Program for the profession of freight forwarder. What qualities should a professional freight forwarder have? Main responsibilities of a freight forwarder

Litigation 14.12.2021

Yulia Dankova

The forwarder's route is planned extremely precisely, and deviations from the schedule are fraught with consequences. Competently drawing up a cargo movement plan and delivering it safely is a science akin to transport logistics.

Despite the fact that advertisements for vacancies for the position of freight forwarder are not full of special educational requirements, not everyone can cope with this job. Instead of a university diploma, you will need quite specific skills and abilities. For example, remember new routes, quickly determine the shortest route, control unloading and loading, and even weigh or count the goods. And if for “domestic” forwarders (carrying out the movement of goods within a city, region or country) this may be quite enough, then an international specialist traveling beyond the state border cannot do without more serious training.

In the navigator's place

If we talk about “internal” forwarders, then, according to the Directory qualification characteristics professions, it is enough for such workers to have a basic or incomplete higher education corresponding area of ​​training (“transport” or “logistics”). Know the basics of office work, methods and methods of processing correspondence, addresses of regular correspondents, the structure of the enterprise and its divisions. Often, employers do not pay attention to the presence of diplomas, being interested in management and maintenance skills, knowledge of the city and driving experience. By the way, about the driver's "crusts". In principle, the forwarder assumes only “navigation” responsibilities, accompanying the cargo and planning optimal routes of movement, so his workplace- to the right of the driver. But in Lately The demand for forwarding drivers with solid driving experience is growing.

It is impossible to work as a freight forwarder without knowledge of the city and the main retail outlets. In addition, you need to know absolutely the entire assortment of goods being transported, terms of their implementation and quality, current markings and barcodes. Remember everyone's work schedule point of sale and time of receipt of products. If you don't have time, serious problems may arise, especially if you are dealing with food. There is an unspoken rule: perishable sausages, dairy, meat and fish products are accepted first, but, for example, bulk products are strictly in the order of priority. And about 150 cars from different suppliers arrive at super- and megamarkets every day, and everyone strives to deliver their goods faster! The forwarder must be able to fill out invoices and other documentation on trade turnover. Learning this is not so difficult, the main thing is to remember and bring to automaticity the sequence of affixing the necessary stamps, seals and signatures.

But the work of a freight forwarder is not just mechanical: it requires the ability to communicate with people, demonstrate flexibility of character and innovative thinking. Situations often arise that only real diplomats can find a way out of. One day, a freight forwarder brought a batch of sausage to the store to order, but the merchandiser completely refused to accept it. What to do? It’s too late to return to the warehouse, and in the car the food would definitely spoil overnight! No matter how hard I tried to persuade the receptionist to “shelter” the goods at least for the night, she did not agree to anything. Then I decided to cheat, saying that otherwise I would buy this sausage (since it is very, very tasty!), and right now I would have an evening meal. Imagine: the ill-fated cargo immediately acquired new owners!


International forwarders going on business trips abroad cannot get by with just ingenuity and diplomacy. Firstly, knowledge of the main transport routes will be required, and secondly, it will be difficult without knowledge foreign language. Thirdly, a solid driving experience will come in handy, because often a freight carrier (a forwarder and a driver in one person) undertakes to transport cargo from one point of the globe to another, who assumes full responsibility for the safety of the cargo.

International freight transportation- it's not an easy matter. To send cargo from one country to another, you need to “calculate” the optimal type of transport (depending on the characteristics and parameters of the cargo), take into account the rules, laws and traditions of different countries, and create the most profitable route from an economic point of view. As a result, a whole logistics chain is formed, which only true professionals can correctly compose. All these nuances should not worry the owner of the cargo at all, since full responsibility for it falls on the shoulders of the carrier. Being a freight forwarder does not mean loading cargo, getting into a car and forgetting about everything in the world. Remember: from now on you are responsible for the safety of both the transport and the transported goods! To carry out international transportation, you must undergo special training, which includes a short course customs law, insurance activities and skills to work with all necessary documents. And, of course, you can’t do without knowing the basics transport logistics.

Of course, in everyone's state transport enterprise Logistics specialists work to create optimal transportation routes. But knowledge of logistics at the highest level will not hurt a professional freight forwarder. A “transport” diploma can be obtained, for example, at the National Transport University, whose students study the basics of law, transport, civil, labor and criminal law, rules for the transportation of goods and passengers, government regulation activities on road transport. In addition, they learn to organize and manage transportation, get acquainted with transport system cities. Seminars and trainings on logistics topics are effective, where you can get acquainted with the latest innovations in the industry, learn how to organize work efficiently and make the necessary connections.

Note that preparation and formation professional personnel in the field of international transport and forwarding activities is one of the main activities of the Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine (AMEU). Today it is still the only organization engaged in professional training in the field of international transport forwarding with the issuance of a diploma from the International Federation of Freight Forwarding Associations (FIATA). Training program compiled in accordance with international requirements to this profession and includes minimum standards of requirements for international freight forwarders when transporting goods by all possible modes of transport.

