Alex Fitness Franchise Conditions. Conditions, Requirements and Cost Fitness Club Franchises

Codes of the Russian Federation 21.04.2021
Codes of the Russian Federation

A healthy lifestyle acquires greater popularity every year. A person who follows these principles will soon feel like others. It becomes stronger, slimmer, rushing, is less ill. The condition necessary for this is regular training, but few people can study at home.

There are niches that remain highly sought after, especially for small cities. Services offered by demand regardless of the crisis.

RBC analysts argue that a fitness-related business guarantees stability and profit. This is due to the lack of high-quality fitness services in the provincial cities of high-quality fitness services, insignificant diversification and misunderstanding of the values \u200b\u200bof "inexpensive" and "elite" fitness club.

The fitness industry continues to grow and forecasts in 2017 will reach 25.9 billion, so now the most appropriate time to join this business area. Cooperation on the terms of the franchise offers numerous work formats:

  • fitness centers intended for women;
  • fitness clubs "At the house";
  • with solarium, swimming pool, massage center;
  • gYM's;
  • fitness "For Lazy"
  • premium clubs;
  • "Technological" fitness.

How to open your fitness club from scratch and make a competent business plan - read

In the economical conditions created, the cost of launching a new club has increased, so to open a fitness club from scratch risky: strategic miscalculations are able to lead to failure. By purchasing a franchise of a network brand, a person gets the necessary experience, which reduces risks to a minimum.

Fitness centers in Russia from January 2016, voluntarily begun to introduce equipment requirements with special equipment and equipment, personnel qualifications, environmental friendliness and services offered by them. Therefore, when compared, it is necessary to take into account the formats, and not the size of the paustal contribution, alleged investments and payback period.

First it is recommended to determine the audience with which you have to work. For customers with great financial opportunities, the pool, spa, spacious premises is suitable. The average budget segment involves restricting a set of services and a smaller area.

In Russia, in recent years, the direction "Fitness for women" has been developing. More often the expansion of networks occurs in franchise, uses clients with success.

Women attracts the opportunity to train in women's society and do not shy the presence of men.

Fitness club franchise GOLDS GYM: Cost and Conditions for Cooperation

It is a network of sports clubs, in Russia Gold'sgym opened in 1996 in Moscow, now there are 6 such clubs in various cities. It became a recognizable world brand, among the 50 America brands. Mission: With the help of fitness, help people implement internal potential.

Franchise cost

  • the volume of investments is determined individually;
  • royalties - individually;
  • investments from 50 million rubles;
  • return of investments for up to 5 years.

Requirements for franchisee

  • room from 800 m2 with a ceiling height of 4 m or higher;
  • available parking;
  • good location.

Advantages of work on the franchise Goldsgym

GOLD'SGYM provides:

  • professional support;
  • receptions and methods of a special program.

Franchise Alex Fitness

Giving sports and health services to lovers of a healthy lifestyle, in Russia 20 such clubs.

  • there is no paustal contribution and royalties;
  • investments from 20 million;
  • profitability of 30%;
  • payback after 1.5 years.

Benefits of cooperation with AlexFitness

  • right to use a trademark;
  • work technology;
  • financial plan;
  • designer project;
  • special conditions for the purchase of equipment;
  • support for any issues;
  • website;
  • marketing support;
  • conducting trainings and certification of employees;
  • audit.

On the conditions and cost of cooperation with the popular culcency brand for franchise, you can read

Frankdis Fitness Clubs "Chalno"

The Russian network of fitness clubs intended exclusively for women. Work from 2010, franchising was launched in the same year. A specially developed training system is offered, using all groups of muscles for a half-hour occupation.

Cost, Terms of Cooperation

  • initial investments in the range of 300 thousand rubles;
  • this Royalty 15 thousand for Moscow, 10 thousand for regions.

Possible 2 forms of creating a fitness club:

  • main: Area from 200 m2, attachments up to 2.5 mn. rub., Payback of 1.8 years;
  • extended: The area of \u200b\u200b300 m2, investments from 4 million rubles, the payback time is not established, the package of 500 thousand rubles, royalty 5% from gross income monthly (at least 20 thousand rubles).

Advantages of franchise

  • the package includes brand and special simulators;
  • training owner, 2 administrators, 4 instructors;
  • recommendations on the organization of the work of the fitness club;
  • layout with efficient use of space;
  • brand;
  • marketing plan;
  • web site;
  • ERP system;
  • it is allowed to put in a schedule except training for the system chalk and others.

Fitteervs Fitness Club Franchise: Cost and Benefits

The international company was founded in 1992, in its composition of 240 enterprises. Mission: Helping women to become healthy and happy. This network offers interval training for 30 minutes, using a patented autotraining system.

Cost, Terms of Cooperation

  • franchisees should first become a member of one of the Fitcurves clubs (to choose from);
  • package cost 600 thousand rubles;
  • investments 3,500 thousand rubles;
  • royalties 395 dollars.

