What business to open on your plot of land. Business ideas in the country or how to make money on a personal plot

Law and law 27.01.2020
Law and law

For many centuries, land was considered one of the most reliable sources of income. But as a result of the industrial revolution of the early twentieth century and the subsequent relocation of the active population to the city, villages and villages began to empty out, and the culture of private farming was gradually lost, which allows you not only to establish your business on the land, but also to gradually expand the business to the size of a large one. farm.

If you like to work on the land or want to make money using the opportunities of a summer cottage, then you will have to study and work a lot, actually giving entrepreneurial potential to property that was not initially intended to generate economic profit, but only serves to satisfy the owner of the plot’s own everyday needs.

How can you make money from your own plot?

It is no secret that Russia is the largest agricultural country in the world. We have the most arable land, there are conditions for growing almost all types of grains, vegetables and fruits, and we also have outstanding agronomists and farmers. But against the backdrop of all this prosperity, it is obvious to us that using our own land plots to run a small family business we don't know how.

This is due to the fact that for about 80 years in our country the right of private ownership of land was prohibited, and the use of a summer cottage for business, although not strictly, was prohibited.

Today there are no prohibitions. Therefore, the current generation can revive the culture of the tiller and lay the foundation that will allow future generations to freely use such an asset as a land plot and wisely extract from it good profit.

Most often today, a plot of land is a fenced area with a house and outbuildings. The area of ​​the site is small, up to 100 sq. m. m. This plot can be used to earn money without registration entrepreneurial activity. Commerce begins when an entrepreneur purchases or leases land for agricultural or commercial purposes.

The main directions for business on your plot of land:

  • craft workshop;
  • greenhouse for growing flowers and vegetables in the cold season;
  • animal farm (see);
  • poultry house (read about).

When planning a business on his land, an entrepreneur must remember that he has a very limited territorial resource. On his site, he will not be able to allocate a lot of space for beds and place hundreds of heads of birds or animals. Therefore, one of the main tasks for such an entrepreneur is to find ways to optimally use the territory of the entire farmstead. Many active businessmen erect entire engineering structures, the main task of which is to create a multi-tiered and multifunctional space with favorable conditions for growing plants or animals.

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Growing plants, vegetables and fruits

Difficult climatic conditions, long cold periods and a large number of sunny days per year in a large part of Russia - all this creates an additional need for fresh vegetables and fruits among the population. A summer resident can grow on his territory different varieties of berries, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs for culinary seasonings, onions, garlic, etc. Read what income it can bring.

To make money from gardening in the warm season, the territory of one average plot will not be enough to grow crops that can provide a profit. But the construction of a greenhouse for the cold season will not only allow you to benefit, but will also cover all the start-up costs for the construction of the greenhouse complex during the first season.

Heated prefabricated polycarbonate greenhouses are best suited for these purposes. Modern technologies allow you to build such a greenhouse with minimal costs. For entrepreneurs who are afraid of the prospect of heating a greenhouse for a long period of time, there are many solutions that allow you to use energy resources economically.

Workshop at home

One of good ideas For a business, opening a repair or production workshop on your own plot of land is considered.

Furniture can be repaired household appliances, watches, garden tools, etc.

You can produce bricks, nails (see), decorative tiles, chain-link mesh and much more, which does not require complex equipment and large labor costs. In fact, the production of all of the listed products can be carried out by one person.

As long as you don't cooperate with legal entities and produce piece goods for sale to other citizens, entrepreneurial activity does not need to be registered. But if you still reach large volumes and plan to cooperate with large procurement companies, then you will need the status of an entrepreneur.

Today, both Russian and Chinese sellers of production equipment offer good machines for the production of piece goods at an affordable price. In order to do right choice, study the experience of using these machines. Most often, in practice, many nuances arise that are best taken into account before paying for the purchase.

Find out, . We will give examples of successful areas and tell you where to start a business.

Livestock business

Raising animals or poultry in a summer cottage is one of the most troublesome activities. But if you like this truly rural work, then you can not only provide your family with high-quality and healthy products, but also make good money from your favorite business.

It is believed that it is most profitable to keep in the household:

  • cows;
  • pigs (see);
  • chickens (meat and laying hens).

Any household will be able to serve two cows, three to four pigs, a couple of dozen laying hens and meat chickens. The profit from such a farm will be very significant. Three pigs for sale will give an income of about 50 thousand rubles, about 10 thousand rubles - the cost of animal feed. Net profit will be approximately 40 thousand rubles.

The profit from a cow is more difficult to calculate. On average, two cows produce about 20 liters of milk per day. By selling the entire milk yield per day, the housewife can earn about one and a half thousand rubles, not counting the sale of sour cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. Such a household will not only feed the whole family, but will also provide an opportunity to save money for large purchases.


There are not so many business ideas on earth. They all originate from those ancient times when the earth fed its owner and his family. And now even the smallest plot, which is used to the maximum for business, can give its owner a good entrepreneurial profit. An important advantage of this format is that while you are working on your site, you are not required to register as an entrepreneur.

