Permits for the production of polypropylene bags. All about the production of polypropylene bags

Business 18.06.2020

In the modern market, where demand gives rise to offers, inexpensive, durable and sealed packaging - polypropylene bags - has become in great demand. The business of manufacturing these products is profitable, so the costs of opening it, including the arrangement of the premises and the purchase of equipment for the production of polypropylene bags, can quickly pay off. This is due to the popularity of this type of packaging in various household and industrial sectors.

Reasons for the increased demand for polypropylene packaging

Polypropylene bags are a convenient and practical container for any bulk materials. Building mixtures, animal feed, fertilizers, food products, cereals - this is not a complete list of goods, for the transportation and storage of which these products will become irreplaceable. Their main advantages are:

  • durability - reusable;
  • impermeability to moisture - availability of use in warehouses and basements;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • compactness - when empty, it is very light, practically does not take up space;
  • resistance to climatic changes - with fluctuations in ambient temperature, they do not lose their qualities.

But the main advantage of PP bags is affordability. Their price compares favorably with the cost of other types of packaging, and their versatility in use finally pulls the arrow of the scales to its side.

Raw materials for production

The basis of the material is granular polypropylene, which can be of primary or secondary origin, which affects the quality of the product. By recyclable materials, we mean polypropylene that was previously used in other products and has already been processed. During the production of polypropylene bags, granules are mixed with other components that give the material strength and elasticity.

Depending on the feedstock, the following types of products can be produced:

  • from primary material - white bags, characterized by high performance and durability;
  • from secondary polypropylene with the addition of primary - gray products, which are less durable;
  • only from secondary raw materials - PP bags of green color, inferior in quality to the top positions, used for transporting waste.

Prices for products vary depending on the raw materials used in the manufacture.

Technological processes in the production of polypropylene bags

The release of finished products is preceded by several stages, which individually are not particularly difficult, but together they constitute a production process, where each procedure affects the final result:

PP bag table

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • drawing of a flat thread;
  • production of woven sleeves;
  • cutting blanks;
  • roll-up and stitching;
  • packing of goods.

A separate stage in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is the application of a pattern with a logo and name on a flexographic machine.

Preparation of raw materials

In the drying machine, polypropylene granules are mixed with other fillers, among which the chemical compound of calcium and carbonic acid salt (CaCO 3 - calcium carbonate) occupies an important place. This component acts as a colorant and at the same time gives the material the necessary rigidity.

After that, the mixture is sent to the hopper, and then to a special machine for plasticization (softening) - an extruder.

Extruder EPK 45 × 30

Getting a flat thread

In the extruder, the mass is heated, and under the action of the press it is pushed out through the extrusion head, which is a profiling tool. It gives the material a flat cross-section. The resulting film is cooled, expanded into strips, which are hardened and drawn into flat threads of the required width.

Winding machine

Making a woven sleeve

Polypropylene fabric in the form of a sleeve is obtained by weaving threads on a machine. Its parameters (thread tension, warp feed, width) are set depending on the desired result. The product is produced as a continuous sheet, which is wound on bobbins. They are obtained with a large diameter and for their movement to the place of further processing, it is necessary to use special equipment. To simplify the task, it is possible to wind the sleeve in close proximity to the next production line.

Cutting blanks, rolling and stitching

The next procedure in the manufacture of polypropylene bags is to give the product a form corresponding to its purpose. To do this, the PP sleeve is rolled out on a special line, where it is cut into pieces of equal length (blanks) by means of a thermal knife. The cut can be straight or curly, resembling a zigzag. Subsequently, the bottom of the bag is formed on the blanks by twisting and stitching. For sewing, a strong nylon thread is used.

The products are stacked automatically in several hundred pieces. Each pack is tied with twine and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment used in production

In addition to the above machines for drying raw materials and winding coils, a lot of special equipment for the production of bags will be needed in the technological process:

  • a feeding unit that automates the supply of the raw mixture from the bunker;
  • extruder, playing a major role in the production of flat filament;
  • a weaving machine that turns a polypropylene thread into a sleeve from a fabric with the desired weaving density;
  • line with a device for hot cutting of blanks and sewing machines;
  • flexographic printing machine.

Units for the production of polypropylene bags

Among the additional equipment will be required starting electrical devices, lighting devices, automation, control and protection. In the process of development of production, there will be a need to purchase other units, but at the initial stage the listed machines will be enough.

Features of the choice of premises for production

The activity of the enterprise provides for the presence of industrial noise from operating equipment, as well as active traffic (delivery of raw materials, removal of finished products, waste disposal). Therefore, one of the requirements for the premises for the workshop is a sufficient distance from the residential area.

The rest of the requirements are explained by the specifics of the production of polypropylene bags.

