Artificial flowers as a business. Business idea: artificial flowers

Business 14.03.2020

It’s hardly worth talking about the benefits of artificial flowers. They do not fade, do not require maintenance, are resistant to cigarette smoke, sunlight and other factors, and are hypoallergenic. At the same time, high-quality artificial flowers can rarely be distinguished from real ones. All this at one time provoked surges of interest in artificial flowers. But even today entrepreneurs say that this kind of business is profitable and promising.

Market Review

Today in the market the first violin is played by products of foreign manufacturers. The cheapest flowers are also brought from Southeast Asia, mainly from China. But there are also more expensive and high-quality options imported from Poland, Italy and other European countries. Domestic manufacturers also occupy a certain share of the market. True, there are few of them and their product range is not wide.

A business with such flowers can be successful only if the niche is chosen correctly. For example, there is no point in competing in the low-cost segment with Chinese products. No matter how hard you try to reduce production costs, they will still be higher than finished products, delivered from the Middle Kingdom, even taking into account all logistics costs. Moreover, today the consumer exposes high requirements to the quality of artificial flowers, so very crude, cheap products are losing their popularity.

Today, flowers that are difficult to distinguish from real ones are in demand. For their production it is necessary to use such expensive materials as:

  • latex;
  • polyester;
  • organza;
  • parchment;
  • silk.

For such flowers, the consumer is willing to overpay significant amounts.

Production technology

Depending on what materials will be used in the production of artificial flowers, one or another technology for their production is used. But we can single out one general principle product creation.

First, a living prototype is taken and carefully laid out into its component parts. Patterns are formed from them, which are used to produce leaves, petals, stamens, stems, etc. Textiles are usually used for leaves - this way they look more realistic. To provide resistance to various external factors it is impregnated with special compounds.

Petals and leaves are cut out using special presses. After this, painting occurs, then giving the desired shape, also on special machines. And only after this does the complete collection of all components take place.


When a large-scale business opens, the process needs to be automated as much as possible. To do this, you need to purchase equipment for the production of artificial flowers. A Chinese production line will cost about a million rubles. It usually includes:

  • stem casting machine;
  • dehydrator;
  • device for cutting leaves (2 pcs.);
  • forming machine (3 pcs.);
  • installation for cutting petals.

In addition, you additionally need to buy a pump with a wind engine. The productivity of such a line is 480 products per shift (8 hours). At the same time, the line is quite large. The largest is the stem casting machine, which will occupy an area of ​​approximately 19 square meters. m.


To maintain a line for the production of artificial flowers, at least thirty workers are needed. In addition, to create models we need designers, and those who understand flowers, botany, and floristry. Finding such specialists is not easy, but you can search on specialized forums and communities.

Business options

It is not necessary to produce artificial flowers. A business can be organized on them by arranging supplies of finished goods from China. The main wholesale market for selling artificial flowers is located in Yiwu City. From there they ship all over the world:

  • holiday and wedding bouquets;
  • artificial bushes and trees;
  • climbing plants;
  • grass coverings;
  • flower arrangements;
  • ribbons;
  • pots;
  • stands;
  • vases;
  • baskets;
  • floral accessories.

It’s cheaper, of course, to go to the market in person and skimp. But you can use the services of intermediaries. The first batch of goods will cost at least 300 thousand rubles.

Sales organization

Business today has a distinctly seasonal nature. Artificial flowers are especially popular on the eve of religious holidays, when it is customary to visit the graves of relatives. During this period, the markup usually rises five times.

Despite this seasonality, it is important to offer a wide range of products, both in type and in price offer. Usually they are more willing to take single flowers, as well as low small bouquets, but during the holidays themselves they take everything, regardless of the price.


It is logical that if your business is focused exclusively on the “cemetery” season, then you need to place a retail outlet near cemeteries or on the road to them. For sale, it is advisable to use non-residential premises - a garage or warehouse. Its area should be 5-15 square meters. m. Moreover, it is advisable to equip the goods warehouse separately. The fact is that due to the special impregnation of the material, the product has a specific pungent odor, often toxic if we are talking about cheap Chinese products. In addition, after the sale of such goods, a lot of garbage remains in the premises.

