The act of study on a new dish. The procedure for conducting control studies of dishes

Law and Law 11.04.2021


Net Mass Products gr

Data work on parties, gr

Medium data, gr

Adopted Reception, gr

Soy sauce


Sesame oil

Mass of product set, g

Mass of semi-finished products, g:

Production losses,%:

Mass of the finished dish (products):

hot, g:

in the cooled state, g:

Heat processing losses,%:

Description of the technological process: Cut the ginger and garlic slices. Lokei cut into wedges. Blanch lamb and when she paves, take out and put in a heat-resistant bowl. In another bowl, mix soy sauce, wine, sugar, melis, and pour this mixture of meat. Sprinkle onions, ginger, garlic and anise seeds on top. To put in a double boiler and cook until ready for about 2 hours, drain liquid into the pan, remove the bow, ginger garlic and anise seeds. The sauce is fused on the pan liquid add a starch solution and sesame oil. Bring to a boil to pour into meat.

Conclusion: After working out the dish, the final formulation and cooking technology was adopted. The dish is recommended to be prepared in cafes and restaurants.





name of the organization


Doroffeph S.N.


Appendix A.
to GOST R 53996-2010

For Americans, three-time meals are characterized. Lunch in the American kitchen is quite dense. The volume of portions is large. The lunch menu is recommended to include salads, hot meat, vegetables and sweet meals.

The lunch menu is decorated in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Lunch menu for 45 people

2.2 Development of the act of control study of the dish "Gulash in Texas"

The act of control study is designed for the "Goulash in Texas" dish. In the course of completing the act, the set of raw materials taking into account the norms of waste and losses in mechanical culinary and thermal processing. To this end, we used tables 2,18,21 active collection of dishes and culinary products for catering enterprises of all forms of ownership. Conditions of raw materials used for cooking dishes are also taken into account.

The act of control study is decorated on the form of an established form [STB 1210-2010].

developer Organization Name

Control study of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, definitions of waste and losses for new types of raw materials, food, materials

laboratory №113 19.09.2013

place of date

Commission composed: Gaputin V.V.

Pavlyuchenko S.P.

Officer E.P.

Kachanova L.K.

Produced manufacturing: Goulash in Texas, in 325 g

For control study taken beef, onion, garlic, carrots, potatoes, celery, vegetable oil, canned tomatoes, canned peas ______________________________________________________________________

product name

Names of raw materials

Gross weight,

Waste with cold processing,%

Net weight, g

Weight p / f, g

Losses in thermal processing,%

The weight of finished products

Beef 1Cat.

or beef 2 cat.

Bulb onions



Vegetable oil

Pepper black peas

Granular broth

Wheat flour

Canned tomatoes

Green pea

Sappings of the Commission's members: Gaputin V.V.

Pavlyuchenko S.P.

Officer E.P.

Kachanova L.K.

        Calculation of food and energy value dishes

GOST R 53996-2010

Group H08.

National Standard of the Russian Federation

Catering services

The procedure for the development of branded and new dishes and products in catering establishments

Public Catering Services. Method of Elaborating and Approving Of House Specialties AT Public Catering Enterprises

OX 67.230
OKSTA 0131

Date of introduction 2012-01-01


The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of the National Standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Information about standard

1 Developed by Open Joint-Stock Company "All-Russian Research Institute of Certification" (OJSC "VNIIS")

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 347 "Services of Trade and Catering Services"

3 approved and commissioned by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 30, 2010 N 577-ST

4 introduced for the first time

Information about changes to this standard shall be published in the annually issued Information Index "National Standards", and the text changes and amendments - in the monthly published information signs "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes general requirements for the development of branded and new dishes and products at catering enterprises.

The standard applies to the development of branded and new dishes and products manufactured by catering enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizational and managerial structure and individual entrepreneurs.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following standards:

GOST R 1.4-2004 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Standards of organizations. General provisions

GOST R 50647-2010 Catering services. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 50763-2007 Catering services. Public food products sold by the population. General technical conditions

GOST R 51074-2003 Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements

GOST R 53104-2008 Catering services. Method of organoleptic assessment of the quality of public catering

GOST R 53105-2008 Catering services. Technological documents on catering products. General requirements for design, construction and content

GOST R 53106-2008 Catering services. Method for calculating waste and loss of raw materials and food products in the production of public catering

ST SEV 543-77 numbers. Rules for recording and rounding

Note - When using this standard it is advisable to check the effect of the reference standards in public information systems - the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on annual basis information signs "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indicators published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and Definitions

The standard terms are used according to GOST P 50647, P 50763 Standard GOST P 53104, P 53105 Standard GOST P 53106 as well as the following terms and definitions:

3.1 branded dish (product): The dish (product) cooked according to the original recipe and technology and reflecting the specifics of the power plant.

NOTE - The corporate dish (product) is different, as a rule, according to organoleptic indicators from dishes (products), provided for by applicable officially published recipes for dishes, culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products. The specificity of the enterprise includes national, regional and other features.

3.2 new dish (product): The dish (product) cooked from the new type of raw materials and (or) on a new, improved technology.

Note - New dishes (products) include corporate dishes (products).

3.3 component (ingredient): Food product, food raw materials (including nutritional supplements), separate types of culinary products used in the production of public catering products and present in finished products in the original or modified form.

Note - Separate types of culinary products include sauces, marinades, side dishes, etc.

4 General

4.1 Public catering enterprises can develop formulations and technology of new and corporate products, including dishes, culinary products, bakery products, flour and sugar confectionery products (hereinafter - confectionery), beverages.

4.2 Formulations on the brand and new dishes (products) can be designed for one specific catering for several catering companies that are part of a union, including network and corporate catering. Developed by branded and new dishes can be transferred to use other catering establishments in agreement or on a contractual basis.

4.3 Receptions of branded and new dishes (products) are developing highly qualified specialists of catering enterprises, including the workshop of production, chef, chef-confectioner, head of the workshop, su-chef, technologist, cook, confectioner and other specialists, involving if necessary (either without attracting) technological food laboratories to calculate physicochemical indicators and definitions of microbiological indicators.

4.4 Development of recipes are carried out on raw materials and food products used at catering and meet the requirements of existing national standards and other regulatory and technical documents. Raw materials and food products should be accompanied by documents proving their origin, safety and quality, and be marked in accordance with technical regulations and / or GOST R 51074.

