Drinking water companies. Bottled water production

2. To the heads (chiefs) of units of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (for... 14.06.2020

Chercher According to research by the All-Russian Center for the Study conducted in 2016, about 16% of Russians (approximately every sixth resident of the country) constantly drink bottled drinking water, preferring it to tap water. All large quantity people who care about their health and the health of their loved ones choose this product, considering it safe.

Drinking water is strengthening its position in Russian market and is attracting increasing attention from production organizers. A favorable factor is that the subsoil of Russia has significant reserves of high-quality fresh and mineral waters. Extraction and bottling of water as a business – promising direction, capable of generating significant income.

Product quality requirements

Drinking water must be safe and of special chemical composition. The level of total mineralization should not exceed 1 g/cubic dm. At the same time, the sources of raw materials for the production of this product can be tap water, and water from underground and surface sources.

A mandatory stage of the technological process is water purification. In some cases, conditioning is also used - saturating the product with important micro- and macroelements.

For quality drinking water influenced by organoleptic properties (smell, taste, color), the presence of mechanical impurities, chemical composition (content of salts, toxic elements, toxic metals), radiation safety. Depending on these indicators, water is divided into two categories: first and highest.

The quality of bottled drinking water in Russia is regulated by a number of regulatory and technical documents. One of the most important is SanPiN In these sanitary rules a list of hygienic standards is provided for all of the listed properties for both the first and highest categories of water.

Technical requirements for the production itself, for raw materials and supplies, finished products, including labeling and packaging, as well as safety and security requirements environment, control and acceptance methods - all this is included in GOST 32220-2013.

Also on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a document approved by the Commission customs union(decision No. 299 of May 28, 2010), containing uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality and safety of food products.

You can view the listed documents on the website of the legal reference system “ConsultantPlus” at www.consultant.ru.

Compliance with regulatory requirements is the responsibility of each manufacturer. For violation of these requirements, according to the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” administrative and criminal liability is provided.

Control and supervision in the field of drinking water production is carried out by territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor.

It is useful to read which one is used. Production plan and cost of the line, search for sources of raw materials and design permitting documents for the production of drinking mineral water.

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What you need to open a business

To organize own production, the entrepreneur has to go through several steps:

  • decide on the assortment and choose the source of raw materials. It should be taken into account that water of the first category can be obtained from different sources, the highest - only from independent ones (from wells and springs);
  • purchase land plot;
  • draw up a package of permits;
  • conduct preparatory work. In particular, if it is planned to bottle artesian water, it is necessary to explore the subsoil, drill a well, and carry out a number of measures to ensure sanitary protection of the source;
  • prepare premises for water treatment and bottling;
  • purchase and install equipment necessary for purification and bottling of drinking water;
  • establish transport and logistics flows;
  • develop a strategy for introducing a new product to the market.

Some of these steps require separate consideration.

Obtaining permission to use a natural water source is associated with high financial, labor and time costs.

So, in order to bottle water from a well, you must first analyze groundwater reserves and coordinate water consumption with the Federal Agency water resources. The next step is to obtain from Rospotrebnadzor a document confirming the possibility of establishing a sanitary protection zone on the site.

Then, the Center for State Monitoring of Subsoil Conditions will need to issue a conclusion on the development of a well design. After this, you should contact the Department of Subsoil Use with an application to obtain a license for the right to use subsoil. In this case, the entrepreneur must have the following documents: cadastral passport of the plot, title document for the land, gene. development plan, situational plan.

After passing the licensing procedure, drilling operations are allowed to begin.

Depending on the depth, there are two types of wells: on sand (from 10 to 40 m) and on limestone (from 70 to 300 m). Sand wells have low water content and are not suitable for industrial use.

The cost of drilling operations averages about 1000 rubles/m to a water-containing layer located on sand, and about 2000 rubles/m to limestone. After drilling, the well must be equipped with a steel column.

Then you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor again to obtain expert opinion about water quality. The service takes samples and conducts a complete laboratory analysis, based on the results of which the corresponding document is issued -.

Now it is necessary to attend to the equipment of the sanitary protection zone. The area measuring 60x60 m where the well is drilled should be fenced off. There should be no buildings, pipelines or tall trees in this area.

After developing the zone, you can submit documents for a geological examination, and then register the water source. And only based on the results of passing all the above preparatory activities you can put the facility into operation and begin its actual use.

