Russian officials and deputies will have their salaries increased for the first time in a long time. The economist told whose salaries will increase this year. Earnings of an energy worker abroad

Law and law 03.06.2020
Law and law

The issue of salary and its size is probably the most painful and acute for everyone. In the context of a crisis that is slowing down, but continues to have an impact, it becomes especially relevant. Over the past two years, few people could even boast of salary indexation; there is no real increase to speak of. According to surveys conducted , during the current year only a little more than 30% of employers made a nominal increase in salaries, and such an increase did not always compensate for inflation. As a result, salaries of almost 60% of workers remained at the same level (fell in real terms), and 10% of workers had their wages cut even nominally.

But there is good news: according to the results of a recent survey from Antal Russia, the majority of Russian companies plan to raise salaries for their staff next year. Not everyone, of course, can afford to provide an increase on top of indexation, but even the ability to maintain the purchasing power of wages can be considered a good sign for the market. Who will see an increase in income, and for whom, on the contrary, will hard times come next year? decided to look into salary and some other trends for the coming year.

More than inflation

According to Antal Russia, cited by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, more than 60% Russian companies included in the budget for next year increased salaries personnel. The increase in most of them ranges from 7-9%, which will only allow 1-3% to exceed the threshold of official inflation and thereby ensure, albeit a small, but real increase in income. There were also lucky ones - 1% of employers announced a salary increase of more than 15%. The most “democratic” in this matter are foreign companies– two-thirds of foreign residents announced their intention to raise the level of remuneration for employees. Domestic employers are much less likely to care about the well-being of their employees - only about 45% of them announced an increase.

Economists also agree with average wage growth forecasts of 8%. In particular, according to member of the Izborsk Club, economist Mikhail Khazin, as quoted by Rambler News Servise, wage growth should be expected, first of all, in export-oriented industries. Oil and gas companies, non-ferrous metallurgy, partly petrochemicals and mechanical engineering have the greatest potential for this.

Traditional growth is also to be expected in the field of IT technologies - highly qualified programmers and representatives of related professions remain in demand, including abroad, so financial motivation remains the only way to retain the right specialist.

More than 60% of Russian companies have budgeted for next year increased staff salaries According to Antal Russia, in addition to these industries, workers will receive an increase retail

, medicine and pharmaceuticals, production of consumer goods, sales, logistics, marketing, analysts and other qualified personnel. The market is gradually stabilizing, and increasing wages is an integral factor in this process.

But not everyone is doing well. In particular, financial sector , as Khazin notes, remains a clear outsider in the salary issue over the past three years. All this time, large-scale revocations of licenses from banks and insurance companies have been observed, which as a result releases a huge number of workers - in 2016 alone, 110 workers lost their jobs financial organizations. There is nothing strange in the fact that the surplus of specialists has a negative impact on salaries in the industry.

There are no rosy forecasts for the automotive industry either.

– the reductions that took place at automobile factories led to a decrease in nominal wages in the industry by 6-10%. There is practically no doubt that this trend will continue next year. Hiring will grow, but not everywhere Antal Russia notes that positive trends will cover not only salary issues, but also the number of hired workers. So, if last year only a quarter of employers planned to deal with staff expansion issues, then Today, 41% of companies plan to do this. As for specific industries, there is nothing unexpected here - there are plans to hire new employees from representatives of private medicine and pharmaceuticals, information technologies, oil refining, oil and gas industry, engineering,

The need for representatives of humanitarian professions will also increase - Analytics, economics and legal departments will be expanded. However, the hiring itself will be more thorough than before. Companies began to take a closer look at candidates, more objectively assess their competencies, and assess the need for each of them. But you need to understand that in light of previous reductions, the previous increase in hiring volumes does not appear to be growth at all, but rather a restoration to the pre-crisis level.

Middle and senior managers will be in greater demand.

Sales departments should become one of the main drivers of small and medium-sized businesses. Sales managers will be in demand as usual, and good specialists can count on a good increase, because sales growth today is the main objective any commercial organization in post-crisis conditions. In general, positive dynamics and growth in current labor market indicators are evident. So hiring, albeit at a slow pace, will still grow. But not everywhere.

