How do I imagine my future profession? How do I imagine my future profession?

Real estate 21.10.2020


Federal state budget educational institution

Higher professional education

"Rostovsky State University means of communication"


Branch of RGUPS in Tuapse

Department of Humanitarian and Economic Disciplines


Topic: ''My career as an economist''

by discipline:

Introduction to the profession of economist''

Completed by a student

groups PEB 1-022:

Hakobyan Ayarpi Ovikovna.


Kozlova Marina Viktorovna.

Abstract structure:

1. My profession is economist.

2. My successes and achievements.

3. Why did I enter the university?

4. How I imagine my future career.

5. My professional goals.

6. What exactly am I going to do to achieve my goals.

7. Self-analysis.

8. Outstanding people whose professional activity serves as an inspiring example to me.


All people dream of getting a higher education and becoming sought-after specialists, I am no exception. I have many plans for the future, in order to achieve them, I, and any person, must have clearly defined goals. Of course, not everyone can force themselves to carry out actions according to a certain plan, but every person must achieve their goals, otherwise our life is meaningless. Every new day for an economist is new opportunity, new chances for development. As I said Lawrence Peter:

Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources.

The economist must do the work of implementing economic activity enterprise aimed at increasing the efficiency and profitability of production, the quality of products and the development of new types of products, achieving high final results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

I think no one can achieve instant success in economics without a lot of effort. In my opinion, an economist is one of the most difficult professions. In this activity, you need to constantly improve your knowledge, be a universal and multifaceted specialist, capable of understanding any issues.


IN this section I will write briefly about my achievements.

I finished high school secondary school with a silver medal. Participated in all school and city Olympiads in ecology, biology, history, social studies, law and technology, ranking top places. For 7 years I have been engaged in defense creative projects in technology and biology. In April 2015, I took part in the 3rd International Youth Forum, Young Science, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War. In May 2015, I took part in the 27th scientific and practical conference “Small Agricultural Academy of Students”; I achieved my goal by taking first place and winning a prize. My favorite subjects at school were: history, social studies and mathematics, but at the same time it was incredibly interesting to study other subjects in more depth that were completely unrelated to my long-chosen profession - economist.

From the age of 13 I was engaged in shooting and basketball, unfortunately now I don’t have enough time to do my favorite things, but I will try to resume my training soon.

I want to connect my future with the profession of an economist and nothing else; I took the first steps towards realizing my dream by enrolling in the Rostov State University of Transport, a branch in the city of Tuapse.


A modern person simply needs higher education as a guarantee of success in future practical activities. It has long been known that the profession of economist is not only in demand, but also highly paid. I chose this university because it is located in my city and not so far from home. But these are not the decisive reasons for my choice.

Our university has the best teaching staff, and the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my goals.


Table No. 1 Work and income.

At the age of 18 I will get a job as a sales consultant in small company in order to accumulate certain knowledge and experience in this field of activity.. For this job I will need certain skills and abilities, such as: politeness, accuracy and some knowledge. This way I will have a foundation and some basis to achieve my goals.

At the age of 22, I will try to climb the career ladder in this organization and become a Human Resources Specialist. Thus, in 5 years I will receive the necessary work experience and also demonstrate my skills.

At the age of 30, I plan to become the director of this bank. Thus, I will not only get a prestigious job, but will also be able to receive a high salary to further achieve my goals.

At the age of 35, I will open my own company, which will deal with assets, namely real estate. Without a doubt on initial stage It will be difficult to promote the company, but my skills and abilities will help me solve all the problems.

At 40, I will become a media mogul and expand my business. My branches will actively operate not only in Russia, but also in Europe. At this stage, I can say with confidence that I have achieved most of the goals that I set for myself at the very beginning of a long, difficult, but very interesting road.

« No matter how good the orphanage is,

it will never replace family"

A. A. Katolikov.
From the essays “How I Imagine My Family”
I imagine my family prosperous. With my beloved husband and children. I want my husband to always support me in difficult times. And I also want my 2 siblings to always be by my side.”

Kamenskikh Katya. 15 years.

In the orphanage for 7 years.