Drinking water production technology and necessary equipment

Water is extracted from a well using special submersible pumps and flows through pipes into a storage receiving tank. A water treatment station and a bottling shop are usually located in close proximity to the well location (at a distance of no more than 150 m).


Arriving at the water treatment site, artesian water goes through several stages of purification. First, deferrization and demanganization are carried out - removing excess iron and manganese salts from its composition.

The next stage is water softening. The ion exchange method is most often used for this purpose, since it is considered the most effective.

Water, from which excess calcium and magnesium salts have been removed using an ion exchange resin, enters pressure filters, where it undergoes mechanical and sorption purification. At this stage, harmful chemical compounds and impurities are removed from it. Activated carbon is usually used as a sorbent.

Then ultraviolet disinfection of water is carried out in special chambers made of stainless steel. The filters used at this stage do not change the chemical composition of the water. The destruction of dangerous bacteria (the causative agents of diseases such as dysentery, cholera, polio) is carried out without adding any toxic compounds.

The final stage of water treatment is conditioning - bringing the concentration of chemicals vital for humans to the required level and stabilizing the liquid.

At the stage of preparing water for bottling, complex purification equipment is used. The production lines are equipped with pressure mechanical filtration units, which include several units (for aeration, demanganation, defluoridation, ultraviolet disinfection, etc.), a set of pipelines and shut-off valves. As a rule, all operations are performed automatically, the system is controlled using a remote control.

Line productivity can reach 55 cubic meters. m/hour. To accommodate such installations, a room of at least 50 square meters is required. m.


After undergoing initial preparation, the water enters preliminary storage tanks, and from there – for bottling. Bottling of finished drinking water can be carried out in large containers with a volume of 5, 10 and 19 liters, as well as in small bottles with a volume of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 liters.

For bottling water from a well into bottles, lines equipped with the following equipment are usually used:

  • device for pre-washing bottles;
  • automatic bottle loader;
  • filling machine;
  • thermal tunnel for shrinking caps (element of the filling line for 19 liter bottles for coolers);
  • capping machine (included in the set of lines for bottling bottles with screw caps).

The movement of bottles from one zone to another is carried out using conveyor belts. Additionally, the line can be equipped with a packaging machine. Large factories Those involved in the production of drinking water also produce PET containers on their own. For this purpose, special blowing equipment is installed.

Expense planning

To determine how profitable the production of drinking bottled water is, you need to make preliminary calculations.

Estimated standards, overhead costs, cost estimates, products, forecast of revenue volumes - all this should be reflected in financially a project whose development is best left to experts.

Approximate data on basic starting costs are reflected in the following table:

These are very approximate data that can be used as a guide when using a well with a capacity of about 10 cubic meters as a source of raw materials. m/hour.

Current expenses of the enterprise include well maintenance costs, utility bills, taxes (including water tax), labor costs, costs of containers and packaging of finished products, etc. (see).

The retail price of a five-liter bottle of drinking water of the highest category is on average 60 rubles, the wholesale price is about 45 rubles. With a productivity of 500 bottles per hour, the monthly production volume will be approximately 120,000 bottles (assuming single-shift operation and a shift duration of 8 hours).

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It's no secret that the quality of ordinary tap water, especially in big cities, leaves much to be desired. Let’s leave the reasons for this “disgrace” on the conscience of housing and communal services and others responsible organizations, and let’s think: is it possible to make some profit from this? Of course you can! And the profit from the sale of clean water in cities is quite good money. And by the way, from year to year the quality of tap water does not improve at all, but rather the opposite. Therefore, the market for the sale of clean water can only expand.

The production of bottled water in containers of various sizes is not a new idea, but it remains a very promising one. By the way, do you want to know how things are with this business in the same States? There, water from springs is not sold in five-liter “cylinders” or one and a half liter bottles. In the States, it is bottled in small bottles of two or three hundred grams, and costs from $2.50 per container. However, the price of ordinary drinking water is approximately a dollar per liter.

Why do people buy bottled water?

These people are strange creatures after all! They heavily poison themselves with nicotine and alcohol, lead a sedentary lifestyle, engage in sedentary work, do not always eat healthy food, do not control many other things, and at the same time, care about the quality of drinking water. Try this portrait on yourself, and you will understand that this is the “naked” truth.

