Regulations on the labor protection service of the Russian Federation. Regulations on the labor protection service

Labor Relations 16.05.2020
Labor Relations

The labor protection service performs one of the most important functions at the enterprise, ensures that all employees of the enterprise are protected as much as possible and do not expose themselves and others production risks. Not all legal entities are required to have employees monitoring labor safety standards in the company. However, their presence entails the obligation to draw up regulations aimed at ensuring the safety of a particular enterprise.

Regulations on the labor protection service according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Labor Code Russian Federation obliges certain enterprises to introduce a full-time subordinate who will ensure control over labor safety. This could be one person - an engineer or specialist, or it could be an entire department. The number of employees is determined by the total number of employees in the enterprise. If the number of employees is less than half a hundred, the introduction of a position is considered inappropriate and remains at the discretion of the employer. If the number of working units at the enterprise exceeds fifty, then the unit is entered into mandatory.

How to develop a regulation on the labor protection service?

For the initial development of regulations on the occupational safety service, the standard List of the Ministry of Health and Social Development should be analyzed. The purpose of the study is the subsequent choice necessary items from the entire proposed standard list. Each enterprise, based on its specifics, must choose points that are oriented towards it. It should be noted that the issue of unauthorized formation of points is currently a controversial issue. The Ministry of Health and Social Development does not prohibit adding your own items to the list. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance prohibits the unauthorized introduction of paragraphs into the contents of the document. Although such instructions contradict each other, allowing the employer to draw up the document at his own discretion, but all the best option will follow all legal regulations regarding this matter.

Who can develop regulations on the labor protection service

Developing a document is a very responsible undertaking. Usually, its registration and further approval are carried out by specialists with certain skills and knowledge.
The document can be developed by:
The head of the enterprise himself;
HR department employees;
Industrial safety engineer or specialist in this department;
Other responsible employees.
One specialist is appointed responsible for development, but almost all departments actually participate in development. You should not forget to invite the chief accountant of the institution to the review.

Necessary regulations for drawing up regulations on the security service

A set of measures on this issue is transferred to the content of the document, taking into account legislative framework RF and individual regulatory acts of the enterprise.
To independently develop a system to ensure compliance with production standards state standards should be considered:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of Article 217;
  • GOST 12.0.230-2007;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 14 with instructions on the organization of HSE work;
  • Model list from the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

In addition to the presented legal acts, one should also be guided by local norms that were previously adopted by the institution.

Model regulations on the safety and labor protection service in an organization

The standard regulation on the labor protection service contains the following sections:

  • Sections general plan, describing the goals and objectives of the document;
  • A paragraph covering the activities of the enterprise;
  • Specific instructions on the distribution of responsibilities;
  • Points covering safety briefings;
  • Separately, it is worth describing how control of instructions and document management will be carried out;
  • What activities will be carried out regularly to improve production features work places.

At the end of the regulation on the occupational safety and health service at the enterprise, a list of appendices should be indicated, which are referenced in the text of the document itself.

Model regulation on labor protection and industrial safety service

The text of the document is developed by setting out the requirements for the safe implementation of work functions, investigation and elimination of negative conditions that have arisen. The text should be as clear as possible and not have ambiguous expressions, in order to avoid misinterpretation.

The relevant document must describe the rights and obligations of the parties. It is also worth remembering the purpose of the document. The main task during development is compliance with the requirements of standards industrial safety. Regardless of the type of instruction, a person responsible for conducting and monitoring activities is appointed.

Sample order approving the regulations on the labor protection service

The order for approval of the developed regulation must indicate the purpose of creating the document. Before giving instructions on how to implement what is written, you should argue for the need to accept the prepared paper.
The main purpose of the order is to approve the submitted project and appoint someone responsible for monitoring execution.
The order is approved by the director of the institution and brought to the attention of all departments.

When implementing your labor responsibilities Every worker must be confident in the safety of his health. For this purpose, legislation has developed standards in accordance with which each organization must operate.

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At an enterprise of any category, it is important to ensure safe working conditions. It speaks about the approval of a system of occupational safety standards in the organization current legislature RF. Since the regulations on the security service must be developed in each institution, then we should consider in more detail what its structure and features should be.