* “I imagine my family with a loving husband, with affectionate, cute children. So that my family has understanding, respect, love, mutual assistance, support in difficult situations. My own grandmother lived with my family and helped raise my grandchildren.”

Volodina Anna. 17 years.

6 years old in an orphanage.

* “I will definitely build a wooden house on the river bank. The house will be large, five-walled, with many rooms. One of them will be my wife and I’s bedroom, the other will be the children’s room. There will be a spacious kitchen and living room. And I’ll also make a room for my mother (after all, even now I’m not offended by her; and when she’s around, I’ll be calmer for her.)”

Timofey Kamenev.16 years old.

In the orphanage for 4 years.

Winner All-Russian competition literary

works “My Dream” - 2008

“Strengthening kinship and family ties

in the conditions of a family group of the State Public Educational Institution “Orphanage” in Okhansk”

Bolotova A.A. - teacher,

teacher of the highest qualification category.
Orphans and children left without parental care, having embarked on the path of independent life, experience significant difficulties in adapting to new conditions. For many years they were within the walls of government institutions, which took upon themselves the solution to all their problems. And today, in most cases, the portrait of an orphan graduate has the following characteristics;

Lack of independence in solving problems,

There are no relatives nearby who let him know that he is dear to them.

All this confirms that the orphanage pupil needs support.

Article 75 of the “Family Code of the Russian Federation” indicates:

“…..If it is possible to maintain a child’s relationship with his own parents and relatives without harming the child, this must be done.”

I have been working in an orphanage for 30 years and am convinced that children adapt more easily to society when they have family members nearby. It's no coincidence that the problem “Formation of family relationships as part of preparing orphans for independent family life ", became methodological topic, on which I have been working for more than 8 years and consider the joint activities of children - relatives as the main pedagogical factor that contributes to the purposeful formation of family relationships.

The goal is: establishing close cooperation between children and relatives. To form the concept of “family” in the minds of children, to prepare them for independent life and, above all, family life. The structure and organization of work are aimed not only at ensuring the protection of the child and his rights, but also at creating stability in children’s relationships with significant adults. The priority is to develop the child’s self-esteem and trust in people; formation of stability, i.e., a state of psychological security.

I developed the concept and implemented the program “Preparation of orphans and children deprived of parental care for independent life”, focused on personally significant technologies for raising children.

The program combines almost all areas of social competence of pupils.

Relevance of the problem: those children who are supported by relatives are more successful in independent life.
Target: preparing students for further independent life and adaptation in society.
Predicted result– children’s adaptation to independent life with the support of relatives is more successful

experimental part

To diagnose family relationships among children of a family group, I use the following methods:

  1. Drawing test “Me and my family” (A. Afanasyeva)

  2. Family Drawing Test (R. Burns and S. Kaufman)

  3. Test "Unfinished Sentence"

  4. Drawing “My family tree”
Thus, based on the diagnostics performed

The following conclusions can be drawn:

1. When entering an orphanage, most children have negative memories of their parents.

2. Most children kept warm family relations with his brothers and sisters.

3. Most children see support in life in the person of their brothers and sisters.

The presence of a child in an orphanage leaves a certain imprint on him, which does not always contribute to successful socialization. Therefore, the category of orphans has a greater degree of dependence on social factors and on the orientation than other categories of children. social policy, on the nature of the relations of all subjects of civil society.

Conducted studies reveal a clear connection between a high level of contact between a child and his parents and the return of children from government agency back to the family. D. Bowlby, author of the book “The Making and Breaking of Kinship Ties,” especially draws attention to the unjustified belief that a child will forget his home and start living all over again if he is moved somewhere else. The main aspects of the beneficial influence of personal meetings of a child with relatives or parents and their benefits are formed by D. Thorburn in book "On protection child" as follows:

Increasing the likelihood of the child returning back to the family;

The child’s self-esteem increases;

The child receives Additional information About Me;

The child’s abilities increase, including the ability to


The risk of the child’s rejection of the present place is reduced


Qualitatively new relationships are established;

Helps overcome crisis situations;

Guarantees the child a family for life (brothers, sisters).