One way or another, the demand for clean water was, is, and will always be. Profits from bottled water cannot be called huge, or even simply large, but they are stable. The payback period for this business is approximately 2-3 years. Everything, of course, depends on the scale of production and positioning of your product on the market. What do you think is the most significant difference between ordinary drinking water in five- or ten-liter bottles, say, Lipetskaya, and a one and a half liter bottle of Aqua Minerale? Correct answer: in the volume of the container and the label. Well, in price, of course.

You are unlikely to find real “Aqua” on the shelves of ordinary Russian supermarkets. But people are still “led” by the brand, and continue to buy “environmentally friendly” products, including water, with enviable persistence.

Bottled water production resource

Do you know what is needed to produce bottled water? That's right - water! This means that the production business must also include the technology for its extraction. In principle, you can take regular tap water, or even water from a puddle, and purify it using standard purification methods so that it is drinkable. But this will be so-called “dead” water. Have you ever tried distilled water? The same.

But the “living” product is water extracted from special wells, artesian (underground) wells. In general, such a well can theoretically be drilled anywhere. However, some nuances get in the way. Firstly, the well must be deep enough so that melt water does not get into it. Secondly, the well itself, the space around it: soil, earth layers, are carefully examined by specialists from the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Just like the production premises themselves, they are checked for noise levels (!) and vibration (!), hygienic conditions, availability of ventilation, and compliance with many other conditions. The finished product must comply with SanPin and GOST standards. By the way, information about artesian water deposits on the territory of the Russian Federation can be obtained from a special Groundwater Cadastre.

It is because of all these “difficulties” that many entrepreneurs prefer to produce bottled water from those wells in which it does not require any additional purification, so to speak, is produced in a “ready” form, or requires a minor “additional purification” process. Or, without “bothering” at all, they clean simple water “sources”. What you do is up to you.

In fact, to produce bottled water, only two premises (rooms) in the building are enough. In one of them the water will undergo purification, in the second - bottling into containers will be carried out. True, we will also need premises for staff and premises for a warehouse for finished products.

As I said above, the premises must comply with SanPin requirements for production food products, and standards fire safety. Of course, ideally, the production of bottled water should take place in close proximity to the artesian well where production will take place. Otherwise, you can lose a lot on logistics costs.

Necessary equipment

To organize the production of bottled water, you will need the following technological lines (taking into account your own water production from an artesian well):

  1. Borehole deep pump.
  2. Special filter for rough water purification. As a rule, these are carbon and/or sand filters.
  3. Special filter for fine water purification. Such filters purify water from excess mineral salts, silver, fluorine, sodium, etc., or, conversely, if they are deficient, they saturate the water with them.
  4. Ozonizing devices designed for water disinfection. Sometimes, for the same purposes, water is first exposed to ultraviolet rays.
  5. Sterilized containers for storing water.
  6. Automatic line for filling water into containers.
  7. Semi-automatic machine for capping water bottles.
  8. Label machine.

In order to reduce the cost of finished products, it would also be advisable to purchase a production line plastic containers underwater.

A bit expensive? Yes, but do not forget about the scale of production and the profits received. Currently, according to Rosstat, the supply of bottled water meets only 30% market demand. Analysts have drawn figures according to which every year this percentage will rise by 5-10 points. This means that you should hurry up in order to have time to position your “water” brand on the market.

Manufacturing process

Although technological process bottled water production can be understood from the components necessary equipment, nevertheless, I’ll put everything “on the shelves”:

  1. Drilling an artesian well.
  2. Extracting water from a well.
  3. Cleaning with coarse filters.
  4. Cleaning with fine filters.
  5. Exposure to ultraviolet light.
  6. Ozonation.
  7. Treatment (by ozonation) of containers and stoppers.
  8. Pouring water.
  9. Sending finished products to the warehouse.

A few words about the staff. I deliberately did not separate this into a separate section, because little really needs to be said: to service a bottled water production plant, 20 people are enough, of which at least a third should be familiar with the equipment.

Manufacturers and suppliers. There are 110 companies in the 2020 catalog. Production and wholesale sales. Table water factories included in the exhibition list:

  • Alonka Group of Companies;
  • KavMinVody;
  • Fonte Aqua LLC;
  • Slavda Group of Companies;
  • LLC "Union Food Products";
  • Soft drink factory "Tonus", etc.

