Table for keeping the timing in a medical institution. Timing of working hours and labor rationing

Banks 21.04.2020

The system of labor standards in health care institutions is established by the employer on the basis of standard labor standards. If there are no standard labor standards, the medical organization can independently develop such standards or contact specialists (clause 16 Methodical recommendations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 30, 2017 No. 504).

In the recommendation, the experts presented step by step planhow to carry out timing in the clinic, prepared a regulation on timing, a sheet of timing observations, and other documents that can be downloaded and used in work.

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Methods for measuring the cost of working time

To measure the cost of working time, timing, photograph of working time and photo timing are used. This is necessary in order to determine labor norms and time norms.

Timing is carried out with the frequency prescribed in the collective agreement.

The methodology for the timing of working hours contains the order of the Ministry of Labor dated 05/31/2013 No. 235. When conducting the timing, also be guided by the order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 30, 2013 No. 504.

Presentation. Work rationing for outpatient doctors

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Algorithm of actions to conduct timing

  1. Issue an order on the performance of labor rationing.
  2. Select a worker to supervise. Such a specialist must have work experience, highly qualified and know well the technology of the treatment and diagnostic process.
  3. Gather all the information and describe the workflows to be measured. Also define the "point" of the beginning and end of the workflow, the cycle of work. Such "points" are called fixation points.
  4. Prepare timing forms.
  5. Warn the employee about timing. The law does not establish a certain period... We recommend that you do this a week in advance. When timing, be sure to follow the treatment and diagnostic process. Eliminate all conversations with the employee.
  6. Draw up a protocol in any form. If you are timing the doctor's working time, record all his labor operations in relation to the patient, regardless of what disease it is associated with.
  7. Calculate the average time spent for each labor operation based on the results of photo-timing observations. Based on these data and the expert coefficient of repeatability of labor operations, determine the estimated time for the labor process.

Example of an observation sheet for timing


  • Observation date: December 1, 2016
  • Start of observation: 9 hours 00 minutes
  • End of observation: 18 hours 00 minutes
  • Objective of observation: optimization of planning and organization of work of employees of the office
  • Position: clerk
  • Structural unit: office
  • Name of the observed: Ivanova A.A.
  • Education: secondary vocational
  • Experience: 10 years

P / p No.

the name of the operation

Time of completion

Duration, minutes



Workplace preparation

For competent planning of the work schedule, calculation of the daily workload and the optimal number of full-time employees to complete the assigned tasks, the timing of working hours should be carried out at the enterprises. A sample of filling out the reporting form for the study is a document that is drawn up at each enterprise depending on the requirements of the management.

Preparation of measurements

To correctly calculate the course of the production process in enterprises with a complex technological cycle, you need to carry out constant planning of work activities. A well-chosen balance of working hours allows you to optimize the number of employees in the staff and the payroll. For strict accounting of all parameters necessary for calculating the balance, the timing of the working time is carried out.

An order is issued for timing at the enterprise. The document defines a plan for the activities, start and end dates, tasks and responsibilities of officials. The order signed by the head is the basis for the start of timing.

The timing process involves three steps

  1. Preparation of accounting forms

    Various job duties suggest a different approach to the formation of the timing map. However, a set of actions is common:

    • choice of measurement unit (days, hours, minutes, seconds);
    • determination of the timing object (workshop, workplace, a separate operation).

    Timing involves fixing a full set of employee actions when performing specific tasks for a given amount of time.

  2. Data collection and analytics

    The selection of information on a task can be carried out in two ways: manually or using automated accounting tools. Which way to choose in specific situationdepends on several factors:

    • amount of information;
    • technical equipment of the enterprise.

    At the stage of preparation for the analysis, it is necessary to systematize the information obtained.

  3. Information processing, preparation of a report and conclusions based on the results of the timing

    The process of decrypting the received data in relation to each employee of the enterprise includes several ways of solving problems:

    • visual control of the effectiveness of actions;
    • comparison of factorial and comparative analysis statistical calculations;
    • search for the relationship between changes in the performance of the enterprise and the dynamics of the actions of individual employees

Timekeeping documentation

In the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004, No. 1, there is no information on the approval of a unified reporting form based on the results of the time keeping of working hours. Thus, the management of a business entity has the right to independently determine in what form and with what set of indicators to conduct timing. The main task is to obtain comprehensive information on the level of productivity and effectiveness of control over the work of employees using the minimum investment of time and money.