Regulations on the occupational safety and health service at the enterprise

To organize the right labor activity at the enterprise, it is necessary to comply with all the formalities that today form Russian law. A typical vision for safety rules at work is formed by a system of standards, the implementation of which will be mandatory in the institution.

A standard regulation on the labor protection service must be created based on the following tasks:

  • Ensuring clear planning of important activities for the protection of activities and its safety in the organization;
  • Distribute the responsibilities and duties of each stakeholder;
  • Ensure management in the field of safety activities;
  • Approve the current training procedure in the organization;
  • Monitor and evaluate what security conditions the institution actually provides.

Standard regulations on the labor protection service at an enterprise

Decides that a sample of such documentation is considered mandatory in an enterprise where more than 50 people work. If each unit in total constitutes a smaller number of personnel, then the order on whether the instruction will be approved is taken by CEO. The specifics of the activity are used as the basis for determining the relevance of this system in the institution.

The area of ​​work safety protection in an organization must have a clear purpose and refer to more than one official document, which was decided by the Federation or a separate republic. This may include an order, law and other regulatory documents.

The order to approve the norms on the labor protection service is adopted in the institution on the basis of the following:

  • Improvement resolution working conditions, Ministry of Social Development;
  • Standard formulation of actions aimed at improving working conditions;
  • Sections of GOST, Labor Code;
  • Information about the verification of safety by regulatory authorities in the institution, financial plan, order local authorities management and so on.

Regulations on the labor protection service at the enterprise - sample 2018

Today there is no standard formulation for sample safety documents. The manager must formulate an approval order based on which sample will not contradict the law. The regulations on the labor protection service in an organization as an order have a specific sample where you can view the standard design.

The regulations on the service that controls security are drawn up in the organization by one of the following persons:

  • Head of the organization;
  • HR specialist;
  • Engineer for labor organization at the enterprise;
  • Heads of departments at the enterprise.

Order approving the regulations on the labor protection service

The standard design shows a sample position. The approval order is brought into line with the standard structure.

A sample for drawing up a standard document for labor at an enterprise contains the following structure:

  • General provisions on service at the enterprise. This indicates how long the order is valid in the institution;
  • A block of information about what the work is aimed at and which employee has specific responsibilities when approving this document in the approval;
  • Information about whose responsibility the work is, who is on the service committee, and how the organization looks like a sample of monitoring and analyzing activities;
  • Standard design of training events and briefings;
  • Planned events and their typical vision.

The standard sample is suitable for registration in companies and institutions of various profiles. These rules are relevant for any persons, including LLCs, small enterprises, government agencies, for example, a bank or a school. More than one abstract or Research Article, where he talks about the peculiarities of presenting information and the correctness of the statement. The presence of such a document simplifies the solution of many corporate problems, so it is actively discussed by entrepreneurs. The creation of such internal standards as regulations on the labor protection service makes it possible to regulate the nuances of ensuring comfort and safety of work, training and instructions, rules of conduct and other features.

We will tell you how to avoid mistakes when preparing the Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection, and what points you need to pay attention to. Download finished sample.

Read in the article:

Regulations on the organization of labor protection work

In Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is required to include in staffing table position of an OT specialist or create a corresponding service. The service is formed only if the employer makes such a decision, and this is his right.

COT can be created at 50 or more full-time employees, if an occupational safety specialist cannot simultaneously work in all departments of the company. The decision is made by the head of the enterprise, who is responsible for organizing labor protection as a whole. He bears both administrative and criminal liability for all accidents involving employees.

The head of the SOT is responsible for the development of the Regulations. To do this, he has the knowledge and skills that are indicated in qualification level No. 7 in. The document must be agreed upon with a legal adviser, since we are talking about a structural unit of the enterprise. Information about its creation must be reflected not only in the order, but also in the organization’s Charter.

What should the Regulations on the labor protection service at the enterprise contain?