How much is the franchise of the popular Starbax brand, you can find out

Requirements for franchisee

  • the club owner is obliged to manage them;
  • area from 200 m2;
  • placement of a square or rectangular shape (the possibility of demolishing partitions is considered if they are available to impart the necessary form);
  • the number of at least 30 thousand people living within a radius of 3 km from the club.

Advantages of Franchise Cooperation

  • global brand;
  • obtaining full opening guide;
  • marketing tools;
  • training materials on the use of a business system;
  • materials of coercive customers;
  • free Call Center;
  • form style.

The need for domestic economy class in fitness services remains satisfied by only 40%. The partnership with the fame and has managed to establish itself a brand will be the right choice for the entrepreneur.

On how to open your fitness club on a franchise from X-FIT, you can find out in this video:

Interest in fitness services in Russia shows steady growth. According to the Association of Fitness Professionals, the growth rates of the Russian market are about 20% per year! Thanks to the ever-increasing interest in this segment, the Fitness Club franchise is becoming more interesting entrepreneurs.
As international experience shows, franchising can become an effective tool for the development of the sphere of fitness services. In Russia, the choice of fitness franchises is still modest, since the market is relatively young, but the potential for development in the Russian fitness is huge.

A bit of history

The first fitness club in Russia - WORLD Class - opened in 1993. At first, the fitness was perceived as another opportunity to confirm his status, success and good financial position. It is not surprising that the first clubs opened under the Franchise (Gold's Gym, World Class, X-Fit) scheme belonged to the category "Premium". Gradually, the attitude to fitness began to change. Increased in a healthy lifestyle, and fitness began to be perceived as an effective tool to maintain a good form. The first democratic networks appeared ("Planet Fitness", City Fitness, "Fizkult"), some players began to work in parallel and in the premium, and in the average price segment (X-FIT, "Praught by Partner", "Russian Fitness Group"). Such clubs have already offered a wide selection of fitness services at affordable prices, and then less expensive franchises (although the opening of the Fitness Club on the franchise still requires considerable investments).

The first of the Russian players their franchise began to offer World Class (in 1999), and by 2006, a steady demand for the second-hand franchises were formed. It was then that a democratic franchise of the fitness club from the Network "Fizkult" came on sale.

Many Russian fitness operators came to franchise at the beginning of 2000, exactly then the franchises of the "Planet Fitness", X-Fit and others appeared. Today, the demand for fitness clubs of the economy format is actively growing, but there are practically no such proposals on the Russian market. The only exception is the franchise of the fitness club from the Sportlend network, the "Fitness Planets" network (the company operates in two price segments - average and democratic), as well as a new Fitstudio franchise from X-Fit groups.

Video on the topic:

Franksis Fitness Club: Franchise today

At the same time, in Russia, franchise Fitness Club is still presented only two types: a classic fitness club and female fitness. In the franchising market for women's fitness clubs, the leaders are "Tonus Club", Slimclub, Curves and "Shuttling Fitness", and new players are constantly on the market. Women's clubs, as a rule, operate in economy segment and are presented for the most part in the regions where most of them have started their development.

The largest networks of classic fitness clubs opened and expanded their presence first in Moscow and only then went to the regional market. The Franchise of the Classic Fitness Club in Russia offers networks like X-Fit and Fitstudio (X-Fit Group), World Class and Fizkult (Russian Fitness Group), Planet Fitness, Orange Fitness and City Fitness ("Praught by Partner ")," Sportland ", as well as international franchisors GOLD's GYM and WORLD GYM.

You may come in handy

Requirements from franchisors

The first requirement that franchisors are presented to those who are interested in franchise Fitness Club, is a sufficient area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. Only then the partner's readiness is discussed to invest the necessary amount of funds in the opening of a full-fledged and full-length fitness club. Such a sequence of the requirements put forward by the franchiser is quite explained: the greater the club area and the higher its status, the more investment will be required. On the other hand, the higher the class of the club, the greater area it should occupy.

The chase of the "status" led to the fact that there are practically no franchises for clubs with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 1000 square meters on the Russian market of classical fitness. m., although the franchise of a small full-fledged fitness club, of course, would be in demand by the Russian franchisees: it is easier to start with a small room, it requires less investment and faster pays off.

The only Russian company, which appreciated the prospects and attractiveness of the sale of small-format franchises, is an X-FIT of groups. Successfully departing to the market 33 full-length X-Fit club (own and franchised), the company has developed a new franchise concept - economy fitness clubs Fitstudio area from 200 square meters. The m. Fitstudio is "little informity" - the entry into this network does not need to pay contributions, there is no royalty that is uncharacteristic for the Russian fitness franchising market. Why is one of the key players of the market to offer a popular franchise on such preferential terms - after all, a small format would use in demand and in the event of a collection of the paustal contribution and royalties? According to the President of X-Fit Group George Letunov, FitStudio Franchise will allow the company to achieve one of its main goals as soon as possible - to build the largest network of democratic fitness centers on the basis of already existing third-party clubs with the help of X-FIT resources. At the same time, the main sources of income from FitStudio franchise for X-FIT groups will be additional training programs for the franchisee.

