What can you resell now? What goods are profitable to trade: an overview of profitable areas for trading

Accounting and taxes 23.12.2019
Accounting and taxes

Internet trading – promising direction, which is popular today among budding entrepreneurs. Everything is justified - relatively low costs, the ability to organize a business in the most profitable areas. And in order for all the expectations of a businessman to be met, it is important to choose the right product for further sale. But how do you know what sells best online when this niche is literally overflowing with offers?

High competition is the main disadvantage of the direction. Thanks to the introduction of the simplest and completely free online tools that allow you to organize trade, many online stores, large and small, have appeared on the Internet.

Having decided what is best to sell in an online store, you can create a unique project that offers customers a sought-after product - original and high quality. But if you don’t think through this point, the online platform will simply get lost in the vastness of the Internet among the abundance of the same “gray” sites.

How to determine whether a product will be in demand?

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of what is better to sell online - much will depend on third-party factors. Therefore, having decided, the first thing you need to do is conduct a market analysis.

Drawing up a business plan is important even when organizing an online store, especially if we are talking about a large-scale project in which it is planned to invest. It describes not only the main costs of starting a business, but also the further business strategy.

To determine which product is best to sell online in a specific region and on a specific site, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • The product must be in demand. Hoping to receive high income in the future, you should sell only those goods that, regardless of the season, are in high demand. And you can find out what exactly is interesting to a potential audience in 2 ways - either analyze the activities of competitors, or look at Yandex Wordstat. But sometimes low demand is not an indicator of the futility of a product - perhaps this direction is still in its infancy.
  • The product should not have impressive dimensions. It is much easier to work with small-sized products. What sells best in online stores – mobile phones or furniture? Of course, the first option, because you will have to pay a lot of money for the delivery of large interior items - it is much easier to make a purchase at a local furniture store. And it will be more convenient for the seller himself, especially if the project includes a minimum budget - you can do without renting large warehouses.
  • The product must have a wide range of products. If you analyze which products sell well on the Internet, it will be clear that a wide range of products attracts more customers to the site. And it would be nice (at least in the long term) to start selling some related products. For example, an online store of mobile phones can be “diversified” with covers.

When organizing a business on your own, it is better to choose a well-known product that the seller understands - then you can run the business yourself without involving specialists.

When assessing the competition, it would be a good idea to choose a niche that is relatively free, since it is always difficult for “young” projects to gain the favor of clients. Does it make sense to open the 1000th store selling rompers, providing products to the same city? Hardly.

The most popular products on the Internet

There are a lot of online stores. This means that many entrepreneurs have already found “their” product. And having compiled a list of those products that are now selling well via the Internet, you need to choose the best one, taking into account market analysis.

Share various groups goods sold in Russian online stores.

You can identify the TOP products popular among consumers:

  • electronics and Appliances,
  • clothes and shoes,
  • laptops and computers.

Books, goods for children, Construction Materials, food, sporting goods - consumers often buy these goods in real stores. And it will be more difficult for an entrepreneur to master many areas, since mandatory certification of products sold will be required.

Well-selling goods on the Internet, if the entrepreneur approaches the matter competently, will very soon begin to make a profit. But choosing a product is just the beginning. There is a lot of work ahead to promote and develop the online store. And if there are no extra funds, then you will have to promote the project yourself - and this is a significant time investment.

Extra funds never hurt, and many people think about the possibility of getting additional income. In conditions of financial need, any type of business (on the Internet or offline) becomes important, so the question that will be relevant for many is what can be sold in order to earn at least some money from it. There are so many options for this.

How to make money on sales

You don’t need to go far - by typing the phrase “make money from sales” into a search engine, you will receive a long list of links to specialized sites and videos. You can sell a lot of things profitably - from jewelry and accessories Chinese manufacturers from the Aliexpress website to cinder blocks. At the same time, it is not necessary that the object of trade be material objects - you can trade very successfully intellectual property or offer fulfillment household services(walking animals, babysitting, “Husband for an hour”).

Starting your own business

By becoming a businessman, you get ample opportunities to earn income, and this can be not only profit received through the “buy-sell” type, but also products own production.

For example, the sale of soft drinks or cotton candy brings good seasonal profitability. This is the most correct approach for those who are looking for an answer to the question “What can you sell to make money?” This option will provide the entrepreneur with the highest margin, but will also require an initial investment for the purchase of equipment.

Organizing a business in the trade sector is a less risky undertaking. But in most cases, your income will consist only of the trade markup on the product, and the manufacturer will also have its own markup. This can be expressed schematically as the formula CT = ST + M = ST + NP + TN, where:

  • CT – the price of the product for the buyer;
  • ST – cost of goods;
  • M – margin, which can be decomposed into two components (NP + TN);
  • NP – promotion of the manufacturer, ensuring his income;
  • TN – seller’s markup.

Internet sales

Due to the virtual nature of the work that an online store has, the seller can do without retail space, therefore:

  • there is no need to pay high rent;
  • Customers can be offered an unlimited range of products.

In terms of initial investment, this is very advantageous direction in the field of trade, which makes it possible to earn large sums without major investments and flexibly change the assortment depending on demand. In this case, it will be important to find a supplier with the minimum selling price - good option There will be direct deliveries or resale of everyday goods from Aliexpress or other online platforms.

