Business ideas that are not yet in Russia. European business: the most promising business ideas Foreign business ideas for small businesses

Lending 19.01.2023

Europe is a recognized leader in the number of creative ideas for new business. The specificity of life, mentality contribute to the emergence and subsequent implementation of non-standard projects. They are quickly becoming widespread and earning impressive returns. Startups that are successful in the West may well become a profitable business, both in Russia and in other countries. The novelties of 2019 discussed below can be a source of inspiration for finding a successful investment of funds and efforts.

1. The perfect jeans store for men

A rare man loves long trips to shopping centers in search of the necessary things. The problem with the visual selection of the model and the appropriate size. A real find for the males was the Hointer jeans store. The simple and functional layout of the product, modern technology and the absence of intrusive service attract men like a magnet. Jeans are not folded into neat piles, but are hung face down to the customer, each in a single copy. Using the QR code on the labels, it is easy to find out which of the fitting rooms already has the right model of the right size. Jeans that you like after trying on are taken to the checkout, those that do not fit are sent to a special hole. The advantage of such a store is significant savings on square meters and employees.

2. Purchases with delivery to the place of arrival

An actual service for cities where there is an airport will be the delivery of products after an online order to the place of arrival. Tired passengers will be grateful for the opportunity to go home, bypassing the queues at supermarkets. The idea was implemented by the Woolworths chain of stores in Melbourne (Australia).

3. Goods without packaging

The Bulk Barn company offers bulk, and most importantly, cheap goods: cereals, nuts, teas, pastries, dried fruits and much more in large vending machines with transparent walls. The lack of packaging greatly affects the price. Since its inception, the company has expanded to 200 branches and increased its product line to 4,000 items.

4. Restaurant with weight control

The fashion trend for a beautiful athletic body has made the idea of ​​​​opening a restaurant where you can calculate your dinner according to the number of calories truly "golden". This service is successfully offered by the Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland).

5. Restaurant with the opportunity to earn money for visitors

The Logbar in Japan gives its customers the opportunity to create their own recipe for the desired cocktail on the iPad. The bartender will mix the ingredients, and the visitor will enjoy the taste of his invention. You can come up with a name for the drink and save it in the bar map. If another visitor chooses the invented cocktail, the author will be credited with 50 yen for each new order.

6. Cafe for cyclists

A healthy lifestyle, the desire to help the environment annually increase the number of bicycles in cities. People began to often change from a car to two-wheeled transport, while the infrastructure of cities is well developed for the first, but ignores the second. In Zurich, cafes are very popular, where you can have a bite to eat without getting off the saddle. There are special tables for parking, where meals take place. Convenience and accessibility attract not only cyclists, but also motorists and pedestrians.

7. Automated bike rental

As with the idea of ​​a bike cafe, the offer is influenced by modern lifestyle. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle, instead of a taxi and public transport, a rental service will be in demand. The points of issue are automated and brought to perfection. Anyone can take a transport in a few seconds, pay for it in cash or by card, and rent it out in a similar rental without bothering to go back.

8. Free gym

Expensive subscriptions become an obstacle to visiting the gym for everyone. What are the benefits of opening a free gym? A huge flow of customers and the opportunity to receive large incomes from the sale of related products and advertising spaces.

9. Pizza in a cone

Pizza in its usual form is a costly meal in terms of cooking time and inconvenient as a "snack on the go." The Italians came up with a way out of the situation. The dough is pre-made and folded into a horn, which, when ordered, is filled with stuffing and brought to readiness in the oven. Compact in size, convenient for a quick snack, crispy and endlessly delicious, PizzaCono is gaining popularity in all cities of the world. The idea will be a great start-up in a city where it has not yet appeared.

10 Tourist Vending Machine

Towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, toothpaste and other indispensable things on any trip are often forgotten at home. In Germany, they came up with the idea to install the Berlinomat Design Automat, which supplies travelers with everything they need at train stations and airports.

11. Hotel for children

A great way out for parents who have no one to leave the child with for the duration of an event or trip. The hotel is a camp accessible at any time of the year, where experienced educators will look after the baby, animators will take care of it, doctors will look after it and cooks will feed it deliciously. Given the busyness of modern parents, the idea has become widespread in the West.

12. Sausages with drawings

An amazing invention for children came from Feldhues (Germany). It was proposed to make sausage in such a way that when cut, pieces with drawings were obtained: bear cubs, hares, dolphins and other cute pictures. Over time, an assortment for adults and a service for the production of individual designs appeared. The result of a successful commercial offer was the expansion of a small store to three plants with a wide range of products.

13. Tours for tourists with vision problems

There is a growing demand for services for people with disabilities. In the process of preparing trips for visually impaired or visually impaired people, groups are recruited, half consisting of well-seeing tourists, who help the first to enjoy the trip and feel the beauty of the surrounding places.

14. Vending to relieve stress

The European fashion for psychotherapists, trainings and other things that help restore emotional health has moved to a new level. The business idea began to gain popularity in the form of placing vending machines on the street to release negative emotions. For example, the machine will give out dishes that can and should be broken. After that, a special employee will clean everything neatly and quickly. The service is in demand among young people and teenagers who splash out energy and have fun with the help of force.

15. Recipe Kit Store

The idea is suitable for both gourmets and busy people who do not want to look for the right products on store shelves for a long time. An example of successful implementation was the Kochhaus chain of stores. All goods inside are on separate tables, on which there are photos of dishes with descriptions and the necessary ingredients are selected in the right proportion. Perishable products are placed in refrigerators next to the tables.

16. Printing short messages

Important, valuable information for many remains forever in our computers and smartphones. offered a unique opportunity to print and save all valuable correspondence as a keepsake. The service makes it possible to archive correspondence from any messengers (viber, whatssapp, and others).

17. Barzahlen service for online stores

For those who do not accept credit cards and are not friends with Internet banking, a system has been developed that allows you to print a receipt with a barcode when buying on the Internet and pay for it in any convenient store (which is a partner of Barzahlen) at the checkout, after which the seller online The store will immediately send the goods.

18. Narrow professional advice

A successful satrap was the idea of ​​Michael Franke, an insurer from Germany. The entrepreneur helps colleagues deal with the nuances of insurance offers, identify pitfalls, compiles and publishes company ratings.

19. Paying for travel with a smartphone

Every second European from developed countries has an application installed on their phones that allows you to pay for travel directly on your phone. The idea is suitable for enterprising entrepreneurs who are able to take on complex organizational issues.

20. Smart technologies

Babolat Play (France) offered a tennis racket that can monitor the game online and analyze its performance, which makes it possible to correct the tennis player's game in time. The idea is relevant to other areas of life as well. The introduction of such technologies makes life easier for people and makes the level higher.

21. Service for renting windows for advertising

A novelty from Holland is advertising on the windows of buildings. The owners of the premises are registered in the "Add My Window" project, the system evaluates the location and their business. After the assessment, the company's managers send advertising perforated stickers that transmit light well and do not affect the interior lighting of the premises. Monthly rent to landlords - 150 euros.

22. Mobile hotel

Whitbread's Scandic To Go hotel stops wherever the guest wishes. Fields, meadows, roadside areas: any place available for the trailer. The service is becoming more and more in demand due to the growing desire among tourists for a secluded vacation with comfort. For a night spent in a mobile hotel, you will have to pay 328 dollars.

23. Twitter hotel

A hotel called "SolWave" offers sociable tourists a vacation with the services of "Twitter". Guests can chat in a general chat, get to know each other, participate in contests and sweepstakes, and talk in private rooms for four. To order drinks, just leave a message with the hashtag #FillMyFridge. In the context of the popularity of social networks, a relevant idea in any country.

24. Rent the same cars

Silvercar can be considered a successful startup that has gained quick popularity and good income. The peculiarity is that the company rents out a car of only one make and model - Audi A4. Customers do not have to get used to new cars every time, and it is beneficial for the company to service similar models. All the necessary data on city navigation is integrated into the car control panel, and you can order a car from your smartphone through the application.

25. Chocolate Constructor

The idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambina. The buyer is offered a choice of milk, white and dark chocolate in the form of squares, into which a chocolate bar is usually divided. You can choose any filling and insert it yourself into special holes. On top there are recesses for decorative elements. Such handmade chocolate is in unprecedented demand as gifts for dear people.

26. Coworking center

Free space for communication or work. A modern alternative to cafes, restaurants, libraries and other places where it is customary to spend free time. Payment is made only for the hours spent inside such a center.

27. Hotel for flowers

For travelers going on a long journey, those who are planning to make repairs or have other reasons to leave flowers without care for a long time, the idea of ​​a plant hotel appeared and proved to be successful.

28. Virtual Presence

LiveLike VR is a project that, using virtual reality, allows fans to “be present” at the stadium where the match of their favorite team takes place in real time.

