It's executive hunting season. Recruitment of top managers Recruitment agencies for the placement of top management

Chercher 23.01.2021
Contacts of top managers are not publicly available. These candidates do not accept calls from unknown phones. A meeting with them cannot be structured in an interview format.

  • At Antal Russia, the search for senior staff is carried out by practice managers. Each of them specializes in their industry and is personally acquainted with the top officials of the companies. In order to correctly present a vacancy to a candidate, interviews are structured in the format of a business dialogue and, at the same time, career consultation.

When selecting top management, the cost of error is high. To make the right decision, it is important to deeply understand the characteristics of each candidate.

  • Antal Russia will provide you with a detailed report on the candidate’s compliance with your requirements, his career path, situations of overcoming, professional qualifications, strong and weaknesses character, as well as zones of proximal development.
Case study:

The company was looking for a new financial director, since the previous one quit due to a difficult financial situation. The head of the Antal Russia practice began the search based on the specified criteria. During the interview, he realized that the professional and personal qualities of the selected candidates did not correspond to the difficult stage in the life of the company. The client, by inertia, was looking for the same employee as the previous one.

The Antal Russia team was able to convince management that current situation need someone with experience crisis management capable of making difficult, unpopular decisions. As a result, the company hired an employee with experience in optimizing business processes and a strong-willed character.

ANCOR has been working in the recruitment and personnel consulting market since 1990 and during this time has acquired a well-deserved reputation as an industry leader.

ANCOR today is the largest Russian personnel holding company, offering a wide range of services, including:

— personnel selection — including the selection of specialists and managers, selection for entry-level and mid-level positions;
— personnel consulting — testing, assessment and audit of personnel, analytical studies of the labor market and wages — an indispensable tool for the formation personnel policy enterprises;
— personnel management — Leasing company ANCOR: removal of personnel from the company's staff, provision of temporary personnel, provision of personnel for long-term projects, mass projects;
— HR services for companies in the oil and gas sector — ANCOR Energy Services;
— HR services for companies in the hotel sector — ANCOR Hospitality direction.
- calculation wages— Unistaff Payroll Services

Kelly Services is an international recruitment agency founded in the USA in 1946.

In Russia, the company is represented in 20 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Veliky Novgorod, Lipetsk, Perm, Chekhov, Novomoskovsk, Yegoryevsk, Barnaul, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Ufa, Kaluga, Kazan, as well as in Ukraine, Kyiv.

Kelly Services offers a wide range of services, including the recruitment of permanent and temporary staff in the areas of sales, marketing, office administration, finance, accounting, frames, information technologies, logistics, engineering, production; staffing industrial enterprises And retail chains, redeployment of personnel, personnel consulting.

The personnel selection agency IMPIRE KADROV was founded in 1995.
From the first days of work, the main goal of the EMPIRE PERSONNEL team was to create a competitive Russian agency, not inferior in quality of services to world leaders in the field of personnel selection.
For EMPIRE OF HR, recruiting means more than the timely selection of candidates for the appropriate vacancy. The agency’s specialists try to offer the Customer a solution to the entire range of problems related to personnel issues, therefore each new contract is considered as an opportunity to establish long-term partnerships. We always strive to ensure that the candidate we present not only fully satisfies all the client’s requirements, but is also able to make a positive impact on the life of the company as a whole through his work. Search and selection of personnel is a delicate area of ​​business, affecting the relationships of both people and companies. EMPIRE PERSONNEL adheres to strong ethical principles formulated in Code of Ethics agencies.

The main directions of our work:

direct targeted search (Executive Search)

personnel selection (recruitment)

Antal International Russia
The international recruitment agency Antal International entered the Russian market in 1994. One of the first foreign missions company, which has become the largest and most successful due to the intensive growth of the Russian economy.
We have taken a strong position in Russian market in the field of personnel selection for middle and senior levels. Our consultants find candidates for various positions in almost all business sectors.

