What makes the makeup artist in the beauty salon. Profession Vizazhist

The property 21.04.2021
The property

The makeup artist is a specialist who makes makeup by means of decorative cosmetics. He masks the shortcomings of the face, emphasizes expressive features and thus creates a beautiful image. A good makeup artist when creating makeup is focused on the latest trends in the sphere of coming, wishes of the client, his style, individual features (face shape, appearance color, hair color, skin, eyes), and the target of makeup.

Makeup artist is one of the most important professions in the fashion and beauty industry.

Makeup artist is engaged in creating makeup for celebrations, weddings, photo shoots, graduation balls, conferences, fashionable shows, television filming and other events.

Many professional make-up artists are proud that they work with celebrities and successful people - actors, fashion designers, publishers of glossy magazines, directors. Also, professionals travel a lot, because Sometimes you need to go make makeup to Paris, Milan or other cities.

Places of work

Make-up artists work in beauty salons, theaters, film, photography and television studios, modeling agencies, in beauty contests, or are looking for customers independently.

The workplace of the makeup artist should be convenient for both the master and the client.

Duties of makeup artist

Main job service duties:

  • creating specific images and make-ups;
  • selection of colors and textures to the type of appearance;
  • consulting customers for independent makeup;
  • sometimes - sale of cosmetics.

Experienced masters are taught by other makeup artists, trainings and master classes are coming.

Requirements for Vizazhist

Basic requirements for makeup artist:

  • make-up skills in various styles and techniques;
  • ability to communicate with customers;
  • skill pick up colors and shades;
  • knowledge of cosmetic products and working tools, their textures and features;
  • familiarity with the fashion trends of the visa;
  • knowledge of sanitation, hygiene, antiseptics for disinfection of hands and tools;
  • sometimes - the availability of a medical record.

In addition to the above, the makeup will be useful to draw. Of personal qualities, accuracy, sociability and emotional stability are most important.

Professional makeup artist should be able to create an image, and not just to apply makeup well

How to become a makeup artist

To master the basics of the profession of makeup artist, you can finish courses, take individual lessons from an experienced master, or get the necessary skills working as an assistant makeup artist.

Many masters have received their first visasy experience when they painted their girlfriends.

To become a high-level makeup artist, you will have to constantly improve the qualifications and practicing, participate in contests and seminars, visit the master classes of famous masters of the commercial and work a lot.

The entrance to the profession is very fast: 2-3 months of study, and you are already an initial level specialist. For another six months of work, and you are already a master of the middle hand. However, the easy entrance to the profession has costs. If you do not invest in yourself and not spend tangible money and time for training, you can forever remain "Master in the beauty salon around the corner."

Salary of makeup artist

According to our review hh.ru, the makeup artist earns from 25 to 120 thousand rubles per month. Higher income by the specialist can sell cosmetics, accessories and beauty salon services. Thus, the high-paying makeup artist is not only a makeup master, but also a great seller who makes profit to the employer.

Also, the high income of the makeup will provide master classes and the lessons of the visa.

The average salary of the makeup artist-eyebrowsist-stylist is about 60 thousand rubles per month. Such combination of functions is a very common practice.

Job description of the makeup artist

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1. General Provisions

1.1. The makeup artist refers to the category of specialists.
1.2. The makeup artist is appointed and exempt from her by order of the head of the organization.
1.3. The makeup artist submits directly to the head of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of a makeup artist, his rights and obligations are performed by the person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person who has a special education (makeup artist, cosmetologist), as well as medical education and work experience in at least one year is appointed to the post of Vizazhist.
1.6. The makeup artist should know:
- color psychology;
- rules of composition and pattern;
- used tools, the effect of them for human appearance;
- the specifics of the funds used, readings and contraindications them for various types of human skin, the effect on the body as a whole;
- the foundations of the anatomy and human physiology;
- Basics of psychology;
- domestic and foreign experience in the field of makeup;
- Rules of hygiene, sanitation;
- Rules of the internal labor regulation.
1.7. The makeup artist is guided in its activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the statute of the organization, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the organization;
- orders and manual orders;
- This official instruction.

2. Make-up job duties

The makeup artist performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Creates or changes the appearance of a person (mainly person) through the use of cosmetics.
2.2. Corrects and visually improves the contour of the face with makeup.
2.3. Masks the main disadvantages.
2.4. Stresses individual features.
2.5. Makes makeup taking into account the requirements, wishes and preferences of the client.
2.6. Engaged in the individual selection of cosmetics, decorative cosmetics.