What can you sell quickly?

Selling goods online does not necessarily mean opening a store. At first, you can get a good income by selling liquid goods on the Avito website. With low turnover, this will be a more acceptable option than your own Internet resource, advertising of which will also require investment. And in the case of Avito (or a popular bulletin board), you get trading space on a site with high traffic, where many more visitors will pay attention to your offer.


Specifics jewelry is that in many cases you want to touch and try on earrings or a ring. Organization of a jewelry salon from precious metals requires large amounts of investment, so it is beyond the capabilities of the average entrepreneur. But if we talk about medium-sized jewelry (up to 1,000 rubles), then it can be effectively sold on the Internet.

The most popular product categories are bracelets and pendants, for which you can increase the price by up to 120%, so that by investing 10,000 rubles, after a month your net income (after paying commissions and postage) will be about 10,500 rubles.


Specializing in antiquities implies having experience that helps you find profitable offer even on " flea markets" Therefore, if you are thinking about what you can sell an antique to make money, then study several specialized sites to be “in the know.” A pre-revolutionary bust of Peter I or Catherine II from Kasli casting can easily be sold for 20-25 thousand rubles. With the advent of vintage fashion, old jewelry - brooches and pendants - have become very popular, the price of which can also be several thousand rubles.

If you want to make money on art objects, then along with Avito, two more options will suit you:

  • thrift stores and antique salons - although the percentage for services here is high (up to 15% or more), they have a regular clientele, tourists and foreigners often come there, so you can sell the goods on display very quickly;
  • foreign Internet resources (eBay, etc.) - many novice users are afraid to use their services due to lack of knowledge foreign languages, but these sites are distinguished by quick sales, generating income in foreign currency.

Rare books

Second-hand book rarities also fit well into the category “What can be sold to make good money,” but here you also need to imagine which books are in high demand. Often everything depends on the circulation and artistic value of the publication (for example, the price of the Soviet mini-book “Alice in Wonderland” from 1982 can reach 8,000 rubles).

For large volumes, it is best to sell books on specialized sites (Alib, Libex, etc.), where demand dynamics are very high. Bibliophiles know that they can find a lot of interesting things here, unlike state libraries, so they come here to replenish their collections. By paying for registration, you get the opportunity to put your books up for sale, deducting a percentage of sales to the site.

What can you sell from home?

Have you ever thought that your apartment also hides many potential opportunities to help you earn extra money? For example, when buying a new microwave oven, you automatically need to decide what to do with the old one. The Internet comes to the rescue again, which will help you sell and earn money by advertising on specialized sites or in in social networks.


Used refrigerators and washing machines are high on the list of “things to sell to make money.” If you study the dynamics of demand, you can see that new household appliances are being purchased very actively today, while the old ones have not yet had time to exhaust their service life. Selling used equipment, even at half or a third of the cost (12-15 thousand rubles for a refrigerator), has only “advantages”, freeing up space and bringing in additional money. At the same time, you will only be able to sell equipment from time to time, so this method cannot be considered as a permanent income.

Mobile phones and gadgets

The situation is symmetrical to the previous point. It cannot be said that used smartphones are in high demand among buyers, but they are a very marketable product. When selling via the Internet (or through social networks), the main factor that increases the price of this category of goods will be the availability of documentation, and its Samsung Galaxy S8, you can sell it for 75% of the cost (~ 25,000 rubles). If you need money urgently, then cell phones and gadgets can be quickly sold through stalls mobile communications, but then the price ceiling, in any case, will be limited to several thousand rubles.

Decor elements

As you look around your home for something you can sell to make money, your eye will inevitably come across decorative items. Here we will include everything that is used for interior decoration - from modern figurines and floor vases to carpets and curtains. It is best to sell such products via the Internet, or using thrift store– in the first case, be sure to take into account that the buyer can bargain, and by giving him part of the amount, you will reduce your income.

Clothes, shoes and wardrobe items

This is a popular product category on secondary market and the main product at any flea market. Clothes and shoes are sold new and “slightly used”, and these jackets and boots are sold not only because of the need for money, but also for other reasons (they didn’t like the color, the child has grown up, etc.). The dynamics of demand for such things are seasonal, but by setting the price at 40-50% of the original price, you can quickly sell out your excess wardrobe. Be sure to consider that the buyer will want to try on boots or jeans, so he should have this opportunity when you meet.

Car and real estate

Sales of this kind are distinguished not only by the large size of the transaction, but also by the fact that they are often decided upon in the most extreme cases (in the first place - the need to repay the loan taken). Apartments and cars are very liquid goods (it’s not for nothing that banks accept them as collateral), so selling them will not be difficult. As a rule, urgent sales reduce the cost to 50-70% - for a 1-room apartment in the VDNKh area you can get 4.5 million rubles, instead of the required 6 million. That’s why make every effort to ensure that the assessment and search for a buyer takes place without any rush.

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IN Lately e-commerce is attracting many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you decide to open your own online store, you first need to carefully consider what you will sell in it. The best-selling products on the Internet in 2018, collected in this article, will help you choose the right assortment that will attract the attention of buyers.