Is it possible to create a business in the country, and will it be promising? If not, then there would be no point in writing this article. But since there is text below, and quite a large one, the conclusion is logical: business in the country is more than possible. IN in this example Consider the idea of ​​growing crops with subsequent sale, which involves possible earnings V $800,000 per year.

If you have a dacha, then you certainly have at least 10 acres of land that you need for cultivation. Here the question almost immediately arises - what to grow? It is necessary to choose the most profitable crop that would bring in more money and would require few costs. It's difficult to define this one. Some people don’t do this at all and rely on the great Russian “what if”, some listen to the opinions of experts who predict growth in sales next year, for example, potatoes, and others simply rely on intuition.

For example, if 10 hectares are planted with potatoes, then with an average harvest (200-300 kg per hectare) you can harvest 2-3 tons of this product. Its average price per 1 kilogram is 0.5 dollars (it’s easier to calculate), respectively, from one harvest you can get 1000-1500 dollars. Is this enough for you? Unfortunately no.

Next example – strawberry. Most people grow this product solely for personal consumption. From one hundred square meters you can get (on average) up to 150 kg, from 10 hundred square meters - 1500 kg. The cost of strawberries is $3 per kilogram, respectively, with 1500 kg you can get $4500. Better, but still not enough!

Is it possible to earn even more?

Earnings of $4,500 are guaranteed if you grow single-fruiting strawberries, but there are berries that produce 2 or 3 harvests per year. Accordingly, you can earn 2-3 times more. At the same time, it is also possible to earn money from seedlings, which are not cheap. To do this, you will have to grow seedlings in plastic bags so that their root system is closed. This will allow them to be sold throughout the warm season along with berries: summer, autumn, spring. These seedlings take root always and everywhere, and accordingly, they are sold to the last, and there is practically no competition.

It is not difficult to calculate the possible profit. 1 square meter allows you to grow 60 seedlings in bags. On one hundred square meters (paths for passages are taken into account) you can grow 4-4.5 thousand bushes. The cost of one seedling is, say, 0.5 dollars. Then from only one hundred square meters you can get 2000-2250 dollars; from ten acres - ten times more. And this is much better, but still not $800,000.

And that is not all! Country business can be much more profitable

We only considered 2 cultures, but there are many more of them. Let's take black currants, for example. You don’t even need to analyze the market to say for sure: the demand for it is very good, and black currants are sold to the last berry, no matter how many you grow. Productivity directly depends on the variety, and on average ranges from 100 to 200 kilograms per hundred square meters. The cost of 1 kilogram is 3 dollars. It's easy to calculate the rest. However, this is not the point. It is much more profitable and easier to grow blackcurrant seedlings, and here’s why:

  1. From one hundred square meters you can get 4-5 thousand blackcurrant seedlings (this can be found in any reference book on growing seedlings);
  2. From ten acres you can get 40-50 thousand seedlings (average 45 thousand);
  3. The cost of one seedling is (!) 1-2 dollars (as you sell it);
  4. As a result, the profit from 10 acres can be 45000-90000 thousand dollars.

One can only dream about such earnings. At the same time, you do not need to invest a lot of money in this business, and this is a distinctive advantage. IN in this case maybe just one problem - implementation.

Methods of selling products

There are several ways to sell the seedlings you have grown:

  1. Wholesale sales. In this case, you need to reduce the price, and significantly;
  2. Give it away for sale, losing only 10-15 percent of the possible profit;
  3. Grow currants in bags and sell them yourself. In this case, the implementation period is extended from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. These seedlings will be sold best in the summer, during the ripening period of black currants.

Additionally, you can sell the currant berries themselves, which, if you do everything correctly, will be very large. The buyer will definitely not pass by these.

To grow seedlings you will definitely need cuttings. You need to take them from the mother plant - this is a currant bush, which is intended exclusively for obtaining cuttings. They need to be planted densely - about 10-15 per square meter. On one bush you can grow about 10 powerful shoots, which are cut into cuttings in the fall. From one shoot you can get 5 cuttings, from a bush - 50. These 50 cuttings will turn into seedlings in the future. From one square meter you can get about 500-750 cuttings. It is easy to calculate exactly how many queen plant bushes need to be planted in order to obtain the required number of cuttings for growing seedlings. Most often (and this is more convenient), queen cells are planted in 1-2-3 rows around the perimeter. On average, 12 bushes are placed on 1 square meter, which implies obtaining 600 cuttings from 1 square meter.

The dacha business promises even more money, and it’s true!

You can earn even more from grapes. The point is that the cost grape seedlings are approximately several times higher than the cost of currant seedlings(1.5-2 times), but from one hundred square meters of soil you can get exactly the same number of seedlings - 4-5 thousand. Accordingly, you can earn 1.5-2 times more (about 90-180 thousand dollars).

