Can the heads of structural divisions. Head of a structural unit: entering the position

Accounting and taxes 05.02.2023
Accounting and taxes

In his famous book "The Effective Manager"<*>Peter F. Drucker titled the first chapter, "Efficiency Can Be Learned." In conclusion, he confidently says that "Efficiency must be learned."

<*>Drucker P.F. "Effective manager". - M.: Williams Publishing House, 2000. - 534 p.

The assumption and conclusion made by him are not based on an empty place, since scientific and technological progress involves not only the introduction of new equipment and technologies, but also the presence of a high level of competence among both the heads of production units and personnel managers. The task of the latter is to provide methodological assistance in mastering modern management systems and methods to both beginners and current managers of the enterprise.

From this position, we will consider those problems that directly relate to the team of the unit.

The role of the team in the effective functioning of the unit

The efficiency of the production activity of a structural unit is largely determined not so much by the efforts of its individual employees, but by the effectiveness of their joint work.

The team bears the burden of responsibility for a certain area of ​​the production process and solves most practical issues on its own, without waiting for detailed instructions from the manager. A unit can operate to high standards and “stumble” at every turn, wasting time and missing opportunities. In the latter case, in order to achieve the set goals, it is necessary to make a qualitative transition from a collective of individuals to a well-coordinated and cohesive team.

It is known that the diversity of knowledge and skills of each employee of the unit does not always contribute to improving the performance of the entire unit; moreover, it can lead to a number of problems.

To increase efficiency, employees need to master the science of teamwork, learn how to unite and concentrate efforts, and not disperse them. This task is not easy, since representatives of different cultures, adhering to specific methods of work, are usually invited to work in the department, which requires certain approaches to organizing their joint activities.

Team members must clearly represent the overall task assigned to the unit and consider themselves as part of a single whole. They must have the ability to work individually, while at the same time subject to strict team discipline.

The team of the unit must agree to accept the administrative and social aspects of the work process, establishing the procedure for distributing tasks, determining the list of skills that need to be developed by its members, the procedures for making and correcting decisions. In essence, the team of the unit needs to agree on how it will perform work tasks, how exactly the skills and abilities available to each will be combined to solve the tasks set, how mutual trust will be formed and conflicts will be resolved.

The practical implementation of the above largely depends on what choice the head of the unit will make when determining the strategy for managing the unit, as well as on the assistance that he will receive from HR managers.

The place of the head of the department in the structure of the organization

A department head is usually classified as a middle manager.<*>. His position is at the intermediate levels of the power pyramid, since he is responsible for the activities of the most important business units, divisions and departments of the organization.

<*>Daft R.L. Management. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2000. - S. 35.

Middle management is sometimes referred to as the "golden mean" of the organization, since it is responsible for the implementation of the tasks adopted by top management.<*>This obliges the middle manager to maintain good relations with peers, promote teamwork and resolve conflicts, and restructure the unit. In other words, the unit manager is required to use a combination of conceptual, human and technical skills.

<*>Mintzberg Henry. Rounding Out the Manager's Job. Stoan Management Review, Fall 1994. P. 11 - 26.

Selection of the head of the department

Consider the tasks that the HR manager faces when selecting the head of the department. Naturally, first of all, he must establish whether the applicant has strong and positive qualities.

The HR manager must understand that focusing only on the weaknesses of the candidate for the position of head of the department will only lead to mediocre results. Relying mainly on "perfect" (whole person, mature person or disciplined person) people who have only advantages and no shortcomings will speak of mediocrity, if not incompetence of the personnel manager.<*>

<*>Drucker P.F. "Effective manager". - M.: Williams Publishing House, 2000. - S. 65 - 78.

Based on the diversity of knowledge, experience and abilities, even the most brilliant person may seem illiterate. There is no such profession as a “good person”. The whole question is what is good about it, says P. Drucker. Therefore, setting tests for the presence of abilities of the applicant for the position of the head of the unit will allow the enterprise to get a much greater return.

It should be noted that often the task of the personnel manager comes down to filling an existing vacancy, and not to selecting a specialist with the ability to perform this work. Such actions can lead to finding the “most accommodating”, unpretentious specialist. However, in practice, it usually turns out to be mediocre.

How, then, should an HR manager select a candidate for the position of head of a department without adapting jobs to the characteristics of the individual?

The main rule here is to give an appropriate level of responsibility to the existing position and increased demands on the applicant.

It is necessary to try to identify, as far as possible, all the abilities of a person and in the future to help ensure that these positive qualities are embodied in high production results.

Program to improve the parameters of leadership and practical management skills

It is necessary to start working with the applicant with the disclosure and proper use of his potential. The HR manager must prepare such a monitoring program that will enable the future head of the department to painlessly enter the team of the enterprise, continue to increase the level of his competence, organize the process of improving the skills of the department's employees, establish interaction with them, etc.

Consider a variant of such a program in detail (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Improving the parameters of leadership and monitoring the effective management of the production unit

It should focus on two areas:

  1. improvement of leadership parameters and practical management skills. Improving the parameters of leadership and practical management skills involves the work of the head of the unit on mastering management skills, mastering the latest methods of personnel assessment, working on oneself and working with the specialists of the unit, as well as mastering the management methods of the initial stage of work with the team. This also includes the formation of a personal career.
  2. monitoring the effective management of the unit's production activities.


