Extracurricular event “Local Government Day” material on the topic. Scenario for the five-year anniversary of the institution, proximity to the needs and problems of citizens

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Very little is known about this holiday in Russia. But it is the Day local government in 2019 deserves special attention. Let’s figure out why the date is so important, what “self-government” is and what opportunities are open to citizens of the country. It is worth noting that this year the celebrations will be celebrated on Sunday, so we have time to properly prepare for the holiday.

Quoting photo: culture.ru

When is Local Government Day 2019?

Local Government Day is celebrated on April 21 in 2019. It is a Sunday day off and therefore you can happily go to the squares and streets of the city. On this day, the mayor's office will definitely organize many pleasant events. City authorities will not remain aloof from the holiday - they were chosen by citizens to govern locally, so the holiday will be held especially widely.

History and traditions of the holiday

Russian legislation on local self-government has long history. Let's follow the main stages:

  1. Peter I introduced the positions of governors and voivodes, and organized elected councils of nobles. All these innovations were borrowed from the king’s favorite scenes based on ancient motifs.
  2. In 1785, Catherine II signed the Charter for Cities. The charter consisted of sections, articles and a Manifesto. In accordance with the document, the population was assigned class status, and it did not depend on professional activity. Also, according to the Charter, people were given many other rights.
  3. In 1864, Alexander II made his contribution - his zemstvo and city elective assemblies were the result of the Regulations on Zemstvo Institutions. These are already local government bodies with extensive rights. In 1870, the same ruler introduced city councils and councils.
  4. Alexander III, by royal decree, abolishes everything that his predecessor had done. Then 1917 comes and innovations have not returned to life.

In 1993 the Constitution Russian Federation the rights of independence for local self-government bodies are secured and guaranteed. Thus, Self-Government Day is a truly solemn date that all citizens of the Russian Federation should know. In 2019, we will celebrate Local Government Workers Day on April 21.

About the profession of a local government employee and stages of strengthening

On April 21, Local Government Day, you can fully appreciate the work of municipal employees. It is these people who manage the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, communicate with citizens, find out problems and solve them. Municipal employees are in charge of:

  • development and adoption of special development programs;
  • formation and development of the tax base;
  • collecting contributions and directing funds to meet the needs of the municipality, entrusted administrative-territorial unit;
  • control over the activities of persons who manage the municipality.

Also, employees of self-government bodies issue municipal securities, are in charge of loans for conducting business activities.

Main stages of strengthening:

  1. In 1991, the Law “On Local Self-Government” was adopted. Local authorities are being reformed and an MS system is being created.
  2. 1992 is the time when the MC bodies officially cease to belong to government agencies.
  3. 1993 the end of the activities of the Soviets. Responsibilities have been transferred to district administrations.
  4. 2003 compulsory medical insurance reform.
  5. 2009 – came into force the federal law 131-FZ, which establishes the foundations of the MS.

The city administration is not just a management apparatus, it is a system without which cities today simply cannot exist. For example:

  • the local budget will not be approved;
  • there will be no reporting on treasury income and expenses;
  • the municipality will not receive the rules by which it should be implemented.

In addition, many social structures will not receive subsidies. Local government bodies carry out activities that concern all citizens of the Russian Federation. As of January 1, 2016, there were 1,788 municipal districts and 563 urban districts in Russia - this is a large-scale network of compulsory health insurance.

How to celebrate Local Government Day

Knowing what date Self-Government Day is, you need to prepare for it. Speeches and ceremonial events from top officials of the state will be shown on TV. Regions are recommended to hold events dedicated to the solemn date. Despite the “young holiday”, it already has its own traditions - these are festivities and concerts on the square, performances by ensembles and amateur groups.

The official part includes awards and presentation of valuable gifts and thanks to particularly distinguished municipal employees. Organizing festivals has also become a good tradition. local significance. People come to rallies; awards for the winners of various regional and city competitions are held on this day.

What to give and how to congratulate local government employees

Congratulations for compulsory health insurance workers should be worthy. These people work for the benefit of all citizens and therefore deserve our respect. An article in a newspaper or a speech of gratitude at a holiday would be suitable as a general congratulation. Gifts are selected depending on the gender of the representative:

  • women will be pleased with flowers, good books, notepads and pens;
  • For men, watches or tableware - such gifts are always valuable.

If close acquaintance allows, it’s a good idea to present a figurine or a personalized set of stickers.

Congratulations in verse and prose

Not a single holiday is complete without solemn speeches. Give your gratitude to the compulsory health insurance employees, expressed in prose and poetry:

All employees of local government bodies, with professional holiday! Work hard for the good of the people. Make decisions based on the interests and needs of your fellow countrymen. Perform your duties with dignity, honor and fairness. Success to you in everything, prosperity in your personal life and good prosperity.

