What motivates employees to perform better. How to motivate employees to work without money - examples to increase productivity

Banks 09.07.2020

What is the difference between material and non-material motivation of employees? What are the types and examples of non-material motivation? How to motivate staff non-materially?

Probably, everyone will agree that in order to create a cohesive team, subordinates need to be provided with the appropriate conditions. And it's good when the company's budget allows you to introduce decent cash incentives.

But what to do when material possibilities leave much to be desired? Practice other types of staff remuneration and combine them with monetary motivation. Practice shows that material incentives work much more efficiently in combination with various non-material and non-standard types of incentives.

With you online magazine "HeaterBober" and a permanent author of publications Anna Medvedeva. Today we will deal with such a concept as non-material motivation personnel.

At the end of the article you will find useful information about how to ensure a new, higher level of communication and work in the team.

So let's get started!

1. What is non-material motivation of staff and how does it differ from material

At any enterprise, regardless of its specifics, a system of motivation is used. It is necessary to create an internal incentive for employees to work well and fruitfully and not look in the direction of competing firms.

All types of motivation methods are divided into 2 large groups - material and non-material. With material ones, it is more or less clear, but what are the methods from the second group?

This various ways creating a positive attitude among employees for high labor productivity. Employees receive bonuses expressed not in monetary terms, but in various other forms.

Non-material motivation of the staff plays an important role in the overall motivation system. Although it is generally accepted that we work to get money and best motivation- this good salary practice shows that non-monetary incentives are indispensable.

The need for additional motivation arises when:

  • violations of the employment contract;
  • excessive workload;
  • irregular working hours;
  • uncomfortable working conditions, etc.

To avoid a distorted idea of ​​non-material motivation, we will highlight the main aspects and principles in the approach to this issue, and also divide them into positive and negative ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-material motivation:

2. How to choose methods of non-material motivation depending on the psychotypes of employees - 5 main types

With the help of tests and questionnaires, you will determine what types of employees work in your team.

Use the information received in the development and implementation of the motivation program.

Type 1. Critic

This type of worker is immediately evident in the critical and ironic treatment of colleagues. They like to use complex phrases and abstruse words in colloquial speech.

The most positive thing about the work of critics is that they do a good job with the duties of various kinds of controllers. The best non-material incentive for them will be the public approval of the leadership and the assignment of control functions.

Type 2. Idealist

This is the opposite of criticism. Idealists are absolutely not conflict, they treat colleagues attentively, gently and kindly. Often they even smooth out controversial situations by agreeing with someone's opinion for the sake of peace in society.

The tense atmosphere in the team easily demotivates idealists. Therefore, to create internal motivation for them, it is good to use ethics and humanity in the development of the company, as well as various recognitions and praises. Idealists can be safely entrusted with all sorts of social tasks.

Type 3. Analyst

Such workers are very thorough and thoughtful in everything, attentive to all the nuances of the work and the instructions given to them. For them, no fuss and rash decisions of the leadership, made on emotions, are unacceptable.

Analysts are well motivated by the comfort and arrangement of the workplace, the rational organization of work, and interaction with management at the proper level. Such employees are encouraged to improve their skills, career and participation in professional events.

Type 4. Realist

This type of employee combines the fulfillment of all requirements for work and own experience. Realists are active workers prone to organizational activity.

Leave the managerial work to the realists. With their help, you can establish a healthy atmosphere of mutual assistance in the team and create a cohesive team.

But small assignments are best left for others. For a realist, they are uninteresting, unprofitable, and can even demotivate a strong personality.

Type 5. Pragmatist

Unlike the analyst, the pragmatist does not spend time thinking about things for a long time. But one of the best qualities of pragmatists is the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions even in a suddenly changed situation.

The monotony of the workflow and too time-consuming projects are boring for such employees. Therefore, give them urgent assignments such as introducing a new project, opening a branch, etc.

3. What are the types of non-material motivation of staff - 4 main types

Let us describe in detail the main non-material forms of motivation.

It is conditionally possible to divide them into 4 types.

View 1. Social

This type of non-material motivation is associated with the desire of the employee to move up the career ladder, occupy high positions and develop professionally.

How to motivate employees who are configured in this way? Give them important public assignments, involve them in management and decision-making regarding the work process.

Use incentives associated with the social package. Training, payment sick leave, medical insurance, travel vouchers.

Type 2. Psychological

Here, the determining factor is communication and the atmosphere within the team. Normal communication is unthinkable without a warm, trusting atmosphere.

The following methods apply here:

  • form a team taking into account the individual characteristics of employees;
  • organize corporate events so that subordinates communicate with management in an informal setting;
  • set a personal example so that employees see the leader's contribution to the common cause.

Naturally, in a team with benevolent relations, one wants to fulfill oneself.

View 3. Moral

Such motivation directly depends on people's need for respect, not only from management, but also from colleagues.

Recognition of quality work and results is expressed as:

  • insignia;
  • certificates of honor;
  • verbal praise;
  • entry on the scoreboard.

Note that it is better to do this not face to face, but in the presence of other colleagues.

View 4. Organizational

This refers to the quality organization of jobs and the entire labor process.

Organizational Incentives:

  • workplace equipment modern technology(in offices - computers and various office equipment, in production - other devices related to the specifics of work);
  • allocation of a special room for recreation;
  • provision of food on the territory of the enterprise.

4. How to motivate staff non-financially - practical tips and tricks

Now we offer you some tips on how to improve the non-material motivation of staff.

Analyze whether you use all the possibilities in your practice. And if not, then take note.

Tip 1. Recognize the merits of the employee and praise him

This is one of the most effective ways to non-material increase motivation. Employees who are honored by their manager feel valued and respected and work hard to achieve higher performance.

Also, if you celebrate out loud the merits and achievements of good employees, this will be an incentive for everyone else to increase productivity. In addition, it is always nice when you work in the same team with cool specialists.

Tip 2. Strive to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the team

A tense and hostile environment not only reduces the productivity of employees, but also contributes to the loss of valuable personnel. Because people spend a significant part of their lives at work, and everyone strives to be in a good team, and not in a jar of scorpions.