Self-management or the leader's work on himself is one of the most important parameters of the scheme.

In the course of “working on oneself”, the leader must:

1. Determine approaches to managing the unit. Modification of approaches to the management of the unit suggests that in the process of taking office, the manager may encounter areas of responsibility unknown to him and, therefore, find himself in an uncomfortable situation. In this case, it will be natural for him to seek to turn to previous experience and find a solution there.

In some cases, there may be a certain tension in the work, which is advisable to remove with the help of a personnel manager or attending a qualified training on methods for solving managerial problems.

The knowledge gained will help to form a balance of relations in an unknown area of ​​management, strengthen confidence in the correct vision of the problem and allow you to go further along the updated path of understanding problems.

It should be noted that the very title “head of a department” already contains a concept that implies the presence of a variety of functional parameters of management. Therefore, confidence in how the manager imagines the problem of managerial activity is of great importance here. The idea formed by him should be literally "sift through a sieve of doubt" with the removal of a number of details and excesses and focusing on the most important aspects of the problem.

In the initial period of work in a new company, the head of the department should devote as much time as possible to visiting the factory floor or production area with mandatory contact with subordinates engaged in production activities. Otherwise, there is a high risk of difficulties in the implementation of the production plans adopted by the team due to the loss of the released "credit of trust".

Given the fact that the process of taking office is necessarily accompanied by a period of adaptation to a new job, a new enterprise, new people, the leader is given the opportunity to make mistakes. Their range is quite wide - from incorrect assessment of their subordinates and determination of their abilities to errors in choosing the optimal strategy and key priorities.

And here the key role of the personnel manager should manifest itself, which should convince the beginning manager that this is not shameful at this stage of mastering the role of a leader. However, it is important to focus the attention of the head of the department on the mistakes made, so that in the future he will correctly build the workflow.

Experience shows that mistakes and learning from them are the most important aspect of any business process. However, the slogan “the more mistakes, the faster you can learn” will be frivolous. You need to understand that all errors should be analyzed, and the results of the analysis should serve as the basis for improving their activities.

2. Isolate the most difficult issues that the manager may face in his work. The list of the most difficult positions, as a rule, includes determining the direction of managerial activity, studying unfamiliar elements of the internal environment, actions to improve such parameters as sincerity, determination, building respect from subordinates, the ability to be equal with colleagues, etc.

In addition, immediately after taking office, the manager is faced with such an element of management as hiring employees. For this process, the correct justification of the reason for hiring new employees is of great importance. The manager's task is to communicate and explain it to the future employee (why he is hired, what the unit needs from him, etc.).

In practice, this can be the fastest way to win the trust of a hired specialist.

3. Form tasks for the first few months of activity as a leader. One of the most important tasks of the head of the unit after taking office should be "farewell" to the old baggage. It is necessary to leave everything and start “from a blank sheet of paper” (or “from a blank computer screen”) and focus all your attention on a new job. The head of the department should ignore even such a temptation as excessive phone calls. The priorities for the first working day should be:

  • drawing up a work plan, meeting with a secretary or assistant to establish business relationships;
  • familiarization with the most important materials and requesting missing information for a better understanding of the activities of the unit;
  • development of guidelines for drawing up a personal action plan for the first week and first month;
  • establishing good relations with staff.

During the first working week, the manager should hold meetings with managers and key specialists and get from them as much information as possible to get an idea of ​​​​the situation taking place in the unit.

On the basis of the analysis carried out, it is necessary to isolate the production tasks for which "brainstorming" is needed and a certain form of assistance is required. The list of tasks for the first week also includes the formation of one's own opinion about what should be the key in the ongoing strategy of production activities.

Making the first decision is of great importance for subsequent work. Therefore, the HR manager must guide the head of the department so that he is confident in the stability of the “climate” in the department and in the consistency of the measures taken with the adjacent production departments of the enterprise.

In principle, the manager should exclude any steps that run counter to the main strategy of the enterprise and to the detriment of his leadership. Otherwise, the chances of gaining trust among subordinates will decrease significantly.

It is desirable to form the internal climate in the unit from the very beginning of its activity. And here, if necessary, radical changes can be made, especially if it is necessary to exclude a brewing conflict situation. However, in general, moving along the path of change should be based on carefully considered and considered decisions.

Radical and rapid changes are needed in the redistribution of financial and material resources, that is, in areas that do not essentially affect the personnel of the unit. A manager, for example, can stop the development of a project if he realizes that its implementation in the future is impossible. Carrying out changes related to the disruption of the usual rhythm of the work of a team of subordinates is always associated with great difficulties, since there is always a chance of losing the effectiveness of labor activity and reducing the level of respect and trust. Therefore, positive communication between the leader and subordinates is of great importance. Clarifying issues related to the need to accept certain changes will help increase the level of tolerance for them among team members.

4. Work out the management of your working time. Working time management provides for the acceptance by the manager as a dogma of such concepts as:

  • significance;
  • urgency;
  • setting time priorities and time frames for the elements of the working day;
  • strict time management.

