Is it realistic to make money on options. Is it possible to make money on binary options: a detailed analysis

Litigation 23.12.2019

On the Internet, advertisements for binary options can be found literally at every step. Advertisers position them as a quick way to earn money, where in just a few minutes you can double or even triple your investments. Is it so? In this article, you will find out the whole truth about binary options: what is it, what are they for, is it really possible to make money on them, or is it still a scam. And most importantly, if you can profit from them, then in what way? Are there any real strategies for making money on binary options?

What is binary options?

Binary options are a type of Forex trading. You need to make a certain assumption about where the price will move at a certain point in time. If your guess is correct, then you are in the black, if not, you have lost. That's all.

There is a connection here with casino gaming or sports betting.

Binary options can be traded on many financial instruments: currency pairs, stock prices and many commodities (oil, gold, wheat, cocoa, and others). You yourself choose the instrument you need and set the transaction time: from one minute to several months. If, at the end of the specified period, your deal is completed, you earn.

There are several types of binary options that can be traded. The most popular are the following:

Higher lower.

Choose how the current price of a financial instrument will change after a specified time interval. Let's say for shares of Gazprom. Now their cost is 135 rubles per share. You buy an option on Gazprom shares for 1 hour and believe that the shares after this period of time will cost more than the current price. In an hour, even if the price is only 1 kopeck higher than the initial level, you won, i.e. earned. The winnings can be up to 90% of your investment.

It doesn't matter how the price will behave during this period of time. It can fall far down, but by a given time, if it exceeds a given level, the win is yours.


It is necessary to determine which predetermined level (above or below) the price will touch for a certain time interval. If the price touches the level, you are in the black.

Let's say at the current time the price for one ounce of gold is $ 1600. The investor is supposed to choose which levels the price will touch in 1 hour:

$ 1625 - high range

1600 $ - current price

$ 1580 - Low Range

Let's say you think that the price will go up and reach the upper level. You buy an option for $ 100. Indeed, the price reached the $ 1,625 level, but then turned around and went down. But the condition was met, the price reached the specified level. Your winnings will be 90% or $ 90. Good enough in just 1 hour.


If you think that the price for the selected asset will remain within the specified range, select the "Range" option. Relevant for low volatility instruments, the prices of which do not change so much over time.

For wide range Binary options were not available to ordinary people until recently. Serious changes took place in 2008, when the world's largest stock exchanges - Chicago and American - opened their platforms for this type of trading. Since then and to this day, this is a common type of transactions, available to everyone online. In recent years, the system of making money on binary options has been rapidly developing in Russia.

Simple but beneficial

The demand for options is associated not only with the high income that users expect. The key advantage of the system is ease of use. You cannot be born a trader, you become a trader by mastering the technology of betting. However, to come to success on the stock exchange, you will have to study for a long time, but real earnings on binary options are available almost immediately, you just need to master the basic concepts.

Binary options trading is not a tricky business. The trader is offered two options:

  • increase;
  • lowering.

All that is required of the participant is to decide in favor of one of them. No charts, graphs, complex strategies, calculations, and an abundance of tabs. When making a deal, all a person has to do is press one of the two keys.

There is no need to risk

Binary options are a method of making money, in which the user has to make a decision: is the asset profitable at the current time? In the case when it was possible to guess, you can count on getting money. If you are wrong, the money will be lost.

How much you can earn is immediately known. How much you can lose is agreed in advance. The trader who buys, sells options knows with the highest accuracy how great his risk is. It is this feature that distinguishes the strategies for making money on binary options from the classic stock exchanges. By the way, these days this is the only method of making money legally on the stock exchange, in which the loss is not greater than the value of the asset. But if the deal is successful, earnings on binary options are 65% or more of the amount. It is not uncommon for a participant to win by 91%.

Fast and profitable

A significant advantage of binary options is the short duration of time from the moment of investing money until the result is obtained. To sell, buy an option, a minute is enough, and a forecast can be made for a minimum period. Such manipulation allows the interested person to quickly earn a good amount by turning a lot of short-term trades at small rates.

However, a novice trader should be careful. Excessively short-term bets are associated with certain specific risks.

Available to all

Why are so many Internet users concerned about the question: "Binary options - scam or earnings?" Yes, everything is simple: because everyone understands that it is in his power to try this path. You don't need to start your own business serious investment money, which gives rise to public interest. However, mistrust is in the blood of our compatriots, we are too accustomed to the fact that they are trying to deceive us from all sides. It’s hard to believe right away that such a simple and accessible method can be honest. And the reviews, we must admit, are very contradictory.

What do we see in practice? From the experience of many, we can say with confidence: it's real to make money on options. To try your hand, you first need to choose the right broker. The services of some of them are provided for ridiculous money - about $ 10. The most famous exchanges do not differ too much in the threshold value - you can start trading with $ 20. Such earnings on binary options without investment can bring its benefits on the very first day, and it is available to everyone.