Happy Local Government Day! May all your wishes come true, may your old dreams come true. Let honesty and responsiveness, openness and reliability be more common. Let all the assigned tasks be solved and satisfy your needs as much as possible. I wish you health, strong nerves, true friends and sincere mutual assistance!

On Local Government Day, I would like to wish that your work is valued and respected. Achieving your goals, high work efficiency, good financing, prosperity and well-being!

Today is local government day.
The holiday is wonderful, there is no doubt about it.
Local managers, we congratulate you
And we sincerely wish you success in your work!

Don't forget about well-being
Make wise decisions more often.
Good health, happiness and goodness,
Good luck and good luck. Happy holiday! Hooray!

On self-government day
We wish that you always
With nice mood
Everything is done!

The area is landscaped
Let it please our eyes,
And life will be more worthy,
All hope is on you!

On every street
Order, cleanliness,
It will become cleaner, happier
And our whole country!

To all city councils, paradise - and village councils
Today we send our sincere greetings!
We wish you an extensive budget,
Well-deserved victories in the elections!

Let self-government be true,
You are trusted, highly valued,
And your district will be first in the reports,
It works cheerfully and easily.

Let the plants turn green in spring,
Children's playgrounds will appear everywhere.
And they will tell you with deep respect:
“There is no such management anywhere!”

A beautifully designed card with thank you poems is the best gift.

Video greetings and cards

Such congratulations - postcards, pictures and videos can be sent by mail or telephone:

Photo citation: fresh-cards.ru

Photo citation: asmo-rb.ru
Photo citation: playcast.ru

Nice video congratulations on Local Government Day:

Scenario for an event in the library and for school

Of course, on Local Government Day, the holiday script will be developed by the mayor's office, the municipality and will organize celebrations for all citizens. But you can make the same Day of Self-Government in a school or classroom - develop a comic action plan to show children how difficult it is to govern society.

The scenario can be drawn up based on the main responsibilities of municipal employees:

  • Spend one day in a classroom without teacher guidance. A student is selected at the meeting to play the role of mayor. He recruits “employees” and all day long the children themselves direct the activities of the class, teach lessons, and prepare the class for tests.
  • Make a funny quiz on the basics of budgeting - this is for high school students. Set tasks for collecting the budget, calculating “tax evaders,” and determining the optimal contribution rate. Think about budget allocation.

The purpose of the events is to convey the importance and complexity of the work of employees of the Ministry of Justice to the younger generation. A presentation of some of the achievements of the compulsory health insurance in the city will be helpful for conducting the lesson - this can be done with the children in the form of a wall newspaper or a board of honor. Reviews will also be useful best programs that have been implemented over the past year - municipal reporting on the work done is posted on the official website.

Comic quizzes with questions about knowledge of city laws, rules of public order and other social acts will cheer you up. These all aspects of people's lives are also under the control of municipal workers who manage the city.

Scenario for the school holiday “Anniversary of the Kuraginsky District”


  • - instill love for the native land, develop the desire to study the history and geography of the native land; maintain a careful and respectful attitude towards the memory of their ancestors;
  • - develop the creative and communication abilities of students;
  • - moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren through involvement in active creative activities;


Each of us has places in the world

Where life gives us only a moment to be born

Where is the memory, like a line of mail

He will heal our heart when it languishes.

And I rush there, good light is pouring there

And the reflections on the water are like sunspots

From here you and I went into a whirlwind of years,

And we will always come back here!

And the bright moment of childhood will suddenly return unexpectedly

And let joy in your soul be the most important thing.

Performed “Song about the native land (presentation slides)

(Melody for the beginning of the musical composition “I draw.”

On the stage there is a small tablet with the name of the area, several houses are drawn in the center. Each pencil has its own design, on back side with a piece of double-sided tape attached. As the action progresses, they glue the image to a certain place on the tablet. The child's pencil costume matches any color (blue, yellow, green), and there is a pencil-shaped cap on his head.)

Characters: girl, pencils - 3 people. 3rd grade students' skit

Girl: (against the background of the melody)

I was alone at home

I suddenly felt sad.

Sat silently by the window

My soul is so empty!

The rain is crying outside the window,

Puddles, cold, slush,

A wet, gray world all around...

I wanted to cry.

This gray rain washed away

All the colors come from my area,

Although he was always there before,

Like a picture in a fairy tale.

I took the pencils

I decided my area

Decorate from the heart

It would be more joyful.

What a miracle, suddenly they

Jumping out of the box

(Pencils appear)

My drawing itself is the one

They began to paint skillfully.


I am the color of heaven, blue, -

Transparent, delicate, clean!