The products of the manufacturing company "Achaluki" are also popular. Enterprises extract water from wells in ecologically clean areas of the republics, territories and regions of Russia. Drinking mineral and spring water in Russia is traditionally used to improve health and treat chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of water from Zheleznovodsk and Essentuki have been confirmed. The Crimean springs of mineral and table waters are famous. The products are bottled, PET containers and glass. Possibility of bottling into large volume containers upon order.

New ones are introduced to the market trade marks, product names. Contact Information production - address, phone number, website in the “Contacts” tab. Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region, regions of the country and the CIS by transport organizations. Leave feedback about the service and purchases!

We invite bottle suppliers, health institutions, dealers, and pharmacies to cooperate. To buy in bulk, download the price list - contact the manager. Prices for large wholesale are negotiated individually over the phone!

Bottled water is in consistently high demand. The business of extracting and selling it requires quite a high initial investment, but subsequent costs are relatively low. The enterprise needs to build an artesian well, as well as purchase equipment for preparing and bottling water.

Many people prefer to buy bottled drinking water

Where to begin?

The business of bottling drinking water from a well requires preliminary preparation, which includes:

  1. Study of soil aquifers. The depth of artesian water varies between 100-1000 m. The site for the facility is selected based on possible construction costs and logistics costs.
  2. Drawing up a business plan. At this stage, the market capacity, preferences of potential buyers are examined, possible risks, amount of starting capital, etc.
  3. Official registration of the enterprise and obtaining permits.
  4. Purchase and installation of equipment.
  5. Marketing campaign. The consumer must learn about the very existence of a new product on the market and its advantages over competing offerings.

Preliminary research

Water production as a business directly depends on local natural conditions. Preliminary research begins with the study of general geological survey maps. Areas of terrain with the smallest depth of artesian waters are selected. At the same time, the soil structure should also ensure the minimum cost of construction work. Thus, if possible, territories with rocky and marshy soils are excluded. It is necessary to select several sites at once, and then gradually narrow the list depending on:

  • location of transport routes. Independent construction or modernization of access roads significantly increases the costs of implementing a business project;
  • distance from populated areas. Delivery of finished products to consumers should take place along the shortest route. Finally, it is difficult for the service personnel themselves to get to the well located far from their place of residence and passenger transport routes;
  • locations of other buildings. The selected plot may already be occupied or it may not be possible to rent it;
  • intended purpose land.

Note: in accordance with legal requirements, each site must be used depending on its category and intended purpose. IN in this case attention should be paid to industrial lands.

Next, you need to personally inspect each site to settle on the final version. Perhaps during the search process it will be possible to purchase a ready-made well. After agreement with the land owner, it is necessary to carry out exploratory drilling and make a preliminary analysis of the liquid.

Read also: Profitable production in Russia

Business planning

The business plan for drinking water production includes analysis of:

  • promising areas of activity - office maintenance, sales of products through retail chains, work with budgetary institutions, for example, schools or hospitals, etc.;
  • local market - the presence of competitors, shortcomings of their strategy, potential monopoly position in certain areas;
  • goals, objectives, development strategy - the enterprise must gain a foothold only within the framework of a single settlement, the entire region, there may be prospects for reaching international market(in particular, if a source with unique healing properties is being developed);
  • the amount of start-up capital - it consists of the costs of registering an enterprise, construction works, acquisition and installation of equipment, wages, rental payments until the start of profit;
  • estimated time frames for self-sufficiency;
  • potential risks - the likelihood of natural disasters, errors in initial planning, unexpected changes in the external situation (prohibition, restriction or change in rules) must be taken into account certain types activities, use of the site for federal projects, etc.);
  • business exit strategies - if the enterprise fails, you need to sell existing equipment with minimal losses, and also provide for the possibility of repaying borrowed funds.

Business registration

For small businesses, the preferred organizational and legal forms are:

  • individual entrepreneurship (IP)- registration and liquidation require lower costs, but the risks that arise must be met with all personal property;
  • society with limited liability(OOO)- a more voluminous package of documents will be required (charter, minutes of the meeting or decision sole founder), registration and liquidation take longer.