Program promotion

In the global market for fitness services, such an edge for the extension of the network is a generally accepted practice.
"In Russia, all of our franchise clubs were open" from scratch ", although in international practice, the rebanging of already existing clubs is carried out quite often," the Nadezhda Efimova confirms, the administrator of the Gold's GYM Development Department.

The World Gym's fitness clubs also makes a big focus on joining its brand already existing clubs, considering this direction by one of the most promising. The volume of investments required for rebending is calculated individually and depends on what state is the club before the start of transformations. The paustal contribution and royalties with rebending is usually less than when buying a classic franchise.

An important characteristic of the franchise is also a package of services (training, support, etc.) offered to the partner. Most Russian fitness franchisusers have about the same and limited to the development of the concept of a club and fitness programs, a brand beech, the provision of educational materials, personnel training and marketing support.

Meanwhile, according to Vice President for the Development of the Russian Fitness Group, Dmitry Korobeikina, Franchising in the field of fitness services - one of the most complex types of franchising, as it is a franchise of business processes:

"The fitness club provides a set of diverse services for customers, so it is very important to exercise a qualitative program of support for the franchisee, which could provide customer clients with a high level of service and a full range of fitness services inherent in its own franchisor clubs."

In the "Russian fitness group" in the formation of a franchisee support program based on international experience, adapting it to Russian realities.

But in Gold's GYM, it is believed that international standards can work in any country, but the specificity of the country should also be considered.

"We apply the same programs for promoting our franchise in Russia as in the USA. All support programs for our franchisees we also get from America. In Russia, we will translate them and apply them in accordance with Russian reality. In all countries where Gold's GYM develops on franchise, we follow our international standards, "says Nadezhda Efimova.

Franchising as a basis

However, the Russian network of fitness clubs, unlike the same American fitness operators, until they consider franchising as the main way to develop the network. All domestic networks of franchise points are less than their own: 43% of clubs are developing on the Russian fitness group, 43% of clubs are developing, in X-Fit - 30%, and the "Fitness Planet" - 28%. For comparison: among the largest networks of American fitness clubs, the share of own enterprises in the total number of fitness clubs is extremely small: 3% - from Snap Fitness, 0.5% Anytime Fitness and 4% - at Planet Fitness, 13% - GOLD'S Gym, A World GYM is generally developing only on franchise.

Obviously, therefore Russian fitness clubs are not particularly and trying to draw attention to their franchises: the conditions and parameters of a package can be found only by contacting the franchise manager, which is often not so easy to find, and any useful information about Franchise is almost impossible to get a franchise on the site. A pleasant exception can be considered perhaps the X-Fit Group and the Russian Fitness Group, as well as the Gold's GYM and World Gym network.

Franchise Fitness Club and its prospects in Russia are estimated differently by the franchisors themselves. Dmitry Korobekin sees a huge potential for development in a business segment, and X-FIT groups are currently focused on the development of clubs as a business class, and a democratic format. According to the development of the fitness market, following the growth of consumer from millet on inexpensive fitness -Services will increase the demand for franchisee fitness clubs category "Economy". This trend will ask the course of the development of the entire domestic fitness and franchise, so the prospect of the appearance of democratic fitness franchises in this market seems quite real.

Leader experience

If the popular American fitness clubs will come to the Russian market, it happens not soon years after 10-15. Today's Russian fitness market is very dense, there are its well-known brands, therefore there are doubts that international fitness giants will be as successful here as in the United States. In addition, the conditions for development here are not so favorable, as in Europe or Asia, where the American networks are aimed primarily. There it is much easier to open.
Nevertheless, it is precisely US networks are world leaders of the fitness industry, and if they massively enter the Russian market, they will conquer it according to the franchise scheme.

The concept of "fitness franchise" in the United States is very wide: it is the franchises of classic fitness clubs with a gym, group classes and a swimming pool (Gold's Gym, World Gym), and women's fitness clubs (Curves, Contours Express), and children's fitness Centers (The Little Gym, My Gym). There are also very unusual proposals that correspond to the latest trends of American fitness: for example, Fitness Club Franchise, offering a comprehensive development of a training program and nutrition (Elements Diet and Fitness, Slim & Fit), a franchise of the world in the world of the Studio of the automated personal training - Coco Fit Club or, for example , franchise of the dance fitness studio Jazzercise. Also in the United States very popular franchises of inexpensive fitness clubs offering their consumers a limited set of services at an attractive price on any day and at any time - they work in 24 hours or 7 days a week (Anytime Fitness, Snap Fitness, Planet Fitness).