There are 8 children in the family group school age united by family ties. The development of a child’s relationship with parents and relatives is one of the important areas in my work. The principle of family is the main factor in development and self-development personalities child. Brothers and sisters live together, watching the development and growth of their relatives, and jointly solve many vital issues. This factor has a decisive role in strengthening family ties, which become especially important for children who do not have the opportunity to be raised by their parents in a blood family.

Children's mastery of the relationships that develop between people occurs in the process of joint activities of children-relatives. Forms of organization are sent to develop relationships from individual(youngest and eldest child) to group And collective(family) associations. Older brothers and sisters take on the functions of absent parents and thereby not only convey manifestations of positive moral qualities, but also prepare for independent life.

Don’t we prepare children for family life when

We host family evenings and birthdays. Such events help solve several problems at once: children learn to cook, use the product rationally, the whole family gathers at the table, which brings the children closer and closer together.

We also use to form stable relationships common labor. At the same time, forms of organization There are different types of children-relatives:

- Individual. An older brother or sister and a younger one (for example, washing small laundry, cleaning the room);

- Group. Several family members (for example, working on the site). Such work develops the ability to agree on joint actions, bring things to an end, and help each other.

The family group has created its own “family traditions”: design family albums, preparation of individual gifts, surprises for holidays, birthdays, ski trips with the whole “family”, one-day hikes. All this work contributes to the purposeful formation of family relationships.

In a group-family, a child comes into contact mainly with brothers and sisters, with comrades with whom he lives, plays, and is friends. Here, first of all, the character of relationships with people is forged, which children then carry into life.

I develop and I strengthen the contacts of my group’s students with relatives or friends.

Children have the opportunity, at the request of relatives, to live with them on weekends, holidays, and holidays. Such visits give the child invaluable experience of life in a family. All children visit relatives during the holidays. Relatives (usually grandmothers, brothers, sisters) are frequent guests in our family group. They come with candies and pies and come to us for family holidays and birthdays. The group has set up a stand “They are waiting for us here”, where roads lead from the orphanage building to different directions in our region and region, where our children go and visit their relatives.

Conclusion: I do not take upon myself the function of recreating the family, but I am trying to attract relatives to the children who live in the orphanage.

This connection has a nurturing effect on the child and is important factor socialization, because he extracts from it information about the family: the roles of father and mother, distribution of responsibilities, place for children in the family and much more that is necessary when creating your own family.

A child does not choose his parents, he loves them as they are.

To develop a healthy identity, a person needs to know where he came from and what his roots are. Meeting relatives allows you to obtain additional information about the child and his history. Among the relatives there may be someone who is able to take this child into care - such options are considered first and are considered preferable, since the child remains part of his family.

In some cases, it is possible for the child to return to his parents (if the child lives temporarily in an orphanage) The child may want to meet his family and need information about his family and his past - our task ensure the mental safety of these contacts.

Establishing partnerships with a family, strengthening the child’s permanent ties with parents and close relatives, family reunification is a delicate, complex matter that does not have to be hasty, requiring time and patience.

Practice shows that often abandoned children do not know where their parents are. It is necessary to help the child find lost relatives, because his character problems stem from the terrible word “ nobody's " This difficult problem can and should be solved. It is necessary to support, preserve, and strengthen existing family ties.

After graduating from university, at the age of 25, I will take the position of recruitment manager at Interantenna LLC.

My role will be to organize personnel records management. My responsibilities will include: drawing up schedules for searching for workers needed by the enterprise, searching for workers by information databases data, get acquainted with the resumes of applicants, conduct interviews with applicants, check references of applicants, study characteristics and information from previous places of work of applicants, introduce candidates for vacant positions managers structural divisions for negotiations.

Important qualities will be resistance to stress and the ability to use time rationally. It will be necessary to have knowledge in the field of general and special psychology, sociology and labor psychology, ethics business communication, the basics of organizing personnel records management.

At the age of 30, I will take the position of head of the human resources department at Interantenna LLC.

My role will be to control and organize the work of HR department employees. It will be necessary to have the gift of persuasion, initiative, the ability to work in a team and flexibility of thinking, have experience in the field of personnel selection and the ability to manage subordinates.

At the age of 35, I will take the position of Deputy Chief of Personnel and social issues Interantenna LLC.