However, for arising obligations, a company participant is liable only in the amount of a share in authorized capital. Also, a business can be organized by more than one person. Next you need:

  • acquire ownership or rent a suitable plot of land;
    obtain a license for the right to use subsoil;
  • make a calculation total volumes water consumed - this is within the authority Federal agency water resources;
  • obtain a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor that the exploited land plot is suitable for organizing a sanitary zone (it is a square with a side of 60 m, in some cases - 30 m);
  • obtain a conclusion on well design;
  • order a well design;
  • complete construction work;
  • accept the well for operation, at this stage members of the state acceptance commission also check the quality of the fluid;
  • register the well with the state;
  • organize a sanitary zone;
  • conduct a state geological examination.

Note: the listed actions are costly and time-consuming, so you can purchase water from third-party suppliers.

Equipment list

To organize a water sales enterprise, you will need the following equipment:

  • well;
  • metal well or caisson;
  • pump;
  • water treatment systems that adjust the chemical and microbiological composition of produced water;
  • storage tank;
  • device for filling water into containers;
  • installation for disinfection of containers.

In Russia, the amount of drinking (bottled) water consumed increases every year, so if there is a desire to establish your own drinking water production, a business plan is the very first condition. Having a well-drafted plan will ensure the prosperity of the enterprise and constant profit. Naturally, people mainly use still water for drinking and cooking, so it is better to pay attention to this direction.

The search for premises for a future workshop where the equipment will be located is best combined with obtaining permits from Mosenergo and Mosvodokanal. A vicious circle emerges here, and if you miss even one link from the list, then drawing up a rental agreement for the premises will not make sense due to the fact that you will not receive permission to use it. It is necessary to conclude agreements with each of the above two organizations so that they provide permission to use a certain amount of water and electricity for the operation of production.

Once permits are obtained, water testing can begin. Today, many private laboratories are registered in the capital of the Russian Federation, which conduct similar examinations on more than 50 indicators and have the right to issue conclusions on the examination performed. However, it is worth remembering that the choice of this organization must be approached responsibly, since it is by referring to the examination results provided to it that the decision is made to issue a SanPin permit.

Of course, you will also need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, if what these names say is not enough for you, we recommend that you read the article - “”.

Equipment and premises

Now you can start purchasing and installing equipment, containers, bottling and selling them. Because it is based on the results of the examination that suitable equipment for water purification and enrichment is selected useful substances. While research is being carried out in the laboratory, in parallel, look for a company that can not only deliver the necessary equipment, but also ensure its high-quality installation. It is recommended to call as many companies as possible, check the price and do not hesitate to ask questions. After the “dossier” has been collected, try to get advice from entrepreneurs who are already involved in the purification and sale of water, as well as from other specialists, even indirectly related to this type of activity.

Today, most companies offer equipment manufactured in Russia or China. Even if a different country of origin is indicated, it is most likely that the units are assembled from Chinese components. Also, each supplier tries to relieve itself of responsibility and provides minimum guarantees, which sometimes amount to ridiculous terms (3 months). It is not recommended to accept such conditions, so as not to think later about how to replace components that were unfairly tested and failed very quickly, and given that the equipment is expensive, it is better to play it safe.

After the results of the examination are obtained, you can draw up technical requirements to future equipment regarding water treatment and spillage. This package of documents is sent to selected suppliers. You won’t have to wait long for offers; the main thing is to make the right choice and not rush.

Once the mailing has been completed, you can begin renovating the room where you plan to install manufacturing facility and install the lines. So that the workshop is ready for work before the process of transportation and installation of equipment. Only after repairs that meet the standards can you invite SES employees, who will decide to issue permission to open and operate a workshop in this particular premises.

When the choice of a supplier of equipment for the workshop has already been made, you can draw up an agreement, which includes a list of services provided and their price, pay bills and install the purchased lines. After everything is ready, the workshop will once again be inspected by representatives of the SES to ensure it is ready for work.

So, before starting water production, the entrepreneur must have the following documents on hand::

    water quality certificate;

    protocol of water tests;

    permission to organize production;

    documents (certificates) for line components (equipment).

Interesting facts about drinking water

It is worth remembering one fact that even the most modern laboratory will not be able to establish the origin of water during the examination. Analyzes can reveal the presence of microbes, list minerals, find microorganisms harmful to human health, but no one will give an opinion about the source from which this water was taken. Thanks to modern methods purification and the possibility of enriching it with various minerals, it became impossible to determine whether water was taken from a well or drawn from a tap. Today, water manufacturers use gold and silver in purification systems, and some even manage to add salt. According to SanPin standards, the production of drinking water involves the use of only first or highest category materials. Each of them is considered safe for consumption.

