Personnel management as a science. Personnel management (PM) as a science and scientific discipline Theory of the hierarchy of needs A

Other 05.02.2023

1. Personnel management as a science. Its relationship with other sciences, functions.

As a science UP early. formed in the last 10 years of 19 - early. 20th century It stands out as a region. scientific research at the intersection of management theory and eq. theory. UP as a science as a subject has a set of social-eq relations related to managerial impact on the organization's personnel, in order to ensure their effective activity based on scientifically based recommendations.

The closest science to UP is yavl. eq.labor. Differences UE with eq. tr. in sl. moments: 1) the formulation of the subject within the framework of the yavl. relations that have arisen in the course of labor activity; within the framework of PM - relations that have arisen in the process of managerial influence; 2) issues; 3) methodology. For UE and There are 2 groups of methods: general scientific and ek-mathematic. At the same time, UE has a group of specific methods that differ completely from the methods of It is necessary to distinguish research methods from methods of managerial influence. Within the framework of research meters, there are: 1) accounting meters, they allow you to fix the process and result. this impact (m. accounting for losses of working time, m. accounting for the introduction of a payment system); 2) specialized ek-mat. methods of calculation type used for prognosis of personnel processes (calculation of coefficients of management, qualifications); 3) expert modeling method: brainstorming, business games.

UE rel. to functional eq. sciences and interacts with both methodological and branch sciences. From methodological sciences UE takes the definition of categories (ef-th, production), principles (rationality, utility), laws (z. ahead of development of production forces over production relations, cyclicity). For the methodological sciences, UE supplies data on the number of personnel in the personnel structure, on the quality of changes in the structure of personnel costs, etc. Rel. to grow up. UP supplies the sciences with categories and principles, laws, and takes from industry sciences. details for generalization. UE interacts with a number of ek-x functional and non-ek. Sciences. UE is most closely associated with eq. enterprises, accounting accounting, finance organization, org. behavior; from some Sciences: tr. law, sociology of management, psychology of management, psychology of labor, physiology of labor, conflictology.

2. UE as an academic discipline. Issues.

To the problems of UE as a science rel:

1) the problem of the formation of the personnel of the enterprise (selection, recruitment); 2) the problem of developing personnel policy, incl. personnel strategy and tactics; 3) the problem of est. personnel activities, incl. criteria ots., procedure isp. its reserves; 4) motivation tr. personnel; 5) management of working time; 6) conflict management in the enterprise; 7) assessment of personnel costs; their ef-ty.

How scientific. diss. UE began to stand out in the account. institutions abroad in the 30s of the 20th century, in the USSR in the 50s of the 20th century. This course can be read after next discipline: eq. enterprises, management, statistics, psychology. Therefore, for most specialties, this discipline is read after reading other courses, incl. and non-economic. For special-ty UE, he yavl. basic, therefore it is read at the very beginning of training, in parallel with the theory. management. Problems of the course: 1) to educational tasks rel. familiarity with the categories of personnel, methods of selection and recruitment, personnel policy and strategy, assessment of the pers., methods of motivation and stimulation of activities, management of the worker. time, calculation of indirect and direct personnel costs; 2) identification of cause-and-effect relationships between methods of influence and certain categories of employees, between objects and subjects of actual impact and the results of PM; 3) obtaining the skills to draw up personnel documents, conduct management procedures, analyze and resolve management situations.

3. Human resource management concepts

The practice of PM at enterprises in different countries is based on 4 concepts, cat. arose during 20th century:

1. The concept of human resource management appeared at the end of the 19th century and became most widespread in the 20s of the 20th century.

2. The concept of personnel management. It originates at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The greatest distribution in the 30s-40s.

3. The concept of human capital management (formed in the 50s-60s of the 20th century and begins to be applied from the same period of time).

4. The concept of human resource management (the concept of social management, it appears in the 70s-80s and from that moment begins to be implemented).

1- the reasons for its emergence were: the completion of the prom. coup beginning. active urbanization, which created a situation of vastness of workers who could be easily replaced; predominance within t. motivation conc. "h-ka ek-oh"; On the basis of this conc. postulates lay: 1) labor yavl. one of the cheapest and most massive types of resources; 2) there are no irreplaceable works, and if he is not able to fulfill the requirements of the slave, then from the point of view. eq. ef-ti it is subject to replacement; 3) the most important incentive to ensure the efficiency of labor wages, but its growth should be slower than productivity growth.

2 - the reasons for its appearance were: the growth of technical. equipment tr. demanded professional training, which not many slaves possessed; the awareness of the slaves of the value of education and specialized training; the emergence of so-called “social” motivation (in addition to the eq. motive, the production of labor depends on a number of other factors: education, career growth). The main ideas of the concept: 1) differentiating the value of workers in organizations from the potential product and the profitability of their labor; 2) the formal criterion step. qualified steel qualification requirements for the position and the employee, the cat. m. take dan. job title; 3) accounting in the system. upr-I variety of motives of persons occupying those positions, cat. most important to the organization.

3- causes of occurrence: 2nd world. The war led to a shortage of people. res. on the r-ke tr.; sharp acceleration of NTP, cat. gave rise to yavl. "White Collar Unemployment". The theory of T. Schultz and G. Becker lies at the heart of the justification of K.. Basic ideas of K.: 1) tr. potential p-ka yavl. the most breath. with t.sp. return on capital for investments, exceeding the income of investments in man-cap-l; 2) it is profitable for slaves to pay for special training for slaves.

4 - basic ideas: 1) any district has value for the organization and is able to benefit it with properly organized selection and accounting for individual mobility; 2) to reduce the cost of work-ka can transfer part of the costs, the cat. related to training and salary on the costs associated with the formation of a socio-psychoclimate and the unity of the count in the org-tion.

On the basis of the K-th formed different. system-we UE. antip-mi yavl. American and Japanese. syst.

Amer. syst. based on the principles: 1) the achievement of a slave-mi individual. success; 2) syst. individual salaries; 3) in the system. leadership of demonstrative democracy with strict distancing; 4) system. centripetal career.

Japanese. syst basir. for example: 1) base pr. -collective interaction; 2) syst. one salary for persons with the same prof-mi quality you with differentials. bonuses at the end of the year; 3) demonstrative paternalism; 4) a serpentine career with a gradual advance.

8. The concept of personnel. Number. Movement and its analysis.

Under the staff of org. understand. sub-s, cat-e zakl. with org. tr. dog., within the cat. they fulfill the obligations assigned to them and receive a salary. for the work done. Signs of personnel: the presence of a contract; issue define-x funkt-x obligatory-th; main source doh.-z.p. With t.z. number of indicators, the staff is characterized by sl. categories: 1) the normative (regular) number is the number of workers, the cat is registered. tr. dog. or must be booked, taking into account the scope of the enterprise, types of work, norms and standards for tr., technical. armament tr., other requirements of legislation. The normative number is reflected in pcs. schedule. 2) payroll number of personnel-set of persons, cat. zakl. tr. dog. and cat. actually carry out activities within the enterprise. In pcs. num. doesn't teach. temporary and seasonal workers, part-time workers, workers on a contract; in the list does not teach numbers. temporary workers and slaves for a dog. contract. 3) attendance number, then the number of employees, cat. in dan. mom. present at work or nah. in services. commander x. doesn't teach. collaborator on vacation, on sick leave. For stat. accounting for the workers of the personnel department use the average number of personnel: SSCHP =. Movement-e (mob-t) workers have 2 gr. reasons: 1) Object of the th character: retirement; meas. healthy; moving to another place of residence; conscription into the army; retirement due to the passage of long-term training; abbr. enterprise 2) Sub-e: insufficiency of the worker with the conditions of labor; change in marital status; conflict with the leader; unscrupulous behavior of a slave or r-la. Mob-t for r-ka and slave-la has a positive. and negative. value 1. For org-tion positive: the possibility of replacing less qualified. more qualified personnel; possible get people from new. experience, knowledge; possible resolve the conflict problem. in org.; negative: the emergence of costs for the selection of new. Persian.; possible lose valuable slaves. 2. For a worker positive: possible. improve your profession. and mother. position; possible received new experience in activities; disadvantages: occurrence. instability, with possible deteriorating mat. provisions; the need to adapt to new qty and new work. Movement accounting is conducted through departed and arrived within the framework of each. department of period and calculation special. coefficients: 1) coefficient. disposal =; 2) coefficient. arrival =; 3) coefficient. fluid.=, if more than 5% per year, then: unfavorable. situational on predp., situation. business expansions; 4) coefficient. entrenched= , number of persons, status in the list of org. throughout the entire period.

6. Staff services and the main directions of their activities.

In the evolution of personnel management, there are several stages in the formation of special management structures: 1. 30-40s of the 20th century. lack of special HR departments, excl. HR department, cat. engaged in documentary support for the reception of workers, personal files in percent. work, dismissal; 2. 40-60s 20th century the appearance, along with the personnel departments, of a number of additional departments without a single service: the department of organization tr. and z.p., department of safety of tr., dep. corporate policy and culture (monitoring of social tr rel th, management of conflicts, development of recommendations on motivation), dep. training and certification of workers; 3. 60s-present. the formation of a single sl. for staff, cat. incl. includes a number of divisions and yavl. centralized.

Sl. in Persian noun for croup. and avg. enterprises, while small ones prefer to transfer functions related to UE to outsourcing to specialized firms. In Russia in the early 90s, in connection with the outbreak of the crisis, prom. rp-va, the collapse of the croup. prepr th and decrease in employment, most of the enterprises liquidated sl. UP. In present temp. they will rise tol. within the croup. com. firms. With t. sp. def. number of words. by personnel n. 2 approaches: 1) proportional: as the number of employees of the enterprise increases, the proportion of people employed in the joint venture automatically increases (in a number of joint ventures, the number of employees is fixed in % relative and assumed from 5 to 20% of persons employed in the joint venture from the total number of pers.). 2) progressive: as the number grows. employees in the organization observed a synergistic effect, suggesting that the growth in the number of employees of the joint venture is slower than the overall growth of employees. Partly takes into account the coefficient of manageability at different levels upr-I. KU shows how many areas of activity and the employees who lead them can control from high. step. ef-ti leader of a certain linear level.

In diff. uch. allowances said that the enterprise numbered 100-300 people. needs 7 people. SP; 300-500 people at 7-9 people; 500-1000 for 10-12 people; 1000-3000 for 15-18 people; over 5000 people - not b. 25-30 people The joint venture can have both a linear-functional character and a matrix one. In joint venture with lin-function. char., deputy in Persian. yavl. first deputy, cat-mu subordinates. a number of heads of departments, leading departments of functions for PM. The matrix page presumes that the deputy in Persian. subordinate to a number of units, employees of the cat. concurrent issue. specific functions of the grassroots units supervised by them.

Most of the time The joint venture is engaged in traditional activities. The number of these directions is somewhat more than the next subdivisions, so each department is engaged in several functions:

1. Formation of the personnel policy of the organization.

2. Formation of a contingent of workers, including selection, recruitment and dismissal procedures.

3. Personnel planning and forecasting

4. Development of employees for the purposes of the organization.

5. Evaluation of the activities of employees, including attestation procedures.

6. Resolution of conflicts and provision of socio-psychological assistance.

7. Ensuring social and living conditions for the activities of employees.

8. Ensuring the legal basis for the activities of employees.

9. Ensuring labor safety.

10. Documentation support for the activities of personnel.

11. Carrying out monitoring of efficiency of activity of the personnel.

12. Managing the working time of the staff.

13. Ensuring staff incentives.

7. Modern functions of the joint venture

Since the divisions of the trade union movement, etc. the law significantly limited the employer, increased competition for qualified personnel and personnel costs, then new ones arose. for example, the activities of the joint venture: 1) marketing (research of the quality, dynamics of personnel, most often in the external environment) and monitoring (in the internal environment) of personnel. The task of monitoring is to give an answer to the question of whether the motivation of employees, the conflict in the organization, how it affects the production of tr. individual trends. Marketing is necessary to determine how it is changing from the point of view. skills and abilities number of potential jobs ext. environment of the enterprise, which is potentially m. search for slaves and how he b. impact on external Wednesday. 2) recruiting - attracting specific employees working at other enterprises, on the terms that are attractive to them. Expensive procedure and applied to really valuable employees. 3) leasing. Allows org-tion, have a cat. noun temporary problems with the provision of employment in the full scope of their own slaves, to provide workers at the disposal. other org., without interrupting the tr. dog. The need for leasing arose due to the cyclic nature of the enterprise and its desire to retain staff without losing qualifications. Advantages for the enterprise: the possibility of preserving the personnel core; because work cont. activity according to prof., then not happening. dequalification; minimizing the cost of social. character For worker: possible save slave. places and relates. stability; there is no dequalification; maintaining a relatively stable mat. provisions; Disadvantages for org-qi: not fully regulated by law; possible recruiting situation. For the worker: deterioration of the mat. provisions; need to adapt to new. enterprise. 4) audit and controlling of personnel. The procedure for the current systemic assessment of personnel to resolve issues about the quality of activities, compliance with requirements, management of changes in internal. enterprise environment. Within the framework of these procedures, it is also possible to evaluate with the so-called. compliance with the technical parameters of the production.