Svetlana was accepted as an engineer in a prestigious construction company. Her joy knew no bounds.

However, in the first month, all joy dried up. Although Svetlana was a competent specialist, she still had to address her colleagues with questions due to ignorance of the specifics of some issues.

However, in a closed team there was no mutual assistance and support. None of the employees sought to help, on the contrary, they deliberately put spokes in her wheels in order to put the new engineer in an unfavorable light. It was simply impossible to work in a state of constant stress.

A month later, Svetlana began searching new job and soon left for another company for the same salary. True, the percentage of bonuses here is somewhat less, but the friendly atmosphere in the team inspires her to improve her level of professionalism.

Tip 3: Give employees the opportunity to learn and improve their skills

The possibility of training and advanced training is an advantage of any company.

It is not overlooked by young ambitious professionals who seek to expand their knowledge base and improve their professionalism.

An organization that provides such opportunities is always in a winning position. After all, not every employee is able to pay for additional training on their own.

Tip 4. Create conditions for career growth of employees

There are probably few workers in the world who want to stay in the same position and do not strive to move to a more prestigious one. Therefore, one of the mandatory points of any motivational program should be career advancement.

Create personnel reserve from talented candidates. If your enterprise does not provide for the possibility of career growth, such employees will work only to gain experience, but other companies will choose to develop and advance.

Tip 5. Hold professional skills competitions among employees

Through such competitions, create an atmosphere of healthy competition among employees. Moreover, employees should be motivated not by the fear of remaining on the periphery, but by the desire to be among the best, which can be everyone, not just the elite.

This approach has another advantage. He will certainly identify the strongest employees, and you will know whose Professional Development it is worth spending company resources.

Any type of employee appreciates additional benefits provided by the parent company. The bonus system shows that the organization values ​​its staff and takes into account their needs.

What types of bonuses can be used:

  • partial or full payment for a gym membership;
  • issuance of gift certificates;
  • provision of places in kindergarten for children of employees;
  • lunches at the expense of the organization;
  • free travel in public transport, etc.

There are many options, it would be a fantasy. The main thing in this case is not to act at random, but to study the demand for such benefits.

Naturally, in workers with chronic fatigue syndrome, labor productivity decreases. Therefore, the presence of places of rest at work is necessary as well as good conditions.

Five minutes with tea and coffee provide an opportunity to relieve stress and chat on topics that are distracted from work. Maybe someone wants to do the so-called office fitness. In any case, employees are entitled to a few minutes of rest in addition to the traditional lunch break.

In the video you will find other useful and interesting tips for non-material motivation.

5. Professional assistance in increasing staff motivation - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

Now we will give examples of companies that develop motivation systems or are engaged in training in the field of business and management.

Experienced specialists will tell you the necessary material and non-material ways of motivation that will be most suitable in your team.

1) MAS Project

The company has developed multifaceted system management as a result of solving the problems of a real-life business. MAS Project experts authoritatively state that strategic planning activities - not such a difficult thing if you have the right tools.

A large set of such tools combines the single software environment proposed here. MAS Project is an online service through which you can track the performance of all employees and control all levels of the enterprise hierarchy.

Analyze your existing motivation system and implement a new, more advanced program.

2) business relations

It helps to make a breakthrough in business development. The company offers a powerful training, after which the level of staff involvement increases dramatically. A maximum of practical exercises is planned in the training, thanks to which it brings excellent results.

You are offered various tools to improve business efficiency and solve problems with personnel through the correct perception of work situations and moments.

The developers focused the training on corporate training. Here we worked with many well-known large organizations - Beeline, MTS, Adidas, Megafon, Home Credit Bank and others. In the field of training in a corporate format, Business Relations is one of the most experienced companies.

To gain the missing knowledge and practical experience in dealing with management issues, we advise you to contact the largest Moscow business school, which has been a leader in its field for more than 5 years.

Here you can choose seminars and courses in different areas and in various industries. Corporate programs have been developed for team training, webinars and webinars for remote clients. international programs as well as courses professional retraining and advanced training.

Representations Moscow business School are located in different cities and countries. This makes learning accessible to all interested, regardless of location. Study the seminar schedule and attend classes where it is convenient for you.

6. What influences the formation of high motivation - an overview of the main factors

At the end of the topic, we will consider additional factors on which the increase in the level of motivation in the team depends.

Pay attention to whether they are present in your motivational system.

Factor 1. The strength and competitiveness of the organization

The high status of the company and its impeccable image in itself are a great motivator.

Firstly , good specialists strive to work at such an enterprise.

Secondly , the valuable personnel already available in the state do not tend to go elsewhere.

Thirdly , the realization that you work in such an organization contributes to personal development and the desire for high-quality performance of your official duties.

Such non-material motivation of employees is a rather powerful factor even without comparison with others.

Factor 2. Strong management team of the enterprise

Talented leaders should be not only in the highest positions, but also at all levels of the organization's structure. After all, as you know, a personal example of a leader is one of the strongest motivators for any category of employees.

Do you know what mistake can be made when choosing department heads? To appoint workers not with the corresponding abilities, but according to the length of service or professional talent. Have such an employee with as much experience as you like, but if he does not have leadership skills, this easily demotivates strong and ambitious employees.

"What for?"

“And you could be a good leader.”

“Do you think everyone should be leaders?”

“No, not everyone should. But everyone wants!

(film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears")

Factor 3. Compliance with the rules of the labor code

Another important factor that speaks of the reliability and stability of the enterprise and guarantees the protection of the interests of its employees. Decent salary, paid vacation and sick leave, and most importantly - the transparency of the calculation system - a very powerful incentive for a patriotic attitude towards your organization.

How to motivate employees, seeking to improve performance indicators, fulfill the plan? Every leader has to look for answers to this question, whether he manages a transnational corporation or small department. It's obvious that right motivation can make people more responsible for the performance of professional duties. How to find it and is money always everything?