Don't forget to study!

Learning, as they say, is light. If you try to master binary options from scratch on your own, neglecting the tutorials available to the masses, it is likely that you will fail, after which you will be convinced that this whole idea is nothing more than an attempt to draw money out of honest people. Hence, reviews are born, claiming that the whole system is just a deception.

Remember that trades provide ample opportunities to make money, but you need to be able to use them, and this is taught by the masters of their craft who have already achieved success. How to Master Binary Options? The way to make money becomes clear if you familiarize yourself with free courses, since there are many of them. Many brokers offer a demo account that costs nothing to open.

Which is better: casino, Forex or options?

When playing in a casino, the winnings largely depend on the skill and on how well the player has mastered the system. With high skills, the profitability of the casino is higher than that of the options. But there is back side medals: you first need to learn this, and here mastering will go much more difficult, it will take more time and money.

As for Forex, the situation is similar: this system is very difficult to master. At the same time, remember: when playing on the stock exchange, you are constantly competing not only with other similar players, but also with brokers, although this is not so obvious, because it is on your failure that they make good money.

With regard to binary options, then time becomes the factor that attracts and leads to failure. It is really very difficult to make a correct forecast, especially when it comes to serious amounts, you feel the burden of responsibility.

Forex and options: an example

The secret of making money on binary options does not exist as such. You just need to gain experience and master the exchange, gradually gaining skills. Probably if you already know "Forex" to a high level, you do not need options. Why? Below is a good example.

Let's say there is a bidding on the shares of a certain firm. You predict that the price will rise, and you can roughly imagine how quickly this will happen. If you managed to guess the direction of the change in value, you have already made a profit when working with Forex. With options, the deal will work out in the case when you managed to guess at the speed of the price change process.

How to earn?

If you study the stories on the Internet, it becomes clear that a huge number of people are convinced that they are making tens and hundreds of thousands on binary options every day. How does this happen? Is it real? How can you get that kind of money by choosing binary options? Earning strategies with a small deposit are curious, attractive, but they do not give an answer to the question.

Everything is very simple: the more people a successful broker attracts to its platform, the more its benefits will be. As long as you are one of the recruited newbies, you should not expect significant profits. But when you turn into a shark of the market and you yourself can receive a percentage of all the winning and losing people who came to options through your efforts, you start getting a lot of money.

How to spot deception?

Making money on binary options without investment attracts users of the World Wide Web, like flies do jam. Of course, there were many who wanted to warm their hands on this. In some cases, the deception is immediately obvious, in others it is disguised very carefully.

If you come to a landing page, it is almost immediately clear that there is no smell of honesty. The client always wins, and the further, the more money he is promised. Surprisingly, but true: to this day there are people who are sure that this is how everything should be. As soon as they come to some business, a golden rain will fall on them. No matter how much you want it, it doesn't happen like that in life.

The next level, closer to reality, is the demo accounts. Here the probability of winning is relatively close to the real one. But there is also a peculiarity: it rarely happens that the quotes shown in the demo mode coincide with the real situation on the market. However, there is a certain logic in this, because the main purpose of the demo is to teach a beginner to use the functions of the resource.

If you are trying to avoid dishonest dealers, choose reliable exchanges, and also be aware that demos exist specifically to show opportunities, but not to make real money. You need to immediately understand that when working with real money, the situation will become stressful, and the complexity will increase significantly.

Important information

If you are interested in making money on binary options, reviews of successful dealers do not always bring real benefit... One of the most developed businesses that allows you to get money on options in a short time is selling winning strategies. Some dexterous businessmen offer video courses, books, programs that will help a beginner "make the first million in the first day." Of course, in such courses on this type of activity as making money on binary options, the reviews are positive. But should we believe them? Try to think critically.

An option is an instrument that has an exact price and a predetermined amount of profit. Subject to the conditions agreed in advance, the trader receives money. But do not expect that golden rain will pour on you. Options are, although not "Forex", but also a rather complex system that requires one to delve into it. And even if you study it "inside and out", no one can guarantee your success.

How to start?

To get your first earnings on binary options, you need to start working on the exchange. It is easy to do this largely due to the minimum threshold of entry. The trading mechanisms are also simple.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose a broker by analyzing special ratings.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Analyze the proposal. The broker offers to purchase some asset for a predetermined amount, and the player makes a prediction - this figure will increase or decrease within a strictly defined time period. If you guessed correctly, making money on binary options is in your hands. Otherwise, the participant loses money.

The participant chooses the period for which the forecast is made based on his own preferences and considerations. You can bet for just a minute, or you can stretch the bet even for a week.

How to improve efficiency?