The color of peace, happiness and goodness -

Beautiful and radiant!

Let the sky above the earth

It will be happy and peaceful!

Our area is big

It will be just as clean!

(Attaches the sky or clouds to the tablet.)


I am a joyful cheerful color,

Sparkling with lights.

My sunny bunny is funny

Plays with you often.

I drew the sun here

So that our area warms

And so that its inhabitants

It has become even brighter!

(Glues the sun.)


I am the rich color of fields, meadows,

Grass, trees in summer.

The green freshness of the forests

The earth around is dressed.

To make our area more comfortable,

So that you can breathe easier in it,

I want the streets, gardens -

Everything was bathed in greenery!

(Glues grass, tree.)

(song … Violetta Falk


Good afternoon, dear guys and our mentors! Today is a really good day, because this year the Krasnoyarsk Territory turned 80 years old, and our region turned 90 years old! And today we give you, Kuraginsky district, our hearts and our smiles!


Loving our area is easy and free

It’s as if he’s been washed with spring water.

Now rainy, now clear, now blizzard, now sultry,

This area was born under a lucky star.


Today we will visit the most beautiful, interesting, beloved corners of our area.


Everyone remembers some Russian river,

But he will stumble helplessly,

It will hardly be possible to talk about her:

Man is given only human words.


But rivers, like souls, are all different...

I need to tell my neighbor about them,

Know, perhaps, the mermaid's pearly babble,

Emerald speech of the merman.

Presenter 2

But in everyone's heart, where the treasure is chained

Nomadic steel melancholy,

It clearly echoes what happened to the heart,

The native river hummed.

(Speech on “The Tale of the Sayan Rivers”)

(Grade 7a song about Tuba)


So much original, native

Includes our favorite area!

It is dearer to us than any city -

Big Russia is a small corner.


Every person should know the history of his native land. Only then is he a true citizen and patriot of his small Motherland. And the most unique monument to the history of our region is the Shalobolinskaya Pisanitsa



We have a quiet, green street in Kuragino. Street named after Petryaev. Guys, who knows about Alexander Petryaev? Why is a street in our village named after him? (Answers from the audience, a story about the project)

(story and film about Petryaev)


The entire globe is underfoot.

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But in memory it is always with me

Killed in battle.


Let me not name all the names.

There is no blood relative.

Isn't that why I live

Why did they die?

Song “Cranes” Alena Kondratyeva


There are no uninteresting people in the world,

Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.

Everyone has something special, their own,

And there are no others like her.


We have many fellow countrymen,

Past Life Institute,

Who puts their heart into the matter,

Who puts his soul into work.

And we are proud of our fellow countrymen,

We know their names,

We are proud to be with you

History itself lives on.

Presenter 1

Our guests are honorary residents of the Kuraginsky district:


Low bow to you, my fellow countrymen,

You are in a hurry to get to work in the morning.

To you, whose plans are so far away,

Warm greeting and handshake.


Mozhanova's poem about the area


Where else can you find edges like this?

At least walk halfway around the world, halfway across the earth?

Here we have stormy streams,

Sable, bulk wheat,

Larches, rocks, crystals.

2.Here we have cloudberries and blueberries,

Plums that are not afraid of winters

People here are from young to old

They are famous for their hospitality.

1.Where can you find places like this in the world!

How many birds and schools of fish!

How many forests, arable lands and meadows!

What a bright, immense expanse!

2. I can’t imagine myself without Siberia,

Without my dear Siberians!

(Anthem of the region)

The script was developed by teacher Titaeva Lyubov Aleksandrovna
TOGBOU "Center for Family Support and Assistance to Children named after. G.V. Chicherina" Tambov region, Inzhavinsky district village. Guard

SCENARIO FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE ANNIVERSARY "TOGBU" Center for Family Support and Assistance to Children named after. G.V. Chicherin"

(a girl sits on the lawn and weaves a wreath, singing a folk song. Alexandra Alekseevna Chicherina quietly approaches her. She listens, and then turns to the girl)

Whose will you be, my dear?
I am Christina and Nikita Eremin's daughter - Akulina. Your mother serves as your maid.
So are you Khristina Feodorovna’s girl? And who, my dear, taught you to sing like that?
And I myself! I heard our women sing, so I learned. Am I singing okay?
Oh, okay, honey! Why don't you go into the people's room?
So the mother doesn’t allow it: “Don’t interfere, she says, there’s a lot to do without you!”
That's it, my friend, let's go, you come with me, I'll give you a gift.
No, mommy will scold you!
And I will stand up for you!
Well, if you intercede, then let's go!
Akulina, would you like to sing in my choir? Have you heard my choir singing?
No, I haven't heard. Mom said, but I wasn’t with you.
Do you want to listen?
I want it, lady, oh how I want it!
Let's go, they're just having a rehearsal.
Won't we get in the way?
No! We'll stand at the door.