How to Motivate Employees: Gratitude

Surprisingly, material bonuses are far from the only motivational tool that an experienced leader has in his arsenal, seeking the fulfillment of the plan from his subordinates. The boss can non-materially motivate employees by simply thanking people for the work done. We are talking not only about such popular means of expressing gratitude as boards of honor and certificates, as well as public recognition of a person's merits. Any employee is pleased to receive an informal compliment from the boss, expressed in person, by phone or even in the form of an SMS message.

Using gratitude as a motivational tool, it's worth celebrating not only outstanding achievements that are obvious to everyone. It is useful to praise a novice manager who managed to interest the first one during his work in the client's company, even if the contract has not yet been signed. Having supported a person, there is no doubt that he will begin to try even harder.

The initiative is welcome

How to motivate employees correctly? An effective method that can provide excellent results is the encouragement of initiative. Many people occupying leadership positions, like to talk about how the company needs initiative workers. In reality, they (wittingly or unwittingly) suppress the attempts of subordinates to think independently. As a result, people do not dare to take the initiative, fearing the disapproval of the authorities, which negatively affects the result of the work.

It is likely that in the past a leader who complains about the lack of initiative on the part of subordinates repeatedly rejected the ideas expressed by them without even getting to know them properly. It may be worth considering the incoming proposals more carefully, as well as giving employees a little more freedom in making decisions, welcoming a creative approach - of course, within a reasonable framework.

Individual approach

How to motivate employees, set them up for work? Without exception, all people like it when they are seen as a person, and not a labor unit devoid of individuality. Every person has talents, the presence of which he is especially proud of. Moreover, these abilities may, at first glance, not be directly related to his professional duties, but prove to be quite valuable on closer examination. So why not celebrate them?

For example, if a person is a pedant, he secretly prides himself on his ability to keep documents in perfect order. Why not praise him for this quality, which in the future can save not only the employee himself, but the company as a whole from serious problems! The subordinate will definitely like it if he is cited as an example, emphasizing the value of his unique talent for the organization.

Right to be wrong

How to motivate a new employee? Lack of experience often forces people to make mistakes that do not at all indicate their professional unsuitability. If new person unknowingly makes a serious mistake, which turns into losses for the company, it is far from always advisable to immediately say goodbye to him. The "pardoned" employee can start working with a vengeance, trying to prove his worth and devotion to the common cause.

Of course, each manager has his own idea of ​​the scale of the error, which can be overlooked.

Creation of comfortable conditions

How to motivate employees to complete the plan? Leaders who manage to create comfortable working conditions for their subordinates win. It must be borne in mind that all people are different from each other, therefore, various factors affect their productivity. In most cases, negative factors are easy to eliminate, causing a feeling of appreciation in the subordinate, which will also have a positive effect on the result of the work. The person realizes his need for the company.

A simple example: people can work worse because the office is too cold or, on the contrary, too hot. In the first case, the solution to the problem will be the installation of a heater, in the second - the purchase of an air conditioner.

Flexible working hours

How to motivate employees? Increasingly popular is the phenomenon of flexible working hours. Many leaders these days do not require their subordinates to "hatch" 8-10 hours at the workplace, but look only at the result of their work. Surprisingly, what at first glance seems like a lack of discipline often provides a performance boost. Employees are less likely to arrange “smoke breaks”, try to finish current affairs faster, having the right to personal time.

It is also worth asking the question of whether being late is always an evil that needs to be fought? Many people are professionals in their field, but have serious problems with punctuality. If the “habit” of an employee to be late does not negatively affect the work of the organization, why not turn a blind eye to it? Of course, if a person manages to cope with his labor duties.


How to motivate employees to work? An effective incentive is the feeling of stability that a company can give a person. per century rented apartments and loans for many people, the issue of "life and death" is the availability of a permanent source of income. Therefore, the best motivation that a leader can offer his subordinates is the absence of doubts about the future.

How to achieve this? Wages should be issued without delay, employment should be official. The prospects of the industry with which the organization's activities are connected also play an important role. Finally, a person should see for himself an opportunity for career growth, count on a promotion that will be a reward for effective work. In this case, he will not have the thought of leaving the organization, he will put more effort into his work.

Keeping Promises

How to motivate employees to work? A good leader can not only make promises, but also keep them exactly. Any deception of expectations, even a minor one, makes people doubt the reliability and honesty of the employer. As a result, their productivity is also reduced, they, in turn, allow themselves to be forgetful and inattentive.

For example, a newcomer is promised to increase wages, as soon as he passes the probationary period, however, forget about it. Not every person dares to remind the authorities about this promise, some silently continue to work, however, their work efficiency is significantly reduced due to disappointment and resentment, and distrust of the employer arises.

Demonstration of trust

Total control is not always effective tool to motivate employees to work. Studies show that productivity in most cases does not increase, but falls if a person constantly feels monitored. Surveillance tools can be different: installing video cameras in offices, tracking activities on the Internet, using speech modules. Of course, subordinates are always in good working order, but at the same time they do not go beyond the task of “serving time at work from 9 to 18”.

A leader who seeks to motivate employees of the organization should also not encourage denunciations of subordinates against each other. Lack of trust in colleagues negatively affects team spirit. Not every person is effectively capable of working in a dominating atmosphere of intrigue. Difficult working conditions can force many professionals to say goodbye to an organization in which they are not trusted.

About social networks

What else can motivate employees, in addition to all of the above? Managers purposefully blocking staff access to social networks, are not always correct. Firstly, popular networks are actually an analogue of the media, they can also be used by subordinates to solve professional problems.

Secondly, not every person who logs into Facebook from time to time does a bad job. Also, the excommunication of employees from social networks does not guarantee the growth of labor productivity indicators. Solitaire", mobile phone, communication with colleagues on personal topics - people who have no desire to work will always find other ways to kill work time. While trust, which is expressed in providing access to social networks, will be appreciated by everyone, therefore, it is an effective motivation.