This document establishes the rights and responsibilities of SOT employees. First of all, we are talking about its leader. Since there is no professional standard “Head of Occupational Safety and Health Service”, the job titles of specialists carrying out work in the field of occupational safety must comply with the requirements established by the CEN ().

The Regulations should describe what specific issues each occupational safety specialist deals with, what reports he submits, and what structural units he supervises. As an example, one can consider standard document RUSSIAN RAILWAYS.

The personal responsibility of SOT employees for the results must also be recorded. If employees do not perform their tasks, the head of the organization has the right to involve the head of the service and employees in disciplinary liability. All their responsibilities are listed in the professional standard. The Regulations do not need to indicate responsibilities that are not related to labor protection, for example, ensuring fire safety or civil defense work.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in Article 217, leaves the question of the number of workers in the labor protection service entirely at the discretion of the employer. In this case, many factors must be taken into account - the number of units, remoteness, etc. Currently, there is no legally established standard for numbers. year can only be used as a recommendation, no more.

Sample regulations on labor protection in an organization 2019

Sample designed by experts Help System"Occupational Safety and Health". You can download it below.

The structure of the document includes several interrelated sections. As a rule, the first one sets out general issues. Occupational safety and health management in an organization is carried out by its head. He delegates his powers to the OT service, and leaves the role of technical performers to the heads of departments.

HSE employees must be an example of strict compliance with legal requirements, production discipline, sanitation, internal rules labor regulations, business ethics. They are obliged to be guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, and local documents of the organization. It is forbidden to demand from managers structural divisions execution of canceled, as well as unregistered with the Ministry of Justice VOT or GOST voluntary application.

In the second section, you must indicate the main tasks and functions of the service. It is convenient to extract them from professional standard No. 524n. You should not write impossible goals into tasks. must provide the opportunity to visit any premises of the enterprise at any time.

Service employees have the right to demand the removal from work of persons who do not meet the requirements for admission to perform work. Such grounds are failure to pass the exam or. They also have the right to petition to stop work that threatens the life and health of workers, and to bring disciplinary action against violators, including managers and specialists.

In the third section, pay attention to organizational issues: equipment, communications, posters, corners, etc. In the fourth section, indicate how administrative and public control over occupational safety occurs.

Each enterprise is obliged to provide safe working conditions in the workplace - such requirements are established by Russian legislation.

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Therefore, the responsibilities of many managers include drawing up Regulations on the labor protection service. We’ll talk about how to complete all the formalities correctly in our article.

What kind of document is this?

Occupational safety is a well-thought-out system aimed at preserving the life and health of employees.

It is regulated by a local regulatory act called the Regulations and solves the following problems:

  • Distribution of rights and responsibilities of interested parties.
  • Planning of important events: socio-economic, legal, rehabilitation, treatment and prophylactic, etc.
  • Monitoring compliance with safety rules.
  • Creation of a well-thought-out training system where specialists develop individual program taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise.
  • Appointment of certain persons as members of the commission who evaluate working conditions.
  • Simplifying the work of an accountant when accounting for costs aimed at improving the state of workplaces (the Regulation becomes a documentary basis). This will avoid unnecessary disputes with the tax office.

Hiring a competent employee or opening a labor protection service in an organization (production) is the responsibility of companies that employ more than 50 people (Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the number of employees is smaller, the decision to implement the system is made by the manager, taking into account the specifics of business activity.

Regulatory documents for development

The implementation of labor protection measures is a labor-intensive process that requires compliance with certain standards. Some organizations pre-assess working conditions to determine the list necessary measures.

The following regulations are used during development:

  • A standard list of actions aimed at improving working conditions from the Ministry of Health and Social Development;
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 “On approval of Recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service at an enterprise”;
  • clause 4.3.2 GOST 12.0.230-2007;
  • Art. 217 Labor Code RF.

You can view the documents here:

In the process of creating a document, local regulations are necessarily used: materials from analyzing the state of workplaces, a financial plan, information about the results of inspections by regulatory authorities, etc.

How to draw up a regulation on the labor protection service (2016)?

The legislation does not provide for an established model; the main requirement is full compliance with the conditions of labor law.