Please note that cheap Chinese flowers must be brought to marketable condition, because they are transported packaged and crushed. To do this, they are lightly steamed - kept over boiling water for some time, and then dried on a stretched line. You can purchase a special steam cleaner. In some cases, you have to use an iron, since individual flowers cannot be steamed.

All this suggests that you should not immediately purchase a large batch of goods - when steamed and straightened, flowers take up a lot of space. In addition, the more there are, the more intense the unpleasant odor will be.

This problem can be completely eliminated if you build your business on more expensive European-made flowers. They practically do not wrinkle, since they are delivered in cardboard boxes, do not emit such aromas, and are ready for sale immediately after delivery.

Business registration

For the implementation of a business, the following organizational and legal form is suitable: individual entrepreneur, since it is assumed retail artificial flowers. When targeting wholesale It is worth registering an LLC.

It is better to choose the UTII tax system. Then you will have to pay no more than 5 thousand rubles per month. When registering, you can indicate OKVED 36.63.7 “Production of other products not included in other groups.”

Income calculation

To organize such a business you will need about 5 million rubles. investments. They will go towards purchasing a production line, raw materials, salaries for workers and sellers, as well as retail store equipment– baskets, buckets, carton boxes, racks.

One point a month before Easter and during it can sell flowers worth 500 thousand rubles. Of this, approximately half will remain in net profit.

To smooth out the seasonality a little, you can include interior flowers in your business. The demand for them is not so high, but more stable throughout the year. True, here too there is a peak in sales, which falls in the spring, when the time for repairs and construction begins. In any case, the markup on the product is about 100%. The business will pay for itself in about 2.5 years.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

5,000,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

2.5 years


From 300,000 ₽

Purchase of goods

Up to 100%

Flowers are an example of harmony and beauty created by nature itself. However, their main disadvantages - fragility and fragility - significantly limit the possibilities of using fresh flowers for room decoration, decoration of various festive events and celebrations. Therefore, natural flowers were replaced by artificial plants, the production of which has become one of the important areas of modern floristry.

Artificial flowers, unlike real ones, will never wither, retain their original appearance for a long time, do not require special care or special conditions contents, resistant to adverse influences (for example, high humidity, straight Sun rays, cigarette smoke, chemicals, etc.). At the same time, high-quality artificial plants in their own way appearance are practically indistinguishable from real ones and can decorate any interior.

On Russian market artificial flowers are predominantly foreign products. Cheap, low quality plastic flowers are imported from Southeast Asian countries, more expensive ones are imported from Europe (Italy, Poland, etc.). Domestic manufacturers are also present in this segment. However, the number of the latter is still too small, and their products are not very diverse.

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Meanwhile, experts believe that this direction is very promising if the niche is chosen correctly. It is unlikely that you will be able to compete with Chinese factories in the low-price product segment. Even taking into account transport and customs costs, the cost of artificial flowers imported from the Middle Kingdom is lower than the cost of a similar product manufactured in our country.

Besides, in Lately The demand for cheap, crudely made flowers is rapidly declining. Artificial representatives of the flora come to the fore, which are practically no different from real ones and are made not from rough plastic, but from organza, polyester, latex, parchment and even natural silk. Of course, such flowers are more expensive than paper and plastic ones, but consumers are willing to overpay for quality and maximum proximity to the “original”.

Production of artificial flowers

The process of making artificial flowers depends on the materials used. However, their production scheme is generally similar. First, a living plant is disassembled into its component elements, according to the shape of which patterns are made. This is done by designers, but not ordinary ones, but those who work in the field of floristry and are well versed in botany. Finding such specialists in our country will not be easy. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. It’s just worth looking for them not on sites where vacancies and resumes of applicants are posted, but in specialized communities on social networks.