5. HR strategies

Under the strategy understand the long-term target setting of the organization to achieve "global goals". In relation to the personnel strategy, the basic setting of the organization is understood in relation to the vision of the role of personnel, to achieve the basic goals of the organization.

In most cases, COPs are functions subordinate to the main strategy of the organization as a whole, but for some types of COP activities, m. general (personnel and recruiting agencies).

All functional CSs can be divided into types for various reasons. Based on the stage of the business cycle, development strategies are distinguished: 1) CS growth. It is carried out during the creation of the enterprise, or its new divisions. Within the framework of activity priorities recruitment and selection of personnel with short-term training; creation of financial advantages for new hires. Principles: speed of reaction to the state of the market tr.; application of the ef-noy z.p. mechanism; ration of financial costs. Basic goals; timely provision of the enterprise with employees to reduce the time. unprofitability. 2) stabilization strategy. It comes at a time when the enterprise reaches almost the full scale of activity, reduces the growth rate and operates within the planned production volume. Priorities: retention of the necessary pers., maintenance of incentives for activities that allow not to reduce productivity, screenings pers., inappropriate. quality or prone to shirking. Principles: proportionality of costs per person, its significance and performance tr. Persian.; creation of a favorable social-psychological environment for activities; variety of methods of stimulation used. Goal: to keep the composition and performance. 3) COP reduction. Beginning at the moment when the enterprise in whole or in part is reduced. activity volume. Purpose: to reduce the number of personnel without demotivation and while maintaining the core of the staff. Priorities: reduction pers. while minimizing the cost of reducing, complying with legal requirements, maintaining pers. taking into account the prospects of the enterprise. Principles: sociality; economical effect; consistency; 4) combined CS. It involves a combination of the 3 above strategies, but at the same time taking into account the application of these pages to different divisions of the same enterprise.

On the basis of the basic mechanism of activity org.v received. profits allocate functioning strategies: 1) COP of cost minimization. Use at the enterprise with prod. mass character. At the heart of these prod. or services is competitive in the region. price-quality-in, the lower the cost and relates. high quality, the more. profit received. enterprise For the production of such req. workers in mass volume present on the labor market, and having an average level of training that allows them to cope with this production. With regard to personnel, the strategy assumes savings in personnel costs, i.e. application of the simplest methods of selection and recruitment; minimization of salary, social package; lack of training programs motivation programs; strict control over labor discipline; min. job security. 2) COP concentration. The enterprise receives a basic profit due to the efforts of workers, which are present in a small number. in the market, are quite mobile, understand the degree of demand for their services. It is based on the concentration of labor costs on wages, incl. and its prime part, with a relatively free schedule slave. temp. and when absent. the costs associated with the training of the Persian, its stabilization and social. package. 3) COP segmentation. It is used in cases where, in cancers 1 of the enterprise, groups of workers of the main and auxiliary nature are clearly separated, while the effective activity of the main staff without an auxiliary is impossible, but with the t.z. ef-ti activities of the enterprise the same costs for all gr. workers are impossible, because the enterprise may lose its competitiveness. Gr. districts are divided into segments, with the so-called. possible level of costs and taking into account the prevailing group motivation, which determines the priority of costs for gr. workers-kov, in order to stabilize the number of enterprises in gr. auxiliary districts at relatively low costs for z.p. due to the size of the contingent. Priority can be: training of personnel on special. program; the presence of social packages and systems implicit contracts; difference form nek. motivation. For gr. the main workers among the priority areas m.b. ef-th zp, the availability of flexible work schedules; individualization system. contracts. 4) combined page. Assumes a combination of the 3 above-named pages in relation to different divisions, issues of prod. different type.

CS can be distinguished on other grounds: By type of government: liberal; democratic; authoritarian. Such pages are based to a lesser extent on a combination of specific tactics.

4. The concept of personnel policy. Modern personnel policy and its content.

KP is a set of goals, objectives, priorities, principles within the framework of specific. org., which determine the specifics of interaction with personnel, its formation, the specifics of financial costs for personnel. With t.z. goals can highlight more general and more specific goals. More general. c. are approximately the same for all firms, have a strategic character and are designed for the long term: 1) providing the enterprise with personnel is necessary. quality, quantity and on time; 2) ensuring the competitiveness of the company through work with personnel. For different enterprises at different stages of development, there may be more clearly defined goals for them, incl. factors: organizational rights. form of organization; type of property; type of production; character technology; tight control over compliance with the law; production style; business cycle period. To more specific c. rel.: 1) ensuring a certain quality of pers; 2) increased interest pers. in result. activities. Under the principles of the KP understand the set of basic ideas underlying the work with personnel. They are divided into general and special. General are enshrined in the legislation of the country and yavl. mandatory: 1) freedom of choice tr. spheres of activity of the employee; 2) the prohibition of discrimination on certain grounds; 3) obligatory documentation support of personnel policy; 4) participation in the development of personnel policy of trade unions; the presence of mandatory social obligations r-la. Special pr. are related to the nature of the interaction with the staff and can be both universal and specific. character Special (universal) pr., cat. were the result of scientific and practical generalizations based on the results of the activities of personnel services: 1) consistency, i.e. goals, objectives, strategies, tactics of the CP should be a single system. and be in agreement with each other; 2) continuity, the development of the KP is not a single. act., but constantly carried out activities that involve the possibility of adjustments .; 3) flexibility-compliance of the KP with changing conditions external. and int. enterprise environment; 4) cost-effectiveness, implementation of the implementation of the CP d.b. commensurate with the expected results; 5) scientific-suggests that KP d.b. justified conceptually, and not appear spontaneously. Specific special pr. are pr. developed within the framework of individual enterprises or groups. enterprises. Priorities involve ranking goals and objectives in terms of their importance for the enterprise, taking into account the possibility of financing. With t.z. elements and KP allocate: 1) personnel strategy; 2) personnel tactics. At the same time, the set of tactical elements is always subordinate to the chosen personnel strategy.

9. Qualitative characteristics of personnel.

To the qualitative characteristics of the Persian. include the structural characteristics of Persian, distinguished on the following grounds:

1.age structure

2.Educational structure

3.Qualification structure

4. Gedenrnaya structure.

Despite the presence of the same grounds for all organizations, the quality determined on these grounds may differ from the quality of other organizations. From the point of view of the qualitative age structure, it is believed that in any organization workers should be evenly distributed into groups: young workers, workers of the age of greatest economic activity, pre-retirement persons. age. Such a structure is considered optimal from the point of view of the uniformity of the transfer of experience and the formation of traditions. However, in relation to a number of organizations (for example, the creation of software products), this structure is not optimal.

From the point of view of the educational structure, the quality of the organization is determined by the type of product and the requirements for product quality. When determining the qualitative parameters, it is necessary to take into account the following. list of factors-in-1, the complexity of the work carried out by the firm. (the higher the complexity, the higher the DB image); secondly, the quality requirements for the product (the higher the quality requirements, the higher the work experience should be); c-3, the profile of activity and requirements for the professional and qualification composition, c-4, the nature of the load. At a younger age, a person has a higher reaction speed and degree of execution, but lower endurance, and an older person has higher endurance.

10. Staff structure. Personnel categories.

Because in the process of PM, the question of the quality of personnel is important, then the analysis of this quality is most often carried out through formalized indicators of the composition and structure of personnel.

At the present time, professional qualifications, social demographics, and functional structure are most often distinguished.

At the same time, in most cases, social demographic the structure develops spontaneously, and the professional qualification and functional structure, taking into account the goals, objectives of personnel policy, the degree of financial security of the enterprise, industry, form of ownership and the positioning of the enterprise on the market.

Social demographic. structure is the ratio of certain groups of work, allocated according to socio-demographic characteristics to the total number of personnel. Partially, the following elements of the social demographic structure can be formed:

Age line;

The state of health of the worker (for budgetary organizations or organizations belonging to the society of the disabled)

In special areas of activity on absolutely any social demographic basis. This is due to the need to protect certain categories of slaves.

Accounting for the social demographic structure is necessary for employers. certain categories of slaves have TK-conditioned benefits associated with the presence of additional. holidays, restrictions on work modes, mobility and other significant conditions of labor activity.

Professional Qualification structure is the ratio of differences. groups of slaves, allocated by professional or qualifications. sign to the total number of employees n-I.

Professional Qualification the structure is the basic structure for monitoring the equilibrium of the internal labor market in terms of the degree of compliance with the quality requirements of the personnel.

When taking into account and analyzing such a structure, one learns:

1. the profession of a worker, because a set of skills, abilities, competencies related to a certain area of ​​activity;

2. qualification of a worker. This category has a double meaning in the UE. On the one hand, a qualification is a characteristic of the field of activity assigned at the end of a vocational education institution. And on the other hand, qualification is associated with determining the level of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities and the ability to perform more complex work.

Based on this, in the tariff qualification. The reference book indicates the qualification groups of workers and specialists, taking into account not only the primary understanding of qualifications, but also work experience.

3. specialty - a narrower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe profession

4. work experience - it is necessary to distinguish from the concept of work experience. There is specific here. Relationship: Greater work experience does not always mean more experience despite the fact that experience comes with experience.

The functional structure is the allocation of groups of slaves according to differences. functions in the process of production and management in relation to the total number of slaves. The staff is divided into workers and employees.

Workers are subjects who are predominantly employed by physical workers. labor and whose training has a predominantly practical orientation. Among the workers, there are: basic, auxiliary, technical, social.

Main workers employed in the processes of creating a directly basic product or service, for the sake of which the p-e was created.

Auxiliary workers - employed in workshops or in areas that allow you to provide basic. workers with tools, raw materials or semi-finished products, other specialized elements of the production process.

Techn. slave-persons are predominantly unskilled. labor, which can provide the conditions for the implementation of the labor activity itself.

Employees are persons engaged mainly in mental work for the preparation of which is required theoretical and practical. obuchenie.Among employees allocate administrative. slaves and specials.

Administrative slaves are employees who perform only or predominantly managerial functions. Managers subdivisions on linear-who manage the level of org-tion, being responsible for all components of the activities of this p-I. The functional manager is the head of a certain subdivision, which is entrusted with a specific professional area of ​​activity and responsibility for this area.

Special-you are employees who are employed within certain professional areas. areas by a set of functions of a narrow area of ​​activity in accordance with job descriptions.

Specialists are:

1.Chief Specialist-m. act either as a functional manager or head one of the departments included in the structure of the definition. functional service.

2.Leading Specialist- a specialist who is not engaged in an administrative function, but, due to his high qualifications and experience, conducts the methodical work of units and advises specialists.

3.Senior Specialist-specialists with experience who perform more complex tasks and can lead a group of the same type of specialists within specific departments.

4.Actually special-you- persons who have received specialized education and perform special basic functions.

5.Technical specialists- whose activity does not require long-term specialization. preparations, but occupied mainly with mental labor.

Functional str-ra, depending on the scope of activity, practically does not include a group of workers or a group of specialists.

11. Personnel forecasting.

One of the principles of personnel policy is the planned nature of this policy. However, any planning cannot be carried out without foreseeing the development trends of objects.

A personnel forecast is a scientifically based, quantitatively calculated and qualitatively described prediction of development trends in quantity and quality changes in the personnel of an enterprise, taking into account the development of the n-th. In this regard, the personnel forecast can. either an integral part of the overall development of the nth forecast, or vice versa, the central core, which can pull the development of the enterprise along with it.

Personnel forecasts differ for the following reasons:

1. by terms:

- Short term

- medium-term- from one to five years.

- Long term- from five years and above.

The period of pronosis is largely related to the degree of reliability. In the short term, 75-80%, in the medium term, up to 50%, and in the long term, below 25%.

2. According to the forecast methodology used:

- quantitative forecasts are based on the use of economics-math. methods and models.

-quality analysis methods - expert or qualitative forecast. Such a forecast is based on linguistic. description of trends with possible indication of data based on the experience of an expert, comparative analysis, extrapolation of a similar situation.