29. Scented lacquers

Nail polishes usually have a strong, unpleasant odor. The solution to the problem, which made fashionistas very happy, was offered by Revlon. The brand has released a series of coatings Parfumerie. The whole line has pleasant gentle smells that last for 3 days.

You will find out whether business ideas popular in Europe can take root in our country and how successful they will be. What directions for small business from the Old World can be promoted in Russia?

In Russia, the fashion for small business is growing. Most business ideas are introduced from abroad - from Europe and the USA.

About how to choose the right idea, implement it, whether it will work at all in the Russian Federation and in the near abroad, and what mistakes beginner entrepreneurs make - read our article.

Why some foreign business ideas are different from domestic ones

The principles of organizing and doing business are different in each country. This is due to different economic development models, cultural differences and mental characteristics of the population.

These factors determine whether a particular product or service will be popular - how much it will be in demand among the local population.

For example, fast food is the most popular in the United States. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all - the pace of life and culture of the population. Americans are a nation of entrepreneurs.

They are constantly minding their own business - business, study, sports, etc. Therefore, they do not always have time to cook at home or wait for an order to be prepared in a restaurant. In fast food, everything is much faster, hence the high popularity.

In Western Europe, there is a high percentage of the population that eats only in cafes and restaurants. For example, in the Netherlands it is cheaper to go to a restaurant than to buy food and cook at home, so the restaurant business is well developed in this country.

Russia also has its own peculiarities that must be reckoned with. The entrepreneur must adapt his business idea to the needs of the local population.

Can they stay with us?

Most of the business ideas in Russia and other post-Soviet republics came from abroad and began to be actively implemented in the 1990s - after the collapse of the USSR.

For a quarter of a century, fast foods, coffee houses, supermarkets, shopping centers, credit institutions, delivery services, etc. have appeared in the Russian Federation. All this came from Europe and the USA, transforming to the needs of the local market.

This trend does not lose its relevance - foreign ideas are still being actively implemented. Some are successful, some not so much, but most business projects are not new - they come from abroad.

For example, in the mid-2000s, vending appeared in Russia - terminals for replenishing accounts and the Internet, coffee machines, etc. Today, this type of business continues to develop and reaches a new level - fully automated coffee houses, mobile cinemas and self-service stores are being created.

All these ideas come from Europe and the USA, and most of them take root well in the Russian Federation, especially in million-plus cities.

The practice of doing business in Russia differs from the European one.

If the European economy is based on small businesses and the state supports small entrepreneurs with subsidies, tax breaks, a favorable legal framework, then in the Russian Federation everything is more difficult - the legislation is sharpened for large players, monopolists prevail, and complex bureaucratic processes frighten start-up entrepreneurs.

4 main directions for business in Europe

Small business in Europe is represented by four main areas related to trade and cooking, with comfort, a healthy lifestyle and the manufacture of handicrafts.

Let's consider each of the directions in more detail.


Most Europeans do not like to "stand by the stove." Public catering is popular in Europe - cafes, restaurants, fast food, mobile eateries, coffee shops. The local population either fully eats in public catering, or partially, so this business is always relevant in the EU countries.

Actual ideas for use in the Russian Federation:

  • vending - coffee machines, vending machines and self-service cafes;
  • small brewery;
  • cooking and delivery of lunches is especially important for large cities;
  • mobile fast food.


The business of improving comfort and quality of life is relevant for most countries. It is especially developed in Western Europe and the USA. Europeans are trying to improve their living conditions, and local entrepreneurs are making money on this.

Current directions:

  1. Furniture manufacture.
  2. Production and installation of "smart furniture".
  3. Sale of robotic vacuum cleaners.

Healthy lifestyle

Europeans are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. They visit gyms, fitness centers and prefer healthy eating.

Popular business ideas:

  • opening a gym or fitness center;
  • sale of fitness trackers;
  • fast food healthy eating;
  • grocery stores for cooking healthy food.


"Hand Made" literally translates as "handmade". This type of entrepreneurship is available to everyone - it requires only free time, creative ideas and minimal investment in material.

Hand Made can be both the main and additional source of income.

Popular niches:

  1. Production of handmade chocolate.
  2. Soap production.
  3. Homemade cakes - cakes, cookies, buns.
  4. Bijouterie - bracelets, earrings and other jewelry.
  5. Designer clothes - for people and pets.

Sell ​​products through the Internet, friends, acquaintances, ads in local newspapers, or open your own store.

TOP 7 successful business ideas from Europe

Europe and the US are developing faster than Russia in terms of entrepreneurship.

Therefore, most of the "new" business ideas are first born abroad and only then begin to be used in the Russian Federation - it is not necessary to have your own idea in order to build a profitable business - use the experience of European colleagues.


Eco-tourism is a trend that is developing all over the world. This type of tourism is in particular demand among residents of megacities - they want to take a break from the bustle of the city, and nature is the best option for them.

Such a business does not require large investments. To organize it, you need a natural area that will be of interest to tourists. There are many such places in Russia, so the choice is quite large.

Eco-tourism destinations:

  • mountain tourism;
  • horseback riding in the forest;
  • cycling through picturesque places;
  • boating or kayaking;
  • visiting protected areas;
  • fishing;
  • building a tent camp in the forest and living in it;
  • hiking tours.

This is not a complete list - there are many options for organizing eco-tourism. Each region has its own characteristics that the organizer must take into account. In addition, integrated tours are often made - mountain tourism is combined with kayaking (if there are water bodies in the mountains), and hiking with visiting protected areas.

Each organizer usually has his own unique program for such events.

Sale of door handles with a disinfecting effect

Banks, cafes, restaurants and large offices are visited daily by hundreds and even thousands of people. Some of them get sick and leave behind germs that spread to other visitors.

All visitors touch the doorknob. Most of the microbes are transmitted from it. To prevent this, the British company Altitude Medical began to produce door handles with a disinfecting effect.

All popular business ideas are born from daily human needs.

Dispensers are inserted into such pens, distributing a disinfectant that kills all accumulated microbes.

The average cost of one such pen is $200.

Potential clients:

  1. Office owners.
  2. Catering establishments.
  3. Private clients.

Roll sales terminals

In Europe, as in Russia, the demand for Japanese cuisine is growing. Rolls are the most popular. They are prepared even in ordinary fast foods. But the buyer does not always have the time or desire to wait until the order is prepared for him.

For this reason, the number of roll vending machines has increased. A smart machine prepares rolls on its own - the client saves his time, and you earn.

This type of vending business is only gaining popularity, but it has fertile ground for development in Russia and the CIS.

food truck

The idea is not new. It is used all over the world - and in Russia as well. Most of these business projects are closed in the first year - due to an illiterate approach to organizing the business.

A mobile snack bar will be relevant only in crowded places - on the central streets of the city, near business centers, universities, cinemas, in large parks.

Making clothes for pets

Caring owners order clothes for their pets. Since the mid-2000s, this fashion has become massive in European countries. It also applies to the countries of the former USSR.

Owners of dogs of different breeds create a special demand for such clothes. For example, in winter, while walking animals, they try to dress warmer, because they are accustomed to home warmth and comfort.

Bicycle upgrade

An upgrade is an improvement, the creation of more comfortable conditions for using a bicycle.

There is a growing interest in cycling around the world. This is due to the convenience and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Practical and pedantic Europeans try to take care of their health, so they massively switch to bicycles - they ride them to work, go on bike rides and even travel.

"Smart" furniture

Dutch, Swedish and German companies create furniture that opens, closes and even transforms itself - the kitchen into the living room and vice versa. This niche is not yet occupied even in the European segment of the market, and even more so in the Russian Federation.

Such unusual furniture simplifies the life of its owners and saves their time, and time is the main resource that a person values. Therefore, there are all the necessary prerequisites for the development of this type of entrepreneurship.

For other relevant ideas, see the video:

Possible reasons for failures in the implementation of a business idea

Every new entrepreneur makes mistakes. But it's better to learn from someone else's mistakes than to make your own.

Let's look at 4 common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Reason 1. Mistakes in money management

Money is a resource. They need to be well managed.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Illiterate distribution of start-up capital. Aspiring entrepreneurs direct all available money to rent an office, equipment and hire staff. The emphasis is not on the quality and volume of products, but on the image.
  2. Incorrect calculation of the required amount to start. After the launch of the project, the need for additional funding is discovered, there is a need for unplanned expenses - everything needs to be calculated in advance. To do it right, study your competitors and their experience.
  3. Improper management of working capital. Use money from turnover to develop a business project. You do not need to take funds from there for your own needs, otherwise you will not be able to develop.

Reason 2. Working without a goal

If you don't have a goal, you won't have a plan of action. In business, this is unacceptable. The development of each project is planned "from" and "to".

