Business rolled curtains Reviews of entrepreneurs. How to start business at the production of blinds? Starting Investments in Business

Documentation 21.04.2021

The manufacture of blinds and mechanized curtains of various types is the market sphere on which domestic companies have long been successfully competing with foreign. Beginning to organize its own production in the status of IP or, if necessary, register LLC.

Production of rolled curtains: main equipment

If a businessman is thinking from which type of blinds or curtains to start a business, he should pay attention to rolled curtains. Unlike classic blinds consisting of a variety of plates, which still need to pre-cut, the base of most rolled curtains is a solid cloth made of dense tissue. Accordingly, the equipment for production will need less, although it is not completely without it: the cloth for the curtains do not approve. So, first will need:

  • special table for cutting material with clamping bar and cutting line. The setting is done manually, but the cutting process itself is completely mechanized - this ensures ideal accuracy;
  • the machine for uniform sticking of the scotch, which does not require special training from the operator;
  • mechanisms for the processing of fabric edges - is usually done using a narrow glue tape.

Choosing materials

When determining the range of materials that will be offered to the customer, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is also presented and dense, non-transmitting lights of the fabric, and translucent, protecting only from the bright rays of the Sun. Fabrics must be impregnated with special compositions protecting the surface from burning, moisture effects and rot. It is equally important to decide on the suppliers of fittings and plastic and metal designs.

Stages of working with the client

Rolled curtains - piece goods manufactured by order. Usually work consists of several stages:

  • fabric selection;
  • mealing client's windows;
  • manufacture of curtains;
  • installation of finished rolled curtains.

In accordance with this, the staff of employees should be calculated: at least the measurer and consultant based on materials, the crate and installers. Accounting and legal issues can be solved on the basis of outsourcing.

Concompute business

Having achieved success in the production of rolled curtains, an entrepreneur may think about expanding production, for example, to produce various options blinds for office And at home. The main task of the manufacturer is to cut ready-made materials in the size of the customer and mounted them in the finished product. Here you will need more serious equipment - press preparation, mechanisms for punching holes are likely to have to look for an additional employee with the corresponding skills.

Perspectives of business expansion

Continuing business expansion, it is necessary to maximize existing equipment and connections with suppliers. Cutting table perfectly suitable for cutting mats, rugs, parts for sofa pillows. For their processing, a Russian sewing machine type "Seagull" or "Podolsk", which offers a minimum of opportunities, but withstanding heavy loads. The range of the proposed materials can be expanded by tissues for furniture upholstery. In general, the entrepreneur should make a bet on the complex design of the room, and not just windows. In order not to experience difficulties with the registration of new activities (this is not a very difficult process, but it requires financial and time costs), you need to register specializations in advance when registering a company or IP.

Dear Colleagues!

I would like to tell about some practical techniques that will allow you to better sell to end users, which, including, will have a positive effect on your wage.

So what are the sunscreen systems? The consumer is used to hanging on the window only curtains and believes that this is quite enough. However, it is mistaken - even the best curtains do not possess the functions that the blinds possess. That is why in Europe and the USA sunscreen systems hang on the windows along with the curtains, and not instead of them. Blinds protect the room from the sun, the curtains decorate it.

So, what benefit do the blinds carry?

The name "Sunscreen systems" explains the purpose of the blinds - they protect from the sun. Curtains also help protect against the sun, but:

1. If the curtain fabric is not special, the curtains still skips the sun rays. Because of this, indoors are not so dark and not so cool.

2. The curtain allows only to overlap the light stream, but does not allow them to manage. If horizontal systems are hanging on the window, for example isolite, you can control the light stream - the blinds in contrast to the curtains can be partially open. In this case, the light penetrates the room, but does not hit the eye or on the computer screen.

3. Curtains are not hanging directly on the glass, and even if the window is tightly tight on a hot day, the air between the curtain and glass is very hot, which ultimately heats the room. And the use of systems such as Isolite, Isotrahit, Rollite or Vegas rolled systems allows you to reflect the sun's rays even before they heat the room.