For example, the current trends of transition to electronic document management will lead to a reduction in the number of junior accounting staff and clerks. The number of vacancies in these specialties may be reduced by three times. Experts note an increase in the share of companies investing in the modernization and robotization of production, and therefore there may be a fall in demand for skilled workers, call center workers and operators, although demand for them has been increasing this year.

Raise for public sector employees is mandatory

The budgetary sector, and, accordingly, the growth of wages in it, is an important social factor and a measure of well-being in the country - more than 20 million Russians are involved in it, not counting the state apparatus. It is quite logical that the authorities cannot refuse to increase salaries for public sector employees. Moreover, the “May decrees” launched in 2012 have still not even been half implemented everywhere; there is no talk yet about a full-scale increase in the salaries of teachers and doctors by 200% of the regional average, which, by the way, should be achieved in 2018 has to. It’s a paradox, but there is no doubt that such indicators will be achieved. The fact is that presidential elections will be held in 2018, and the president’s promises a priori cannot remain unfulfilled.

This explains the “movement” that began in the government closer to the fall. In September, for example, the head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, told reporters that there would be an increase in wages for public sector employees “absolutely,” although there was no certainty about the numbers yet. Later there were many conflicting messages, but in the end the increase was still promised, but representatives of the Ministry of Finance noted that it would be “smoother” than before. However, if you believe the words of Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, regardless of the growth rate, Already next year, salaries, in particular for doctors, will reach 180% of the regional average, and by 2018 - 200%.

Obligations to teachers will also be fulfilled, at least that’s what Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva said on Rossiya 24.

According to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, all salaries in education will be raised to the stipulated levels for 2018. Funds for this are included in the budget, and expenses will not be reduced. The consolidated budget for the next three years includes 2.6 trillion rubles for these purposes, which, according to the minister, is no less than in previous years. Interesting, that according to the ministry for the current year, average salary There are already 36 thousand teachers. rubles, which in practice is rarely true. It is also worth noting that, in parallel with the implementation of the May decrees in education, Vasilyeva announced a change in the structure of teacher salaries, where 70% will be salary, and incentive payments and bonuses will make up only 30%.

Thus, public sector employees will also expect an increase in wages in future years - the May decrees will help raise the average to 200% of the regional average. But whether they will correspond to the real state of affairs is a completely different question.

MOSCOW, January 18 - PRIME, Natalya Karnova. Salaries in 2017 will grow only in selected industries and are unlikely to significantly outpace inflation. Most Russians will have to be content with their previous incomes, and some will even face pay cuts. So far, experts do not see any grounds for any significant massive increase in wages. They predict an increase in demand for qualified specialists, but those whose work can be automated risk ending up on the labor market.

The Minister of Labor promised Russians an increase in wages

Head of the Ministry of Labor and social development Maxim Topilin in an interview yesterday " Rossiyskaya newspaper"promised that the wages of Russians will increase in 2017. However, the Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO) for Development, Alexander Safonov, finds this statement overly optimistic. "We see that in all government programs, economic growth for 2017 is no higher than 1 %, and for real wages to grow, a different economic background is needed. For example, even in the United States, with good economic development rates, wage growth has not been observed for quite a long time,” he noted.

In Russia, the economy cannot yet overcome the consequences of the crisis; there is no high-margin production that would allow sharing profits with workers, and competition for labor low. The budget also does not act as a driver of wage growth, as was the case in the pre-crisis years; most regions also save. Based on this, the maximum increase in real wages will not exceed inflation, but for the most part will be lower, the expert believes. The Bank of Russia has set a target inflation rate of 4% for 2017.

The amount of indexation of the Payroll Fund (WF), included in company budgets, is 5-10%, which slightly covers inflation, says Maria Ignatova, head of the HeadHunter research service. “The rise in prices over the past two years, when salaries practically did not grow, does not compensate for this. Moscow companies are ready for an increase less than regional ones. At the same time, average salaries in the regions are half as low as in the capital, if you do not take into account cities with a population of over a million,” she added she.