This income is already fantastic and almost unrealistic. Of course, it is possible to grow such a quantity, but to implement it is not. The reason for this is great competition. At the moment, only the lazy do not sell grape seedlings, so problems may arise with the sale of such a number of seedlings. However, such a business can only be implemented in those regions where, thanks to climate warming, people have begun to pay attention to the emerging opportunity to grow grapes in their summer cottages. These are mainly the northern regions of Ukraine and almost the entire central zone of Russia, including Moscow. Now it is warm enough in this zone, which allows even late grape varieties to fully ripen, and this determines high demand for seedlings.

To grow seedlings, you do not need to prepare special bushes for cuttings. About 100 cuttings can be prepared from just one mature grape, because anyway, about 90% of the vine is pruned in the fall. This vine will successfully take cuttings. In addition, grape berries can be sold if there are a lot of them.

Earning money from science fiction - EVEN MORE!

Theoretically, a dacha business can bring even more money, but in practice this is almost impossible to do due to the large amount of work that will have to be done. You will definitely need help, but this option is worth considering.

We are talking about clematis culture. They can be grown from cuttings in plastic bags and a closed root system. They are almost being implemented all year round except in winter. On one square meter you can grow 300 seedlings; on a hundred square meters - 20,000 (including space for paths); not 10 acres - 200,000. The price of one seedling is 4 dollars (on average), respectively, the cost of 200,000 pieces will be $800,000. The amount is fantastic, but theoretically it is possible to get such a profit.

Clematis cuttings are obtained from mother bushes, which need to be planted thicker. 500 cuttings are obtained from one bush, so you can easily calculate how many bushes you need to plant in order to grow the required number of cuttings.

So, does a business in a summer cottage promise profit?

As you can see, with only 10 acres of free land plot at the dacha, you can create profitable business, which will provide you for life. Even if you only have 2 free acres, then by planting them entirely with currant seedlings, you can get about 10-20 thousand dollars.

Of course, you can grow other crops that, in your opinion, will allow you to earn much more money. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with the appropriate reference books and market prices in order to be able to determine possible income. However, here you will have to experiment.

Any business idea involves certain activities, the end result of which is earnings. And the best situation is when business is combined with pleasure. And this directly relates to giving and the possibility of making a profit. Of course, he won't always be able to do this. Vacation home source of basic income, but, nevertheless, who would refuse a few extra thousand rubles per month? So, is it difficult to organize a business in the country, or how to earn a good living?

general information

There are quite a lot of different ideas and ways to implement them. All of them, of course, will not be considered. But we will list the most worthwhile ones. Here are just a few options:

  1. Studio organization.
  2. Renting out (the dacha itself or the bathhouse).
  3. Quail farm.
  4. Growing mushrooms.
  5. Creation of an apiary.
  6. Growing herbs, vegetables and fruits.

With a thoughtful approach, these ideas, which are now considered as additional financial leverage, can even become the main source of income. It is likely that some options are already familiar to the reader. Others will be new, but they will also be appreciated. Is it possible to organize a business in the country? Options are offered, the choice is yours.

Studio organization

In the information society, service-oriented businesses are becoming increasingly common. Studios are a very convenient form of work at the micro level. They do not require much space but are profitable businesses. Therefore, if you have talent in a certain area, you can try to create your own own business. What skills will be useful in this case? If there are no problems with programming, design, high-quality photographs- you should think about working in the field of interest. In the first (and second case) you can create small business, specializing in creating applications. To find your first clients, you can contact government tenders: Nowadays the informatization of government bodies is actively carried out, and many organizations need their own website. Such a small business in the country can subsequently grow into a rather large and profitable software company or even more.


If, due to certain circumstances, it is not possible to conduct business, the property can be transferred for temporary use to someone else. There may be several reasons for such a decision - a long stay in another country, a business trip, the birth of a child, or something else - it doesn’t matter. A dacha still requires expenses such as land taxes, utility bills, and security. When renting, you can reset existing expenses, and with the right approach, you can earn good money. The main task is to find people who will maintain order and pay money consistently. The first can be achieved by including in the lease agreement special conditions such as removing weeds, caring for the garden and other points, in exchange for which a certain discount of a thousand or two rubles will be provided. You can practice renting for a couple of days for companies who want to relax for a fresh air. This is especially suitable for people who own a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool. But you should not chase big profits; it is advisable to choose adequate people who will not cause damage to property.

Option with sauna and service

Let's look at this in more detail. It is necessary to understand that the main clients will be people who are interested in the opportunity to “hide” from strangers and relax in a bathhouse, near which there is a barbecue, a green garden, a place to relax or a cool pool. This option is suitable if the point is located in a suburban area or at a short distance from the city and is well equipped. Everything else is a matter of advertising and personal desire to earn money. Quite common is the practice of building a bathhouse specifically for rent. Judging by the reviews, a comfortable building pays for itself in a year or two. But the bathhouse remains in the property, and if necessary, you can take a steam bath in it yourself.