4. Or rolled curtains can perfectly decorate the room, giving it an extra charm. And this does not mean that the curtains from the window will have to remove the photo images of how the blinds are perfectly getting on one window with curtains, look at our site.

5. In some cases, in dachas, in the kitchens, in offices, in the utility rooms - may be the only decoration of the window, the curtains in these cases can not hang. Only the price of blinds is significantly cheaper than the cheapest curtains.

6. Light flow control - a comfortable thing. For example, in the room can be light, but the sun rays do not fall on the beloved shopping sofa, and it does not fade.

7. Sunscreen systems help in the heat less often enjoy air conditioning. First, it saves money - air conditioning is very voracious, and electricity tariffs grow annually. Secondly, air conditioning dries air, which is harmful to the body. Conclusion - blinds exist to protect against the sun. They have additional opportunities and advantages over the curtains, while they are able to decorate the room. Blinds hang no instead of curtains, and with curtains.


The delusions of buyers about sunscreen systems are given in the previous version of the sales book, which is also published on our website. We bring them here briefly:

1. "Blinds are instead of curtains." We have already figured out this. You need to be prepared for this issue and clearly know the answer to it.

2. "Blinds is for the office." The misconception arose because first the blinds were so expensive that private owners could not afford them. Times have long changed - now and PVC windows, and air conditioners, and sunscreens systems buy home at no less as in the office.

Selection of systems or how to sell more expensive

If the buyer (with your help) was convinced of the need to buy sunscreen systems, the problem of choice arises before him. Horizontal or vertical? Or tree? You can competently and professionally convince the client to buy more expensive blinds by killing three hares at once:

1. You decorate the room of your customer really high-quality blinds, and not a cheap horizontal, which will break and stop working months after six

2. You will raise your self-esteem - you will be proud of what you can, unlike others, sell is not the cheapest (this is a fool can), and the best. That is, you are a professional sales manager and rightly can be proud of it.

3. You will earn more. In most firms, sales manager sales depends on the size and profitability of the transaction. Why not earn more during the same time?

But how to convince the buyer? He asks about the price and, having heard the price of a tree or a roller, frowns. And having learned that there is a cheap horizontal on sale, immediately chooses it ...

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to disassemble the conclusion mechanism itself. And the sale of the client's blinds is the conclusion of the transaction.

The deal is when the subjective assessment of the value of the goods by the buyer more or less coincides with the price of the goods. Let us explain this on the example.

For example, I buy with you used "Zhiguli", which you decide to make a good selling expensive, change to a foreign car. I call you on the ad, I come, I look at the car, looking under the hood and ask how much you ask for your horse. At this point, I already understand how much I am ready to give for the car, that is, I have already formed a subjective representation - "N dollars for this car is normal, and more - no longer worth it." Suppose I appreciated the car in 5000, because previously looked at the Internet similar offers, looked at your car and saw some flaws and so on. If you call me the price of 7000, it will be higher than my "price idea", and will cause rejection. Most likely, I will not buy a car for this money. And if you call 5000 or less, I will have a desire to buy it.

However, this does not mean that I will not buy it for 7,000. You still have a chance - if you tell me about the additional benefits of your product. For example, she is still on warranty. Or her forced engine. Or as a gift you will give me a set of winter rubber and leather covers for seats. Or eliminate some shortcomings in the operation of the injector. Perhaps, then I will review my decision. Salves, we will bargain and discuss your offer until you manage to combine my subjective value of your product and its price. As long as you do not increase the value of the car in my eyes to such a height, when the price will begin to seem quite reasonable. If you do not come out - I will buy a car from someone else.

About value - let's just more, then this word will need us. The buyer never buys the goods - it buys the value that this product brings. A person buys the car not just to own it - he buys the values \u200b\u200bthat she brings him. For example, he buys a car to ride a cottage with comfort. Or so that everyone saw what it is rich and successful. Or to catch a buzz from fast driving.