The working area should provide a free location for industrial equipment while maintaining space for the safe movement of people.

Machines and mechanisms are powered by electricity, so the room must provide for the supply of electricity in the required volumes (cable cross-section, power of the distribution substation).

The service personnel must have utilities (heating, water supply, sewerage) and a ventilation system.

Vehicles need parking and maintenance: a garage must be available for this purpose.

The development of an enterprise largely depends on high-quality planning, accounting and analysis of costs and profits, work with customers and partners, and other administrative activities. Therefore, when choosing a building, you need to pay attention to the availability of premises for an office.

The production of polypropylene bags is organized on modern compact technological lines. The relevance of opening such a business is confirmed by the wide demand for finished products. Food and non-food bulk materials, construction and household waste require inexpensive, durable packaging for transportation and storage. Polypropylene containers do an excellent job with such tasks, and the costs of creating such a production are quickly recouped.

The relevance of the production of polypropylene bags

Polypropylene bags are strong industrial packaging. It is characterized by resistance to abrasion, reusability, water resistance, versatility and low cost. Differs in the type of feedstock:

  • White bags made from virgin polypropylene. Used for transportation and storage of bulk food products: sugar, flour, salt, starch;
  • Grayproduced from secondary raw materials with the addition of primary polypropylene. Less durable than white, suitable for transporting and storing building materials and waste, pellets, fertilizers and chemicals;
  • Green produced entirely from recycled materials. Slightly inferior to gray in strength. Used for the disposal of construction waste.

Industrial activity related to the production of pp bags is in great demand. The wide possibilities of such packaging and the low price allow it to be in high demand among construction companies, agricultural firms, representatives of the food and chemical industries.

Business strategy

Before organizing industrial production: renting premises, purchasing equipment, hiring workers, even at the stage of developing a business plan, it is worth analyzing the ways of selling finished products. Main consumers of products:

  • Construction companies;
  • Industrial enterprises;
  • Retail stores and wholesalers;
  • Agricultural producers;
  • Farms;
  • Warehouse complexes;
  • Online stores;
  • Country cooperatives;
  • Private entrepreneurs.

Any production is not complete without defects. There are special devices for processing waste and products that have worked out their life. The purchase of a crusher for plastic recycling and a granulator will help organize the process of recycling polypropylene. Recycling - an important component of the environmental program for the disposal of industrial waste.

Business organization

Since the manufacture of PP containers is associated with the processing of polymer raw materials, the location of the production workshop should be located far from residential buildings. The best option when creating a plant is to rent a suburban space with the possibility of its subsequent redemption into ownership.

When organizing production, the mandatory technical requirements for equipping a workshop are:

  • A good ventilation system;
  • Necessary communications (water, heat and electricity, sewerage);
  • Cleaning air filters.

The amount of space required depends on the size of the purchased equipment. On average, a processing line is 50 m². It is necessary to provide storage facilities, rooms for staff, a garage, if delivery of finished products is planned.

A large selection of machines for the production of polypropylene bags, machines and apparatus is presented on the domestic market. You can choose those that are suitable in terms of power and price. The system of equipment leasing with subsequent purchase has proved to be good. The price of a fully equipped line with a capacity of about 4,000 items per shift will be at least 3,500,000 rubles.

To maintain a high-quality, automated line for the production of polypropylene bags, at least six people are needed, three people in two shifts, with a salary of 25,000 rubles per month.

The approximate amount of capital investments is as follows:

  • Equipment cost - 3,500,000 rubles;
  • Delivery and installation of the technological line - 350,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of pellets - 320,000 rubles;
  • Registration with the tax office, payment of monthly rent, overhead costs - 280,000 rubles;
  • Total - 4,450,000 rubles.

If you plan to organize a garage, you need to add at least 1,500,000 rubles to this amount.

The amount of fixed monthly costs consists of:

  • The salary of six employees is 150,000 rubles.
  • Social payments to the wage fund - 45,000 rubles.
  • The cost of renting a workshop is 110,000 rubles.
  • Administrative payments - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.
  • Total - 465,000 rubles.

Technological stages

The main stages of production:

  1. Mixing and drying of raw materials. Primary and secondary polypropylene granules are mixed with dyes and necessary additives. Calcium carbonate is often used. It gives the packaging a white color and the required rigidity. The finished mixture is fed into a flat slotted polypropylene extruder and heated to 260 ° C.
  2. Production and winding of flat thread. The heated mixture passes through the nozzle in the form of a thin film. After cooling, it is cut into flat threads of the required thickness, tempered, stretched and wound onto spools.
  3. Fabric production.The circular loom is adjusted to the required parameters: the density of the weave of the threads and the width are set. The resulting polypropylene bag is wound onto large bobbins.
  4. Cutting. The finished polypropylene sheet is cut into blanks by hot cutting. The trim line can be straight or wavy.
  5. Final product manufacturing... A special apparatus, from the bottom side, folds the polypropylene fabric for bags the required number of times and stitches it with a strong synthetic thread. The neck is left untreated or stitched. In some cases, polyethylene liners are sewn to the bottom.
  6. Logo laying on. The flexographic press applies a polychrome or black and white logo to the finished product.
  7. Packaging.Finished products are placed in packs of 500 or 1000 pieces, pressed, tied with twine and stored.