Wage growth in other countries also leaves much to be desired. According to the international consulting company Korn Ferry Hay Group, in 2017, actual wages, minus inflation, in the world will increase by an average of 2.3%. Growth rates will be highest in Asia. In Russia, the wage growth expected by company experts will not be able to catch up with inflation - real salaries will decline by 0.1% compared to last year.

It is most likely to expect wage growth in sectors such as food processing, pharmacology, and IT, Safonov believes. In addition, there is potential for wage growth in the energy and housing and communal services sectors, which can set tariffs above inflation. “The pre-election period may prompt an increase in salaries for doctors and teachers, which was prescribed in the May presidential decrees. However, the only reserve for this will be the optimization of the budget network. Those who will be laid off will be left without work, so all this will not affect the level of income of the population,” - the expert argues.

The growth rate in industries related to the extraction of raw materials and the construction of residential real estate will practically stop. Investments in infrastructure projects will be reduced. Supplies of agricultural products abroad are also decreasing, which may slow down the growth of wages in agriculture.

At the same time, supply in the labor market will grow, albeit at a fairly moderate pace. In 2017, the number of vacancies may increase by about 10%, which is comparable to last year’s results, Ignatova said. Growth rates in Moscow may be lower than in the regions. Basically, these will be filling vacancies due to layoffs and transfers to other companies, and changes in specialization. But as projects develop, the need for new employees will arise, especially if the company is just entering the market.

According to the expert, the highest supply of vacancies is now in the IT sector, which is actively increasing its momentum. Computer technologies are being introduced into all business processes, so the demand for qualified specialists here and in the future will not decrease. There is currently a shortage of developers mobile applications- there are not enough specialists on the market to fill these vacancies. There is also a high demand for highly specialized engineers, project managers and analysts.

In turn, Natalya Golovanova, head of the research center of the job and employee search service, expects an increase in demand for specialists in banking sector- managers, including anti-crisis managers, employees with collateral and problem debt. Engineers in mechanical engineering, including oil and gas, as well as specialists in the forestry, aviation and food industries will be in demand. Companies will be trying to hire the best talent, so they will need HR directors, analysts with a technical background, and internal training specialists.

However, according to Golovanova, 2017 will be the last year when it will be possible to state an overall increase in the number of real jobs. “Next year, the real demand for entry-level accountants will begin to decline. By 2020, the labor market for them, as well as for clerks, could shrink three times,” she says.

This trend, the expert states, will be facilitated by the transition to electronic document management - people working with “papers” will no longer be needed. Banks will also abandon paper document management, which will cause staff reductions. The growth of automation will lead to a reduction in vacancies for contact center specialists, information processors, and even skilled workers, whose work will also gradually be mechanized.

As Golovanova expects, starting from 2018, offers for low-skilled employees will begin to be reduced by 5% annually. Real unemployment will rise by the same figure. Thus, given current trends, the overall level of real unemployment in Russia by 2022 may increase several times, up to 20-25%. At the same time, the demand for specialists highly qualified will grow. According to the expert, maintaining employment using existing methods state support If it doesn’t work, it will be necessary to develop new programs that, on the one hand, will be able to support low-demand specialists, and on the other hand, effectively fill vacancies in accordance with the current needs of the labor market.

On December 22, 2017, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on issues social and labor relations in the electric power industry under the chairmanship of the Minister of Energy A.V. Novak. This is the fifth meeting with the participation of the Parties social partnership industry, which takes place annually on Energy Engineers Day. Welcoming the meeting participants, A.V. Novak congratulated them on professional holiday and briefly summed up the main results of the year in the field of social partnership in the electric power industry. The Minister in particular noted that the number of organizations that have joined the Industry Tariff Agreement is steadily growing, which demonstrates the correctness of the chosen direction of work. Cooperation with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia has intensified to develop mutually acceptable approaches to determining the rules for accounting in tariffs for economically justified personnel costs stipulated by industry tariff agreements.

