Get a job in Belarus. Work in Belarus for Russians

Law and law 05.04.2020
Law and law

You can call an ad in a newspaper the old-fashioned way, ask your friends, or you can open a browser tab, type a search query - and look for your dream job. There are many advantages in online search: you don’t have to adapt and agree to dubious conditions offered by your mother’s friend, you have time to competently build a catchy response, the vacancy database is updated every day, you can scroll through offers anytime and from anywhere, even while lying on the sofa or sitting in the boring office.

Although many HR specialists and employers advise not to hide behind a resume on the Internet, take everything into your own hands - personally come to the company and declare yourself (or at least write by email). We have nevertheless collected the best sites for finding work in Belarus according to All Courses Bai.


On - more than 110 thousand vacancies. In Minsk there are more than 45,000, in regional centers there are an average of 5 thousand offers. There are the most popular specialties. The project has a detailed breakdown of categories: IT, computers; logistics, customs; medicine, pharmaceuticals; personnel, personnel management; sports, beauty and fitness and others. You can search by type: no experience, home-based, temporary, evening or night work, for students, part-time, shift, shift schedule, there are even advertisements where the manager is ready to provide housing for his employee. Or look at the active offers of large organizations in the country.

There are useful articles on the topic. To post your resume, save vacancies to your favorites, and send responses, you need to register. Synchronization with Google, Facebook, VKontakte works. Subscriptions to mailing lists of new offers are available, and filters can be set up for each organization.

Jobs Here

The portal generates offers of the day, collects separate selections - for the designer, marketer, and other specialists. You can subscribe to the newsletter for new vacancies.When registering, they offer synchronization with Odnoklassniki, VKontakte,, Facebook, Google, linkedin. They write useful articles for job seekers. Free applications on Google Play, App Store.


The resource contains almost 10,000 vacancies from 77.5 thousand employers. The catalog includes sections for finance and insurance, transport and logistics, executives, beauty and health, office services and business services, and others. In the search settings - schedule and availability, city and distance to vacant place, education, update date.

Collections of hot recommendations, section Praca.TOP - information is updated daily on each specialty, the number of posted applicant profiles, and the average salary offered by employers in this field. News and articles for those who are looking for new organization for employment. You can log in through Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Google.

The search on the portal is configured by sectors and areas of activity: construction, installation and operation; production, industry and agro-industrial complex; security, safety; domestic staff; tourism, hotels and catering; Media, photos and videos, as well as others. There are filters by city and map. Reeve automatically selects a feed for a resume, publishes proposals from Belarusian market leaders, and gives personal recommendations to users.


The aggregator encourages you to search by keywords and location (you can select several). Immediately on the main page it displays selections fresh advertisements in different areas and categories - for example, in trade, sales and procurement there are 4,230 offers, in construction and architecture - 200, medicine - 940. There are many options for working from home.

Trudbox collects publications from other resources and displays statistics on the most popular queries and specialties, wages, and other categories. When registering, you can log in through accounts social networks. There are interviews, articles, tests on how to choose your profession, find the secret of success, calculate your financial future, and more.

Job Bank

You can search by city, profession, salary, type of employment - no experience, part-time or full-time. Now the bank has 87,535 vacancies from settlements throughout Belarus, most of them in production, blue-collar occupations, trade and sales, as well as transport, public sector and logistics. Employment opportunities for people with disabilities and first-time job seekers.

Project Civil service employment in the Republic of Belarus. Helpful information for applicants, including foreign citizens. A separate section is devoted to career guidance and training for the unemployed.


On average, 700 new advertisements from direct employers appear per day; in total, there are about 18,000 of them available on the resource. Navigating the site is very simple - you just need to type the city in the search bar and desired position or choose a specialty. You can view all recommendations in a region or specific organizations.

There are sections with daily vacancies. It gives the average salary for the country and region in which the user is located, and also shows the average for certain positions, for example, loaders are offered 576 rubles.


Recently, Kufar also launched . Advertisements are sorted by date and payment. There is a standard set of categories: IT and Internet, management, trade, service and everyday life, culture and art, others. The filters include city, field of activity, required experience.

