Specialty archeology. Profession - archaeologist

Opening 12.01.2020

From the Greek. archaios is ancient and logos is teaching. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in history, world art culture, foreign languages \u200b\u200band social studies (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Archaeologistis a historian who studies the life and culture of ancient people from various artifacts.

Archeology is an applied part of history, along with source studies.

Features of the profession

Artifact in archeology (from lat. artefactum - artificially made) is an object created or processed by a person. Artifacts are also called tangible sources... These include buildings, tools, household utensils, decorations, weapons, coals of an ancient fire, bones with traces of human impact, and other evidence human activity... If the artifacts have letters, they are named written sources.

Material sources (as opposed to written ones) are silent. They do not contain references to historical events, and many were created long before the advent of writing. By itself, a shard of a jug or a knife handle says little about it. They cannot be considered out of context, i.e. in isolation of place, setting, depth, objects found in the neighborhood, etc. An archaeologist searches for evidence of the past, and then examines them in the laboratory, classifies, restores, if necessary, etc.

Archeology uses data and methods from other disciplines: humanitarian (ethnography, anthropology, linguistics) and natural (physics, chemistry, botany, geography, soil science). For example, in order to establish the time of creation or use of an object, they take into account the layer in which it lay (each layer of soil corresponds to a certain time period), use stratigraphic, comparative typological, radiocarbon, dendrochronological, and other methods.

An archaeologist has no right to fantasy. All his conclusions must be described on clear evidence.

Archaeologists usually specialize in specific regions and historical periods. For example, a scientist can become an expert on the Paleolithic era in Central Asia if he studies the sites of Stone Age people there year after year.

By search methods archeology can be divided into types:

Field - search for artifacts using excavations on land;

Underwater - search underwater;

Experimental - reconstruction of objects of the past (tools, weapons, etc.).

During field excavations, the archaeologist uses a pick and a shovel, a magnifying glass and a brush, a knife and a syringe. As well as a georadar, a theodolite - when planning excavations, a camera - to document their findings, and other technical capabilities.

To work underwater, you also need to be able to scuba dive and use underwater excavation equipment.

Even during the expedition, the archaeologist needs to describe each discovered item in as much detail as possible - this is important for further analysis. For the same purposes, you need to be able to sketch a find, photograph. And in some cases, right in the field, scientists carry out the primary restoration (conservation) of the artifact, because sunlight and fresh air can destroy an ornament that has lain in the earth for a thousand years. If it is not strengthened in time, it will crumble before reaching the laboratory.

In experimental archeology, an object is recreated using materials and technologies typical of the era under study. During the experiment, scientists are trying to repeat the way of life of ancient people. They master crafts and restore forgotten technologies. Recreating an unknown technology, the archaeologist relies on excavation data, builds hypotheses, conducts experiments. Engineering skills are indispensable here.

Only by vocation

The work of an archaeologist is not only intense intellectual work. It requires physical strength and asceticism. Male archaeologists are often bearded, because on expeditions - in the heat and dust, far from civilization - it is not recommended to shave.

But for a true archaeologist, archaeological finds are a source of very strong emotions.

Archaeologist Natalia Viktorovna Polosmak talks about his first archaeological experience:

“When I picked up my first little finds /… / I saw that the mysterious world of the past exists and lives by its own laws very close by, literally under our feet. And if the era of great geographical discoveries is already behind us, then great historical discoveries are still waiting for us, because the Earth has preserved everything that man has left on it from century to century ”. (N.V. Polosmak - Doctor of Historical Sciences, specialist in archeology and ancient history Siberia. She participated in archaeological expeditions as a schoolgirl.)

According to archaeologist Sergei Vasilievich Beletsky, finds are often perceived as living: "That is, when you realize that this thing was kept before you for 100, 300, 500, 700 years, yes, this is serious." (SV Beletsky - Doctor of Historical Sciences. The main circle of scientific interests - archeology of Pskov.)