To make it easier, constantly raise the bar. Achieve one goal - set the next. This will motivate you to develop. You must know what you want.

Reason 3. Excessive caution

The success of an entrepreneur depends on his personal qualities - the ability to act and make the right decisions.

When you need to make a responsible decision, doubts begin. And this is good - you have to think everything through, evaluate the prospects and risks. But sometimes such a decision is hindered by excessive caution, especially if the idea is new and has not been used before.

“What if I don’t succeed?”, “And if there are no clients?”, “No one has done this before me” - these and hundreds of other questions interfere with the entrepreneur.

How will you know the answers to these questions until you start? Will you wait for someone else to implement the idea? If you have thought of everything, start acting. There will be mistakes. Think of them as an invaluable experience that will help in the future.

Reason 4. Desire to make money

What is your goal - to make money, build a thriving business, create your life's work? You can also earn money at the plant - they will think for you there, you will not need to make difficult decisions and bear responsibility for them.

In business, it is easier to lose than to earn. Success stories are known to everyone - they are actively advertised, they are written about in the media. But there are many more examples of failures. Inspired by examples of success, you think: “now I will build some kind of business, I will make money.” In practice, everything is different - debts, loans and other obligations that need to be fulfilled.

The goal of a successful business is to offer the buyer the number 1 product in this segment.

Your task is to sell a quality product or service. This is the only way to build true success. The thirst for quick profit is not the best motivator in business.

In addition, the staff does not constantly improve their qualifications, but changes professions, getting to know each new one superficially. Peculiarities of the external environment of Russian business Also, the peculiarities of doing business are directly related to the external environment in which the company is forced to operate. The first such feature in Russia is a large institution of mediation. Western businessmen can independently enter the European market to purchase goods, Russian entrepreneurs rarely manage to do without the help of intermediaries.

Corruption is one of the most unpleasant business problems in Russia. It is extremely difficult for honest business to function in our country, given that government assistance and the legal framework in Russia are insufficient.

EICC network free search for business partners in Russia and abroad


This is a new business from Europe and so far it can only be in demand in large cities or in Russian megacities. Due to the fact that sushi and rolls are a product that quickly deteriorates, it is better to install vending machines with their implementation where there is a high traffic of people, so that the product is sold out as quickly as possible and fresh is served.

Bicycles for rent. Traffic jams are a constant problem in big cities. People come to work, they get there for hours. So, to avoid this trouble, in Europe, many people prefer to ride a bike.

She offers bikes for rent. For just a small fee, a cyclist can pick up a vehicle from a bike rental machine and then return it to the same place.

Business abroad, which is not in Russia: options for ideas

American business ideas not represented in Russia America is a pioneer in the field of novelties in the market of goods and services. It is here that ideas are born that sprout around the world.

Today, the most valuable quality of goods and services is practicality, hence the corresponding ideas of American companies. Manufacture of covers for cars Covers for cars Covers can replace an expensive car painting procedure.
They protect the car from external influences that can damage its appearance. The design of the cover can be very different, which allows the car to stand out in a number of the same models.
The advantage of such a business is its demand in the service market: the number of cars is growing every year, and the alternative to painting after minor accidents or minor damage will allow car enthusiasts to put the car in order for less money.

Ideas for a business that is not yet in Russia

Business ideas from America and Europe

Ideas to Borrow from Chinese Businessmen Many people associate China with the business of reselling cheap goods at a higher price. But this idea is "as old as the world." In order to be a successful businessman in such a densely populated country, you need not only dexterity, but also great wit and knowledge of the needs of modern society.

And in any case, this allows consumers to save money, because the performance of such a simple service in the salon is many times more expensive. There are a lot of users of this service, as the films are short-lived.

In Europe, a business based on small retail is fixed on the right of ownership. The states of Europe do not directly regulate the conduct of business.

5 business ideas that are not in Russia in 2017

According to experts, twenty percent of all retail trade is in the market share.

Speaking about the European business in the markets, it should be said about the popularity of the weekend markets, as well as the fish markets in France, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. Speaking about the state of small business in Europe, one need only pay attention to the huge number of shops, restaurants and cafes, not only in large cities, but also in small ones. The number of these private enterprises is regulated only by the needs of the market. European business not only this differs from others. Also, one of the differences is the fact that the manufacturer not only produces products, but in most cases he himself is engaged in its implementation.

Ways to protect small businesses in Europe.

Talking about the ways of protection, which has European business, it is necessary to highlight the legislative framework. According to the laws of most European countries, in cities and towns with a population of less than forty thousand people, the construction of chain department stores is prohibited. This ban helps to protect representatives of small retail trade from dumping the owners of a chain of stores. In most European countries, the solution of various business problems is handled by one department. The direct interaction of the head of this department with the head of state makes it possible to conduct work effectively. In small European cities, various boards of trustees have been created that regulate small and medium businesses, as well as control competition in the market. This board of trustees, as a rule, includes established businessmen and entrepreneurs.

European stereotypes.

If you want to open a business in Europe, you should take into account certain specifics of commercial activities in European countries. It's no secret that European goods are sold much better and cost much more than domestic counterparts. Opening your european business, a businessman gets the opportunity to easily establish international cooperation with other companies, as well as find the necessary markets in all European countries. A business that is opened in Europe will be profitable at least due to stereotypical thinking about the quality of European goods and services. Of course, in order to create the most favorable conditions for the implementation of a business plan for European business, it is necessary to comply with stereotypical concepts and opinions. These stereotypes make it easier to promote goods or services on the market. Most European companies and firms take advantage of the fact that they can easily afford to create the images they need, and it is thanks to the image, brand promotion that they will receive more money for the same product than a less popular brand of goods.

Business multi-sector.

European business is a developed system for the production of goods, its distribution throughout the world. Also, the benefits of European business include the provision of various kinds of services. Speaking about investing in business in Europe, experts advise to clearly define the initial direction of the company and the target audience. After certain business development actions are taken according to the business plan, and when the payback period of the business is over, experts advise making European business multi-sectoral. The concept of multi-sector business, of course, includes the strengthening of business, and the increase in its profits through the development of additional areas and directions. For example, in the production of bottled water, a good option to strengthen the business would be to provide various related services, such as water delivery, or the sale of disposable cups to corporate clients.

Advantages of European business.

European business has a qualitative difference from domestic business. The main difference between European business is its progressiveness and the absence of conservative borders. Every promising European company wants to expand its activities. In order to strengthen your European business, it is necessary to establish relationships with foreign partners. Established relationships with foreign partners will make it possible to distribute goods, respectively, increase the number of real customer groups and increase the group of potential customers.

Progressive European business is attractive to investors precisely because of its sustainability. A multi-sectoral business system, international partnerships and distribution of the company in many cities and regions of one or more countries, allows the business to become resistant to the financial crisis, bankruptcy and other impacts. Spreading the activities of one company in several sectors allows you to insure the company against bankruptcy. Perhaps this is due to the fact that even in the event of the decline of one of the directions of the company or the negative financial impact of both the structure as a whole and individual competitors, the company continues to exist due to additional sales of goods and the provision of additional services.

Other materials:

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Previous materials

Features of doing business in Russia in 2016, as before, were associated with certain nuances and subtleties. This also applies to mental peculiarities, and the established traditions of the implementation of business processes, and a huge number of difficulties caused by the sluggishness of the domestic bureaucracy, and the imperfection of fiscal policy, excessive control by inspection bodies.

At the same time, small business in Europe, America and other foreign countries is developing rapidly, offering more and more new ideas, techniques and interesting solutions!

It just so happened that the most popular and profitable type of business in Russia is associated either with the sale of resources, minerals and natural resources, or with ordinary speculation, when goods are purchased as cheaply as possible and sold as expensive as possible.

Yes, even the very process of creating a business structure in Russia is sometimes associated with almost insurmountable difficulties! That is why not every business idea in Russia can be implemented without extreme effort, investing a huge amount of resources, time and effort! Despite the fact that the business itself can be unprofitable! No matter how great the idea is!

Doing Business in Russia and Abroad: Fundamental Differences

Things are quite different in foreign countries, whose economies are considered the most developed. Practice shows that, in the same Europe, Asia or America, a new look at the seemingly traditional way of doing one's own business is the most important component of the entire economic policy of the country.

This is due, among other things, to the fact that the ideas themselves arise thanks to centuries-old traditions that have evolved over a long period of time:

  • the freedom of enterprise that exists in America, Europe and in some Asian countries from XIIIV to the current year 2016, the cultivation of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • a wide scope for the implementation of the most daring, interesting ideas and innovations relating to both trade and the field of service provision, or the sphere of production.