In America, a franchise is mainly offered projects for democratic clubs with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 1000 square meters. m. There are, of course, the franchises are much greater formats (for example, to open the popular Retro Fitness club, it is necessary to premire an area of \u200b\u200b3000 sq. M.) However, first of all, the franchise develops small fitness clubs.

Fitness available for all

For this money, you can, for example, join the most popular American fitness networks Anytime Fitness and Snap Fitness. And in order to open the club of the world's most famous Women's Fitness Network or Children's Fitness Club, and $ 30-100 thousand, and the American franchisors provide partners than Russian companies with their franchisees. For example, none of the Russian companies, with the exception of the "Russian fitness group" and X-Fit groups, does not conduct special fitness conventions for their franchisees. The American Fitness Market Experts believe that such conventions are one of the most effective ways to exchange experiences and rapprochement of franchisers with franchisees, which is extremely important for business developing on franchising.

Much more efficiently than in Russia, a franchise payments system are also built. In American Fitness Franchises, royalties are presented either in the form of small fixed payments ($ 395-500), or as a percentage of sales (as a rule, from 3% to 6% of the turnover). Interest payments guarantee a franchiseer higher payments, and low fixed royalties contribute to attracting new franchisees - and therefore more active network development.

From the fashion gradually increasing life: permanent nightdowns with liters of alcohol, eating fast food and dancing in nightclubs. From now on, a healthy lifestyle is popular, maintaining its shape and regular training. That is why today the franchises of fitness clubs are relevant.

Advantages of the opening of the Fitness Club on Franchise

  • Opportunity to work under a sign famous brandwho trust people around the world.
  • Loans The opening of the business becomes more accessible.
  • Always high client flow. Even in difficult economic times, people need to support the figure.
  • Management of companies at all stages helps Franchisees solve any questionswho relate to the business.
  • The entrepreneur and his employees will pass regular free training and courses to improve the qualifications. In addition, informative webinars will be available.
  • Businessman gets ready Working and all marketing and promotional materials.
  • Fitness clubs on franchises bring monthly high profits.

How to open a fitness club from zero by franchise: start nuances

When an entrepreneur chooses a franchise, first of all he looks at the cost and reputation of the brand. Franchising in the field of fitness is no exception.

It would seem that there are many proposals in the Russian market that are not required to invest more than 10,000 dollars. But with a detailed study, an understanding comes that the benefits of such a business are at a minimum. Therefore, it is recommended to select a franchise of a higher class.

In addition, other, no less important points must be taken into account:

  • square of the room. World practice shows that it should be from 800 square meters. The hall must be opened in places near the large cluster of people;
  • the need is permissive documentation For the opening of the club;
  • required equipment.

Five of the best franchises of fitness centers

Franchise WORLD Class.

World Class is an international network of elite fitness clubs operating on the market for over 15 years. Today, the total number of engaged in 110,000 people.

All club zones are characterized by comfort and functionality. A 50 training programs have been developed that have entertained their high efficiency.

Franchise offers not only modern simulators, but also the latest money marketing and IT technologies that help build a good body. In addition, the coaching composition describes in detail the diet for each client.

Requirements to franchisees:

  • compliance with the goals and objectives of the company, the desire to carefully work under a well-known brand;
  • availability of necessary investments;
  • having a room that meets the quality standards of the company.

Responsibilities franchiser:

  • provide entrepreneur required equipment;
  • help solve emerging problems;
  • teach new staff and conduct trainings for experienced employees;
  • provide timely developed technologies;
  • to issue a detailed business plan to entrepreneurs, if necessary, immediately clarify the necessary details.

Costfitness club franchises:

  • royalties - 4% several times in the year;
  • marketing and advertising fees - 5%;
  • payback time - up to 5 years;
  • investment deposits - 30 000 000 r.;

Franchise Alex Fitness

Alex Fitness provides visitors with wellness and sports services. They are available to anyone who supports a healthy lifestyle.

The company makes it possible to open a fitness center even in a small town. The franchisee is issued a package of necessary modern tools, thanks to which you can quickly develop the gym in your region.

All clubs are comfortable and modern, with the implemented own technologies and "know-how".

The main task of Alex Fitness is to attract each person to training, regardless of its status and wallet.

Requirements for franchisee:

  • he must have the necessary monetary reserves and options for the premises;
  • be prepared for fruitful cooperation;
  • knowing perfectly to fitness scope;
  • observe corporate ethics.

The franchisor undertakes:

  • provide a detailed financial development plan;
  • describe the technology of work;
  • give the opportunity to enjoy a trademark;
  • conduct marketing and advertising support, as well as trainings for staff;
  • assist in solving any questions.

Financial indicators:

  • royalties - no;
  • marketing and promotional fees are missing;
  • the payback time of the franchise Alex Fitness is from 1.5 years;
  • entrance fees are not provided;
  • investment deposits - 20,000 000 r.;
  • profit every month - 800 000 r.