4.5 The procedure for the development of branded and new dishes (products) includes the following steps:

- development of the recipe project;

- development of recipes and production technology;

- registration of recipes and production technology;

- determination of organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological indicators;

- calculation of the nutritional value;

- establishment of expirational terms (if necessary).

5 Procedure for developing a draft formulation and technology of branded and new dishes (products)

5.1 The procedure for developing a draft recipes for branded and new dishes (products) includes the steps listed in 5.1.1-5.1.9.

5.1.1 Selection of dishes (products) for development, taking into account their novelty, culinary advantages, combinations of products, decorations on vacation.

5.1.2 The study of the possibility of using new ways of cooking raw materials and products, the use of new types of raw materials and semi-finished products, food additives and spices, etc.

5.1.3 Selection of production losses and heat treatment losses for similar traditional dishes (products).

5.1.4 Distinguishing the formulation of the dish (product) in the form of a table in which you indicate:

- the name of the components used (ingredients) in the technological sequence;

- the standards of laying (consumption) of components (ingredients) weighing gross and net, when using semi-finished products - only a net mass;

- mass of semi-finished products [if necessary for the dishes obtained during the cooking process];

- The output of the finished product.

5.1.5 When drawing up a recipe project on a branded confectionery, 5.1.4 indicate:

- content (mass fraction) of dry substances in each component (ingredient); Consumption of components (ingredients) for semi-products belonging to the product, the total consumption of the components (ingredients) in the net weight of dry substances;

- mass of semi-finished products, including in finished products;

- humidity of semi-finished products and finished products (in percent).

5.1.6 Description of the cooking technology (products).

5.1.7 Conducting preliminary testing at the calculation of the output 1-3 servings or 300-500 g.

5.1.8 Correction formulation dishes (products) with the compatibility of products and organoleptic characteristics (appearance, texture, smell, taste).

5.1.9 Correction of the outlet of the dish (products).

5.1.10 Adjustment of the description of the technology of cooking dishes (products) taking into account changes in 5.1.8.

5.2 Determination of the organoleptic characteristics of branded and new dishes (products) is performed in accordance with the GOST 53104, physico-chemical parameters - laboratory methods or by calculation, microbiological indicators - in accordance with the requirements SanPin

5.3 The calculation of the nutritional value of branded and new dishes (products) is carried out in accordance with.

5.4 Establishing the shelf life of brand and new dishes (products) are carried out in accordance with, or on the basis of product research carried out in test laboratories in accordance with established procedure.

6 Organization of the development of recipes and technology of branded and new dishes (products)

6.1 Development of dishes (products) are carried out in compliance with existing sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for catering enterprises.

6.2 Inventory, dishes and tools for testing are selected in accordance with the technological process and the peculiarities of the preparation of the dish (products).

6.3 In the absence of any component (ingredient), which is included in the recipe, the corporate dish (product) does not work out.

6.4 Weighing raw materials (products) are carried out on serviceable mechanical and electronic scales for static weighing that have passed the metrological calibration.

6.5 To determine the duration of thermal processing, the timer readings are used (if there is on the equipment), the stopwatch or clock with the second arrow.

6.6 Temperature thermal processing modes are determined by timers or thermostators installed on equipment, unstaturated thermometers in metal frame or other modern measuring instruments. The temperature is measured in the thickness of the product.

6.7 When calculating the rate of consumption of raw materials in the dish (product), gross and net, these are guided by these recipe collection, in the absence of relevant collections - waste and losses established in accordance with GOST R 53106 or acts of control storage.

7 Procedure for the development of recipes and technology of branded and new dishes (products)

7.1 In the process of working out the recipes and technology dishes (products), determine:

- standards of laying (consumption) of components (ingredients) mass of net;

- mass of semi-finished product (semi-finished products);

- the amount (volume) of the fluid (in cases where the liquid is provided for by the recipe and technology);

- content (mass fraction) of dry substances (for flour confectionery);

- production losses, including losses during cleaning baked semi-finished products (for flour confectionery products), losses during finishing (for confectionery and bakery products);

- temperature modes and heat treatment duration;

- culinary readiness of the dish (products);

- the output of the finished dish (products);

- loss with thermal processing (baking);

- loss when portioning;

- organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of dishes (products), and if necessary - microbiological;

- humidity of confectionery and bakery products, dough, semi-finished products;

- food and energy value.

7.2 When working on recipes, components (ingredients) of a net mass are used. In this case, waste and loss of raw materials are not installed.

7.3 The development of recipes and technology is carried out on experienced parties at the calculation of the output of finished products in a volume of 1-3 kg (1-3 l) or 5-10 servings (5-10 pcs.).

With the rejection of the outlet of the dish (product), in the direction of increasing or decreasing, more than 3% repeat the development of the recipe.

7.4 Production losses in the manufacture of dishes (products), kg,% are determined by formulas (1) and (2), respectively

where is the total mass of components (ingredients) of the net, part of the semi-finished product, kg;

- Mass of the semi-finished product, kg.

The data obtained when working out is compared with the calculated data in the recipe. If necessary, refine the standards of bookmark (consumption) of components (ingredients) in the net in the formulation project.

7.5 The amount (volume) of the fluid included in the formulation is determined, taking into account the loss of scuffing, as a rule, at the rate of 5% to 15% of the recipe amount (volume) of the fluid.

7.6 Losses in the heat treatment of dishes (products), taking into account losses when cooled dishes are calculated as a percentage of the mass of the semi-finished product according to the formula

where is the mass of a semi-finished product prepared for heat treatment, kg;

- Mass of the finished dish (products), kg.

Note - dishes (products), released and implemented in hot (soups, main dishes, etc.), weighed after cooling to a temperature of 40 ° C; Dishes (products), released and implemented in chilled form (Cold snacks, salads, etc.), weighed after cooling to a temperature of 14 ° C.

7.7 Purpose losses,%, are calculated by the mass of the finished dish (product) by the formula

where - the mass of the finished dishes (products) to portioning, kg;

- Mass of the finished dish (products) after portioning, kg.

7.8 The results of the development of recipes are drawn up with acts (see Appendix A).

7.9 On the basis of an act of testing, clarify the output of dishes (products) and adjust the mass of semi-finished product (semi-finished products), a net mass of the data on portioning losses, during heat treatment (including pastries), production losses for formulas (1) - (4) .

7.10 To calculate the content of dry substances of confectionery and bakery products, determine:

- consumption of each component (ingredient), which is part of the product, in dry substances;

- consumption of all types of raw materials in dry substances included in the product;

- Content (mass fraction) of dry substances in the finished product.

