Non-profit organization "Fund for Support of Public Initiatives". The Kostroma region has its own house of nationalities Justification of social significance

Banks 19.12.2021

National representations of the region will be able to unite under one roof. For the first time in the region, with the support of the regional administration, its own House of Nationalities appeared.

Equipped classrooms, a library, a hall - these are the resources that today have become available to the national associations of the Kostroma region. All public associations working in the ethno-cultural sphere will be able to meet at one site. It is planned to hold exhibitions and festivals here, to discuss regional ethno-cultural programs, the foundation of a unique library of the peoples of the world has been laid. “There are houses of friendship in many regions. I am sure that the multinational Kostroma will take the most worthy place in this list,” grand opening Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia Nazirjon Abduganiyev. The guest of Kostroma promised to help fill the library of the House of Nationalities. “I believe that today we are witnessing a historic event: what everyone has been talking about for so long, dreaming about, is being accomplished. We are opening the House of Friendship, where all ethnic groups living in the territory of the Kostroma region can find their own home, have their own office. Here you can gather, hold your own events or international events, invite young people and schoolchildren here. All this is necessary so that the inhabitants of the Kostroma region know the traditions and culture of the peoples who live here, have the experience of interethnic communication,” said Deputy Governor Alexander Sokolov, speaking to the participants in the celebration. The high emotional wave of the holiday was supported by the chairman of the regional Armenian national-cultural autonomy of the Kostroma region Armine Juvalikyan. “I am very excited because we have been going to this for a very long time. This is our home and we should try to make it as beautiful as possible,” Armine Juvalikyan shared with the guests. The House of Nationalities was created using a grant received by the Non-Profit Organization " Fund for Support of Public Initiatives». This project also received support from the administration of the Kostroma region within the framework of the program "Harmonization of interethnic, interfaith relations and ethnocultural development of peoples in the Kostroma region for 2014-2020". Press Service of the Governor of the Kostroma Region

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18.07.2019 Administration of the Kostroma region In the last decade, special attention has been paid to the problem of interethnic friendship and the creation of favorable conditions for interethnic harmony at the state level. An important role in this work is non-profit organizations who, step by step, are restoring this fragile peace, are teaching once again the careful attitude of good neighborliness. The Houses of Friendship or Houses of Nationalities created in many regions of the country have become a great help in this work. In the Kostroma region, the need to create such a site began to be discussed in 2010. And thanks to a presidential grant in 2016, such a site appeared in Kostroma. In a short period of time, a lot of work was done, which received the support of regional authorities and the interethnic community, a unique experience of working with national organizations was accumulated, 16 organizations found their home under the roof of the House of Nationalities. And it is necessary to continue this work and strengthen it.
The project is aimed at organizing systematic work with ethno-cultural associations and religious organizations and includes a number of areas:
No. 1. Organization and holding of joint events with ethno-cultural associations. Together with each organization, a plan of events was drawn up within the framework of the project, including national holidays in order to get to know, popularize and familiarize with the culture of the peoples of the Kostroma region.
No. 2. Publication of the newspaper "Region sodruzhestva", dedicated to the activities of ethno-cultural associations, the culture of the peoples living in the Kostroma region, stories about prominent Kostroma residents of different nationalities.
No. 3. Organization of the Sunday School. Within the framework of this direction, on the basis of the House of Nationalities, the study of the languages ​​of the peoples of the Kostroma region will be organized: Azerbaijani, Moldavian, Tatar, Armenian, Ingush and German.
No. 4. Program for the adaptation and integration of migrants into the modern Russian society. This direction is one of the key ones and will be implemented with the direct involvement of ethno-cultural associations in the process.
№ 5. Holding an expert interregional forum "Interethnic world of regions".
No. 6. Provision of legal and accounting support to ethno-cultural NGOs.
A distinctive feature of the project will be that the organizers of all processes will be the ethno-cultural associations themselves with the direct coordination of the Kostroma House of Nationalities, including the organization of joint holidays.


  1. The purpose of the project is to create conditions for the preservation of cultural diversity and the development of interethnic relations in the territory of the Kostroma region.