What to sell?

As a rule, beginners who open their own business online choose 2-3 categories from the top best-selling products on the Internet. In the future, they gradually expand their range. For example, if you sell shoes and clothing, over time, when free funds become available, you can offer watches and jewelry to consumers. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your profits.

Since the Internet is visited by a huge number of people every day, any product can be sold here. But if you want to receive good income, you first need to carefully study the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet. After this, you can begin to form an assortment.

Internet commerce in crisis

Let's try to figure it out, shall we? If you believe the statistics of the best-selling products on the Internet, in difficult economic conditions the demand for expensive luxury products is beginning to grow. It is bought by wealthy people who have worried about their financial well-being in advance. In addition, during a crisis, many citizens try to invest their savings in jewelry made of precious metals and antiques in order to protect money from inflation. Therefore, such goods are sold in relatively large volumes.

During periods of economic instability, demand for products in the mid-price segment drops significantly. This is due to the fact that people with average incomes have reduced wage, therefore, in order to save money, they are forced to give up many usual purchases. Therefore, if you decide to start e-commerce in 2018, you should not rely on a mid-priced product.

During a crisis, the best-selling products through an online store are cheap products. The bulk of the population of our country saves money, so they prefer to buy inexpensive goods of low and average quality. Demand for budget clothing, furniture and food is beginning to grow rapidly as buyers from the former middle class move into this segment.

If you cannot determine what the best-selling product in Russia is online, choose one of two strategies:

  1. Sell expensive goods for wealthy people;
  2. Engage in mass supplies of cheap goods, for example from China.

We form an assortment

Let's try to make a list of the 10 best-selling products on the Internet.

Quadcopters and accessories

You probably know what drones or quadcopters are. Such aircrafts were originally developed for military purposes. Over time, these devices began to be actively used in everyday life and for entertainment. If you're looking, try trading drones. The demand for such a product is constantly growing, so you can make good money on it.

Gadgets and mobile phones

Marketers have found that such products are the top sellers on the Internet. This category includes any product costing no more than $600. The attractive prices offered by many online stores attract consumers. About 10% of our country's citizens can afford to regularly update various gadgets and mobile phones. Moreover, most often, they make such purchases online. Consumers compare prices online and in physical stores, and see that there is a significant difference. After this, they have no problem parting with their money, because they realize that they have saved a decent amount.


These products are among the top 10 best-selling products on the Internet. But many people today are afraid to make expensive purchases online. Despite the fact that prices in online stores are much lower, most buyers still go to supermarkets.

The fact is that such expensive things are rarely purchased, so consumers want to personally compare different models and make sure that they do not have any defects. In addition, some people have never experienced sending goods by mail. They believe that it is much more convenient and profitable to order delivery within the city. Therefore, if you have not yet decided, start with another, more popular product.

Green tea

Trading different varieties of green tea is an excellent business. Modern people people care about their health, so green tea, which has healing properties, is very popular. Another popular product is green coffee. But the demand for it is starting to gradually decline, so if you want to earn good money, focus on trading green tea with different extracts.

Products for cleansing the body

Healthy nutritious foods, so-called detoxes, are rapidly gaining popularity. At the moment, various herbal teas and decoctions are in greatest demand. They filled all social networks. Surely each of you has at least once come across such a product in your feed. Some products are truly healthy, but there are also those whose composition resembles regular tea with different fillings. And, nevertheless, it is quite profitable, since detoxes are sold online in huge volumes.

LED lightening

This segment opens up broad prospects for budding entrepreneurs. Experts say that literally in 10 years everything lighting in the world will be replaced with LED ones, since they can significantly save energy. Besides LED lights last much longer than conventional incandescent lamps.

Such an idea for your own business with minimal investment in 2016 with a competent approach will make you a wealthy person, since LED lighting is becoming indispensable in the everyday life of modern people.


Despite the fact that recently many people have begun to use electronic devices For reading, regular paper books continue to be a popular commodity. Literary publications on specialized websites on the Internet are much cheaper than in real ones bookstores. In addition, many online stores offer customers good discounts and profitable bonus programs. The buyer can find any publication he needs online. Each book is accompanied by an annotation with which you can familiarize yourself with its contents.

Shoes and clothing

This is a product that is in demand on the market in any economic conditions. So that consumers can choose the right things for themselves, online stores provide detailed information about each product:

  • Color;
  • Textile;
  • Size;
  • Basic operational characteristics.

In addition, they post photographs in which you can see what this or that thing looks like. As a rule, clothes are shown by models, so the buyer can visually assess how it looks on a person. Despite the fact that many citizens of our country continue to buy clothes in regular stores, this product is among the top ten best-selling products online. By the way, reselling clothes is a great option for people who are interested in...

Children's toys and gifts

Many modern consumers prefer to order gifts and children's toys on the Internet. There are many websites on the Internet that offer their services for choosing gifts. Thanks to this, a person can easily choose a suitable surprise to please his family or friends. To make the gift unique, you can personalize it, that is, order some original inscription or engraving.