Quail farm

This is a great opportunity to make money on meat and eggs, but it should be noted that this is a rather risky venture. And that's why:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly develop ways of marketing quail meat and eggs. This is certainly a useful product, but at first, get a permanent contract with trading network or even just a store may not work out, and you will have to sell the products on the market.
  2. Problems with care. Quails need constant care. It’s worth saying honestly that this is a rather difficult matter. We have to take into account a large number of factors and work out many issues: feed, medicines, waste disposal. Therefore, it is better to deal with poultry if a decision has been made to build a business on it.
  3. You will have to deal with quite vulnerable and demanding birds. It will be necessary to clean their cages every day, monitor the lighting, which should be 18-20 hours a day, add food and water on time (and not overfeed them), and any more or less serious epidemic can literally wipe out most of the farm’s inhabitants in a few days, which will lead to significant losses.

But if everything is organized correctly, then the income will be significant. The first money can be counted in a month or two (and if you buy grown birds, then this is a matter of two weeks), when the eggs start coming. At the same time, they are carried and can be sent to restaurants at a good price. True, here the following specificity is revealed: from a small herd the income will be corresponding, but housing several hundred animals can be problematic.

Greens, vegetables and fruits

We continue to consider business ideas that can be implemented at the dacha, and we will focus specifically on the aspect of part-time work. It will be difficult to earn a lot in this case. More likely for food itself and a little for sale. The industrial approach requires a significant change in operations. You need to think through the issues of choosing varieties, equipment, fertilizers and, of course, what to grow. If you have no idea what to pay attention to, you can turn to strawberries and apples. Both the first and the second on Russian market is significantly lacking, so there is room for improvement here. You should try to maximize productivity. And greenhouses can provide significant assistance with this. Where and how to use them?

Application of greenhouses

There is a lot to be said about them. Here you can grow mushrooms, flowers, and herbs. However, there are several points to consider:

  1. Providing a year-round cycle. In northern latitudes there may be certain problems with this, while in the south it is not so difficult.
  2. We need to work on quality. Equipment, seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, watering, lighting - this is an incomplete list of issues that are resolved first.
  3. Calculate harvest size correctly. It should be borne in mind that a greenhouse measuring 10-12 square meters will not provide a commercial effect. Here it is the same as with quails - it is necessary to aim for an industrial scale, the desired minimum is five or even ten acres.

Option with mushrooms

Speaking about what kind of business in the country is possible, this one could not be put in first place if not for a couple of small “buts”. Initially, you need to decide on the purpose - an exotic or industrial variety. The first one is more difficult to maintain, but more cost-effective. In the case of mushrooms, it is not difficult to make them a source of main income, if only because they grow quickly, and the production cycle is repeated three to four times a year, or even more. The requirements of different types should also be taken into account. You need to take care of ventilation, temperature, humidity, lighting. Special substrates and fertilizers can promote growth. And if you enter the market with products at a balanced price, then there will be no problems with finding a place to sell.


Taking up this business with only one desire will be problematic. To be successful, you need to read a lot of literature, communicate with experienced people, and undergo theoretical and practical training. But this business idea is worth all this work: after all, bees in the country are both useful and profitable. And the first income is possible even a quarter after the start of activity. In the first year, with a competent approach, all initial costs will already be recouped two to three times. Of course, an apiary is very difficult, there are pitfalls here, but if you set a goal for yourself, then achieving it is quite realistic. And most importantly, there are no problems with the sales market, fortunately the population buys honey with a bang, and there are wonderful opportunities for export if a decision is made to work in the markets of several countries. For a good start, you should take care of the location, hives, bee colonies, special equipment, medicines and the availability of territory for honey collection. But if you place an apiary in a dacha area, then a significant advantage will be a large amount of vegetation from which insects will independently collect pollen. At the same time, they do not take up much space - 5-7 hives are enough for yourself and for sale, which will easily fit 10-14 square meters. And if there are several hundred square meters of land, then you can even operate on an industrial scale.

What else?

If you wish, you can always organize a business in your dacha. Ideas, production, sales - these are the three pillars on which any business rests. The situation has developed that there are empty niches in many areas of the market. You just need to want and work - and everything will definitely happen. By the way, in addition to the ideas discussed above, there are some more. The size of the article will not allow us to consider them in detail, but you can still make a simple list:

  1. Breeding worms (earthworms and Californian ones).
  2. Production of decorative blocks, bricks and stone.
  3. Rabbit breeding and poultry;
  4. Organization of a small sawmill.
  5. Pressing fuel briquettes.
  6. Homemade wine production.
  7. Manufacturing of cages and pens, wicker furniture.

As you can see, if you wish, you can organize a small business in your dacha. There are ideas, you just need to prepare thoroughly and evaluate everything possible risks, think about what your heart is in, and take action.

Country business as a profitable and convenient line of business

Before revealing all the secrets and options for a summer cottage business, we will determine the main advantages of this business direction. Let’s give ourselves, so to speak, incentive for further action.