Franchise Club Zebra Fitness

The network of Fitness Premium Class Fitness Clubs is widely known in Russia. However, today the services for the opening of their institutions within franchising it does not provide. At the same time, the quality of service from such a decision did not deteriorate. The company provides visitors the services of the gym. SPA procedures, Turkish bath and Finnish sauna are available on the club card. For lovers of martial arts provided boxing and hand-to-hand fight.

GOLD's GYM Fitness Club Franchise

Gold's Gym is considered today the largest network of gyms operating since 1965. In total, the world has more than 700 fitness centers. In Russia, it has been working since 1999.

Franchisees are provided with full marketing and promotional support, as well as high-quality trainings for the training of entrepreneurs. In addition, the company's management regularly conducts webinars.

Requirements are presented to the franchise:

  • premises of 1,500 square meters. m, the free layout is desirable;
  • the desire to become part of one of the most successful global networks;
  • the entrepreneur must be self-organized, enterprising, own the skills of managing people.

The franchisor undertakes:

Financial and other indicators:

  • royalties - calculated individually;
  • payback time - from 3 to 5 years;
  • entrance fees - 50,000 dollars;
  • investment deposits - from 1,300 dollars per square meter;
  • profit every month - calculated individually.

Fit Studio Fitness Club Offer

In Russia, Fit Studio is considered the largest network of gyms and fitness clubs. Training are characterized by safety and efficiency, prices are available to everyone. All customers provide for a personal approach.

The franchisee will have a personal page on the main portal of the company. Assistance in finding premises and business development is guaranteed. Fit Studio regularly conducts events for entrepreneurs aimed at high-quality training and promoting new ways to train.

Requirements for the buyer Franchise:

  • there must be free cash in the required amount;
  • it is necessary to take all goals and objectives of the company, to comply with its standards;
  • readiness to quickly cope with any arising difficulties;
  • the desire to build partnerships for a long period.

Responsibilities franchisor:

  • provide the full right to use it by the brand;
  • place on your portal information about the entrepreneur hall;
  • notify about events aimed at maintaining the image of Fit Studio;
  • minimize advertising and marketing costs;
  • note the necessary development materials and a detailed business plan.

How much is it worth opening a fitness club from scratch? Financial and other indicators:

  • royalties - 100 rubles per square meter;
  • marketing and promotional fees - by a special scheme;
  • payback time - from 12 months;
  • entrance fees - from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • investment deposits - from 5,000,000 to 25,000,000 rubles;
  • profit every month - individual calculation.

How to start a successful business in the provision of manicure services? The answer is in our.

Useful ideas for those who want to work without leaving home:

How to choose a Fitness Club Franchise: Several Soviets

  • First, it is an expensive enterprise. Therefore, to open a fitness club from scratch, the cost of possible options must be learned and choose a suitable offer.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to analyze and choose a company for further cooperation. Be sure to explore how workouts pass, and which techniques use trainers.
  • Thirdly, in the franchise package, there must be services for helping the choice of premises.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. If a person adheres to his basic principles, it becomes slimmer, stronger, rushing and flexible. In addition, everyone understands that it makes it less likely to hurt and live longer.

One of the inalienable parts of this approach are regular training. At the same time, most people do not have the opportunity or the wills of the will to do at home on their own. It is these factors that guarantee the fitness clubs a stable stream of customers.

A fitness club is a fairly difficult enterprise in terms of the organization. First, it is necessary to find a successful location for it in order to attract customers under the condition of a low rental rate or purchase cost. Secondly, it is necessary to clearly understand the approximate contingent of customers who will visit the hall, and build a policy regarding him.

In addition, this area is highly competitive. As a result, a potential consumer has a large number of options for choice. Accordingly, companies have to look for new ways to attract and spend a large amount of funds for improvement and advertising. Profit because of this seriously decreases.

That is why franchising is a profitable option for consolidation in this field of business. So, it guarantees the following advantages:

  • The ability to use the franchise company brand - this will allow you to quickly attract customers with minimal costs;
  • Assistance in choosing, buying and installing equipment in the gym;
  • Support at all stages of business organization;
  • Simplifying the procedures for obtaining permits and necessary documents;
  • Help in finding a suitable location;
  • Providing certified programs for group training;
  • Availability of partners from well-known industry networks, which guarantees discounts on the purchase of both equipment and related goods that can be implemented in the club (from sports nutrition to water);
  • A clear definition of the target audience and delimitation of it by groups in order to increase loyalty and the level of profit from each client.

Description and conditions of the most popular options

World Class.

To date, the company has launched more than 300 establishments in various regions since 1999.