When a person buys blinds, he does it not just to buy. He buys comfort and facilities that they bring. For example, he buys a shadow, which is now, after he hung the blinds, falls on his TV instead of the Sun, which came there earlier - now he can watch the favorite TV series, not irritating the fact that all the characters on the screen faded. Or he buys his strong sleep, who gives him an early morning rolled curtains with Blackout cloth, thanks to which the sun does not prevent him from sleeping. Or he buys the pride with which it demonstrates guests spectacular, stylish from natural materials.

The American marketer said - "the buyer does not need a drill. He needs holes in the wall. "

Why is it important to remember? Let's consider another example.

You came to the supermarket to buy milk. You see on the shelf standing near two packages. One of them costs 65 rubles, another - 300. What are you buying? I think that the one that for 65 is because your subjective value (still say, the "red price") of this milk - just 65 rubles, it can, but certainly no more. What is nonsense - milk for 300 rubles, you ask. And you will be right. But imagine that there is a consultant next to the shelf, which explains to you that milk for 300 rubles is natural, and not restored from the powder, as for 65. And that the cow was just this morning. And it is environmentally friendly, because the cow is quite healthy (here is the certificate!), And she fed all his life only with grass grown in a zone where there are no factories and factories, and without the use of fertilizer.

Will the price of 300 rubles seem a little more reasonable? And if you, let's say a small child, whom you try to feed only pure food? Or are you yourself - an ardent fan of a healthy nutrition? It is possible that you will become a buyer of this milk.

What really happened? When you came to the store, you already had a subjective value for milk value in your head. And when you saw the same (as you thought at that moment) Milk at a much higher price, it caused your rejection. But when the sales manager raised the value of this product in your eyes, the price began to seem much more attractive to you.

When buying blinds happens the same. The only difference is that most often our buyer with you comes to you in the salon or to the point of sale, without having a price idea in the head, without having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe values \u200b\u200bof the blinds.

When the buyer has no clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of the goods, the only value is the price.

The price also becomes the only criterion of choice when the buyer does not have enough other information.

If it seems to you that all kinds of milk are exactly the same, you will choose the cheapest. In the absence of other information, the price is the only criterion of the comparison of various products. If you do not know than one sofa is better than the other, you will choose from them the cheapest - how else? If you do not know than one TV is better than the other, and there is no one next to anyone who could explain to you, you will choose the cheapest. If you do not understand than some louvers are better than others, you buy those that are cheaper. When the price is not enough, the price comes to the fore, because it is written on the price tag, you see it and understand well.

In 99% of cases, the buyer takes cheap systems only because he does not know than expensive better.

Most buyers know nothing about blinds. Ignorance generates fear - they do not understand how to make a choice. This fear forces them to buy cheaper - so that, in the most extremely bad case, do not lose a lot of money. If you do not convince them, of course.

There are clients who do not understand what horizontal systems differ from the vertical. And if you are simple, without additional comments, offer them the blinds of 250 rubles per meter and 500, they will be chosen for 250, because they do not understand than 500 better.

Up down

If the value that sees the buyer in the product is lower than its price, the seller has two ways - the price of the price or offer a cheaper option (all non-professional managers do) or increase the value of the goods in the buyer's eyes (professionals act). The task is not easy, but completely solved.

First - the question

In order to sell a system of more expensive, you need to understand yourself, and then explain to the buyer, which values \u200b\u200bhe will receive after the blinds will hang on his window. This is the first thing to ask the client: "Why do you want to hang sunscreen systems? What kind of tasks and problems do you want to solve with their help? " Only realizing the needs of customers can be found out what you can offer him.

· If the client is hot from the Sun - offer him isolite, it very effectively reduces the temperature in the room and protects well from the Sun

· If the Sun interferes with sleeping him or members of his family (for example, wakes up a small child) - offer him Blackout rolled curtains.

· If he needs blinds as an element of the interior (although there are actually any blinds of the element of the interior) - offer him, the fabric that can always be chosen under the design of the room. Or wooden.