How to motivate employees to complete the plan? The prospect of career growth is a fail-safe incentive enjoyed by experienced leaders. Obviously, it is impossible to provide new positions for everyone who works perfectly for a couple of months. However, there are also temporary, intermediate positions. For example, a department head going on vacation can choose the most efficient of his own subordinates to be his deputy. You can also appoint an employee as a manager important project that the organization is currently working on.

How to motivate employees without promising a promotion? An effective alternative is the possibility of improving working conditions. For example, you can promise people such bonuses as a new computer, modern equipment, a separate office and so on - depending on the capabilities that a particular organization has.

Unexpected Prizes

It's no secret that the easiest way to motivate employees is financially. In this case, it is not only about the size of wages, although the prospect of increasing it will also be a wonderful motivation. It is great if the organization has a fund to pay unexpected bonuses to encourage the best performers. Surprise bonuses can be paid based on the results of work for the year, after the end of a long-term project, and so on.

Intermediate bonuses will also be welcomed by employees with gratitude and motivate them to work. For example, it is possible to reward the contribution of a subordinate to a grandiose project, even if work on it has not yet come to an end. After receiving a cash bonus, the employee will try even harder.

Employee training

Many modern companies motivate employees by paying for their training. A person who is interested in professional growth, with pleasure attends trainings and seminars, allowing him to improve in his own specialty. They also feel gratitude to the company that provides them with a similar opportunity, which positively affects the results of their work.

The opportunity for learning is offered by many modern organizations as a bonus given to employees who deliver the best results.

Discounts, bonuses

How to motivate employees correctly? Many organizations these days give their employees discounts on their own services or products. People get the opportunity to reduce their own costs, as a result, their loyalty to the company increases. This category also includes reimbursement for cellular communication, travel, which can be quite impressive, the organization of free lunches.

Such bonuses as payment for visiting the pool, fitness club are popular. This not only motivates the staff, but also allows people to keep fit and take care of their health. It is obvious that his ability to work and energy, as well as the frequency with which he goes on sick leave, directly depend on the physical condition of a person. The main thing is that visiting a fitness club does not turn into a kind of duty for subordinates, otherwise the result will be the opposite.

Corporate gatherings

The ability to motivate employees also implies constant care for the team spirit. Team building is facilitated not only by joint work, but also by entertainment. Many managers now from time to time gather subordinates in places such as a bar, a bowling alley. People get the opportunity to take a break from the routine, get to know each other in an informal setting, get new impressions and take on the upcoming project with fresh energy.

Of course, such sorties should not be carried out too often. People who are forced to go bowling with colleagues once a week will sooner or later begin to perceive this as another job duty.

Willingness to Dialogue

How to motivate employees to work? The leader must demonstrate his openness to subordinates. Many people have a negative attitude towards bosses, which are difficult to get an appointment with, and this also negatively affects the results of work. Be sure to allocate time for communication with subordinates outside of production meetings.

Research shows that everyone enjoys hearing given name. Of course, the larger the organization, the more difficult it is to remember the names of all employees. However, it is worth spending time on it, because many people stay in the company for years. The fact that the manager knows the name of the subordinate helps the latter to feel his own importance for the company. This becomes an incentive for more productive work.

There are actions that should be carefully avoided by a manager thinking about how to motivate employees. First of all, you should not set people obviously impossible tasks, threatening to deprive them of bonuses, bonuses, and so on. Goals must be achievable, otherwise subordinates give up.

Excessive use of instruments of disciplinary motivation and control is harmful. People who get fined for being 5 minutes late are thinking about how to leave the company, not how to increase their efficiency. It is impossible to constantly remind employees of the mistakes they have made, forgetting about praise, it is especially harmful to humiliate a person in public. It is also dangerous to constantly emphasize how easy it is to replace an employee with another specialist, reducing his importance to the organization. Only healthy competition is welcome.

Hello! In this article, we will tell you all about staff motivation.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is motivation and why to stimulate employees.
  2. What types of motivation exist.
  3. The most effective ways to encourage employees to perform their duties efficiently.

The concept of staff motivation

It is rare to find a person who is completely and completely satisfied with his work. This is because often people occupy positions not by vocation. But it is up to the manager to make sure that the work process is comfortable for everyone, and the employees perform their duties with pleasure.

Successful businessmen know firsthand that their employees need to be stimulated and encouraged in every possible way, that is, motivated. Labor productivity, the quality of the work performed, the prospects for the development of the company, etc. depend on this.

Motivation of personnel in the organization these are activities aimed at the subconscious of a person, when he has a desire to work effectively and perform his job duties in a quality manner.

For example, imagine a team where the boss does not care about his subordinates. It is important for him that the work is done in full. If an employee fails to do something, he will be fined, reprimanded or otherwise punished. In such a team there will be an unhealthy atmosphere. All workers will work not at will, but under compulsion, with a goal.

And now let's consider another option, where the employer motivates the staff in every possible way. In such an organization, all employees probably have friendly relations, they know what they work for, constantly develop, benefit the company and receive moral satisfaction from this.

A good leader simply must be able to stimulate staff. Everyone benefits from this, from ordinary employees to the highest management of the company.

Goals of staff motivation

Motivation is carried out in order to combine the interests of the enterprise and the employee. That is, the company needs high-quality work, and the staff needs a decent salary.

But this is not the only goal pursued by the stimulation of workers.

When motivating employees, managers strive to:

  • To interest and attract valuable personnel;
  • Minimize the number of people leaving (eliminate "staff turnover");
  • Reveal and deservedly reward the best employees;
  • Manage payments.

Theories of staff motivation

Many novice businessmen thoughtlessly approach the solution of motivation issues. But in order to achieve the desired results, it is not enough just. It is necessary to analyze the problem and proceed to its competent resolution.

To do this, it is necessary to study the theory of motivation famous people. We will now consider them.

Maslow's theory

Abraham Maslow argued that in order to effectively stimulate your employees, you need to study their needs.