An archaeologist can work in research institutes (for example, at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences), as well as teach in universities. His academic career, like that of other scientists, is expressed primarily in scientific discoveries, written works and academic titles.

Important qualities

In addition to being interested in past events, the archaeologist needs analytical, deductive skills. To get a single picture, you have to compare a lot of scattered data provided by excavations, laboratory studies, and the works of colleagues. It doesn't matter where the excavation takes place - under water or on land. In any case, this requires good physical endurance, keen eyesight.

Knowledge and skills

Historical knowledge is necessary, especially important is knowledge of the era under study, knowledge in related areas: scientific restoration, paleosoil science, paleogeography, etc.

It is often necessary to study disciplines that are not directly related to archeology: anthropology, ethnography, heraldry, numismatics, textual studies, heraldry, physics, chemistry, statistics.

In addition, you must have the skills of a surveyor, topographer. And when working in the mountains or under water - the skills of a climber or diver. To do this, you have to undergo special training.

Hello dear readers! In this article I will tell you how to become an archaeologist, consider the merits of the profession and pay attention to the history of the emergence of archeology.

Archeology is not just a science, it is the key to the past of humanity, which opens the door to the future. It is not surprising that many people strive to get an education and work in this field.

Agree, archeology is an exciting and interesting profession. True, not everyone is destined to become a true archaeologist. In addition to secrets and romance, the titanic scientific work.

Archeology is a historical discipline that studies the past based on material sources. This includes tools of production and material goodsthat are created with their help: buildings, objects of art and everyday life.

The birthplace of archeology is Ancient Greece. The inhabitants of the state were the first to study history. As for Russia, science began to spread here at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Let's talk about the qualities that a person who decides to become an archaeologist must possess.

  1. Patience, creativity and an analytical mind ... If you decide to master the profession, you should understand that the work will be accompanied by constant business trips, processing documentation, systematization and analysis of information.
  2. Sociability ... A person eager to become an archaeologist must be highly communicative. During work, you will have to exchange information with colleagues, take part in teamwork.
  3. Unpretentiousness in everyday life ... We often have to spend the night in tents in places far from civilization. It is useful to be able to give injections and provide first aid.
  4. Good memory ... Memory is considered a faithful assistant to the archaeologist.

An archaeologist is an excellent profession that allows you to get in touch with the secrets of the past. It offers interesting expeditions, excavations of burial grounds and cities. If you're lucky, make a big discovery that will bring worldwide fame.

Step by step action plan

Archeology is a specialization obtained at the university in the last year of the history department.

  1. In order to successfully master the profession, first you will receive knowledge at school in chemistry, history, physics, geography.
  2. Acquire specialized knowledge in anthropology, geology, history of civilizations and culture.
  3. You can get a profession at the university. However, one should prepare from secondary specialized education. More specifically, you will have to go to college, choosing the specialty "History".
  4. After graduating from college, continue your studies at the university. Choose a specialty related to history.
  5. At the beginning of the training, become a member of a search party or a history club. This will allow you to take part in excavations and renovations.
  6. Attend student archaeological conferences and participate in international volunteer projects hosted by the Russian Geographical Society.

This article does not end there, and interesting information awaits ahead. If you really want to dig, read on.

Is it possible to become an archaeologist without education?

In this part of the article, we will figure out how to become an archaeologist without education and whether it is possible. Let's take a closer look at the profession, evaluate the merits and demerits, social significance.

You can get an archaeological diploma only after graduating from the Faculty of History. People who have higher education... Only after university can you expect a career in this field. We are talking about leadership positions and archaeological supervision. Therefore, it is impossible to become a professional archaeologist without education.

An archaeologist is a person who studies the life and culture of ancient civilizations from the remains of life that have survived to this day. The main work is reduced to excavations, during which he searches for sources of research.

Archeology is like detective work. It is a creative profession as it involves the use of abstract thinking and imagination. This is the only way to recreate the picture of the past.