· If he has a large window - it needs 50 millimeters systems, from aluminum or wood. On large shutters, 25 millimeters look like ripples and are very annoying.

If you always start a conversation with the client professionally, Ie from the question "What exactly do you need sunscreen systems?", Soon you will have our own "Decision Bank" for each customer's response.

If you select a decision specifically for this client, you will find out and able to satisfy the need for it, it is much easier to disperse with the amount that first seemed to him unreal.

Very many tasks can be solved by simply by asking the client the right questions. Consider the situation - a customer who wants the shutters "what is cheaper" to you at the sales point. You can immediately show him the horizontal system of the Magnum system, and then nothing more expensive will not buy exactly. And you can ask him:

"Why do you want blinds that is cheaper"?

Maybe he needs to hang sunscreen systems in a barn so that the sun does not disturb the burenok in the morning. Then he really will come in handy a horizontal. But such customers are units. Most often, the cheaper system ask people who do not understand what they can give blinds. And in fact they need them in the apartment. What to do with them?

· First of all, tell about all the benefits of blinds and rolled curtains.

С сказать Say that the interior of his apartment can not be treated ababy as - after all, the client does not choose furniture or household appliances only on the principle of the price, it is interested in appearance and reliability. We spend the best hours in the apartment and at work - most of your life. So why should we surround themselves with ugly things? Isn't it better to hang rolled curtains with a cloth instead of faded horizonts, which perfectly fit into the interior?

· If the client from the threshold speaks about the price, suggest it to postpone the price about the price of later - after he will look at the goods first, choose, will understand what he likes - and only then you will discuss the price.

· Clause a common sense of the client. Life has long taught everyone that the cheap and at the same time qualitative things in the world does not happen. After paying less, we inevitably donate something. Does this sacrifice make sense when we buy sunscreens systems?

Remember - even if first the client wanted "cheaper", but then he liked wooden blinds orIsolite, it will be very difficult for him to abandon their purchase in favor of the cheap "horizon". Such is human nature - if something liked something, we are already difficult to abandon it, even if the arguments of the mind talk about the opposite. Use this, and earn.

Remember - if all the clients would have worried only the price, there would be no Mercedes and Bently cars, Vertu phones, Gucci and Prada phones and ISOLITE systems - for reference, ISOTRA's Czech company has branches in 32 countries of the world!

Do not be afraid to sell expensive products. Proma supplies only high-quality components to Russia. This means that selling more expensive products, you do not deceive the client and do not fight his money - you help him acquire better and comfortable products. You help him orient him in an unfamiliar product for him and get a really high-quality product - in another place he would have "wipe" the "cheaply, which (as it turned out later) would light up long.

Remember - cheap components mean low quality, "manual work" from China, assembled on skinny Chinese knees components. Good, high-quality blinds from them will not work.

Some sales managers mistakenly believe that persuading customers to buy the cheapest systems - a simple aluminum horizontal or "line" - they help the customer to save money and thus provide him with a service. In fact, this service is a bear. First, these not possess rich features that Isolite has, rolled curtains or a tree. If the manager did not tell the client about all the peculiarities of various species and the benefits of more advanced systems, he introduced a client to delusion and deprived him of the possibility to acquire a high-quality and functional product. Secondly, components from which the simplest types are collected are not designed for long-term use, so long such blinds still will not last.

Sunscreen systems - not a product of essential necessary, this is the subject of the interior that the client does not buy for the last money. And offering him more expensive and perfect species, the manager provides him with a valuable service and helps him make his home, office, cafe or restaurant is more beautiful, more comfortable and more comfortable.

In addition, there is a well-known rule - if the client liked the product, he will talk about it 2-3 friends. If I did not like - ten. Sell \u200b\u200ba customer cheapest systems - a sure way to ensure that 10 potential buyers come to your salon.