1. Self-realization

Do you like to grow flowers or is your vegetable harvest getting richer every year? Or are you good at making garden figures, the presence of which on the site literally transforms it? Why not use your hobby as income? Many novice summer residents will be happy to purchase both.

In the conditions of a summer cottage, you can do many things that cannot be organized in a city apartment. For example, equip a carpentry workshop and mini sewing factory. From any professional quality or a hobby, you can get a great business idea. The main thing is that you like the work and give pleasure.

2. Freedom of action

Dacha business does not require a direct boss and strict labor discipline. You set your own work schedule. Moreover, this type of income can be either additional, in your free time from your main job, or the only source of income.

3. Savings and convenience

A dacha business, if we consider it in terms of a production business, will significantly save on renting premises and utility bills.

And the convenience lies in independently adjusting production volumes. Based on demand, you can purchase raw materials and manufacture products.

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to is that a summer cottage business is suitable for anyone. A pensioner, a mother on maternity leave, a student or a schoolboy - everyone can find themselves. We will look at earning options both in general and by gender.

3 areas of dacha business

So let's get started. For most people, a summer cottage is an opportunity to grow various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Let's start with this.

Growing crop products for sale

First you need to decide on the type of crop. It depends on climatic conditions. For example, in the south of the country you can grow vegetables all year round. The harsh northern conditions will not allow this to be done even in greenhouses.

So, what can you grow in your dacha for sale:

  • vegetables – greenhouse and ground;
  • greenery;
  • fruits - if climatic conditions allow it;
  • seedlings;
  • flowers;
  • mushrooms.

You can sell grown products as follows: on our own, and by concluding an agreement with the relevant companies involved in the purchase of crops. Contracts for direct supply of products to stores and retail outlets will also not hurt.

Today many people adhere healthy eating. Accordingly, the number of specialized stores that are happy to purchase crop products is growing. Participation in various specialized exhibitions will also help.

Growing mushrooms is considered more expensive, but also more profitable. This process requires additional equipment and a specially equipped room. To grow mushrooms, you also need to enlist the support of the relevant services in the form of permits.

If the size of your summer cottage allows, you can start growing seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs. But this requires patience: the tree must be nurtured for several years to be suitable for sale.

A good option for business would be to grow phyto-products. Small plantations of several medicinal plants will make it possible to sell finished products year-round pharmaceutical companies. The price also includes grass seeds for planting.

Livestock farming as a profitable business in the country

Raising animals is a long and expensive business, but very profitable. You can sell not only the livestock itself, but also by-products: milk, eggs, meat, offal.

The most profitable directions livestock farming in the conditions of a summer cottage are

  • breeding birds and rabbits;
  • pig and sheep farming.

Poultry farming can even be highlighted as a separate line, since, based on feed costs and costs of maintaining poultry, this path is the most profitable.

You can either raise adult birds or master the incubator business. To do this, you need to stock up on eggs and special incubators. Large poultry farms will tear off young chicks “with arms and legs.”

As for raising adult birds, special attention should be paid to geese. Not only poultry meat is valuable, but also eggs, feathers, fluff, fat and offal.

We include beekeeping and dog breeding in the same group as animal husbandry. Doing both requires specialized knowledge, but the end result is worth it.

Honey always remains a valuable product that can be sold both independently and through the retail chain.

There will always be a demand for dogs of expensive breeds. This especially applies to guards large dogs. A city apartment is not suitable for this line of business, but country enclosures will help raise a couple of individuals in order to obtain offspring from them. The puppy will need about a couple of months to adapt “to society,” after which it can be separated from its mother and handed over to the client.

In addition to selling puppies, you can engage in an exhibition business. If a dog has an excellent pedigree, external and physical characteristics, then you can make good money by participating in all kinds of exhibitions with it. And many dog ​​breeders will want to buy a puppy from such a dog.

Rent and rent are different

If apartments are for rent, why not do this with a dacha? Couples in love or those wishing to organize a corporate event in nature will welcome this idea with a bang. Especially if the dacha is located in a picturesque place and is fully landscaped.

IN summer period The dacha will be loved by those who want to spend their holidays in the fresh air, and in winter, the house can come in handy for the January holidays.

Continuing the theme of animals: you can set up a mini hotel for cats and dogs. Often their owners do not know where to place their pets during a short absence.
And the territorial location of the dacha near the city will make it possible to organize a training ground for dogs on the site.
Don’t forget about the bathhouse, which every self-respecting summer resident has. It can also be rented out by the hour.

Dacha business for women: 4 profitable directions

Women can be offered the following options for profitable self-realization in the country:

1. Any direction self made

Think about what you like to do and what can bring you good income. Embroidery, knitting, weaving, handmade soap, jewelry, decoupage - anything can be used. The main thing is to find your clients and do what you love. Some will say that all this can be done at home. Yes, but in nature the environment itself promotes more productive creativity.

2. Mini studio in the country

Previous minor activities may develop into large-scale activities. The latter will require both financial investments and registration of your activities. But there are plenty of ideas for implementation: clothes, bedspreads, curtains!