Archaeologists work with particles of a large mosaic, and only by collecting it completely, it is possible to solve the riddle. In some cases, this can take years. However, uncovering the mystery of archaeological sites is worth it.

Benefits of archeology

  1. Social significance... Archeology is an important science that reveals the secrets of ancient civilizations, studying the culture of different eras.
  2. Often, while working, you have to cooperate with other scientific fields. Thanks to this, the analysis of objects is simplified, research methods are optimized.
  3. Conclusion - the work of archaeologists is in demand in the world, since many civilizations and peoples have not yet been fully studied.
  4. The work comes down to searching for ancient monuments and other historical sites. In some cases, they work in museums, where they monitor the safety of objects, acquaint visitors with exhibits, conduct excursions and organize interesting exhibitions.
  5. The activity involves excavation in a variety of climatic conditions. For this reason, each specialist must have excellent physical fitness, enviable endurance, good health and not suffer from allergies.
  6. Archaeological expeditions are lengthy. Therefore, the archaeologist needs to be balanced, calm and emotionally prepared.

Video information

We have created a big picture. As you can see, this profession is both interesting and challenging. As for the answer to the question, I will say one thing - you cannot become an archaeologist without education.

What is required

An archaeologist is a historian who studies the culture and life of people who lived on the planet in ancient times.

  1. Knowledge of the history of the era that he is exploring. Knowledge in areas related to archeology will also be required. We are talking about paleography, scientific restoration, historical chronology and geography.
  2. Disciplines that have little in common with archeology should be studied. The list of disciplines is presented by physics, textual studies, ethnography, statistics, anthropology and numismatics.
  3. We'll have to master the skills of a topographer and surveyor. If you intend to work in a mountainous area or underwater, diving and climbing skills will definitely come in handy.
  4. It is worth preparing not only for the constant tourism and work with a spatula and a brush. Archaeologists spend a lot of time in laboratories studying the finds.

It takes a lot of work to become a real archaeologist. And this is no accident. The main task is to create a picture of the past based on the found fragments. And the accuracy of the picture directly depends on the level of knowledge of the specialist.

Found a piece of dishes will not say anything. It has to be examined in laboratory conditions, classified, restored. Archaeologists don't fantasize. They confirm their conclusions with indisputable evidence.

Archaeologists in Russia

The profession is very interesting, but it requires broad knowledge in the field of history, deep study of auxiliary disciplines, excellent physical fitness.

How to become an archaeologist in Russia? The answer to the question awaits below. First, understand that you will have to work in difficult conditions. Before you go to university, make sure that there are no medical contraindications.

List of requirements for an archaeologist

  1. Health ... Make sure there are no medical conditions that would interfere with your profession. There should be no heart disease, hearing impairment, seizures and hypertension. A huge obstacle in achieving the goal is: hemorrhoids, skin diseases, diabetes, diseases of the digestive system, infectious diseases.
  2. Dependencies ... People suffering from alcohol and drug addiction are not destined to work as archaeologists. Strong drinks, cigarettes and drugs will have to be abandoned and carried on healthy image life.
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    Being engaged in archeology, you will visit different parts of the planet, see a lot of interesting things and get a lot of pleasant emotions. However, remember that work is also dangerous. If you don't like extreme, try to find yourself in another field of activity. Good luck!

Beginning: 20,000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 30 000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 40 000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is roughly based on vacancies on profiling sites. The salary in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

Demand for the profession

The profession is not particularly in demand, but this is offset by its unpopularity. If you want to become an archaeologist, you will find a job.

Who is the profession for?

For people who love this business. As such, it is difficult to name the qualities. So you either love to dig, explore and find "treasures" or not. You need to be inquisitive, not afraid of difficult conditions and the soul should lie.

Working conditions

As a rule, work on the road. However, it all depends on the chosen direction.


An archaeologist, if he does not change his occupation, will always be an archaeologist. True, you can become, for example, the leader of an expedition, starting with an ordinary archaeologist.