Development can be carried out by:

  • Head of the organization;
  • HR department employees;
  • occupational safety engineers;
  • heads of departments;
  • other competent specialists.

This will help to correctly reflect the financial obligations of the company and eliminate the emergence of questions regarding “profitable” expenses.

The development of the Regulations on the Labor Safety Service consists of three stages. Performing each of them requires utmost care and competence.

The Model List of the Ministry of Health and Social Development is being considered

From it, the activities required for a particular company are selected.

Many people are wondering: is it possible to add your own event that is not on the list? There is no clear answer to this question, since the Ministry of Health allows adding to the list, but the Ministry of Finance does not.

Recording of selected events in the Regulations

There are no strict requirements regarding structure, form or content.

Typically the document consists of the following sections:

  • General provisions- contain goals, brief description. This section indicates the validity period of the Regulations: the “unlimited” mark is placed or the date until which the document has legal force.
  • Directions of work, as well as distribution of responsibilities between specialists. For example, control over labor protection is carried out by the general director, and the head of the department is responsible for ensuring safety in the production process.
  • Responsible person for labor protection. A specialist is appointed who is responsible for organizing all necessary events, conducting instructions, issuing special clothing, etc. The selected person reports to the manager.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Committee. The circle of persons monitoring compliance with the rules established by the Regulations is prescribed. Typically this will include the head of the organization, a union official or other competent person.
  • Training and instruction. It contains information that when hiring a candidate, they are informed about safe work rules and their knowledge is tested.
  • Monitoring and analysis of working conditions. The frequency of inspection of workplaces and the person to whom the presence of violations is reported and the perpetrators are brought to justice are noted.
  • Measures aimed at improving the state of workplaces.
  • Applicationsadditional documents, which describe actions to provide assistance in the event of an accident at work.

The Model Regulations can be downloaded here:

It can be used in enterprises educational institution or kindergarten.


After drawing up the considered normative act it is necessary to familiarize the organization’s employees with it against signature.

As you develop, keep a few rules in mind:

  • When an organization employs more than 50 people, a new position is introduced - a labor protection specialist or a department is opened to solve such problems.
  • The document must clearly state the goals, responsibilities and rights of employees. Ambiguous phrases should be avoided to avoid labor disputes with inspection.
  • Development of the Regulations is not an obligation small businesses, but its presence will simplify the solution of many problems.
  • When creating a document, you can use a ready-made sample, changing the information for a specific organization.

Labor protection regulations can be simplified.

When developing, it is not necessary to include responsibilities expressly provided for by law (for example, free issue special clothing).

Safety precautions, rules of conduct, instruction and training can be placed in separate Regulations intended for specific departments.

If it is necessary to carry out an event that is not in the document under consideration, the manager issues an Order. The document becomes an addition to the existing Regulations and contains a specific requirement.

An example is shown in the figure:

The labor protection regulations take into account all the nuances that ensure the safety and comfort of personnel in the workplace. The employer must properly plan and regularly carry out activities aimed at improving working conditions. Periodic correction of the document is possible.

The regulations on labor protection for workers - a sample of 2019 is presented below - must be approved at each enterprise. This provision allows the employer to plan and implement safe working conditions for employees. Read more about the procedure for drawing up this provision in our article.

Why do we need a labor safety regulation?

In accordance with paragraph. 22 hours 2 tbsp. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each company must draw up and approve labor safety rules. These rules, in cases established by law, should be agreed upon with the trade union committee on the basis of Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These rules also include a local regulatory act - the regulations on labor protection (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). IN this document a list of measures must be indicated that the employer is obliged to implement in order to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for its employees.

Thus, the Regulations reflect the following types of events:

  • organizational;
  • legal;
  • technical;
  • social;
  • rehabilitation;
  • preventive.