7.10.1 The flow rate of each component (ingredient), which is part of the confectionery and bakery product in dry substances, g, are determined by the formula

where is the consumption of each component (ingredient) in dry substances, r;

- consumption of each component weighing net, r;

- content (mass fraction) of dry substances in each component (ingredient),%;

- The sequence number of the component (ingredient).

Note - The dry matter in each component (ingredient) incorporated into the formulation is determined taking into account the mass fraction of solids in 100 g of the product, using the tables in.

7.10.2 Consumption of all components (ingredients) in dry substances included in the product are determined by the formula

, - consumption of individual components (ingredients), in dry substances, g;

- Number of components (ingredients).

7.10.3 The content of dry substances in the finished product, g, is determined by the formula

where is the total consumption of components (ingredients), in dry substances, r;

- Losses of dry substances,%.

Note - Loss of dry substances can be applied both recommendation software and actual, obtained when working in laboratory conditions.

7.11 The mass fraction of dry substances,%, is determined by the formula

where is the content of dry substances in the finished product, r;

- the exit of a confectionery or bun, g.

7.12 Humidity of confectionery and bakery products,%, calculated by the formula

where is the humidity of the confectionery product,%;

- Mass fraction of dry substances in the finished product,%.

7.13 The amount of water required for the preparation of the test, g, is calculated by the formula

where is the specified humidity of the test,%;

- the mass of the net component, r;

- Mass of the component of dry substances, G.

7.14 The obtained data is rounded according to ST SEV 543.

8 Registration of recipes and technology of branded and new dishes (products)

8.1 Based on the specified mass of the net, the required number of components (ingredients), weighing gross, according to the following formula, is calculated:

where is the mass of raw materials, gross, kg;

- mass of raw materials, net, kg;

- Waste with mechanical processing of raw materials,%.

8.2 Formulations and proprietary technologies and new dishes (products) shaped in the form of technical-technological cards (TTC) in accordance with GOST 53105 or a standards organization (SRT) in accordance with the GOST 1.4.

8.3 Receptions and technology of branded and new dishes (products) approve independent leaders of developer enterprises.

9 copyright protection

Recipes for new dishes and specialties (products) and the technology of preparation is the intellectual property of the developer and are protected by applicable Russian legislation in the field of copyright protection.

Appendix A (recommended). Approximate sample of the act of working out the formulation and technology of new and corporate dishes (products)

development of the formulation and technology of new and corporate dishes (products)

Company name

Date of implementation

Name of dishes (products)

Product name

Net weight products, kg

Data work on parties, kg

Average data

Adopted formulation,

Mass of product set, g

Mass of semi-finished products, g

Production losses,%

Mass of the finished dish (products)

in hot condition, g

in the cooled state, g

Losses in thermal processing,%

Description of the technological process



Surname, initials

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Hygienic safety requirements and food value of foods with changes and additions

Tables of chemical composition of food products, officially published in the territory of the Russian Federation

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Hygienic requirements for the expirational timing and storage conditions

Methodical instructions. Sanitary evaluation studies expiry dates and conditions of storage of food products, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06.03.2004

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, manufacturing and processability of food products and food raw materials with changes and additions

Collections of recipes dishes, culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products for catering enterprises, officially published in the Russian Federation, including national cuisines

Electronic document text
prepared Codex JSC and drilled by:
official edition
M.: Standinform, 2011

Tell me how it is right in the restaurant to make a course of dishes. Do I need an order or sufficient a course of dishes?

Enough the act of studying dish, approved by the head of the catering company.

Based on GOST R 53105-2008, approved by order of Rostechregulation dated 12/18/2008 No. 514-state, the manufacture of catering products is carried out in accordance with the technological documents containing the requirements for production technology. Technological documents include technical and technological maps on new catering products (TTK).

It should be paid to the fact that the rules for the provision of public catering services in the editors of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2007 No. 276 oblige public catering enterprises to show the food value of products

Technical and Technological Map (TTK) - a document developed by new products and establishing requirements for the quality of raw materials and food products, product recipes, requirements for the manufacturing process, for design, implementation and storage, quality and safety indicators, as well as food value Catering. TTK is developed only for new non-traditional products, first manufactured at a catering plant. The TTK shape approved the above GOST.

In the same guest, it is said that the consumption of raw materials and food products (gross and net) required for the manufacture of products (dishes, products, semi-finished products), establishes the company - the manufacturer with an experimental way on the basis of acts of study. Consequently, the technological process of creating a dish is not established by order, but called the act, which is consistent with the leader.

The same document is used in the work and for accounting purposes confirms the cost-effective costs at cost.

The rationale for this position is given below in the document you can find in the Legal Base tab of the "Glavbuch system" VIP - version

"Catering services. Technological documents for catering products. General requirements for registration, construction and content. GOST R 53105-2008 (approved by order of growth of 18.12.2008 No. 514-st)

5.3. Technical and Technology Map

5.3.1. Technical and Technological Map (TTK) - a document developed by new products and establishing requirements for the quality of raw materials and food products, product recipes, requirements for the manufacturing process, for design, implementation and storage, quality and safety indicators, as well as food value Catering. TTK is developed only for new non-traditional products, first manufactured at a catering plant.

5.3.2. The technical and technological card contains the following sections: *

Application area;

Requirements for raw materials;

Recipe (including the rate of consumption of raw materials and food products and net, mass (output) of the semi-finished product and / or the output of the finished product (dishes);

Technological process;

Requirements for the design, submission, sale and storage of public catering;

Indicators of quality and safety of public catering;

Information data on the food value of public catering products.

5.3.3. In the section "Scope" indicate the name of dishes (products) and determine the list and names of enterprises (branches), subordinate enterprises that are given the right to produce and implement this dish (products).

In the section "Requirements for the quality of raw materials" make an entry that food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to make this dish (products) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents (GOST, GOST R, TU) and have accompanying documents confirming their quality and safety in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In the section "Reception" indicate the rate of consumption of raw materials and food products gross and net for one, ten or more portions (pieces), or one, ten or more kg, mass (output) of the semi-finished product and the yield of public catering (culinary semi-finished products, dishes , culinary, bakery and flour confectionery). *

The "Technological Process ..." section contains a detailed description of the technological process of manufacturing a dish (product), including mechanical and thermal processing modes that ensure the safety of the dish (products), the use of food additives, dyes, types of technological equipment, etc.