A typical sample form for documenting results may include various data. Common to various documents is the presence of the following reference information:

  • date and time of the event;
  • breakdown into periods (decades, days, hours);
  • object of research (position, workplace);
  • enumeration of measurement parameters (operations);
  • duration of timing.

The timing of employees engaged in different types of activities can be aimed at researching the time spent on various operations, for example:

  • nurse - bandaging, injection, physiotherapy;
  • doctor - receiving a patient, performing an operation;
  • driver - trips based on the received waybill;
  • social worker - issuing retirement benefits at home;
  • cook - making one dish;
  • turner - turning parts;
  • conveyor worker - performing the operation in accordance with the assembly map.

Time is calculated in two indicators: absolute and relative. The last calculation involves determining the proportion of the actual duration of the operation to the set total operating time during the day.

Balance accounting

Based on the data obtained, the analysis and determination of the main coefficients are carried out, showing the efficiency of using funds of working time:

  1. Calendar time utilization rate -

    Kkvf \u003d Total hours worked / calendar time fund

  2. Employee time factor -

    Ktvf \u003d Total hours worked / time fund

  3. Maximum time utilization rate -

    Kmvf \u003d Total number of hours worked / maximum possible fund

The calculation of the fund in the formulas is carried out in person days.

In the process of planning tasks, it is imperative to take into account two factors that are directly related to working time.

Actual availability

We are talking about the sum of three indicators when calculating the working time fund.

Tf \u003d Tk + Tt + Tmax,

Тк - calendar time;
Тт - staff time;
Tmax is the maximum time allowed.

When calculating the third indicator, it is necessary to take into account possible absenteeism of employees and the time of permissible absence (for example, the absence of an employee due to temporary incapacity for work).

Efficiency of use

In 2019, it is permissible to use three methods of forming the rules of the used time:

  1. Actual.

    This method assumes full accounting of all available indicators of working time. For editing, the search and elimination of sources that reduce the total efficiency of employees' activities are used. Using the factual method, the management of the enterprise can obtain complete and objective information about the prospects for increasing the productivity of employees.

  2. Planned.

    The method is used to calculate the planned average output at a particular workplace. Accounting is kept for each employee separately.

  3. Normative.

    The method is used if there are standards for all stages of the working day with the possibility of timing: preparation for starting work, completing tasks, lunch break, fixing the results.

Proper timing allows the management to:

  • determine the effectiveness of the load map and reduce equipment downtime;
  • calculate the return and share of useful actions of each employee at a specific workplace;
  • obtain data on the dynamics of operations at all stages of the production process;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of business decisions in relation to individual projects.

To carry out the timing, an accountant and an economist must be involved without fail. The timing of working hours and a comprehensive analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise are the basis for the management's conclusions about the advisability of an employee's stay in the position.

Follow and take into account correctly working time timing of working hours helps. An example of the use of these records can be found in almost every plant or enterprise where you need to ration the working day. Timekeeping is a way of examining the amount of time spent doing an action. In this case, measurements imply a description technological process, working conditions, production methods.

Measurements will help fix working hours

Timing as a way to study working time depends on the conditions of its conduct and the purposes for which it is done. For example, the requirements for timing, with the help of which wages and the price of services will be calculated, differ from those that must be observed when compiling timing to determine the level of workload of personnel.

Correct measurement of the time spent on performing work helps to draw up the correct schedule for recording working hours, as well as bring the unoccupied power of both manpower and used equipment to full load.

Who should be in charge of normalization and measurements?

This is usually done by professional rate setters who are trained at enterprises. A well-trained and experienced normalizer is an indispensable employee who helps the management to control the working time of the personnel, as well as to properly distribute the workload.

Where to start?

First, determine your timing goal. For example, you need it in order to draw up a schedule for recording the working time of an employee, whose remuneration does not depend on the output, but is made simply by the hour

Remember that such personnel are not motivated to work faster. There is no incentive to work more efficiently, since the level of wages does not directly depend on this. Therefore, the performance of such employees will also depend on the quality of the timekeeping produced.