(choir can be heard singing)
Liked?! Do you want to sing with them?
I really liked it! But I’m still too young to sing in the choir!
Never mind Akulina, age doesn’t matter for talent. Come tomorrow, I’ll talk to your mother.
Thank you, lady. Well, I’m home, I’m so passionate about telling my friends everything!
(after she leaves, the lady looks after her for a long time, then, sighing, says)

(the lady rings the bell; the maid Christina enters)
A.A.: Christina, invite my choir to a rehearsal in the hall.
Chr.: Okay, lady.

(Christina leaves. The choir and Christina enter the hall, bowing to the lady. The choir sings the song “Oh, you are a wide steppe.” The lady rises onto the stage and addresses Khrestina)
A.A. : Khrestina Fedorovna, today I heard your daughter sing, how smart she is! She has great talent.
Chr. : Why, lady, many people in our village sing like that. And what is the use of this talent?
A.A. : Darling, listen to me: Akulina has a very beautiful voice - a pure soprano. I understand this a little. You give me the girl, I will take her to Moscow, she will study there and become a real singer.
Chr. : (frightened) What are you doing, lady! I have only one, the others died. All the joy is in her!
A.A. : Sorry, Khrestina, I understand you! But still, think about my words.
(choir continues singing)

Voice off stage: No, Akulina did not have to study in Moscow, she lived her entire life, quiet and unnoticeable, in Karaul. And every time friends and relatives gathered for the holiday, Akulina sang her beloved “Wide Steppe” in her beautiful voice.

Was there mail today?
Yes, lady, they brought it in the morning. A letter from Georgy Vasilyevich from immigration. If you please.
Well, go with God, I’ll read it.
“When I think about the Guard, I dream how there, in this beautiful location, the former house will be turned into the People's House, will be the center of a strong, deep, rich, meaningful life... In this house there will be a cooperative, an organization of a peasant union, a local a theater, library and reading room, meeting rooms in this house will be in full swing with cultural, collectivist life.

And, probably, this is for the best! Yura has no children of his own and God has taken away Boris and me, let other people find shelter here!
Backstage presenter: Years after years, like spore showers,
Yesterday became history for us.
Only the memory of the heart is entrusted to us,
The bend fills all souls.
They have just told you a true story or a fable,
Our grandfathers told us all this.
Maybe from these old lines
And our orphanage takes its source.
Fanfare sounds

(The song “Birthday” sounds, people run into the hall fairy-tale heroes, cartoon characters, they give balloons to guests. At this time there is a dance miniature on stage. Then the children's choir comes out.)
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Presenter 2: Hello!
Presenter 1: Yes, exactly friends! Because everyone who has gathered in this room
truly are our friends, friends of our
orphanage, whose anniversary we are celebrating today!
Presenter 2: We are glad to welcome everyone who loves children and who appreciates the work of our teachers.
Presenter 1: Everyone who rejoices at our successes and achievements.
Presenter 2: Everyone who cares about us children and does everything to make us happy.
Presenter 1: In a word, we are glad to see you all, dear friends!
Presenter 2: Why is there so much light?
And the children's smiles?
There is of course no secret here:
There's an anniversary in our house!
The age of the house is no secret
Our home
Children: 85 years old!

The choir sings the song: “I, you, he, she”

Presenter 1: Where does the orphanage begin?
From broken destinies at times,
Roads that lead to the unknown,
And also saying goodbye to my family.
Where does an orphanage begin?
From tears in the lobby secretly,
Since anyone who arrives
You will always be greeted warmly at the door.
Or maybe it's starting
From the people who work in it,
From good and faithful comrades,
From the director to the heart with fire
Presenter 2: We invite to the stage the real mistress of the house, a wonderful woman who has been the main mother of our house for more than 30 years, an Excellent Student in Public Education - Lyudmila Pavlovna Fedorova. Over to you, dear Lyudmila Pavlovna.
(Introduction of guests, chefs)
The word for congratulations is given to:

Presenter 1: Our friendship, dear guests,
Like love, tested over the years!
Even in difficult moments of hard times
You stayed with us with all your heart!
It seemed like, well, what does it matter?
To the children, to their tears and grievances,
Will you see miles away?
From the windows of both ARTI and MFA?!
Only for good there is no distance.
May God give you happiness in life for this.
You have a talent for compassion,
They took part in our destinies!
Our holiday has become common to everyone.
And troubles will no longer touch us.
May success always accompany you,
And good deeds
May they return to you!