Fear and Myths Sales Manager Blinds

1. "If the client hears a high price, it will immediately leave." High price or low - you can understand only comparing prices with other goods. The most expensive systems (without motors) will not be more expensive than 5,000 rubles. Compare - plastic window costs from 300 euros. Curtains on the window - from 6000 rubles. The cheapest sofa in IKEA - from 15.000. Kitchen - from 50.000. From the interior items, the blinds are one of the cheapest. The poor blinds do not buy - if a person decided to hang sunscreen systems, it will pay more than 300 rubles with pleasure - of course, if you correctly convince him.

2. "The client will call all competitors and find cheaper." If the client is not entirely healthy or is very stingy, he will do it. But since the sunscreen systems are cheap, it, as research shows, buy simply where closer - to the house or to work. For the sake of saving 100 rubles, the client will not go to the other end of the city.

Do not forget - the client does not understand how much sunscreen should cost. Now, if you were selling a mobile phone for 45,000 rubles, you would have to explain why this is so expensive. And the client's blinds have no opinion - use it.

All in the hands of the manager

Everyone wants to have a kitchen from a natural tree - it is prestigious, although expensive. So why in an effort to wooden kitchen, we must hang on a cheap window from aluminum? Proma has several customers who sell very well. According to them, they are very easy to sell them - customers in Russia know the price of a tree (every city dwellers dreams of living in a wooden house) and understand that a natural tree should cost expensive. Why do these sales managers better than you?

In general, our experience shows that sales quality depends on the qualification of the manager. "Proma" sells blinds across the country, so we know what we are talking about. And throughout the country, we see the same picture - even the most expensive sunscreen systems are well sold there, where managers are not afraid to sell them. In the smallest and (as it is considered) the poor cities there are companies in which managers sell expensive rolled fabrics and from principle do not work with cheap.

Any product has a buyer - only sometimes he does not know about it. The client can go to the salon with the thought of buying something cheaper only because he does not know about the existence of Isolite, rolled curtains or wooden blinds. And in your hands it is possible to tell him about it and change his own idea of \u200b\u200byour needs - the client from you must go satisfied, with a blank to order expensive, solid, prestigious and high-quality sunscreen systems. Millions of your colleagues throughout the country are successfully coped with this. Join.

Yours faithfully,

Svyatoslav Biryulin

Blinds is a functional device, smoothly regulating light stream and an employee to protect the room from direct sunlight. In addition, they are used to decorate recesses in the walls and niches, instead of doors in dressing rooms and open cabinets, as shirms and office partitions. The product is a system consisting of a plurality of connected plates (lamellae) located vertically or horizontally.

Modern blinds have the following characteristics: they are aesthetic, easy to operate, economical, durable, do not prevent the flow of fresh air flow, allow you to adjust the level of illumination of the room, are presented with a huge variety of structures, textures and materials, as well as very simple in care. Modern high-tech production provides any kind of blinds as high quality, reliability and comfort in use.

It is also worth noting the following outstanding tendency - today it becomes more and more popular with the aesthetic function of blinds, thanks to which they gradually turn from sunscreen systems to the decor element and are used both in office space and to decorate windows of residential rooms.

Potential sweels

Blinds are used, without exaggeration, everywhere:

  • in offices of commercial companies;
  • in institutions;
  • in trade enterprises;
  • in government agencies;
  • in schools and kindergartens;
  • in business centers;
  • in medical institutions;
  • in catering establishments;
  • in hotels;
  • in hairdressers and beauty salons;
  • in administrative buildings;
  • in industrial premises, etc.

Consumers of these products will be like enterprises, so I. private faces, acquire blinds for their homes, country cottages and country buildings, as well as building materials and home products (read a strong article), furniture factories.

With such a high demand for production, sales is not a serious problem. It is worth, however, it is worth noting that in this business there is a seasonality fact - with fairly stable sales during the year, in the summer, demand for blinds increases significantly.