My role will be to distribute responsibilities and operational tasks from the head of the organization to subordinate employees. It will be necessary to have the ability to engage in gambling and take responsibility for possible risks, setting short-term and long-term goals and determining priority areas development, have experience in organizing the work of employees and the ability to manage subordinates.

You will need knowledge in the field of organizational, managerial and personnel tasks, general and special psychology, sociology and labor psychology, ethics of business communication, fundamentals of organizing personnel records management.

My professional goals

What exactly am I going to do to achieve my goals?

Professional goals End-means analysis
Required funds Available Out of stock Practical action
During my studies at the university
Time Information Aspiration Study the information, execute independent work, to make a presentation.
Time Information Aspiration Time Aspiration Information Attending lectures, taking notes, studying material.
In the first 5 years after graduation
1.Get the position of recruiting manager at Interantenna LLC Time Knowledge and skills Aspiration Time Aspiration Knowledge and skills Graduate from the SibADI Academy, master theoretical and practical material.
In the next 10 years
Time Experience Aspiration Time Aspiration Experience Take an active part in the affairs of the organization, perform diverse work, and develop yourself.


Professional goals Situational analysis
Personal qualities Available ( strengths) Out of stock (weaknesses) Actions for their development
Long term goals
1.Occupy the position of chief at Interantenna LLC Responsibility, dedication, results orientation, organization. Responsibility, Purposefulness, focus on results. Organized. Attendance at trainings and advanced training
Medium-term goals
1. Graduate from SibADI Academy. Purposeful, results-oriented, learnable.
2.Get the position of recruiting manager at Interantenna LLC Determination, focus, activity, communication skills, initiative. Purposefulness, focus, activity, initiative. communication skills Engage in conversations more often, read books.
Short term goals
1.Successfully complete the educational internship. Purposeful, results-oriented, learnable. Purposeful, results-oriented, learnable.
2. Pass the exam without academic debt. Purposeful, results-oriented, learnable. Determination, learning ability.

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Essay “Choice of a profession” An important problem of adolescence is the choice of profession. At this time, the interests of a significant part of adolescents are extremely unstable. They are generated by acquaintances and comrades. School and family have less influence. The degree of choice ranges from absolute “yes, this is the only profession that attracts me” to “I don’t know how it will work out.” Teenagers prioritize professions that provide the opportunity to make independent decisions, contact people, and receive a useful product from their activities. In second place are professions in which there is a creative nature of work. In third place is work from which you can get new impressions. IN Lately an important factor, influencing the choice of profession was the financial reward for the work done. It has been established that teenagers rarely choose their parents' professions. But there is no doubt that they listen to the opinions of adults. At the age of 10-12, children often have a clear idea of ​​who they will work as. This is due to the lack of life experience, as well as the insignificant need for self-realization. For children aged 14-15 years, choosing their future profession causes much more difficulties and doubts. Which is not surprising. Teenagers who are already really faced with this question are guided by three positions in choosing a profession: I want - the interests, inclinations of the child, the desire to do something that interests him; I can - level of preparedness, level of knowledge, availability of abilities for the chosen type of activity; necessary - the demand for the profession, the need for it in society. This also includes thinking about a number of factors that are also important: the prestige of the profession, the remuneration system, place of residence. In conditions market economy the prestige of one profession is replaced by the prestige of another. And vice versa. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you should not base your choice of profession only on this factor. Let us note, and this has become commonplace, that higher education increases prestige. But we should not forget that a certain number of teenagers are not inclined to engage in mental activity at all. It will be much easier for such guys to find themselves if they start their education at a college or technical school. This often helps with subsequent admission to higher education. Teen gets in educational institutions middle level knowledge and ideas about the chosen profession. And if desired, he will be able to study further purposefully. Teenagers also evaluate professions depending on gender. But this is unlikely to affect the choice of profession. But the phrase: “This is not a woman’s (men’s) business” can hurt a child’s pride. So, let's hope that a significant number of boys and girls motivate their choice by the presence sustainable interest to a given profession, the abilities, inclinations, knowledge necessary for this business, as well as familiarity with activities close to their future profession. The emergence of the need for self-determination indicates that the adolescent’s personality has reached a high level of development. If such a need does not arise, you should not force him to make a decision. Attempts by parents, especially in families of the intelligentsia, to speed up this event, this process with the help of psychological pressure, always lead to a reaction of protest or an increase in anxiety. It has been noted that early self-determination usually has its costs, since hobbies in adolescence are often accidental and frivolous. A teenager may have a poor understanding of the activities he will have to engage in. And, of course, he believes that all professions are divided into “bad” and “good.” The categorical choice and lack of desire to consider other options is an escape from painful hesitation. This will most likely lead to disappointment later on.