According to the basic hypothesis underlying the applied method, forecasting methods can be divided into extrapolative methods and normative methods.

extrapolative The forecast is based on the position that the trend that underlies the quantity and quality of personnel changes should remain for the forecast period. Extrapolative forecast can be. both qualitatively and quantitatively justified. To extrapolate. the forecast had a relatively sufficient degree of certainty, the period preceding the forecast should be at least 3 years for a forecast for 1 year, at least 5 years for a forecast for a duration of more than 1 year, and at least 10 years for a forecast for a period of 3 years.

Forecast can be. qualitatively justified, but at the same time it is necessary to describe the scenario conditions, i.e. cos-ty external and internal. factors in relation to n-th, according to which the extrapolative trend will be preserved.

Normative the method is based on the fact that the forecast involves the justification for achieving the calculated values ​​desired for n-i. Because the normative forecast is based on the values ​​​​desired to be achieved, it should be. be financially justified in more detail, as well as when calculating its internal content should be. the time limits of the possibilities of transformations are taken into account.

According to the mechanism of forecasting, forecasting methods are divided into economics and expert methods.

12. Personnel planning and its principles.

A plan, unlike a forecast, is a document that details the stages, deadlines, methods, intermediate results and results, as well as those responsible for their achievement in various areas of activity.

The personnel plan is a document that provides for all the above-mentioned documents in the field of work with personnel for the future and current period of activity.

The value of personnel planning is as follows:

1. allows you to link personnel policy and the concept of enterprise development.

2.allows you to make the work with the staff focused.

3. allows you to reduce the economic costs associated with anarchy in the organization of the activities of the n-I.

4.Plans allow you to link into one whole resource support for the activities of the organization, financial support, as well as time costs for the implementation of a particular action.

types of plans.

When implementing personnel planning, the following principles are implemented:

1. continuity of planning, which implies that planning is ongoing, including consistently developed plans that are interdependent, including plans for different periods.

2. planning flexibility - involves making changes to the plans, taking into account the presence of significant changes in the external or internal environment of the enterprise.

3. Profitability of planning - the goal of working with personnel should be achieved at the lowest possible level of costs.

4. Comprehensiveness - plans should include linking areas of work with personnel in terms of financial costs, the degree of responsibility of different subjects and goals.

5. A combination of a set of methods that are optimal for each section of personnel work.

13. Types of personnel plans.

According to the object, there are: - local personnel plans that are aimed at the implementation of certain areas of personnel policy (for example, plans for training a Persian, firing and hiring a Persian, career advancement); - a consolidated personnel plan - a plan containing the entire set of areas of work with personnel for the current period. This plan allows you to coordinate areas of work with personnel, and local plans allow you to detail individual areas. When local plans are merged into a master plan, local plans are adjusted.

In form: -plans-schedules; - plans - tables; linguistic plans (descriptive); mixed.

The schedule allows you to more accurately see how the work with the staff is distributed over time periods. Typical schedules are work time planning, including vacation planning, and including staff training planning. Scheduling a work time is universal and has a calendar character.

There is no universal form of the plan-table.

The linguistic plan involves a linguistic description of the points of a certain direction of activity with personnel. This form makes it possible to prescribe the work in more detail in comparison with the tabular version.

By planning time:

- Short term- up to one year. (from 1 day to 1 month - operational)

- medium-term- from one to five years.

- Long term- from five years and above.

14. Methods of personnel planning.

All methods of personnel planning can be divided into:

1. Regulatory planning methods

2.balance methods

3. economic and mathematical methods methods.

The normative method of personnel planning is based on the application of labor standards and standards, financial standards and other standards that should be applied. taken into account when working with staff.

Normative methods of planning naib. are effective in determining the number of personnel, its measurement, the uniformity of labor costs, planning the norms of time for training and the norms for replacing personnel if necessary.

Limitations: lack of standards for a number of industries, the need to revise the standards in the event of a change in the technology of production, or the degree of technical. equipment.

The balance method is based on maintaining a balance between income and staff costs. More often, the balance method is used when planning financial costs for personnel based on the possibility of p-I and some parameters of external regulatory regulation.

Funds: from profits, tax incentives, funds ... cost, other

Expenses: deductions to the off-budget. funds, training costs, incentive costs, expenses for improvement of

Wed = expenses.

The balance method is used in planning the number of personnel in the following. conv:

1) the number of Persians is assumed to be unchanged throughout the year

2) a certain outflow and replacement of personnel is expected.

beginning of the year:1.Total:…. including: 1.1. constant number; 1.2. dismissed on reduction; 1.3. change division

end of the year:total:… including: 1.1. constant population; 1.2. will be accepted; 1.3. transferred to a new location.

Limitations of the balance method:

1. It can be applied! in those situations when the corresponding elements of expenses and headcount will coincide with the elements of income and headcount.

2. maximum planning period = 1 year

3. The balance method is not applicable to all areas of activity of personnel services.

Economics-Mathematics. methods involve the use of various economic-math models for planning the quantitative parameters of personnel work.

Limitations: inapplicability to qualitative indicators of activities.

Expert - based on the experience of specialists in UE. Often associated with the direction of work, which may not be. clearly calculated by the first 3 methods. Main The lack of methods is the subjective nature of the assessment, which is based on the experience of experts that they had up to a certain point.

15. Recruitment: concept, essence, types, meaning.

A set of people is a way to attract a potential worker to an opening vacancy in a certain way. terms. The need for a set of pers. connection from the next reasons:

1. the emergence of new n-th and the need to hire staff.

2. the presence of staff turnover and the need to search for applicants to replace those leaving.

3. Expansion of activities of the n-I and the need for additional. job applicants. places

4. dissatisfaction with the quality of slaves and the search for applicants to replace existing workers.

The value of the pers set is as follows:

1. Through the recruitment of Persians, a set of persons is formed for future employment.

2. By means of a set, the costs associated with equipment downtime and untimely commissioning of the p-I are reduced.

3.nabor creates a competitive environment between applicants for a job.

4. The result of the recruitment is a signal for the employer about the competitiveness of his job in the r.t. and the need to change working conditions.

Set types:

1. according to the environment where the set comes from:



Internal recruitment - a set of employees of the n-I. This set has a regulatory and economic basis.

The normative basis is the obligation of a slave, when a Persian is released, to provide him with an equivalent slave place on the -p-and, if there are vacancies.

The economic basis is due to the fact that internal recruitment involves less cost and less loss due to the transition and adaptation of the worker, takes less time and is conducted according to indicators that are more open than when hiring a person from the outside.

An external set is a set from the external environment with respect to the nth. This set is usually carried out in those cases when the nth is formed, or there are no workers of the corresponding profile and quality on the nth.


A wider circle of people for the potential recruitment of pers

The presence in this circle of persons of those qualities of a professional plan that may be absent from the staff of the n-I.


Higher cost

High degree of risk and uncertainty

Longer terms

Possible increased conflict in hiring.

A mixed set is the use of both external and internal funds and is carried out with the expansion of the n-I, in the presence of significant vacancies to increase the level of competition, with a significant restructuring of the n-I.

2. by the number of persons recruited for positions:




Individual - recruitment for a separate open vacancy, if the presence of this vacancy does not significantly change the structure of the number.

Group - a set of the same type of categories of slaves on the n-th or its subdivision, which. able to influence labor relations within the n-I.

Mass recruitment - a set of homogeneous or similar professions of slaves, if as a result of their arrival, the structure of the n-I changes significantly.

3. according to the methods used:



Active implementation, if the demand for r.t. (especially highly specialized) significantly exceeds the offer.

Passive - implemented when the supply of labor exceeds demand.

16. Methods of recruitment.

When recruiting personnel, different groups of methods are used depending on what the situation is on the R.T., what kind of Persian we are recruiting, as well as on the finances that we can spend.

TO traditional (passive)) Persian recruitment methods include:

1. Recruitment through the media (Internet does not apply) - newspapers (specialization and non-specialization), TV, radio

2. search for slaves through ads on specialized stands, which can be located either next to the p-th, or in designated places.

3. Search for slaves through the employment service

4. search through friends.

5. search for slaves through a profession. educational institutions.

These methods combine the following points:

They do not imply an active role for the n-I.

Stretched out in time.

Relatively low cost.

Methods are more efficient if on r.t. there is an oversupply of slaves and n-i don't have hard deadlines for hiring.

Newspaper. Advantages: - low cost, promptness of the information message, target audience. Disadvantages: standardization, the presence of a limited area for the announcement.

TV. Advantages: a clearer visual representation; the possibility of emotional accompaniment. Disadvantages: high cost; implementation of displaying ads in a fast mode and not always at a convenient time.

Radio. Dost-va: emotional component, broadcasting for several sessions a day. Disadvantages: narrow range of listeners, not always good time, higher cost than in newspapers.

Specialized stands. Dost-va: low cost, the possibility of placing the most complete information, unlimited placement time. Disadvantages: low permeability, uncertainty in time.

Job service. Dos-va: centralized place for collecting information about vacancies and applicants, absolutely free receipt and placement of information for the n-th, the possibility of limiting terms and a data bank, the participation of professional consultants. Disadvantages: not all applicants tend to apply to the employment service, the expectations of the potential of a worker and a worker may not coincide, at the same time searching for the same slaves may be engaged in different jobs, which as a result, it does not allow full competition for a slave.

Search through friends. Dost-va: - high search speed, the presence of a certain trust. Disadvantages: narrow base, the possibility of having interests that are contrary to the interests of the slave.

Through vocational schools.Dost-va: the possibility of obtaining slaves with a new level of knowledge, skills, skills; the possibility of obtaining subjects on which m.b. fully tested standards of corporate culture; the possibility of obtaining a full recommendation. Disadvantages: recruitment of employees with no experience, recruitment in a limited time.

Active (innovation) dialing methods are applicable when:

1. offer for r.t. being insufficient

2.set d.b. produced in a short time or in large quantities

3. the set implies the possibility of financial costs.

Active methods of recruiting Persians suggest a more active position of the slave in relation to attracting applicants for the slave. places.

These methods include:

1. recruitment via the Internet (through special sites, sites of org-tions).

2. recruitment through job fairs

3. through recruiting agencies or staffing agencies, or recruiting procedures on the site itself.

4. through active interaction with universities and other professional educational institutions.

Internet. Dost-va: the possibility of placing a large amount of information or using a large amount of information; almost complete absence of costs; large target audience; obtaining applicants who are familiar with Internet technologies. Disadvantages: high degree of competition; the possibility of duration of the search, the presence of redundant inf.

Job fair- a special event held by the SPSS, in which both workers and workers participate. Delivery: the possibility of direct communication; the possibility of speed dialing; lack of st-ty events; obviousness. Disadvantages: rarity; limited contingent of applicants; low success in the absence of a contingent.

Recruitment through recruiting agencies - involves the search for the necessary personnel within the established time frame with the possible provision of consultations. Dost-va: short terms; the presence of a responsible agency; possibility of compensation in case of failure; the possibility of outstaffing. Disadvantages: high quality; underdevelopment of database agencies. Outstaffing is a procedure in which the staff of the agency introduces employees into its staff, which are subsequently provided to the slaves on a temporary basis.

Active cooperation with Universities. Dost-va: obtaining a worker with the necessary characteristics; the adaptability of this worker to a specific p-th. Disadvantages: duration of the procedure; the presence of costs that are not directly related to the set.

17. Personnel selection: concept, essence, types, meaning. Selection is one of the procedures in the region of UP, associated with the selection of applicants, formed in the process of recruitment, employees, which are in the smallest step. meet the requirements for the position held or the position occupied. The selection can go at the same time as the recruitment (for example, at job fairs) or be a procedure following the recruitment. -th number of employees; 2) allows you to reduce the publications associated with spontaneous recruitment of people; 3) allows you to determine the compliance of the requirements of the enterprise with the compliance of the r. involved in the selection). Selection, as well as recruitment, is not homogeneous, therefore, it can be classified for different reasons: 1) by environment: external and internal; 2) by cost: standardized and costly; 3) by categories of recruited slave-in: selection of workers and selection of specialists; 4) by selection methods: selection using standard methods and selection using innovative methods; -mi org-ii and selection with the involvement of external experts; 6) according to the criteria for the implementation of the selection: selection based on predominantly objective criteria and selection based on predominantly subjective criteria.