Receive the Posadoble dance as a gift

Presenter 1: At first glance, not much - 85 years, but how many joys and troubles have been experienced here! Meetings, partings, victories over oneself, And how many joyful and bitter tears were shed.
And on this anniversary day, We gathered to remember again Those who have gone down in history now And who filled this day with work.
Presenter 2: The history of our house is directly related to history
Chicherin family. In 1837, the former owner of the Vysheslavtsev estate sold the Karaul estate to Tambov landowner Nikolai Vasilyevich Chicherin, grandfather of the famous statesman- Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin.
Presenter 1: Let someone say that it’s in vain
Chicherin lived his life's journey.
No, his life was wonderful
And on this wonderful, clear day
We want him kind words remember.
Presenter 2: 1st brilliant Soviet diplomat, People's Commissar for
Foreign Affairs, our fellow countryman Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin
born in the Karaul estate on November 12 (24), 1872
Presenter 1: One hundred thirty-five years
This is probably a lot for a person,
But not for the universe!
And yet there are people
That century after century
They live without growing old
In imperishable memory.
Let us hear the peal of other times,
But it has stood the test of time for us:
Mozart fan, intellectual and diplomat,
Our fellow villager is Chicherin.

Song "Birch Edge".

Presenter 2: Located on a hilly river bank, an estate with extensive
park, orchard, greenhouses and pavilions,
the church of the late 18th century was a single majestic
ensemble. The estate at that time belonged to Uncle George,
Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin.
Presenter 1: It so happened that in the house,
Where is comfort and peace,
The dashing settled
What is called trouble
Children, dear children
Didn't grow, didn't bloom -
Death's strong nets
They took them with them.
Who will continue the name?
On my native land
And he will pave the way
To the spring at dawn?
Presenter 2: Boris Nikolaevich’s children died in early childhood and in March 1885, he drew up a will, which said: “I bequeath all my movable and immovable estate to my wife Alexandra Alekseevna, and after her death to my nephew Georg.”
Presenter 1: After the revolution, Georgy Vasilyevich abandons the family estate. He writes to his aunt:
“Don’t you think, dear aunt, the most wonderful outcome is if the people themselves become the owner of the house in the future, there will be a common house in the middle of a public park, here there will be a center of society itself, or a shelter.”
At this time, Alexandra Alekseevna lives in Karaul less and less, so that only servants are in the house.
Presenter 2: The house fell silent in anticipation,
He became gloomy, sad,
And in deep suffering
He extinguished the candles.
Just what is this? I can hear you
Like morning dew
The boys began to sound
There are voices outside the window!
Presenter 1: One, two, three and four!
Eight, ten and five!
How many kids are there?
It's hard to count everyone.
Let it not be familiar yet
All around. Let's live!
Here you guys are at home,
This is your common home!
Presenter 2: So, according to the decision of the Tambov Gubernia Executive Committee in 1922, in
The Chicherins' estate opened the "Red Star" orphanage.
Presenter 1: And the doors slammed,
The clock was wound again -
Three dozen boys
We have found our home!
Time flies by quickly
One day follows another.
Generations pass
How are the years above you
Presenter 1: And for 85 years now the former estate of the Chicherins has not stopped talking
children's voices.

The song "Old House" is playing

Presenter 1: It is difficult to count all the pupils who were given a start in life by our orphanage.
Presenter 2: Yes, more than one generation of children grew up within the walls of the Chicherins’ house. Fate scatters them across all corners of our vast Motherland. But they return here because this is where they left a piece of their heart. Our graduates do not forget their orphanage, which became their second home. They send us telegrams, write letters.
Presenter 1: Here are the lines from a letter from former pupil Valentina Aleksandrovna Zubrilina: “I received your letter again, I was touched to tears. It’s so nice that they still remember us veterans. Yes, and I remember everything as if it were yesterday, although everything was a very long time ago, but the memory is alive, especially for children. Yes, we lived a difficult life, because I was brought up in the 40s. But no matter how fate twisted us, we still survived and continue to stand firmly on our feet. I would like to wish the children fortitude, to walk along the right way, think about your actions and remember that your life is in your hands and always, please, remember the house in which you spent your childhood.”
Presenter 2: All the best fairy tales and songs in the world
I would give all the children of the earth
So that children grow up brave
So that children grow up kind.
And so that, without knowing grief,
Without knowing no wars, no troubles
On our huge planet
The children could be happy.

Song "We are little children."

Presenter 1: Years of peaceful construction passed, years of labor and creative flight, How interesting, creative people lived and worked in an orphanage. Truly, people who gave their hearts to children can be called: Lesuis Alexandra Eduardovna, Churikova Nick. Vikt., Zverevu Val. Mikh., Churikova Mar. Al., Agapov Tom. Pavel., Fedotova Mar. Alek., Lukankin Kl. Vas., Dorkinu An. Peter, Kazakova Val. Pavel., Zaitseva Mikh. Iv., Lukankinu ​​Lid. Const., Lukankin Rais Al., Merkulov Val. Al., Kashkovskaya An. Den, Kupriyanov An. Pavel., Shestov An. Ig.