In the section "Requirements for registration, submission, implementation and storage" reflect the features of the design and supply of dishes (products), requirements, the procedure for the sale of public catering products, storage conditions and implementation, the expiration date according to, and if necessary and the conditions of transportation.

In the "Quality and Security Indicators" section indicate the organoleptic performance of the dish (products): appearance, texture (consistency), taste and smell. Here they make an entry that microbiological performance of dishes (products) must comply with the requirements.

In the "Information Data on Food Valuation" section, data on the food and energy value of the dish (products) are indicated. The nutritional value of the dish (products) is determined by the calculated or laboratory methods.

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Section 1. Theoretical foundations of the development of complex samples for second dishes at catering

1.1 Raw materials required for the preparation of complex side disk

1.2 Assortment of complex garnings

1.3 Features of the preparation of complex garnings

1.4 Useful properties of garnishes

Section 2. Practical section

2.1 Acts of Control and Studies of Complex Rangers

2.2 Technological maps and techno-technological cards of complex garnishes

2.3 Evaluation of the quality of dishes





Almost all hot and cold meat and fish dishes, as well as many snacks are served with side dishes and are implemented at catering. For their preparation, a huge set of products is used: legumes and cereals, flour and pasta, mushrooms and vegetables, fruits and berries, eggs. The name of the garnire (Garnire means to decorate) accurately determines the main purpose of this culinary product, as the side dish should improve the taste of the dish, decorate it, to do more attractive, and thereby increase digestibility.

The main task of garnishes is to improve the taste of dishes. It is additionally enriched with food substances, its volume and weight increases. The side dish decorates the dish, improves its aroma, and also increases its nutritionality. Therefore, the side dish must match the main product of the dish in shape, color, aroma, flavoring and food qualities. The side dish usually serves to rich animal proteins products: fish, bird, pets and game.

The side dishes can be simple and complex. Simple garnings consist of one type of product, and complex - from several. For complex garnings, the ingredients are selected so that they are well combined to taste and the color scheme. With the help of the side dish, you can balance the food value of the dish in general, adjust its mass and volume.

The side dishes applied separately or with sauces provide the ability to prepare a large number of diverse dishes from the same food product, contribute to the digestibility of cooked dishes and satisfy the need for the body in a variety of food.

All side dishes can be divided into garnish to hot dishes, handbroces to cold dishes and complex vegetable sides.

Not the preparation of the side dish, and its correct selection of this dish, to this product - this is the specificity, the mastering of which is not at all a simple matter, since the taste of the Kushan depends on the proportion of the main dish with the side dish.

Depending on the type of thermal treatment, boiled, sweetened, fried, stewed, baked sides are distinguished.

Mate dishes usually serve complex side dishes from any vegetables, legumes, pasta, etc. At the same time, side dishes are more suitable for dishes from low-fat meat, having a gentle taste: boiled potato potatoes, vegetables in dairy sauce. The dishes and oily meat and poultry are better to apply more sharp samples - stewed cabbage, stewed vegetables with tomato sauce.

Green peas, boiled potatoes, potato mashed potatoes are served to boiled meats as a side dish. To fried meat - fried potatoes, complex side dishes. To boiled and sweened fish - boiled potatoes, potato mashed potatoes. Garnish from cabbage, trousers, turnips to fish dishes are usually not served.

Beautiful, neatly, symmetrically stapled garnish gives the dish especially attractive, appetizing appetizer.

Difficult garnish: a little story

Interestingly, complex side dishes are known from the middle of the XVII century and are still popular. They believe that complex side dishes - the brainchild of the Great Cardinal Richelieu. High-ended garnings were under his policies. It is well known that Richelieu was famous for as a squeezed gourmet. The dinners at Richelieu were and are abundant, and unusually tasty. But the addiction to the delicious meal of Mr. The first minister was limited to two significant restrictions. First, a huge number of enemies who tried to poison him, and secondly, all worsening health.

With the first threat of Richelieu easily coped, the head of the personal tastor. ... But the second limitation was not allowed to indulge in the curmony. And once on the waters, on the treatment, Richelieu ordered on a lunch onion puree and anchovies, tomatoes and broccoli, as well as cheese. When he was asked, in what sequence to serve food, then the answer was: "All together and on one plate, the cheese is pre-grated, and then sprinkle the fish." He explained his preferences of Richely to the fact that he has little time, in order to bliss over every dish separately.

For France, the times such a header was strange and unusual, but with the filing of Cardinal he passed on.

garnish Dish Raw Quality

Chapter1. Theoretical foundations of the development of complex samples for second dishes oncatering DRIES

1.1 Raw materials required for

Vegetable sides are particularly widely used. For their preparation, fresh, salty, sauer, pickled, boiled, sweepers, fried, baked and stew vegetables in a variety of assortment are used.

With the exception of potatoes whose treatment sometimes has some minor features (potatoes with straw or chips, etc.), all other side dishes are prepared on a general formulation: for example, a cauliflower, which they want to apply as a side disk, boil the same way as And for self-dish.

Crypiece sides are viscous or crumbly porridge; Flour products are mainly supplied as crowns; Pasta are used for boiled garnish; Bean - apply boiled either in the form of whole grains, or in the form of a puree.

For the preparation of garnings, cereals are used: rice, buckwheat, pearl (barley), semolina, oatmeal, wheat, including wheat crushed, millet grinding, corn, cereal concentrates.

From legumes for the preparation of garnings, peas are used with a peas, the chipped peel, as well as a small crushed grief of peel type of manna and raw seeds of leguminous crops (beans, beans, lentils, rank, nut, vigor).

The range of pasta used for the preparation of the side dish is very diverse: tubular, thifree-shaped (vermicelli), lintsoid (noodles) and curly. Figure products are produced by any shape and sizes: shells, scallops, bows, soups. They are of interest to unconventional types of pasta.

1. 2 Assortment of complex garnings

Sh Rice with vegetables.

Ingredients: rice, corn canned, vegetable oil, carrots, greens, pepper Bulgarian, onion.

Sh Pasta with nuts, olives, capers and bell pepper.

Ingredients: Cedar nuts, macaroni curly, oil olive, red wine vinegar, butterfly olives, parsley fresh, capers, pepper Bulgarian.

Sh Moldavian beans.

Ingredients: onion, vegetable oil, garlic, dry beans, Bulgarian pepper.

Sh Potatoes with vegetables in the sleeve.