18. Innovative methods of personnel selection. In certain cases, traditional standardized procedures for the selection of personal are insufficient. In this regard, personal services resort to additional procedures that are not as common as traditional ones, but can reduce the risk of poor quality errors th selection. Situations in which resort to additional methods: 1) selection of specialists and administrators of higher qualification categories; 2) for the selection of specialists and workers who are employed in the so-called. "narrow work places", i.e. the continuous work of divisions or enterprises as a whole largely depends on the response and discipline of the cat; 3) when hiring a person with certain unique characteristics, the cat does not m. have a typical distribution. To carry out additional procedures and ensure their effectiveness, the following conditions are necessary: ​​1. the availability of sufficient financial security; 2. the availability of trained specialists; for the implementation of such procedures. For such procedures, rel-t: 1 ) selection by means of test procedures. The existence of the possibility of admission with a probationary period, or conducting test procedures outside of employment. The main goal is to establish the actual degree of competence of the applicant and the speed of his adaptation to new working conditions. -th term. Essence - hiring with the establishment of a probationary period, based on the results of which a decision is made to hire or reject a candidate. Disadvantages: the possibility of using only one candidate; the possibility of an unfavorable decision not only from the side of the slave, but also from the side of the slave. Delivery: there is no psychologist pressure; the ability to assess not only the degree of professionalism, but also the character of interaction with colleagues at work; regulated by the tr. short-term tests of a group or individual type. There are 2 types of such tests: 1. simulation tests, which involve imitation of a real situation, which the applicant is not aware of; 2. admission of the applicant to solving real problems; about that subject is selected , the cat suggested the best solution.; 2) Circular or 360 degree type evaluation. It is used when the specialist to be selected should have a high degree of loyalty to the organization in order to prevent information leakage in the future. In this regard, it is necessary to obtain information about this applicant from the places of previous work, information from places of residence, information from educational institutions. Based on the results of this information, a professional psychological portrait of the applicant is compiled. .environment, then a survey is conducted of the head of the unit, colleagues at work, with whom the applicant interacts in the process of work; 3) Selection by one-stage selection procedures(carried out in specialized firms; duration can reach from 2 weeks to 3 months). -to candidates. In the result of the last procedure, the winner of the selection is determined. Each procedure incl. The situation in future activities, and as a result, can be assumed: 1. specific test; 2. drawing up an analytical report or program of activities; i; 4. carrying out "brainstorming" or "brain attack"; 4) Rating assessment. M including several methods: 1. assessment of applicants by experts; 2. assessment of applicants by the applicants themselves, heads of departments, future colleagues. candidate selection.

19. Traditional methods of personnel selection. Within the framework of any selection of personal nouns, a set of standardized traditional methods, without which not a single worker can do. Such methods include: ; 2) conducting an interview; 3) passing, in established cases, a medical commission, or testing (regulations of the law and not a mandatory procedure for all positions and work places). who is obliged to submit a person applying for a job, regarding: 1. passport; 2. image document; 3. work book for those who were previously employed. For those who are employment, the slave is obliged to draw up a workbook independently; 4. personal sheet for personnel records. It contains the following data: full name; full date of birth; gender; in foreign languages; about previous places of work; about marital status; in relation to. by virtue of internal norms of the enterprise, or by virtue of the norms of acts regulating the defined areas of activity: 1) Medical certificate.The current legislation contains a list of areas of activity in which there are restrictions on employment due to certain diseases. Therefore, within the framework of this provision, the provision of a medical certificate is obligatory ; 2) Autobiography-usually compiled by hand, it contains the following information: date; place of birth; family composition, indicating the names and dates of birth of parents; marital status, indicating the date of birth and names of family members; indicate the dates of schooling, its location with the end date; indication of other places of study; available / absent. Preliminary places of work with a decree of positions, divisions (in the reverse order, from the last place of work), an indication of the reasons for dismissal; other additional information; 3) Character.In a number of institutions; org-th provision of characteristics is an obligatory basis for resolving the issue of hiring a worker. It is drawn up in any form on the form of the corresponding org-ii, certified by the signature of the head of the division , org-ii, print; 4) Summary.According to the general rule, a resume is a standardized presentation of information by a potential applicant for a job, in which he should draw the attention of a slave to his person and convince him to accept himself for a job. From these positions, there is several requirements for submitting a resume: 1-volume no more than 1 A4 printed sheet; on the one hand, it is desirable to 1.5 interval, readable font (12-14); 2-d. to contain reliable information; 3-d. 4-in summary d.b. reflects your knowledge of a specific enterprise, working conditions on it and your interest in a specific place of work. The summary should not include: illustrations; a variety of fonts; print on non-standard paper; II, not related to the potential work.; 5) Results of testing Testing is both a mandatory and an additional procedure. There are 3 types of testing: Psychological, professions, mixed or combined. Psychological tests due to local norms of acts. obligatory in regime-type institutions and for certain types of professions. Aimed at identifying, the presence or absence of certain qualities that can hinder professional suitability. Developed by specialist psychologists with the participation of sociologists and managers experts in the respective field of activity. Professional tests are tests that allow you to establish the presence / absence of the required level of knowledge, skills, competencies. work places. These tests were compiled within the framework of companies by specialist experts from a defined professional group. They contain only questions that can be addressed by a particular subject. and psychologist questions. , which requires a definition of psychological skills. Psychological questions are aimed at identifying the subject's tendency to report false data and loyalty to the org. A large number of questions. i.e., the documents of only those persons who are most interesting to the enterprise are selected, the rest are rejected. .m. carried out either by the head of the subdivision, or by specializing employees of the service for personal. final solution about hiring. The interview can be conducted in the form of a conversation, on pre-prepared questions, or according to a situationally predictable scenario; as well as in the form of an interview with a formalized response form or a non-formalized response form.

20. Theory and practice of evaluation. The concept and types of personnel assessment. In the process of UE, the slave is faced with the need to carry out an assessment in the work of the slave for the following reasons: 1) to differentiate the and incentive bonuses, which will make work more motivated and effective; 2) the need to select a worker when hiring. The purpose of such an assessment is to provide the enterprise with the most suitable personnel for the enterprise; 3) availability external requirements: regulatory requirements and requirements emanating from consumers, general organizations, other bodies and sub-in; 4) the desire of the slave to keep under control the intensity of labor activities; 5) assessment is necessary to make a decision about the future labor fate of a worker. In general, an assessment of a person is understood to mean the activities of authorized persons aimed at establishing the degree of a worker corresponding to the position occupied, official function pits, social environment org. d. to carry out an assessment taking into account a specific goal; 2) The presence of clear criteria and requirements for assessment, i.e. the presence of a certain list of evaluated criteria and rights, which make it possible to separate the permissible quality of activities from the unacceptable; assessment of the activities of an employee to be carried out, taking into account the specification of his workplace, the adequacy of job descriptions and conditions for the implementation of labor activities. slave-in; 2.allows to increase the efficiency of labor and competition of enterprises; 1) By period: 1-Preliminary. Within the framework of this assessment, the potential of the worker is considered. reserve) 2-Current-implemented in the process of a person’s activities to make a decision on his promotion or take any sanctions against him; 3-final-implemented as a final decision upon dismissal employee or continuation of his work; 2) By object of assessment: 1-Assessment of a particular worker. The decisions made during such an assessment relate to a particular employee; - either positive, negative or neutral measures of influence; From the point of view of the regulation: 1-Ots.kot.regulation-Xia only by lok-mi acts of enterprise, and therefore should not contradict the federal legislation;

21. Methods for performing evaluation procedures. Determining the value of the assessment. In order to carry out an assessment, it is necessary to understand that there is a whole set of methods, with the help of which a worker, in the course of his work, is recognized as meeting or not meeting the qualification requirements: 1 ) Assessment based on current requirements, related to cat.: 1-achievable or unattainable established display system; 2-existing / absent fixed disciplinary violations; 3-existing / absent defects in work (for each the type of activity is the allowable size of the marriage); 4-tr. Orientation of the subject; 2) Circular(360 degree)- assumes that for the time being, the activity, in relation to the activity of the collaborator, is the whole circle of sub-in, with the cat. He constantly interacts in activities, evaluates employees according to a standardized questionnaire type. In the process of processing such questionnaires, some diametrically opposite ones can be rejected in order to reduce the risk of discrepancy; 3) Steam room., it is supposed to define work by param-m from the point of view of the type of activity, taking into account the prioritization. . or in other cases where a choice is required;4 )Ranking method.It is assumed that it is necessary to arrange a group of workers according to a specific rating, taking into account the fact that each subject can occupy only 1 rating position. To clarify the display, a total rating can be used, but it is labor-intensive and rarely used in practice. Existing other types of assessment methods: expert ); according to the professiogram; according to the reference sample. In the process of assessment, it is important not only to establish an adequate method of assessment, but also to establish an assessment criterion. There are the following ways to establish assessment criteria: 1 ) By the principle of opposites(performed/did not perform; coped/did not cope, etc.); 2) Point score, which concludes that each worker is evaluated either by a defined rank score or by a defined total score. The rank score assumes that the number of points corresponds to the number of workers in and each assigns its own score in the process of activity. The total score assumes that each evaluated quality is evaluated on a scale. For each evaluated parameter, each employee receives a sum of points, which in summation percent means total score; 3) Comparative view of oc.For this type, it is necessary to establish a certain type of standard and workers are evaluated according to such a standard, while a simplified and detailed evaluation is possible.

22. Certification of personnel. Objects and indicators of attestation assessment.Under attestation understood as a normative-but-regulated systematically carried out procedure ots.pers. determined by the composition of the commission with the t.z.step.corresponding to the established workplace or level of official duties. Attestation takes place once every 5 years, unless otherwise established by departmental regulations, or by the decision of the previous attestation commission. the objects of assessment in the certification of personnel can be: 1) results of work for a certain period of time; 2)t e or other aspects of activity or attitude to their duties; 3) personality traits associated with the performance of work or service functions; 4) potential for relevant work. It must be borne in mind that, due to the difference in functions, these moments have different meanings and forms of manifestation for different categories of personnel. In accordance with this, the main factors and indicators of the assessment itself should objectively differ.

Evaluation factors here mean a set of characteristics of the person being assessed, which makes it possible to obtain an adequate idea of ​​it, and indicators - the degree of severity of these characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to highlight such a key concept as the evaluation criterion. This is a kind of threshold beyond which the state of the evaluation factor will satisfy or not satisfy certain requirements. Evaluation factors are divided into main and additional. The main ones are those without which it is impossible to form an idea about the subject and decipher the content of his assessment. Additional factors help to reveal and clarify this content more deeply. They are both independent, i.e. "filling in the gaps" between the main and auxiliary, clarifying the latter. Consider the main assessment factors applicable to most employees. These include: professional (knowledge, experience, skills); moral (hard work, adherence to principles, honesty, commitment, self-criticism); strong-willed (energy, perseverance, efficiency); business and organizational (initiative, purposefulness, independence, composure, diligence, discipline, leadership inclinations, efficiency, creative approach to business); potential abilities, i.e. qualities that are not disclosed, but are likely to be disclosed in the future (currently determined based on testing). At the same time, people are assessed only in terms of the content of the work. The personality of a person as such is not subject to assessment, in other words, one cannot draw conclusions whether he is good or bad in general. If we consider the issue more specifically, moral and volitional qualities, erudition, organizational skills, and the overall results of the work of an organization or unit can be called as the main factors in evaluating leaders. For specialists, the assessment factors will be competence, creative activity, potential, the ability to express their thoughts. The results of their work can be assessed by the degree of achievement of the set goals, timeliness, efficiency, completeness and quality of assignments. The main factor in assessing the qualifications of an employee is work experience; business qualities are not quantifiable. The activities of people are evaluated according to such factors as complexity, scale, managerial and technological complexity.

23. Organization of the certification process. Certification pers. is understood as a normative-but-regulated systematically carried out procedure ots. pers. determined by the composition of the commission with the t.z.step.corresponding to the established workplace or level of official duties. Attestation takes place once every 5 years, unless otherwise established by departmental regulations, or decided by the previous attestation commission. Attestation is carried out in the defined order: 1) A certification schedule is being created(in order for it to be carried out in a row); 2 ) Created by order of the organizational certification commission.It includes: the head of the org.or his first deputy; a member of the trade union; the head of the subdivision in which the worker works; representatives of the personnel department or office management service; expert; 3) The worker was announced about certification one month before the meeting of the certification commission; 4) On the day of the meeting of the att. commission the worker is invited to the established time, is released for this period from fulfilling the labor obligations. The meeting of the commission is valid if at least 2/3 of the composition of the commission is present. The meeting of the commission takes place according to the following algorithm: The employee is invited to work by the secretary of the commission or the head of the unit in which the employee works. The results of preliminary tests are announced. Members of the commission ask questions to the employee if necessary. He considers it necessary. Then there is a discussion in the absence of a worker, after which he is invited to announce the summary. - with a fixed salary and an extension of the contract; 2) conditionally certified for a shorter period with the fulfillment of specified obligations; 3) not certified. In this case, there are 2 options for follow-up measures in relation to the worker: 1- reduction in status with the consent of the worker himself; 2-dismissal. , within the framework of which this decision was made, if it is indicated in the decision commission. .