It provides the following features for the franchisee:

  • Training - first of all it concerns the hired personnel (from coaches to administrators). This will improve the efficiency of their work and increase sales.
  • The provision of modern technologies and developments of the company is related both to the fitness industry and corporate information systems, marketing and customer service.
  • The company also provides services for drawing up a detailed and subsequent financial consulting at all stages of the organization and business.
  • This franchisor provides support in terms of construction and engineering and architectural solutions.
  • Finally, World Class helps franchisee to establish pricing policies and provides promotional support.

The amount of investment will be from 30 million rubles. It varies depending on the region and other factors.

For more information on this network and one of the clubs, you can learn from the following video:

Another popular company that refers to a democratic price segment (in contrast to the previous network). For the package and franchisee gets the opportunity to get:

  • individually designed detailed financial plan;
  • work technology;
  • help in managing staff;
  • architectural project of the room under the club.

In addition, the company will monitor the quality of the work of the franchisee, regularly conduct an audit, as well as organize trainings for employees. Since the ALEX FITNESS network is successfully developing in the regions, the new club is guaranteed support from regional managers 24 hours a day.

At the same time, the total investment will be about 20 million rubles With an area of \u200b\u200b1000 square meters. The return period varies from 1.5 to 2 yearsAnd profitability will be about 30%, which is a good indicator for this sphere.

Gold's Gym

The next network is the largest in the world. In addition to the standard package of services, including both the design and zoning of the club, and marketing support, the company provides various bonuses directly for the franchise itself. Among them there is a visit to any club of the world for a short term, as well as participation in the annual conventions of this network.

Interestingly, this organization has its own university, preparing coaches, as well as the Institute of Management. An important factor for the franchisees is that the club does not have a rigidly fixed model and requirements for the size of the room and its design: each time it is adjusted for the features of the region, a potential client audience, etc.

Starting investments will be about 52 million rubles With payback period 36-40 months.

Zebra Fitness

First of all, it develops in Moscow and the Moscow region. The main feature of the clubs is not only the provision of fitness services, but also SPA. An additional advantage is the presence of clubs of various formats.

It is important to understand that to open the institution under this brand will require a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as a large level of costs that will be minimally equal to 60 million rubles. However, the payback period will not be so high, since additional services increase customer loyalty and increase the profitability of the project.

How to choose franchisor

A fitness club is not the business that can be discovered for a short period and forget about it in case it is not profitable. That is why it is important to calculate each step and a solution to get the desired result.

  • First of all, the franchise should be chosen based on the availability of investments, since this is a very expensive enterprise. Next, by defining the upper threshold of the opening costs together with the paustal contribution, it is necessary to find all the appropriate options. After that, the conditions for all selected applicants and their comparison are required.
  • In the process of comparison (or rather, even before it), it is necessary to determine the set of the most important criteria and run them.
  • It is desirable at least for several training seirs to become a client of potential applicants for the role of a franchisor to practice the company's approach to its visitors and employees.
  • Also, in the process of analyzing all available alternatives, it is necessary to contact with regular customer networks to understand why they choose exactly this club, whether they are satisfied with everything, etc. This is the most objective assessment that the franchisees can reveal.
  • It is desirable that in the package of services the franchisor provides assistance in choosing a suitable location, since it will depend on it and the level of competition, and the number of potential customers, and many other factors. In particular, it is important to know the average income level of the target client, which will affect whether it will be ready to go to the club of this or that price segment.
  • No less significant is the criterion for the development policy of the network. This applies to which regions the company develops. In case it is distributed only in large cities (for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg), managers may not understand the features of the development of such a business format in the regions. As a result, this will adversely affect the payback period and the level of profitability.

Thus, the opening of the fitness club is a time-consuming process, the implementation of which can simplify the purchase of the franchise. However, even in this situation the future businessman will need to learn to independently calculate the risks and the consequences of the Action performed by him.

Two ways to open a gym

You do not know how to open a gym? We will help you to deal with the question and gradually understand the most important aspects of this business, to what to pay close attention and without which a fitness club will not be able to function normally and especially to profit.

Suppose you have repeatedly reflected and finally decided to make a fitness club. What's next, how to open a gym? There are two ways: open yourself or software (Consider Gold's GYM). Each method has advantages and disadvantages. We will tell detail about them so that you can choose the best option, avoid unnecessary spending time, forces and means.

Consider the main stages preceding the opening of the gym. Of course, we will not be able to cover everything, but pay attention to the critical moments.


Before opening the gym you need to develop a business plan - what distinguishes a successful gym from unsuccessful. Many advise to give it to the preparation of a third-party organization or a specialist. You can do it, but you need to critically take their results and to re-check everything yourself. You can help with advice or recommendations, but you should work on our own.

Why? This will allow you to better understand how business processes in the company proceeds, increase their level of competence in many areas (marketing, management, sales, etc.). As a result, you will be able to provide better services, get the opportunity to increase the level of income and you will know more in advance how to open a decent gym.