Ingredients: Potatoes, Vegetable Oil, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Onions Large, Garlic Carrot.

Sh Stewed acidic cabbage with potatoes.

Ingredients: cabbage, vegetable oil, carrots, onion, sugar, potatoes.

Sh Lentils with carrots.

Ingredients: Olive oil, natural yogurt, garlic, tomato paste, carrots, lentils Green dry, onion.

Sh Wrenched crockets with mushrooms.

Ingredients: millet, crackers, champignons, onions onion, vegetable oil, vegetable broth.

Sh Swimming porridge with mushrooms.

Ingredients: millet, champignons, onion, vegetable oil.

Sh Cauliflower and carrots fried in breadcrumbs.

Ingredients: cauliflower, carrots, vegetable oil, breadcrumbs.

Sh Vegetable stew vegetarian.

Ingredients: Bulgarian pepper, onion, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, vegetable oil.

Sh Fried potatoes with mushrooms.

Ingredients: potatoes, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, champignons.

Sh Facreen stew.

Ingredients: Olive oil, onion, garlic, oregano leaves, parmesan cheese, Bulgarian pepper, white beans canned, basil, canned tomatoes.

Sh Raga from potatoes and cauliflower.

Ingredients: Green peas frozen, onion, garlic, ginger, potatoes, cauliflower, butter creamy.

Sh Potato souffle with tomatoes in the form of bird nests.

Ingredients: parsley, tomatoes, oil olive, shallot bow, butter creamy, egg yolks, milk, potatoes.

Sh Couscous with vegetables and chicken fillet.

Ingredients: vegetable mix, garlic salt, cousin, chicken broth, olive oil.

1.3 Features Cooking complex garnishes

The taste, coloring and aromatic substances are in the side dish, contribute to the enhancement of appetite make it possible to diversify meals.

By emphasizing the features, mitigating or increasing the severity of the main product, its fatness, salinity, acid or sweetness, well-chosen garnish significantly improves the taste of dishes. Inappropriate garnish with its unpleasant taste combination can be much reduced to the taste quality of the dish. So, for example, it is not customary to serve noodles or lingonberry jam, and a viscous porridge to Bifhtex.

The art of cooking is that he can make a good dish, correctly make it a taste bouquet, artfully combine the main components of the Kushan - the main product, sauce and side dish.

There are long known some combinations of products that together create very attractive, pleasant taste "ensembles". Such, for example, combinations of rice and many eats of chickens and chickens; green peas and a variety of boiler; stew cabbage and fried pork or goose; Champignons and many delicious dishes from fish, birds, etc.

All of these widely known combinations are based either on similar qualities of products, as it takes place in relation to rice and chicken meat, when both components are characterized by tenderness, either on the ability of the side dish mitigate the fatty product, as it happens when a combination of fried goose or pork with stewed cabbage .

The choice of garnish is also depending on the destination of the Kushan. That is why to cold dishes and snacks, in accordance with their appointment in the food diet, to excite appetite. It is usually applied garnish of acute or salted taste, such as pickles and marinades, vegetables with various sharp refills and sauces, etc.

When choosing a header to cold dishes or snacks, it is also necessary to take into account that products for such a side dish and in cold form should be delicious, appetizing. Of these considerations, crabs, eggs, cancer cakes, etc. are widely used for gargirls to cold snacks, etc., but they avoid cereal and pasta, which are usually not cold.

1.4 P.ozo properties of garnishes

Vegetables rich in paint, aromatic and flavoring substances, valuable vegetable proteins, vitamins and salts, as well as potatoes, rice, legumes, and cereals rich in carbohydrates complement these dishes.

The addition of the side dish means the enrichment of the ease of an additional amount of food substances, an increase in its volume and weight so that it is better and fully saturated, and finally the most important thing is to improve the taste of dishes.

The value of the side dishes and complex samples in nutrition is determined primarily by the chemical composition primarily - the content of carbohydrates and proteins. So, the garnish from potatoes serve as the most important source of starch. Suggescence of sugars contain dishes from beet, carrots, green peas.

The meaning of the heads as a source of valuable mineral substances is especially great. In most sides, alkaline oral elements predominate (potassium, sodium, calcium, etc.) predominate, so dishes of them contribute to the maintenance of acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body, as acid elements predominate in meat, fish, croups, and oxide. In addition, the calcium and phosphorus ratio in many side dishes is close to the optimal one. Garnira from vegetables, especially from beets, are a source of blood-forming trace elements (copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt).

Although vitamins are partially lost during heat treatment, the side dishes cover the bulk of the body in vitamin C and a significant proportion - in the Vitamins of the B. Vitamins, significantly increases the C-vitamin activity of the dishes of parsley, dill, onion, which is added when submitting.

Despite the low content and on the inferiority of most vegetable proteins, the side dishes serve as an additional source of them. With joint heat treatment of vegetables with meat, fish, egg, cottage cheese and other protein products, almost twice the selection of gastric juice increases and the absorption of animal proteins is improved. The contained in vegetable side dishes (food fibers, fiber, hemicellulose, protopectin, pectin) contribute to the removal of many toxic substances from the body, including heavy metals and radionuclides (lead, strontium, etc.).

Chapter 2. Practical section

2.1 Acts of controli and the studios of complex garnings

Determining the percentage of technological losses. Drawing an act of a course of dish.

By control study, new, corporate dishes and products are being developed. At the same time, the rationality of the product laying is determined, the technology of cooking the dishes, the rules for its design, feed, is given, the characteristic of the dish for organoleptic indicators (appearance, color, taste, smell, consistency) and the food and energy value of the dish is calculated. The multiplicity of test runs in this case determines STB 1210-2000 "Public diet. Culinary products implemented by the population. Thus, the control studies of new, branded dishes should be carried out at least 3 times 10 servings, culinary products - at least 3 times 3 kg of products, flour confectionery and bakery products - at least 5 times with the yield of one batch of products 10 kg or 100 units piece products.

Control stakes are carried out by the Commission as part of at least three people. The results of the control study are drawn up by the act of an established form, which is signed by members of the Commission. Additional approval of the act by the head of the enterprise is not required.