The Minister of Energy noted the active role of the industry Council for Professional Qualifications in the Electric Power Industry (ESPC), with the participation of which 40 professional standards in the electric power industry, 2 created regional centers assessment of the qualifications of the electric power industry in Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don, work is being carried out with federal educational and methodological associations to introduce the provisions of professional standards of the electric power industry into federal state educational standards. At the same time, the ESPC recommended, with the participation of the largest employers, to more actively advance in synchronizing the qualification assessment system with knowledge testing within the framework of the current practice of working with personnel in electric power industry organizations.

Among one of the main tasks in the field of social partnership A.V. Novak noted the conclusion of the Industry Agreement for the next period. The Minister emphasized that in the process of collective negotiations of the Social Partnership Parties it is necessary to develop mutually acceptable conditions. This will strengthen the existing groundwork for long-term regulation of social and labor relations between employers, employees and their representatives represented by the Electric Trade Union.

The heads of the Social Partnership Parties made a report on the main issues of regulating social and labor relations: CEO Associations RaEl A.V. Zamoskovny and Chairman of the All-Russian Electric Trade Union V.N. Vakhrushkin.

The Chairman of the VEP first of all thanked A.V. Novak for providing the opportunity for the traditional meeting of the Social Partnership Parties on Energy Day. Further V.N. Vakhrushkin focused on proposals to further increase the level of income of electric power industry workers, including industrial, production and administrative personnel, and also noted the advisability of providing assistance from the Russian Ministry of Energy in conducting negotiations on the conclusion of a JTA in the electric power industry Russian Federation for the next period, including for the purpose of subsequent accession to its standards by the main subjects of the electric power industry. The representative of the Electric Trade Union emphasized that the nature of relations between the Parties to the social partnership is seriously influenced by external factor– tariff decisions of government regulators, which currently do not fully take into account personnel costs in tariffs for company services. The head of the Industry Trade Union shared his opinion regarding the prospects for concluding an Industry Tariff Agreement for the next period.

In the main theses of the report by A.V. Zamoskovny sounded:

  • rapid growth in the size of the Minimum monthly tariff rate in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation during the period of validity of the UTS in comparison with the consumer price index;
  • 15 percent excess of average wages for the type of activity “Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas and water” over the average wages for the Russian Federation as a whole, based on Rosstat data (as of July 2017);
  • growth of real wages in 2017 in electric power industry organizations.

In particular, the head of the RaEl Association provided data that the number of employers who indexed their sizes tariff rates according to the results of the first half of 2017 (70% of the total number of OTS participants), reached its maximum value for the period 2014 – 2017.

A.V. Zamoskovny also informed about the establishment of a systemic dialogue on a tripartite basis at the level of leaders of the largest energy companies, including PJSC Rosseti and PJSC RusHydro, focused on the persistence of problems in the field of accounting in electricity tariffs for economically justified expenses of employers in the social and labor sphere, calculated on the basis of the provisions of the OTS, noted serious progress in the field of dialogue with the FAS of Russia , which was carried out with the support of the Russian Ministry of Energy.

Speaking about the prospects for collective negotiations on concluding a new Industry Tariff Agreement in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, which may come into force in 2019, the head of the Association of Employers noted that these will be the first full-fledged negotiations starting from the first quarter of 2013. Currently, each of the Parties has accumulated serious experience, as well as a list of problems and expectations.

In this regard, A.V. Zamoskovny cited a number of proposals and principles related to the upcoming negotiations, which were supported by the meeting participants.

Among the main tasks facing the ESPC in 2018, A.V. Zamoskovny named the following:

  • continuation of work with specialized federal educational and methodological associations on the formation of exemplary educational programs;
  • development of a network of regional energy qualification assessment centers, correct implementation of regulations in the electric power industry Federal Law“On independent assessment of qualifications”;
  • formation of a list professional qualifications in the electric power industry and requirements for them, development of assessment tools;
  • monitoring the labor market, identifying the need for qualifications.