We choose the room

The external environment strongly affects the choice of fitness sizes. How to determine which opening club - 1 500 or 5,000 sq m? To find out what to open the gym needs to be understood - whether the market is ready for this and whether such a number of visitors will be checked with the estimated subscription price.

Choosing a property worth considering the main factor - what income you get from a square meter. There is a lot of circumstances capable of changing the amount of earnings from 1 sq m, but we will highlight special - the number of customers and their solvency. To determine these values, it is enough to calculate how many people can get to the gym in 20-30 minutes. In practice, 2-5% of them can become permanent members of the club. Solvency is determined by different ways. The ideal ratio of the number of fitness guests per 1 sq. M - 1 visitor per year (the condition is complied with the right planning and depends on the chosen development model. For gross calculations, in Russia in the premium segment - this is 1 person per 1 sq. Meter). For example, you want to open a gym with an area of \u200b\u200b1,000 sq. M, it means that for comfortable location in the club can be assumed that there will be at least 1,000 club cards for the year.

The technical characteristics of the room depends on the configuration of the gym proposals, but the optimal height of the ceiling starts from 4.5 m. With such an height of the ceiling in the fitness club, it is possible to achieve a feeling of lightness and space that create a motivating mood for customers.

Proper zoning of the room

The moment that cannot be overestimated is the competent distribution of the space hall space. The profitability, number of personnel, the amount of utility costs, the list of services provided is dependent. Many entrepreneurs misses this question from sight, considering it a trifle, although it is not. If the room is properly zoning, then each zone works and complements each other. Try to open an open layout gym. Potentially it has a greater yield than the corridor layout. Also, it is perceived by visitors more comfortable.

It is important to know how to open a gym, where all the rooms interact with each other. For example, near the pool it is unwanted to put a sauna, a kids club near the stairs, and the cardiosis should not be restricted into the wall. From the point of view of psychology, the running person must see free space. It is impossible to simply "cut" the room without a meaningful understanding of the general picture of the club.

This work can be entrusted only by a professional capable of developing a high-class product. Thanks to this, you will receive competitive advantages: a significant savings of temporary resources, increasing the level of income and no alterations in the future. It is better to spend money at the initial stage to lay a good foundation than carry costs in the future.

List of services for the hall

The most popular are simulators, group classes and swimming pool. The cost of membership in the gym depends on the club's options set, so it is important to know your client, its habits and preferences. Thanks to a pre-made marketing research, you will learn what concept and area of \u200b\u200bthe hall is optimal, who are your competitors, the optimal cost of the services you offer, which will plan the development strategy. For example, in the city or district, problems with children's gardens, it means that opening the gym, it is necessary to include a corner for children and a program for them. It is necessary to find out the sought-after sports in this particular place. For example, the opening of the playing platform will have a positive effect on the coverage of corporate members of the club.

To achieve greater profitability, you need to try to cover the maximum layers of the population. How to open a gym as possible for more people with different interests: housewives, athletes, students, managers, etc.? Open universal gym.

Under the perfect price of the club card and the competent architecture of the space, the occupancy rate of the hall is 1 visitor per square meter for 12 months. It is necessary to find the perfect balance between the price of the subscription and the number of people who want to purchase a subscription. The number of club members you can always adjust the price - the smaller the price, the more may be the other way around. Knowing this equilibrium price is the skill and experience of the franchisor.

Personnel and equipment

Types of simulators, the presence of the pool, saunas, playgrounds, etc. Depends on the four previous steps. One of the best types of equipment is sold in the USA and it should not save on it. At first glance, it may seem to open a gym with cheaper equipment at the start will save, but in the long run, the costs of replacement and repair will withdraw "benefits."

In addition, cheap simulators will not appreciate the guests of the gym. On high-quality simulators, a biomechanics is thought out in detail, which allows to avoid injuries and overloads of the joints that visitors will make satisfied and they reach the result.

Some "specialists" argue that the quality of the simulators does not matter, however, on our experience we can say that it affects sales of subscriptions and they can have a significant marketing effect, especially for customers who do not call newcomers in fitness.


You can start implementing the subscriptions when the gym is almost completely ready for reception. Approximately, it happens 2 months before the solemn discovery. To do this, you will need a sales department out of 3-5 people. Be sure to accurately calculate the opening date. If you do not open in the scheduled day, then customers will be unhappy and you will lose their confidence, which may be expensive to do with you later.

Preliminary sales are necessary for two things:

  1. obtaining money, very necessary for paying to builders, as a rule, immediately after putting the premises;
  2. filling the hall with customers.

When the hall will open and come a new client, he will see that the club works and people do, thanks to which, there will be an excellent working atmosphere in the hall, which will affect the positive decision to buy a subscription.