If we talk about large enterprises, then a work order is made for the working personnel, which indicates a list of work that the employee must perform. Study it carefully, see which will be carried out. If you have no understanding about any kind of work, you need to find such a workflow. Basically, each enterprise has either a technical department or a production department that deals with this. You can contact them with a request to draw up a technological map, as well as consult on the work to be performed.

After you have decided on the list of works and the order of their completion, it is necessary to draw up a description of the work processes that will be measured. Make up the criteria that you need to focus on when measuring: determine the starting point of the process and the point at which the process will end, the use of working time, the cyclical nature of work, and other nuances.

After collecting all the necessary theoretical information, proceed with the measurements. You will need pre-prepared timing forms, or you can keep notes in a draft (this is more convenient to make comments on the records).

Should be supervised by the normalization commission

It is necessary for more than one person to fix the working time - examples of such fixation will not be completely objective, since an employee, being without additional control, can delay the work process. It is recommended to measure the time with the participation of representatives of the technical management ( production department). They will control the correctness and sequence of work. And it is also recommended to invite representatives of the management of the service whose employee is measured the use of working time. Believe me, when he sees such a commission, he will immediately become much more productive, and he will be less tempted to try to outsmart you.

When making measurements, you need to be careful. There are works that are carried out in a cycle. And there are those that are done only once. In works that are done in a cycle (for example, cutting pipes), not all work can be taken into account for each such cycle. Preparation of the workplace, setting up the machine and other equipment, installing cutters - all these work will need to be evenly divided after measurements into each part that was produced.

Workflow loops

Then you need to fill out the measurement form correctly. In order to do this, you can use the following sample of filling the timekeeping of working hours. It is not difficult to compose it if you understand the basic principles of measurements. In this case, the process should be divided into periods of working time: operational, preparatory and final stage for maintenance, and it is also worth considering the time for rest and your own needs.

Operational time of work - the period of time that it took a worker to complete the assigned tasks. This paragraph takes into account the period of time that would be required for the worker if he did not leave the workplace, was not distracted, and all the equipment would be in one place and already in working mode.

The time for servicing the production process consists of the time spent on auxiliary work that is necessary so that the production process does not stop. For example, replace worn out equipment, change a damaged drill, replace machine oil, and the like.

The preparatory and final stage includes preparatory operations, setting up devices and other work to prepare the workplace. The following example of filling in the timekeeping of working hours will help you to write down all the values \u200b\u200bcorrectly.

After spending detailed analysis records of measurements, you will find works that are not included in technological map workflow. Also, they cannot be attributed to the listed

Anything that is not related to the process of performing work should be excluded. Basically, these are such moments as: talking on a mobile phone, performing related work, performing urgent orders from the management and other actions not related to the performance of the measured work.

How to fill in the form correctly?

In order to grammatically display the measurements, it is necessary to register the timing of the working Time. The form and an example of filling it out are given below.

Job code Workflow name Name and serial number of timekeeping Mean
12.01.15 13.01.15 13.01.15 13.01.15 14.01.15
1 2 3 4 5
Duration, s
1 Get a task from the master40 15 15 15 38 24,6
2 Bring a pipe from the warehouse61 24 24 24 55 37,6
3 Prepare the workplace65 21 21 21 74 40,4
4 Adjust the work of the machine41 17 17 17 60 30,4
5 Prepare the machine for cutting20 9 9 9 25 14,4

Cut the pipe

25 15 17 21 17 19,0
7 Put the blanks in place10 12 10 11 12 11,0
8 Clean the machine and clean the work area35 10 10 10 27 18,4
9 Hand over the work to the master40 17 17 17 30 24,2
Total seconds 337,0 140,0 140,0 145,0 338,0 220,0

As the sample of filling the timekeeping of working hours shows, the type of work on cutting pipes was measured. Three measurements were taken in one day. Since they were produced in a row, the worker did not spend time on every detail to receive an assignment from the foreman, go to the warehouse for pipes, prepare a workplace, etc. Therefore, the time spent on the first part for such types of work is divided into two others measurement.

Average man-hours to be displayed

After measurements are taken, the average value is displayed. According to the data shown by this sample of filling the timing of working hours, the average duration of such work is 220 seconds. If translated into hours, then you get 0.061 person / hour.