At the next stage of production, leaves, stems, stamens, petals and other components of the future flower are cut out, stamped, cast and sculpted using prepared patterns. To make the leaves and petals of the most “plausible” artificial plants, textiles are usually used, which are impregnated with special compounds that allow the material to be given various shapes and protect the fabric from fraying at the edges.

Then, individual elements - leaves and petals - are cut out of this fabric using presses, which are then painted in the desired colors. Using special equipment, the veins are pressed into them and the edges are turned up. The finished petals are collected together with pre-prepared stamens and secured around the core. The entire structure is assembled on a stem made of plastic, wire, papier-mâché, tin, etc. Of course, such production on a large scale is not carried out manually. There is special automated equipment for the production of artificial flowers.

A Chinese-made line, which includes a stem molding unit, two leaf cutting units, a petal cutting machine, a dehydrator and three forming machines, will cost about 190 thousand yuan (1 million rubles), not including delivery and commissioning costs work. The manufacturer also advises purchasing an additional pump with a wind engine.

The design capacity of such equipment for one eight-hour shift is 480 pieces. products on the installation for casting the stem and 1920 pcs. on a forming machine. The production cycle of the stem casting machine is from 15 seconds to a minute, depending on the shape of the part, and the production cycle of the forming machine is from 5 to 15 seconds.

Ready ideas for your business

To operate such a line would require about thirty people. In addition, to place it you will need to find production room sufficient area. The dimensions (l*w*h) of the individual equipment included in the line are as follows: installation for casting the stem: 2450*750*1440 mm; installation for cutting leaves: 2400*700*800 mm; petal cutting machine: 1950*1000*1300 mm; dehydrator 380V1.1kW: 1500*600*700 mm; forming machine (standard model): 550*600*750 mm. Minimum expenses to organize such production will amount to 5 million rubles. Approximate payback periods range from 2.5 years.

Import of artificial flowers from China

However, as mentioned above, it is more profitable to bring from China not equipment for the production of artificial flowers, but already finished goods. Artificial flowers and various accessories for them are produced in the small Chinese city of Yiwu, which is famous for its wholesale market goods light industry Futien.

In this market you can also buy ornamental trees and shrubs, grass coverings, climbing plants, wedding and holiday bouquets, various flower arrangements (even wedding wreaths). Here you can buy not only cheap products, but also expensive silicone flowers, which are difficult to distinguish from real ones even by touch. In addition to the flowers themselves, the range of manufacturers in Yiwu also includes a variety of baskets, vases, stands, pots, ribbons and various floral accessories.

If you already have experience working with Chinese suppliers, and free time, then it is more profitable to go for the goods yourself in order to personally see samples and discuss all issues with the supplier. In the absence of experience and/or time, experts advise turning to the services of intermediaries. Although your costs will be higher in this case, in the long run you will only benefit from it. The purchase of the first batch of goods in China will require 300 thousand rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing colors, pay attention not only to prices, but, first of all, to the assortment. The more original and beautiful your flowers are, the higher the chances of selling them. You can sell such products either independently or through wholesale companies and directly to flower shops and individual distributors.

Sale of artificial flowers

Cheap artificial flowers enjoy most in demand before religious holidays, when it is customary to visit cemeteries. The markup on “ritual” flowers can be up to 5-6 times. Such a business is seasonal and can hardly be considered as a permanent source of income, although it can bring considerable profit during the season. However, it does not require large investments. The purchase of an initial batch of cheap Chinese-made flowers at wholesale and retail markets or bases will cost from 100 thousand rubles. Don’t be lazy to count the number of colors in packages: in small-scale wholesale trade, careless sellers often sell packages of 80-90 colors instead of the stated hundred, in the hope that rushed buyers will not waste time checking.

Try to have flowers of different types and different price categories in your assortment. It is best to buy cheap flowers (small low bouquets - so-called “borders”, single flowers). But the closer to the holiday, the less picky buyers become. And on Easter day they take everything, even expensive wreaths.