24. Concept, main trends and importance of staff development. The need for development is associated with the following reasons: 1) scientific and technical progress, which contributes to the acceleration of obsolescence of knowledge. According to applied knowledge, the coefficient of obsolescence of knowledge is 5 years 20%, according to theoretical-m-20 years 5%; 2) From the quality. the degree of competitiveness of the enterprise largely depends on the personal; 3) Changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise; mot-yu of a non-eco-th type. Under development, in a broad sense, it is understood the co-th of methods that provide a higher level of compliance with the changing needs of specific enterprises due to additional training programs and management of the worker's career. Vyd-t 2 basic areas of development pers; 1) Training of the worker; 2) career management. The value of the development pers. for predpr.opr. through fu-ii; 1) fu-i to ensure the appropriate competence of co-workers in changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise; 2) fu-i to reduce costs. labor becomes a more expensive resource. career advancement and the possibility of self-improvement are among the important motives for work.

25. Forms and types of personnel training. Training. Personnel retraining. Professional development within the framework of the P-th involves a variety of training programs: from the point of view of the place where the events are held, the program differs with and without separation from the workplace. Programs without separation-advantages: 1. more operational, 2. aimed at the needs of a specific p-I, 3. suggest the possibility of recalling a worker from training as needed. Disadvantages: 1. Lack of special facilities for training, 2. The presence of high fatigue, 3. Lack of updates,4. Absence or limitation of a qualified person in training. Forms of training: 1. Apprenticeship - attachment of persons who do not have professional knowledge, skills to experienced workers for training professional activities, 2. Mentorship - assignment to a new worker or group worker kov hands-la, who provides the necessary counseling, is responsible for the work of the new worker and controls it, 3. Coaching. The main difference from mentoring is the presence of a psychological component associated with the need to inspire people self-confidence, identify existing professional reserves and implement them,4. Briefing - a brief (introductory) lecture on the most significant moments of activity, 5. Ration - transfer from position to other without a significant change in labor status -tion). Advantages of distance learning: 1. The possibility of a person passing through his training, carrying out only educational programs without additional load, which can potentially contribute to improving the quality of training, 2. The presence of a professional composition of persons who conduct vocational training, the best equipment for the learning process, 3. Possibility of tying new professional contacts and exchange of experience with workers from other p-th, org-tions. Disadvantages: 1. Higher level of education, tk. in addition to paying for the training itself and saving the worker average salary, it is necessary to pay travel expenses, 2. the inability to involve the worker in the event of a need, 3 a more general type of training, not taking into account the specifics specific p-i. Among the programs with a break from r.m. distinguish: 1. professional development, 2. retraining, 3. retraining. 1.- program from 72h. Up to 6 months, the cat is aimed at some adjustment of knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of previous professions and positions, aimed at updating outdated competencies. There are shorter-term advanced training programs up to 72 hours, which do not involve the issuance of a corresponding certificate, but allow you to get info-wb. current type. 2- given programs take from 1 month to 1 year. Depending on the complexity of the functions within the framework of the RM, it is associated with the global obsolescence of knowledge and assume that people do not change professions, but can get access to professions after completing the program. 3. - program assumes that a person receives an additional prof., specialty, qualification on the basis of an existing diploma, but assumes a complete change of profession. Depending on the complexity of the training received, this program takes from 3 months to 2 years. Recently, more and more resort to training. TRAINING - a form of interactive learning, which predpolag. "training" people on certain algorithms of actions in standardized situations.

26. The concept and goals of a business career. Career types. Under business career is understood as the promotion of an employee up the steps of the service hierarchy or a consistent change of occupation both within a separate organization and throughout life, as well as the person's perception of these stages. A career is a change in the parameters of a person's work, both of a quality and a number of character, accompanied by changes in his status that are significant for the person and the organization. Any career is done for the sake of something, and thus has its own driving motives, which change over the years. Based on them, people make active efforts in order to achieve specific goals. These motives include the following.

1. Autonomy. A person is driven by the desire for independence, the ability to do everything in their own way. Within the framework of the organization, it is given a high position, status, authority, merit, with which everyone is forced to reckon. 2. Functional Competence. A person strives to be the best specialist in his field and be able to solve the most complex problems. 3. Security and stability. The activity of employees is controlled by the desire to maintain and strengthen their position in the organization, therefore, as their main task, they consider obtaining a position that gives such guarantees.

4. Managerial competence. A person is guided by the desire for power, leadership, success, which are associated with a high position, rank, title, status symbols, important and responsible work, high wages, privileges, recognition of management, rapid promotion. 5.Entrepreneurial creativity. People are driven by the desire to create or organize something new, to be creative. 6. Need for leadership. A person strives for a career in order to be always and everywhere the first, to "get around" his colleagues. 7. Life style. A person sets himself the task of integrating the needs of the individual and the family. 8. Material well-being. People are driven by the desire to get a position associated with high wages or other forms of remuneration. 9.Providing a healthy environment. The employee is driven by the desire to achieve a position that involves the performance of official duties in favorable conditions.

Career types - the division of a career on a certain basis, which has managerial meaning. 1. View of the type of changeable status distinguish between professional and administrative career.Prof. career - change in the professional status of workers (change in qualification group). Administrative career - change in the managerial status of workers. In some areas of activity, the prerequisite for a change in administrative status is a change in professional status. 2. According to the direction of career movement: Vertical, which is accompanied by a change in powers and powers. Horizontal, which is accompanied by a change in the complexity of the activity.

Career models-algorithm for changing the labor status of a worker. 1.) One way ladder. This model is based on a gradual increase in the status positions of a worker, which ends by the time a person retires when the type of activity changes. Advantages: 1. Consistency, which assumes a gradual expansion of responsibility, powers, powers.,2. Loyal perception from the side of the environment, 3. Possibility to stop at another stage. Disadvantages: 1. Duration, 2. The desire for high career motivation to realize a career in any way, 3. A certain degree of stagnation with a long stay at a certain career level.

2) a two-way ladder based on the fact that the experience of people and their system of business communication should be used by the company even when age, health and other reasons do not allow former workers to remain at the top of their careers and perform the entire scope of functions with former intensity. Benefits:1. Use of the experience of former specialists, 2. Minimization of costs for former specialists. Disadvantages:1. Special software required using the experience of previous employees.

3) a fast-paced career assumes that a worker in the process of a career overcomes several steps at the same time due to merits at the previous step. The main idea is: 1. Career growth is a significant motivator of people’s activities, especially at a young age for a career, 2. At a younger age, people are more mobile, flexible, able to expend more effort on work activities -th. There are no unambiguous consequences for this career. Advantages: 1. A worker, adapting to a new type of activity, acquires a desire for self-improvement, makes changes that lead to an increase in the quality of the organization's activities, while the cost of a work-la min- sya. For the worker himself, there is a positive. and negative consequences. Positive: 1. A sharp increase in status, income, 2. Gained self-confidence, 3. Increased ability to self-study. Disadvantages: 1. High stress load, 2. Possibility of professional illness, 3. Concentration on work career. In the negative version for such a career, there are counteractions from the side of the call, which leads: a) to an increase in the crisis in the organization, b) to stress and breakdown of the young leader.

4) the serpentine model (Japanese) assumes a long successive advance both vertically and horizontally, assuming an increase in professional status, and then administrative. Advantages: 1. Graduality, 2. System, 3. Stress-free, 4. Loyalty on the part of labor quantity and hands.

27 .Work with personnel reserve. Career stages and planning. In the process of career management, several stages are important: 1. Forms of the personnel reserve, 2. Training of the personnel reserve, 3. Promotion of the personnel reserve, 4. Analysis of the effectiveness of career management. The stage of forming a personnel reserve is the selection from the employees of the nth of those persons who are able to replace the vacant positions with an increase in status without any significant losses for the organization. When forming a personnel reserve, several points are taken into account regarding the employees themselves: 1) The age of the employee, respectively, the possibility of adding him to the reserve, taking into account general trends in reserve management.1. 18-22\25 years - a period to and professional activities; 2. 22\25-29 - adaptation period-period of professional development of practical skills, acquisition of social experience. 3. 30-40 years old - active career development, career abandonment, 4. 40-50 years old - stabilization period. 5. 50-60 years - the period of transfer of knowledge, experience, preparation of replacement. 6. Over 60 years of age - pre-pension, retirement age. 2.) gender attitudes. As a general rule, the desire for career advancement among men. For individuals who choose career advancement as their basic motive, women have a stronger orientation. 3) motivational complexes of workers. 1. Dead stands - persons who are not motivated by professionalism or career advancement, 2. Beginners - persons who are aimed at career advancement, but they lack neither a professional nor a social. Experience, they need training and adaptation.3. professionals - persons who are interested in professional growth, but are indifferent to career advancement. From these persons, managers of high level and quality can turn out, but not possess-obt managerial zeal. 4. Star-persons who are capable of professional improvement, have a high career aspiration. The formation of a personnel reserve presupposes the allocation of a part of the persons who can replace specialists and managers of higher levels. In the process of training these persons, the following algorithms are possible: 1. Assignment of more complex tasks, 2. Assistance to those workers who should be replaced later, 3. Specialized training program. As necessary, each reserve begins to replace the vacant posts with or without a probationary period. After a certain period of time in the head of the post, an analysis is made of the ef-ti activities of the nominees. For duty-specialists, such an analysis is carried out 3-6 months after taking up the position. For administrative staff, in a year. Then a conclusion is made about the possibility of promotion of a person in a position at the next stage. The average period of a person being in a position, which made a career is 7.5 years. Most successful change prof. or administrative experience in 3-5 years.

28 . Types of leaders. Leadership style and its types.

There are the following types of enterprise management:

1. dictatorship. In this case, both the top leader of the n-I, and all lower-ranking bosses, feel like full-fledged masters of their subordinates. All decisions are formed "above" and go down "down" without discussion. The main task of subordinates at the same time is to catch the guiding instruction and report on its implementation in time.

2. liberal autocracy. In this case, the boss sometimes condescends and selectively listens to the opinions of subordinates. When making decisions, the opinion of the lower classes is partially taken into account.

3. democratic centralism. The leader listens to the proposals of subordinates, but makes decisions individually, based on the opinion of the majority, after which the decision becomes binding on everyone, including those who disagree with it. The opinion of the minority is usually ignored.

4.consistently democratic. In this case, decisions are prepared collectively. Each member of the team, regardless of its position in the hierarchy. ladder has the same voting rights. On fundamental issues, the rights of minorities are ensured by observing the principle of general agreement through mutual concessions and compromises.

Leadership style- this is the usual demeanor of a leader who influences subordinates and encourages them to achieve the goals of the organization.

There are 2 approaches to defining leadership styles:

1. Behavioral Approach highlights:

- autocratic The (authoritarian) leader imposes his will on the workers. Such a leader does not pay attention to the judgments of his subordinates, he turns to the lower needs of workers, constantly exerts pressure.

-Democratic the leader listens to the opinion of subordinates when making decisions. It addresses the higher needs of the people. With this style, a control system is required.

-Liberal style implies almost complete freedom of personnel in decision-making, in determining the goals of their work and monitoring its results. Depending on the methods of leadership used, managers are divided into work-focused and people-focused. Leadership style is activity-oriented or people-oriented.

2. Situational approach. This approach focuses on assessing and taking into account the situation, and highlights 3 factors that influence the behavior of the leader:

a) the relationship between the leader and the team;

b) task structure;

c) the authority of the leader. Leadership style should be chosen depending on the specific situation. There are four leadership styles:

-support style (person-centered);

-instrumental style (task oriented);

- a style that encourages people to participate in decision making;

- style focused on the effective achievement of goals .

29. People management practice: American and Japanese style.

Criteria American approach Japanese approach
1. Basic principle of organization.



2. System of wages and bonuses The system of individual salaries with individual bonuses based on the results of the task A system of equal wages for workers of the same qualifications and the same age, followed by the payment of an annual bonus.
3. career advancement.

Centrifugal system.

Individual trajectories that are often rapid

Serpentine career with gradual advancement.

A trajectory of collective advancement associated not only with individual professional merit, but also with the ability to comply with the requirements of the organization and prevent conflicts.

4. The relationship between management and subordinates Outwardly democratic, but subject to rigid hierarchical frameworks. Paternalistic type with unconditional subordination of junior employees to senior ones.
5. Recruitment system A system of individual contracts, often of a short-term nature. For large enterprises - a system of lifetime employment.
6. The system of relationships between employees System of individual success. The system of universal mutual assistance, stimulated by systemic control.