He divided them into 5 categories:

  1. physical needs- this is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs at the physiological level (drink, eat, rest, have a house, etc.).
  2. The need to be safe- all people strive to be confident in the future. They need to feel physically and emotionally safe.
  3. Needs of a social nature Every person wants to be a part of society. He seeks to acquire a family, friends, etc.
  4. The need for recognition and respect- people strive to be independent, recognized, have status and authority.
  5. The need to express yourself- a person always strives to conquer peaks, develop as a person, realize his potential.

The list of needs is compiled in such a way that the first item is the most important, and the last one is less significant. It is not necessary for a manager to do everything 100%, but it is important to try to address every need.

McGregor's "X and Y" Theory

Douglas McGregor's theory is based on the fact that people can be controlled in 2 ways.

Using theory X, management is carried out with the help of an authoritarian regime. It is assumed that the team of people is unorganized, people hate their work, dodge their duties in every possible way, and need strict control from the management.

In this case, in order to establish work, it is necessary to constantly monitor employees, encourage them to conscientious implementation official duties, develop and implement a system of punishments.

TheoryY fundamentally different from the previous one. It is based on the fact that the team works with full dedication, all employees approach their duties responsibly, people organize themselves, show interest in work, and strive to develop. Therefore, the management of such employees requires a different, more loyal approach.

Herzberg's theory (Motivational-hygienic)

This theory is based on the fact that the performance of work brings a person satisfaction or dissatisfaction for various reasons.

The employee will be satisfied with the work if it contributes to his self-expression. The development of personnel depends on the possibility of career growth, the emergence of a sense of responsibility, recognition of the achievements of employees.

Personnel motivation factors that lead to dissatisfaction associated with poor working conditions and shortcomings in the organizational process of the company. This may be low wages, poor working conditions, an unhealthy atmosphere within the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

This theory is based on the fact that the needs of people can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. The need for employees to manage and influence others. People with this need can be divided into 2 groups. The former simply want to control the others. The second tend to solve group problems.
  2. Need for Success. People with this need strive to do their job better every time than the last time. They love to work alone.
  3. The need to be involved in some process. These are employees who want recognition and respect. They like to work in organized groups.

Based precisely on the needs of people, it is necessary to introduce the necessary stimulating measures.

Process Theory of Worker Incentives

This theory is based on the fact that a person wants to achieve pleasure by avoiding pain. The manager, acting according to this theory, should encourage employees more often and apply punishment less often.

Vroom Theory (Expectancy Theory)

According to Vroom, the peculiarities of staff motivation are the fact that a person performs the work with the highest quality that, in his opinion, will satisfy his needs.

Adams theory

The meaning of this theory is as follows: human labor should be rewarded accordingly. If an employee is underpaid, then he works worse, and if he is overpaid, then he works at the same level. The work done must be fairly paid.

Types of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees.

Depending on how you will influence subordinates, motivation can be:

Straight- when the employee knows that in case of fast and high-quality work, he will be additionally rewarded.

Direct motivation, in turn, is divided into:

  • Material motivation of staff- when an employee is stimulated, bonuses, cash rewards, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc .;
  • Non-material motivation of staff- when the work of employees is recognized by management, they are given certificates, memorable gifts, working conditions are improved, working hours are adjusted, etc.

Indirect- in the course of the stimulating activities carried out, the employee regains interest in work, he feels satisfaction after completing any task. In this case, employees have a heightened sense of responsibility, and control by management becomes optional.

Social- a person understands that he is part of a team and an integral part of the team. He is afraid to let his colleagues down and does everything to fulfill the tasks assigned to him as efficiently as possible.

Psychological- a good and friendly atmosphere is created for the employee within the team and the company itself. A person should want to go to work, participating in the production process, he should receive psychological satisfaction.

Labor- methods of stimulation aimed at self-realization of a person.

Career when the motivation is career advancement.

Gender- the employee is motivated by the opportunity to show off his successes to other people.

educational- the desire to work arises when an employee wants to develop, learn something, be educated.

In order for the methods of staff motivation to bring the desired result, it is necessary to use all types of employee incentives in a complex.

Basic levels of staff motivation

All people are unique and individual. Some careerists and the prospect of career growth are very important for them, others like stability and the absence of change. Based on these considerations, managers must understand that the methods of stimulating employees must be selected individually for each employee.

There are 3 levels of motivation:

  1. Individual motivation- the work of the employee should be paid adequately. When calculating the amount of payments, the knowledge, skills and abilities that the employee possesses should be taken into account. It is important to make it clear to the subordinate that in case of high-quality performance of his duties, he will receive a promotion.
  2. Team motivation- a group of people united by one cause and purpose works more efficiently. Each member of the team understands that the success of the entire team depends on the effectiveness of his work. When motivating a group of people, it is very important that the atmosphere within the team is friendly.
  3. Organizational motivation- the entire team of the enterprise must be combined into one system. People should understand that their organization is a single mechanism and a positive result depends on the actions of everyone. For a leader, this is one of the most difficult tasks.

A systematic approach to staff motivation

In order to competently conduct stimulating events, it must be remembered that motivation is a system consisting of 5 stages.

Stage 1. Identification of the problem of staff motivation.

The manager, in order to understand what kind of motivational activities to carry out, it is necessary to analyze the motivation of the staff. To do this, you need to conduct a survey (it can be anonymous) and identify what the subordinates are dissatisfied with.

Stage 2. The implementation of management, taking into account the data of the analysis of motivation, its goals.

When motivating employees, management must work closely with the staff. Based on the research data, implement those methods that will benefit your enterprise.

For example If the majority of employees are not satisfied with the length of the working day at the enterprise, then it is necessary to make changes in this direction.

Stage 3. Impact on employee behavior.

Carrying out activities to motivate the work of staff, it is necessary to monitor changes in the behavior of employees.

Employees will change it if:

  • Management will take constructive criticism to your address;
  • Timely reward employees;
  • Demonstrate correct behavior by example;
  • They will be taught the right behavior.

