Business idea examination of houses in thermal imager. Business at the examination of houses in the thermal imager how the thermal imager works and how much it costs

Accounting and taxes 21.04.2021
Accounting and taxes

In mid-September, when it's cold on the street, and there is still no heating, the problem of preserving heat in the premises is relevant more than ever. In addition to the absence of an external heating source, an existing internal heat is dried from the house. This happens because of drafts, penetration of moisture, leaks, failures in electrical systems, etc. It is clear that it is extremely uncomfortable to live in a cold and wet room and, besides, harmful to health. So why don't you make money on the need for warmer?

The inspection of premises by thermal imager is a fairly young business type in Russia. This activity is based on the scientific method of heat-riding. Its essence is the possibility by measuring infrared radiation to see the places that pass heat. Thanks to the procedure of thermalism analysis, you can get a special card - the report.

How to start?

Initially, it is necessary to purchase a special technique: the thermal imager itself, the equipment for the injection of heat (autumn-spring period) and mobile air conditioners (summer season). This, as they say, only the basic package. If you start a serious business and plan to offer high-quality surveys services, the range of instruments is significantly expanding. Microprocessor thermal flow density meter, infrared and contact thermometers, anemometers, humidity meters, etc. - All this will be needed to you if you decide to expand and engage in heatmanalysis not only within apartments, but also in production, in office premises.

The cost of this or that equipment will depend on its size, power and functions. The thermal imager today can be purchased both for 27 and for 200 thousand rubles. The same applies to mobile air conditioners whose price starts from 7 thousand.

What to offer?

Clients are not interested in the complex names of the electrical appliances and the principles of their work. For them, the main thing is the result. So, the examination of the thermal imager will help:

  • Save on heating and energy consumption;
  • Eliminate humidity;
  • Reduce repair costs.

Seasonality - myth or reality?

It is necessary to argue that the inspection of the thermal imager is required only during the cold season - the deepest misconception. The thermal imager examines the correctness of the work of various kinds of internal systems, including cooling (air conditioners in apartments and offices, refrigeration equipment in production). Moreover, it is impossible to deny the need for warmer and summer. A simple example of this is the bath. Few people know that the breakdown time and the conservation of heat in it directly depends on the efficiency.

For most people, thermal imager, this is the device who uses military or police. But in Europe, he found another use. It turns out with the help of a thermal imager, you can create a thermal card at home, which will eliminate heat leakage. As a result, a significant saving of resources is achieved.

High-quality thermal imagers can be purchased at Having a device that allows you to see the temperature, you can provide services to the population for examination of houses.

Where to begin

Any type of activity should be done legitimate. To do this, contact the relevant authorities and register.

To start performing work, you need to have equipment:

  • the thermal imager, with which the building is examined;
  • mobile air conditioning.

In order to be able to properly draw up the results of the survey, you will need to undergo special training. On the Internet you can find training seminars on this subject.

Before starting work, it is necessary to create a temperature difference of about 15-20 degrees. In winter, the examination is conducted with the included heating systems. In the summer, the temperature of the room must be reduced, air conditioners are used for this.

Only after reaching the working difference, you can proceed to the examination of the house, at the end of which the thermal map is compiled at home. It is a two-dimensional color image on which the sections where heat leakage occurs.

When you may need a survey

Recently, the issue of thermal insulation of residential buildings is becoming increasingly relevant in order to reduce heating costs. A compiled heat card and a detailed report will eliminate leaks, and make thermal insulation better.

Not only residential buildings, but also industrial facilities, and other buildings may be examined using thermal imagers. Large enterprises may need a survey of ventilation systems or wiring.

The survey of the thermal imager can help avoid building mistakes during the construction of a new building. Responsible developers who value their reputation conduct such surveys after the construction of the walls. At this stage, the elimination of construction defects will be less costly in time and means.

Thermal imager - answer to the question: where do you lose heat!?

In European countries, the services of household houses have long ago.