A lot of work

Another quite useful resource - you can search by region and position, there are standard sections by city, by type of activity. Collections are set up by companies and enterprises.

You can select by date - within a day, 7, 14 and 30 days, set up a salary filter. Often the service takes information from the site of the state employment service of Belarus, so it redirects users to it - there are detailed requirements for the applicant, his responsibilities (authorization is required).

Jobs Dev

Job search project for IT specialists. 1419 companies are inviting here, 421 vacancies are currently available. There are 98,630 registered users on the site. There is a selection by technology (java, html, c, net and others), organizations, levels, types of employment, salaries, selections large companies. Can be configured in advanced search locality, level and specialty.

Dev provides statistics on salaries in IT (with minimum and maximum in the field) for different cities, positions, technologies, they are compiled based on real questionnaires. Compiles ratings of companies and collects reviews on them. The project is on VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, RSS. You can respond via your Linkedin account.

Work For You

The resource positions itself as one of the leaders in the recruitment market in Belarus. Here there are 2,700 vacancies of Minsk companies, 200-500 in regional centers, enterprises and organizations of regional centers also post offers. In total, the database contains 4,680 proposals and 6,270 resumes.

In the advanced search, you can configure the area, locality, employer, salary, date, and other criteria. The main page contains articles and tips for employers and job seekers.

TUT.BY is, first of all, a team of like-minded people focused on results.

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The portal structure employs more than 300 people: journalists, programmers, designers, layout designers, product managers, customer service specialists, lawyers and many others.

We are located in a new spacious office with panoramic views of the city in the Omega Tower business center.

TUT.BY takes care of the conditions for comfortable work: cozy meeting rooms, subscription to professional publications, a library of professional literature, a spacious kitchen with tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cookies, daily delivery of homemade hot lunches to a specially equipped kitchen, “IT charging”, a relaxation room with exercise equipment, a ping table Ponga and massage chairs, services of a professional massage therapist...

Separately, you can imagine the TUT.BY Gallery - a space where a real art gallery is located, in which the exhibition is updated every month, creative meetings and lectures are held, as well as events About business.,,, and others:

TUT.BY creates conditions for the continuous development of its employees: we can visit partners and our own educational events(conferences, master classes, seminars), viewing of webinars and online conferences is organized, courses are held in English, training with internal and external trainers.

And, of course, we sometimes arrange surprises for each other, relax together, “reboot” and “recharge” at corporate holidays and various events

The average salary in the republic is less than in the Russian Federation, but nevertheless there is no decrease in the number of people willing to live there. They go to relatives or for a safe, measured life. Those who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union, free education, medicine, and inexpensive public transport flock to the country. Living and working in Belarus is attractive for Russians to those who were unable to develop their professional potential in their homeland. As for low earnings, these funds more than cover living costs.

Preferences for Russian citizens when moving and looking for work

Russians cross the border when entering Belarus using a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign one without a visa. This became possible thanks to the Agreement on equal rights Russians and Belarusians to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay, residence on the territory of the Union States.

You can look for legal work for 30 days without registration, after which you contact the migration department of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Foreigners are prohibited from working longer than 90 days without a temporary residence permit. Therefore, they prepare documents to obtain it:

  • application requesting a permit;
  • employment contract, civil contract;
  • registration mark;
  • passport;
  • certificate of ownership or rental agreement for residential premises;
  • bank statement indicating the availability of funds for living for the first time;
  • document confirming payment of state duty.

After two weeks, when a positive decision is made, a stamp confirming the temporary residence permit is affixed to the identity card. Having this document, they work for up to a year, then extend or issue a residence permit.

To attract foreign labor by Belarusian companies, a license is required, which does not apply to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Visitors from Russia do not need a work permit or patents. For both Russians and Ukrainians employment in a neighboring state is favorable due to territorial proximity and common borders. No knowledge required foreign language, since Russian is the second state language.

How to get a job in Belarus in 2020?

Finding a job in Belarus without intermediaries is not difficult if you daily look at vacancies posted on the largest Internet sites,, The resume indicates education, work experience, achievements and expectations. If you need housing, please indicate this item.

Find suitable employment, obtain the consent of the manager or HR department the company should do so in advance.