Recruiting agency (Moscow) Cornerstone has been professionally recruiting personnel since 1993. Main areas of work: executive search (selection of top managers), managment selection (selection of middle managers), headhunting (headhunting). Recruiting agency CORNERSTONE is one of the five largest recruiting agencies in Moscow.
According to the results of the “Top 20 Best Recruitment Agencies” rating conducted by Career magazine, Cornerstone entered the top five largest recruiting companies in Moscow.
The work of Cornerstone consultants is based on a willingness to focus on the interests of customers, the desire to best meet their requirements and needs.
In 2007, Cornerstone successfully closed approximately 1,500 positions at various levels.
Cornerstone is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Russian Managers Association and the Association European Business(AEB).

Since its founding in 2003, the international recruitment agency Vivat Personnel has come a long way: it has gained a reputation as one of the most successful and professional players in the recruiting market, has established partnerships with large and famous brands, and, having received a license for international recruitment, crossed the borders of Russia.

Today the recruitment agency "Vivat Personnel" is:

A full range of services for search and selection of personnel, education (training), HR consulting, assessment of leasing and outstaffing of personnel.
- a complex of unique personnel decisions for each selection project.
- the work of a team of professionals, many of whom have 10 years of recruiting experience.

The continuously expanded and updated database of the recruitment agency “Vivat Personnel” contains more than 500 thousand resumes. Almost 75% of current projects are vacancies regular customers or companies that contacted a recruitment agency on recommendation.
Among the entire range of services for comprehensive personnel selection, the selection of top managers (general recruitment, executive search, headhunting), mass projects, selection of temporary personnel and regional selection are separately distinguished. International recruitment projects play an increasingly important role in the activities of the Vivat Personnel recruitment agency.

Perceiving its work as not just a search and selection of personnel, the agency strives to develop the client’s business and make it more competitive. Successful work with leading Russian and foreign companies operating in a wide variety of market sectors - best score work of the recruitment agency "Vivat Personnel"!

Recruiting company "HR UNITY Center": recruiting, employment, interviews
Founded in February 1999.

UNITY mission: we help our clients acquire and develop the competencies of their companies through personnel.

We work with people - with their questions, desires, needs, expectations and misconceptions.

Our history is our experience, which helps us solve non-standard problems.

For us, our clients are, first of all, partners. We always value the opinions and positions of our clients. In fulfilling our obligations to the customer, we are well aware that without mutual trust, strategic partnership is impossible. It is the trust of our clients that allows us to achieve complete mutual understanding. Step by step, result by result, we are getting closer to the common goal.

Moscow recruitment agency ABC Consulting is one of the most successful companies in the field of personnel and consulting services.

Since 2002, the work of the ABC Consulting recruitment agency has been aimed at developing and improving services in the field of personnel selection for companies of various profiles. We can offer you a full range of services related to recruitment and selection of qualified personnel.

The team of the Moscow recruitment agency ABC Consulting includes qualified specialists who have extensive experience in using the most advanced methods of recruiting, assessing and selecting personnel. And the latest methods corporate training. The issue of personnel selection for middle and senior management deserves special attention. Our recruitment agency successfully solves such difficult problems. We have hundreds of successful projects in the analysis and selection of personnel for well-known and respected commercial structures. The recruitment agency's clients also include many non-profit organizations.

Good managers hire only the best best employees! This truth is confirmed by our own experience: the secret of the success of the “Personal Garant” company is in our professional team! Since 2001, Personnel Garant has been successfully operating in the recruiting services market thanks to its employees. All of them are qualified, like-minded specialists who have extensive knowledge in the field of personnel technologies and are able to quickly and efficiently carry out the tasks set by the customer.

Recruiting senior management executives is an important task for any organization. The fate of the company, its success and direction of development depend on how well and successfully this work is performed. The personnel agency “PERSONAL-EXCLUSIVE” offers its 27 years of experience in searching for specialists, full coverage of the territory of Russia and all business sectors, and comprehensive training of candidates for the position.