3. The Rights of Vizazhista

The makeup artist has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the organization relating to its activities.
3.2. Request personal or on behalf of the direct supervisor and documents necessary to fulfill its duties.
3.3. Subject to the management of the proposal to improve work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.
3.4. Within its competence, to inform their direct leadership about all the disadvantages identified in the process and make proposals to eliminate them.
3.5. Require from the leadership of the organization to assist in the execution of his official duties and rights.

4. The responsibility of the makeup artist

The makeup artist is responsible for:

4.1. Inappropriate performance or non-fulfillment of their official duties stipulated by this official instruction is within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Invalid information about the status of their official duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the head of the organization and direct supervisor.
4.4. Unacceptable measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that make a threat to the organization and its employees.
4.5. Causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.
4.6. The offenses committed in the process of their activities are within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

The makeup artist is called a specialist in the field of makeup created by decorative cosmetics.

The task of this person is to disguise defects on the face and advantageously emphasize the benefits, create a unique and original image for some particular event.

A real professional in the process of work is based on the latest fashion trends, personal preferences of the client, the features of his face, hairstyle, style, the goal of makeup.

What is part of the charges of the makeup

The makeup artist is a specialist whose services are required in the process of organizing the following events, for example:

  • weddings;
  • thematic photo shoots;
  • graduate balls;
  • conferences and presentations;
  • modes mod;
  • shooting.

The most successful employees in their field can cooperate with the famous and successful people, for example, actors, performers, models, and constantly go on trips due to work.

The main task of a specialist - make a beauty on the face The client, this is the main thing that makes the makeup artist in the beauty salon. The visitor must leave a satisfied and happy person from the awareness of his new image. Often, makeup artists are called stylists, as they are able to think out not only the details of makeup, but also the image of the person as a whole.

The first and basic than boasting makeup artist - the presence in arsenal large cosmetics For different makeup purposes, types of appearance, cases. It should correspond to a huge amount of requirements (in composition, appointment, properties, safety) and be represented in several brands, colors, consistencies.

The task of the makeup artist - the first time determine the type of person and understand how to emphasize the strengths and remove the flaws so that the makeup is bright, but not causing, bold, but not vulgar, and was also an appropriate case.

Places of work of the makeup artists are:

  • beauty Salons;
  • fashion houses;
  • television studios;
  • photo studio;
  • modes;
  • reception at home.

Documents for download (free)

  • Job description of the makeup artist

In connection with the listed powers allocate several duties of the makeup artist (in accordance with the job description):

  • creating or changing the appearance of the client (mostly applies to the person) with the help of leaving and decorative cosmetics;
  • adjustment and visual improvement of the contour of the person through a properly selected and implemented makeup;
  • disguise lacking in the facial features of the client;
  • underline its advantages;
  • optimal selection of colors, shades, cosmetics textures in accordance with the type of appearance;
  • making makeup taking into account the wishes, requirements and personal preferences of the client;
  • individual choice of cosmetic products;
  • providing customers with advice on self-fulfillment of makeup;
  • sale of branded cosmetics (in rare cases).

If the master has good reputation And the impressive experience of work, he takes on the training of other makeup artists through the holding of master classes, trainings, lectures. In accordance with the same job description, the makeup artist has not only responsibilities, but also rights. They conclude in the following aspects:

  • familiarization with projects and preparation for participation in them (preparation of materials, tools, equipment);
  • personal request for information information and documents that are necessary to ensure the established workflow (or actions on behalf of superior specialists);
  • introduction to the authorities of proposals aimed at improving the workflow, in order to improve the performance of duties prescribed in the official instruction;
  • making proposals for eliminating shortcomings in the work, which were discovered by makeup artist;
  • the requirement from the leading assistance management office in the implementation of the main job duties.

Thus, the functions of the makeup artist are reduced to ensuring the beautiful appearance of the client, taking into account his own wishes.

Typical applicant requirements

There are several basic requirements for a specialist in the profession a stylist-cosmetologist:

  • possession of make-up skills in any style and for any technology;
  • the ability to interact (contact) with clients;
  • selection of optimal colors and shades of cosmetics in accordance with parameters such as the appearance color, features hairstyles, outfits, etc.;
  • possession of information about all working tools - cosmetics, equipment, apparent means;
  • regular familiarization with fashionable trends in the sphere of commercial;
  • knowledge of hygiene standards, sanitation, ability to apply antiseptic drugs;
  • the presence of a medical record (in a variety of situations).