Stage 4. Improving the personnel motivation system.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce non-material methods of stimulating employees. Workers need to be convinced of the need to increase their productivity. The leader must “ignite” the subordinate, find an individual approach to everyone.

Stage 5 Well-deserved reward.

The company should develop a system of bonuses and incentives. When employees see that their efforts are rewarded, they begin to work better and more productively.

Methods and examples of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees. But before putting them into practice, think about what incentive methods are right for your production.

We made TOP-20 better ways motivation, from which, each leader will choose a method that is suitable for his production.

  1. Salary . This is a powerful motivator that makes an employee perform their work efficiently. If wages are low, it is unlikely that this will inspire workers to give 100% to the production process.
  2. Praise . Every person who conscientiously performs his work is pleased to hear that his work has not gone unnoticed. The manager needs to periodically analyze the work of employees and not neglect praise. Using this method, you do not spend a penny, but at times increase labor productivity.
  3. Address employees by name . For the authority of the director of the company, it is very important to learn the names of all employees. Referring to a person by name, the leader shows his respect for the subordinate. The employee understands that he is not just a faceless secretary or cleaner, but a person who is valued.
  4. Extra rest . Some enterprises encourage employees to do their work faster and better by offering additional rest. For example, an employee who at the end of the week showed best result, Friday may leave work a few hours earlier. Thus, the excitement and desire to be a winner wakes up in the team.
  5. Rewarding with memorable gifts . On the occasion of any memorable dates, you can present memorable gifts to your employees. It can be trinkets, but if engraved on it, then for sure the employee will show off such a sign of attention to his friends for the rest of his life.
  6. Upgrade prospect . All employees should understand that for the quality performance of their work, they will be promoted. The prospect of career advancement is just as motivating as financial rewards.
  7. Opportunity to speak your mind and be heard . In any team, it is important to give all employees the opportunity to express their opinion. But it is not enough just to listen, the management must also listen to the advice and wishes of its employees. Thus, employees will understand that their opinion is considered and listened to.
  8. The opportunity for each employee to personally communicate with the company's management . All leaders, first of all, must understand that they are the same people as their subordinates. Directors only organize the production process, and the execution of work depends on their subordinates. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly organize personal meetings with employees, where important issues on various topics can be raised.
  9. Hall of Fame . This is a non-material method of motivation that perfectly increases productivity. To implement it, it is necessary to create a board of honor, where portraits of the best employees will be placed. Thus, production competitions are created that stimulate workers to improve their production performance.
  10. Provide an opportunity to fulfill your . This method is only suitable for individual companies. If office worker routine work that he can do without leaving home, he can be asked not to come to workplace on certain days. But the main condition will be the quality performance of official duties.
  11. nice job title . Each profession and position is good in its own way. But if a nurse in a medical institution is designated as a junior nurse, then it will not be shameful for a person to say who he works for.
  12. corporate events . At many enterprises on the occasion of big holidays, parties are arranged. At these celebrations, people communicate in an informal setting, relax, make new acquaintances. Corporate events help distract employees and demonstrate that the company cares about them.
  13. public gratitude . You can praise an employee not only personally. It's best to do this in public. There are several ways to implement this idea. For example, to announce the best worker on the radio, through the media or loudspeakers at the enterprise. This will encourage others to work better so that everyone knows about their results.
  14. Providing discounts . If a company produces a product or provides services, then a discount can be provided for employees of this company.
  15. Premium accrual . Financial incentive- this effective method staff motivation. Employees need to set a goal, upon reaching which they will receive certain additional payments to the basic salary in the form of bonuses.
  16. Motivational board . A simple but effective method of motivating employees. To implement the idea, it is enough to draw a graph of the productivity of each participant in the production process on a demonstration board. Employees will see who performs better and will strive to become a leader.
  17. Company sponsored training . It is important for many employees to improve and. By sending employees to seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., the manager shows his interest in the professional growth of the subordinate.
  18. Payment for a subscription to a sports club . From time to time, teams can organize production competitions, as a result of which, the best employee will receive a subscription to a fitness club.
  19. Coverage of transport costs, payment for communication services . Large companies often motivate their employees by paying them fare or cell phone services.
  20. Creation of an idea bank . At the enterprise, you can create a bank of ideas in the form of an electronic box. Everyone will send letters to it with their proposals. Thanks to this, each employee will feel their importance.

Increasing the motivation of personnel of certain professions

When developing motivational activities, it is important to take into account the profession of employees and the type of employment.

Consider an example of the motivation of workers in certain professions:

Profession Motivation Methods

Give them the opportunity to make their own decisions;

pay a premium ( certain percentage from sales)


Organize production competitions with other managers;

Reward depending on sales volumes;

Link salary to company profits

logistician For people in this profession, most often wages consist of a salary and a bonus. Moreover, the salary is 30%, and 70% are bonuses. You can motivate them with bonuses. If their work did not cause failures, then the bonus is paid in full.

Non-standard methods of modern staff motivation

In the Russian Federation, non-standard methods of stimulating labor are rarely used. Nevertheless, they bring good results.

Not so long ago, a survey was conducted, in which office workers from different parts of Russia. They answered questions: what bonuses would they be happy with and what would they like to see in the workplace.

Most people preferred:

  • office kitchen;
  • An automatic machine where everyone can make coffee for free;
  • soul;
  • Lounge, bedroom, smoking room;
  • simulators;
  • massage chair;
  • tennis table;
  • cinema hall;
  • Scooters.

The fair sex preferred massage chairs and gyms, while the stronger sex preferred entertainment (table tennis, scooters, etc.).

Professional assistance in motivating employees

If you are a young leader and doubt the correctness of developing staff motivation, you have 2 options for getting out of this situation.

  1. You can contact special organizations that, for a fee, will develop a motivation system and successfully implement it in your company.
  2. Or enroll in a business school where you will be taught the basics of management.

What will competently motivate employees

If the manager properly stimulates his employees, then in a few weeks a positive result will be noticeable.