Additional costs are associated with renting a retail outlet (the optimal location is closer to cemeteries). In addition, you will need a place to store flowers. Experienced Entrepreneurs It is recommended to use a garage or any other non-residential premises for this. Artificial flowers are a “dirty” product, when moving and storing it, small debris is constantly formed - torn petals, broken branches, stamens, etc. In addition, cheap plastic plants emit an unpleasant, pungent odor, and the materials from which they are made can be toxic .

Finally, before selling, Chinese artificial flowers need to be given a marketable appearance. They are usually supplied packaged in plastic bags. During transportation, flowers become very wrinkled, so they are steamed before selling. To do this, at home, you can use any container (pots or teapots) with boiling water: the flower is kept over steam (sometimes even dipped in boiling water, if the material allows), and then dried on fishing lines. However, so-called steam cleaners (cheap Chinese or more expensive German ones) are much more convenient to use.

Higher quality, expensive flowers (usually made in Europe) are supplied in cardboard or plastic packaging and do not require any additional manipulations before sale.

During the season (the month before Easter and Easter day itself), the turnover of one point is about 500 thousand rubles ( net profit about 250 thousand rubles). To equip the point you will need stands for flowers, cardboard boxes with goods, various containers for placing goods (buckets, baskets), nets for arranging bouquets.

The demand for interior flowers is much more stable than for interior flowers: they are well purchased throughout the year, although in the spring sales volumes increase significantly. In the summer, entrepreneurs note a significant decline in sales. The retail markup on more expensive and realistic artificial flowers rarely exceeds 100%. It is recommended to purchase goods in winter or late summer, when suppliers offer the most favorable prices, selling off remaining lots.

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One of the most beautiful components of nature are flowers, which sometimes combine harmony and beauty in an exemplary manner. But their shape will not always be ideal, and their bright life may be very limited. That is why such an idea as making artificial flowers appeared, because this allows you not only to create a strong, durable specimen, but also to give it the necessary appearance.

No one can name the exact date of the appearance of the first artificial flowers. Even the times and places of their origin differ, but the history definitely goes back beyond our era. There is an opinion that the world saw hand-made flowers thanks to Ancient Egypt. But such technology was available on another continent.

In Ancient China, these products were also created using silk, gold, and even simple feathers and parchment. The specialists involved in this had special respect, and the most valuable thing was considered to be to recreate the image of the flower as accurately as possible. Their own technologies and secrets were carefully guarded and passed on only to the most worthy representatives of the family. This mystery was facilitated by the belief that only someone who knows the soul of a flower can accurately convey its image.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, artificial flowers were widely used in monasteries, and over time in France, the production of such products became secular and in demand not only in shrines. The first workshops for hand-made flowers appeared in Paris.

Attention! In 1655, hot gelatin was first added to fabric impregnation. This began a real revolution in the art of creating hand-made flowers, and the classical school of making them appeared.

TO end of the 19th century centuries, artificial buds were ubiquitous in people's wardrobes, i.e. They began to decorate not only interiors, but also hats, umbrellas, jackets and other clothes and accessories.

Nowadays, technological advances make it possible to turn any model into reality, but creating hand-made flowers is just an exciting hobby for many.

The target audience

Based on demand, we can distinguish two large categories where artificial flowers are used:

  1. Decor and design. Here products are created from different materials depending on their purpose. These can be paper, fabric flowers, polymer materials are also used.
  2. Floristry in the field funeral services. They often produce plastic flowers, which have a shelf life of up to 10 years.

Polymer materials make it possible to create products that will be in demand in various designs. Such flowers are useful for interior decoration, clothing accessories, and as holiday attributes.

Important! Products that are not stamped, but are unique are in particular demand. Such individual orders are in demand from hand made masters.

Legal registration

No registration is required to create handmade artificial items as a hobby. But it is unlikely that such a hobby will bring one person much profit. If you decide to increase the scale and open mass production, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneurship.

In the case where the decor business is planned to be implemented with partners, an LLC will be a suitable form of organization.