Blinds are classified by their main characteristics:

  • in functional purpose - on sunscreen and roller blinds;
  • depending on the use of the application - on automobile and home (or office);
  • according to the method of opening / closing - on vertical and horizontal;
  • by the number of lamellas - with lamellas, solid and cellular;
  • according to the type of material used - on plastic, fabric, wooden, bamboo, metal, multifacturbation;
  • tissue blinds, depending on the opening method, are divided into rolled, cassette and blinds-plots;
  • by way of installation - with mounting to the ceiling, wall, windows.

Necessary equipment

Completion of the lion production line depends primarily on the type of product produced.

For example, vertical blinds will require very modest industrial areas (20 square meters. M) and investments measured by thousands of rubles - you will need a saw for metal, a tissue processing press and a sewing machine. The production of rolled curtains implies the presence of a workbench and saws for metal. Rolled curtains are collected in almost any room manually, and the cutting of the fabric can be ordered from its supplier.

More significant investments and availability of special equipment will require the production of horizontal blinds. For the manufacture of products, hand presss are needed for processing the bottom and upper rail, as well as a special machine - manual, semi-automatic or automatic.

Modern machines have the characteristics necessary for the effective production of high-quality products, and their range satisfies the needs of various capacity generations:

  • manual machines are intended for profiling, punch holes and cutting ribbons 16 and 25 mm;
  • semi-automatic automates the processes of cutting lamellae and punching holes in them, work with a ribbon of different widths - 16, 25, 35, 50 mm;
  • automatic machines cut ribbons, punch holes and then collect lamellas in "Lanenki".

Considering the production of horizontal blinds, it is worth noting that a particularly advantageous direction in this segment is the manufacture of PRIS blinds specifically designed for PVC windows. The main production equipment in this case is from the leading manufacturer of Magnum-Metal worth about $ 17,000. The minimum area necessary for the organization of such production is 50 square meters. m. More expensive machine tools are more expensive - semi-automatic M 450 - $ 24,000 and automatic M 4000 - $ 100,000.

Evaluation of investment costs

The launch of the production of horizontal blinds PRIS, based on the purchase of the machine M 600 / 4P ISOLITE, will require the following capital costs:

  • The cost of equipment (Machine M 600 / 4P Isolite) - 520 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of goods reserve - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 80 thousand rubles.

Total, for the implementation of this business idea, it is necessary ~ 0.8 million rubles of the initial investment.

Revenue and profitability

The average vacation price is 1 sq. M. Blinds PRIS - 1200 rubles per sq.m. Thus, when selling 100 sq. M. Blinds per month, revenue from the implementation of these products will be about 1.2 million rubles. The profitability of the business is high and approaches 80%. Under the conditions given conditions, the initial investments will pay off for a fairly short period - from several months to six months.

It is one of the promising modern business destinations. The production process is quite simple and does not require huge industrial premises and multimillion costs. The business idea will be interesting both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

Blinds are interconnected horizontal or vertical narrow plates designed to shaded the room and regulating the air flow. Blinds are made of aluminum, fabric, wood and plastic. To date, there is a tendency to use blinds not only for direct functional purpose, but also as an element of decor. The product successfully replaces classic curtains, wardrobe doors, plays the role of screen and office partition.

The folk recognition and the popularity of the blinds received due to durability, high quality, ease of use and care. The product does not require washing, sweeping, in the process of production of the plate is treated with an antistatic composition that protects its dust and the sun. Modern technologies allow plates of different colors and textures for every taste and color.

Production of blindsattracts entrepreneurs not only the simplicity of the process, but also a wide range of potential consumers. The product is purchased as individuals for houses and apartments and state and municipal institutions, commercial companies.

Where to begin

How to start the embodiment of a business idea to life? First you need to register with the tax authority if you start entrepreneurial activities from scratch.

Next, it is necessary to choose an office and production room. The simplicity of the process and small dimensions of the equipment allow it to be located in a small room, whether it is a garage, a rented warehouse or utility room of your own home. The rental price depends on your region, on average a small room of 50 square meters. M will cost you 40,000 rubles per month plus utility payments (approximately 6000). If your premises in your property, utility payments and property tax should be attributed to the cost.