Video: "Cutting and hemming of bags"

Necessary equipment for the production (manufacturing) of polypropylene bags

Standard the production line consists of:

  • Machines for drying and mixing of mixture components;
  • Feeding device;
  • Extruder for the production of polypropylene filaments complete with a winding device;
  • Weaving machine;
  • Thermal knife for cutting blanks;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Flexo printing machine for applying a logo.

Optionally, you can use the machine for laminating bags on one or two sides. There is an industrial machine with simultaneous lamination and multi-color printing on film.

For the disposal of defective products, purchase:

  • Crusher for crushing possible rejects and production waste;
  • Granulator. Converts crushed material into granules for recycling.

In order to avoid problems with service, it is preferable to seek local suppliers.

Video: "Making a polypropylene sleeve for bags"

Video: "Printing on a Flexographic Machine"

The payback period is calculated as the ratio of the amount of capital investment to the amount of monthly net profit: 4,450,000 / 255,000 \u003d 17.5. Thus, the company will be able to recoup the costs of organizing the production of PP packaging in about a year and a half.

The opening of a mini-plant for the production of polypropylene bags is seen as a profitable investment. Given the wide range of applications, the products of such a plant are in high demand and are quickly sold. Finished products do not require special storage conditions and are not limited by the shelf life.

A business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. A small company can open an individual entrepreneur to simplify the work with accounting and taxes. Needed oKVED codes: 20.16 - “Production of plastics and synthetic resins in primary forms”, 22.22 - “Production of plastic products for packaging goods”.


Enterprise at a distance at least 60 meters from residential buildings.

Mini plant for the production of polypropylene bags takes a minimum 150 sq. m... This area must be divided into zones: industrial (70 sq. M.), Warehouse of raw materials (30 sq. M.), Warehouse of manufactured goods (30 sq. M.), Bathroom and administrative premises (20 sq. M.).

Before opening a factory, you should make sure that the selected room meets the following requirements:

  • Ceiling height from three meters;
  • Availability of ventilation, power supply 380 V, water supply, heating system, sewerage;
  • The presence of air filters;
  • The walls and floor of the production hall are finished with tiles (ceramic).

The building is best rented on the outskirts of the cityto avoid problems with the delivery of consumables and the export of the finished product. The rent will cost approximately $ 1100 per month. The repair and connection of communications will require approximately $ 2000.

Polypropylene bags production technology

The production process includes several steps:

  1. Raw materials (polypropylene in granules) are dried and mixed in a special machine with dyes and other additives. The main additive is calcium carbonate, thanks to which the bags acquire the required density and stiffness. If the bags are white, calcium carbonate is perfect for this;
  2. The resulting mixture enters the extruder, where it turns into a homogeneous hot mass;
  3. The hot mass is passed through the hole of the extruder head, then it is cooled, and as a result we get a thin film;
  4. The film is cut into threads of a given thickness, they are pulled out and carefully wound onto bobbins;
  5. Then the fabric part is made. The resulting threads go to the loom, where they are connected into a sleeve of a given size (the width of the bag depends on this). Then the product is wound on bobbins;
  6. Using a thermal knife or a semiautomatic machine, the sleeve is cut into blanks of a certain size, from which bags are sewn;
  7. Branding, application of logos and inscriptions is done before the final product is sewn. At this stage, black and white or color printing on blanks occurs;
  8. Sewing is carried out on special sewing machines: the bottom is sewn up, the neck is processed. To increase the density, you can insert a polyethylene layer inside the product, sewing it to the neck;
  9. Packaging. The finished product is packed in bags of 100, 500 or 1000 pieces. A big plus of these products is that they do not require special storage conditions and can lie in the warehouse for quite a long time.

They are good for flour, sugar, construction waste, sand, cement, various feeds, grains and cereals, fertilizers, etc. Therefore, the product is popular and versatile. It is designed for a weight of 5, 10, 20, 50 kg or more.

Equipment for the production of polypropylene bags

The industrial line includes the following machines:

  • Machine for preparing a mixture of raw materials;
  • A device that feeds the mixture to the extruder;
  • Extruder and filament winding machine;
  • Loom;
  • Slicing machine or thermal knife;
  • Special sewing machine;
  • Machine for printing pictures and inscriptions. Optionally, it is possible to add a lamination machine;
  • Packing machine or semiautomatic device;
  • You will need a crusher and granulator to dispose and recycle defective bags. The resulting granules are reused.