Uniform requirements for employment, wages, and the implementation of social guarantees are enshrined in the decision of the Supreme Council of the Union States of the Russian Federation and Belarus, which has been in force since June 1996.

Russian diplomas do not require verification; both general and preferential length of service for retirement are taken into account.

The Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus provides for the submission of a package of documents for employment, which includes:

  1. Identification.
  2. A work book provided by everyone except part-time workers and people entering work for the first time. They are prescribed a new one, model 1995.
  3. Document on education, qualifications confirming the right to occupy the position.
  4. Declaration of income.
  5. Medical certificate with a conclusion about the state of health.
  6. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

The HR department will also request permission for temporary stay or residence in Belarus.

A prisoner employment contract is registered with the Department of Citizenship and Migration no later than 30 days from the date of signing.

Which sectors of the economy need foreign labor, vacancies for Russians

If Russian citizens who have moved have their own square meters or funds for renting living space, a position that guarantees a decent wages, easier to find.

People are looking for jobs without intermediaries on the Internet, through friends and acquaintances. If you are not confident in your abilities, they find a vacancy through recruitment agencies, where they will provide employment for a fee.

A country that preserves Soviet traditions does not need specialists in new fashionable professions - designers, advertisers, fitness club instructors.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to find a vacancy as a journalist or psychologist.

Workers in industrial, civil and road construction, transport, trade, education, and medicine are in demand. Specialists are required for enterprises whose products are export-oriented - heavy engineering, light industry.

Design and construction companies Architects and engineers required. More than 70% of vacancies are working specialties:

  • mason;
  • welder;
  • tiler-facer;
  • electrician;
  • locksmith

Offers vacancies for Russians in Belarus IT technologies. There is a growing number of companies creating computer programming products, both for themselves and to order.

As the outflow of specialists to Russia continues, positions of enterprise managers are being vacated, production departments. When hiring, Belarusian employers give preference to managers with experience in international companies.

There is a noticeable shortage medical workers, kindergarten teachers.

The transport industry requires:

  • machinists;
  • drivers;
  • conductors;
  • controllers.

There are not enough workers to serve the population - cooks, waiters, seamstresses, maids, wardrobe maids.

Work for migrants from Russia with the provision of housing

Great opportunities open up for applicants official work in the village. Jobs for doctors, nurses, and teachers in agricultural settlements are open for women. Despite the prospects, local youth prefer to stay in big cities.

Employment in Belarus for Russians under the rural restoration program guarantees wages higher than in cities. The Government of Belarus allocates to support specialists budget resources for the construction of brick houses. After living and working on the land for 10 years, foreign employees can privatize the allocated square meters.

Farmers are well equipped with machinery, which makes work on the land less labor-intensive and more productive.

Those who need work in Belarus with the provision of housing should turn to companies offering a rotational system.

This is first of all construction companies, constructing industrial, social and cultural facilities, roads, residential buildings.

The main construction project on a national scale, invested Russian capital, is nuclear power plant city ​​of Ostrovets, Grodno region. The facility requires concrete workers, excavator operators, and crane operators.

Employment sites offer vacancies for gas-electric welders, electricians of power networks and equipment, and fittings workers. The range of working specialties is large. But it also requires shift work by engineering and technical personnel - technical and technical equipment engineers, site foremen.

The state pays a lot of attention to road construction great attention, so the routes are constantly being reconstructed and new ones are being laid. To maintain order and build new roads, work producers, excavator drivers, foremen, and technical supervision engineers are required.

Job openings available with working hours on a rotational basis, in which housing is paid for by the employer in the sphere of trade and public services. We are looking for warehouse loaders, security guards, hotel and recreation center maids, salespeople, seamstresses, dishwashers, and cleaners.

When harvesting and shortage of own labor resources in rural areas foreigners are attracted. More often, Ukrainians from border areas are involved.

Women are employed by private individuals to live as domestic servants, nurses, and nannies.

The presence of large forest areas in Belarus has led to the demand for timber harvesting services. Both state forestry enterprises and private enterprises participate in this field of activity. Therefore, there is a great demand for forest fellers. The profession involves working with a chainsaw and cleaning logging sites. A certificate in the specialty is required, housing is provided at the place of procurement.