It is believed that in the management of working time there should be two such important elements as the level of significance of the task being solved (project, type of activity) and the urgency of solving the problem (project, type of activity).

The manager is obliged to improve the method of spending working hours every day, while being flexible and trying to avoid the fact that smaller production issues “fall out” of attention.

5. Select a control style. The choice of the unit management style is the correct definition of the sequence of actions that must be performed by the head in order for all members of the unit to actually become subordinate to the head.

The leader, as the leader of the team, must have a strong character, however, adaptation to the internal environment and the current situation may require him to change the level of manifestation of the firmness of this character. On the one hand, the internal environment can force the manager to be more democratic in relation to individual employees, which is especially important when it is necessary to extinguish a brewing conflict. However, individual situations can make the leader show features of autocracy, which is especially typical for situations where the team is fighting for survival and the speed of decision-making becomes a critical factor. At the same time, in any situation, it is necessary to maintain consistency in the manifestation of one's character, to be extremely truthful, to avoid personal criticism when setting goals and in the process of their implementation.

6. Decide on the style of personal life. Understanding and perception by the head of the unit of the general culture of the enterprise, the mandatory establishment of appropriate limits on the manifestation of inclinations of one's character is one of the important conditions for a conflict-free entry into a new team and gaining authority among the employees of the unit. The HR manager should recommend that the future manager take a closer look at the company's culture and, if it is found to be inconsistent with the applicant's current life balance, it is better to refuse a positive decision on his employment.


The actions of the head of integration with the team of the unit can be schematically represented as follows (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. The program of actions of the head in the process of his integration with the team of the unit

At the initial stage, the main task is to isolate the most important elements of integration and then focus on them. Subsequently, measures should be determined to organize the functioning of the unit, taking into account the tasks assigned to it.

The list of the most important should include the development of the decision-making process with the obligatory interaction with the employees of the unit and their orientation to the accepted management style.

The leader must shape the corporate atmosphere in advance, which requires bringing his leadership style to the level required by the situation, both current and future.

Often, improvement in one area comes at the expense of another. An example is the acceleration of the process of supplying finished products, which, on the one hand, contributes to sales growth, but, on the other hand, leads to a decrease in activity in the development of new technological solutions and, accordingly, to a decrease in consumer confidence. Therefore, in order to determine vital priorities, it is necessary to conduct timely data analysis. Otherwise, there may be a significant decrease in the moral character of the head as the leader of the unit. In essence, the more transparent the strategic plans and tactics of the leader and the more prominently the key priorities are outlined, the more obvious will be the desire of the team to solve the tasks assigned to it.

Formation of a perspective vision and unification of goals. The most important point for the head of the department is to build confidence that all departments effectively interact with each other and "lead the ship" in the same direction. It will be very useful here to choose such management priorities that contribute to the coordination of business activity.

Another task is to build the leader's confidence that the management of the division fits into the overall strategy of the company. A factor contributing to the solution of strategic issues can be the motivation of employees, taking into account the set of values ​​that the unit should follow. So, for example, the system of compensation payments should provide for an annual review of the merits of the employees of the unit, in particular, their progress in the process of education and professional training. Management in this case should demonstrate the possibility of stimulating career growth as the level of qualification of specialists increases.

Formation of information flows. The creation of effective information flows in the department and their connection with the general information field of the company requires the obligatory formation of a philosophy of interpersonal relations. In this regard, the development of the ethics of the leader and the directed selection of employees who agree and are able to work together in the conditions of this ethical principle are of great importance.

Individual meetings and conversations are very useful, which contribute to the critical assessment and selection of key employees of the unit. Meetings of the entire team become necessary, which favor the formation of the principles of the relationship between the head and the unit.

This can be achieved only if clear and precise objectives are formulated in advance. At the initial stage, such meetings with the team are desirable at least once a week. Even if such a meeting lasts only 15 minutes, it will allow you to adjust the tasks that were set at the previous meeting.

Meeting attendance should be mandatory. Even an employee who is away must be notified of the agenda of the next meeting.

At meetings, the results of the production activities of the team should be considered with a mandatory summing up of the results for the past month of work and quarter (it is advisable to make such a report within the first 10 minutes of the meeting). Particular attention should be paid to the difficulties that arise in solving production problems.


The process of organizing interaction with the team of the unit involves the accumulation of experience by the manager according to such criteria as the ability to listen, build the necessary relationships, form a management action plan, assess the capabilities of the staff, organize education and training of key specialists, and sometimes the entire team. In addition, as a leader, he must learn to show firmness, decency and consistency in decision-making, understand the existing differences in the culture of the company, division and perceive the culture of each subordinate in order to effectively implement all this in the management of the division.

Active listening is of great importance for management activities. With its help, you can form the level of trust that is necessary for the head of the unit, as the leader of the team. It is well known that a self-respecting person will not participate in a conversation in uncomfortable conditions for himself. Therefore, the best option for forming an impression of yourself is to demonstrate to the interlocutor or subordinate the intention to do something useful - to solve the problem that has arisen and show that in general it is not difficult.