The act of control study is the basis for the preparation of the technological map and the formation of the price of the dish, products. When conducting control strokes for determining losses, in technological processing, the revision of technological maps on dishes using these products is not made if it does not affect the output of the finished product. At the same time, the technological card should indicate that the nomination rate of this type of product by weight is determined by the control storage.

cabbage fresh,

Table 1.

name of raw materials

Gross weight

Net weight

Heat processing loss

Cabbage stew with champignons

Cabbage fresh

Vinegar 3%

Culinary fat

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Bay leaf

Wheat flour

Champignon mushrooms

Vegetable oil

Cooking technology:

and extinguish until readiness.

Conducted a testing of a dish: "Beans with tomato and onions."

For control study, taken:

Table 2.

name of raw materials

Gross weight

% waste during cold processing

Net weight

Heat processing loss

Weight of finished products, dish, products

Beans with tomato and onions

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Margarine Table

Cooking technology:

Conducted a testing of a dish: «

For control study, taken:

Table 3.

name of raw materials

Gross weight

% waste during thermal processing

Net weight

Heat processing loss

Weight of finished products, dish, products

Pasta boiled with mushrooms


Bulb onions



Cooking technology:

2.2 Technological maps and techno-technological cards of complex garnishes

Drawing up technological and technical and technological maps.

The high quality of the finished product is made up of many factors, one of them is compliance with technological requirements for the processing of products and cooking dishes at all stages of the production process.

Drawing up technological maps.

The cook at the enterprise must be provided in the workplace by technological maps. These cards are compiled for each dish, culinary or confectionery based on the recipe collection used in this enterprise.

In technological maps it is indicated the name of the dish, the number and option of the formulation, the rate of attachment of raw materials weighing a net to one portion, and also calculates on a certain number of servings or products prepared in the boilers of a certain container, the dish is indicated.

The maps also provides a brief description of the technological process of cooking and its design, drawn attention to the sequence of product bookmark, depending on the timing of their heat treatment, the requirements for the quality of the dish are characterized by the complexity coefficients of the dish.

Labor-intensity coefficients take into account the labor costs of the cook for the preparation of this dish. Technological cards on the side dishes are prepared separately.


Name of dishes:

Table 4.

Product name

unit of measurement

Cabbage fresh

Vinegar 3%

Culinary fat

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Bay leaf

Wheat flour

Mass of stewed cabbage

Champignon mushrooms

Vegetable oil

Mass of fried champignons

Cooking technology: Fresh cabbage chopped with straw, lay a layer to 30 cm into the boiler, add broth or water (20-30% to the mass of raw cabbage), vinegar, fat, passioned tomato mashed potatoes and extinguish until half-ready during periodic stirring. Then add passioned, chopped with straw carrots, root and onions, bay leaf, pepper and extinguished until readiness. 5 minutes until the end of the savings, the cabbage is filled with flour passion, sugar, salt and again bring to a boil.

Champignons, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, fry until readiness. Prepared mushrooms are mixed with stewed cabbage.

On vacation, you can sprinkle finely chopped with greens.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: --

Taste and smell: the measure is sharp, salty.


Consistency: Soft enough, not


Name of dishes: Beans with tomato and onions.

Table 5.

Product name

unit of measurement

Product Romance

Mass of net products for 1 servings

Mass of boiled beans:

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Margarine Table

Cooking technology: Before cooking, beans are poured with cold water (2.5 liters of water per 1 kg of beans) and boiled in a closed dish with a weak, but continuous boiling. Duration of cooking 1 toh.

The finely chopped onions passerves, add tomato mashed potatoes, pass another 5-8 min. Then combine with boiled, fastened spices beans and, stirring, heated to boiling.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: Products are uniformly cut, view -- peculiar to thermal processing.

Taste and smell: Nice, without extraneous impurities, in the measure is sharp, salty.

Color: Peculiar product.

Consistency: Soft enough, not magged, vegetables preserve the shape of cutting.


Name of dishes: Pasta boiled with mushrooms.

Table 6.

Product name

unit of measurement

Product Romance

Mass of net products for 1 servings


Mass of boiled macaroni:

Bulb onions



Mass of passioned vegetables:

Cooking technology:

Pasta fall asleep in boiling water at the rate (by 1 kg of pasta take 6 liters of water, 50 g of salts) and boiled for 20-30 minutes. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions passerly, add to it finely chopped straw boiled champignons and fry 5-6 minutes. Then mushrooms with onions are mixed with boiled pasta.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: Network components rubbed, surface without tangling, additives are distributed evenly.

Taste and smell: Pleasant components inherent. Without outsiders impurities and split signs.

Color: Product -- White, cream, dishes in whole -- peculiar components included in composition of dishes.

Consistency: A sufficiently dense, not wasteful, peculiar to this type of product.

CompilediE technical and technological maps

Technical and technological maps are regulatory documents. They are being developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products manufactured and implemented only in this enterprise (for products supplied by other enterprises, these cards do not work). In them, along with product preparation technology and product standards, the product requirements are included in the safety requirements of the used raw materials and the technological process, the results of laboratory studies of products in safety indicators.

Technical and technological map as well as the standard of the enterprise consists of sections.

1. Product name and scope. This indicates the exact name of the dish (products), which cannot be changed without approval, is specified, the list of enterprises (branches), subordinate enterprises with the right to produce and implement this dish (products) is specified.

2. List of raw materials used for the manufacture of dishes (products). All types of products needed to prepare this dish (products) are listed.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. There is a mark on the conformity of food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to make this dish (products), the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as the availability of a certificate of conformity and quality certificate.

4. Norms of bookmarks of raw materials weighing gross and net, exit of the semi-finished product and finished product. Here are the norms of bookmark products of gross and net for 1, 10 or more portions, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products.

5. Description of the process of cooking. In this section, a detailed description of the technological process of cooking dishes (products), including cold and thermal processing modes, ensuring the safety of dishes (products), as well as the use of food additives, dyes, etc. The technology of cooking dishes and culinary products should provide Compliance with indicators and safety requirements established by current regulatory acts, in particular SanPine

6. Requirements for registration, submission, implementation and storage, providing for the features of the design and rules for feeding a dish (product), requirements and procedure for the implementation of culinary products, conditions, deadlines for the implementation and storage, and if necessary, and the conditions for transportation. These requirements are formed in accordance with GOST R 50763-95, SanPine and SanPine<19>.

7. Quality and safety indicators. These are organoleptic performance indicators (products): taste, color, odor, consistency, basic physico-chemical and microbiological indicators affecting the safety of dish (products), in accordance with GOST R 50763-95.