If in Russia the most popular and profitable types of business are supplies for the export of hydrocarbons, natural resources, the maintenance of a metal depot or, at worst, the opening of a grocery store, then business in Europe covers almost the entire service sector and most areas of production. There is more than enough new ideas for starting your own business in foreign countries.

A crisis is a crisis, but business is business!

Moreover, even despite the global financial crisis that broke out three years ago and continued throughout 2016, most new business ideas came from abroad. Unfortunately, in Russia there are practically no innovative and interesting solutions related to running your own business in the real sector of the economy or small business.

Maybe because the businessmen themselves do not have the appropriate motivation to engage in the implementation of new solutions? After all, it is known that the idea itself is sometimes half the success of running your own business!

Difficulties of running your own business in Russia

Unlike most developed foreign countries, doing your own business in Russia is much more difficult. The reason for this is the following circumstances:

  • the high price of an “entry ticket” to almost any niche;
  • great competition that exists in the most profitable types, areas and areas of business in Russia;
  • inertia of officials and the state bureaucracy, more often saying “no” than “yes”, sometimes even because of absolutely formal or far-fetched reasons;
  • high level of inflation and volatility of the national currency;
  • the lack of the amount of fiscal and tax benefits that are in Russia, and which are present in abundance for small businesses in the so-called "developed countries";
  • the criminal component of highly profitable popular types of entrepreneurial activity;
  • lack of innovative ideas associated with high risks of doing business, no matter what direction it may have.

True, in 2016 the situation in Russia changed somewhat, the reason for which was changes in the general world economic conditions, the imposition of sanctions by some countries, and the active efforts of the leadership of our country to promote and implement the policy of import substitution. However, it is business ideas from Europe, the United States of America, China and Japan that are considered to be the most progressive, promising and profitable.

It is not for nothing that the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the total gross domestic product of the European Union reaches 70%, while in the same America it is almost half of GDP. In Russia, which is still considered to be a developing economy all over the world, the share of private entrepreneurship that exists today barely exceeds 20% of the total well-being index produced by the country.

Popular startup ideas from abroad

However, isn't it time to move from theory to practice, or rather, to specifics? What popular business ideas from Europe, the USA or Japan, including those that appeared in 2016, can be successfully adapted to domestic conditions, be technically feasible in Russia, and most importantly, make a profit? There are several innovative ideas, solutions and examples of this kind:

  • Remote viewing of sports events and other events via the Internet with the creation of the effect of being in a virtual stadium, concert venue or museum. A rather interesting idea won a $50,000 award, taking first place in a competition held in 2016 at the Graduate School of Business (Stanford);
  • Leasing of packaging materials. Simple, at first glance, the idea was born in the United States. Its essence lies in the fact that a specialized company provides the customer with boxes, wardrobe trunks and other packaging for moving or storing a wide variety of things and items for a low fee. At the end of the contract, the company picks up the packaging materials and takes them to its warehouse for reuse;
  • Sale of litter boxes for cats and other pets. Gradually replaceable devices, impregnated with a special composition of varying degrees of intensity, accustom the pet to the toilet;
  • Travel tours of the filming locations of successful blockbusters, series and television shows. A very profitable business from Europe, which is rapidly gaining popularity in countries of other continents.

Of course, this list is far from a complete list of those foreign business ideas that exist all over the world at the moment, but which have not taken root in domestic open spaces.

What new business ideas have appeared in Russia from Europe and the USA (America)?

In 2016 alone, several hundred new business ideas were proposed. Among them were such exotic options as an automatic car wash for elephants or, for example, the idea of ​​​​cleaning apartments after the owners' suicide or accidents!

The Most Profitable Foreign New Trade Ideas

Traditionally, the most popular areas of doing business abroad are the areas of car repair and maintenance, the area of ​​​​providing services, production and trade. Nevertheless, there are also very original, and sometimes frankly unexpected ideas and startups that have brought quite a tangible profit to their authors and developers! The following are examples:

  • the installation in 2016 of automatic lockers along highways, autobahns and highways, which enriched U.S. businessman Brad Hughes by $5,000,000,000;
  • the idea of ​​selling touching collectible teddy bears, which brought American Ty Warner over $4.5 billion;
  • a business based on the processing and use of obsolete fruits and vegetables for the production of juices and pureed soups, which increased the capitalization of a rather ordinary French store Intermarché by several billion euros;
  • Another example of a business idea in Europe is the catering (home delivery) of products that are offered to passengers on domestic and international flights, thanks to which the official suppliers of the German Lufthanza - Air Food One and LSG Sky Chefs - have earned at least 2 billion euros.

Innovative business ideas in the field of production

The manufacturing sector, even though the global economy has suffered a certain stagnation, also regularly surprises the public with new ideas and developments that are not in Russia. Here are just a few popular areas of business, the development of which promises to be quite profitable:

  • original novelty: the construction of block houses made of clay on a 3D printer;
  • production of edible packaging for food and beverages, the main components of which are brown algae and calcium chloride;
  • the production of marzipan figurines, which is rapidly gaining worldwide popularity due to its low cost and high profitability.

At the same time, it should be noted that Americans, Japanese, Chinese and especially Europeans attach great importance to the environmental friendliness of production and strive to use energy-saving ideas, technologies and methods that cause minimal harm to the environment and natural resources. In this sense, the Russian manufacturing sector can safely be called a still developing market, for which such high standards are still unattainable.

Foreign ideas in the service sector

The service sector in the US, Europe and most Asian countries is almost entirely given over to small and medium-sized businesses. Again, unlike Russia. What new can European business offer in terms of providing a variety of services?

  • Ecotourism. A very fashionable and profitable direction, which consists in organizing tourist trips to farms, reserves, national parks and so on;
  • Eco weddings. Celebrations held outdoors, usually in rural areas;
  • Mobile hotel. Quite an original business, the essence of which is that the hotel on wheels follows the customer, wherever he goes. The client saves significant financial resources by not having to pay serious money for stationary hotel rooms, which at the same time removes rather large restrictions on the degree of freedom of movement;
  • Unaddressed restaurant. The business idea of ​​Dutch chefs who conduct paid master classes for everyone in various restaurants or even museums.

As you can easily see, there are a huge number of new business ideas that provide very wide and varied opportunities not only for residents of Europe, Asia or America. Most of them can be implemented in the Russian expanses.

In addition, many of these ideas do not even require serious financial investments, the cost of purchasing the appropriate equipment, tools or materials, in any country in the world, including Russia! And at the same time, this type of business is quite so affordable that it can bring quite substantial profits!

A promising European business that can be implemented in Russia in 2018

European countries are actively practicing various kinds of business. They are quite successful at this. Every year there are all kinds of new products that are aimed at improving the comfort of life of a potential consumer. In this article, we will look at what European entrepreneurs are betting on, and also what could well serve as an ideal example for Russian business.

What is unique about European business

First of all, by business, Europeans have the opportunity to express their perspectives and creativity, as well as receive a good source of income. To ensure high competitiveness, it is necessary to constantly develop new products, which usually contain the following qualities:

  1. Demand in the market.
  2. Good profitability.
  3. High interest of potential customers.
  4. Modernity of the realized idea.

See also: What kind of business can be opened in Russia from America

For Europeans, it is very important to choose an idea that will be popular for a long time. Separate novelties in the sphere of business in Europe, which have appeared quite recently, have the right to life in Russia. Other ideas, in turn, can be implemented in individual regions due to their own specifics.

Let's now figure out which European business is applicable in the vastness of Russia, as well as from our own experience.

Pizza delivery in cups

This is quite an interesting idea, which has become a kind of know-how in the food industry. The business appeared in the homeland of pizza, it is distinguished by novelty, as well as unusualness. The idea became very popular among the active population.

This type of dish is called Kono Pizza. The product is a regular pizza that is decorated with an edible glass (usually crispy) that resembles traditional ice cream. Such an invention of the Italians was a direct confirmation that everything ingenious is simple. The new pizza format gained recognition very quickly, and is outselling the traditional dish in terms of sales.

The main advantage of just such a pizza is the excellent taste and convenience during the meal. If the usual one needs to be eaten only at the table, at home or in a cafe, then a glass can be eaten anywhere. Compared to regular pizza, this type of pizza is made with the same range of toppings. Of the standard fillers, ham, cheeses, sausages or even sweets are used.

To implement such a business idea, it is enough to organize a small stall. What equipment will be required:

  1. Small van.
  2. Good microwave.
  3. Showcase for displaying finished pizza.
  4. High quality cooking utensils.
  5. Various consumables.

Having familiarized yourself with this idea a little, you can immediately begin to implement it.

Personal fitness trainer

Recently, a business based on a personal favorite hobby is rapidly gaining popularity. Savvy entrepreneurs are sure that absolutely any occupation can bring not only moral satisfaction, but also a significant financial increase.