To establish contact with subordinates, it is important to first draw up a conversation plan that will allow you to conduct it with ease and a smile on your face.

The leader should not be under the delusion that he is doing well with the listening style. In the process of contacting a superior, any subordinate will definitely pay attention to the point of view and ideas expressed by the leader, which can become the basis for further production activities. You must always remember that ideas can be perceived not quite correctly and correctly. To prevent this from happening, the interlocutor must be given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.

During the conversation, it is advisable to pay attention to the source of information - where and from whom this information was received, where the event took place.

When listening to a subordinate, modesty and humanity are of no small importance; arrogance is completely excluded here. The presence of such traits as empathy and mindfulness can become topics that will be discussed among employees after conversations with their supervisor.

The HR manager must bring all this to the head of the structural unit and convince him that effective listening to subordinates is the most important element in his management activities.

In order for the process of actively listening to a subordinate not to be a “waste” of working time, we can recommend that the head of the department conduct conversations sitting next to his subordinate, and not at his desk - this creates a trusting situation and focuses more attention on the subordinate. It is also necessary from time to time to write down the statements, requests and wishes of the subordinate - this forces the employee to more specifically and accurately express his thoughts in a conversation.

Building relationships (relationships) it is impossible without such parameters as the level of knowledge of how subordinates live, the availability of skills in maintaining relationships, constant analysis and adjustment of the management action plan, tracking newly emerging situations, eliminating the manifestation of arrogance in the team and adapting the leadership style to the conditions of the internal and external environment.

The head of the department can accomplish the task of knowing his subordinates by conducting surveys during tete-a-tete meetings, meetings at home in the form of guest invitations, during meetings or at lunchtime.

Actions of this kind will allow to form a real idea of ​​the quality level of the personnel of the unit.

Planning measures to achieve trust and respect for staff should include such areas as improving the efficiency of management activities, mastering the methods of building trust, asserting confidence in functional actions, gaining respect from subordinates. Among the most significant recommendations for improving management efficiency are the following:

  • preparation of subordinates to understand that the head of the unit cannot solve this or that problem without their help, and recommendations from key specialists are needed. In the case of favorable responses, it is advisable to hold a meeting at which they can voice their advice;
  • subordinates should not be allowed to have the illusion that their leader is capable of solving any problem. Therefore, it is necessary to declare your desire to constantly improve and increase knowledge;
  • when making changes to the production process, it must be ensured that the key people in the department have approved them, and that these changes take into account the suggestions made by them. The manager should finalize the positive recommendations of specialists.

Most subordinates show respect for their leader. However, not everyone is inclined to do this openly, especially in relation to leaders about whom there is little information. Therefore, the task of the head of the department is to earn this respect by demonstrating competence in solving various tasks facing the team, knowledge of all the most important details of the production process.

Effective management. The head of the department should never forget the importance of the process of improving the efficiency of his management.

You can set yourself many different tasks. However, they should not be in conflict with each other. Sometimes it is necessary to include the tasks set by the management of the organization as secondary ones. In order to determine the order of execution of such tasks, they must be discussed with the employees of the unit.

In any case, the manager is obliged to do everything correctly and to represent the limits of the power framework in which the higher management operates. This will provide an idea of ​​what action needs to be taken in the future.

If you want to change something in the actions of your management, you should respect the governing directives and try to convince him that the proposal submitted for his consideration is in line with the overall strategic policy of the enterprise.

Even if the idea of ​​the head of the structural unit is "brilliant", the senior manager still needs to be given time to perceive it before it is considered at the general meeting. It must be remembered that a sufficient amount of time is spent on moving from the position of defending one's idea to supporting its leadership.

The head of the department must be able to wait and be ready to answer questions asked by management specialists. This is due to the fact that each of these specialists has his own idea of ​​solving the problem. Therefore, the head of the unit must be prepared for any development of the situation and have pre-prepared answers.

Communication is important in any case - both when receiving a negative and positive decision on the proposed idea of ​​improving management.

In any case, the head of the department will be obliged to take care of the department and the problem of implementing the proposed innovation. At the same time, all team members must understand the need to provide effective support to the head of the unit.

It also lists in detail the actions of the personnel manager, which he must perform after applying for a new head of the structural unit.

Having received the necessary support, the head of the department in the first months of his work will gain confidence in his actions, form his own management style and in the future will be able to improve it, achieving high performance in the implementation of the production program together with the team.

  • HR Policy and HR Strategies


1 -1

A structural unit is a structural part of an organization that performs certain production or functional tasks within the framework of the charter and job descriptions of employees.

Legal aspects of the work of structural divisions

A structural unit cannot be considered separately from the enterprise, because it is not endowed with legal or economic independence. In accordance with the legislation, the following features of these structural units can be distinguished:

  • if the management of the enterprise has decided that it is necessary to create a structural unit, then there is no need or obligation to report this to the registration authorities;
  • registration with tax authorities, pension and insurance funds is not required;
  • no separate accounting documents are maintained for the structural unit, and its activities are reflected in the general balance sheet of the organization;
  • a separate statistical code is not assigned to this link;
  • it is not allowed to open separate bank accounts for a structural unit.