Buy separately each machine for the production of polypropylene bags makes no sense, it is better to purchase a ready-made industrial line.

In Russia, manufacturers such as Aleko and AsiaTechnoImport are known (importer of equipment from China). Among Asian companies, inexpensive lines are offered by HAO YU Precision Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), "Mitra Trading" (China). High-end Japanese equipment costs from 15 thousand dollars. Chinese can be purchased for $ 4500-5000. Its average productivity is 250,000 items per month.

Raw materials for the production of polypropylene bags

The main material is primary or secondary polypropylene. Secondary is recycled polymer products; it is sold in granules and is cheaper than primary. A month for the manufacture of 250 thousand units, about 20 tons of consumables will be needed.

With a wholesale cost of a kilogram of $ 0.5-0.6 per month, you will have to spend about $ 10,500 on the purchase of pellets.


In two shifts, the plant requires 8 people: four workers (equipment operators), a manager, a manager for receiving raw materials and shipment of finished goods, a cleaner, an accountant. That's roughly $ 4,000 in payroll per month.

Cost and profit

To create a full-fledged mini-plant, you need the following investments:

  1. Registration - 70 $;
  2. Lease of production space for three months in advance, repair - $ 5300;
  3. Line for the production of polypropylene bags, purchase and installation - $ 5500;
  4. Purchase of consumables for two months - $ 21,000.

Opening investment - in the region of 32 thousand dollars. Fixed costs: rent, wages, utilities and purchase of consumables (16 thousand dollars monthly).

Unit wholesale price - $ 0.1-0.15. A package with a thousand units will cost $ 100. Therefore, the monthly revenue will be 25 thousand dollars, and the net profit will be 9 thousand.

Products should be offered to wholesale trading companies, construction and industrial companies, warehouse complexes, farms.

Based on the above calculations, the production of polypropylene bags, even on a small scale, requires considerable investment, but pays off very quickly. Within six months, the enterprise will begin to bring the owner a high stable income.

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Considering such wide possibilities of use, bags of this type are in great demand on the market and are sold quite quickly. Finished products do not require special storage conditions, have no expiration dates, and take up little space during transportation.

Polypropylene bags (PP) are a durable type of industrial packaging that is made from polypropylene threads woven into bags. PP bags are very durable, widely used for packaging and transportation of bulk materials of industrial type and building materials, the agricultural sector and the food industry.

Depending on the type of canvas, the bags can be used for cereals, sugar, flour, grain, compound feed, mineral fertilizers, expanded clay, cement, etc.

Sales of finished products

The target consumers of PP bags are:

  • construction companies;
  • agricultural producers;
  • industrial companies and enterprises with warehouse complexes;
  • wholesale and retail trade enterprises;
  • households.

The sale of finished products can be carried out through the following main distribution channels:

  • through and agricultural shops (wholesale construction bases);
  • by promoting products to end consumers through the media - print advertising on stands in gardening and dacha cooperatives, print ads) and using interactive media - creeping line on electronic displays, advertising on monitors and light boxes.

Production technology

The following main stages of manufacturing can be distinguished:

  1. mixing and drying of raw materials;
  2. production and winding of threads;
  3. obtaining a woven fabric;
  4. cutting the canvas into bags;
  5. logo laying on;
  6. sewing a finished bag;
  7. packaging.

Required equipment

Let's consider a complete set of a production site using an example.

This line is designed to produce 1.5 million pieces of bags per year, the equipment is characterized by a high degree of automation, most of the components and assemblies responsible for controlling the line are made in Japan.

The total cost of completing this technological line is 3 696 139 rub.

Feasibility study

Capital investment

  • Purchase of a line: 3 696 139 rubles.
  • Delivery of equipment, adjustment: 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials in granules: 300,000 rubles.
  • Registration with the INFS, payment of rent for one month. Other expenses: 200,000 rubles.

The total size of the initial investment in the business for the production of polypropylene bags is 4 496 139 rubles.

Revenue calculation

Cost calculation

The average bag weight is 70g.
14 bags are made from 1 kg of granules (-2% technological losses).

The cost of making one bag:

General expenses.

  • Salary (6 people, with two shift work, 3 people per shift) - 108 thousand rubles.
  • Social deductions from the wages fund - 32 thousand rubles.
  • Premises rental - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Administrative expenses - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Total fixed costs: 390 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation

Profit \u003d RUB 998,400 - 359,424 rubles. - 390,000 rubles. \u003d 248 976 rubles.

Return on investment (Capital cost / Profit): 18 months.

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