See also: Growing in a greenhouse: what is profitable

All sorts of hobbies and hobbies can be easily converted into a European standard business. For example, today the most demanded novelty is the work of an individual fitness trainer. Previously, if we fast forward 10 years ago, only well-to-do citizens of Europe could afford such a service. But at the moment it is available to everyone. The growth of your professionalism will be reflected in the amount of your income.

The popularity of sports services in the form of personal trainers is constantly growing due to the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

We invite you to analyze your hobbies right now and think about what you can do with it. How can this be turned into a business?

People who lean towards this type of business reap a large number of benefits:

  • selection of a narrow specialization in which you are a master;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • no big start-up capital required.

In the case of fitness, you do not need to rent your own training room. Classes can be held at home, as well as in fitness rooms.

Special farms for growing snails

This is probably the most interesting business in Europe, which has a great know-how effect. The idea is very applicable to our country. Creating your own snail farm is due to the rapid increase in demand for this type of product.

Such a business is successfully operating in Poland, Belgium, Greece, Spain, and Italy.

Every year in these countries they eat at least 100 thousand tons of snail meat, which has a lot of useful properties. The high protein content makes this delicacy indispensable in the diet of athletes and the population that monitors their health. A more specific type of business can be the production of snail caviar - this is an expensive product that is considered a delicacy.

Some more business ideas from Europe in 2017-2018

Now we will briefly look at a few obvious business ideas that have already found application in Russia, but there is still room for improvement:

  1. Evaluate the possibilities of opening a business that will be associated with computer technology. This area is rapidly gaining momentum in Russia, but so far our Runet does not have a set of technical resources that can be found abroad.
  2. The medical field is also not particularly developed. Think about the implementation of test points and the opening of laboratories.
  3. The construction business can be viewed from the side of the service sector, namely major repairs.
  4. Online shopping is our future. In Europe, this area is quite developed, and customers have a high level of trust in network outlets. Try to build your own brand selling something and replicate their success.
  5. In Europe, they have not yet fully mastered the niche of the environment. To this end, it is already possible to implement counseling/training centers for children and adults in Russia in order to educate people on the proper management of natural resources.
  6. An interesting idea is the imitation of natural phenomena - this is quite unusual for the population. Implementing weather at home is really a know-how idea.

Thus, there are plenty of ideas that have not yet been implemented in the vastness of Russia. You can easily find a use for your hobby in business, and it will pay you back a hundredfold. Despite the fact that millions of businesses are already open in our country, we still have room to move.

Business ideas from Europe: top 12 ideas for October 2018

Looking at the experience of foreign entrepreneurs, one might get the impression that we are lagging behind. And indeed it is. All this happens on the basis of the difference in mentalities. European businessmen focus primarily on the novelty of the idea and preferably on the purchase of a ready-made business. At the same time, the post-Soviet space is practicing starting a business from scratch in those niches where there are more competitors than we would like, instead of thinking about a completely new approach to starting your own business.

See also: How to breed worms at home

Look again at the ideas presented in this article, analyze the situation in your city, and we are 100% sure that you will find some kind of know-how that will create an amazing effect among your own potential customers.

Experiment, do not be afraid to make mistakes, and you will succeed!

New home business ideas from abroad. Business in Europe: Main directions and features of doing business

For many years, EU experts have been inclined to evaluate the entire structure of small and medium-sized businesses in Spain as almost exemplary, not only in terms of the form of its organization, but also in terms of the results of its activities. Perhaps the main argument for such an assessment is the 72% of GDP that this type of business provides.

Small and medium-sized businesses in Spain began to take shape and actively develop in the 1970s. High economic performance was achieved due to the high degree of small business development. Small and medium-sized enterprises helped rid the country of unemployment and contributed to the overall recovery.

The share of small and medium-sized businesses in Spain in some sectors reaches 80% (agriculture), in other sectors - an average of 25-30% (construction, industry, shipbuilding). The main sectors of small and medium-sized businesses are the agro-industrial complex (agriculture, grain), ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the food industry (food production, confectionery, winemaking), construction, tourism, etc.

Spain has developed a large number of programs to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses. For those who are going to start their own business, various assistance programs have been developed and successfully applied. For the first five years, the entrepreneur does not pay taxes, and also has the right to an indefinite loan for business development. The focus of the Spanish government is on small businesses that are of high social importance for Spain, create jobs for socially vulnerable groups (students, women, immigrants, etc.), contribute to the rise of underdeveloped regions and regions. In Spain, the state encourages many organizations and funds to support small businesses.

As the most important positive factor in the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Spain, it is worth noting the minimum level of bureaucracy. Registration of an enterprise, obtaining a license can be done in 24 hours without unnecessary red tape on the part of officials. Moreover, even any citizen of another state can do this. And at the same time, the controlling functions of state structures are reduced to a minimum.

By 2008, according to the data of the Institute of National Statistics, almost 2/3 of the country's able-bodied population was employed in the private sector and only slightly more than 20% in the public sector. By the beginning of the economic crisis in Spain, there was a quite balanced ratio of employed and temporarily unemployed, but with the prospect of their employment. The crisis of 2009 sharply aggravated the situation: the decline in business activity, the financial collapse of hundreds of large and medium-sized firms and thousands of small ones caused a logical increase in layoffs of workers in many industries, primarily construction, furniture, service and tourism, and others. But even despite this, small and medium-sized businesses receive strong state support. And not in every EU country there are such favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

1.3 SMEs in Europe (France)

Currently, about 3 million small and medium-sized enterprises are registered in France. Of these, 1.5 million

Business ideas from Europe

works in the service sector, 780 thousand - in trade, 350 thousand - in construction, 303 thousand - in industry. Every year, about 250 thousand small businesses are opened in the country, and 50 thousand go bankrupt. At the same time, 40-50% of new jobs created in France are accounted for by small businesses. Of the 3 million small enterprises, about 1.5 million belong to individual or family businesses and do without hired personnel at all, and 1,200 enterprises employ less than 10 people. The income of firms and small businesses do not have clear and legal restrictions.

The following can be noted as state support for small and medium-sized businesses in France.

Over the past quarter of a century, an impressive state system for stimulating small and medium-sized businesses has been created in the country. New small businesses are exempt from corporate taxes and local taxes for two years. For them, income tax and tax on the invested part of the profit are reduced. The state shows special loyalty to those who decide to open their business in economically depressed areas. Such entrepreneurs are subject to discounts and cancellations of payments to social security funds (health, pension fund, fund for multi-family, unemployment fund). For the unemployed who decide to create their own business, their own support system has been developed. They are exempted from taxes not for two, but for three years and for a year from obligatory social payments to social insurance funds. The unemployed who have become entrepreneurs are given special books, with tear-off checks from which they can pay for management, law, accounting, etc. Virtually all small business owners can expect to receive soft loans, loans and subsidies.

Encouraging and creating enterprises and preventing their bankruptcy is one of the key areas of cooperation between the state and business. This is done by a special institution - the National Agency for the Creation of Enterprises (ANSE), which not only promotes future private entrepreneurs, but also seeks possible purchases of enterprises in the event of a threat of bankruptcy.

Also, state assistance in the creation of enterprises is provided by the bodies of ministries for the development of territories, chambers of commerce and industry, elected bodies of local self-government - regional and general councils, as well as private funds created by large corporations, which in turn receive targeted tax benefits.

The leading organization created to lobby the business community is the Movement of French Entrepreneurs. Owners of small enterprises quite tough and resolutely defend their rights in dialogue with the state, especially when it comes to taxes and contributions to various funds.

In the context of the global financial crisis, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the creation of a fund of 2 billion euros, the funds of which will be directed to investments and loans to small and medium-sized businesses. It also provided for a reduction in the social tax rate for small and medium-sized enterprises and a number of other tax breaks.

In general, we can conclude that the conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in France are quite favorable, as in Spain. State support for such enterprises is at a high level, as in the United States.

For entrepreneurs who have opened their business in our country, it would be useful to learn how business is done in Europe, which has long traditions enshrined at the legislative level. Since in any European country small and medium-sized businesses are one of the largest taxpayers, and it is they who create a huge number of jobs, the attitude towards them is very respectful.

The main directions and features of doing business

The main direction of European business is retail trade. It is organized in the form of small shops, cafes and restaurants, market trade is no less popular, especially in weekend markets or fish trade in Germany, France or Scandinavian countries.

Among the features of doing business in Europe are the following:

minimal influence of the state;
the number of enterprises is regulated only by the market;
the manufacturer is independently engaged in the sale of products;
ease of establishing international cooperation.

Small business protection mechanisms in Europe

The main mechanism for protecting any type of business activity in European countries is a stable and well-established legal framework. Particularly instructive in this respect is the law in force in most of the European countries banning the construction of large supermarkets in settlements where fewer than 40,000 people live. This makes it possible to develop trade in small private stores, which solves many problems with employment and filling local budgets.