Regulations on divisions

The activity of the structural unit is carried out on the basis of a special regulation, which is developed by the management of the enterprise in accordance with the established legislative norms. The document contains the following main sections:

  • general provisions that describe the enterprise itself, as well as intentions to create a specific organizational structure;
  • an overview of the number and composition of personnel both in general and for each unit;
  • functions to be performed by the structural link;
  • determining the goals of its activities, as well as setting tasks that will ensure their achievement;
  • appointment of the management of divisions, as well as the definition of their terms of reference;
  • description of the mechanisms of interaction between structural divisions, as well as with governing bodies;
  • determining the responsibility of the unit as a whole, as well as the manager and individual employees personally;
  • the procedure for liquidating a structural link, indicating the procedure, as well as significant reasons.

Requirements for structural units

In order to ensure continuous efficient operation, the structural unit must comply with a number of mandatory requirements, namely:

  • subordination should be centralized, that is, each of the employees should be directly accountable to the head of this structural unit, who, in turn, regularly reports to the general director;
  • the work of the unit must be flexible, with the ability to quickly respond to any changes both within the organization and in the external environment;
  • the work of each structural unit must be strictly specialized (that is, the link must be responsible for a certain area of ​​activity);
  • the load on one manager should not be too large (no more than 20 people, if we are talking about the middle link);
  • Regardless of its functional purpose, the unit must in every possible way ensure the saving of financial resources.

Functions of structural divisions

Each structural unit of the organization is called upon to perform certain functions, reflected in the corresponding provision. Their content depends on the scope and type of activity of the link. When developing features, guidance should be based on the following requirements:

  • the formulation of functions implies the simultaneous setting of tasks to achieve them;
  • the designation of functions in the document is carried out in descending order (from main to secondary);
  • the functions of different structural divisions should not overlap and be repeated;
  • if the link has certain connections with other structural units, then their functions must be coordinated in order to avoid contradictions;
  • all functions of departments should have a clear numerical or temporary expression in order to provide an opportunity to assess the quality of work;
  • when developing functions, care must be taken that they do not go beyond the authority or rights of management.

Division management

Like the enterprise as a whole, all its links need effective management. The head of the structural unit is directly responsible for this task. It should be noted that the methodology and management models can be chosen by the local authorities on their own or delegated from above.

Depending on the area of ​​activity of the unit, as well as the scope of responsibility of the head, the latter has the right to delegate some powers to his subordinates. At the same time, a strict system of reporting and control must be observed. The final responsibility for the results of the work rests solely with the manager.

Activities should be organized as follows:

  • at the beginning of the period, the head carries out planning, which is fixed in the relevant documents;
  • then there is continuous monitoring of the results of work in order to be able to respond to deviations in time;
  • at the end of the reporting period, a check is carried out for compliance of the resulting indicators with the planned ones.


The structural subdivision of the organization is its main working cell, which performs certain functions regulated by the relevant regulation. It should be noted that such a structural division is expedient only within the framework of a large enterprise, because in small firms powers can be distributed among individual employees.

It is important to organize effective interaction between various structural divisions. Their functions should not be duplicated or contradict each other. Particular attention is paid to the issue of management organization. The management of the structural unit, although it has broad powers regarding its management, nevertheless undertakes to strictly comply with all orders and requirements of the general director.

Job description of the head of the structural unit

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the structural unit.

1.2 The head of the structural unit belongs to the category of managers.

1.3 The head of the structural unit is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the consumer services complex.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

Director of the consumer service plant


Additional submission



Gives orders

Employees of the structural unit


The employee replaces

Deputy head of structural unit


The employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements of the head of the structural unit:



Higher professional education



At least 2 years



resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities on issues of consumer services to the population;

rules of consumer services for the population;

standards, the mandatory requirements of which must comply with household services;

organization of logistics

structural unit (service);

profile, specialization and features of the structure of the organization of consumer services for the population;

production capacities and human resources of the head of the structural unit (service);

technology of rendering household services to the population;

prospects for technical, economic and social development of the head of the structural unit (service);

fundamentals of planning, strategic and operational planning;

environmental protection requirements;

fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and


fundamentals of labor legislation;

the procedure for drawing up and agreeing on business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a structural unit (service);

office work standards (classification of documents, procedure for registration, registration, passage, storage, etc.);

means of computer technology, communications and communications;

rules and norms of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;



specialty work


Additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of the head of the structural unit

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the consumer services complex, Orders and instructions of the director of the consumer services complex; Regulations on the structural unit, Job description of the head of the structural unit, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of the head of the structural unit

The head of the structural unit (service) performs the following duties:

4.1. Defines and sets before the structural unit (service) goals and objectives related to the implementation of consumer services to the population.

4.2. Carries out the organization, planning and coordination of the activities of the unit (service), aimed at providing a certain set of household services with the greatest socio-economic effect.

4.3. Provides timely and high-quality consumer services to the population.

4.4. Carries out control over the rational use of material, technical and labor resources, reducing costs and improving the efficiency of consumer services to the population.

4.5. Conducts analysis and evaluates the results of the unit (service).

4.6. Controls the quality and efficiency of household services provided by the structural unit (service).

4.7. Carries out the development and implementation of measures to improve the activities of the unit (service), increase the volume and variety of personal services provided, and improve their quality.