Features of the search for top managers

Recruiting senior management personnel is not an easy task. Its complexity lies in the highest requirements to the qualifications and business qualities of candidates, in the search for exactly those people who are interested in future work, and the interest here is not only monetary: a high salary is not always the determining incentive for a good leader.

Recruitment agencies In Moscow, when it comes to recruiting top managers, they approach this work differently. Most limit themselves to passive search among people who are actively looking for work. Activity in this case is one-sided, which obviously narrows the choice.

We use active methods and look for candidates only among high-level professionals who are not in active search works:

  • We work out personal and business contacts;
  • We use information from the database we have accumulated;
  • We are looking for ways to interest specialists in a specific vacancy;
  • We carry out a search among employees of the customer’s competing companies.

The procedure for searching for TOP personnel

Stages of candidate selection work

Creating a profile

We analyze your business processes, assess requirements and create a candidate profile

Search for candidates

Searching for suitable candidates using our own database, headhunting, recruiting


We carry out testing and comprehensive analysis candidates, we collect recommendations from previous places work

Filtering applicants

As a result of the initial selection and interviews with applicants, we eliminate those who do not meet the requirements

Providing the best candidates

We provide candidates ready to go to work

Employee guarantee

Free employee replacement during the warranty period

Our guarantees

No matter how carefully the search for senior management is carried out, there is always the possibility of error, since it is impossible to take one hundred percent into account all circumstances. The reasons for the discrepancy can be very different - from the candidate’s overestimation of his capabilities to insufficient compatibility with the company’s team.

To neutralize negative factors The recruitment agency “PERSONAL-EXCLUSIVE” is taking a number of measures.

  • Our experts evaluate personal and business qualities applicant, his qualifications, professional experience and provide their findings to the client.
  • We conduct a thorough analysis and collect recommendations from previous places of work from the immediate supervisor.
  • A preliminary meeting of the candidate with a client representative in the presence of our consultant is required. This allows you to more accurately determine the applicant’s suitability for the position, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the vacancy profile.
  • After our proposed specialist starts working in the client’s company, we continue to monitor his adaptation process during warranty period. We inform the client of our assessments and warn about possible risks.

If during the warranty period it is revealed that a specialist does not meet the client’s needs, we will select a replacement for him free of charge.

To select a leader yourself, you will need:

Compose correctly

Before selecting a TOP manager, you need to clearly understand who exactly you need. How professional and personal qualities the future candidate must have.

Conducting an interview will allow you to preliminarily test the basic competencies of the future director.

phone interview


To independently select a director, you will need about 63 thousand to access the resume database. Spend about two hours of working time daily on one vacancy.

Conduct at least personal interviews

At the personal interview stage, it is important to check professional quality the candidate, the level of the manager’s organization, his achievements. Collectively evaluate suitable candidates. Choose best candidates based on the interview.

One of the main activities of our company is solving personnel issues for organizations and selecting vacancies for applicants. The recruitment agency allows employers to form a team of professional staff, and for applicants to find a position that meets the requirements with a decent salary level.

Services for employers

The activities of the recruitment agency include the following services for employers:

  • Searching for candidates for vacant positions;
  • Assessing the applicant’s compliance with the employer’s requirements;
  • Checking the candidate’s readiness to work in this position, assessing his qualifications and professional suitability;
  • Verification of the applicant's provided data and documents in order to protect the employer's business from fraudulent activities.

Contacting a professional recruitment agency relieves the management of organizations from the need to select employees, which can take up a large number of time. Our recruitment agency specialists have extensive experience in recruiting employees for any vacancies, including those with a high level financial liability and related to the adoption management decisions. When selecting personnel for such positions, special attention is paid not only to the professionalism and skill level of the candidate, but also to his reliability.

Services for job seekers

Our recruitment agency has an extensive database of vacancies and provides the following services for job seekers:

  • Assistance in creating a professional resume;
  • Selection of vacancies in accordance with the candidate’s requirements;
  • Help in preparing for an interview;
  • Organizing a meeting with the employer.

