, perfectly smooth roller edges and beautiful shoes

Bulk prices

The palette is more than 150 colors, everything in stock.

Sign up as a wholesaler and you will see all the wholesale prices.


Forms of cooperation

1. Representative

Become a biskvit yarn representative and earn up to 500,000 per year, clean

1. Knitted biskvit yarn from the manufacturer

  • Self low prices In Russia, the knitted yarn of primary production
  • Yarn is produced by modern technology front side (unlike 99% of other manufacturers)
  • Yarn of excellent quality, without dust, rollers, perfectly smooth cutting
  • Palette more than 150 colors, regular upgrade collection
  • We produce more than 1 tons of yarn per week
  • All colors are represented in the rollers and in motges
  • Motion Smeared by automatic machine with uniform thread tension
  • Motion weight 330 ± 30 grams, Metrap 100 ± 10 m, Composition 100% cotton

2. Opportunities for the representative

  • The ability to earn up to 500,000 rubles. a year, in the free time
  • Minimum wholesale prices from 50 pcs (Motok 199 rub)
  • You can install any retail prices (but not below the Motion 299 rubles)

3. Additional bonuses for the representative

  • To increase your sales, contact details of representatives are indicated in the special section of our site and in our Instagram account
  • From our side a permanent media activity and promotion brand Biskvit
  • Help, business advice

4. Amenities in the work

  • Any forms of payment
  • Sending an order for the day after payment
  • Free shipping to the transport company in Moscow
  • Delivery in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan
  • Sending yarn only in cardboard boxes, Each Motor in Individual Packaging

5. Conditions for the representative

  • It is necessary to place an order from 10,000 rubles at wholesale prices (Motok 199 rub)
  • Yarn must be sold under the brand Biskvit
  • When selling biskvit yarn in motges, the machines must be purchased from us, or sweeping on a special machine. No winding on manual winder
  • Compliance with minimal retail prices (Motok 299 rub.). Price establishment is higher - at will
  • REGISTRATION IP is not required
  • Any sales channels are allowed, including home showrooms
  • The number of representatives in the region is not limited. Have time to become the first in your city!

2. Wholesaler

  • Minimum purchase from 10,000 rubles.
  • You are independent in choosing pricing, packaging and so on.
  • Wholesalers selling yarn under their brand are not representatives of BiskVit yarn

Scheme of work

  • You make an order on the site, pay and pick up in our showroom , or make up delivery
  1. You place an order on our website
  2. We confirm the presence and inform the accurate shipping cost and the amount for payment
  3. You make a prepayment for the order
  4. Within 1-2 days we send it to the transport company

Who we work with


  • Pickup from a warehouse in Moscow, sending energy to the regions to the regions, Pack
  • Free shipping transport companies in Moscow.
  • The yarn is delivered in cardboard boxes, it allows you to preserve it for delivery.

Hobbating needlework and, in particular, knitting acquires increasing popularity in Russia. Accordingly, the demand for high-quality and diverse yarn for both manual and machine knitting increases. In our country exists a large number of Factories that produce products of various quality and price categories.

The enterprises leading to the first place in their work are leading control over quality, the creation of new types of yarn, expansion of the color scheme and the improvement of traditional types of products, taking into account fashion trends.

The largest domestic manufacturer of yarn is the seed yarn factory, which supplies its products not only to local, but also on foreign markets (mainly this is Ukraine and the Baltic States). The factory is one of the main branches of the Moscow wool factory. This is an enterprise that exists from Soviet times, one of the few could not only survive competitive struggle With Western brands, but also to win a good reputation among consumers. The range of the Semenov factory includes yarn different types (Main specialization - on summer yarn).

In second place in terms of production, the Trinity Kamavolna Factory is worthwhile - another one of the oldest Russian enterprises in the production of yarn. It produces several types of ribbon and yarn for manual and machine knitting. The Pekhore Textile factory currently produces more than a hundred different types of yarn.

In addition to the classic, the assortment of the factory includes the so-called shaped yarn - "grass", "book", etc. This factory supplies part of its products abroad - to the UK, Canada, USA and the Czech Republic. Another major producer - KTEXEX LLC, the range of which has less than a hundred names of yarn, differing in composition and structure.

In total, the production of yarns in Russia employs about 200 medium and large enterprises. The yarn market in our country is extensive. In addition, it is one of the few segments, where domestic products in low and average price category are competitive and uses in almost the same demand as imported, due to the optimal combination of price and quality. At the same time, Russian factories actively cooperate with colleagues from other countries, update the equipment and introduce new technologies.

The main competitors of domestic producers are Chinese (for example, Shaoxing Xinhong Textile, Shenzhen Star Textiles, Zhejiang Tiansheng Holding Group, etc.), Italian (Alpes, E.Miroglio, Gruppo Lineapiu, etc.), as well german companies (Vita, Gedifra and a number of others).

Necessary equipment For the average production volumes include: ribbon machines, inclined cleaners, a drive, a trunk machine, filters, winding, spinning, honeycomb machines, core machines, a scer of a honest appliance, etc. The production capacity of such an enterprise is about 30 tons of products in month.

To accommodate the equipment will be required production bases, warehouses, as well as an administrative premises (the total calculated area of \u200b\u200babout 2500 sq. M.). As a raw material for production, sheep and camel wool, goat down, mohair, cotton, Alpaca, Len, Loven, Acryl, Capron, Viscose.

Ready yarn passes the staining process, for which dyes are used high Quality. Knitting threads are not divided into varieties, but their appearance Must meet the requirements of scientific and technical documentation (NTD). Invalid defects in assessing the quality of yarn are considered non-crushed plots, units of the second twist, corkscrew, gravity, as well as oil and contaminated threads.

Starting capital for the opening of such an enterprise is about 25-30 million rubles. When preparing a business plan, also take into account the cost of paying wages to employees of the factory (staff 20-25 people, not counting leaders).

The selling price of finished products is from 45,000-50000 rubles per ton and higher, depending on the type of yarn produced.

The monthly profit of the yarn production factory at the very beginning of its work will be about 750000 rubles (at the calculation of the initial production capacity of 50%), subject to high quality products and competitive prices. At the same time, in the first months of work, monthly costs may exceed a profit of 2-2.5 times, which should also be taken into account when predicting the development of the company.

Carefully consider the range of products. Yarn - seasonal goods, which enjoys the greatest demand In the autumn-winter period. Most manufacturers try to produce yarn two species - winter (wool, polyester, acrylic) and summer (mainly viscose and cotton threads).

To increase the competitiveness of its products of the new company, it is necessary to maintain prices at the level of the average and lower, follow and constantly improve the quality of their products, carefully selecting suppliers and contractors, expand the range and take part in Russian and international specialized exhibitions.

Sysoeva Lily
- Business Plans and Manuals Portal

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