4.8. Participates in the selection and placement of employees

structural unit (service).

4.9. Carries out control over the rational use of labor of employees of the structural unit (service) and the improvement of their qualifications.

4.10. Controls the observance by employees of the structural unit (service) of the rules and norms of labor protection and safety in the provision of personal services to the population.

4.11. Ensures the correct execution and timely reporting on the results of the activities of the structural unit (service), the organization of appropriate accounting.

4.12. Performs related duties.

  1. Rights of the head of the structural unit

The head of a structural subdivision (service) has the right to:

5.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the head of the organization.

5.2. Dispose of the property and funds entrusted to him in compliance with the requirements determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the organization, the regulation on the structural unit (service).

5.3. Sign and endorse documents within your


5.4. Initiate meetings on organizational, financial and economic issues.

5.5. Request and receive from other structural units (services) the necessary information, documents.

5.6. Conduct quality and timeliness checks on assignments.

5.7. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.),

compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

5.8. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization ideas on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor discipline.

5.9. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.

5.10. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibility of the head of the structural unit

The head of the structural unit is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the head of the structural unit

7.1. The mode of operation of the head of the structural unit is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the consumer services center.

7.2. To resolve operational issues, the head of the structural unit may be allocated official vehicles.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the head of a structural subdivision are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the consumer services plant, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the consumer services plant.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


This section of the NCC website is dedicated to the working forms of personnel documentation regulating the relationship between an employee and an organization. The proposed texts are real previously approved, working personnel documents, which were prepared by the employees of our personnel center and Mrs. Olga Vitalievna Zhukova.
If you like the style, you can take these sample job descriptions as sample instructions, further modifying them to suit the individual needs of your enterprise, or you can place an order and entrust this task to the employees of our personnel center.

Job description of the Head

separate structural unit (OSB)

1. General Provisions:

1.1. Appointment to the position of the Head of the PCB and dismissal from it are carried out in accordance with the order of the General Director of LLC "A" (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. In his activities, the Head of the PCB reports directly to the General Director of the Company.

1.3. The activities of the Head of the PCB are regulated by this Instruction, orders and orders of the General Director and the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. All employees of the PCB are subordinate to the Head.

1.5. Persons with higher education and managerial experience may be appointed to the position of the Head.

2. Responsibilities:

2.1. Manages the economic and financial activities of the OSB in the field of logistics, storage and marketing of products under supply contracts, as well as transport and administrative services.

2.2. Provides:

– efficient use of material and financial resources, reduction of their losses,

— acceleration of the process of turnover of invested funds,

- Accounting for labor costs and timely payment of wages to employees of the PCB.

2.3. Organizes:

— participation of departments and services subordinate to him in the preparation of long-term plans for the delivery, storage and sale of the Company's products, in establishing direct and long-term relationships with regional buyers,

– work of warehouse facilities, creation of conditions for proper storage and preservation of material assets,

- Compliance with the company's personnel policy in the field of staffing.

2.4. Taking action:

— to expand the economic activities of the OSB,

- to ensure the fulfillment of tasks and obligations for the supply of the Company's products to regional buyers (in terms of quantity, quality, assortment, timing and other conditions of supply),

— on the rational use of all modes of transport,

- to improve the organization of loading and unloading operations.

2.5. Controls:

— logistic support of the OSB,

– proper spending of working capital and targeted use of financial credit,

— fulfillment of the plan for the sale of the Company's products.

2.6. Leading the development of measures:

– on resource saving and integrated use of material resources and values,

— to improve the economic performance of the OSB,

– on the maximum equipment of the loading and unloading service with the necessary mechanisms and devices,

- to prevent overspending of financial and material resources,

- addressing information security issues,

- to improve the moral and psychological climate in the team.

2.7. Supervises the work of subordinate departments and services.

3. Must know:

3.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials of higher and other bodies relating to the activities of the PCB,

3.2. Profile, specialization, features of the OSB structure,

3.3. Prospects for the technical and economic development of the OSB,

3.4. The procedure for the development and approval of plans for economic and financial activities of the OSB,

3.5. The procedure for keeping records and compiling reports on the economic and financial activities of the OSB,

3.6. Organization of financial work, logistics, transport services and sales of products,

3.7. Organization of loading and unloading operations,

3.8. The procedure for the development of working capital standards, consumption rates and stocks of inventory items,

3.9. The procedure for concluding and executing business contracts,

3.10. Economics, organization of production, labor and management,

3.11. Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation,

3.12. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, fire protection.

4. Responsibility:

The head of the OSB is personally responsible for:

4.1. For the activities of the PCB as a whole and for the performance by individual employees of the functions defined in the job descriptions;

4.2. For ensuring the uninterrupted work of departments and services of the OSB for the organization of the technological process of commodity circulation;

4.3. For unreasonable overspending of financial and material resources;

4.4. Financial responsibility for the safety of inventory items in the warehouse and in the office of the OSB;

General Audit Department on the appointment of the head of a separate subdivision.