Course participants become familiar with legal aspects activities of an international freight forwarder, organizing the activities of Ukrainian freight forwarding companies in the world transport market, documents and forms of the FIATA standard. Pay attention to the financial requirements for forwarding activities, organization of warehousing and storage of goods. They also study the features of international transportation by different modes of transport: sea, air, road, rail and river. You can’t do without knowledge customs procedures and tariffs, duties of the forwarder in relation to customs service, various international conventions and agreements. A separate column is insurance of cargo and liability of the parties. Well, how can you master the transport routes of the world without at least knowledge general information by geography!? Those who successfully complete the training course and pass the exams receive a FIATA diploma, confirming the professional competence of a freight forwarder in any of the 150 member states of the federation.

To begin with, in order to understand the qualities and skills of an international freight forwarder, you need to understand his tasks. And so, an international forwarder is engaged in escorting cargo across international state borders. The work of an international freight forwarder requires knowledge of transport logistics. There are also forwarders who escort cargo within the country. Typically such forwarders have lower level preparation. International forwarders must have not only transport logistics skills, but also good knowledge of foreign languages.

Usually, a forwarder who is engaged in domestic transportation only needs to have a secondary or incomplete higher logistics education. In addition to knowledge in the field of transport logistics, the forwarder must be able to quickly and accurately process accompanying documentation. It is also very important that the forwarder knows all the routes used by the company. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the forwarder must react quickly and offer an alternative route that will not incur large costs.

Also, for a forwarder who is engaged in domestic transportation, it is very beneficial to have some driving experience. Very often, companies that want to save on staff are looking for a freight forwarder and driver in one person. In other cases, the freight forwarder's driving experience will be just as useful if something happens to the main driver or you just need to change him for a while.

A professional freight forwarder must know what rules must be followed when transporting a particular cargo. There is a category of cargo that requires special precautions during transportation. It is very important that forwarding can quickly resolve problems at customs, as well as select the shortest route. First of all, this is necessary when transporting food. Such cargo must be transported in the shortest possible time and avoid delays at customs control.

International freight forwarders are subject to more stringent requirements, because they must have a higher education in the field logistics transport, as well as be fluent in some foreign languages.

A forwarder is a specialist in the delivery of cargo and goods from one facility to another. From the Latin “expeditio” - putting in order, going.


30,000–40,000 rub. (

Place of work

The position of the forwarder is presented in transport companies, trading and manufacturing enterprises.


The main responsibility of a freight forwarder is to transport goods from one warehouse to another. The specialist accepts the goods at point “A”, checks the accompanying documentation, counts the goods, loads and delivers them to point “B”.

When handing over the goods, the forwarder checks the integrity of the goods and its quantity. The receiving party signs for receipt of the goods. The forwarder is a financially responsible person, and therefore is responsible for the safety of the transported cargo. The forwarder can drive the car independently, or can work in tandem with a driver.

Important qualities

The freight forwarder profession requires good health, ability to quickly navigate the terrain, responsibility and punctuality.

Reviews about the profession

“The freight forwarder must have knowledge in absolutely different areas - geography, languages, international legislation in the field of transportation and local features of this type of activity. With all this, a freight forwarder is a little bit of an insurer, a little bit of a lawyer, a little bit of a psychologist and almost a professional actor!”

Forwarder of the Transimperial group of companies.

Stereotypes, humor

Freight forwarders often have to drive. Therefore, men are more willingly accepted for positions than women. Many couriers are often mistaken for freight forwarders and vice versa.


No special education is required to work as a freight forwarder. To work as a delivery driver, you need a category B, C or D license. Some companies require a diploma in logistics.


For friends!


If you need specialists who need to be entrusted with the transportation and escort of cargo, then contact companies that provide such services. An employee of such an enterprise who receives, escorts and delivers cargo is called a freight forwarder. Client companies or individuals are interested in reliable service of their cargo. Likewise, organizations that provide freight transportation services also have an interest in increasing their client base and improve your reputation.

Description of activity

The work of a freight forwarder is a complex and step-by-step work process. This requires skills in handling correspondence and knowledge of document flow. In many companies specializing in cargo transportation, there is a practice of combining the work of a freight forwarder and a driver. Therefore, it is necessary not only to have a good understanding of the product range, sales deadlines, current labels and barcodes, but also to have a good knowledge of the route and city map. If a forwarder carries out international cargo transportation, then he will need extensive driving experience, knowledge of a foreign language, as well as transport, civil, labor and criminal law.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The work of the forwarder begins with processing incoming correspondence. He looks through envelopes or packages and, after checking the relevant attachments, sends the correspondence to the recipients. Next comes the labeling process and inspection. technical condition equipment and machines that are in operation. After compiling necessary documentation, the forwarder transports the cargo to its destination. During transportation, monitors the safety of the cargo.

Features of career growth

An experienced freight forwarder with experience can easily find a job. Further career growth will depend entirely on the quality of the work performed. In the future, you can become a warehouse manager. For an international freight forwarder, opportunities for career growth a little more. International transportation they only do large companies, which guarantee high wages and a bonus for operational work.

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