Firstly, the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my main goal.

Secondly, the prestige of the institute is very great.

Thirdly, IE&M has a very strong teaching staff.

Fourthly, and most importantly, in IE and M I will be able to gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. In the words of Quintilian: “Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice.” Here, internships are carried out from the first year at serious enterprises in the city of Penza, which allows students to earn a good reputation and gain work experience during their studies. This will give impetus to the development of my future career.

Fifthly, there is a very interesting organization– Institute of Student Leaders, which gives every student the opportunity to receive additional education within the framework of Ie and M.

I take a very responsible approach to studying at the institute. It is important for me to become not only a professional, but also to receive recognition as such. I use the knowledge and initial experience acquired at the institute to achieve my main professional goal - to become a copper magnate and have a network construction organizations throughout the country and abroad.

How do I imagine my future career?

There are many difficulties and unexpected turns of events in every person's life. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am confident that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work hard on yourself now and, of course, gain experience with everyone possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. Therefore, now we cannot waste this precious time.

I would like to make my career in some thriving company, climb the corporate ladder, and open my own construction or design company.

In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and a high level of income. This refers to prestige from the point of view of public opinion.

In order to become a specialist in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, etc.

To reach main goal, it is necessary to go through almost the entire path of life. Progress towards a different goal will take place in stages, step by step, through solving intermediate tasks.

Desired income (RUB)

Proposed work

Sales consultant in a construction or design company

Sales Manager at the same company

Deputy director of a regional branch of a construction or design organization

Owner of a construction (design) company

Owner of a network of construction (design) firms

Media tycoon, owner of the largest construction (design) company on the Russian market

At the age of 18, I will get a part-time job as a sales consultant in a construction or design organization in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position I need qualities such as communication skills, attentiveness, politeness and, of course, some knowledge. I think: this will be an interesting job, because I will be able to communicate with customers and more experienced work colleagues. Estimated income is 1500 rubles, because I have no work experience. In this way I will take the first step towards my intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a sales manager in the same company. A month will be enough to demonstrate your capabilities to colleagues and prove that noticeable progress is being made in your work. My responsibilities will include concluding contracts with clients and advertising products. Desired income is 4,000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the career ladder and get the position of deputy director of a regional department in a construction (design) company. Having achieved this, I will need to master the art of managing people. The experience and capital accumulated during my tenure in this position will mainly help me make the leap and become the owner of my own company. Estimated income is 10,000 rubles.

At the age of 30 I will open my own business. This will be a construction or design firm. Construction has always been and will be held in high esteem. It has great prospects, despite the fact that it has existed since ancient times. It is especially pleasant to build civil buildings and residential buildings. I want to bring something new to these construction industries. I want the houses to be comfortable for living and have an exceptional interior. This will bring great benefit to people.

Design is closely related to construction and has a wide field of activity. Both the construction and design firm will undoubtedly prosper and pay for itself within a very short time. The desired income in this position is 30,000 rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to expand my business and create a network of companies throughout the region. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain amount of money capital to achieve my main goal, because I think that at this stage it is quite possible wage will be 300,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a media mogul. Branches of my company will operate throughout the country and, I hope, abroad. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 5,000,000 rubles. For such successful prosperity, I will need enormous willpower and assertiveness, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all those qualities that a manager should have.

My professional goals

He who does not know which harbor he is sailing to, has no favorable wind.

My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should bring pleasure. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from college, get a diploma and a job in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, because now large volume information can be retrieved from the monitor screen. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​also plays a huge role in modern life, so it is advisable to know at least one foreign language. This gives great benefits in communicating with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. Studying the specifics of the economies of other countries is also useful: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

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