Along with this, a specialist in the profession "Cosmetologist-makeup artist" should know Ase drawing, own accuracy, be sociable and emotionally stable.

To master these knowledge and skills, you can sign up for special courses or individual lessons, as well as to work for a certain time by the assistant wizard of the museum.

If the goal of a novice is to become a high-level professional, it is necessary to ensure the improvement of skills and have enough practice. An important role is played by visiting master classes, constant work with clients. For 2-3 months you can become a master of the entry level. And for six months really achieve the title of Masters of Middle Hand.

Approximate income

The salary range of this specialist is wide enough - from 25 to 120 tons. per month. The amount of income is determined by the following factors:

  • the level of preparation of the wizard;
  • work experience;
  • the place of execution of labor duties (the company's fame in which it works);
  • personal merits;
  • the number of customers served.

Practice shows that the average salary of the makeup artist-novice in regional centers - 30 000 r., And a year later, under the condition of permanent learning, it is possible to increase the income to 60,000 rubles. In Moscow, the talented master earns from 100 000 r.

Thus, the list of duties of the makeup artist is impressive, but the work is promising and allows you to grow through the career ladder.

Additionally about the work of the visit - see the video:

Visagiste - A specialist who creates a certain image of a person with the help of makeup means. Makeup artist is often called "face artist", from French words « visage.»-" face, image, view "or "Make-Up Artist" What means"Cosmetics Artist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

A real professional perceives a person as a whole - from head to legs, given not only the form of a person, but also the structure of the figure, the overall appearance and even the inner world. The best makeup is the one in which the appearance of a person is harmonized with his inner world. Modern makeup products and the art of makeup artist allow you to drastically change the appearance. The profession of makeup artist and exists in order to help people look stylish and exquisitely at the most important moments of their lives, producing the impression of a successful and healthy person.

There are many types of makeup intended for different cases:

  • day;
  • evening;
  • business;
  • wedding;
  • podium;
  • rejuvenating (lifting);
  • male;
  • hastily.

Features of the profession

The makeup artist, following the fashion and global trends of cosmetic brands, at the same time should take into account the wishes of the client and its physical characteristics: the structure of the face, the shape of the eyes, eyebrows and lips, skin color, his style and lifestyle. The makeup artist during the consultation can offer its vision of the image to the client, but not to impose it.

The responsibilities of the makeup artist include not only the stylistic makeup, but also the selection of suitable cosmetic agents to eliminate visible skin defects.

The main functional responsibilities of the makeup artist:

  1. determining the type of skin of the client's face and selection of suitable cosmetics with which you can remove skin defects;
  2. choice of makeup type;
  3. preparation of the client to the procedures;
  4. adjustment of the contour of the face;
  5. masking of flaws;
  6. underline the elements of the face: eyebrows, eyelashes, lips;
  7. making makeup;
  8. individual selection of cosmetics and decorative cosmetics with advice on their use at home.

Pros and cons profession


  • high wage from popular makeup artists;
  • interesting creative work;
  • the ability to work on yourself;
  • free work schedule;
  • profession obliges a makeup artist to have a stylish and well-groomed appearance every day.


  • whims and discontent of customers;
  • the risk of deceiving the waiting for the client, who may not like a new image;
  • missing the opinion of the maidenship with the opinion of the client;
  • work on the legs, like hairdressers.

Place of work

Beauty salons, modeling agencies, cosmetology cabinets, film studios, theaters, television, specialized stores of famous cosmetic brands "Riv Gosh", "L'Oreal", etc.

Important qualities

For makeup artist as an artist is important:

  • creative imagination;
  • artistic refined taste;
  • coloration;
  • spatial and figurative thinking;
  • feeling of style, harmony and symmetry;
  • creativity.

For makeup artist as an employee of the service sector needed:

  • communicability;
  • tact;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • the ability to have customers to them;
  • the ability to find original solutions;
  • stress tolerance;
  • accuracy;
  • physical endurance.

Make-up training (stylist-makeup artist)


To obtain a makeup artist's profession, it suffices to complete special courses of makeup artists and stylists or school (studio) makeup. There are special colleges of the beauty industry, business colleges, management and beauty technology, in which they are engaged in the specialty "Stylistics and the art of the visa".