For the timely provision of reliable information on the results of the work of the PCB;

4.6. For violation of the norms and rules of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

4.7. For the safety and confidentiality of information entrusted to him by the Society.

5. In case of production necessity, the company reserves the right to correct the job description.

Back to Leadership Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the department head:

– manages, in accordance with the current legislation, the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a separate subdivision, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and efficient use of the property of the enterprise, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities;

– organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions of a separate division, directs their activities towards the development and improvement of the trading process, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, increasing sales volumes and increasing profits, quality and competitiveness of products sold, its compliance with standards in order to conquer a segment of the workwear market and meet the needs of counterparties in the relevant types of products;

— observes orders and the internal labor schedule established by the management of the enterprise, local regulations of the enterprise and requires their implementation from subordinates;

- observes and controls the observance by the employees of the separate subdivision of the rules and norms of labor protection and safety;

- observes fire discipline and requires its observance from all employees, incl. Strictly monitors that no smoking in retail and warehouse premises;

- maintain cleanliness and order in the premises of a separate subdivision;

- ensures, within its competence, that the separate subdivision fulfills the business plans approved for the separate subdivision by the enterprise, of all obligations to the employees of the separate subdivision, including in terms of mandatory fees to state non-budgetary funds;

— organizes production and economic activities based on the widespread use of progressive forms of management and organization of labor, reasonable standards for material, financial and labor costs, studying market conditions in order to improve the quality of trading activities in every way, economic efficiency, rational use of available reserves and economical use of all types of resources ;

- in agreement with the management of the enterprise, takes measures to provide a separate subdivision with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of labor protection legislation;

– allows new employees to work after registration of their labor relations with the enterprise and conducting safety briefings;

- checks the skills of new employees, conduct their internships;

- provides the right combination of economic and administrative methods of management, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to improve performance, application of the principle of material interest (in agreement with the management of the enterprise) and the responsibility of each employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the work of all the team of a separate subdivision;

- ensures compliance with labor discipline, promotes the development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of employees of a separate subdivision;

- resolves issues related to the financial, economic and production and economic activities of the enterprise, within the rights granted to him by the management of the enterprise, in agreement with the management of the enterprise, entrusts the conduct of certain areas of activity to other officials - his deputies;

— ensures compliance with the law in the activities of a separate subdivision and the implementation of its economic and economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the entire enterprise in order to maintain and expand the scale of entrepreneurial activity ;

- holds a planning meeting twice a day: in the morning - to distribute assignments for the working day, in the evening - to summarize the work for the day;

- draws up a time sheet for employees;

- daily, at 17:30, informs _______________________ of the enterprise about the results of the day's work;

– analyzes and assesses financial risks, develops measures to minimize them, ensures control over compliance with financial discipline, timely and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations and receipt of income, the procedure for processing financial and business operations;

— represents the interests of the enterprise in state authorities and administration.

Must know:

- legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of both the enterprise as a whole and a separate subdivision, resolutions of regional and local government authorities and administration that determine priority areas for the development of the economy and the corresponding market segment;

— Fundamentals of tax and labor legislation;

- a system of economic indicators that allow a separate subdivision and the enterprise as a whole to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new sales markets;

– the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;

- market conditions;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

EKSD - Head (head) of a separate (structural) division of the organization

Conclusion of contracts by separate divisions

When concluding civil law contracts by separate subdivisions of a legal entity, many questions arise in practice.

At present, arbitration courts, when resolving disputes arising in the course of the execution of contracts concluded by branches, representative offices and other separate divisions of legal entities, proceed from the fact that the heads of these separate divisions, if they have duly executed powers, have the right on behalf of the legal entity and within the limits given to them powers to enter into relevant agreements. At the same time, the authority to conclude contracts can only arise from a power of attorney, but not from the Charter of a legal entity or from the Regulations on a structural unit. If there is a power of attorney issued by the head of a legal entity, and a duly executed contract concluded by the head of a separate subdivision cannot be invalidated only because it does not indicate that it was concluded on behalf of the legal entity and under his authority.

Sample job description for branch manager

In this case, the contract is considered concluded on behalf of the legal entity.

Representative offices and branches are not legal entities, their heads are appointed by a legal entity and act on the basis of its power of attorney (clause 3, article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It must be borne in mind that the relevant powers of the head of the branch (representative office) must be certified by a power of attorney and cannot be based only on the instructions contained in the constituent documents of the legal entity, the position on the branch (representative office), etc., or be clear from the situation, in which is the head of the branch.

When resolving a dispute arising from an agreement signed by the head of a branch (representative office) on behalf of the branch and without reference to the fact that the agreement was concluded on behalf of a legal entity and by its power of attorney, it should be clarified whether the head of the branch (representative office) had at the time of signing the agreement the relevant powers expressed in the regulation on the branch and the power of attorney. Transactions made by the head of a branch (representative office) in the presence of such powers should be considered made on behalf of a legal entity.

It should also be taken into account that the head of a branch (representative office) has the right to entrust the performance of actions for which he is authorized by a power of attorney to another person in compliance with the rules provided for in Art. 187 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

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Head of a separate division

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Structural unit: definition, functions, leadership

The full name of the position of an employee is the specific name of the position of an employee, specifying the nature of the labor function performed by him, specialty, field of activity, mode and (or) place of work, etc. It is established by adding additional information to the basic position name, as well as the names of derivative positions in accordance with table 11 OKPD. In this case, the corresponding addition to the base title of the position can be placed directly in it, after it, and also before it.