8. Food and energy value indicators. The section indicates data on the food and energy value of the dish (products) (table "The chemical composition of food products" approved by the USSR Ministry of Health), which are determined when organizing the nutrition of certain categories of consumers (organization of dietary, medical and prophylactic, children's and other nutrition).

Each technical and technological card is assigned a sequence number. The card signs a technologist engineer, responsible developer, approves the head of the catering enterprise or his deputy. The term of technical and technological cards is determined by the enterprise.

1. Product Name: Cabbage stew with champignons.

restaurant LLC Bamberg.

2. List of raw materials:

For cooking "Cabbage stew with champignons" cabbage fresh, 3% vinegar, culinary fat, tomato puree, carrots, parsley, onion, bay leaf, pepper, flour, sugar, champignon mushrooms, vegetable oil.

"Cabbage stew with champignons"

Table 7.

name of raw materials

Gross 1 servings, g

Net 1 portion, g

Cabbage fresh

Vinegar 3%

Culinary fat

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Bay leaf

Wheat flour

Mass of stewed cabbage

Champignon mushrooms

Vegetable oil

Mass of fried champignons

"Cabbage stew with champignons"

5.2 Fresh cabbage chopped with straw, lay a layer to 30 cm into the boiler, add broth or water (20-30% to the mass of raw cabbage), vinegar, fat, passioned tomato mashed potatoes and extinguish until half-ready during periodic stirring. Then add passioned, chopped with straw carrots, root and onions, bay leaf, pepper and extinguished until readiness. 5 minutes until the end of the savings, the cabbage is filled with flour passion, sugar, salt and again bring to a boil.

Fresh mushrooms, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices, fry until readiness. Prepared Mushrooms Mixed With Stew Cabbage and extinguish until readiness.

On vacation, you can sprinkle finely chopped with greens.

Cabbage is prepared as needed and implemented in the portion dishes immediately after cooking.

According to the requirements

« »

Shelf life « Cabbage stew with champignons according to " it is 24 hours at storage temperature from + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C.

Table 8.

Table 9.

Technical and Technology Map

1. Product Name: Pasta boiled with mushrooms.

Application area. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Pasta boiled with mushrooms"manufactured at catering restaurant LLC Bamberg.

2. List of raw materials:

For cooking dishes " Packagon boiled with mushrooms » The following raw materials are used: makaroni, champignons, onion, margarine.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials:

Raw materials used for the preparation of pasta pasta with mushrooms complies with the requirements of the regulatory documentation, has certificates of conformity and quality certificate.

4. Norms of bookmarks of raw materials (recipe):

Rounds of consumption of raw materials, the loss in processing comply with the norms of consumption of raw materials and the exit of products "Collector of technological standards of 1994"

Table 10.

name of raw materials

Gross 1 servings, g

Net 1 portion, g


Mass of boiled macaroni:

Bulb onions



Mass of passioned vegetables:

5. Description of the technological process:

5.1 Preparation of raw materials to the production of dishes "Pasta boiled with mushrooms" it is produced in accordance with the "Collection of Dishes and Culinary Products for Food Services" 2002.

5.2 Pasta fall asleep in boiling water at the rate (by 1 kg of pasta take 6 liters of water, 50 g of salts) and boiled for 20-30 minutes. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions passerly, add to it finely chopped straw boiled champignons and fry 5-6 minutes. Then mushrooms are mixed with boiled pasta.

6. Requirements for design, apparent, sales and storage:

Pasta is prepared as needed, connect with champignons and implemented in the portion dishes immediately after cooking.

According to the requirements the temperature of the dish when feed must be not lower than 65 ° C.

Permissible shelf life « before implementation, it is 2-3 hours at a storage temperature not lower than 65 ° C.

Shelf life « Makaroni boiled with champignons " it is 12 hours at storage temperature from + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C.

7. Quality and security indicators of dishes:

7.1 Organoleptic Indicators:

Table 11.


Components are not unloaded, surface without tangling, additives are distributed evenly.

Products - white, cream, dishes in general - the peculiar components that make up the dish.

Pleasant components inherent. Without extraneous impurities and defamatory signs.

Without extraneous impurities and defamatory signs.


A sufficiently dense, not wasteful, peculiar to this type of product.

8. Food and Energy Value:

Technical and Technological Card №106

1. Product Name: Beans with tomato and onions.

Application area. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Beans with tomato and onions", manufactured at catering restaurant LLC "Bamberg"

2. List of raw materials:

For cooking dishes " Beans with tomato and onions » The following raw materials are used: beans, tomato puree, onion, margarine table.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials:

Raw materials used for cooking "Beans with tomato and onions" Complies with the requirements of regulatory documentation, has certificates of compliance and quality certificate.

4. Norms of bookmarks of raw materials (recipe):

Roma consumption rates, processing loss comply with the norms of consumption of raw materials and exit products "Collector of technological standards 1994

Table 13.

5. Description of the technological process:

5.1. Preparation of raw materials to the production of dishes "Beans with tomato and onions" It is produced in accordance with the "Collection of Dishes and Culinary Products for Food Services" 2002.

5.2. Before cooking, beans are poured with cold water (2.5 liters of water per 1 kg of beans) and boiled in a closed dish with a weak, but continuous boiling. Duration of cooking 1 toh. The finely chopped onions passerves, add tomato mashed potatoes, pass another 5-8 min. Then combine with boiled, fastened spices beans and, stirring, heated to boiling.

6. Requirements for design, apparent, sales and storage:

The side dish is prepared as necessary and use immediately after cooking.

According to the requirements, the temperature of the dish when feed must be not lower than 65 ° C.

Permissible shelf life "Beans with tomato and onions" before implementation is 2-3 hours at a storage temperature not lower than 65 ° C.

Shelf life "Beans with tomato and onions" is 18 hours at storage temperature from + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C.

7. Quality and security indicators of dishes:

7.1. Organoleptic Indicators:

Table 14.

8.pish and energy value:

Table 15.

Responsible developer Full name / painted /

Engineer-technologist Full name painted /

Head Production Full name / Painted /

2.3 Evaluation of the quality of dishes

Fillingparamedio magazine

The nutritional value of public catering can be high enough, provided that it has good quality organoleptic performance. Organoleptic indicators include the appearance of products, its taste, smell and consistency. In addition to these main indicators, the transparency (broths, juices), color on the cut (meat chopped products), etc. Organoleptic analysis of food quality are carried out with the help of sense organs. In catering establishments, organoleptic assessment of product quality is carried out by professionals working in this area: leading cooks and confectioners, heads of workshops, chefs, directors of enterprises and their deputies, technology engineers, sanitary doctors and dietary doctors, as well as cooks and confectioners Directly related to cooking. Organoleptic analysis of the quality of public catering products is usually preceded by instrumental analysis. Each indicator of the organoleptic evaluation is complex. Thus, when evaluating the appearance, pay attention to the form of the culinary product, the nature of the surface, form and uniformity of cutting, color or color shade, uniformity of the distribution of components and other indicators.