You will learn to perform day and evening makeup, Smokey Aiz, Hollywood makeup, wedding images and age-related makeup, makeup for shows and photo shoots. Training by 80% consists of practice. The school provides cosmetics for classes. Groups of 7-9 people. The missed lesson can be visited with another group. Following the exam, a diploma is issued. The possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


Salary on 03/12/2020

Russia 25000-100000 ₽

Moscow 35000-150000 ₽

The makeup artist is a highly paid profession. Failure depends on the place of work, the level of qualifications of a specialist and experience. Various certificates and diplomas for participation in professional contests of makeup artists contribute to improved wages.

The makeup artist of the beauty salon is a specialist whose services are most often in demand when preparing a client to any event. We understand that it is assumed that the work of the makeup artist, what his duties and how his work is organized.

Automate your employees in the beauty salon

The main services of professional makeup artist in the beauty salon is the application of makeup to customers with the help of decorative cosmetics. His work helps to disguise the problem zones of the client's facial, or, on the contrary, to emphasize the most expressive features and thanks to this, create the most harmonious image. When creating makeup, professional makeup artist in the beauty salon is focused not only on the latest trends in the sphere of coming or customer requirements, but also takes into account the individual style and features of each person who came to him. The appearance of the appearance, and the face form, shades of eyes, hair and skin), as well as the target for which makeup is applied.

However, often professional makeup artists are not only masters that do ideal makeup, but also talented sellers who increase profits to the salon by selling professional cosmetics, similar to the one that make-up artist uses in operation. Experienced Maik-APA masters are engaged in training colleagues, conducting trainings and master classes to create an image.

Now we can talk about the three directions of the work of the makeup artist of the beauty salon:

  • Makeup artist-aestheticist. His task is to prepare the skin to apply decorative means, and after - to apply makeup;
  • Makeup artist-stylist. His work is more complex. In particular, it forms the appropriate image of the client in accordance with the peculiarities of its appearance;
  • The makeup artist-cosmetologist determines and selects the optimal type of cosmetics to solve the client's problem and taking into account the characteristics of its skin. In some cases, in the presence of appropriate education and skills in

Requirements for the services of the makeup artist

The basic requirements for professional makeup will, which push the beauty salons, a little. This is usually a set of skills necessary for make-up makeup in various styles and technicians - at the same time, a specialist in the mission must be independently able to select the colors and shades of decorative cosmetics, taking into account the characteristics of the clients, that is, to have a good artistic taste.

The task of professional makeup artist is not easy to apply decorative cosmetics on the client's face, but help create a unique image, and this is possible only when interacting and cooperation with customers. From here another important detail of the provision of services by makeup artist - he must be able to communicate with customers and understand their needs. Good makeup artist should ideally know cosmetic products and working instruments, take into account their textures and features. It should be aware of modern trends of the visa, to know sanitary and hygienic standards, to understand the antiseptics needed for disinfection of hands and tools. In some salons for a device to work, the makeup will need a medical record.

From personal qualities of professional makeup artists, sociability, accuracy and emotional stability are appreciated by employers. Depending on the category of the cabin, if it provides the VIP Category VIP services, you need to know the salon makeup technique for the VIP-game.

Job description of the makeup artist

The appointment of makeup artist for the position and liberation from it occurs according to the orders of the head of the beauty salon. In his work, professional makeup artist is also subject to the head of the cabin. In case the makeup artist for some reason is absent in the workplace, his duties are assigned to the one who appoints the head of the salon.

The responsibilities of the makeup artist who are written in the job description, in the beauty salon performs a specialist who has received the formation of a makeup (cosmetologist) and medical education. Well, if he already has experience, it is usually for the post of makeup artist, specialists who have experience under this specialty are not less than a year.
Professional makeup artist, working in the beauty salon, should know:

  • principles of color psychology and impression that produce various colors per person;
  • the rules used in the composition and the creation of the drawing;
  • used in cosmetology means and effects when used;
  • testimony and contraindications of cosmetology taking into account various types of skin of clients, as well as the effect of leaving and decorative cosmetics on the body as a whole;
  • basic knowledge of the anatomy and human physiology;
  • basics of psychology;
  • take into account and use advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of makeup;
  • clearly know sanitary rules and hygienic standards;
  • submit the rules of the internal labor schedule adopted in the beauty salon.

The functional responsibilities of the makeup artist in the beauty salon

The services of the makeup in the beauty salon include the following list of actions:

  1. The makeup artist creates either changes the external appearance of the client through the use of decorative cosmetics;
  2. The makeup artist produces a correction for visual improvement of the contour of the client of the beauty salon with makeup;
  3. Makeup artist helps disguise the main disadvantages of the client's face;
  4. At the request of the client allocates individual features to attract attention to them;
  5. Makes a makeup on the face of the client, taking into account its requirements and preferences;
  6. Selects an individual combination of cosmetics or decorative cosmetics.