Experts believe that cosmetics and perfumes are the best-selling products online. Many online stores that sell products from famous brands, offer consumers video lessons and master classes from experienced specialists. Thanks to this, consumers receive quality products at affordable prices and learn how to properly use purchased cosmetics. If we talk about perfumes, usually only proven popular fragrances are bought online.

10 criteria profitable niche: What to sell online?

During the crisis, many entrepreneurs who trade on the Internet go bankrupt or lose most of their profits. This happens because they don't want to change the way they work. If you choose the best-selling products on the Internet and fill the site with them, online trading will bring huge profits, regardless of economic conditions.

Before choosing a profitable one, first thoroughly research the market and study consumer demand. Each city has its own product categories that are most in demand in your region. Trading such products will allow you to earn a good, stable income.

Trade is one of the main tools for constant progress. This statement was first voiced at the end of the nineteenth century, but past century nothing has changed. The trading sector is one of the most profitable activities today both in Russia and in foreign countries. Each seller acts as an intermediary between product manufacturers and potential audiences. Such mediation allows you to make a markup on your own services, which increases real cost

products several times. Below we will try to find out what is profitable to sell in Russia now.

Food is the most prominent representative of everyday goods

How to become successful in this field The development of small businesses in Russia is hampered by the abundance of hypermarket chains. Small stores cannot provide adequate competition to the whole. Quite interesting is the fact that, despite such conditions, selling your goods on the market is much more profitable. It is the market that provides sellers with various opportunities to increase their potential audience. Here, each seller has the opportunity to independently control the cost of the goods.

Food products are a product that is in great demand among the population. According to statistics, the list of the most popular products includes fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products. All listed products bring stable income, with the right approach to their implementation. The main advantage of the market is that most surrounding residents go here in the hope of purchasing essential goods at a deep discount. This privilege allows you to manage demand for goods using correctly set prices.

Household chemicals take second place in the category of goods in high demand. Various cleaning products, personal hygiene items, and cosmetic products are required by people regardless of the circumstances. The main advantage of the items household chemicals– almost endless shelf life.

Seasonal trading can also become a source of permanent income. Clothing, accessories and shoes - with the right marketing approach, will become a source of solid profit. Writing materials and school equipment also bring high seasonal profits. You can increase your sales statistics by doing sales rare goods.
The main role in the matter of profit is played by the location of the outlet and the cost of the goods offered.

Most profitable products

The crisis has a negative impact on trade. Despite this, there are certain niches that have not been affected by the crisis. When developing your own business in the field of trade, you need to focus on this market segment. But here you should remember about high competition, so you need to approach the issue of opening a retail outlet with great attention.

Selling goods and services is considered the most profitable activity

Statistics show that household appliances and food products are in particular demand during a crisis. At the same time, the demand for household appliances is constantly growing. This can be explained by the fact that financial instability in the country forces people to invest existing funds in things that will be used for many years.

Using the same statistics as an example, we can say that due to the increase in the value of the dollar, the demand for goods such as sunflower oil, cereals and flour. In addition, high demand remains for household chemicals, clothing for children and artificial mixtures.

However, many market situation analysts do not recommend opening a business based on the sale of shoes or clothing. According to them, most potential buyers prefer to save on products from this category. Today, the most popular goods in Russia are alcohol and tobacco products.

What is more profitable to resell?

Essential goods are in high demand in every corner of our planet. This category of products includes household chemicals, medicines, food products, personal care products, cosmetics, clothing and beauty products. It is this assortment that brings in the main revenue. All of the above can not only be sold, but also resold, after purchasing small quantities from manufacturers.

A business related to the sale of cosmetic products brings profit not only from retail sales, but also when delivering wholesale quantities from Europe.

The resulting goods can be sold either independently or sold to small stores. This approach will allow you to make a profit without large financial costs and physical effort. The main emphasis in this area is on those products that have a long shelf life.

Selling such cosmetic products reduces the risk of losing financial investments due to long delivery times or other nuances. Many novice entrepreneurs rarely pay attention to online sales, which is a fairly common mistake. Online stores are one of the key tools

allowing you to find a potential client in a short time.

It is most profitable to sell essential products on the market Let's look at how to get from the resale of various products. First of all, when drawing up a business plan, you should assess the needs of the market. Clothing, household goods and various accessories are in high demand in this area. Analysis of this market shows that trade in women's clothing and jewelry brings the highest profits. The average markup on similar products purchased in China or Europe is at least one hundred percent. According to the same analysis, ninety percent of goods on store shelves cost three times less in the country of origin.

Based on all of the above, the question of what can be resold at a profit can be considered closed. Let's look at which goods produced in Russia are profitable to export to foreign countries.

How to make money from exporting

In European and Asian countries, non-ferrous metals and various industrial products are in great demand. Many entrepreneurs receive high benefits from the resale of glass and plastic products or consumables for various equipment and machinery abroad.

According to statistics, the demand for household appliances, construction equipment and spare parts for various machines is increasing every year. It is this category of goods that is most profitable to sell in foreign countries.

When opening an enterprise engaged in the export of various goods, you need to take into account certain realities of the Russian market. Food, clothing and cosmetic products will not bring high profits due to the lack of world-famous brands on the domestic market. If you have plans to make a profit from the export of goods, your attention should be focused on cereals and grain crops. Such an enterprise can become a source of high income, but it is worth remembering possible risks. Crop failure, violation of shipping deadlines and other unforeseen situations must be taken into account.