The office can be directly in production, but it will be more efficient to rent a room closer to potential buyers. For the office you will be enough and 20 square meters. m, on which you need to place samples of products and organize a workplace of the employee. The office rental will cost you 25,000 rubles, its furnishings and technical equipment - more than 75,000 rubles.

Equipment and materials

Go to the equipment and materials. For vertical and horizontal blinds, different production lines are mounted, equipment for horizontal products requires large financial investments. Therefore, we recommend that you analyze the needs of the buyer in the form of a product and on the basis of data to start one of the lines - either horizontal or vertical.

To produce vertical blinds you will need:

Total will spend 82,500 rubles on the equipment. Production of this type involves the use of manual labor, you can find competent specialists or train your employees from scratch. At the initial stage, 3-4 people will be enough in the workshop.

For the production of horizontal blinds, manual, semi-automatic and automated equipment can be applied. Purchase of manual equipment at the beginning of work will be a cost-effective solution. To start production, it is necessary to install in the Manual Magnum Magnum Magnom Machine Machine Machine, with which they produce sought-after blinds for plastic PRIS windows. Total costs for equipment:

  • list of tools for vertical blinds - 82 500 rubles;
  • Magnum M 600 - 550,000 rubles;
  • transportation and installation - 50 000 rubles;

The total amount of the workshop costs will be 682,500 rubles. Note that the automaton according to the instructions should be mounted in a room of 50 and more square meters. m.

Suppliers, Advertising, Finance

After selecting the equipment, decide with suppliers of raw materials and consumables, analyze selected applicants and select the most reliable. The key point in the selection will be the location of the supplier. It is advisable to choose the supplier closer to the workshop, it reduces shipping costs and allows you to quickly fill out material reserves. At the start of the project, it does not make sense to recruit material about the supply, it will be enough to spend on raw materials 200 000 rubles.

And the final point is financial statements. The company where the money rotates should have an accountant. You do not need to take an accountant to the staff, you can do business yourself, contact specialized organizations or allow the accountant to work remotely. All financial calculations will be carried out through sales manager, and the accountant will be engaged directly reporting.

Now we calculate the total amount of financial investments:

  • for registration in the tax authority as an IP will spend 800 rubles when paying for state duty;
  • purchase of raw materials and equipment - 882 500 rubles;
  • office + Furnishing and technical equipment - 100,000;
  • shop - 46 000 rubles;
  • advertising - 7,000

Total 1 036 300 rubles you will need to start the production of horizontal and vertical products. At the starting costs, we do not have a salary of employees, since this amount you will need to pay a month after the discovery.

Further or not, ask you, seeing the final amount. Indicator profitabilitythis industry varies from 50 to 70% depending on the region. Averaged value of 1 square. M horizontal blinds PRIS is equal to 1300 rubles, selling 100 square meters. m per year, you get a revenue of 1,300,000 rubles. Under such conditions payback The project will be 10-12 months. But remember: technological production is not all, special attention should be paid to the mechanism of promotion and sales. Do not expect that after the opening you will immediately roll up with orders, for this you need to work hard. Be prepared for small seasonal fluctuations - according to statistics, the peak of sales of blinds falls on the spring-summer.

Production of blinds as a business does not require special permits and licenses. The industry is characterized by high competition, but the increasing needs of consumers make it possible to work successfully and earn a variety of manufacturing companies. The launch of any production is risk, but this risk is minimized if you have conducted a full analysis of the market, developed a business plan and picked up competent employees.

Its imposed on the creation of fashionable interiors was made at one time developers of blinds.

The new window curtain immediately entered the discharge of comfortable and beautiful home decorations thanks to practicality and a small price. Unlike fabric curtains, blinds are unpretentious in care and cleaning, which makes them indispensable in office space, under conditions of polluted air and interiors of dacha real estate.

The species diversity and durability of use suggest further successful promotion of this product in the construction market and in interior designers. Stylish interior business with a further prospect of development, not limited in the choice of basic material and production areas. In addition, it is not necessary to make additional permits and licenses.