Premises, investments, equipment

To create hand made products, your own apartment may be enough. If it’s just a hobby and a desire to earn a little extra money, then you only need to purchase one necessary list special tools and make relatively small expenses on materials.

Typical accessories include the following:

  • single-core knife;
  • various tweezers;
  • awl;
  • double-core knife;
  • wire cutters;
  • curling rings;
  • iron for smoothing parts;
  • scissors;
  • boules (steel balls) and rubber linings for them;
  • die cutting.

If you want to speed up the pace of production, then it is enough to purchase a mini machine. Due to working conditions, it is impractical to keep it in an apartment, but you can still consider this a home business, because your own plot, garage or basement is suitable for installing the device.

Important! Although the quantity of products will not be large, it will allow us to establish ourselves in the market before moving to another production scale.

When the decision is made to organize mass production of products, start-up investment can cost at least 1,000,000 rubles. Such equipment can only be purchased from abroad, so the most affordable is the Chinese version. If you purchase installations from Europe, the cost will increase approximately 1.5 times.

A typical Chinese production line includes the following equipment:

  • several settings for cutting parts;
  • dryer (dehydrator);
  • 2-3 machines for assembly.

You can get by with cheaper means by purchasing necessary tools For manual processing. But this will affect the speed of production and complicate the work of employees.


If you make the decor with your own hands and do not count on large profits, then you can carry out all the activities yourself or use the help of loved ones. Developing layouts, purchasing materials, manufacturing products, selling them and advertising your small business - all this will be done by one person.

As the scale of the business increases, the required number of personnel will also increase. If we are talking about large-scale production, then the skills of a designer, sales manager, machine operators, and craftsmen who directly create products will be required.


At the very beginning of your activity, when unique products are created, you can use a standard set of methods for promoting hand made products. It usually includes an advertising page on the Internet or your own website, business cards and “ word of mouth" Participation in various fairs and events where products are presented can also help. self made.

If the production cycle, although small, is carried out at a steady pace, then you can take your products to stores that sell artificial flowers. Against the background of similar pressed products, your work will stand out in terms of originality and exclusivity.

In the presence of financial resources You can rent a kiosk at the market, an isle in a supermarket, or another point of sale of your own products. Alternatively, you can collaborate with colleagues in the hand made business and present several types of products from different authors on this trading floor. This will expand the range and save financial expenses on the premises.

If your business has grown to stream production, then its marketing part can safely focus on wholesale supplies, making offers directly to various stores and interested organizations.

Important! Artificial flowers have various areas applications, therefore, promotion of your product must be carried out in accordance with the type of product. If pressing equipment is used and plastic products are mass-stamped, which are only suitable for wreaths, then it is reasonable to contact funeral service agencies directly with a proposal for cooperation.

Basic expenses and profit

If the creation of artificial flowers is chosen as a business idea, then the main groups of expenses are distinguished:

  • tools and equipment;
  • materials and workpieces used;
  • marketing expenses.

When it comes to large-scale production, costs increase significantly, especially those associated with the purchase of equipment and hiring personnel. You will also probably need to rent a separate room.

Selling artificial flowers, especially if it is not a professionally implemented mass business, is a very delicate matter that does not allow us to name any specific numbers arrived.

There are several factors influencing this indicator:

  • product range, its variety and quantity;
  • stability of sales channels;
  • ratio of price and quality of goods.

In addition to creativity and the ability to create beautiful flowers, you also need good selling skills. A considerable amount can be used to promote the author and establish sales channels.

Attention! Speaking about flow production, we can roughly focus on calculations that the industrial production of such products will bring in up to several hundred thousand rubles per month. A small workshop with manual assembly will provide 30-50 thousand rubles monthly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the scale of production, the type of products manufactured and the format of doing business, factors that can be attributed to advantages or disadvantages will vary.