What products are in demand

In order to determine the most purchased product in Russia, you need to carefully analyze the supply and demand for Russian market. Demand is the key to the relevance of your offer. Today, Chinese and European goods, which are practically not produced in Russia, are in great demand.

Such products include various electronic gadgets, laptops and smartphones.

You can increase the number of sales due to rare but in demand goods When planning aimed at obtaining constant profits, special attention should be paid to smartphones. Moreover, not only mobile phones themselves, but also various accessories can become a source of benefit. Constant development electronics sector, increases the audience of this market. Many aspiring entrepreneurs at the beginning of their careers prefer reselling used phones.

Current fashion trends force consumers to replace their “toys” every few months. Purchasing similar, relatively outdated models for the purpose of further resale can become a source of stable income.

It should be remembered that on initial stages development own enterprise In the field of trade, it is best to focus on those products that have a long shelf life. This approach will allow you to avoid possible losses due to lack of demand for your offer. Speaking about perishable goods, we should highlight the special demand for flowers and indoor plants. Various accessories for their cultivation and storage are also in special demand.

Online trading platforms

Trading websites (Avito, Aliexpress) are one of the niches trading business where there is no competitive pressure. Here, each seller has the opportunity to sell his goods at the price he sets. Particularly popular in in this case use unusual, creative and rare things. Unlike Avito, Aliexpress acts as a platform where most products can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

Today you can sell on Aliexpress in Russia. In order to start making money on this site, you need to have your own online store or group on social networks with a large base of potential clients.

There are two main ways to make money with Aliexpress:

  1. Independent acquisition of popular products and their further placement in own online store(group on social networks).
  2. This method allows you to sell purchased products within a short time due to the fact that the product you published is already in stock. Act as an intermediary between the site and a potential client. This method

You can achieve success in this area of ​​business only by collaborating with trusted sellers. When purchasing shoes and clothing, remember that the quality of such products is significantly inferior to American ones. It is the low quality that can be explained low price similar products.

The location of the outlet and the cost of the product have a direct impact on sales results.

Kitchen utensils, interior items, jewelry, cosmetics and small household appliances are the most popular goods that can be purchased for further sale. The average markup for such products is several times higher than the cost set by the manufacturer. The main advantage of this online store is free shipping and no need to pay customs duties. To summarize, we can say that the Aliexpress website is an ideal tool for promoting your own sales business, which does not require large financial investments.

If we consider the Russian Internet market, we should highlight a site like Avito. Here you can independently track popular trends and sell your goods without leaving home. Accommodation free ads greatly simplifies the search for potential clients.

In this case, the seller does not need to purchase the necessary license (except certain goods) and registration with tax authorities. In order to legalize your business, you just need to open your own page directly on the website. In order to do this, you need to consult with the resource administration.


In order to determine the best-selling product in Russia, you should constantly monitor the market situation. High profits novice entrepreneurs can bring goods from the household chemicals section, children's clothing, various electronic gadgets and even food products. Rising inflation and crisis phenomena increase the demand for essential goods, so this area is in high demand among the population.

In contact with

According to enterprising people, the Internet is not only an information environment, but also a huge trading platform that allows you to find buyers for any product. Thousands and millions of businessmen are trying to productively use this virtual resource and offer visitors to their websites a wide variety of products, which naturally leads to active competition between them.

Therefore, entrepreneurs today are in search current ideas 2018 - what to sell in an online store: it is obvious that the choice of product completely determines the further strategy of action and the potential profitability of the business. Beginners usually rely on absolute hits and trendy new items, forgetting about the transience of fashion. Meanwhile, other products are also characterized by stable demand, which makes it possible to earn money from their sales not only during periods of rush, but also for many subsequent years.

Product evaluation criteria

Finding what to sell in an online store in 2018 is quite difficult not only for a novice entrepreneur, but also for virtual trade sharks. The process of choosing a product involves analyzing many seemingly insignificant factors that could potentially turn into a problem for an unprepared businessman. The attention of the creator of the trading platform requires:

  1. Demand. The profitability of a particular niche is primarily determined by the presence of a clearly defined target audience. You can offer the highest quality products and still go broke if they are not in demand by customers;
  2. Market volume. In some niches, the number of stores is measured in just a few - however, this does not mean that there is no competition in them. Maybe, more there is simply nothing for operators to do here. Therefore, you should make sure that the size of the audience is sufficient for normal earnings;
  3. Presence of competition. You need to understand that virtual trading giants are already operating in some categories, and a newcomer is unlikely to be able to compete with them. On the other hand, new niches are created every day: a businessman who has managed to occupy one of them has the right to count on his share of the profit;
  4. Entrepreneur qualification. As a business, reselling goods requires knowledge in the chosen field. As a last resort, the seller must quickly study the features of the product in order to professionally advise clients;
  5. Investment sizes. In some categories to form inventory An acceptable range requires significant investment. When choosing a niche, a businessman should adequately assess his financial capabilities;
  6. Profitability. In online advertising there is the concept of the cost of attracting a client. The profit from each order should at least cover these costs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of maintaining a warehouse and shipping goods;
  7. Average check amount. The overhead costs for fulfilling each order are usually independent of the cost of the product. Therefore, it is more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell one expensive product than a dozen cheap ones for the same amount;
  8. Product dimensions and weight. Goods that are small in size and weight are cheaper and easier to store and ship - there is no need to rent a large warehouse, hire loaders and vehicles for transportation;
  9. Availability of suppliers. Reliable suppliers of the most popular products of 2018 should work in the chosen niche. It is advisable to have several of them - this way you can choose the most profitable terms cooperation;
  10. Duration of the transaction cycle. The maximum interval between completing an order and receiving payment for it is no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can sell off all warehouse stocks and be left without working capital;
  11. Frequency of purchases. Earnings from repeat sales regular customers easier and more cost-effective than constantly attracting new customers. An entrepreneur should choose a product that is ordered at least once every 6–12 months;
  12. No obsolescence. You should be wary of new products on the 2018 market, which are often subject to rapid obsolescence. For example, women's clothing or smartphones are rapidly going out of fashion, while dishes or home textiles remain relevant for many years;
  13. Seasonality. Of course, the sale of designer felt boots, New Year's souvenirs or Easter decorations looks extremely attractive in terms of profitability, but such a business is relevant for no more than a couple of months a year.

Product selection methods

How can an entrepreneur determine what is in demand in the market for services and goods in 2018? There are several available tools for measuring the level of demand for certain products, allowing you to indirectly assess the prospects of creating an online store in the chosen niche:
  • Market research and statistics. Thanks to the analytical work of various agencies, you can find out what sells best on the Internet: 2018 statistics published on their websites make it possible to identify categories popular among consumers. However, the entrepreneur must choose specific types of goods independently;
  • Google Trends. The service helps to assess the dynamics and number of requests for the name of a product or service in Google search and on YouTube over the past year. Accordingly, by increasing the number of user requests on a particular topic, you can find out what is profitable to sell in 2018;
  • Yandex Wordstat. A similar tool that uses the capabilities of the Yandex search engine. Statistics for measuring request frequency, by keywords, contains results for the last two years, and geographic targeting allows you to refine the data for a specific city or region;
  • Advertisement sites. Bulletin boards like Avito or Yandex.Market are used by a huge audience of buyers. Using these tools, you can also determine the demand for goods in 2018: you should create several competent offers for the sale of various products, and then measure the intensity of requests for each of them.

What can you sell online?

Theoretically, on virtual trading platforms you can sell anything - from souvenir magnets to industrial enterprises. However, an entrepreneur who wants to build profitable business, you should know what people buy most often on the Internet: statistics from 2018 allow you to make a rating of the most popular product categories and highlight niches with high markups among them.

Small household appliances

Small household appliances top the top sold goods on the Internet in 2018. Buyers prefer virtual stores due to the price, which is 20–40% lower than in regular retail outlets, and a huge assortment consisting of hundreds and thousands of items.

The greatest demand is:

  • Household appliances - vacuum cleaners, irons, steamers;
  • Personal care equipment - electric shavers, epilators, hair dryers, curling irons;
  • Kitchen appliances - mixers, blenders, coffee makers, meat grinders.

However, the level of competition in this segment should make a businessman think: large network companies already divided among themselves domestic market, and therefore finding a free niche can turn into a difficult task for a beginner.

What should you do in such a situation:

  1. Set a price lower than competitors;
  2. Look for affordable analogues of products from well-known brands;
  3. Provide the buyer with the opportunity of delivery, installation, and service.

Clothes and shoes

In second place in the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet in 2018 are clothing and shoes. This looks somewhat unusual, since any client tries to study and try on the product before purchasing. Therefore, the demand is mainly for items of popular brands with a quality known in advance to the customer and an understandable sizing chart.

Most often, women's and children's clothing are purchased online; many buyers are also interested in various accessories - bags, belts, gloves. However, when working with such goods, it is necessary to carefully monitor fashion trends and update the assortment in a timely manner - otherwise the businessman risks filling the warehouse with illiquid goods.

Digital technology and accessories

People who prefer to buy phones and tablets on the Internet consider the main arguments in favor of such a decision to be a wide assortment, the ability to choose a model with the desired technical characteristics and a price that is again 20–40% lower than in conventional electronics supermarkets.

Of course, the top sellers remain models from well-known brands - Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG or Sony. However, recently, thanks to the reasonable pricing strategy and quality control policies of manufacturers from China, the popularity of brands such as Xiaomi or Meizu has been growing, which allows many novice entrepreneurs to build.

Unfortunately, due to active competition, it is not advisable to set a markup on digital equipment higher than 6–10%. However, this does not apply to accessories: cases, headsets, headphones, chargers, safety glass and holders are successfully sold at a premium of 150–200%.

Perfumes and cosmetics

The main target audience in this market niche women remain. When choosing decorative and everyday cosmetics, they are guided by reviews of friends about the product, brand recognition and personal experience use of certain means. The most popular products in Russia in 2018 are:

  • Hair dyes and strengthening balms;
  • Everyday cosmetics - mascara, nail polishes, lipstick;
  • Depilatory compositions;
  • Face masks and creams;
  • Gift sets of cosmetics;
  • Manicure tools.