  • Employees begin to take a more responsible approach to the performance of their duties;
  • Improving the quality and productivity of labor;
  • Production figures are improving;
  • Employees have a team spirit;
  • Reduced staff turnover;
  • The company begins to develop rapidly, etc.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, you must properly motivate your employees:

  • First, always positively set up subordinates to do the job;
  • Second, ensure that the basic needs of employees are met;
  • Thirdly, create comfortable working conditions;
  • Fourth, be loyal to your employees.

In addition, use the following tips:

  • Be interested in the lives of subordinates, ask about their needs;
  • Do not scold employees with or without reason. It is better to help to do the work that the employee cannot cope with. After all, the failures of workers are the failures of managers;
  • Analyze periodically. Conduct surveys, questionnaires, draw up work diaries and internal reporting;
  • Pay unscheduled bonuses and incentives.


The role of staff motivation in any enterprise is quite large. It is in the power of the employer to create such working conditions where the employee wants to work with full dedication. The main thing is to competently approach the development and implementation of stimulating methods.

Despite the global automation of business processes, the human factor still plays a key role in the work of a company of any level. And sooner or later, every manager faces the question of increasing the efficiency of their employees.

To do this, it is important to determine the motive that stimulates each employee to perform their work qualitatively. Respectively,motivation of labor personnelshould be the main focus personnel policy any organization.

The main types of motivation

To choose the right ways to motivate employees, follows

identify the following types of motivation:

  • material
  • social
  • psychological

The main motivation for employees of companies of different levels is, first of all, wages and monetary incentives -material motivation of the staff.However, it is impossible to raise wages indefinitely. First, it is costly for the company. Secondly, wages in each industry are dictated by the labor market. And thirdly, motivational effect from a salary increase is valid for no more than three months.

The question arises,How can a manager motivate employees to work?in the least costly way for the company? There are many ways to improve work efficiency usingnon-material methods of motivation. What methods of motivation can be introduced in the company andhow to motivate employees.

1. Additional training and advanced training with the prospect of career growth

In fact, it is impossible to increase the salary of an ordinary employee to the level of a department head. But it is quite possible to give him a chance to become a leader. Seminars, conferences, internships, visits to specialized exhibitions — great way rewarding promising employees with an eye to advancement through the ranks.

2. Free schedule for the most responsible employees

A good reward for distinguished employees can be a convenient work schedule without a clear time reference or a transfer to a partially remote work mode.

3. Unscheduled day off

Instead of a bonus, you can give an employee an extraordinary day off. You can time it to some event in the life of an employee - for example, to the birthday of his child. Or declare a clear sunny day as a park day. Or guess at the beginning seasonal sales by allocating a day for shopping after completing certain work, and thus motivate employees to fulfill the plan.

4. Congratulations on significant dates

Events can be very different - birthday, anniversary of work in the company, marriage, promotion, etc. It is important that when congratulating, in addition to colleagues, managers must be present.

5. Support personal hobbies and interests of employees not related to work

Often the management is not interested in what the employee is interested in free time. Meanwhile, such information can be useful if it is necessary to encourage this employee. If he is fond of dancing, you can pay for a trip to a dance competition or reward him with a subscription to gym fitness enthusiast. For fans of the theater, tickets to the premiere of a performance with the participation of their favorite actor will be the best reward.

6. Recognition of the success of employees and personal praise

This can be written or verbal gratitude, expressed personally or in the presence of the team. It is important that the employee feels that the manager sees and appreciates his work.

7. Creative approach to labor motivation

For creative, creative individuals, ways of encouraging should also be non-standard. Workplace equipment new technology, which no one in the department or office has, will be the best motivator for effective work.

8. Building a bank of ideas and feedback

A wise leader will certainly create conditions in the organization for the generation and implementation of rational ideas of employees. Have them post their ideas, suggestions, and recommendations on the company's internal website. The most successful ones can be adopted, while the author must be singled out and awarded.

9. Comfortable workplaces and recreation areas

If comfortable working conditions are created in the office with rest areas where you can relieve stress and rejuvenate, the working day will be as efficient as possible.

10. Targeted financial incentives

An employee's financial incentive can be made more effective by replacing the traditional envelope with a voucher to a good resort, gift certificate to purchase household appliances or a fashionable gadget, a sightseeing tour for the whole family. Discounts on goods or services of the company, the provision of an interest-free loan for purchasing a car, etc. will serve as a good motivator.

Combinations of material and non-material motivation methods can serve as examples of the most effective incentives. A properly designed staff motivation system helps to find a balance between material and non-material incentives. Thanks to this, employees will not only be satisfied with their income, but also feel their own value and significance for the company.

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In this article, we will explain how to motivate employees to increase their efficiency and productivity. You will learn about classic and non-traditional methods motivation that can be used in any team, its types and differences from the incentive.

Types of motivation and difference from incentive

Before you start motivating employees, you need to understand the nature of motivation: what it is.


There are about 20 types of motivation. But they can be grouped into 6 main groups.



The most common type of motivation: a person is encouraged to work or a certain behavior is imposed. It is regulated by material and psychological conditions: money, additional rest, encouragement, reprimand or punishment.


There are no promptings or impositions from outside. Man is driven intrinsic motivation do what he loves and enjoys. This happens for a number of reasons: personal growth, self-affirmation, the need for communication, the feeling of being needed, the fulfillment of a dream or the realization of an idea. That is, a person sets his own motives for action.


This type involves motivating people with positive incentives: a bonus for a completed plan, extra time off, career growth, etc.

Example: if I make a report before 2 p.m., I can go home 3 hours earlier.


This is where negative incentives come into play.

Example: if I work faster, I will fulfill the plan and I will not be deprived of bonuses and additional days off.


Motivation, which is based on the natural needs of a person: hunger, thirst, fatigue, etc.

Example: when I finish this article, I will go to bed.


Motivation requiring external support. It is applicable to cases when a person quits smoking or goes on a diet: he needs the support of relatives and friends.

Difference from stimulus

Often people confuse motive and incentive. But these are slightly different concepts.

An incentive is an external influence on employees to increase labor efficiency. If an employee does not fulfill his duties, he will be fired.