The listed positive aspects contribute to the organization of this type of activity. So, deciding to open the enterprise for the manufacture of blinds, a paramount task for you will be the search for a suitable area of \u200b\u200bthe production room, as well as the site for the sale of finished products. The best place for your business is pavilions near construction and furniture stores. On, it would seem auxiliary, in this case, the service of the neighborhood can constantly extract profits and attract new customers.

Think out a list of future ingredients, paying attention to the abundance of the difference in models and materials. Blinds are managed to produce from special tissues and plastic, light wooden and metal plates, mixed twisted sheets and other interesting materials. Blinds are collapsed into rolls and folded by the harmonic, there are vertical and horizontal.

The main criterion for the selection of buyers is considered to be the observance of environmental parameters and long practical use without loss of the commercial type. Such qualities mostly possess, for example, bamboo and aluminum blinds. They are beautiful and give a special flavor to any interior. Beautiful in stylized restaurant halls and suburban villas.

Successful business will always provide the right to choose, and fashion trends are constantly changing. The proposed range must be adjusted for customers of all categories of buying demand and opportunities. From the simplest and cheapest options to exclusive, piece and expensive products.

Again, you also have the right to choose - to be a manufacturer of blinds or an intermediary from a major monopolist, and engaged only by sales of its goods. Dealer services are well paid, the working personnel on the installation of the blinds is undergoing qualified training and has an additional income in the form of a percentage and premiums, in addition, it may later be separated and organized.

Of the necessary, in any case, equipment, you will have to purchase sewing machines and mini machines for the processing of wooden and metal parts. At the opening of the dealer branch, as a simpler and frequently used business option, the initial costs will amount to forty to one hundred thousand dollars, with a minimum of twenty thousand dollars. The combination of investments and small energy intensity satisfy the most refined demand and purchasing power. The ability to adapt to modes and sales resources.

But, having organized the production of blinds from scratch, the owner of the production itself can become a fashion legislator and offer its developments in the use of new materials and design sizes. The scale of the project is increasing the cost, financial side of the organization. Rent of the production area, the cost of more specific equipment, a set of additional staff and constant purchasing components and related production parts, calculations with fire services and electricity payments.

True, the equipment independently, independent equipment with limited human resources (for one or two jobs) and a nominal value from five (maximum eight) thousand dollars. It is possible to reduce the cost of production by purchasing a used in use of good equipment from companies specializing in the acquisition and repair of old property. It all depends on the desired production volumes and capital investments. An essential fee is wages and the number of personnel of your company.

This blind business is possible to open the investment package at eight or ten thousand dollars, this is in the amount of two hundred and three hundred thousand rubles, with the intended profitability of thirty to eighty thousand rubles. How dynamically developing, business competitive. Decision of consumers is unlimited and requires a creative approach to both the proposal of the market and to advertise the goods itself.

Use all advertising tools. Book in typography booklets and advertising sheets. Spread them everywhere, preferring furniture salons, interior shops and window workshops. Give the colorful ad in local printing and create a website on the Internet. Describe your goods, advantages over competitors and offer free courier departure with samples.

Try to get a corporate client who can appreciate your designer efforts and the quality of the products offered. All sorts of seasonal discounts and festive promotions will attract customers and advertise your services. An excellent marketing move will be the provision of free services for the installation of ordered blinds of a socially unprotected and low-income category of citizens.

In the spirit of the time of permanent service. Include service services for repair and cleaning blinds from especially expensive and scrupulous materials. Release the accumulative discount cards and try trading in installments. To the fact that the most likely to the buyer will bring you an extra income and make the main emphasis in the future.

All previously organized companies for the manufacture and / or sale of blinds on their experience clearly proved the profitability of a business idea with payback during the year with various starting capital investments. In fairness, it is worth noting that almost all of them offered the services of a complete interior solution in the form of a stylistically despicable version with decoration of walls, ceilings and furniture decorations.

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