Creating artificial flowers is a creative activity that requires a special attitude and love for art. This is the only way to create truly unique and stunning handmade products that will not only please the audience, but will also become in demand on the market. So it turns out that the opportunity to realize your artistic, creative potential- for some, this is a real advantage, but for others, what will be more important is the profit it will bring.

Notable disadvantages include the following:

  • painstaking labor, long-term creation of a product with completely manual work;
  • difficulty in establishing sales markets;
  • “floating” demand for goods;
  • relatively small income.

But if sufficient customer base, there are stable sales channels, some kind of accelerated production of products has been established, then such a business can be very successful.

Attention! Artificial flowers, which are originally implemented with the closest approximation to real ones, will allow you to stand out from the background of the same type of “factory” products of competitors. This will be an important key to success, including in establishing client contacts.

Artificial flowers, although they are less popular than real ones, still have found an industry of their application. They have many advantages over natural ones.
Firstly, it is worth noting their durability and high resistance to negative external factors.

Secondly, if flowers are made from really high-quality materials, they are completely indistinguishable from natural ones. It is also worth noting the huge assortment, variety of products and wide range of applications. The price is also much lower compared to live analogues. Therefore, whole flower arrangements are used mainly for decorating interiors and when organizing various festive events.

If you have an idea to consider the production and sale of artificial flowers as a business, then you are on the right way. But, in addition to organizing the plan and calculating all investments, it is worth clearly assessing one global competitor. This is a product Chinese manufacturer. Now, this is one of the biggest competitors, which is not easy to get around. Therefore, it is worth considering a strategy for creating flowers High Quality and with excellent aesthetic qualities. So that the higher cost of products is explained by reliability and beauty.

Room for making artificial flowers.

It is best to rent a room in the production area. The area must be at least 150 m2 to fully accommodate all bulky equipment. Organize correctly for each employee workplace and clearly separate all necessary work areas. This is, directly, a production zone, warehouses, and an administrative zone. There are no special requirements for the premises.

It is worth considering the possibility of artificial and natural lighting in the building, the presence of good ventilation of the room, and also the need for water supply and heating in the cold season. The room must be clean, dry, walls and floors must be cleaned regularly. In total, you need to pay about $600 to rent such a room.


To make artificial flowers, you need to buy a production line, most often it comes from an Asian manufacturer:

1. Installation for bleaching stems - $3.5 thousand;

2. Installations for forming and cutting leaves (at least two units are required for work) - $8 thousand;

3. Dehydrator - $1.2 thousand;

4. Forming machines (at least three units) - $4 thousand.

New equipment will cost no less than $15.5 thousand.

The productivity of the equipment is quite high and allows the production of at least 500 stems and 2 thousand leaves per eight-hour shift. It is also worth noting the high dimensions of such a production line. This explains the need to rent large production areas.

Raw materials.

It is necessary to make leaves and petals as realistically as possible original version. Most often, textiles are used, which are impregnated with a special composition. This will help maintain the shape of the products and prevent the edges from fraying. Petals and leaves are cut out from the resulting fabric using a special machine.

Next, wire, papier-mâché, tin, plastic and various decorative elements in the form of beads, sparkles and more are used to form the base. Also, before you begin collecting and shaping the product, special paints are needed. In total, about $2.5 thousand should be allocated from the budget for the purchase of necessary raw materials.


To maintain the production line, a staff of 25-30 people is required. The workforce will consist of general workers, production line operators, designers, an accountant and a sales manager. Although, the role of the latter can be played independently, especially in the first stages of business development.

The designer will play one of the most important roles in the enterprise. These are simple designers, namely specialists in the field of botany and floristry. They must know their business very well. After all, before creating any artificial flower, you must carefully study the natural original. To do this, fresh flowers are disassembled into stems and stamens. And then they design patterns for each individual element of the flower and begin making it.

Finding specialists in this field is difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to look for personnel not on public sites, but on individual forums and communities. The remuneration of such a specialized specialist can reach $1 thousand per month. In total, at least $7 thousand per month should be allocated for the salary of the staff of a production company.