In addition, in most cities, small business boards of trustees are being created to represent its interests in contacts with government agencies. These same boards are responsible for regulatory policy and ensure that competition in the markets is fair. They include the most authoritative entrepreneurs of the area where such a council is being created. It is they who do not let competitors into their markets who are capable of pursuing a dumping policy in order to monopolize certain sectors of the market.

The European market works for the entrepreneur

Let's reveal the secret why many entrepreneurs, as soon as they have a sufficient amount of capital, are in a hurry to invest it in the European market. Everyone knows that “goods from Europe” is a kind of brand that allows you to initially set a higher price for them than for domestic counterparts. European entrepreneurs have been working on creating such an image for centuries, and anyone who manages to gain a foothold in this market can enjoy the fruits of this work.

Unlike domestic business, which literally suffocates from all sorts of intermediaries, any European businessman can independently enter international markets, of course, to a certain extent. For people who own enterprises, both here and in Europe, there are huge opportunities for maneuvering, which bring significant profits.

For example, a product that we produce at the appropriate cost can be sold under a prestigious brand. But this already applies to large businesses that can afford such transactions.

Why the European market remains attractive

At first glance, it may seem that the European market that has been developing for centuries is “populated” so densely that a newly minted entrepreneur has no chance to break into it. But that's not the case at all. The main difference between European business and domestic business is its progressiveness. It is the constant focus on expanding and strengthening cooperation in the international arena that makes it so dynamic.

The second attractive feature of Europe is the well-established legal framework. It is this system that allows businesses to adequately meet all the hardships of global crises, because if the rules are known, it is much easier to predict the results of their activities. Due to the absence of a rigid bureaucratic system in business regulation, European companies are developing multi-sectoral models that best meet the needs of the global economy. If one sector becomes unprofitable, the rest will not let the company go bankrupt.

What types of businesses are popular in Europe? The answer to this question depends on the goal. From the point of view of a tourist, it is profitable to engage in agriculture, restaurants and hotels, and the manufacture of luxury goods; It is also known that Europe is a trendsetter in clothes, shoes, bags, cars. From an investor's point of view, finding a truly profitable niche in the European Union is not easy.

European business: pros and cons

  1. Business in Europe is based on centuries-old traditions. The most demanded and popular types of commerce are family businesses. For example, the German hotel concern Hotel Pilgrim Haus is already 700 years old, 20 years younger - the French papermaker Richard de Bas, and the Italian wine company Barone Ricasole will soon celebrate its thousandth birthday. According to experts, the share of family business in the most popular destinations is high, it is difficult for an outsider to “squeeze” into this company.
  2. The Eurozone has high taxes, there are restrictions on the opening of enterprises by non-residents. From this position, old Europe is not the most profitable place for investment, but it is reliable: the traditions of protecting private property here are as old as the wineries.
  3. Small business enjoys respect and honor here. Loyal conditions for granting loans and interest rates in banks, corruption is tolerant, there is no press from the inspection bodies. Small businesses feel comfortable and protected here.

In terms of areas, popular types of small business in Europe can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • food business
  • on comfort
  • on a healthy lifestyle
  • handicrafts.

Food trade and catering

You can make money on food in any country in the world - Europe is no exception. Mobile hot spots, vending machines, lunch delivery, small breweries - all these small business areas are in demand. Europeans are busy with other pleasant things and feel less and less desire to "stand at the stove."

food truck

Opening a full-fledged restaurant in Germany or France is expensive and risky, and a standard diner will bring profit to the owner. Europeans love to travel, organize festivals, various sporting events. Hot sandwiches, pizza, pancakes, potatoes - everything is in demand in crowded places.

Buying a van on wheels will cost 10,000 €. Additional expenses (food, disposable tableware, salary, advertising) - about 5,000 €. This startup with minimal investment can be mastered without knowing the language, the main thing is to cook delicious food and serve customers quickly.

  • The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020
  • Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

Most entrepreneurs dream of coming up with a new “million dollar idea” that will bring millions in profits and take them to the business Olympus. Promising ideas do not appear so often, but do not despair - if you can’t come up with anything interesting, you can use the example of Western colleagues. The ideas of many projects were borrowed from Western startups, and this did not prevent them from becoming successful: for example, Pavel Durov took advantage of the idea of ​​Mark Zuckerberg and created the VKontakte network, which, although it did not “surpass” Facebook in the world, nevertheless became the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS.

The United States has long been considered a trendsetter in business, but European businessmen can also demonstrate creativity and bring to life outstanding ideas that can be used here. Ecotourism, women's repair crews, the production of European timber - these and many other European ideas are successfully working on the Russian market.

The latest business ideas from Europe: TOP 12 ideas 2020

1. Bike cafe . Everyone knows what Makavto is - McDonald's and other cafes serve customers right in the car. A similar business, designed for cyclists, has recently appeared in Zurich. A person can come to the cafe and drink coffee / eat without getting up from the bike, which is “parked” right on the territory of the cafe directly at the table.

It's no secret that bicycles are a very popular mode of transport in Europe, and in Russia in recent years special parking lots for bicycles have appeared.

Can this idea be applied in Russia? Yes - especially in big cities. In addition to the convenience for cyclists, this novelty will attract the attention of visitors - even those who came on foot or arrived by car.

By the way, one more business can be done on bicycles, and this idea also came to us from Europe: more precisely, from the most “cycling” country - Holland. This is an automated bike rental point where anyone can literally take a bike for little money in a matter of seconds and then return it to this point or to any other similar rental point in the city.

Such machines have already reached Russia, but so far the idea has been implemented only in a few large cities.

2. Free gym.Many people do not go to the gym because they require you to pay for an annual or monthly membership right away. A person may not have such an amount, or he will not buy a subscription, doubting that he will go there regularly for a month, or even more so - a year.

Therefore, free gyms have already appeared in Europe - which, nevertheless, make great money selling additional services or sports goods. These can be personal trainer consultations, sports nutrition and drinks, sportswear and shoes, as well as the sale of advertising space in the gym.

Is it possible to organize such a business in Russia? Yes - but you need to carefully calculate everything so that the income from sales is greater than the losses from those who just want to go to the gym “for free”. Alternatively, you can make a free visit in the first months of the gym to attract customers.

3. Cone-shaped pizza.Fast food is the trend of our time. People don’t have time to have breakfast (they are in a hurry to work), they don’t have time to have lunch (there is a blockage at work), and in the evening after work, the last thing you want to do is stand at the stove.

This is one of the secrets of the popularity of pizza. However, pizza has one significant drawback - it takes up a lot of space and is inconvenient to eat on the go. The Italians found a way out: they came up with a pizza in a cone - Pizza Cono. This is the same pizza, but more compact, because the filling is inside the dough, which is folded into a cone. Thanks to this, pizza can be eaten not at the table, without a knife and fork.

It is possible to organize such a business both in Russia and in any other country - wherever there are pizza lovers, but especially in office areas. In addition, it will allow you to stand out from other pizzerias.

4. Unusual vending.Vending machines for coffee, soda and chocolate have long been popular. German entrepreneurs have gone further - they have installed vendings with sunglasses, towels and other things that travelers often forget at the stations of large cities.

Such an idea can take root in any country, because people spend a lot of time at railway stations and willingly spend money there. Moreover, according to statistics, the number of traveling Russians is growing every year.

Another unusual vending trades in sets of rolls! Japanese cuisine is very popular, but you can order rolls in Russia only in cafes and sushi bars. But in Europe, special vending machines for rolls are already operating.

If you install such machines in crowded places, the idea may well work. Do not forget that rolls, unlike chocolate, water and crackers, have a short shelf life, so choosing the location of such a machine is of paramount importance.

5. Children's hotels. This idea will surely appeal to parents who dream of a short break from their children - or are forced to go on a business trip. Not everyone has grandmothers or other relatives who can stay with the child, and not everyone trusts nannies. A children's hotel is, in fact, an analogue of a children's camp: the menu and design of the rooms are created taking into account the interests of the little guests. In addition, in such hotels there must be a medical worker and a psychologist.

This idea will certainly take root in large cities - both in Russia and in other countries, because the number of working parents is only growing, and relatives are not always eager to take care of other people's children.

6. Table-bed 2 in 1: an idea for workaholics. Not everyone leaves work at 18:00 - often employees have to stay late at work. At the same time, not every company is equipped with a lounge. Exit - a table that turns into a bed. In its normal form, it is no different from an ordinary office desk, but as soon as you lower the back panel and flip the side cover, the table transforms into a place to relax. In addition, there is a small TV.

The idea of ​​transforming furniture is far from new, but only this table combines furniture for work and leisure.