30. Motives of human activity. Incentive concept. Modern theories of human resources management exist 2 approaches to influencing the increase in the efficiency of labor activities: 1. Concept of motivation, 2. Concept of stimulation. Motive - internally formulated motivation of subjects to action or inaction. Stimulation is an external influence on the subject, forcing him to act in a certain way or inaction. The motive and incentive are related to the fact that the subjects have certain specific needs that need to be satisfied, in particular, hiring. The workers are motivated to work by the following reasons: 1. It is impossible to provide for life without the presence of income in the form of salary 2. the desire to express themselves among other subjects. The concept of motivation is based on the following assumptions: 1. Any subject who has started to work already has a formed system of motivation for work 2. given the system of practice is not amenable to significant adjustment, 3. It is necessary to take into account the motives of the work of workers, because taking into account internal motives when using them leads to an increase in the efficiency of practice without distortion. Advantages of this concept: 1. With the correct application of practice, 100% success in implementation, 2. Savings in the control of disc. High cost of revealing the real motives of activity. Stimulation conc. is based on the following assumptions: 1) the existence of a limited group of stimuli of a positive, negative and neutral character, which is absolutely known, as well as the degree of prediction in the aftermath of their application. Positive stimulus_ forms of encouragement, Negative - the presence of sanctions, neutral - ignoring. Rewards - 88% max, 77% min. Causes a desire to continue the corresponding-oe. Activities. The system of sanctions suggested that only in 11% of cases sanctions will cause the desired character of actions, in 11% - a clear opposition, but knowledge of the presence of sanctions in 2/3 cases has a deterrent effect. Neutral stimulus causes in relation to different categories of persons , different reactions. In persons with motivation, ignoring negative behavior causes a desire to improve performance. In persons with a predominantly negative orientation, ignoring causes the negative orientation to be fixed. 2) the existing determinant mechanisms of stimulating effects, which are scientifically substantiated and also cause a predictive character of actions. Among these mechanisms, reinforcement, emphasis, opposition, prevention, and provision of information are distinguished. Reinforcement assumes that after each act of labor activity, according to a certain algorithm, this or that type of incentive is applied. Emphasis is the use of a stimulus in the reproduction of certain models of behavior of a positive or negative type. Counteraction - the use of system incentives based on the results of negative results in labor activities, including a group plan. Provision of information - bringing information to the attention of workers about the presence of system incentives and the procedure for their application. Warning - the use of incentives of a demonstrative type in predicting favorable or unfavorable behavior of a worker. Delivery Conc. stimulant.: 1. Simple mechanical application, 2. No additional costs for identifying the real motives of the work of the worker.3. possibility of use by persons without special training. Flaws: 1. consumption at a high level of control, 2. High accounting costs, incl. and through the introduction of specialized positions. Meaning of Incentive Motivation: 1. Promotes an increase in the efficiency of activities pers.2. creates conditions for preventing opportunistic behavior of workers-kov.3. in many respects determine the ratio of economic efficiency and social justice within the framework of the nth.

31. Theories of motivation. Modern theories of motivation can be divided into two categories: substantive and procedural. thought contains. theories - the definition of internal motives (needs) that make people act in an established way.

Process theories of motivation are based on how people behave in relation to their perception and cognition. Basic process theories: expectation theory, justice theory, Porter-Lawler model of motivation.

These theories of motivation are complementary, not mutually exclusive.

A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Its essence boils down to the fact that behavior is based on human needs, which can be divided into five groups:

* physiological needs necessary for human survival: in food, water, rest, etc.;

* the need for security and confidence in the future - protection from physical and other dangers;

* social needs - the need for a social environment, in communicating with people;

* need for respect, recognition of others;

* the need for self-expression, i.e. the need for self-growth and the realization of one's potential. opportunities.

The first two groups of needs are primary, and the next three are secondary. All costs can be arranged in a strict hierarchical sequence in the form of a pyramid, at the base of which are primary. needs, and the top is secondary.

Alderfer's ERG theory

Alderfer believes that human needs can be combined into 3 groups: - the needs of existence (1 and 2 in M.)

Communication needs (reflects the social nature of a person, his desire to be a family member, have friends, colleagues. + recognition and self-affirmation, which are associated with a person’s desire to occupy a certain place in the world around him).

Growth needs (5 for M).

The difference between the theories of M. and A. is that according to M. origin. movement from demand. to the needs only from the bottom up. Alderfer believes that the movement goes both ways. Up, if the consumption of the lower level is satisfied, and down, if the consumption of a higher level is not satisfied.

McClelland's acquired needs theory associated with the study and description of the influence of the needs of achievement, complicity and domination. Achievement Needs- are manifested in the desire of a person to achieve the goals facing him more effectively than before.

Participation Needs- Manifested in the form of a desire for friendly relations with the environment. People with high demand complicity try to establish and support. good relationships, approval, support from the environment are important to them, they are worried about what others think of them. The need for domination- the desire to counter the actions of people, to influence their behavior, to take responsibility for the actions and behavior of other people.

Herzberg's 2-factor theory appeared in connection with the growing need to find out the influence of mater. and non-mater.factors on a person's motivation. Material or hygienic factors: salary, safety at the workplace, working conditions. place, schedule and mode of work, relations with colleagues and subordinates.

Intangible or motivation. factors: achievement, recognition, response, promotion, work itself, the possibility of growth - a group of expenses in growth.

2. Process theories of motivation

W. Vroom's Expectation Theory describes the dependence of motivation on 2 points: how much a person would like to receive and how much it is possible for him to get what he would like to receive, in particular, how much effort he is willing to spend for this. The worker must have a firm understanding that the results of his work depend on his efforts, that certain consequences follow from the results of his work, and that the results he receives in the end are of value to him. In the absence of one of these conditions, the process of motivation becomes extremely difficult or even impossible.

Adams' theory of equality (justice)- the effectiveness of motivation is assessed by the employee not by a certain group of factors, but systematically, taking into account the assessment of remuneration issued to other employees working in a similar system environment. The employee evaluates his own reward size in comparison with the rewards of other employees. At the same time, he takes into account the conditions in which he and other employees work.

Porter-Lawler Theory of Motivation It is built on a combination of elements of the theory of expectations and the theory of justice. Its essence is that the relationship between remuneration and the results achieved has been introduced.

Porter and Lawler introduced 3 variables that affect the size of the reward: effort expended, personality. quality of people and awareness of their role in the labor process. Elements of the expectation theory here are manifested in the fact that the worker evaluates the reward in accordance with the efforts expended and believes that this reward will be adequate to the efforts expended by him. Elements of the theory of justice are manifested in the fact that people have their own judgment about the rights or wrongs of remuneration in comparison with other employees and, accordingly, the degree of satisfaction.

Locke's goal setting theory proceeds from the fact that the behavior of a person is determined by the goals that he sets for himself, tk. it is for the sake of achieving the goals he has set for himself, he implements def. actions.

32. Economic ways of motivation. Ek-th motivation-motivation based on obtaining direct or indirect material benefits from activities on p-ii. The types of economic motivation include: 1. The system of applied salary, 2. The applied bonus system, 3. Flexible work schedules, 4. The presence of a system of additional social bonuses, 5. The presence (absence) of a system of professional maternal awards, 6. The presence of additional training programs or funding for these programs.

1- refers to direct economic incentives and assumes a pattern, according to which the more average wages are, the higher the efficiency of the pers. The theory of ef-th salary is based on this law, according to which, in order to ensure the influx of more ef-th personnel in the region and a higher discipline of tr., it is necessary to initially establish an ur- n s \ n above the average region. not less than 10-15% on average and positioning by this pr-I on the An obstacle or limitation to the growth of wages is the justification of the reverse bending of the individual supply curve tr.

2- in order for the bonus system to be a direct economic incentive, it must comply with the following requirements: 1) The bonus should not be issued by the system, otherwise it will be perceived as an integral part of earnings, 2) The premium must have a tangible size. According to Conc. Taylor, the tangible amount of the premium is at least 30%. Modern practice suggests that the size of the bonus for the basic category of workers and the initial level can vary from 10-30%. Bonus for highly-skilled workers and middle management levels - 10-40% of base earnings. For unique workers and higher Level of control - 15-50%. These recommendations may have implications for the traditional way of earning. 1. 70% HR, 30% DV - stabilized, 2. 50%, 50% - stimulus, 3. 10-30%, 70-90% - optimized system. 3) the premium should be justified, 4) the criterion for receiving the premium should be are known and achievable, 5) an egalitarian distribution of the premium is unacceptable.

3- refer to indirect economic incentives, because they give the employee the opportunity to either avoid additional expenses, or receive additional time for part-time work, or receive additional time to complete a program of study to get a job bud.more vysokopl-th job.

4- refers to measures of direct economic impact for slaves, indirect economic impacts for slaves, because for slaves this means the presence of costs, and for slaves the possibility of obtaining is not obligatory. additional good Such bonuses include: transportation to the place of work by transport, supplementary meals, sports, payment for corporate or alternative groups, social bonuses.

5- certain types of professional awards suggest the possibility of obtaining a worker due to the establishment of TK-vom additional payments to salary, or receiving additional. Benefits in bud. This measure, depending on the type of benefits, can also be classified as direct and indirect economic impact measures.

6- the growth of 100 additional training programs in certain cases is impossible to be paid by their workers and therefore the payment for these programs by workers is for workers an indirect economic incentive outside the factory impact on career advancement.

40. Documentation support for personnel management.

The organization of documentation support for the PM of the n-I is a set of measures aimed at creating and maintaining the conditions necessary for the effective management of personnel documentation, documenting the labor activity of the employees of the n-I, as well as the activities of the management of the n-I and the personnel service. As a rule, the organization of documents ensuring the UE of the enterprise is entrusted to the service of the personnel of the p-I.



Job description

Regulations on the structural unit

Internal labor regulations

Structure and staffing



Application for a job

Representation of transfer to another job

Order for transfer to another job


Vacation schedule

Leave application

Leave order


Reward concept

Order for encouragement


Memorandum on violation of discipline

Explanatory note on violation of discipline

Order to impose a disciplinary sanction


Personal card

Scientific worker registration card

Currently, the following unified forms for personnel accounting are in force:

An order to hire an employee,

Employee's personal card

The staffing table is a local normative act that fixes the list of structural divisions, positions, as well as the number of staff units for each position, official salary, allowance, monthly payroll, both for individual positions and as a whole.

Order (instruction) on the transfer of employees to another job,

An order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee,

The vacation schedule is a document that fixes the order in which employees are granted annual paid vacations.

An order (instruction) on the termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal),

Order (instruction) on sending an employee on a business trip, Travel certificate,

Order (instruction) on the promotion of an employee.

unified forms for recording working hours and settlements with personnel for remuneration:

Time sheet and payroll calculation,

time sheet,

Settlement and payroll,


Payment statement,

Payroll journal,

Personal account. For the monthly reflection of information about wages paid to an employee during a calendar year, an employee of the accounting department fills out a personal account.

A note-calculation on granting leave to an employee. When an employee is granted annual paid or other leave, the calculation of wages and other payments due to the employee is made.

Note-calculation upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)

Act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work.

Documentation support - organization of work with documents circulating in the personnel management system. Its basis is office work - a full cycle of processing and movement of documents from the moment they are created by employees of the personnel service (or received by them) until completion of execution and transfer to other departments.

The main functions of the documentation support of the personnel management system are: timely processing of incoming and transmitted documentation; bringing documentation to the relevant employees of the personnel management system for execution; printing documents on personnel matters; registration, accounting and storage of personnel documents; formation of cases in accordance with the nomenclature approved for this organization; copying and reproduction of documents on personnel matters; control over the execution of documents; transfer of documentation on vertical and horizontal communications, etc.

33. Non-economic ways of motivation.

This is a set of methods, as a result of which the material well-being of the employee does not change, but his other needs for self-realization are satisfied:

1. Methods of moral incentives - methods established by the Labor Code of Russia, which involve the promotion of an employee without material remuneration. These methods allow satisfying the employee's need for public recognition of his successes by the employer and team members:

Thanks (verbal or written)

Awarding an honorary diploma

Honorary badges

Hanging a portrait on the board of honor

2. Organizational and economic methods - the creation of such an organization of labor activity, which contributes to a positive attitude towards work and to an increase in the responsibility of each employee for the task assigned:

Optimal organization of labor, in which everyone gets the opportunity to show their abilities at the right time

Absence of interruptions and downtime in work through no fault of the employee

Opportunity for career advancement

Possibility of training and retraining

Well-established communication system - the passage of information in an undistorted form

34. Working time management.

Working time management is understood as a set of influences aimed at rationalizing the accounting for the use of working time of both an individual employee and the organization's personnel.

As in any management process, include:

  1. The object of management, which is understood as the working time fund of both the employee and the staff as a whole
  2. The subject of management is authorized persons whose functions include measuring working time, accounting for the use of working time, and optimizing working time.