Visage - perfect option for additional services

Goar Aghajanyan, Makeupist, Owner Studio Training Makeup The Goar

About company.The Goar is learning all types of decorative makeup.

The task of the makeup artist in the beauty salon is quite logical - its duties include applying makeup, and in some cases - eyebrows. However, strictly experts only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe visa in beauty salons are a bit, usually a salon specialist provides composer and stylist services at the same time. The duties of the make-up-story stylists can also include the selection of hairstyles, dresses and the formation of the image of the client as a whole. Most often, customers are asking made up of makeup artist in the beauty salon to make evening makeup - rustic arrows, smoke-ice, daylight make quite rarely.

As a rule, in beauty salons, makeup is used as administrator - for example, in addition to the hairstyle. Yes, and purely make-up to the salon come rarely - often only on the weekend, when potential customers need to be prepared for any solemn event.

One of the popular services of the maidenship of the beauty salon is the preparation of models to photo sessions or video shooting forces by salon specialists. Preparation can be carried out as directly in the cabin - if there is a special room in the cabin for this, where the model can change clothes - both in the territory where the photographer or a video operator will work. Another kind of such a favor service of beauty salon is the preparation of the bride to the wedding celebration. In this case, the image of the bride can also be prepared both directly in the cabin and her house, or on the territory of the registry office. In this case, customers usually consciously choose exactly the stylists to simultaneously get professional makeup artist at the same time, and make a hairstyle.

If the beauty salon has a small number of customers from this category - sometimes the salons on a mutually beneficial basis are collaborated with private affiliates, which come to the salon at the time of the client's arrival.

Make-up services in the beauty salon can be diverse

Julia Morozova, a beautician, practicing master teacher of aesthetics of the face and body.

About expert. Practitioner master teacher of aesthetics of the face and body.

The makeup artist can create a complete image of the client or to form it partially. We are not only about wedding makeup or non-standard make-up to a photo shoot that the beauty salon client could not do independently. For example, professional makeup artist is capable of as accurate as possible to pick up the tone for a person who is optimally suitable in order to ideally look at the photos if it comes to creating an evening makeup, which will be decorated with a client of the beauty salon during a long event, then in the services of the makeup will include selection Such cosmetics for a commercial, which will not "flow" and is not deformed during the period of the solemn event, and which will be suitable for a certain outfit, which is dressed by a client.

Very often, the makeup artist is asked to make a "imperceptible makeup" or "makeup without makeup" - that is, when the make-up is actually there, but it is almost unnoticed by side. In this case, the makeup artist uses natural, very natural tones of decorative cosmetics - light texture for skin, slightly underlined eyes and nude tones of lipstick. Age ladies choose professional makeup artist services in the beauty salon to create lifting makeup, if they want to visually adjust their age without long procedures at the beautician. Sometimes thus they manage to reduce their age even ten years. Make-AP is made taking into account the laws of shots, the tone of a special texture is used, which in the end looks like natural, but, nevertheless, it grows out the outlined wrinkles and significantly rejuvenates the client's face.

Professional makeup artist can allocate separate features of the face - for example, eyebrows or lips. For example, if a girl has a good smooth skin tone, the eyebrows have already been formed, she does not want to attract additional attention to the eyes - for example, it has an image in which the main thing is natural. And in this case, the services of the makeup will help her to pick up exactly the tone of the lipstick, which she is suitable, make a beautiful smooth lip line. Or a girl going on a thematic photo session, for which the unusual color of lipstick is required, for example, black, green or purple, which she does not need more - in this case, in order not to look and not buy in the future useless lipstick, girls choose makeup artist services in the beauty salon for makeup lips. Lip makeup can also be a bonus to makeup eyebrows or hair styling.

Another makeup artist service - when the makeup artist cooks lips to makeup, producing an escape or simply moisturizing, and then the color selected color is already on them.

I believe that the services of the makeup in the beauty salon can be very multifaceted - from creating a whole image, for example, when preparing for a wedding or any other solemn event, before detailing the selected image, when it is professionally allocated separately lips, eyebrows, eyelashes or eyes. In addition, there may not only include the creation of a new image for a client, but also learning that different types of visa - those that are suitable for its colorwork, its image and style: for every day, for solemn events and so on. In essence, this is something like a personal training course of makeup artist for yourself, aimed at ensuring that this client can become better and more beautiful.

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