Moreover, you can take on everything at once, or specialize in the production of one line. For example, maternity clothes or bedspreads with designer patterns. Animal lovers will be able to make our little brothers happy with new costumes and accessories.

This production business idea will be an excellent solution for female workers in large studios. If you are tired of working for your uncle, and the clientele of the studio values ​​you as an employee, then you can open your own business.

3. Cooking in a summer cottage

Since an additional refrigerator and a professional oven would not hurt to make cakes and pies to order, dacha conditions are ideal for such a business. The main conditions for creation are having a health certificate and the ability to not only bake delicious cakes and decorate them beautifully.

4. Country food preparations

Processing of vegetables and fruits, their preservation and freezing - such products will always be in demand. You can organize a mini production workshop hard cheeses or smoked meats. In the direction food products You can also take a walk somewhere. And dacha conditions only contribute to profitable production.

Dacha business for men: another attractive four

Men at the dacha will not be offended either. For them, we have prepared the following options for a summer cottage business:

1. Garden landscape

Many people think about beautifully decorating their site, but not everyone can bring their ideas to life. If the neighbors are staring at your homemade ducks and ponds, then why not take your talent outside the territory? You can make money by making garden figures and lanterns, small ponds and pools, wooden structures in the form of gazebos, benches and tables.

2. Country workshop

Another good activity for men. You can make anything. This direction can also be called business on unnecessary things. Many people throw away unwanted things. This could be either old furniture or broken down appliances.

Do you like to give things a second life? Let people know about this. And there will be no end to customers. You can return the repaired item to its owner, or you can take it to specialized consignment stores.
Another variation is to make an old thing completely new look. For example, a motor from a non-working moped will be an excellent addition to an old bicycle.

3. Garage at the dacha

Many people use the garage as an auto repair shop. We can do the same. If you understand the structure of the car, then you can easily offer services for its repair. Tire service and anti-freeze production will continue the dacha automotive theme.

4. Everything for the garden

And, of course, if we are talking about a dacha, we cannot ignore the garden theme. You can make everything: from shovels and rakes to greenhouses.

Dacha startup

In conclusion of the article, I would like to propose one of the new areas of business production: growing leeches. Hirudotherapy is gaining momentum. People willingly seek the help of leeches. Alternative medicine centers are growing by leaps and bounds.

Leech cultivation is carried out in specialized factories, available only in large cities. Visit clinics offering leech treatment services and ask them whether it would be more profitable for them to buy treatment material locally than to purchase it from another city.

If an agreement has been reached, you can begin to implement your plan. Country conditions are the best suited for growing leeches. It is necessary to obtain permission to operate, purchase necessary equipment, create conditions for cultivation and you can explore a new area of ​​​​business.

Summing up

A person with an entrepreneurial streak will always find opportunities for doing business. Beginners in business should pay close attention to their dacha. Believe me, it contains many ways to generate income.

Gone are the days when many people with gardening tools went out of town every weekend to weed and dig at their own dacha. Today the situation has changed dramatically - lovers of active recreation are increasingly thinking about turning land plots into a source of income.

There are a huge number of small business ideas for country property owners. Maintaining a dacha can bring not only pleasure from spending time there, but also good profit for its owners. Let's talk about the most popular types commercial activities, which can be organized at minimal cost.

Business on a personal plot

Before you choose the direction of doing business in your dacha, you need to decide what practical skills you have that can benefit people. It’s easy to guess that if a person is well versed in, for example, chinchillas, he is unlikely to be interested in growing flowers or seeds. Like any type of entrepreneurial activity, a dacha business will need to be registered with the Federal Tax Service.


If there are fruit trees, shrubs and other honey-bearing plants near the summer cottage, you can organize the work of an apiary. At all times, it has brought good and stable profits to people, because such products are always in great consumer demand.

Even a small farm can provide quite a decent income, since in addition to honey, beekeepers sell wax, honeycombs, propolis, broil and other products that the apiary produces. Before you start organizing a business, you should understand the specifics of this type of activity.

A beekeeper needs to know how to place hives on the site, properly disinfect them, care for and breed insects, work with special equipment, and collect honey. If a person decides to open an apiary, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to simultaneously breed livestock, since bees do not tolerate being in the vicinity of animals - this reduces honey production.

To increase the amount of honey, it does not hurt to acquire a cargo transport that transports the hives to fields and other places where there are suitable plants. To organize an apiary of 5-10 bee families large investments not required. During a season, 1 family can produce about 40 kg of honey (with market value at 300 rubles per 1 kg, the benefit becomes obvious).


Often people come to their dachas with entire families, so there are usually quite a few children present in the villages. This fact should be used to make a profit, since on your own site you can organize a playground or a swimming pool for children. It also makes sense to consider installing equipment such as:

  • inflatable trampoline;
  • swing;
  • slide

This kind of business idea can be very useful and profitable, since parents will be able to leave their children in the children's playground for several hours or even the whole day. It doesn’t hurt to think about what activities will be of interest to little visitors. As a rule, towns or game rooms in dachas work according to the principle summer camps or development centers, and payment for services is charged hourly.