Conducting field archaeological research, preparing materials for historical and cultural examinations, writing reports.


  • Development of programs for archaeological research.
  • Development technical specifications co-executors.
  • Field research. Control over research carried out by co-executors.
  • Preparation of sections of reporting documentation regarding recommendations for the preservation of archaeological heritage sites (OAN).
  • Preparation of proposals for monitoring.
Rate the profession: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


What is a modern Russian archaeologist, where does he dig, what he finds and how he makes money. Olga Shcheglova, Senior Researcher of the Department of Slavic-Finnish Archeology of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IIMK), Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Archeology, St. Petersburg State University, and Sergey Beletsky, Leading Researcher of the Department of Slavic-Finnish Archeology, IHMK RAS , Doctor of Historical Sciences, who periodically argued with each other.

1. What is Archeology?

Archeology, experts carefully formulate, is a special discipline that studies the past, relying on material antiquities, the remnants of human activity. Anyone can stumble upon an archaeological site like the burial of Tutankhamun and even unearth it, but this will be neither research nor science. It takes special knowledge and effort to understand what we are dealing with.

From the middle of the nineteenth century, it was considered: the object of archeology can be anything that was created in the pre-Petrine era, and not later. This issue was the subject of a special discussion in the St. Petersburg Archaeological Society. It was then decided by voting to consider 1700 the end of ancient Russian archeology.

Many modern archaeologists now recognize this very date as the upper boundary of archaeological knowledge, forgetting that 1700 was only a century and a half behind the vote. And the middle of the 19th century is half a century from today.

“Now the beginning of the reign of Alexander II should be recognized as the upper limit of archeology,” says Sergei Beletsky. "Although, in my opinion, the interests of archeology should be extended to the antiquities of the 20th century."

Olga Shcheglova disagrees with this: archeology begins where we cease to understand the past. For example, the study of the graves of the Second World War is not a subject of archeology, because the identification of the dead and reburial with honors does not pose any scientific tasks.

“In one excavation site in Pskov, we examined the remains of a 17th century building, in which, according to old people, in the first post-war years contained persons arrested by the NKVD, - Beletsky, in turn, disagrees. “And in layers dating from the late 1940s, numerous scraps of barbed wire were found. Here is the archaeological confirmation of undocumented stories about the existence of a GULAG island in the city center. Why am I saying this? I am convinced that archaeologically it is necessary to study not only antiquities, but also the monuments of the new and recent history».

2. Are archaeological sensations possible in Russia?

Sure. Here's the most recent example. Doctor of Sciences Oleg Sharov in January-February 2016 found a settlement on Taman with a rather complex and deep drainage system of the 8th-7th centuries BC. e. This is real scientific discovery, because the settlement belonged to the archaeological culture that preceded Greek colonization in those parts. Earlier it was believed that the first colonists occupied empty lands in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Kuban.

3. Whose means are scientific archaeologists conducting excavations?

In recent decades, the IIMK RAS has not had the opportunity to build an independent policy in field research, unlike, for example, the Hermitage. Nevertheless, small research expeditions are funded by grants from scientific foundations, donations, targeted programs RAS Presidium. Grants are usually awarded to initiative projects of specific scientists.

“But this is not much money,” says Olga Shcheglova. - In addition, there are a number of stupid and humiliating restrictions on their use due to the fact that the institution - public sector entity... Today you can hire a colleague from a neighboring department to work on an expedition, tomorrow you can’t, yesterday you could buy equipment or conclude a contract for conducting geophysical research, but today you don’t, and so on. Many colleagues are involved in the commercial work of the Department of Conservation Archeology in order to earn money for their own field research: buy a small but sturdy expedition vehicle, buy tents. We are not the only ones doing this: the famous Gnezdovskaya archaeological expedition of Moscow State University is now conducting network crowdfunding - raising funds to buy a used device for modern topography. I am quietly glad that they managed to buy this equipment at St. Petersburg State University, but I save money for its verification and repair. "