The smell is usually evaluated as a peculiar or inconspicuous given product, outsiders, weakened, etc.

The taste can be typical for this type of product or atypical, with a stranger, with a predominance of taste of any

secondary component. The taste is estimated as salty, sweet, sour and bitter, as well as their combination. So, the taste of borscht should be sour-sweet.

The consistency can be thick or liquid, elastic, loose, fibrous, adhesive, tiny, etc., characteristic of this culinary product or not.

In catering establishments, the organoleptic assessment of product quality is carried out daily, and they evaluate each batch of products, which is recorded in the marriage magazine.

Below are separate variants of complex sides, and the specified combinations of products are not required, they may vary depending on the possibilities of the enterprise and demand of consumers, however, the overall emergence of the side dish (150 g per serving) must be maintained. The recommended garniram above the established norm can be supplied fresh, salt or pickled vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. in the amount of 50-75 g of net for a portion), as well as fruits pickled (25-50 g of net for a portion).

In the preparation of complex garnings, it is necessary to select products combined to taste and coloring. The selection of a complex garnish requires special attention of the cook, since in its manufacture it is necessary to take into account not only the taste combinations of the side dish and the main product, but also all the components of the side of the garnist.

When designing, dishes should not put the side of the side of the same color, as it worsens the appearance of the dish. Approximately such combinations cannot be allowed: boiled potatoes and pasta, green peas and beans, podkalkovaya, etc.

The above embodiments of complex drives indicate the mass of finished, refilled products. The consumption of products on their preparation is calculated according to the appropriate recipes for each type of side dish.

Sberrings are complex 1st option

1st option

Sberrings are complex 10th version

10th version

Sberrings are complex 11th version

11th version

Sberrings are complex 12th option

12th option

Sberrings are complex 13th version

13th version

Sberrings are complex 14th version

14th version

Sberrings are complex 15th version

15th version

Sberrings are complex 16th version

16th version

Sberrings are complex 17th version

17th version

Sberrings are complex 18th version

18th version


1. FZ of the Russian Federation "On the quality and safety of food products" UTV.02.1. 2000 FZ-29.

2. Rules for the provision of catering services (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036 with amended and add. Dated 21.06. 2001 №389).

3. Collection of recipes and culinary products for catering facilities. - M.: Khleboprodinform, 1996, 1997. Collection of technological standards.

4. Collection of recipes and culinary products of national cuisines of the peoples of Russia. - M., MP "Vika", 1992.

5. Collection of recipes and culinary products for catering facilities. - M., Economics, 1981.

6. Collection of technological standards for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products. Collection of recipes. - M.: "Light Industry and Household Service", 1999.

7. Collection of recipes on cakes, cakes, cupcakes, rolls, cookies, gingerbread cookies, pits and bakery products. - M.: Khleboprodinform, 2000.

8. Collection of receptor diet food dishes. - Kiev, Technique, 1988.

9. GOST 50647-94 "Public diet. Terms and Definitions".

10. GOST R 50763-95 "Public diet. Culinary products implemented by the population. General specifications. "

11. GOST R 50762-95 "Public enterprise. Classification of enterprises. "

12. OST 28-1-95 "Public diet. Requirement for industrial personnel. "

13. Sanpin Hygienic requirements for the safety of food value of food products.

14. SanPine Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of catering, manufacturing and processability of food and food raw materials in them.

15. Sanpin 42-123-4117-86 Sanitary rules. Conditions, deadlines for the storage of perishable products.

16. The procedure for conducting sanitary and epidemiological examination of products / appliance. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 15, 01 No. 325.


17. Kovalev N.I., Kuttina M.M., Kravtsova V.A. Food cooking technology. M.: Business Literature, 1999.

18. Pavlova L.V., Smirnova V.A., Practical classes on cooking technology. - M., 1988.


19. Kovalev N.I., Kuttina M.N., Kartseva N.Ya. Russian kitchen. - M.: Business literature, 2000.

20. Handbook of the employee of the catering / ed. Golubeva V.N. - M.: Delhi Print, 2002.

21. Category of public catering technologist. - M.: Kolos, 2000.

22. Ziborova O.V. Collection of tasks in the course "Catering technology" - M.: MKT OPS, 2002.

23. Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Standards and Quality", "Restaurant Business".

24. Sobolev Z.T., Bakunova R.B. Directory of the head of catering enterprises. M.: Economy, 1986.

25. OSTA, TU and other sectoral regulatory and technical documentation for public catering products.

26. Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Standards and Quality".

27. Chemical composition Russian food. Ed. Corresponding member Mai, prof. THEM. Skurichina and Academician Ramne, Prof.V.A. Towjana.

28. http: // Cooking. NIV RY / POVAR / EDA. PL? \u003d 28WS \u003d / SOUSY. Htm.

29. http: // www. SUM SM. UA.

30. http: // peteris. Narod. RY / SOUS HTM

Attachment 1.

Cabbage stew with champignons. "

name of raw materials

Masses, (net)

Coal water, g

Cabbage fresh

Vinegar 3%

Culinary fat

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Bay leaf

Wheat flour

Champignon mushrooms

Vegetable oil

FOthat complex garnira "Cabbage stew with champignons"

Scheme 1. "Cabbage stew with champignons."


Calculation of food and energy value: " Beans with tomato and onions. "

name of raw materials

Net weight)

Coal water, g

Energy value, Kcal / KJ

Tomato Mashed

Bulb onions

Margarine Table

Photo of a complex garnist"Beans with tomato and onions."

Scheme 2. Scheme of the preparation of a complex garnish"Beans with tomato and onions."

Calculation of food and energy value: " Makaroni boiled with mushrooms. "

name of raw materials

Net weight)

Coal water, g

Energy value, Kcal / KJ



Bulb onions


Photo of a complex garnist« Makaroni boiled with mushrooms. "

Scheme 3. Scheme of the preparation of a complex garnish« Makaroni boiled with mushrooms. "

Posted on

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