Jobs with decent wages and housing are quickly disappearing, so it’s not recommended to hesitate. If you have decided on your choice in advance, you need to react quickly. In addition to paid living space, when working on a rotational basis, the company provides tools and special clothing.

Earnings in different fields of activity

In addition to realizing their professional potential, a similar mentality, and a safe, measured life, Russians are interested in how much they can earn in Belarus.

If we take into account that the local ruble is equal to 30–31 Russian or 0.51 $, then average salary throughout the country - about 24 thousand Russian or 795 Belarusian rubles. By the end of 2018, the government plans to increase this figure to $500.

Salaries in Belarus vary depending on geographic location. The highest remuneration for labor ($600) is received in Minsk and its suburbs, where large industrial enterprises. The lowest ($250) is the agricultural Vitebsk region.

Salary by profession, in dollars:

  • The lack of qualified personnel has led to increased remuneration for programmers. Having 2 years of experience, they receive up to 2000 monthly.
  • Thanks to the rural revival program, the work of tractor drivers and milkmaids is valued at 270. Forestry and fisheries employees receive the same amount.
  • Average salary of teachers secondary schools- 260, doctors - 300 (in rural areas one and a half times higher), builders - 350–400 (working shifts - 700).
  • Having a traveling nature of work, a timber feller earns from 500 to 1200.
  • Middle managers financial organizations can count on 750.
  • When hired as a public transport driver, they receive 400, taxi drivers earn up to 700.
  • Labor exchange accountants are offered 300–400, office managers - 250.
  • Librarians, museum curators, and social workers do not receive more than 200.

In Belarus there is a minimum wage, below which the employer has no right to pay for hired labor. The minimum wage in 2018 is 265 rubles or $135.

To understand how much or little employers offer for work, you need to estimate your monthly expenses. The cost of Belarusian products is not much different from Russian ones, but the quality is better. Belarus still applies GOST standards.

Much cheaper Appliances. For a monthly pass for use public transport pay $15.

Renting a one-room apartment in the capital will cost $250–300, public utilities-30 in summer, -70 in winter.

The cost of own housing is relatively low. For a one-room apartment in a new Minsk building they are asking $70 thousand, for secondary market- 60 thousand. The cheapest housing in Vitebsk, two rooms - 30 thousand.

Let's summarize. Working in Belarus is attractive for IT specialists. Minsk companies promoting new technologies are known to the world community. In addition, 4 thousand vacancies appear on the labor market annually.

Those who like to live on land will feel the benefits of moving. Thanks to state support Agrarian settlements are promising in terms of development. Visitors are offered free square meters and earnings are higher than those of city specialists occupying similar positions.

If you are attracted by the mentality of Belarusians, clean streets, affordable housing, quality food, then you will not be left without work

A job with a good salary is not enough for everyone. For every 10 officially unemployed, there are only 1.5 vacancies with earnings above 600 rubles. At the same time, the highest paying vacancies are generally too tough for the Belarusian unemployed - the qualifications are not the same.


Naviny. by We were figuring out where to find a normal job in the harsh realities of the Belarusian labor market.

Unemployment in Belarus: the real scale of the problem

April 21 at Alexander Lukashenko also touched upon the topic of unemployment. The president's message is contradictory.

On the one hand, he insists that finding a job is the concern, first of all, of the unemployed person himself. “It is necessary that the person himself strives to find a job, and our task is to help him”- said Lukashenko .

On the other hand, the president places responsibility for unemployment on officials: according to Lukashenko’s instructions, the state must offer jobs to all unemployed people by May 1. How realistic is this?

There are two again contradictory answers to this question. And it all depends on what kind of unemployment we are talking about: real or statistical.

Yes, it is realistic to offer a vacancy to every unemployed person, if we only keep in mind officially registered in the employment authorities. There is no need to wait for May 1: there are already 50 thousand job offers for 35.3 thousand officially unemployed.

No, there is not enough work for everyone, if we talk about real unemployment, which Belstat estimates, and Lukashenko estimates at 350 thousand, taking into account parasites, for whom work also needs to be found. “350 thousand people - what are we going to do with them?”- Lukashenko wondered.