4. What is commercial archeology?

“We honestly admit,” says Sergei Beletskiy, “a harmonious system of obtaining new knowledge is an ideal variant of scientific archeology. Nobody can afford such a program now. Now any search work is associated with economic activities... A gas pipeline or highway is being laid, a house with an underground garage is being designed, and a reservoir is planned. And all these works should be preceded by archaeological research in order to identify monuments in the space allocated for economic development, which are threatened with destruction. And dig them out. "

In post-Soviet Russia in the 1990s and early 2000s, many independent laboratories arose, and it seemed that they could compete with each other, like, for example, architectural workshops. Mostly professional archaeologists worked in them, and not very large orders came from the authorities for the protection of monuments for the examination of ancient settlements and burial grounds and the compilation of archaeological maps. Many of the laboratories that arose then continue to live to this day, having turned into ANO, NP. Those who stayed afloat learned how to participate in competitions and tenders.

On the other hand, security excavation departments developed and emerged in academic institutes during the oil years. It's big now production structuresable to organize a network of expeditions throughout the country. At the same time, the occupation of protective archeology began to bring obvious profits, and then commercial firms and small firms appeared next to scientific ones, focused exclusively on obtaining this profit. They settled people who often did not have vocational education, who once worked at the excavations as laboratory assistants at best, but there were a lot of orders, there were few professionals ...

Sometimes the case ended in a big scandal, says Olga Shcheglova. About a year ago, there were many reports in the press about Pushkinsky's decision district court in relation to the commercial firm "NPF Gamas", which carried out numerous orders for archaeological research before construction works... The firm was fined 66 million rubles. for the fact that in 2011, without performing any work, she gave the go-ahead for the destruction of the Yaskelevo kurgan group in the Gatchina region, and presented a fake report. Despite the fact that in this egregious case "Gamas" was caught red-handed, the consideration of the case went on for 4 years, and I do not know if the verdict came into force.

“In the conditions of the current crisis, there is a very real danger that cheap but unprofessional services of“ cleaning up the territory from archaeological objects in the shortest possible time ”will be in demand,” says Sergei Beletsky.

5. Where are they taught to be archaeologists?

The main centers with separate departments of archeology are at Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, very strong developing schools at Novosibirsk University and in Kazan, schools with traditions exist in Voronezh, Izhevsk, Perm and further to the east: Kemerovo, Tyumen, Tomsk, etc. In the 80s and 90s, archaeological laboratories and museums arose in many universities, but only large universities have special programs.

Now SPbU is recruiting six budget students for undergraduate studies. “It’s good if we bring them all to the diploma,” says Olga Shcheglova.

“At school I was a C grade student. But he was professionally oriented: he went on an expedition with his father since he was 8, ”says Doctor of Sciences Beletskiy about his journey to archeology.

Now Dr. Beletsky might not have entered the university. At admission, only the exam is taken into account, and not the motivation of the applicant.

“We have no choice: we have to take on the bachelor's program yesterday’s schoolchildren who have received a high passing, USE score. We do not meet with them at the entrance exams (they are gone now), we do not conduct interviews, we cannot influence the enrollment, - says Olga Scheglova. - On the one hand, it is democratic and fair in relation to the talented guys from the provinces. But there is another side: the test equalization significantly complicates the path to the education of professionally oriented children who studied in archaeological clubs and have already participated in excavations. Often they pass the exam weaker and are eliminated. "

It is especially bad, Shcheglova thinks, that the same system general requirements she also moved to the next stage of professional education, to the magistracy: the archaeological direction in Russia traditionally develops within the framework of history education. So even if you took courses in Quaternary geology, anthropology, archeology of the Stone Age and much more, you still have to submit an anonymous essay on the history of, say, World War II ... And it may be weaker than that of a modern historian, and the acquired special knowledge is not yet taken into account.

The Bologna system applied in Russia also raises criticism.