Song "Father's House".

Presenter 2: Since 1990, children have been living in a new house in groups - families.
Children come to us from all over our region.
Presenter 1: A tear on the cheek, fear in the eyes:
The child has seen so much in his life.
But here's the touch of someone's hands
And someone said with a trembling voice:
“Son, don’t be afraid! Be a man, brother!
Everything will be fine, trust me.
And a kind man offered his hand,
He led me along a bright corridor.
Now you will remember him forever -
You have made an older friend in him.
Presenter 2: In our house there are two central figures - the child and the teacher. A good owner never saves when building on a foundation.
Presenter 1: The foundation of our house is a professional and creative team of educators. And today they are, of course, here!
Educators: 1) Do you count or don’t count -
We are only 85!
2) Just know everything around today:
As always, we are young again!
3) How can we grow old, friends?
If children's hearts are nearby,
If for care and business
We know no end to youth!
4) With the country, with its destiny nearby
We walked through the years without knowing fear,
And there was one reward for the work:
A twinkle in tear-stained eyes!
5)Here today, in this bright hall,
Let's share our joy.
We want everyone to know from now on
That there are no other people's children in Russia!

Performance by the teaching staff

Presenter 2: For 85 years, the orphanage has given a start to life to more than 100 thousand children. They became agricultural workers, nurses and doctors, teachers and cooks, military personnel and simply good people.
Presenter 1: And now I want to invite to the stage a former pupil of an orphanage, and now a colonel of the Russian Army, senior inspector - auditor of the Ministry of Defense - I.D. Kashirin.
Presenter 2: Please tell me, Ivan Dmitrievich, what are your memories of the time when you were brought up in an orphanage, about the people who surrounded you.

The song “Find Yourself a Friend” sounds for you

Presenter 1: Our home would not be so cozy, warm and well-groomed if not for the caring hands of our respected workers.
Presenter 2: We praise all workers:
Can't live without those
Who washes, washes, sews,
Cooks porridge and compote,
Paint the walls, ceilings,
At night they sit on pots.
Presenter 1: And among this large team there are also graduates of our house: Ozhegova S.L. - seamstress, Ataeva T.I. - assistant teacher, Mozgalina N.N. – teacher, Sharapova V.P. - assistant teacher, Fomin S.V. - farm yard worker, Glushakova L.A. - teacher, Prokhorov brothers - Peter and Vladimir - our watchman and farm yard worker, Danilov Yu.I. - teacher, Vershinina I. - assistant. teacher
Presenter 2: And now I ask all the former pupils in this hall to come here for the awards and line up for the ceremonial line dedicated to the anniversary of the orphanage.

(awarding former students with anniversary badges)

Graduate reads:
Orphanage, you became the beginning for us
All paths, all roads of life.
And every time we greet you with warmth,
He warmed us and consoled us as best he could!
We spread our wings and flew away,
To start your life from scratch!
But no matter where they were, everyone knew this for sure,
That we cannot forget you!
You can now be proud of us:
All your boys have grown up.
They don’t sit idle at all:
Officers, teachers, soldiers!
Happy birthday, our island of love
We believe that you will stand forever!
Warmth and heartfelt sympathy
Call us again in a few years!
Turning your gaze to the orphanage,
We cherish the memory with gratitude.
Returning here again to my childhood,
For some reason I can't sleep at night again.
Presenter 1: We and our house are proud of you,
Our former graduates,
Each of you has found your own path in life,
I have reached my cherished goal.
These paths were not easy,
There were sleepless nights and days!
You didn’t have to wait for help -
You have learned to conquer yourself,
After all, fate itself says:
“It’s always more difficult to win over yourself!”
Who became a captain, who became a pilot -
Everyone has a reliable pier in life.
In all corners of the vast country,
Your deeds and victories are visible.
For us, you are an example forever and in everything,
Our cozy Chicherinsky house is waiting for you,
No matter what happens, you are always welcome,
Here the star of your childhood shines

Song "City of Childhood"
Russian folk dance
Song "Plantain - Grass"
Russian folk song "Meadow Duck" in
accompanied by the ensemble r./n. tools
Dance "Tango"
Song "My Berry"
Circus studio performing