Terms of opening of the gym

According to the experience, it is possible to open a gym for about 2,000 square meters in 3-4 months, it all depends on the coherence of actions, experience and knowledge. During this time, you have time to prepare everything you need: project documentation, business plan, service configuration, hire staff, purchase equipment, etc. We do not consider the construction of the room from scratch, but only rental and preparing the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

You yourself manage your club and make decisions yourself. Any good luck and failures will be only yours.

The minus is the presence of a huge amount of "pitfalls": architecture of the hall, gasket of communications, ignorance What equipment is better and where to buy, low efficiency, lack of support and training, etc. In the case of a franchise, these difficulties will not be disturbed.

You alone will have to open a gym, which means a newly "to invent a bike" compared to the franchise, where everything is verified, it is designed and enough to follow the exhaust algorithm.

The club needs to be planned in such a way that there are minimal operating costs and there was an optimal number of personnel so that the hall worked for you, and not you. For example, increasing the cost of repair, you are forced to shift the cost of expensive finishing on the rate of the subscription. What is really impossible to save - on things with which the client comes into contacts (simulators, sports coverage, ventilation, temperature room, cleanliness in the club and other). It is necessary that each square decimeter worked for the client.

The most important thing for guests of the hall is to see the result of the effort. If today I became better than yesterday, it means it makes sense to continue the classes in this gym and only for this. The cost of repair costs that do not affect the work of the gym should not overestimate.

First of all, it comes here for a measurable result, and only after all the rest. Make focus on efficiency. People must understand what exactly you can become better. They come to the gym to change their lives! If the client receives the result he wanted, he will undoubtedly become your regular customer.

The second way to open the gym is on a franchise. The procedure for action is the same, but you have qualified assistance in the person of the representatives of the franchisor. Of course, we offer our franchise. What does she give and what is the difference?


Architectural solutions

Our architects have experience in designing more than 700 clubs worldwide, which guarantees the effective use of each square meter. The inner fitness device is brought to the perfect state, the smallest details are taken into account. At the expense of our architectural solutions, you can save up to 10% at all operating expenses. We know how to open a gym and make it successful.

For example, the respess location should be chosen in such a way that it is the point of intersection of all guests where they do not go: the visitor enters the hall, comes out of the locker room, goes to the simulators or for equipment. Proper layouts predetermine the psychology of human behavior in the club. For example, for the first 30 seconds, a person can form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe gym, so it is important to create a point of sales with which he can see most of the entire hall. Thanks to this approach, a positive impression of the club is formed, which positively affects sales.


Thanks to the unique conditions, you have the opportunity to open a gym and significantly save on the purchase of equipment. In addition, you acquire the best simulators, tested and you do not have to choose from the numerous assortment of suppliers. We know what equipment is optimal, so when planning the club, the set and placement of equipment is part of the club project as a whole.

Note that suppliers are trying to sell the inventory that is beneficial to them, but when working on a franchise, the franchisor controls this process, helping to choose the necessary and sufficient equipment, inventory and materials.

Excellent help will be the opening of the store in the club, which will sell goods with the symbolism of the club (photo). T-shirts with the Gold Logo "S Gym Some of the most popular fitness in the world.

Club Management System

You will have a clear finance management system and statistics throughout the hall. Specialized software, online training and testing of employees, the ability to train personnel at the University of Gold's GYM, feedback programs from club customers in automatic mode, etc.

"Personal coach"

When you open the gym on the Gold's GYM franchise, you have a kind of "personal trainer", to which you can always seek help. We will tell absolutely in any situation, will answer all the questions and go all the way with you.

Dear franchise as an expensive personal trainer - does not give a descent, carefully monitors your actions, shows how to make better and just so you achieve an excellent result.

How to open a gym

When opening a hall in our franchise, you will save not only on the services of architects, the purchase of equipment, but also launch times. Thanks to our expertise, you will learn how to open a gym in a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of opening the gymber on the Gold's Gym franchise a lot, but we will note the main:

  • the possibility of visiting clients around the world - 35 countries and 700 clubs; / Li\u003e
  • ready-made solutions, proven years, allow not experimenting, but to obtain a predicted result;
  • a strong brand that trust millions;
  • constant support in all areas of work;
  • the ability to quickly open the gym without excess costs.

However, it will work only if there is a permanent control of the work of the club from the franchisor, which will definitely tell the franchisees and direct his work in accordance with the years spent successfully operating system.

Defining criteria for the selection of the franchise: brand, well-defined mechanisms, support:

  • customer confidence that formed over the years;
  • low level of recognition means that many objections will need to be overcome in a new way (unfamiliar place, whether the coach competent there, etc.);
  • the lack of an approved action plan indicates significant errors in the automation of all processes in the organization;
  • limited support or its complete absence says that the franchise has low fullness. You need to be prepared for what will have to pay extra for additional consultations.

We hope we gave answers to some questions how to open a gym on their own or franchise. Whatever option you choose, we recommend to open a place where people will receive professional coaches, tangible result and excellent service.

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