Mini factories

If you want to organize the production of purified drinking water in a small area, even at home, it is recommended to take advantage of the offer to install a turnkey mini-plant. Some equipment sales companies offer entrepreneurs to install such a line using high-quality equipment (this must be carefully monitored). Give preference to systems that use the latest technologies for water purification.

Such purification technologies guarantee complete sterility of water, and when bottled in airtight containers, it can be stored without losing quality characteristics for two years. This important factor, if you plan to sell water by bottling it in large bottles.

The selected purification technology must ensure that the water is 100% safe and free from any bacteria. Right choice will eliminate the sale of low-quality water, problems with inspections from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and dissatisfied customers. Both artesian and tap water are suitable for purification, which at the first stage passes through multimedia mechanical filters. Then it is passed through a layer of adsorbent and softened. At the next stage, filtration occurs for the smallest impurities larger than 5 microns. It is welcome to have a disinfection system that treats water with ultraviolet radiation. Next, using the reverse osmosis method, deep cleaning is carried out, and at the final stage, disinfection with ozone and, if necessary, saturation with oxygen. If your budget allows, you can look for a mini-plant equipped with automatic control, which will allow you not to interrupt the cleaning process.

    water purification with filters that are selected depending on its quality;

  • bottle blowing (optional).

And only as the business grows can additional “bells and whistles” be introduced to enrich them with useful microelements, carry out carbonation and move on to the production of sweet carbonated and still waters.

Packaging and personal logo development

If you decide to open the production of drinking water and have spent a lot of effort and personal funds on it, then you should take care of the lines for bottling water and its packaging. Naturally, you can pour water yourself, but it is advisable to give preference to automation. Even small production must meet certain requirements and standards. Our own bottle production line will allow us to produce new, clean plastic containers, and our filling line will make it possible to fill them quickly and efficiently.

If you want to win your client, do not forget about this important point such as developing your own TM and corresponding logo. You can promote products only by being responsible for quality, using a bright label and a suitable advertising slogan. After all, as you know, advertising is an important point for the favorable development of trade!

Take care of creating and constantly updating the site. Today, people in Russia are spoiled and prefer to place orders through the World Wide Web, so competent advertising and a convenient website will significantly increase the number of consumers. You can also advertise on local television and newspapers. If there are companies and offices in the nearby area, you can distribute it there Flyers. Take care of delivery, this service will increase orders, but you will need delivery staff and a small truck.

Drawing up a business plan

If we talk about the capital that will be needed to start, then according to the most minimal calculations, this amount will be about 4.4 million rubles.

The list of expenses includes:

    equipment - about 650 thousand;

    production permits – from 45 thousand;

    certificate for water – from 60 thousand;

    rent of premises for a workshop, office and warehouse for the first three months - about 900 thousand;

    salary for a commissioning engineer, accountant, chief accountant, manager, four workers, a cleaner and a forwarder - about 1,030 thousand;

    office technical equipment and furniture - about 150 thousand;

    overhead costs for the first three months of work - 1 million;

    brand promotion, website launch and promotion, labels and packaging – from 100 thousand;

    additional expenses - 100 thousand;

    small used truck – 200 thousand.

Total: 4,410 thousand

Please note that this business plan is compiled according to the most modest requirements. With a good start, the payback for this plant will be realized in the second or third year of operation. Then water production how the business will start to make money net profit, which, with favorable development, can amount to up to a million rubles per year. Naturally, these calculations cannot be called accurate. They will be amenable to correction depending on the wishes of the founder, his financial capabilities and the quality of the product. At the same time, it is possible to slightly reduce the number of employees (workers) and, as a result, monthly expenses for wages for them. However, we note that you will not be able to cope with the equipment without a qualified installation engineer and several workers in the workshop, you will not be able to cope with financial statements without an accountant and not to process all orders without a courier-forwarder.

Those wishing to join the drinking water production must draw up a business plan. The number of competitors in this market segment is constantly growing, so you need to try to enter this business, using a minimum initial financial contribution. At proper organization workshop operation and successful marketing activities production will be profitable and bring considerable profits.

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