  1. Implementation of measures to preserve the culture, language, traditions and customs of the peoples of the Kostroma region
  2. Provision of methodological, informational, accounting, legal and property support to national public associations and national-cultural autonomies
  3. Organization and holding of joint events with national public organizations aimed at getting acquainted with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Kostroma region
  4. Organization of work with regional and local media, LSG bodies on the organization of work and coverage of the national issue in the media
  5. Publication of the newspaper "Region of Commonwealth" in order to inform the population about the activities of ethno-cultural associations and project events
  6. Formation of a culture of interethnic relations, development of tolerance and religious tolerance in modern society through youth work
  7. Implementation of measures for the socio-cultural adaptation of migrants in the Kostroma region
  8. Creation on the territory of the Kostroma region of a permanent interregional expert platform on interethnic relations

Substantiation of social significance

Representatives of 114 nationalities live in the Kostroma region. As of January 1, 2017, 178 religious organizations and 30 religious groups belonging to 13 religious associations are registered and operate in the region. The key problems in the field of the state of interethnic and interfaith relations in the region remain:
- weak all-Russian civic consciousness (all-Russian civic identity) with the increasing importance of ethnic and religious self-identification;
- an increase in the number of external labor migrants and their low socio-cultural adaptation to the conditions of the host community;
- insufficient coordination both at the regional and local levels of the use of resources in order to achieve harmonization of interethnic, interfaith relations, ethnocultural development of the peoples of the Kostroma region;
- the growth of nationalist sentiments among various ethnic communities;
- strengthening the negative impact of internal migration on the state of interethnic and interreligious relations in the region;
- low level of knowledge about the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Kostroma region.
Interethnic peace and harmony is a fragile, complex sphere, it has a lot of hidden currents and pitfalls. The solution of ethno-cultural problems in the conditions of the ethnic diversity of the region requires systemic interaction between state authorities and bodies local government, public associations and other subjects of ethnocultural activity, which necessitates the use software methods. One of the effective steps to ensure interethnic peace and harmony, ensuring equal rights and freedoms of peoples living on the territory of the Kostroma region, to preserve the national and cultural identity, the formation of a positive image of the Kostroma region as a platform for the dialogue of cultures (or a region of the commonwealth), will be the implementation of the project " Kostroma House Nationalities 2.0". The social significance of the project is to increase the role public institutions, including national-cultural and religious organizations in the matter of maintaining international peace and harmony. The active participation of ethno-cultural and religious organizations in the project will allow, on a systematic basis, to assist the authorities in the implementation of the state national policy, build horizontal ties through joint activities, get to know each other's culture, and involve the general population in the project implementation process.

Representatives of official ethno-cultural associations of people living in Kostroma will be able to work in it. After the housewarming, representatives of national-cultural autonomies, diasporas and associations met at the forum. And discussed issues of cooperation.

Several offices, a large conference room, a library, which contains publications about the traditions and history of different peoples. On Sverdlova, 60b in Kostroma, all conditions have been created for the work of ethno-cultural associations of the Kostroma region. Here you can hold a scientific conference, and have tea with compatriots, and current work get busy. Everything is free.

Armine Juvalikyan, Chairman of the Armenian national-cultural autonomy in the Kostroma region:“We have all been working towards this for a very long time. This is important, because when we are all together, we will always have good and kind ideas that we will implement. And let everyone see how we live together.”

Representatives of 114 nationalities live in the Kostroma region today. There are 30 ethno-cultural associations. And interethnic unity is growing stronger year by year, Governor Sergei Sitnikov is convinced. Kostroma residents are not inclined to ask the question “And whose will you be?”. Largely due to the knowledge of the traditions and customs of different peoples, respect for Russian laws, a common desire for the development of Russia.

Sergei Sitnikov, Governor of the Kostroma Region:“Today, we must, in fact, nurture internationalists and patriots. In the Kostroma region, in this direction, good experience. We tried to use such forms of work that are based on public initiatives, the activities of youth and children's organizations.

This thesis is also supported by the public. Echoes of world events make themselves felt. Either religious radicals or unscrupulous politicians are trying to bring discord into the international world. In 2015, members of the Public Chamber twice appealed to ethno-cultural associations with a request to prevent the appearance of extremist sentiments in Kostroma.

Yuri Tsikunov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kostroma Region:“All sides of the discussions that we held correctly understood the situation and held in their national associations necessary work and found understanding. Harmonization of relations is the only sure way to ensure that we spend our energy not on clarifying relations, but on bringing our region to the forefront as soon as possible.”

Having discussed the issues of harmonization of interethnic relations, the forum participants joined the celebration of Novruz Bayram - the time of the arrival of spring and the renewal of nature. It was organized by the Kostroma Azerbaijani autonomy for all the guests.

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