It is difficult to say how this idea can take root in Russian offices - after all, few employees are so “burning at work” that they need a bed. But for small apartments, of which there are plenty in our country, this can be a real find.

7. Selfie mirror. Selfie is a real trend of recent years. In order not to appear in the frame with an outstretched hand. special “selfie sticks” had already been invented, but the French went even further and developed a special selfie mirror - Pixglass. After installing a special application on your smartphone, you no longer have to choose a pose for a photo - the mirror itself will take a selfie and send it to your smartphone, while your hands can be anywhere.

It's hard to say how popular this idea can be - most likely, real selfie fans who are not sorry to pay for such a thing for the sake of their favorite hobby can buy a mirror. And besides, a large selfie mirror can be rented for various events.

8. Lacquer with aromas.Revlon, a company known to all women, has released a new collection of Revlon Parfumerie polishes - 24 colors with fragrances that match the desired shade. For example, a Bordeaux-colored lacquer has not only the color, but also the aroma of Bordeaux wine. The scent is said to last up to 3 days.

The fact is that ordinary varnishes have a rather sharp and specific smell that annoys many fashionistas. The creators of this series have eliminated this problem, and other businessmen working in the beauty industry are ready to follow their example. The same hair dyes also have an unpleasant smell, and ideas have already appeared on how to give them a better scent.

9. Travel by smartphone.To board a plane, it is no longer necessary to present a printed ticket - air tickets have become electronic. Applications have already appeared in major Western cities that allow you to buy tickets for other modes of transport - while the ticket remains in your smartphone.

By the way, a similar project called "Mobile Ticket" was recently launched in Moscow. Now, to pay for the metro, you need to attach a mobile phone that supports NFC technology to the turnstile. Something similar could be done in other metropolitan areas.

10. Tours for blind and visually impaired tourists.According to statistics, 8% of the Russian population are visually impaired, and their number is growing every year. Excursion services for people with disabilities is a significant sector in the modern tourism industry. However, visually impaired people cannot enjoy the ride 100%. An interesting idea came to the visually impaired owner of the travel agency Amar Latif - he began to organize special tours for the blind.

During the preparation of the tour, mixed groups are created, and sighted tourists help the blind to feel the beauty of the places they visit.

Creating conditions for people with disabilities is a very popular type of business and social policy in the West. Most likely, soon this fashion will reach us.

11. Business on clean shoes. “I myself can’t stand dirty shoes,” said the unforgettable Alexei Batalov in the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears.” In fact, many people do not like dirty shoes - but what if in some regions of our country there is dirt and slush on the street for ten months a year?

A special Ultra Ever Dry liquid can be a way out: after processing the shoes with it, the shoes will repel dirt, water, and even sand. Such a liquid is successfully sold in Europe. In Russia, this business can work in large cities.

12. A restaurant that counts calories.Many people care about their figure, so some restaurants indicate not only the weight and price of each dish, but also the number of calories. But the owners of one Swiss restaurant went even further: they indicate the amount of calories and fat consumed not only on the menu, but also on the bill. By the way, this restaurant has 2 Michelin stars and is very popular.

The advantage of such a business idea is its simplicity. You just need to drive the calorie content of dishes into the system and add one line on the account. People who take care of their shape will certainly not bypass such a restaurant with their attention.

Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

If you are looking towards the West and want to use their developments in the Russian market, there are two ways to find ideas.

  1. If you have friends, relatives and acquaintances living abroad, ask them what interesting new developments have appeared on their market. You can also subscribe to groups of Russian emigrants in Europe in social networks and find the necessary information through them.
  2. Regular monitoring of foreign business websites. If you speak foreign languages, it is better to subscribe to foreign sites - until this information is found and reprinted on Russian-language resources, it may become slightly outdated.

Do not limit yourself to Europe and look for ideas everywhere, including around you. Sometimes a good idea can literally lie under your feet. Remember that a good product should cover the real needs of the client - only in this case he will be ready to pay for it. And here you should not focus on your personal preferences - look for what will be in demand on the market.

How to test a business idea

A good business idea is one that will be in demand, in other words, one that people are willing to pay for. How can an entrepreneur be sure that an idea will bring profit and not loss?

You need to determine the demand for a product - this is the most logical way to test a business idea.

  • Make a landing page and set up ads to understand if people are interested in your product or service.
  • Advertise for sale on Avito or other free classifieds board.
  • Formulate a search query and see the number of similar queries on Yandex Wordstat
  • Monitor forums and social networks (communities where your target audience is).

The test from the business school teacher J.Kraus involves a quick ten-second assessment of any business idea. A good idea might be:

  • Oxygen - that is, a vital commodity;
  • Medicine (Aspirin) - something that you can do without, but it is difficult;
  • Jewel. - products that may not be necessary, but are in demand due to positive emotions from owning such a thing.

If your idea is neither one nor the other or the third, you should seriously think about its viability.

But Walt Disney used the invented word Imagineering for tests, made up of two English words meaning “imagination” and “development”. The essence of the method is that 3 teams are working on the creation of the product.

  • The first ones are dreamers, they just generate ideas (even the craziest ones).
  • The second are realists, trying to turn empty dreams into a real product.
  • Still others are critics who criticize the product in every possible way.

Take this method into service and drive all emerging ideas through the prism of realism and harsh criticism!

It often happens that the sought-after Western business simply has not yet managed to reach our latitudes, and the one who can be the first to implement this idea in Russia can make good money on it. Look for business ideas from Europe, analyze them and implement the most successful ones!

What is interesting for us business ideas from Europe? They attract our enterprising compatriots mainly with their novelty, creativity and uniqueness of the solution.

Of course, they must be adjusted to our conditions - adapted. A businessman who managed to realize the European ideas for entrepreneurship, you can assign the title of pioneer.

Let's look at those that will take root or have already taken root and adapted to our mentality, geographical and economic conditions.

Protective liquid for surfaces "Ultra Ever Dry" . The essence of the action; water-repellent and dirt-proof function. Before using the surface, it is coated with this agent. After use, they are removed, and the object or thing remains dry and clean. A very useful thing. Useful at work and at home.

It's a rare thing for us. The niche is almost free - occupy and engage in who is interested.

"Bicycle rental" . The innovation was introduced by in Amsterdam. To improve the service of renting bicycles and the speed of the operation itself, which takes only 15 seconds, they installed rental machines. Where for a couple of euros you take, you drove a car, and you can return it there or to another similar rental point.

This type of activity is called vending. There are almost no competitors in our country. The fruit-picking field is wide and few people will interfere.

- The next innovation is use of snow for promotional purposes . A well-known advertising agency in London called "Curb" has always been distinguished by the use of natural materials in its activities.

For the first time, Curb used winter opulence in an advertising campaign for the Extreme TV channel. About two thousand TV company logos were created on the snow. Residents immediately noticed this innovation. The original approach to advertising brought its results.

The result - our winters will not let the abyss. The main imagery of thinking, fantasy and of course customers.

- Another relevant winter type of earnings, rental of Christmas costumes. Quite a profitable business, while not widespread due to its inconstancy. You won't be making any money doing this all year round. But those who ventured to do it do not complain and are satisfied.

- Widely distributed in Europe cafe with menu designer . Having come to the establishment to eat, the client does not choose from the existing menu. And he is provided with a wide range of food products, where he selects the ingredients and composes a dish for himself. Even can take part in its preparation. Quite interesting, and not common with us. Many clients would use such a service.

Now consider business ideas from america, which have taken root in the territory of the post-Soviet countries.

car wash - the thing is not new. But our highways always pay off. Because we don’t have them, and having driven along them even in dry weather, you may not recognize your four-wheeled friend.

Blinded with dust and dirt, he already asks to wash.

— Employment agencies — took root in the CIS countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union, due to the invasion of continuous unemployment.

The essence of earnings is the search for specialists for employers interested in them. Income will come from the number of contracts concluded by the employer and the client.

To do this, you need to open your office, equip it. Create a customer base.

vending machine business , not new, also came to us from America. There are vending machines selling coffee, cigarettes, drinks, rolls, etc. You need to purchase one or more of these mechanisms. Rent a place for them and install. It should be installed in public places.

In a month they will pay for themselves, checked.

- Another thing that came to us from America is cleaning and restoration of pillows. Over time, the feathers in them are stuffed with dust, stretched with moisture, and foreign objects also get there. The blade also wears out and needs to be replaced. So this type of earnings will always be relevant.

not only are born in the USA, but also in a number of other countries of the American continents. Something interesting came up in Mexico and Argentina:

— On the Mexican island of Cozumel created a unique underwater, oxygen bar Clear Lounge. It is located on a busy street in the form of a parallelepiped. Before diving, people are instructed in safety precautions. Having put on special helmets, to which special oxygen hoses are attached, the dive begins.