As for investments in organizing a business, they depend on the capabilities of the entrepreneur. For example, to equip a playroom, you need to invest about 30 thousand rubles, and installing swings and equipment on the playground will cost 20 thousand rubles.

Country workshop

If a person has a desire, some building on the site can be converted into a country workshop. This type of business will become a profitable business for various kinds of craftsmen, because there will be plenty of work in the village. For example, many people come to country houses in your own cars. Very often they require minor repairs, so it makes sense to organize a small workshop and provide related services.

In addition, residents of the village often break down all kinds of equipment, agricultural tools and implements, as well as various household items. All this will provide the handyman with a sufficient number of orders, and he will be able to earn good money.

It is better to organize the workshop activities in a garage or small shed. IN mandatory you need to install a workbench and attach a sharpening machine to it. Regarding equipment such as a chainsaw, grinder, hammer drill and welding machine, then you can rent them for the first time. People will quickly spread information about a good master among themselves, so he won’t even have to advertise his activities.

Advice: the master can organize it at his dacha. They are in great demand among buyers, and accordingly, such activities can bring stable income.

Bathhouse rental

This option for doing business is ideal for those people whose dacha is located near the city (and, of course, if it has a modern bathhouse). Agree, there will always be plenty of people willing to take a steam bath, so it will bring good profits. The attendance of the bathhouse is influenced not only by the location, but also by the beautiful area near the dacha, as well as the high-quality interior decoration of the steam room and cleanliness. To create comfortable conditions for visitors, the following must be installed on the site:

  • a place to relax (preferably with a gazebo);
  • barbecue or grill installation;
  • swimming pool with cool water.

A bathhouse can generate stable income all year round. Many people prefer to visit the same places, so when proper organization possible for enough a short time attract a lot regular customers. To do this, it is worth preheating the bathhouse at the time agreed with customers, constantly replenishing the supply of firewood, and also ensuring the availability of various drinks and snacks. Cold beer and water are in great demand among bathhouse visitors, so you should worry about the assortment.

Often clients of bathhouses pre-negotiate with the owners the possibility of organizing a feast. This can bring good profits, because barbecue and various dishes in such establishments are quite expensive. The role of bathhouse attendant is often played by the owner of the dacha plot himself. If necessary, he can attract an assistant who wishes.

Many summer residents have already assessed the prospects of this business and are investing money in the construction of bathhouses on their plots. If you organize your own business correctly, investments can be returned in less than a year. If you already have a ready-made bathhouse, small investments are needed at the start. The entrepreneur will need to purchase hats, brooms, wooden tubs, and also supply own enterprise firewood and provisions.


In recent years, such a business direction as ecotourism has gained great popularity. It is known that the frantic pace of life of people in large cities, where strong atmospheric pollution prevails, leads to various diseases. Therefore, many residents of megacities try to go outside the city to actively relax in nature and gain strength.

What is needed to organize tourist excursions? First of all, it is extremely important that the dacha is located in a picturesque area (preferably with a pond) and not far from the highway. Organizing ecotourism requires considerable investment from a person. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to develop a program of events for people coming on vacation. Many entrepreneurs organize, for example, farms for breeding ostriches and other exotic animals, where everyone can not only have a good time, learn a lot of new things for themselves, but also try specialties manufacturer.

On large land holdings, it is possible to organize a whole complex where people can relax comfortably in nature. To do this, it makes sense to install a children's playground, prepare a parking lot, build a mini-motel, open a cafe or organize a kitchen with the ability to prepare meals yourself in nature.

Important: Despite the fact that an ecotourism business requires a lot of capital at the start, investments in the development of the enterprise will pay off with interest, since there will not be a decrease in lovers of quality outdoor recreation in the near future.

Land lease

You can rent out a plot of land in your own dacha and earn good money from it. Who would be interested in such a service? First, you need to understand that not every person has a country house where he could relax.

People are ready to rent summer cottages to spend their time there on weekends. In addition, the use of someone else's land for money may be required by those entrepreneurs who want to organize there own production various agricultural products.

If the area of ​​the plot exceeds 6 acres, the land can be used to grow, for example, medicinal herbs, flowers and other crops in large quantities. Clients should be found at city business forums or through advertisements in the media. Renting summer cottages allows you to receive passive income and not invest money in the development of the enterprise.

Animal breeding

Breeding animals and poultry at your own dacha can also bring very good profits. This allows you to receive income from the sale of:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • fur;
  • young animals

If you have several cows, you will be able to earn a very decent income. One animal gives about 30 liters of milk per day, which will bring 900 rubles. In addition, calves appear every year - they can be sold live and get extra money from this. In addition, milk can be used to produce cheese, butter, sour cream and cottage cheese, for which there will always be regular buyers. The same applies to raising goats at home. In addition to dairy products, their content provides meat, which is valued on a par with lamb. Goat wool can be used to make yarn and make clothes or socks, which will additionally allow entrepreneurs to make good money.