It is also worth promoting your own products. To do this, you can use external advertising services, you can also print publications in newspapers and magazines about design, interior design or decoration of various special events. It is also worth organizing cold calls and meetings with clients.

A well-designed website on the Internet will also bring its share of customers. They need to be practiced on a regular basis and brought to the top 10. You can also advertise your products on television. It is worth taking part in exhibitions and fairs. An amount of $300 must be allocated for advertising. More is possible if you want to do it marketing strategy. And to advertise a product of this type, in fact, you can use all existing promotion tools.

Basic costs.

For implementation own business For the production and sale of artificial flowers, it is necessary to take into account the following points of waste:

1. Rental of premises - $600;

2. Equipment - $15.5 thousand;

3. Staff - $7 thousand;

As you can see, even such a seemingly simple production as the production of artificial flowers entails expenses in the amount of $26 thousand. In fact, such expenses are minimal and they are necessary in order to offer consumers truly high-quality products and beat Asian competitors.

Profit and profitability.

Profitability of this business can reach 100% or more. Profit like this manufacturing enterprise maybe in the amount of $5 thousand. This amount already takes into account all current costs.

Working in this mode and without interruption, you can expect a payback of 6 months. It is also worth noting that industrial turnover will need to be increased during the season (for example, on the eve of a major holiday like Easter). During this period, there will remain high demand for products and profits will also increase significantly.

Clients and development.

The clients of the business will be the market, wholesale bases, supermarkets, interior stores, as well as the designers themselves. You can develop your business by offering consumers a wide range of products. You can also focus on accessories for artificial flowers, namely ribbons, bows, vases, baskets, or more. You can also make artificial flowers to order when using manual labor. The cost of such products will become much more expensive.

The idea of ​​starting your own business has probably occurred to every person. And the flower trade is considered a relatively profitable business, because it’s hard to imagine the holidays without them. What is selling flowers? A business plan must take into account even the smallest details. So how to start trading and make it profitable?

Selling flowers: business plan

Of course, first you need to sort out some little things. In particular, you need to draw up an accurate and detailed business plan:

  • Research the sales market.
  • Choose a place to purchase goods.
  • Complete the necessary documents.
  • Find a place to rent.
  • Purchase necessary equipment and goods.
  • Hire staff.
  • Calculate the amount of starting capital.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign.

If you are interested in how to start selling flowers, then you should know that when creating any business, every little detail is important. This is the only way to make it truly profitable.

What documents are needed to trade plants?

It should be noted right away that a license to sell flowers is not required. Therefore, you just need to register either an LLC or an individual entrepreneur with the tax service. Individual entrepreneurship suitable for you if you intend to work exclusively with individuals. This option has some advantages, in particular a simplified system accounting, as well as lower taxes.

If you are not the sole owner of a store and plan to expand your business and cooperate with different companies, it is better to register a Limited Liability Company.

Where to rent a room?

If you are planning to start a flower selling business, you should know that the location of your store is extremely important. Therefore, it is best to rent a room somewhere in a busy place, for example, in the central part of the city, in a tourist area, in mall etc.

Naturally, premises in a busy area will cost more. But a favorable location largely determines the success of trade.

After all, quite often people buy flowers impulsively, without planning it in advance. Therefore, it is important that your store is on the path of a person who is going to buy a beautiful bouquet.

As for the store itself, it is desirable that it be spacious. Then buyers will not have to crowd into a tiny room.

Try to arrange the flowers so that they are visible from anywhere in the store - this way the client will have the opportunity to independently choose the best plants.

What equipment do you need to get started?