The qualifications of the majority of the current unemployed most often do not meet the demands of the labor market. And the only way out is to study and study a new specialty again.

What salary should most unemployed people expect?

Naviny. by analyzed labor supply in state vacancy bank according to the level of salary offered. In general, high-quality specialists are expected for a good salary, but such offers are the fewest.

What kind of work pays very well?

Earnings from 1000 BYN(about $500) are offered in 2.1% of cases. By the way, this is exactly the salary Lukashenko wants to see as the average salary for the country. Today, workers in Belarus make about 717 rubles.

For positions with salaries amounting to thousands of dollars per month, they expect general directors, Boeing pilots, architects, IT specialists, workers with knowledge of Turkish, Croatian, Chinese.

  1. As of April 10, a vacancy has opened for the position of director of the Minsk office of a Croatian manufacturer of telecommunications equipment. The highest salary among vacancies is offered here - 11,561 BYN ($6 thousand). Experience in sales and information and communication technologies, knowledge of Croatian and English languages ​​is required.
  2. A salary of 10,000 BYN ($5 thousand) is promised to a specialist in Turkish confectionery products with knowledge of Turkish.
  3. Oriflame in the capital needs a director with knowledge of English and Swedish (7465 BYN).
  4. Since February 21, several vacancies have been opened for leadership positions V logistics company, operating on the territory of the Great Stone industrial park. To receive 4000-6000 BYN, you must be fluent Chinese, in addition to other qualifications.
  5. Since the beginning of March, Priorbank OJSC has been requiring a deputy chairman of the board with the necessary work experience. Promised earnings - from 3780 BYN.
  6. Since the end of March, Vitebsk Sawmill has been waiting for a consultant with knowledge of the Finnish language and special equipment(from 3500 BYN).
  7. For almost a month, Velcom has been looking for a Deputy General Director for Economic Affairs: fluent English and German languages, management experience in the field from 10 years. Salary - 3030 BYN.
  8. Another enterprise is recruiting employees with fluent Chinese: the Chinese-Belarusian CJSC Industrial Park Development Company promises its managers from 2,200 to 3,000 BYN.
  9. An enterprise in the Volozhin region is looking for a specialist with at least 7 years of experience in the dairy industry and knowledge of the Polish language. Salary - from 2000 BYN.
  10. Since November 2016, a specialist is required for the first Belarusian nuclear power plant in Ostrovets. The shift manager of the thermal automation and measurement shop can receive from 1961 BYN if he has experience working at nuclear power plants.

Salaries of 1000-1900 BYN are offered mainly in vacancies for management positions. However, there are many offers for builders, cooks, drivers, heads of various workshops and production lines, design engineers, electric welders, repairmen, accountants, as well as workers in the agricultural sector and farming.

The salary is average and slightly higher at 701-1000 BYN offered in 5% of vacancies. Drivers can apply for this salary railway, doctors, legal advisers, accountants, construction specialists (many vacancies from Gomel enterprises for construction work in Russia), microbiologists, livestock breeders, tractor drivers, milkmen, surveyors, veterinarians.

In the field of trade good salaries offers "Eurotorg" for the positions of culinary specialists, cooks, cashiers-controllers. Chef at a popular restaurant chain fast food"Lido" can receive from 800 rubles.

The International School is looking for a teacher for 850 rubles a month. The candidate must be a native English speaker and have experience in international schools"QSI". This is the only vacancy in the education sector with such a high salary.

The only place where they are willing to pay from 1000 BYN workers with secondary school education is the Shakhtar-Soligorsk hockey club. Three athletes-instructors, that is, hockey players, are required.

What kind of work pays well and not so much?

Earnings are slightly below average at 601-700 BYN - 3.4% of vacancies. For 600-700 rubles they offer work to the same builders and repairmen, accountants, doctors, nurses, engineers, workers Agriculture, foresters, veterinarians, railway drivers, woodworking specialists, workers in the meat and dairy industries, confectioners, cooks, drivers.

Of interest: in football club“Gomel” needs an athlete-instructor with a salary starting from 625 rubles, also with a general secondary education. And to the Yelsky District Department of Internal Affairs they invite an inspector with a similar salary higher education.