A motive is, most often, an internal impact on a person, that is, his “I”. If "I" work well, I won't get fired and I can support myself and my family.

The motive has a higher efficiency than the stimulus. Because motivation is more related to the positive impact, and the incentive - to the negative. But they cannot exist without each other.

In general, it can be seen that the tasks of motivation and stimulation intersect, but still have differences.

Now that the types of motives and differences from the incentive are known, we can proceed to solving the main problem: staff motivation.

Classic ways to motivate employees

financial motivation

Man works for money. This is the main motive of any employee. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the salary.

To encourage employees to perform their work qualitatively and responsibly, it is necessary to adequately pay them for their work.

The manager needs to understand what level of salaries to adhere to for each individual specialty. It should not be lower than that of competitors.

A good motivation will be a salary higher than in a similar company. But there is one problem here - wages are dictated by the labor market. And it is worth remembering the profit of the company or enterprise, so as not to work at a loss. Everything must be economically justified.

Bonuses are another important motive for employees.

Few people agree to work on a bare salary. Therefore, it is necessary to offer various bonuses in the form of premiums for Good work. That is, fulfilled or exceeded the norm - get a bonus.

Many enterprises practice bonus payments depending on the output of an employee. For example, if the machine operator completed the plan by 70%, then he is given only 50% of the bonus amount, if by 90% or more, then the bonus is 100%.

Bonuses for staff

Employees can be offered corporate discounts on services or goods manufactured by the company. This is also in the nature of financial motivation - the ability to save and save money. Moreover, the employee's loyalty to the company and to the management increases.

Let's say there is an employee of an Internet provider. He receives a corporate discount of 50% for using the Internet at home. This is where intrinsic motivation comes into play.

As a bonus, you can offer payment for employee training: give everyone the opportunity for career growth.

You should not think that the whole team will want to take retraining courses or go to university for a specific specialty. But this will also increase the loyalty of the staff to the employer.

Employees can be directed to:

  • refresher courses;
  • seminars;
  • trainings;
  • master classes;
  • workshops;
  • etc.

After this, most employees simply will not be able to quit because of their own convictions. Because it will work psychological factor- the principle of mutual exchange ( note: a term from the book "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini).

Corporate is another classic and effective method of motivating employees. After all, every employee likes to relax and have fun - especially at the expense of the company where he works. Therefore, do not neglect such activities. But you don’t need to get carried away with fanaticism either: 3-4 corporate parties a year are enough ( New Year, March 8, the birthday of the company, etc.).

“Corporate parties help not only increase employee loyalty, but also bring the team closer, which will have a positive impact on labor efficiency.”

A good bonus would be public recognition of the achievements and results of employees for a specific period of work: a month, a quarter, half a year or a year. To do this, it is enough to make a "Honor Board". The idea is a bit reminiscent of the USSR at times, but this motivation works in the 2000s as well.

Now it's time to move on to the most interesting ways to motivate employees.

Non-traditional methods of staff motivation


Only a quarter of firms in Russia offer their employees to work remotely from home. But the experience of foreign companies shows that working outside the office increases staff productivity by 15%.

Many companies in Europe and the US are transferring people to remote work to reduce the cost of renting offices. In Russia, this practice has not yet received wide application. But the game is worth the candle - both to motivate employees and reduce costs.

Extra rest

In addition to work responsibilities, employees have a personal life. Therefore, additional days off and days off can be a good motive for responsible and high-quality work.

For high performance, employees can be offered time off with pay.

Or, for example, if an employee processed more incoming calls than colleagues before Friday afternoon, then he can go home early. This will improve productivity on the last working day, when staff efficiency is known to be declining. This motivation is practiced by the editors of the General Director magazine.

Employee expenses

Taking on part of the staff costs will be an excellent incentive for high-quality and efficient work. How can I do that?

For example, the best employees can be paid for subscriptions to a fitness center or free lunches can be offered to everyone.

Most employees' expenses include travel and mobile communications. The company can take them upon itself and thereby increase the loyalty of the team to the management.

Personal contact with management

Management should not distance themselves from employees. Care must be taken to ensure that each employee can freely communicate with the director or his deputy.

An example is the famous Steve Jobs. He constantly invited one of the employees for a walk and discussed with him various problems, questions and listened to ideas. A well-known businessman and author of business books personally answers all the letters of his employees.

Bank of ideas

This variant of motivation is a bit similar to the previous one.

We must constantly be interested in the ideas and opinions of employees. After all, many of them can give worthwhile recommendations that will help increase productivity, increase profits or reduce costs.

For these purposes it is necessary to create a bank of ideas. It can be organized using, for example, Google. Documents: employees will enter their ideas into a text document, and the manager will review them daily or weekly.

You can also use the method of direct contact with employees. The main thing is not to refuse them immediately, not to interrupt.

When management listens to the opinions of employees, the team begins to feel better about their work. After all, they understand that they are personally involved in the development of the company.

Motivational board

A simple marker board is installed in the office, where the sales figures of departments or specific employees are recorded. The effectiveness of this method will be noticeable in the first week.

For example, in the past, the worst specialists understood that the results of their work were invisible. And with a motivational board, you will have to work better in order to keep up with your colleagues.

That is, this method creates a kind of competition conditions and enhances the team spirit.

And 5 more ways to motivate

In conclusion, we offer 5 more ways to motivate employees worthy of attention.

  1. Give employees unexpected gifts for the holidays: birthdays, professional holiday, March 8, New Year, etc.
  2. Offer unscheduled holidays. Provided that this will not slow down the workflow of other workers.
  3. Pay bonuses to those who, for example, have never been on sick leave in a year, or quit smoking. This is practiced by many companies in Europe.
  4. Give gifts to the families of employees: health insurance, vouchers to sanatoriums, tickets to various events, etc.
  5. Create a relaxation room and a play area in the office: billiards, table tennis and everything you can afford.

Now you know everything about employee motivation and you can implement one or more of the methods described above tomorrow.

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