1. Labor economists

2. HR staff

3. Heads of departments

4. The workers themselves

    Purpose and tasks of management

The purpose of the management of rab.vr is to increase labor productivity by eliminating the loss of working time, which is of a removable nature. This goal is specified in the following tasks:

  1. Organization of adequate measurement of labor in the workplace
  2. Organization of accounting of working time and control over its use.
  3. Reducing the loss of unproductive working time
  4. Normalization of working hours
  5. incentives for employees to rational use of working time
  6. Improving labor discipline

The meaning of running time control is as follows:

1. Costs for the production of goods and services are reduced

2. Help reduce worker fatigue

3. They are the basis for the technical improvement of production.

35. Working time and its organization. Fund of working hours.

The main object of management is the working time fund, which in its structure has elements that make it possible to identify the amount of losses that can be eliminated and those that are not.

The full fund of working time consists of the time fund and the fund of unworked, but paid time. The personnel fund includes an attendance fund and a fund for absenteeism of employees (full-day, part-day)

The fund of unworked, but paid time is divided into the time associated with sick leave and vacation time.

All absences due to the fault of the employer are subject to compensation, with the exception of the introduction of a part-time work week or part-time work day. Absences due to the fault of the employee are not subject to payment.

Employer-caused absences may include:

  1. introduction of part-time working hours
  2. downtime associated with non-provision of working conditions
  3. other cases

Employee absenteeism includes:

  1. being late
  2. not being at work
  3. early termination of work
  4. sick leave
  5. other cases of absenteeism

Absences will not include business trips.

The attendance fund includes the main working time, the time of technical breaks, the time of breaks related to working conditions, preparatory and final working time.

The main working time includes the main functions provided for by the job description or workplace specification

Preparatory and final working time - the time of starting and stopping the technical equipment of the workplace, or putting auxiliary equipment in order, if provided for by the relevant instructions.

The time of technical breaks is the time during which the employee does not perform his functions due to the specifics of the work process.

Break times are dependent on working conditions.

36. Time planning for specialists and managers.

Managing the working time of specialists and managers has its own difficulties due to the following reasons:

1. more complex nature of work and non-standard of individual functions

2. the presence of elements of creativity in the work, which makes it impossible to account for and standardize this activity.

3. the impossibility of organizing control without the support of the employee himself

4. the presence of more frequent overtime due to irregular working hours.

37. Personnel costs: concept, essence, types.

There are direct and indirect costs.

Direct - those that are reflected in the financial statements on the basis of the standards provided for by labor legislation.

Direct costs can be of a general nature, which are carried out for all personnel, and of a private nature, which are carried out for a group or for a particular employee. Average costs per worker/group are also calculated.

Common costs include: Human Resources/Human Resources costs.

Individuals include:

1. Salary.

2. Payments of a social nature (payment for vacation, payment for sick leaves).

3. Costs associated with employee training and similar costs.

Individualized costs are most often considered as average, since in organizations operating for more than 5 years these costs become standardized and deviation from them is possible for less than 1% of employees. Exceptions to this rule: 1) the period of transformation of the enterprise; 2) technical and technological renewal of production; 3) mass replacement of the management staff.

In addition to direct costs, there are indirect personnel costs, that is, costs that cannot be fully accounted for and are not reflected in the financial statements as personnel-related costs.

Indirect costs:

1. Somewhat quantifiable.

2. Uncountable.


1. Costs associated with the loss of employee productivity before dismissal.

2. Costs associated with the loss of productivity of new employees during their adaptation period.

3. Loss of total profits due to high scrap rate of new workers.

4. On-the-job training.

Indirect costs that cannot be accounted for:

1. The costs associated with the behavior of the employee by the type of shirking, that is, with the employee’s dishonest attitude to his job duties.

2. Losses associated with the unfavorable age composition of employees (these losses can be identified in the most progressive organizations).

3. Costs associated with excessive intensification of work of employees and incorrect division of duties.

4. Losses associated with the leakage of information through the fault of employees.

Unlike costs, the result of an employee's activity is measured in two indicators:

1. Net income per employee for a period of time.

2. Labor productivity of workers by groups.

38. Accounting, analysis and planning of personnel costs.

Accounting for personnel costs is usually carried out by accountants for the relevant expense items. In addition, in organizations where there are specialized divisions of personnel services, planned accounting can be maintained based on performance dynamics by indirectly taken into account parameters. All additional accounting is based on additional measurements of working time and the condition of employees.

The state of health of workers is recorded by medical workers on the basis of annual examinations. Comparative accounting of another similar enterprise in the industry may be kept. Comparison of accounting indicators of the enterprise for the current period and the same accounting indicators for the previous or base period.

The specifics of cost accounting is the presence of two discrepancies:

1. Real accounting can be carried out on the basis of measures recommended by the legislation (otherwise, the reflection of the indicators taken into account does not lead to any economic gains for economic agents).

2. The parameters of costs established by law and really effective costs for employees differ. The latter should be taken into account, but already within the framework of internal accounting at the enterprise for proper accounting.

39. Methods for determining the effectiveness of personnel costs.

Personnel cost effectiveness is calculated in two ways:

The volumes of costs and results are taken into account in value terms.

From the point of view of accounting, costs are taken as the sum of all satrats reflected in the accounting documentation.

From the point of view of internal research, the amount of costs should be calculated as:

The second indicator can be calculated only if the enterprise measured the corresponding losses.

The latter indicator may be included based on industry averages.

The result is always determined by the net profit of the enterprise.

As a specific area of ​​scientific knowledge, personnel management is the subject of the development of a scientific theory focused on identifying the significance of this process for the development of an enterprise, the impact on achieving its economic and social efficiency.

Assuming various research approaches, correlated with the goals of the subject managing it, the conditions and rules of the environment, personnel management is an independent section of management science and, in accordance with this, can be the subject of scientific knowledge.

According to philosophers, modern science is disciplinary organized and consists of various areas of knowledge that interact with each other and at the same time have relative independence. If we consider science as a whole, then it belongs to the type of complex developing systems, which in their development give rise to new relatively autonomous subsystems and new integrative connections that govern their interaction. Formed at the "junction" of economics, psychology, jurisprudence, social pedagogy, taking into account the ethnic characteristics of the population and based on the principles of general management, personnel management thus implies an “interdisciplinary” approach to its research and, standing out as an autonomous scientific subsystem, implies it in the course of the classical process of cognition.

The logic of scientific knowledge distinguishes, first of all, two levels of knowledge - empirical and theoretical - and the corresponding two interconnected, but at the same time specific types of cognitive activity: empirical and theoretical research. Empirical - as the initial stage - is characterized by the collection of facts that fix external manifestations, properties of an object or phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge is already the deepening of human thought into the essence of the phenomenon of reality. If the methods of empirical research are observation, description, and others like that, then the methods of a more advanced theoretical one are modeling, creating hypotheses and theories.

Philosophical thought tends to believe that the results of scientific activity are reflected precisely in theories (from Latin theoria - consideration, study). Specifying the fact that theory can be both the starting point of scientific research and its result, scientists currently define it as any scientific unity of knowledge in which facts and hypotheses are connected into a certain integrity, i.e. such scientific knowledge, in in which the facts are brought under general laws, and the connections between them are deduced from the latter. To any theoretical knowledge, due to the fact that a hypothetical element is inevitably inherent in theory, an element of uncertainty is mixed; it acquires a probabilistic character, and the discovery of each fact that is consistent with this theory increases the degree of its reliability, and the discovery of a fact that contradicts it makes it less reliable, probable.

In accordance with the functions and tasks performed, two large groups of theories are distinguished:

- explanation, i.e. comprehension of reality through descriptions, classification of types, explanations and forecasts, which means that through theories relationships are known (the theoretical goal of science);

- transformation, i.e., the creation by theories of prerequisites for changing or transforming reality (the pragmatic goal of science).

As an autonomous subsystem of managerial activity, personnel management is an established and developing direction in American and Western European scientific schools and, relative to them, a relatively new direction, devoid of a long-term, objective base of knowledge in domestic science.

Depending on the importance attached to explanation and transformation, one can distinguish three main areas of personnel management as a science :

1) personnel management with a theoretical orientation focuses on theoretical scientific goals. This means, first of all, the need to present an explanation of the reasons, factors, specifics of the content, evolutionary expectations of certain aspects of working with people. Transformative or organizational judgments are allowed in this direction as a likely by-product. The study of personnel management from the standpoint of theory is most effective with the involvement of related disciplines - psychology, organization theory, history;

2) personnel management as technology with a pragmatic scientific goal. The theoretical scientific goal in this direction is losing its dominant role; the focus is on the development of recommendations for practical transformations with a meaningful neglect of deep theoretical research;

3) personnel management as applied Science. Pragmatic (from the ancient Greek pragma - business, action) scientific goals are put at the forefront here with the simultaneous pursuit of a theoretical scientific goal, since theory serves as the basis for the qualified development of recommendations for organization and transformation.

The theory of personnel management can be built in various ways: with the help of deduction - the transition from the general to the particular, or by formulating general provisions; by means of induction - the ascent from the observation and description of a phenomenon that takes place in reality, to concepts and judgments, from the separate, special - to the general.

It is important for the formation of the theory of personnel management to take into account the factors influencing its construction, including taking into account the fact that the theory of personnel management involves a certain spatio-temporal scope, where the spatial limitation is due to unequal norms and socio-cultural environment in different countries, as well as the stage business internationalization.

In addition to the main function - a certain (from the standpoint of personnel) explanation and forecasting of the impact on the development of the enterprise, the theory of personnel management performs a number of other equally important functions, the distinguishing feature of which is not a direct, but an indirect connection with the original tasks of the theory. We are talking about heuristic and socio-political functions.

Heuristic theory potential lies in the fact that the process of its formation and constant development, conducting empirical research and creating more advanced theories enrich the discussion about working with personnel in science and practical life, allow foreseeing and taking into account weakly manifested, but potentially active phenomena and trends. For example, in the 80s and even 90s. 20th century changing the paradigm of personnel management seemed debatable, but the prediction of the emergence of human resource management turned out to be real. The discussion of the present time is the gradual transition of the functions of the personnel service to functional managers (production, marketing, logistics, etc.).

Even in the case of insufficient confirmation of the theory, open discussion of its subject affects "politically". Depending on its specific content, the theory develops the ability of recipients of information and users to make critical assessments, the formation of public outcry and leads, on the one hand, to the further development of the result of scientific activity in the field of personnel management, on the other hand, to changing the norms of behavior, improving work in groups, elimination of discriminatory phenomena, correction of gender asymmetries.

Therefore, as a specific specific area of ​​scientific knowledge, personnel management can be the subject of the development of an appropriate scientific theory focused on identifying the significance of this process for the evolutionary development of an enterprise or the impact on achieving its economic and social efficiency.


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Production




1. Personnel management in the organization's management system 4

2. Personnel management as a social system 24

3. Personnel policy and personnel management strategy of the organization 47

4. Personnel planning in organizations 70

5. Organization of recruitment and selection of personnel 88

6. Organization of activities and functions of personnel services 106

7. Formation of the organization's team 127

8. Cohesion and social development of the team 146

9. Evaluation of personnel in the organization 162

10. Management of the development and movement of personnel of the organization 188

11. Management of the staff release process 222

12. Social partnership in the organization 234

13. Efficiency of personnel management 248

14. Means of information and methodological support of discipline 258

1.1 Personnel management as a science.

1.2 A systematic approach to the organization's personnel management.

1.3 Socio-psychological factors of labor behavior of personnel

1.4 Stages of historical development of personnel management.

Personnel Management is a relatively young science. Although a large number of her ideas and theories arose at the beginning of the 20th century. and even earlier. For a long time, they developed within the framework of various sciences related to the production and activities, mainly commercial, as well as non-commercial, primarily state organizations.

Considering the dependence on within which sciences the ideas of personnel management were researched and developed, the corresponding terms were used to characterize this science. So, in the USA, personnel management developed mainly within the behavioral sciences, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ had a direct impact on the name of this discipline. There, despite the fact that the process of separating personnel management into an independent science ended in the 70s of the XX century, it is still customary to call it differently today: "organizational behavior" or "human resource management" (sometimes these terms characterize relatively independent sciences, and in addition, "organizational behavior" is treated as the core, the most important component of "human resource management").

In Germany and some other countries of continental Europe, the science of personnel management has traditionally been associated, first of all, with the economics of the enterprise, which is reflected in the name of this discipline - "personnel economics" or "personnel management".

In the USSR, a special science of personnel management did not exist and there was no missing base of its subject - the market environment, nevertheless, personnel management was studied within the limits of economic, sociological and psychological sciences.