If an employee performs two or more labor functions, the title of the position is established taking into account the largest proportion of work performed within a particular function. In exceptional cases, double job titles may be established: fashion designer, assistant secretary, etc.

Organizational structure of management

Therefore, for those who have not previously focused on such issues and considered them insignificant, we strongly recommend that when drawing up the staffing table for 2013, conduct a thorough revision of the job titles of your employees and bring them in line with the requirements of the law. It should be remembered that according to Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Labor Code, the name of the profession, position is recognized as an essential working condition. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to make appropriate changes to the staff list and (mandatory!) Work books, employees must be warned about this no later than one month in advance.

Organizational structure of the enterprise: types and schemes

The name of the position of the head depends on the level of management, organizational structure, nature of authority, responsibility and other factors (head of the organization, head of a separate subdivision, head of a structural unit, other heads, their deputies). In this regard, it should be borne in mind that such a position, for example, as the general director, is established for the heads of organizations that have subsidiaries and separate divisions (branches, representative offices) in the structure, and without such, the position will simply be called the director. Therefore, if your boss, wanting to elevate his status, called himself inappropriately, try to somehow tell him about it.

We often face the question: how many deputies can a manager have? There are no clear legal requirements in this regard.

What would you name the job...

It should be noted that such a structural division is expedient only within the framework of a large enterprise, because in small firms powers can be distributed among individual employees. It is important to organize effective interaction between various structural divisions. Their functions should not be duplicated or contradict each other.
Particular attention is paid to the issue of management organization. The management of the structural unit, although it has broad powers regarding its management, nevertheless undertakes to strictly comply with all orders and requirements of the general director.

Head of structural unit

The structure of the company is the composition and ratio of its internal links, departments. Structures of management of the organization Different types of management structures are typical for different organizations. However, there are usually several universal types of organizational management structures, such as linear, linear-staff, functional, linear-functional, matrix.
Sometimes within a single company (usually a large business) there is a separation of separate divisions, the so-called departmentalization. Then the created structure will be divisional. It must be remembered that the choice of management structure depends on the strategic plans of the organization.

Structural subdivision


The legislation does not provide for a special sanction for the incorrect title of a position. However, paragraph 4 of Art. 9.19 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses) establishes the liability of the employer for other violations of labor legislation, except for the violations provided for in Art. 9.16–9.18 and parts 1–3 of Art. 9.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses that caused harm to an employee - the imposition of a fine in the amount of 4 to 20 basic units. Thus, it can be assumed that if, as a result of the incorrect name of the position, any harm has been caused to the employee, as mentioned above, there are grounds for applying the specified sanction to the employer.

5. main structural divisions of the organization

Structure development is usually done from the top down. Stages of organizational design:

  • divide the organization horizontally into broad blocks;
  • set the ratio of powers for positions;
  • define job responsibilities.

An example of building a management structure is the bureaucratic model of an organization according to M. Weber. The organizational structure of the enterprise The ability of the enterprise to adapt to changes in the external environment is affected by how the enterprise is organized, how the management structure is built.

The organizational structure of an enterprise is a set of links (structural divisions) and links between them.


Depending on the area of ​​activity of the unit, as well as the scope of responsibility of the head, the latter has the right to delegate some powers to his subordinates. At the same time, a strict system of reporting and control must be observed. The final responsibility for the results of the work rests solely with the manager.

Activities should be organized as follows:
  • at the beginning of the period, the head carries out planning, which is fixed in the relevant documents;
  • then there is continuous monitoring of the results of work in order to be able to respond to deviations in time;
  • at the end of the reporting period, a check is carried out for compliance of the resulting indicators with the planned ones.

Conclusions The structural subdivision of the organization is its main working cell, which performs certain functions regulated by the relevant regulation.

Structural unit of the head of the enterprise

Before deciding on the name of the position of the head of the structural unit, it is necessary to clearly build the organizational structure of the enterprise, bring it into strict compliance with the requirements of the current legislation, taking into account the areas of activity of these units and the degree of their interaction (interdependence). A few years ago, the legislation established a clear requirement, according to which, when creating structural units, it was necessary to take into account the following standards of manageability: - management, service could be created if they had at least 7 staff positions, including the position of the head; - a department could be created if it had at least 4 staff positions, including the position of the head; - a sector (bureau, group) could be created if it had at least 3 staff positions, including the position of the head.

Structural division of the director


A structural unit is a dedicated management body with independent functions, specific tasks and responsibilities. It can be isolated (representatively, a branch) and internal (does not have all the features of an independent organization). Any structural subdivision carries out its economic activities on the basis of the approved regulation on these associations, which is being developed at the enterprises where they exist.

This document is developed by employees of the personnel department and heads of departments. Structural divisions of the enterprise can be as follows:
  • Management - units that are formed on a functional basis, they ensure the implementation of certain areas of the enterprise and manage the organization.

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