The head of the Association of Employers made proposals for the Concept of preparations for the celebration of the centennial anniversary of the adoption of the GOELRO Plan.

The parties to the social partnership discussed the need to systematize and update a number of documents in the field of labor standards in the electric power industry and proposed to begin work on improving the standards for the number of industrial, production and administrative personnel for electric power industry entities with predominant state participation.

Summing up the meeting, A.V. Novak formulated a number of protocol instructions, and also drew attention to the need for a balanced social policy V key companies industry and in the electricity sector as a whole, emphasizing that this approach is important factor ensuring reliable energy and heat supply to consumers.

The parties also recorded their intention to continue the practice of joint monitoring of the state of social and labor relations in electric power industry organizations, followed by summing up the results at the level of the Russian Ministry of Energy at least once a year.

Meeting participants

The monthly salary of the Minister of Energy was 1.16 million rubles, the head received 954 thousand rubles, and the Minister of Industry and Trade received a little less - 921 thousand rubles.

The ministers of justice, sports, foreign affairs, health and education had monthly salaries ranging from 497 to 634 thousand rubles.

The heads had the smallest salaries and received 443 thousand rubles in 2016, and 451 thousand rubles.

There is no data on salaries in , and SVR. Just as there is no information about the salary of the President of the Russian Federation in the open data of the Ministry of Finance.

In 2017, officials' salaries were not indexed. At the same time, departments were allowed to use the salary fund on a limited scale vacant positions to provide additional benefits to full-time employees.

The salary of the head of the Accounts Chamber (he has held this position since 2013), her deputy and all auditors averaged 668.8 thousand rubles. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court, his deputies and judges received an average of 615 thousand rubles per month.

The average salary of a State Duma deputy in 2016 was 420 thousand rubles, senators - 385 thousand rubles.

Top managers can have salaries of this level; salaries in the field of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs are also “overheated” on the market now, notes a representative of Superjob. This applies to “non-top” positions; in this area, demand sharply exceeds supply, and candidates are offered exorbitant numbers.

According to the data, the average monthly accrued wages of civil servants in federal government agencies amounted to 115.7 thousand rubles in 2016, which is 4% more than a year earlier.

The average salary was 219 thousand rubles, in the government apparatus - 228 thousand rubles, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 147 thousand rubles, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 137 thousand rubles, Rosstat notes.

At the same time, among federal departments, the lowest average salary was observed among employees Federal agency for Youth Affairs (58 thousand rubles), the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (57 thousand rubles), the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs (53 thousand rubles).

The average salary of employees, according to Rosstat, in 2016 was about 84 thousand rubles, - 57.6 thousand rubles.

In February 2015, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree reducing the salaries of himself and some other officials by 10%. This document was valid until the end of 2015, then was extended for 2016 and 2017. Two months ago, Putin extended his decree for another year.

Thus, in 2018, the salaries of the head of state and the chairman of the government, deputy prime ministers and ministers, as well as the prosecutor general, the head of the Investigative Committee and the head of the Central Election Commission will be paid with a “discount” of 10%.

The salaries of the president and prime minister are not officially published. According to the official declaration, Putin earned 8 million 858 thousand 432 rubles in 2016. The total income of the Prime Minister of Russia at the end of 2016 amounted to 8.587 million rubles.

Business trips of employees of the central government apparatus are the most expensive: on foreign trips their daily allowance amounts to 270 thousand rubles, another 700 thousand rubles are allocated for travel and accommodation.

Employees' expenses for these purposes are much more modest - diplomats receive 147 thousand rubles on foreign trips. per day, and 52 thousand rubles are allocated for their accommodation.

In mid-December of this year, the President signed a decree on increasing the monthly salaries of persons holding federal government positions civil service: from January 1, 2018, their salaries will increase by 4%. The salaries of officials employed in the federal civil service have not been indexed since 2013, when they were increased by 5.5%.

Note that according to Rosstat, the average salary in the country in 2016 was 36.7 thousand rubles.

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