Human resource management as a science exists at two levels:

‣‣‣ theoretical (the goal is to obtain new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing causal, functional and other relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations);

‣‣‣ applied (personnel management deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using workers).

There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: on the one hand, theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, on the other hand, applied research data form the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management affects the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science, its core is its own, specific knowledge that reflects, firstly, the influence of different characteristics of employees on their involvement in the enterprise, selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, means and methods of practical use of the established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Thus, personnel management studies a person in the unity of all his manifestations that affect all processes in an enterprise: from his involvement to the effective use of all his potential.

A person takes part in production activity as its multifaceted subject:

‣‣‣ economic (producer and consumer of goods);

‣‣‣ biological (carrier of a certain physical structure and health);

‣‣‣ social (member of a certain group);

‣‣‣ political (citizen of the state, member of a political party, trade union, other interest groups);

‣‣‣ legal (owner of certain rights and obligations);

cultural (bearer of a certain mentality, system of values, social norms and traditions);

‣‣‣ moral (one that shares certain moral norms and value orientations);

‣‣‣ confessional (an atheist or one who professes a religion);

‣‣‣ emotional-volitional (one that has a certain character and psychological composition as a whole);

‣‣‣ smart (one that has a certain intellect and a certain system of knowledge).

All these and some other aspects of the personality, under certain conditions, to a greater or lesser extent, influence the behavior of an employee in the world of work.

Human resource management studies and takes into account the influence of all aspects of a person on organizational behavior. This is the main specificity of this science, which determines its approach to the study of its subject, as well as its structure and content.

Personnel management is also based on theories that relate to the above aspects of a person. These include the following concepts:

1. Economic theories that cover different areas of economic science. These are, first of all, labor market theories. Mapping processes in the field of demand for labor and its supply, they help to explain a number of phenomena in the field of personnel management. The conclusions of the labor market theories are important for developing a strategy and making operational and tactical decisions in the field of attracting labor, keeping qualified workers at the enterprise, stimulating employees, reducing staff turnover, stabilizing the team, creating a sense of devotion to the enterprise in the staff, strengthening corporate culture, etc. . Other areas of economic science are also of paramount importance for personnel management, in particular: planning theories, economic informatics, as well as economic theories and methods.

2. Psychological theories (general psychology, psychological theories of behavior, psychoanalysis, social psychology, communication psychology, labor psychology).

3. Sociological concepts. their influence on personnel management is diverse. It manifests itself, first of all, in the theories of groups and organizations.

4. Labor and social law.

5. Political science theories.

6. Conflictology.

7. Labor sciences: ergonomics, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor technology, labor pedagogy, occupational medicine anthropometry (a science that develops ways to measure the capabilities of the human body and the organism as a whole), etc.

Such a complex interdisciplinary content of the science of personnel management is determined by a large number of parties, aspects of a person that affect his behavior in the enterprise. The complexity and syncretism of personnel management in no way negates the specificity and independent (within certain limits) nature of this science. All the data of other sciences are rethought and developed in it from the point of view of providing the enterprise with the optimal number and quality of employees and their potential in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.

The practical significance of personnel management is as follows:

‣‣‣ ideal design of personnel management practice, development of theory, strategy, techniques, methods and means of personnel management;

‣‣‣ rationalization, deep critical understanding of the practical management of people and its orientation to the requirements of economic (business) and social efficiency;

‣‣‣ motivating managers to change the models, techniques, style, ways and means of managing workers on the basis of alternatives offered by science.

For practicing managers, personnel management can offer three types of services:

‣‣‣ Based on the relationships between different organizational phenomena explored within the science of personnel management, it is possible to develop and test different theories or models in the field of personnel management. The theories that are tested, in turn, can help the manager understand the consequences of his actions, explaining to him: "If you do X, you are more likely to get Y";

‣‣‣ By systematically examining behavior (both in real and in laboratory, imaginary organizations), the science of personnel management can offer the manager a wider variety of possible behaviors than he could previously use. Combined with beautiful theory, the expanded and enriched repertoire of managerial behavior increases the number of alternatives for action;

‣‣‣ By increasing the number of possible behavioral alternatives, the most important consequences of which can be scientifically foreseen, research within the science of personnel management helps the practical manager to trace the evolution of his future actions and their possible consequences. This increases the likelihood of forming the optimal behavior.

Human resource management as a science affects the real life of enterprises, becoming the property of people employed in the field of management and production. This is due to its transformation into an academic discipline. The formation of personnel management as an academic discipline took place mainly in the first decades after the Second World War. Specialized departments of personnel management, as a rule, combined with some other, mainly economic disciplines, first appeared in the post-war period in the United States in the 70s and became widespread in Western Europe. So, in Germany, the first department of "Personnel Management" was created in 1961 ᴦ. Today, this subject is taught in almost all universities, high schools of management and business, as well as in many other educational institutions in America, Western Europe and other regions of the world. Personnel management is included in the curricula of almost all higher educational institutions. A large amount of literature on the subject of personnel management is issued. There are a number of associations and associations in this area, for example, the International Association for Personnel Management, the American Society of Personnel Managers, etc.

Modern conditions of the activity of enterprises impose qualitatively new requirements on personnel managers, determine the extreme importance of a higher intensity of their work, the ability to value time, own a complex of organizational and psychological qualities, and provide a creative approach to work. In this regard, the improvement of the qualitative content of the activities of personnel managers is of particular relevance.

At the same time, a situation has developed in Ukraine where personnel management is not given enough attention, the technology for developing and making personnel decisions is imperfect and scientifically unfounded, in most cases there is no orientation towards achieving social efficiency in personnel management. This is due to the existence of a number of problems in the field of personnel management in enterprises.

Thus, personnel management services in enterprises, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are considered as an auxiliary, service unit with a narrow range of functions performed. At the same time, the level of competence, as well as the organizational, legal and socio-psychological culture of personnel services workers, is not high enough. Both HR managers and line managers, in most cases, do not have the skills to organize work on the final financial and economic indicators with the help of personnel activities. This problem is caused not only by the low level of professional and social competence of personnel managers. It is a consequence of a misunderstanding by the heads of enterprises of the place and role of personnel services in solving common problems, achieving the goals of the enterprise.

This leads to incomplete, insufficiently effective implementation (and in some cases non-performance) of such important functions (procedures) of personnel management as: planning the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees, information support for the personnel management system, socio-psychological diagnostics of human resources, analysis and regulation of relationships in the team, management of industrial and social conflicts, the formation of a stable workforce, planning the business career of employees, professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees, analysis and assessment of human resources, the formation of a personnel reserve, as well as personnel marketing.

At present, in many enterprises there is no regulation on the personnel service, personnel technologies have not been developed, the personnel service is characterized by a low level of coordination of activities with other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Scientific methods of recruitment, evaluation, placement and training of personnel are poorly introduced into the practice of personnel services, which reduce both the economic and social efficiency of personnel management.

The next problem in the field of personnel management is that HR managers most often do not show interest in the means of identifying and understanding the expectations, moods, social orientations of both working groups and individual employees. This, in turn, limits the ability of the head of the enterprise to create a "single team".

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in modern conditions, it has become extremely important to improve personnel management in enterprises. At the same time, measures should be developed to improve the efficiency of personnel management both at the interorganizational and intraorganizational levels. As for the inter-organizational level, it should be noted that in a market environment, the development of human resources requires cooperation and cooperation. Thus, interorganizational relations allow to combine the intellectual resources of enterprises in order to introduce various kinds of innovations into their activities. At the intraorganizational level, leaders and managers must realize the shortcomings of the traditional concept of personnel management and the critical importance of the formation of a new personnel policy, a corporate management philosophy. This will help achieve social partnership in the team, harmonize the economic and social interests of individual workers and working groups.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, at present, personnel management is a necessary component of managerial, economic and a number of other areas of higher education. It is extremely important not only for leaders who have experience, or for future leaders directly involved in managing people, but to a greater or lesser extent for all modern specialists, since it ensures their social competence. Training managers in the basic principles and methods of personnel management will help them understand the importance of correct, scientifically based work with people, increase the prestige of personnel services and increase the efficiency of using the human factor in the enterprise.

The subject of the discipline "Personnel Management" is the totality of social relations that arises in the process of the general activity of employees.

The purpose of the discipline "Personnel Management" is to provide students with theoretical knowledge on the effective management of the workforce of an enterprise based on the use of scientific principles and methods developed by domestic and foreign experts, and the positive practical experience of progressive enterprises.

HR MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "HR MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE" 2017, 2018.

1. The value of personnel management as a practical activity, science and academic discipline

The current stage of development of the domestic and world economy is characterized by changes in the requirements for the personnel of the enterprise, an increase in the role of this component in the organization as a single system. In the context of the democratization of society and limited other resources, the well-known motto “Cadres decide everything!” regains relevance. And even if all the necessary resources are available in sufficient volumes, without an effective team, the most successful market strategy cannot be implemented, the continuity and rhythm of business processes are ensured. This motto is becoming especially significant for the Russian economy and production, the backlog of the technical and technological component of which is fully compensated by high professionalism, the ability for non-standard, creative thinking, rich production and management experience, entrepreneurial activity of the personnel of enterprises and firms. Today it can be argued that the underestimation by the management, both at the macro- and at the micro level, of effective modern methods of managing the production process is becoming one of the main obstacles in managing the development of the economy. The acceleration of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress, the complication of industrial and interpersonal relations, associated with a sharp increase in the role of the human factor, had an impact on the change in the role of the personnel subsystem in the organization and advanced personnel management to the highest level of management activity.

The main goal of the discipline "Personnel Management" is the formation of theoretical knowledge and skills to build, change, improve the personnel management system of the enterprise, human resource management technology. The specified goal determined the range of tasks of the academic discipline "Personnel Management": determining the place and role of this subsystem in the enterprise management system; analysis of the process of organizational design of the personnel management system, systematization of the goals and functions of the organization's personnel management system; study of the process of providing the personnel management system of the enterprise with various types of resources; study of the content and technologies of procedures for recruitment, selection, business evaluation, career guidance, training, motivation, release of personnel, etc. The object of the discipline "Personnel Management" is labor resources in the domestic national economic system and the personnel of business entities of various organizational and legal forms and forms property. The subject of this academic discipline is the process of managing national resources, including the management of human capital of enterprises and organizations, including the formation of personnel policy and personnel strategies, the design of a personnel management system, and the development of personnel management technology.

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3.7. Financial support for personnel management: budgeting for the activities of the personnel management service

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5. Further development of the theoretical foundations of the science of personnel management In the future, the most significant successes in the management of labor resources were achieved in Japanese and American firms. Researchers of personnel management problems have established the main

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Section 2. Object, subject, structure, summary and methodological foundations for studying the management of social development of an organization as an educational

At the initial stages of the development of scientific management, personnel management was considered in the context of a general management system and was not specifically differentiated. Gradually, the complexity of the process of managing social production required the improvement of all its functions, including personnel management.

Currently, this section of scientific management is considered by many as an independent discipline. However, the origins of the discipline, its scientific foundations are rooted in the integrated science of management. The boundaries of the discipline are limited to consideration of the human resources management functions noted below.

Human resource management as a science exists on two levels: theoretical and applied.

The purpose of the theory of personnel management obtaining new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing cause-and-effect, functional relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations. Personnel Management at the application level deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using employees. There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, while data from applied research form the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management is manifested in the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science. Its core, the core is own, specific knowledge , reflecting, firstly, the influence of various characteristics of employees on their recruitment (attracting to the enterprise), selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, the methods and techniques for the practical use of established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the organization.

The complexity of personnel management does not negate the specificity and independence of this science. All the data of other sciences are rethought and developed in it from the point of view of providing the organization with the optimal number and quality of employees and their use for business and social efficiency.

The science of personnel management performs the following functions in relation to the practice of personnel management: Firstly,the ideal construction of this practice, development of theory, strategy, technique, methods and means of personnel management; Secondly,transformation, encouraging managers to change the models, techniques, style, ways and means of managing employees based on the alternatives offered by science; Thirdly,rationalization, deep critical understanding of the practical management of people and its orientation to the requirements of the economic (business) and social efficiency of the organization.

Organizational goals traditionally stand at the center of personnel management, and management in general. Usually they are associated with ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise. And from this point of view, personnel management is the activity of using employees to achieve the effectiveness of the organization.

The term "organizational efficiency" is interpreted ambiguously. Some authors define efficiency as maximizing profit (Taylorist management model); other scholars understand organizational effectiveness more broadly. So, R.L. Krichevsky distinguishes two groups of criteria, or indicators of the effectiveness of the team and, accordingly, personnel management: psychological (job satisfaction, motivation, authority) and non-psychological (effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, innovation, profitability).

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