The situation with perfumes looks similar. Since it is impossible to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a fragrance remotely, buyers prefer mainly popular trade marks and products they use or have previously used. The following practice is also known: clients visit the nearest salon and choose perfume there, which they then buy much cheaper in an online store. Therefore, the assortment of a virtual retail outlet should consist of products that are widely represented on the domestic market.

Computer technology

Well-known manufacturers in the segment computer equipment and there are not many components, and therefore users are not afraid to order their products on the Internet. In addition, new models are constantly appearing on the market, reaching regular stores only after some time. The list of current products for sale in 2018 includes:

  • Processors;
  • RAM, motherboards and video cards;
  • Hard drives and SSD drives, flash drives;
  • Power supplies and housings;
  • Printers, scanners, MFPs;
  • Monitors;
  • Mining equipment;
  • Laptops and netbooks;
  • Keyboards, mice and other accessories.

At the moment, the niche is oversaturated with stores actively competing with each other. A beginner who wants to find his buyer will either have to offer a completely exclusive product (for example, Chinese mining equipment or industrial microcontrollers), or invest huge amounts of money in website promotion, while not forgetting to maintain the widest range.

Household products

The abundance of products in this category allows the entrepreneur to implement a wide variety of strategies. Some stores successfully sell products of a certain brand, others specialize in one type of product (for example, bed linen), and still others offer visitors everything you can imagine - from cutting boards to fireplaces for the country house. Among the best-selling products of 2018:

  • Dishes and kitchen utensils. Chinese goods this category is in demand due to its low price, and European ones due to its high quality;
  • Home textiles. The top seller in this category is bed linen. They also buy towels, tablecloths, blankets and even curtains well.

Goods for children

Obviously, parents who are busy caring for a child have no time to go shopping in search of the necessary goods. Therefore, many of them, who are among the most active Internet users by age, prefer to order everything they need on virtual platforms. However, such buyers choose products for children extremely carefully, focusing on:

  • High quality and safety of goods;
  • Availability of hygiene certificates;
  • Possibility of returning some items from the order.

Many entrepreneurs start their activities by selling toys. However, in the list of popular products for sale on the Internet in 2018 there are other products worthy of attention:

  1. Diapers, rompers and other knitwear for newborns;
  2. Diapers, sanitary napkins, powders;
  3. Baby food, milk formulas;
  4. Pacifiers, feeding bottles;
  5. Strollers, cribs, children's bedding;
  6. Walkers, children's bicycles;
  7. Coloring pages, educational and educational games.

Large home appliances

The sale of large household appliances seems to be one of the most difficult niches for beginners to reach, surpassing in complexity the sale of computers and smartphones. Indeed, a businessman has to invest a lot of money in filling the store with goods and creating an acceptable assortment.

In addition, clients who want to make an expensive purchase still prefer to check the equipment before paying, make sure it is functional and free of defects, and get advice on the rules and features of its operation.

Finally, the dimensions of the products significantly complicate their storage and transportation. Low price An online store combined with costly long-distance delivery may in fact turn out to be more expensive than the high cost of goods in a regular hardware supermarket plus a budget transportation service.

Therefore, large household appliances remain among the top products for sale, mainly thanks to large retail chains with necessary resources for its purchase, storage and transportation.

Products for sports and active recreation

Market sporting goods is actively developing - mainly due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Many city residents suffering from a lack of physical activity buy bicycles, start jogging, yoga or various types of fitness: each of them can become a client of an online store that sells sportswear, shoes and equipment.

Working in this segment requires certain preparation: an entrepreneur must not only have a good understanding of the specifics and characteristics of the products he offers, but also be able to choose something that will correspond to modern trends and be in demand. The assortment of a specialized online store may include the following: popular goods for sale 2018 like:

  • Sports equipment and exercise equipment;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Tracksuits, training clothes;
  • Gadgets for supporters of an active lifestyle;
  • Bicycles and spare parts for them;
  • Tourist equipment.

Products for car enthusiasts

This category can be divided into two niches - the sale of spare parts and the sale of automobile accessories. The first of them requires in-depth knowledge of the nomenclature and interchangeability of parts, since the number of car models today is measured in thousands. Therefore, businessmen practice more narrow specialization, dealing exclusively with specific brands of cars or manufacturers from certain regions - for example, from Korea or Germany.

The second niche is more attractive for beginners: accessories are usually standard or universal without reference to a specific car model, and the markup on them reaches 100%.

What to sell in 2018 in an online store:

  • Car tires;
  • Navigators;
  • DVRs;
  • Radio and speaker systems;
  • Child seats;
  • Alloy wheels;
  • Alarm systems;
  • Motor and transmission oils;
  • Batteries;
  • Seat covers and floor mats.