Presenter 1: The happy holiday is over,
Friends, your cities and villages are waiting for you.
We have now told you everything we could,
How we live was shown without embellishment.
We would like to tell everyone from the bottom of our hearts:
We ask you to visit us here more often.
Presenter 2: Let everything that we live in the orphanage not pass away, not disappear like smoke. And a painfully familiar corner will remain in our hearts, which has become dear to all of us. And joy and sorrow will be remembered, Our feelings, anxieties, deeds. Let's wish each other success and love, kindness, and warmth.
Presenter 2: Thank you very much for your participation,
For kindness, recognition and gifts.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you a lot of happiness
From all employees and children
Presenter 1: And at the end of the holiday, we invite all former pupils to join our choir to sing our anthem, the anthem of the orphanage.

anniversary celebration
TOGBU "Family Support Center"
and helping children
them. G.V. Chicherin"
Heading 1 Heading 215

DEDICATED to Local Government Day,
Date and time: April 21, 2016
Venue: Assembly Hall
There are songs about the area.
Host: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Hello, dear fellow countrymen!
2016 is the year of celebrating the twentieth anniversary of its formation, the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the district. And today is fixed in the calendar of public holidays of the country by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the holiday - Local Government Day is celebrated annually on April 21!
The choice of the date of the holiday coincides with the historical fact of 1785, on this day Empress Catherine II established the Charter of Rights and Benefits for Cities Russian Empire, which marked the beginning of the development of Russian legislation on local self-government.
The legal foundations of modern local self-government are enshrined in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation. The current model of local self-government has a fairly developed regulatory and legal framework. The public consciousness has strengthened the understanding of the need further development democratic principles of government and the feeling that local self-government is the closest form of government to the people, designed to solve the main issues of life support for the population.
It would be wrong to consider Local Government Day only as a professional holiday for local government employees. Local self-government gives all citizens the opportunity to participate in solving socio-economic issues of their territories, to show public initiatives, defend your interests. And there is no doubt that the holiday - Local Government Day will acquire its own traditions and forms and will become a truly national “red day of the calendar”.
Presenter: The floor is given
Presenter: Let's start the award ceremony.
For conscientious work, responsible execution job responsibilities and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, the following are awarded with gratitude from the administration: XXX
For high professional excellence, perennial conscientious work and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, the following are awarded with gratitude from the administration: XXX

Host: The award ceremony continues.
For conscientious work, responsible performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day Letter of gratitude administration are awarded: XXX
For many years of fruitful cooperation, active participation in public life settlements and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, a letter of gratitude from the administration is awarded to: XXX
Presenter: Photo for memory.
Presenter: Please take your seats in the hall.
For many years of fruitful cooperation, active participation in covering the public life of the settlement and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, the Administration’s Certificate of Honor is awarded to: XXX
For many years of fruitful cooperation, active participation in the social and cultural life of the settlement and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, the Administration’s Certificate of Honor is awarded to: XXX
For many years of fruitful cooperation, active participation in the public life of the settlement and in connection with the celebration of Local Government Day, the Administration’s Certificate of Honor is awarded to: XXX
Presenter: Photo for memory.
Host: There is no more honorable profession than serving the people among whom you live. This solemn meeting is organized in order to once again emphasize the most important role of everyone present here in the fruitful and successful life of the whole municipality. Thanks to your dedication, hard work and willingness to cooperate, today XXXXX is thriving and delighting its residents. There are still many grandiose plans ahead! We are confident that through joint efforts we will be able to achieve the highest results for the prosperity of our native settlement!
Dear fellow countrymen! Congratulations on Local Government Day! We wish XXXXX well-being, stable work for every work team, joy for every family, happiness for every resident.

Attached files

Scenario for the fifth anniversary of a rehabilitation center for minors

Before the start of the event, a congratulatory video is projected on the screen

The curtain is open. The lights in the auditorium are off.

Children and angels slowly play along the edge of the stage. The song “I'm Dreaming” by A. Lorak plays in the background, a group of children help sing the chorus, and while the song is playing, a “tender” video is shown.

Music in the background The presenters come out and unfasten the helium balloon in the shape of a heart on the backdrop (on the projector there is a splash screen for our 5th birthday today)

Ved 1: Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests of this holiday!

Ved 2: Now you are sitting in the comfortable chairs of this decorated cozy room and thinking why the presenters, seemingly serious people, came out and performed an incomprehensible action.

Ved 1: And we will answer (smiles sweetly)

Ved 2: It was not by chance that we released these hearts, because today is a glorious holiday for PEOPLE.

Ved 1: People whose HEARTS are filled with affection, warmth and tenderness

Ved 2: People who fill children's hearts with everything beautiful and kind.

Ved 1: People are the collective of the state budgetary institution Novosibirsk region"Social rehabilitation center for minors"

Ved 2: And today We have gathered to congratulate them on a wonderful event.

Ved 1: Happy 5th Anniversary.

Ved 2: Although the anniversary is young, this center has a huge heart.