In the field of education, salaries starting from 700 rubles are offered senior teachers at Minsk State Linguistic University. They are looking for 20 specialists in Chinese, English, Japanese, Turkish, Italian, Arabic, Swedish, Korean and Farsi.

Not all employers are also willing to pay wages of 501-600 BYN - 8.3%. Among these vacancies, the number of specialties similar to the previous level is becoming less and less common. construction specialties, more and more healthcare workers and salespeople.

Requests appeared in the town of Bolshevik near Minsk and in the capital they were offered from 550 rubles, and in Vitebsk - from 590 rubles. A loader in Vileika can earn from 556 rubles. Chemist in Shchuchin at a dairy enterprise - 580 rubles. The capital's x-ray technician is promised the same amount. A laboratory assistant in a forensic medical examination in Gomel is paid a little more - 588 rubles.

17.7% of employers offer earnings of 401-500 BYN. The type of work with such earnings repeats the vacancies of the previous pay level. It differs in that work is offered mainly in the regions, less often in rural areas.

So, a diver in Gomel can receive from 490 rubles. Trolleybus driver in Minsk and Bobruisk - 500 rubles each. Moreover, for Minsk, general secondary education is suitable, but in Bobruisk, vocational education is required. In Volkovysk, a policeman with a general secondary education is promised 500 rubles. For the director of a school in Chechersk - from 450 rubles. An operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry in the Svetlogorsk region can count on 440 rubles. Rescuer-firefighter in Lepel - 450 rubles.

Earnings of 300-350 BYN and 350-400 BYN are offered with almost equal frequency - 12% of cases each. There are practically no vacancies for managers, fewer and fewer doctors, more and more veterinarians. Postmen, seamstresses, teachers, service personnel, agricultural workers, professions related to manual labor- this is what people in Belarus are willing to pay 300-400 rubles for.

In Ostrovets, where a nuclear power plant is being built, a bartender and a maid are required for a salary of 400 rubles. Postmen in Minsk and seamstresses in Vitebsk are offered from 400 rubles. A labor teacher with a higher education in a village in the Zhlobin region will be paid the same amount. Teachers of Belarusian and foreign languages ​​in Minsk with five years of experience, deputy chief for ideology in the Neimotovsky village council, the organizer of the ritual in Minsk, the watchman in the Volozhin village council and the rescuer-firefighter in Beshenkovichi - everyone has the same salary, from 400 rubles.

They pay from 300 rubles kindergarten teachers in Soligorsk and Minsk, cooks, sellers, bartenders, waiters, auxiliary workers, embroiderers, plasterers, carpenters, masons, firemen, tractor drivers, social workers , director of the palace of culture with higher education in Tolochin.

Which jobs don't pay well?

Earnings barely exceeding the subsistence level (201-300 BYN) are offered most often - 36.4% of vacancies. The subsistence budget (today 180 BYN) is the amount needed for minimum security life and health: a minimum set of food products, payment for some services, partial provision of clothing and shoes.

Offers with such low earnings generally do not resonate with applicants and have been hanging in the database since mid-2016. Most of them offer part-time work - 0.5 and 0.75 rates. The demand is mainly for blue-collar workers (with low-skilled labor), librarians, educational psychologists, kindergarten workers, and agricultural workers.

Or qualified specialists in the regions and countryside: we need a massage therapist in Dobrush for a salary of 230 rubles, a teacher-psychologist in Rechitsa for the same salary. A turner in a village, a hairdresser in Gomel, a midwife in Pinsk, and a choreographer in Mozyr are promised the same amount.

Salaries below the subsistence level of up to 200 BYN are offered in 5.11% of cases. Mostly, part-time work is offered (from 0.25 to 0.75) for kindergarten workers, music workers, physical education instructors, workers in the budgetary cultural sector, postmen, welders, orderlies and doctors, nurses, club leaders, cleaners, and janitors.

Thus, a part-time librarian in Minsk is offered 150 rubles, the same amount for a discotheque host in Slonim (0.4 times the rate), a programmer in a nursing home for the elderly, a freight forwarder, a seamstress and a postman (0.75 times the rate).

There are rare professions: bathhouse attendant in the Slobodkovsky village council (66.7 rubles), town (50 rubles).

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