When scheduling a workday, you can use this data. For example, if you want to 100% load an employee with this work, then you can calculate how many pipes he should cut. If we consider that the working day consists of eight hours, then:

8: 0.061 \u003d 131.15 pcs.

It turns out that the worker has to cut pipes about 131 times.

Consider all factors when doing the job

This is a straightforward calculation and approach to measuring working time. But there are other factors to consider when planning for an employee. A person simply physically cannot, like a robot, stand at the machine 8 hours a day. He will be absent for personal needs, rest, which can distort the timing of working hours. An example is the following: for difficult work at the machine, at least 5 minutes of rest is required after each hour of work.

Also, the skill of one or another employee plays a significant role. It is necessary to take measurements from several workers in order to deduce the real. You cannot be guided by the results of one "experimental". If we talk about locksmiths, turners, repairmen, then the following pattern is often observed: the higher his discharge, the faster he gets the job done. The experience of the employee also plays an important role.

Other temporary losses

There are various losses of working time. For example, a locksmith can cut plates, and they will come to him from another service and ask for some tools or help to perform some urgent workthat cannot be put off.

These losses are usually difficult to describe. The best way is to derive the loss factor and multiply it by the time rate, thereby giving employees a chance to take a breath while working.

For example, at enterprises that are engaged in the production of parts in workshops, rationers allow 8-10% loss of time when rationing the working day and take them into account in the schedule.

Also, before filling out the final timing, it is recommended to read all the footnotes in the already approved standard time rates - usually those nuances that must be taken into account are described there, and the specifics of the rationing of a particular work are described.

Timing of working time is a technology for studying various time costs by measuring and fixing the duration of actions to be performed.

What is he like?

Timing includes description working system, and in particular the production technology, conditions and method of labor, and also determines the relative amount, degree of effectiveness, parameters of influence and actual time for various stages of the work process. After that, the actual time is already directly estimated in order to determine the required time to complete the various stages of the process, and this is the main purpose that the timing of working hours carries.

Together with other methods of studying the work process, timing is quite strongly dependent not only on the type of work tasks being studied, but also directly on the purpose of the research being carried out. Thus, for example, if the planned time, which was determined by the timing of working hours, should be used in the current remuneration system to accurately determine the salary, then in in this case the timing requirements will differ from those situations where timing data is determined in order to calculate the level of utilization of funds available for production. In addition, it is quite important to keep records of the frequency of use of the information received.

Other options

Other options for timing are already dependent on other conditions:

  • The timing of working hours determines the time of a specific person.
  • The time, which is determined as a result of the timing, is used for further management, including control and accurate calculation of employee salaries.
  • Timing should be carefully planned in such a way as to ensure that its results can be used for detailed calculation of planned times.

At the same time, the timing of working hours, a sample of which can be seen in modern companies, provides for careful recording of the results of the observation. For this, the person who is responsible for collecting information has a specialized device for measuring time, as well as the corresponding sheets.

What to consider

The minutes that include the timing of working hours (a sample of this document or any other format) must be reproducible. The various concomitant circumstances under which the measured values \u200b\u200bwere obtained should also be taken into account as parameters for the influence of time values. If the person who is responsible for recording the information receives an order for the timing of working hours, then he should be able, using such data, to draw up a completely new working system that can deliver comparable results comparable to those recorded in the already used working system. If a given condition is ultimately fulfilled, it can be said that the methods of timekeeping used are reproducible. This is quite an important point to consider.

These requirements are important in the first place in order to answer the basic questions, which includes the timing of working hours. An example of such questions:

  • What conditions of the working system should be taken into account?
  • How detailed should the various steps in the process be described?
  • How much time can be devoted to each separate stage of the process?

Why is this needed?

When determining the purpose of use in parallel with the possibilities mentioned above, it should first be determined whether the selected timing system will be evaluated to determine the planned time values. In addition, in most cases, the timing of working hours, an example of which can be observed in modern companies, makes sense only if the process under study is organized in such a way that in the future it will already occur with the same production option, labor technology and the same conditions ...

When carrying out timing, it is necessary to carry out various prescriptions and, in particular, to inform the relevant persons. After that, before timing the working time nurse or any other employee, you will need to decide how exactly the time measurement will be carried out, as well as what tools will be used. In the majority of cases, these issues are freely resolved in advance. At this stage, it is quite important to prepare a timing sheet, including careful filling of its front side. During serial operation on back side different stages of production can already be added, for which time values \u200b\u200bare determined.