It is impossible not to mention the prospects for breeding rabbits. To maintain them, you will need to purchase cages, which should be placed in a spacious barn. In regions with harsh climates, it is recommended to provide indoor heating. There are no problems with the sale of products (meat and skins), since such goods are quickly sold out at collective farm markets at a good price.

At the dacha, it will be possible to organize activities for raising poultry - quails, chickens, ducks, turkeys or guinea fowl. Their meat and eggs are at a high price, so entrepreneurs will constantly receive income. To raise poultry, you need to allocate a spacious building where you need to install electricity and heating. Costs for purchasing feed and public utilities relatively small. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to raise chickens and sell them, which will also allow you to earn extra money.

Growing plants

You can organize a profitable business on your plot of land by growing various plants. To decide on the choice of crops, you should focus on the climatic conditions of the region of residence. For example, in the south of the country, when installing a greenhouse, there is a chance to get crops all year round, which cannot be said about the northern regions.

The specificity of such activity is that an entrepreneur should not switch to growing different types of plants; it is better to focus on one thing. Good result will give the cultivation of greens, which can be sold daily at collective farm markets. The main advantage of this direction of crop production is the rapid growth of crops:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • salad;
  • green onions;
  • celery;
  • cilantro.

Every summer resident, if desired, can start growing mushrooms at home (oyster mushrooms and champignons), and entrepreneurs do not require large investments. For a mini-farm, the premises of barns, cellars, garages and other buildings are used. Mushrooms are grown in bags of compost that need to be watered periodically. In an area of ​​50 m², you can collect up to ten tons of mature mushrooms. Wholesalers buy champignons for 100 rubles per 1 kg. The profit is obvious.

Important: Strawberries at home also bring quite a good income. To do this, it is recommended to find a room, place shelves with bags in it, conduct communications and grow crops using one of the simple technologies (there are many of them on the Internet). Competition in this niche today is insignificant, which makes this business very promising.

Early vegetables are expensive and therefore profitable to grow. To organize such activities, it is necessary to build greenhouses, provide water for irrigation, and provide lighting and heating. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and garlic are in great demand. If the retail prospect doesn’t appeal to you, you can donate your products in large quantities wholesale companies(though at a lower price).

Making money at a smokehouse

Despite the fact that many dachas have smokehouses, most people cook meat and fish for themselves. For this reason, the business of producing and selling smoked meats does not have huge competition. However, an entrepreneur who wants to make money in this area will have to face a number of difficulties.

First of all, you need to decide on production volumes, calculate the dimensions of the smokehouse and the possible quantity finished products. You should also obtain permission for your activities from Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological station, since it will be related to the production and sale of food products.

There are usually no problems with the sale of smoked meat, fish and poultry. Enterprises are happy to take them Catering, Retail Stores and resellers in the market. If you combine raising animals with smoking meat, you can achieve good results and scale your business over time.

Growing seeds and seedlings

This type of activity is suitable for summer residents who like to work on the land. Seeds, seedlings and seedlings can be grown in parallel with agricultural crops, vegetables, fruits and produce in season additional income. To grow seedlings, you need to build greenhouses and provide communications to them. Even in small areas you can place several thousand bushes of various crops. Seedlings of bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are in good demand.

It is also worth considering the option of growing fruit tree seedlings, especially those species that produce a harvest within a few years after transplanting to permanent place. They can be planted in spacious summer cottages. There is always a large supply for such products customer demand, so the entrepreneur will not be left without income.

How much can you earn from your personal plot?

It is easy to guess that the level of income from your summer cottage will largely depend on the chosen direction of activity (it is also influenced by the geographical location of the site, the presence of communications, the type of buildings and other factors).

If country cottage area located within or near the city, it can be rented out. The price for it can fluctuate between 20-50 thousand rubles per month. Growing onions and greens allows entrepreneurs to earn about 20-30 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, it is possible to harvest from your plot up to 6 times in 1 year.

If the owner of a country property decides to grow and sell flowers, his profit can exceed 100 thousand rubles monthly. Investments in flower business pay for themselves within 6-8 months. The most popular crop is the rose, so you can grow its popular varieties on your plot and make decent money.

A small apiary of 10 bee families can produce about 400 kg of honey per season. If you sell it at 300 rubles per 1 kg, the income will be about 120 thousand rubles. Taking into account the sale of insect life products, profit can reach 150 thousand rubles.

When breeding rabbits, you will be able to earn about 50-70 thousand rubles monthly. As we have already said, entrepreneurs receive income from the sale of meat and skins. The activity is quite promising, since in this area there is no high competition. It is also worth taking a close look at the companies that provide various services in the holiday village. In their absence, you can organize the work of a hairdresser or auto repair shop, which will undoubtedly be in great demand.

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Agricultural products have always been and will remain essential goods. For this reason, an entrepreneur should only decide on the scope of his activity, which will allow him to develop successfully and make a stable profit.

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