Handmade goods

Businessman going to sell goods self made, can offer for sale both souvenirs of its own making and products of other craftsmen. Both options are interesting for a beginner due to the lack of competition in this niche and minimal investment in the organization of trade. The top 10 most popular products for sale online in 2018 include:

  • Paintings;
  • Knitted products;
  • Handmade toys;
  • Leather bags, wallets, belts, purses;
  • Figurines, vases, decorative items;
  • Flower pots;
  • Wooden cutlery;
  • Jewelry and decorations;
  • Designer clothes with painting or embroidery;
  • Wedding accessories.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit the range to handmade goods: raw materials, materials and tools for their production are also in high demand among craftsmen - yarn, threads, ribbons, beads, kits for the production of soap and candles, sheets of leather, paints, sets of cutters and much more other.


A large number of supermarkets and small grocery stores today hinder the development of this segment of virtual trade. To avoid competition, entrepreneurs have to choose their target audience more carefully. Yes, in order food products via the Internet are definitely interested:

  • Vegetarians, supporters healthy image life, consumers of organic and environmentally friendly products;
  • Working people who do not have time to go shopping;
  • Customers buying pizza, sushi and national dishes with delivery.

However, there is a niche in which online stores have an undoubted advantage over regular ones. retail outlets- sale of elite varieties of coffee and tea. The main advantages of these products are the high price, clearly defined the target audience, huge potential for repeat sales and the almost complete absence of analogues on the shelves of grocery supermarkets.

Goods for pets

To imagine the volume of the pet products market, it is enough to remember that every third Russian family contains one or more pets. At the same time, in ordinary pet stores it is quite difficult to find specific food or a suitable cage for a pet - usually only the most popular products are presented here. What you can successfully sell online:

  • Food for birds, fish, cats and dogs;
  • Hygienic fillers;
  • Flea and tick products;
  • Cosmetics for animals;
  • Toys;
  • Collars, muzzles, leashes;
  • Cages, carriers, houses;
  • Clothes for animals.

With the exception of food and veterinary drugs, most pet products are produced in China, which allows budding entrepreneurs to buy them for literally pennies and resell them at a high markup. When looking for products in the mid-price segment, you can also turn to domestic manufacturers, who often offer good quality products.


Users appreciated the convenience of ordering a variety of tickets on the Internet: for example, those who want to attend a concert of their favorite musician just need to go to the operator’s website and make a few clicks to pre-book the required number of seats in the desired row. In addition, online advertising allows customers to learn about upcoming event much earlier than regular posters.

Popular products to sell online 2018 are:

  • Railway and air tickets;
  • Tickets for shows and concerts;
  • Tickets for sporting events;
  • Tickets for cinema shows and theatre.

Competition in this niche is low, mainly due to the complexity of organizing ticket sales. Really, transport companies and show business operators prefer to work with a narrow circle of partners, one of which can only be the owner of a popular and frequently visited site.

Chinese products

Thanks to minimum requirements To starting capital and high profitability from China attracts many entrepreneurs. However, despite high competition, such activities remain an excellent option for starting your own business on the Internet. and other Chinese trading platforms are:

  • Shoes, clothing;
  • Bags, belts and other accessories;
  • Automotive Products;
  • Souvenirs;
  • Digital technology.

The main disadvantages of this niche are the strong variation in product quality among manufacturers and unsatisfactory delivery speed. Therefore, the owner of an online store should take the time to search for reliable suppliers and purchase a trial batch of products before placing a wholesale order.

On the other hand, these same disadvantages can be considered as advantages: it is thanks to them that a private buyer is afraid to order something in China on his own and prefers to use the services of an entrepreneur who has solved all the problems with the selection and transportation of goods for him.

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Trends in virtual trading

While studying, an aspiring entrepreneur should pay attention to modern tendencies virtual trading market:

  • The most compelling argument for customers is price. According to surveys by the Yandex.Market service, 64% of online store visitors primarily pay attention to it;
  • The segment is growing mobile commerce. Customers appreciated the convenience of purchasing goods directly from their smartphone, and therefore trading platforms began to actively acquire mobile applications;
  • The number of purchases from the regions is increasing. Of course, megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg retain leadership in sales volumes, but recently there has been a significant influx of buyers from the provinces.

Accordingly, a businessman will have to not only find out what is in demand among the population in 2018, but also learn how to sell his goods correctly:

  1. In the absence of experience and impressive capital, it is not recommended to start a business in competitive niches such as the implementation of digital and computer technology, household appliances, clothing and shoes of famous brands;
  2. The segments of household goods, food products, car accessories, pet products and handmade souvenirs remain relatively free;
  3. When selling an expensive product, you need to make sure that it is exclusive, rare or specialized;
  4. The site should at least be displayed correctly on screens mobile devices, although having your own application seems more desirable;
  5. An entrepreneur who organizes prompt delivery to regions and small towns receives additional benefits.


Features of the virtual environment have a significant impact on the conduct trading activities online. On the one hand, there are no geographical barriers for an online store, the assortment is limited only by the capabilities of the owner, and the absence of the need for personnel and production space reduces overhead costs. On the other hand, you have to work from scratch to attract customers and promote the site, while an ordinary stall to get a stable flow of customers can be placed in any place with high traffic.

However, the main reasons for failure are still the arrogance and overconfidence of the entrepreneur, his lack of desire to take into account any other opinion other than his own, as well as a lack of knowledge in his chosen niche. Therefore, the creator of an online store must clearly understand what exactly, to whom and how he is going to sell.
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