Requirements and rules

Regardless of whether the timing of the working time of a nurse, accountant or any other employee is carried out, a certain number of requirements and rules must be taken into account:

How is it done?

Each individual step in the measurement procedure begins with a specific start and ends with an end event. The latter is, respectively, the initial event of the next. In this case, the initial event of each individual stage of the process must be set by the beginning of the first element, and the end event is set, therefore, by the end of the last element. The final action of the process stage is perceived as the moment of time measurement. An exception to this rule is the start of timing, which coincides with the initial action of the first stage.

If earlier, when the timekeeping of the working time of the accountant or representatives of other professions was carried out, all the results were both read and entered into the corresponding sheet exclusively by hand, today specialized electronic devices are used for the same purposes, which measure time.

What could such devices be like?

There are several types of devices:

  • Devices with which a careful measurement of the time of the studied stages of the process is carried out directly during the observation period.
  • Image preservation devices, with the help of which the workflow is recorded as a film, in connection with which it will then be possible to subject it to processing and determine the exact time.

It should be noted that regardless of the type of device, it must fully meet the following criteria:

  • High-quality design ergonomics, that is, acceptable weight, body, size and interface.
  • The device must ensure the concentration of the observer on his main task - monitoring the work processes.
  • With this device must be achieved acceptable level measurement accuracy, and turning it on or off should not affect the accuracy.

Technical requirements

Among other things, to ensure the work electronic devices you need to ensure compliance with the following technical requirements:

  • With the help of the device, it should be possible to operate in the mode of hundredths of minutes.
  • The volume of the installed memory device, as well as the power source of the device, must provide the ability to continuously measure for at least one shift.
  • The device must have a warning function in the event of a lack of energy. If there is a break in work due to a lack of energy in the device, then the data that has already been received during its operation should not be lost.
  • The device must provide for installation and use at those workplaces characterized by harmful conditions labor, including oily surfaces, moisture, dust, temperature extremes and more.

The capabilities of the device you have purchased should be fully consistent with manufacturing costs, as well as delivery costs. Among other things, it is expedient to have functions in the device for carrying out multi-moment observations and, if necessary, analyzing the set time values \u200b\u200bwhen using these systems.

What should you use?

The most common today are specialized electronic time measurement systems. In this case, measurement, registration, as well as a thorough assessment of temporal data are carried out using electronic systems, in connection with which there is an opportunity for:

  • The most accurate ordering of data, as well as the effectiveness of the stages of the processes.
  • Completely independent preservation and further preparation of this information during the assessment process, as well as at its completion.
  • A quick interim estimate is sufficient, and graphical presentation the most important results in the measurement process.
  • The fastest possible assessment of the received data in accordance with predefined criteria, while excluding the possibility of any errors.
  • Further support in the development of the planning time system.

At the same time, almost any timing of working time (filling pattern) provides support for the timing system of distributed time during group work, and also supports the function of multi-moment monitoring.

We measure

There are two main technologies of timing - unit time or progressive time.

Progressive time is the time from the start of the ongoing timing procedure to the end event of a particular stage in the process. If we are talking about a single measurement, then at each individual measuring point, an absolutely new time count begins, as a result of which the individual stages of the process are measured one by one.

The structure, as well as the subsequent recording of information in the forms, already directly depends on the order of the measured stages of the process, which are divided into several categories:

  • Processes without cyclical repetition. They are standard for make-to-order production, and are often used in individual labor conditions. The division of the entire workflow, a detailed description of its individual stages, the determination of measurement points, as well as registration of accounting for the number and parameters of influence are carried out directly in the process of timing.
  • Cyclical processes. After a unit of product goes through absolutely all stages, the same process is repeated again in relation to the next unit. In this case, the separation and determination of the different measurement points is carried out before timing begins.
  • Sequential priority. Unit values \u200b\u200bof time are measured, while measurements are initially carried out for all units of products at each stage of the process, and only after that it will be possible to proceed to the next stage.
  • Alternating order. This technology provides for a combination of the indicated sequence of stages. This can occur regularly after a number of cycles, or it can be done in an irregular manner.

Depending on the type of work, as well as the features that the timing of the working time has (for the filling pattern, see above), a specific technology is also selected.