As already mentioned, flowers are a product that quickly deteriorates. Therefore, you need to raise money in advance for the necessary equipment. After all, without it, selling flowers is simply impossible. The business plan should include the purchase of the following materials:

  • To begin with, you will need a refrigerator, since in the hot season it is important to keep the flowers fresh.
  • But in the winter months, the main threat to the product is cold. Therefore, you need to purchase a special thermal curtain.
  • A store full of flowers must have an air conditioning system, which will help create optimal temperature conditions at any time of the year.
  • Don’t forget about stands, tables for florists and other furniture necessary for creating bouquets of furniture.
  • Most likely, in addition to fresh-cut flowers, you will sell some other products - these will also require furniture, such as racks and shelves.
  • To preserve flowers, buckets, vases, sprayers and some other devices are needed.
  • By the way, make sure there is enough water in the store.
  • You will also need cash machine. By the way, as the business develops, when regular customers will be more and more, you will probably need a computer and special software. They will facilitate the process of tracking sales, and also simplify the work of the accountant.

This is a list of basic purchases. You can buy the rest of the things you need for work after the store opens.

Basic consumables: what to buy?

Naturally, the main thing in your business is fresh, fresh-cut flowers. Today, their market in our country is sufficiently developed; only 45% of products come to us from abroad. You just need to find a company that grows or delivers flowers and draw up an agreement with it. By the way, many organizations use a flower franchise.

Many novice businessmen ask what plants to buy. According to statistical studies, roses are the most popular.

Chrysanthemums take second place, and carnations take third place. Therefore, these flowers must be present in your store’s assortment.

Naturally, you can purchase almost any plants that are useful for creating bouquets. And don’t forget about the so-called seasonal ones - for several weeks (or even days) a year, snowdrops, anemones and tulips become especially popular.

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable business. But in order to increase your income, you should think about creating compositions. For this purpose, it is best to hire an experienced, talented florist. He will create original bouquets from ordinary flowers - compositions are usually more expensive. In this case, you will need some materials: gift wrapping, paper, ribbons, bows, rhinestones and other decorations.

By the way, selling flowers in pots is interesting and profitable idea. Such plants are more expensive, but with proper care they can be preserved for months. In addition, indoor flowers are popular gifts because, unlike cut flowers, they do not fade.

We hire workers

A flower selling business can become truly successful, but only with the right approach. It's no secret that the effectiveness of trading largely depends on the quality of service. Therefore, when interviewing future employees, first of all pay attention to such qualities as communication skills and politeness.

To begin with, you will need a seller, and a little later, a florist. If you cannot do accounting, you will have to hire someone for this position (perhaps on a part-time basis). Additional staff may be needed when expanding a business such as selling flowers. The business plan in this case has its own characteristics.

About some nuances

As already mentioned, the sale of plants is often seasonal. Naturally, people buy bouquets every day, but there are times when flowers are in great demand.

This is mainly observed in special and holidays, for example, the first and last call, prom, March 8 (don't forget to buy tulips, snowdrops and other spring flowers), as well as Valentine's Day, etc.

Always be prepared for such holidays, buy more flowers, create inexpensive bouquets in advance, and offer discounts. In short, do everything to attract customers.

Weddings are another source of good income. Let your florist create bouquets for the bride. Boutonnieres for the groom and bridesmaids made from fresh flowers are becoming increasingly popular - offer this service too.

Ideas for additional income

Selling cut flowers and original bouquets is a profitable business. But business, and therefore profits, can always be raised to a new level. For example, over time you can create a flower delivery service. This service is very popular among people who do not have time to go shopping, as well as among buyers who want to surprise a loved one.

Along with indoor plants, you can always sell pots, fertilizers and other small items. Quite often, flower shops offer customers souvenirs. These can be figurines, boxes, photo frames, paintings, watches, artificial flowers and other gifts.

Selling flowers: advantages and disadvantages

When you start a new business, it's always a little scary. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is profitable to sell flowers. Yes, there are a number of significant disadvantages in this matter. To begin with, it should be noted that flowers are a product that deteriorates relatively quickly, so if the trade is not very successful, losses can be quite high. And also flower business is seasonal.

On the other hand, there are also important advantages. In particular, some stores sell flowers with a markup of 200 or even 300%. In addition, such a business does not require large start-up capital, any specific skills or extensive experience. With the right approach, selling flowers can become a truly profitable business.

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