“The meaning of the Bologna system,” says Beletsky, “is a reduction in the volume of lectures and a significant increase in the volume of individual lessons between a teacher and a student: the teacher gives an assignment, the student completes it, the teacher checks and then discusses the quality of performance with the student. Unfortunately, our Ministry of Education borrowed from the Bologna system only the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the lecture load, but it did not envisage an increase in the number of hours for individual work of a teacher with a student. The result is not a Bologna, but a dummy system. With the current initially weak training of applicants, when you have to spend time on repetition school curriculum, reducing the volume of lectures - a blow to vocational training students ".

"IN as it stands The undergraduate program has broken the backbone of teaching archeology, Shcheglova said. - For four years, students study mainly as historians and do not receive a real volume of knowledge in archeology "from hand to hand." In the magistracy, bachelors in economics, who suddenly realized their vocation, and bachelors in history, who initially honed themselves as archaeologists, find themselves on the same bench. Their level of special knowledge is very different. "

But the worst thing, according to experts, is that the evening archaeological education has been eliminated practically everywhere. This is bad, because archeology is in many ways a craft, here the problem is the same as with engineering training: you can know a lot, but you cannot be able to do anything. “There was a time when our archaeological scientific institutions almost entirely recruited from people who worked as laboratory assistants and at the same time received evening education. Then the probability of a mistake in choosing a profession was practically excluded, ”says Olga Shcheglova.

6. Where will the graduates work?

Approximately 70 people out of 100 graduated in recent years, got a job in their specialty, in any case, they did not break with archeology, says Scheglova. The main “consumer” of SPbU graduates, oddly enough, is the Hermitage; more archaeologists have come to different departments than to the specialized academic IIMK. In addition to these two places, graduates get a job in museums, libraries, authorities state protection monuments and go to teach.

7. How much time does the archaeologist spend in the excavation?

Practicing archaeologists are different. If a specialist is involved in rescue excavations (i.e. at the site of future construction sites), then he usually spends in the field more than two months a year and in any season. This is preceded by a period of preparation - scientific substantiation of exploration or excavation, preparation for departure. After excavation, there are several stages of field report, office processing, restoration and all kinds of research of the material.

We must pay tribute, our interlocutors say, to those few archaeologists who cope with all this, and they still have enough will and strength to lead their own scientific research... But there are few of them, although they are scientists of different generations.

Most of the colleagues who are constantly conducting security work become archaeologists-production workers. They master the techniques of excavation and fixation, acquire a horizon that allows them to work with monuments different cultures and eras, but they do not set research tasks for themselves.

“Another part of the staff, mostly of the older generation (and there are most of them in academic institutions), completely withdraws from field activity or reduces it to a minimum,” says Beletsky. "The main task of these researchers is to process and introduce into scientific circulation the materials of excavations of past years, to complete old projects, to examine old materials from a new angle."

8. How are Western archaeologists different from ours?

“We are terribly worried if out of our six bachelors, someone does not go or will not pass to the magistracy, - says Olga Scheglova. - And in Europe, large universities train hundreds of bachelor's degrees in archeology, of which only a few, rarely a dozen, get a master's degree. That is, at the very first stage there is a tough selection. But even this will not provide them with work in the future. They enter into competitive struggle for grants. And almost everyone changes their specialization, focusing on what is in demand.

Our colleague from Germany Jens Schneeweis works with us in the IIMK department, he received a grant from the Humboldt Foundation. For a long time he was engaged in archeology of Siberia, went to the fields, wrote articles. Then he studied the early Slavic monuments on the Elbe, worked in Belarus. But having received a grant, he took up the Russian North-West, now he will work with us for two years. This is a normal professional career. "

9. What about the income of archaeologists?

Income is bad. Either they are decent, but unstable, or constant, but scanty. The graduate will have problems. We all work in multiple locations. But in most cases archaeologists work for interest, not money.

Mikhail Artamonov, the famous archaeologist, director of the Hermitage, once said: "Archeology is a profession for idiots and enthusiasts, because if you are not an enthusiast, then you are an idiot." .

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