Timing of working time - observation of a working person during the planned time and a certain operation with fixation on a special form.

Trained specialists are involved in measuring the working time: for manual measurements - the standardizer using the chronometer device; with automatic, built-in programs.

Timing of time is carried out, solving specific goals: is it correctly calculated wage an employee; for further calculation of the price of services; identifying the deadline for placing an emergency order.

What is the timing of working hours

Accurate measurement of working time makes it possible to determine the time required to complete the work and to schedule the distribution of tasks to a specific person until his full load. Using the timekeeping of working hours, you can measure employment not only work forcebut also equipment, computer.

Timing of time is a continuous action, that is, continuous observation. Timekeeping will be your tool of efficiency to determine the reason that prevents you from achieving a certain result.

You can carry out the individual timing of your working time yourself. For example, you have a goal, motivation, you are limited in time, perform actions, achieving the set goal.

The timing of working time is an increase in personal return, the effectiveness of a person who, consciously, performs work without wasting time. At the same time, great labor success and career growth are achieved.

Managers of various projects use the timing of working hours in their work all the time. Freelancers, outsourcers work on an hourly basis and according to the same system.

Timing of working hours example

Consider, as an example, the work of a copywriter on the article "Time Management" rubles Personal growth, received work from a regular customer.

  1. Selection of articles in a search engine by keywords; - 30 minutes.
  2. Time to read the article; - 20 minutes.
  3. Time to write a new article; -2 hours 25 minutes.
  4. Editing by dividing the article into subheadings; -15 minutes
  5. Checking for uniqueness; - 5 minutes.
  6. Editing the article, if required; -15 minutes.
  7. Transfer of the article to the customer.

Adds the time taken to write an article:
30 min. +20 minutes + 2h 35 min. +15 min. + 5 min. + 15 minutes \u003d 4 hours.

The net working time is 4 hours. During this period, the copywriter took technical breaks: 2 times for 15 minutes, which are relied on when working on a computer. The preparatory final time was spent - 15 minutes: for wiping the desktop, the computer screen, turning it on and off, plus not taken into account moments. Let's say it all took 1 hour. In total, they spent 5 hours, and could spend more time if he did not limit himself in time.

How to make timing of working hours

  • Choosing an employee with "average" labor productivity... We warn him about the timing of the working time: day, time. Do not forget about the internal state of the employee, his psychological data. As a rule, novices and experienced workers are not subject to timing.
  • We outline a list of operations to be measured... Examples: the time it takes to complete the quarterly report of the accountant; preparation of a commercial proposal.
  • Determine the time of the timing, the number of repetitions - measurements... Example: the number of emails sent to customers per hour, per 4 hours.
  • Timekeeping on special forms... Typically, such forms are signed by the employee performing the work, the rationer, the manager and are stored in the archives of the company or enterprise.

Timing of working time should be done periodically: to reward the best workers; improved performance indicators; motivating employees to work; to reduce the overestimated norms when rationing

How to measure working time

There are rules and requirements that must be met when timing working hours:

  1. The observer should choose a place with a great view of the performer, without interfering with him in the process of work.
  2. Exclude all conversations with him, as well as conversations with strangers;
  3. The frequency of timing is carried out in compliance with the terms of the "collective" agreement of the enterprise, the company, informing the management of the time.
  4. Observe safety requirements during the timing of working hours.
  5. Timely warn the employee about timing.
  6. The observer must be qualified: have methods of timing, do not push the performer during work.
  7. The issued form of timekeeping of working hours should not be corrected.
How to measure working time example

Currently, most companies, organizations, their employees carry out labor activity at computer. With the help of special programs, it is possible to track the work of subordinates.

  1. The recording accuracy of the Yaware.TimeTracker service is up to 1 minute within one week, around the clock. Works in the background, without interfering with the employee's main work. Timekeeping of the employee's working time is kept.
  2. With the help of the "OfficeMETRICA" program, employees are identified who hang out during working hours, on forums and social networks.
  3. A biometric system called BioTime has high speed, working time and access control.
  4. The time sheet program has a user-friendly interface, no training is required. In a few minutes, the time sheet is filled. Preserved for a long time in computer.

Timing of working time is the identification of the reserve of personal time, due to which you can increase labor productivity.

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