The Labor Safety Regulations specify:

  • responsibilities of the director for ensuring labor safety (hereinafter - OSH) at the enterprise;
  • the employee responsible for ensuring occupational safety at the enterprise, his responsibilities and work procedures;
  • the procedure for planning and carrying out activities within the framework of providing occupational safety;
  • rights of workers in the field of occupational safety;
  • the procedure for monitoring compliance with occupational safety standards and compliance with safety rules;
  • responsibility for failure to fulfill obligations and regulatory requirements for ensuring occupational safety at the enterprise;
  • the procedure for approving the composition of the commission for assessing working conditions;
  • the procedure for forming a budget for occupational safety, items of planned expenses and sources for their financing.

The same document may contain information about the organization of the occupational safety service, as well as information about training of employees. But usually, for a comprehensive disclosure of the issues raised above, separate provisions and instructions are developed.

Read about how occupational safety instructions are drawn up in this article .

The employer can indicate in the Regulations and then annually implement any measures that improve the working conditions of employees. But only those mentioned in the Standard List of Measures to Improve Health Conditions and Reduce Profit Risks, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated March 1, 2012 No. 181n, can be included in the expenses for reducing taxable profit.

The procedure for approving labor safety regulations

The development of Occupational Safety and Health Regulations at an enterprise can be entrusted to a competent specialist, for example, an occupational safety engineer, or it can also be developed collectively. Collective preparation of this local regulatory act will help avoid possible claims from several regulatory authorities at once.

The rationale for this opinion is as follows:

  • employees responsible for maintaining personnel records will be able to clearly define the rights and obligations of the employer and employees;
  • lawyers will determine responsibility for failure to comply with the conditions specified in the Regulations, as well as how best to monitor their implementation;
  • occupational safety specialists will be able to foresee all the nuances that labor inspectors pay attention to when conducting an inspection of an enterprise;
  • The accountant will determine whether all of the activities specified in the Regulations can be attributed to the expenses of the enterprise or whether they will be covered by net profit companies.

Each enterprise can organize its own procedure for drawing up occupational safety regulations. Approval of this document can also occur in various ways:

  • an order is issued to approve the Regulations;
  • The position is approved by affixing the stamp “I approve” in the upper right part of the document, under which the signature (with transcript) of the manager and the date are placed.

The occupational safety regulations are approved by the head of the enterprise. When approved, the Regulations may indicate the start date of the local regulatory act. However, usually the document comes into force immediately from the date of approval.

All employees of the enterprise must be familiar with this Regulation. To record this fact, a separate statement can be generated, in which everyone who has familiarized themselves with the contents of the document puts their signature and date.

As the company operates, it may become necessary to introduce new occupational safety measures. In this case, the Regulations will not need to be re-developed. A corresponding order may be issued regarding the implementation of new measures, which, in addition to the list of measures and the rationale for their implementation, indicates that they are being introduced in addition to the existing Regulations on OSH.

Standard labor protection regulations: structure

A typical local occupational safety act at an enterprise usually has the following structure:

  1. General provisions - stated here summary document, explains the goals and objectives of occupational safety at the enterprise.
  2. Responsibilities of the employer, employees, persons responsible for labor protection, occupational safety service (if it is created); employee rights - this section details the responsibilities/rights of each participant in these legal relations and lists all responsible persons.
  3. Measures to ensure normal and safe working conditions and the procedure for their financing - here it is necessary to list in detail, point by point, all the events that are supposed to be carried out at the enterprise within the framework of occupational safety.
  4. Responsibility for failure to comply with the conditions for ensuring occupational safety at the enterprise - this section should list the possible sanctions that will be imposed on the person guilty of violating the safety regulations.
  5. Procedure for investigating accidents in the workplace.
  6. Appendices are additions to the Regulations, which can describe in detail the actions to provide assistance in the event of an accident at work, the contents of an emergency medical kit, instructions for working with equipment, etc.

Read about the employer's mandatory actions in the event of an accident with an employee. "St. 228 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers" .

Labor protection regulations: standard list of measures

At all enterprises, in order to protect and improve working conditions, as well as to reduce labor risks, a number of measures are implemented annually.