Currently, there are many organizations offering their services in finding suitable vacancies and guaranteeing 100% employment. You should not trust such offers, especially if the company requires advance payment for its services. The final decision on hiring a person is made by the management of the employing company. The recruitment agency specializes in finding suitable vacancies and provides employment assistance.

Our main advantage is our extensive professional experience in the field of personnel selection. A team of professional staff of the recruitment agency exercises strict control at all stages of employee selection, ensuring the safety of the employer’s business.

Where to start searching for top managers?

The first stage of work in the direction of " professional selection» is built on close communication with the customer: only with a clear understanding of the company, business processes, area of ​​responsibility and requirements for the applicant, the selection consultant will be able to fully demonstrate their abilities, use the most effective tools and find a candidate interesting for the customer. Personal meeting and acquaintance with the owner of the company, as well as the first person - very important stage in the selection of top personnel. It helps all participants in the process decide on the effectiveness of further cooperation. We, like the best recruitment agencies in Moscow and the regions, meet in person and ask questions, such as:

What are priority areas company activities? Its strategy and mission? Geography of presence? Company turnover / year? Number of staff? Org. Structure? Market share? Key partners?

What are the company's plans for the next 3 years / 5 years? Development strategy? How do top personnel influence the company's strategy and goals? How involved is he?

Why is it important for you to find a top manager? What prospects open up for you if you have the “right” manager? What are the candidate's top priorities? Who does he report to and what structure is planned in his area of ​​responsibility? How will you understand in 3 / 6 months / 1 year that your company needs this top manager and he is “what you need”?

Recruitment agency (selection of top managers) Profi Group adheres to the principle - “we only take on projects that we can successfully implement!” If we have doubts about the effectiveness further work, we, like the best recruitment agencies in Moscow, honestly discuss them with the client. If necessary, we recommend alternative methods search for the query: “Looking for a top manager.”

The recruitment agency in Moscow and the regions Profi Group carries out professional selection of top personnel (senior management selection) for positions such as:

Professional selection of a top manager: requirements for candidates

Does your company need a director? How to find a top manager who can ensure the development and smooth operation of the company, maintain team spirit in the team, consistently achieve and increase the specified performance indicators? To do this, it is necessary to identify the main criteria on the basis of which the selection of top personnel will be organized.

Key qualities for applicants leadership positions when selecting top managers, this is a willingness to benefit the company for which one will work; ability to guide when making complex decisions common sense, not ambitions; willingness to sacrifice personal interests in favor of common achievements.

Not every candidate who responds to a vacancy “I’m looking for a top manager of a company” or “a director is needed” in recruitment agencies (in Moscow and the regions) has the listed advantages and has the appropriate skills, so the search for a top manager requires significant preparation. One should not discount the personal characteristics that are mandatory for promising applicants: energy, leadership abilities, deep motivation, charisma, open-mindedness, openness to new things, result-oriented, the ability to act and surround oneself with strong personalities and professional specialists.

Search for a top manager, selection of senior management: basic principles of search in the selection of a company's top manager

Having formulated the fundamental requirements for applicants, it is necessary to identify key skills and competencies, highlighting a list of qualities responsible for the professional potential of the applicant. This is exactly how any director selection agency operates: it formulates a list of the most important characteristics that will be identified during the interview process and the collection of recommendations.

Typically, the selection of top management requires candidates to have strategic thinking, high intelligence, a developed sense of responsibility for results, the ability to quickly make decisions, the ability to concentrate on a task and maximum performance.

How to organize a professional selection of top managers so that, during preliminary conversations and based on available data, we can accurately determine whether the applicant has all the stated qualities? - an interesting question. Try contacting a recruitment agency: “recruiting top managers,” HR specialists will say, “is one of the most difficult tasks even for a professional with serious experience in closing projects for the request “search and selection of a top manager.”

If professional selection is relevant for your company, we are ready to offer the services of our Executive Search agency. You can contact us by phone numbers listed in the section, or leave a request on our official website.

In addition to the services of a recruitment agency, we are pleased to offer the service ""

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