Ordinary air, improved quality air, concentrated oxygen with various aromatic additives are supplied through the oxygen hose at the visitor's choice.

The price of visiting is 38 dollars, the time spent in the bar is from 20 to 30 minutes, the water temperature is always maintained at 31 0 Celsius. This is the only institution of its kind in the world. And also the whole technology patent patent.

- Mexican Javier Lopez Ancona in 1999 made his dream come true under the name "Kinzania". This park for children with adult life and developed infrastructure. Children investigate, put out fires, conduct financial transactions, trade and much more. About 80 types of professions are represented in the park. It has its own currency, "kidzo", which is issued by a customs officer at the entrance, that is, a ticket collector. And in order to replenish your wallet with local currency, the child needs to work hard. For this, tools are issued, the form corresponding to a particular profession. Entrance is allowed for children from 2 to 15 years old. The profit from such an attraction can be said to be “awesome”, up to 35 million dollars.

- In Argentina, the publishing company "Eterna Cadencia", found a solution in stimulating readers to read books and buy new ones, the so-called "disappearing book" It is printed with a special ink that disappears from the pages under the influence of light after 2 months. From the publisher, the edition comes out in sealed packaging.

Let's pay attention to new business ideas in America, which can be implemented with us:

- Provision pet care services . Many people keep animals at home. And by the nature of their activities, they have no time to take care of their pets. To do this, they use special services for transportation, walking and caring for animals, while paying very decent money.

Hotels for the same pets. Everyone knows what a business trip is, and it sometimes drags on from one day to several. A person who keeps a dog or a cat at home can safely hand over his pet for “storage” to this institution and leave on his own business. A taxi service for pets is also provided. The cost of these services is considerable. You can also do this in our big cities.

mobile hotel is a van, a bus, converted into a hotel room with all amenities; bedroom, bathroom, toilet shower room, kitchen, etc. Designed for people who value their time and money. A hotel on wheels is always at hand, whether you are relaxing on the beach by the sea in your own country or abroad. Profit from such a business is approximately 60% of investments.

"Smell to Order" creating custom perfumes. Each person has a different sense of smell, and smells are perceived differently. This approach to the customer was proposed by the company « Tijon". Activities in this direction will be profitable and popular especially among women.

- Now, it is probably difficult to find people who do not have at least a simple mobile phone, not to mention tablets, smartphones.

All these technical gadgets have tightly entered our lives, and have the ability to be discharged at the wrong moment. This problem was first solved in New York in 2015 by installing gadget charging stands on the streets.

It is necessary to install racks in crowded places; shopping centers, shops, cafes, cinemas, public transport stops, restaurants, eateries, etc., having previously agreed with the owners or management of the establishments for the right to install.

For us, this issue is very relevant. And for those who put this business into practice, it will be profitable, since there are practically no competitors in this direction.

- And in Canada they came to help for housewives . As we know, every year there are more and more new and improved kitchen appliances. Yes, and smart, with the performance of several functions simultaneously, or sequentially without human intervention.

Someone has the opportunity to buy them, and litters the kitchen that there is nowhere to turn later. Nothing for others, but another time it would be useful. And in Toronto, they found a solution to these two problems by organizing "Kitchen Library" Now any housewife will allow her "beloved" to be smarter in the kitchen. The bank of the library contains not only amateur devices, but also professional ones. The cost of a subscription for a year is $50. Fines are also withdrawn for inaccurate behavior with equipment and bringing it to a non-working state. Mechanics are given for use for a period of 5 days, and electronics for 3 days. Such a “library” would take root in our country very quickly and pay off quite well.

– The original idea was brought to life by two Canadians, creating a service « flatter Me » . The essence of the service is to offer laudatory odes to a person by phone. The service justified itself, being quite in demand.

His task is to bring the “ordered individual” out of despondency, raising the mood. Companies use this service to motivate employees, activate their performance at a certain time.

All calls are made by the creators themselves, without any call centers. The cost of one call is $5, lasting from 30 seconds to a minute. You can order 4 for a month for $10.

The implementation of such a service in our conditions is relevant today more than ever. There would be enough customers for several years to come.

formed on the basis of the multinational population. On their culture, centuries-old traditions, the specifics of life and religious views and beliefs. As a result of this symbiosis, interesting, sometimes extravagant ideas are born.

Let's get to know them:

- It is known that the population of the United States is in first place in obesity in the world. The reason for this is their great love for fast - voodoo.

And in order to combat the large weight of employees, many corporations, companies began to involve their employees in sports at work without leaving the place of work . The bottom line - you are hired as an individual trainer, enter into an agreement with a firm to provide fitness services. Each such contract brings a good profit. On the plus side, you don't have to rent a space to practice. This brings not a bad economy of their hard-earned money.

A good idea was implemented in the USA. This packing things people who are moving but want to save themselves the tedium of packing and unpacking boxes and bags of stuff.

Some businessmen of the United States have made a good fortune on tourist trips to the filming locations of famous films and serials.

- The people of the states are terribly afraid of all sorts of secrets and secret information, not without the participation of special services, and at the same time they are still distrustful. But there were enterprising people who managed to make money on it. So called "secret destroyers", they visit the frightened owner of the secret documents and scrap them with a paper cutting tool. The cost of such pleasure is approximately from 10 to 100 US rubles.

- In connection with the crisis, not only in the world, but also in the United States, many small construction companies have become bankrupt. Against this background, there "independent foremen" with specialized education . They control the construction process, carry out complex calculations, control the purchase of materials, and also monitor the quality of the work performed.

In principle, with us, this type of entrepreneurship has long been implemented. Only there are those who have not really learned how to build, but stealing is the best.

- Very interesting organization production of women's jewelry for babies . In this decision, two birds with one stone were killed at once - babies in which teeth are cut can calmly gnaw them, and mothers do not worry that they will get hurt or choke.

Quite promising in our conditions.

- Denim pants, what can charge mobile devices . For the US, the topic is quite real and popular. But for residents of the CIS countries it is doubtful; a tiny part of the population will be able to throw out a few hundred bucks for such a gadget.

They captivate with their novelty and extravagance. The French are not far behind in their new solutions:

– The French company Pixglass, proposed a unique approach to selfies, created photographing mirror . For those who like to take pictures of themselves, this is probably the best gift for selfies.

A camera and a Wi-Fi module are built into the mirror for transferring files between devices.

According to the creators, their offspring will not just become in demand for individual use, but also in fitting rooms for clothing stores, ateliers, and dance halls. But one problem is the protection and confidentiality of snapshots of buyers and visitors.

— A unique hotel project was implemented in Paris "Hotel of the Seven Deadly Sins" (Vice Versa Hotel). The hotel has seven floors. Each floor corresponds in its interior design, to each sin. Clients are unobtrusively assigned to rooms according to their status, financial capabilities, and their interests and psychological inclinations.

Now let's turn our attention to Italy. The Italians have always been distinguished by practicality, energy and consider their novelties in the field of business:

- Stationery company Favini proposed a new technology for the production of paper from various organic waste ; fruit, grain, nut, seed waste, due to their pressing. This mixture for paper production is 30% organic, which has reduced the consumption of wood.

Quite a practical innovation for implementation in the CIS countries, what - what, but there is enough such waste.

In Italy there is strong competition among cities in the tourism sector. To attract tourists that just do not come up. So the small town of Volterra did not stand aside, organizing a restaurant in the prison. The prison itself is located in the Fortezza Medicea fortress with a five hundred year history.

A table must be booked in advance, upon arrival for dinner, your passport will be checked, and you will also be asked to leave your bags and mobile phones at the entrance and conduct a personal search. For safety reasons, you will eat from plastic dishes, only cooks have an exception.

The cost of such a dinner will be 25 euros. Now the prison is self-supporting.

In this section of the article, we will provide a general overview of what small business ideas in europe popular. A person with really good entrepreneurial acumen always pays attention to the actual ways of starting a business;

ICT technologies - if you are well versed in computer technology, you know how to create software. You can realize your startup in this direction.

Network sales using the Internet . To do this, you need to open an online store. But before that, decide which category of goods you will sell, and also create a long-term development plan. Pick up potential customers that you can turn into regular customers over time.

“Professional builders have always been valued. If you feel like a professional construction industry, means you here. The main thing is not to be lazy, and not to cheat.

Eco - business includes the recycling of waste, as well as the recycling of the same plastic paper. This area brings in pretty good money.

Furniture manufacturing worthy niche to start a business. The main thing is that they would be professionally versed in this field, and the design has always been distinguished by novelty and creativity. Plus, the product has always been of high quality.

At the end of the article, we looked at five areas that are very popular in Europe today. Choose one of these niches for yourself and forward to success. But, and if you have your own interesting and original idea and are confident in it, start implementing your brainchild. And finally, "Forward to the stars."

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