Vedas 1: Nothing can change their heart -
No glory, no honor, no position.
Money can't buy people like that

This is clear to everyone, without any doubt.

Vedas 2: Blessed be he who is generous in soul!

And who doesn’t judge children by their clothes,

Always ready to share kindness with them.

And they will never refuse support.

Vedas 1: They will extend their hand in the most difficult hour,
At that moment he will forget his problems.
And, thank God, they live among us
Such wonderful people!

Ved 2: The floor is given to the director

(award from the director)



The presenters come out

Ved 1: On this day, held under the sign of kindness, we honor representatives of the noblest profession.

Vedas 2: Which demonstrate not in words, but in deeds best qualities the soul of a Russian person is selflessness,

Vedas 1: mercy,

Vedas 2: dedication.

Vedas 1: There cannot be random people here, this is work by calling. Only a select few can handle it, those who devote themselves entirely to caring for children.

Ved 2: The floor is given to ____________________________________


(the word "ministry")



the same presenter releases hearts after announcing the number

the presenters come out

Vedas 1: The opening day of the center is considered the day when the first pupil entered the threshold of the institution

Ved 1: Yes, the center is an institution.

Ved 2: Why is this?

Vedas 1: On this day such an unusual event happened...

Vedas 2: Every day, in every corner of the world, some unusual events occur (without admiration). Let's remember the center from its first event.

The video “Center from the moment of its emergence” is projected on the screen, at which time the presenters release hearts

The center lives without aging,

New children are growing up

Here they will be warmed with a smile

They will lead you into life by the hand.

The Center is not just a name

Center for protection from troubles and adversity,

Children's destinies and souls combination

He carries it in his warm palms.


The same presenter releases hearts after announcing the number

Ved 2: 5 years is a whole era for people,

Vedas 1: who, by virtue of their profession, take on the problems of students,

Ved 2: and to the best of their ability they try to resolve these problems, thereby helping families.

Ved 1: Their tasks are very complex.
Let it be the 21st century,

Ved 2: But in an age of great technical capabilities
Still in first place
young Human.

Vedas 1: In any business, problem, endeavor
The first role was given to the children.

Vedas 2: Meanwhile, they need help and attention,
And all children need good support.

Ved. 1: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of ... the district ( administration)



The same presenter releases hearts after announcing the number

Ved 2:(reads a poem to the audience)

You are merciful and kind

in the soul - love and compassion

and you warm hearts

all those who are deprived of attention.

Ved 1: These poems are for ME (shy)?

Ved 2:No, it'sto the director who accepted the first child into the walls of the rehabilitation center.

Ved 1: The floor is given

Vedas: Song On the Way to Goodness

The same presenter releases hearts after announcing the number

Ved 2: sing-song

Ask life strict

Which way to go...

Ved 1: That you liked the song.

Ved 2: I liked the song and the children liked it.

Ved 1: I wouldn't like it. A huge amount of painstaking work is done with each child at the center.

Ved 2: Their life would be monotonous and devoid of joy if it were not for the friendly and highly qualified staff of the center.

Vedas 1: Thanks to them, the children in the center plunge into happy world childhood, a sincere smile appears on their faces.

Ved 2: The center’s specialists help the child adapt to life, both in the institution and outside it.

Vedas: The song is taught in the center with slides

The same presenter releases hearts after announcing the number

The presenters come out

Ved 1: Our heroes of the day are people of a profession in which it is necessary to have responsiveness, the ability to sympathize and empathize.

Ved 2: All these qualities are also present in some people who will never refuse to lend a helping hand to the elderly or provide support to families.

Vedas 1: The word is given (guardianship) ___________________________


The presenters come out

Ved 1: At our wonderful holiday there are good people,

Vedas 2: s kindthoughtsand kindwith my heart.

Vedas 1: With their kindness they conquered children's hearts. This…

(children present gifts to veterans)

The presenters release the last hearts and a big heart appears

Vedas 1: What a big heart we have.

Ved 2: Yes. These are the people who work at the center with such big hearts, but the hearts are really a little smaller, someone else has them

Vedas 1: From whom?

Vedas 2: Let's go to the auditorium. The right to congratulate the heroes of the day is granted to everyone who has a heart on the back of their seat.

Ved 1: This is how we live

Vedas 2: Let the days and years fly over us,

It's raining, it's snowing -

Vedas 1: But in our center the weather is always good!!!

Today, tomorrow and always!

Ved 2: We thank all the guests, all our friends who came to share our joy!

Specialists come onto the stage and lead two children with heart-shaped balloons by the hand.

Concert participants enter the stage from both sides and perform the final song “Heart to Heart” and photographs are projected on the backdrop inside a balloon heart

Vedas 1: Until new anniversaries.



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