This method of the object examination implies the measurement of infrared radiation that it emits.

The obtained data can be seen visually on the display of a special device - thermal imager.

Such information is used to detect heat leakage sites in various buildings.

Where to start a business on examining houses in thermal imager

The scope of the technology of examining houses in the thermal imager is quite extensive and generates several business ideas.

With the help of a thermal imager, you can examine not only private houses, but also commercial objects.

The client who ordered a similar service receives a specially prepared study card with the indication of those zones in which heat leakage occurs.

This information allows for effective measures aimed at improving the thermal insulation of the building.

This, in turn, reduces heating costs.

There are other advantages with such technology.

The information obtained using this method allows to eliminate the problem of drafts, as well as reveal the problem areas in the bathroom with warm floors.

The heat dissipation is widely used on industrial facilities for researching ventilation systems, wiring, etc.

How to organize a business on examining houses in thermal imager

An enterprising person who learns to use such a device as a thermal imager and will be able to competently interpret its testimony, will be able to earn good money.

Fortunately, today everyone can master the use of this innovative technology.

To do this, it is enough to engage in self-study and watch video lessons on the Internet.

Plank entry into business for the provision of heat transfer services is low. For stratum, 200 thousand rubles will be enough.

Most of these funds will go for the purchase of the newest model of the thermal imager.

It is not worth saving on the purchase of equipment, because the reliability of the results of the conducted studies depends on it.

Some part of the funds (about 10-20 thousand rubles) will need to be inserted into advertising.

How much can you earn a heat out

What profit can count the businessman to decide to do a similar area of \u200b\u200bactivity:

The cost of services for the inspection of buildings with the help of a thermal imager depends on the region and from the area of \u200b\u200bthe object under study.

In major cities, the price level is quite high.

For the survey of the house with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 50 square meters take approximately 7-8 thousand rubles.

Departure of a specialist, as well as the compilation of a detailed research card is paid separately.

Thus, the execution of one order can bring the income about 9-10 thousand rubles.

To recoup the starting investment, the entrepreneur will need to serve 20 customers. This can be done in just a month of productive work.

How much can earn money

The average cost of the survey of the house by the thermal imager, for example, in Moscow is 7,500 rubles. In addition, for the departure of the Master will have to pay another 1000 rubles. The same amount will be required to obtain a full report with photos. It turns out a complete survey of the house, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich up to 50 square meters will cost 9500 rubles. If you serve 20 customers during the month, 190 thousand rubles will be released.

How much money is needed for starting business

For the start of the business, not less than 210 thousand rubles will be required. The main cost will be the acquisition of the device itself, the average cost of 160,000 rubles, and the remaining cash will have to spend on the advertising company.

How to choose equipment

The main equipment that will be required to examine the house to establish heat loss is a thermal imager. It includes a special heat chamber, which digitifies the data obtained. To work in the autumn-fishery season, a heat injection device will be required, and in the summer period of time, air conditioning.

What OKVED must specify for examination of houses in thermal imager

When registering, specify code 74.30.9, which according to OKVED includes other activities related to technical control, testing and analysis.

What documents are needed to open

The optimal option for this line of activity will be the registration as an individual entrepreneur. Here it is necessary to provide the minimum package of documents. In addition, the registration period does not exceed 5 days.

What taxation system to choose to examine houses a thermal imager

When choosing a system on which taxes will be paid to stop on simplified. It offers two options to choose from their payment. It is best to choose 6% of the income received.

Do I need permission to open

To conduct a survey of houses for heat loss, it will be necessary to undergo certification and obtain the relevant document. Certification holds Rostekhnadzor according to PB 03-440-02

Business technology

Customer attraction is a key point for this detail direction. In this regard, it is not necessary to save on the holding of an advertising company. It will be necessary to advertise in the media, to put out leaflets with a description and cost of providing this service. The Internet is one way to declare yourself a huge number of potential customers.

Newbie in business on the services of thermal imager

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