A typical list of such occupational safety-related activities is contained in Order No. 181n:

  • special assessment of the level of profrisk and working conditions;
  • improvement of working conditions, including after a special assessment;
  • automation of production and technological processes;
  • installation (including acquisition costs) of an alarm system in case of equipment breakdown or emergency situations;
  • element protection technological equipment from damage caused by flying particles/objects when exposed to moving parts;
  • modernization of protective equipment against harmful effects;
  • painting equipment or hazardous elements in bright signal colors;
  • automation of control over the level of harmful substances in the air or other hazardous factors in production;
  • introduction of technical devices for protection against electric shock;
  • installation of fuses and signaling devices to ensure safe operation equipment;
  • automation of technical operations related to the transportation and storage of tanks with hazardous liquids used in production;
  • automation of work on transportation and warehousing of raw materials and industrial waste;
  • automation of services for cleaning premises, neutralizing hazardous industrial waste, cleaning air ducts, windows, lamps, lanterns, etc.;
  • modernization of technical equipment used to reduce the percentage of harmful impurities in the air, reduce vibration, noise, and radiation;
  • reconstruction and installation of new ventilation and heating systems in work areas;
  • setting up lighting that complies with current safety standards;
  • arrangement of places for personnel recreation, reconstruction of cabins;
  • providing automated feeding drinking water in work areas;
  • providing workers with protective clothing and equipment personal protection(we are talking about those employees who work in hazardous conditions or are exposed to harmful effects during work);
  • ensuring the storage and care of protective equipment;
  • providing employees with simulators, visual materials, literature necessary for work, purchasing stands, computerizing offices;
  • ensuring that briefing/training is carried out and that employees’ knowledge of occupational safety is tested;
  • training workers so that they can provide first aid at work to injured employees;
  • training of employees associated with the work of hazardous facilities;
  • conducting periodic/mandatory medical examinations;
  • equipment of offices/sanitary posts for the provision of medical care;
  • arrangement of tunnels, passages, sidewalks on the territory of the enterprise to ensure safety of movement;
  • implementation of production control measures;
  • replication of occupational safety instructions;
  • rearrangement of industrial equipment, reorganization of workplaces to create safe working conditions;
  • arrangement of training grounds;
  • development of physical education in the workforce.

When training employees in occupational safety standards, you can use a specially developed program. Read more about it in our article “Standard occupational safety training program - sample” .

What else does the provision on the organization of labor protection work include?

The regulations on the organization of work on occupational safety must necessarily include, in addition to general provisions There is also a list of the main areas of occupational safety work, as well as the procedure for distributing responsibilities between employees to ensure safety at work. In this case, opposite each name of the work on occupational safety, it is necessary to indicate the person responsible for the execution of the activity, as well as the involved participants in the field of safety in the areas.

For example, the manager is responsible for the general management of all technical processes, as well as for the state of occupational safety at the enterprise. The director is also responsible for conducting investigations when accidents occur; monitors compliance with legislative norms and rules on occupational safety; provides insurance to employees against occupational diseases, temporary disability, etc.

In addition, this provision specifies the person responsible for ensuring occupational safety at the enterprise. The procedure for creating an occupational safety department (service) and the algorithm for completing training on the basics of occupational safety are prescribed. In this local act It is imperative to specify how and by whom the analysis of the state of working conditions is carried out. It should describe how measures will be taken to improve working conditions.

Where can I download a sample regulation on labor protection at an enterprise?

The sample OSH Regulations can hardly be called typical, because each enterprise/production has special working conditions and, accordingly, uses different approaches to ensure the safety of workers. In the same time standard provision will help you understand the structure of this local regulatory document, which means that there should be no difficulties in developing an individual Regulation.

When drawing up this document, you must adhere to the conditions listed in GOST 12.0.230-2007, use standard list OT activities. On our website you can download a sample Labor Safety Regulations created on the basis of this document.


At every enterprise, the employer is obliged to ensure the creation of safe working conditions for its employees. To this end, he must plan and annually implement a number of activities to improve the working conditions of employees. He should also determine the level of responsibility and circle of persons who will ensure the implementation of practices to comply with occupational safety standards.

These tasks can be accomplished by a single local document—the labor safety regulations, which will take into account everything necessary to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for employees. When developing such a document, an enterprise can use the sample we proposed above.

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