As with any other earnings on the exchange, when trading options, you can achieve the greatest profit if you think over a strategy. You can compose it yourself by analyzing the logic of the system, or you can use the options that were developed by professionals. Many well-known strategies have been tested by players around the world who have already received their earnings on binary options.

A good option was named "Sprinter". This strategy assumes that the participant starts with $ 100-200. Options should be purchased five minutes before trading stops. If the statistics for an asset show that a stable change in price has been observed for a long period of time, most likely the trend will continue in the last few minutes.

To be successful with this asset selection logic, you will have to analyze the different options offered for purchase. It is preferable to dwell on those that are known for their stability. And, of course, you shouldn't buy earlier than five minutes before the end of sales.

Debunking myths

It is believed that making money on binary options is attractive, but it is fraught with great risk, since in case of failure, there is a high probability of being "in debt like in silk". With logical thinking, the reasoning looks pretty ridiculous, but people still believe in it. So, the rule of trading binary options states that it is simply impossible to lose more than the existing deposit.

The only way to be in debtors, losing on options, is to borrow money in advance, and then behave incorrectly on the stock exchange. Therefore, experienced people advise beginners to start in the amount that they can afford and be prepared for the possibility of losing money, not making money. It is quite possible that such a negative development of events will not happen, but from the very beginning you will not have to be nervous again.

Another myth claims that it is impossible to make money on binary options. It is important to understand here that this is not a blind accident and not a roulette, but a systematized process in which all changes are subject to the internal laws of the market. Therefore, when working, you really have to make money - with your head, foresight, the ability to invent a working strategy.

Should I start?

If you are interested in binary options and there is some free money in your wallet that you can risk it, it is definitely worth a try. But if you can start only with borrowed money, then it is better to refrain from risk and not get into debt.

Do not hurry. Do not run in front of the locomotive and do not try to jump over your head. Invest in options only when you are sure that you have figured out the logic of this system. Use free sources of information on how to make money on options, study strategies, apply them in practice and draw correct conclusions, and only then will your success be.

Others compare options to the ability to float. At first everything is simple, because you just go knee-deep into warm water, and the sun caresses you, everything seems simple and easy. But what does the swimmer have to do? Sail over the dark and cold depths of the river, and even the sea. So it is with options - at first everything seems as simple as shelling pears, but behind this lies a powerful money-making machine that requires skill in handling it. Just as it is impossible, without learning to swim, to swim across a stormy river, and without the skills of working with options, one cannot invest significant funds in this system.

Summing up

Earning on binary options will go to those who understand that this is not a gamble, but work. Everything here is determined not by chance luck, but by the ability to predict the situation and the ability to apply the tools developed for this. Analyze purchase statistics, build charts - this will help you to clearly understand what is happening in the market, as well as see the current dependencies and cycles.

Try to avoid risks. Proper management of your money does not allow for a high probability of losing. Do not under any circumstances place bets risking all or even half of your money. Calculate your trades so that you are prepared for several losses in a row.

The longer you have analyzed the market, studied its mechanisms and features, the higher your chances of success. You cannot give in to gambling and "play with fate", for this there is a casino. Options require a cool head approach. Having mastered them professionally, you will be able to receive money where others remain in the red. Your ambitions, motivation and dedication are the main help in the first stage.

Hi everyone!

If you are interested in such a topic as binary options, then obviously not out of boredom and not because of nothing to do, but because you want to MAKE GOOD EARNING on this.

Well, very right choicebecause BO trading really allows you to MAKE BIG MONEY - but all this still needs to be learned.

The question of whether it is realistic to make money on binary options worries many people. Still would! The prospect of getting high and stable incomesitting at the computer looks very attractive.

But often, novice traders get burned, lose their money and come to the wrong conclusion that options are cheating and fraudulent. The problem with such people is that they started work without preparation.

Almost everyone can make money on binaries, and it's pretty easy to do it. But you need to make efforts, study theory and avoid elementary mistakes.

So, make the first large deposit - this is fundamentally wrong. Even with serious and lengthy preparation, a person needs practice in order to understand in what cases he can win and in what cases he can lose.

If a beginner starts with $ 10 and loses it, he will not be upset, because this is just training. If he starts with $ 500, then the loss will be significant.

You have to be smart with options!

What I'm talking about today:

How to prepare for work?

To really make money on binary options, you need to start small.

Just breaking into the market and getting rich in 2 days is the method of gamblers. They almost never succeed. Perhaps someone will be lucky, but 99% of people driven by passion will only suffer losses.

For binary options trading to be successful, you need a special attitude. It is with moral preparation, and not with registration on the broker's website, that this work begins.

Let's make an analogy. A man gets a job as a carpenter, although he learned to be a surgeon. Will he be able to do something without a carpentry education? No. The maximum that is available to him is to hammer in a couple of nails.

It's the same with options. This is where you need to learn before you start working. Fortunately, this area can be mastered in just a few weeks, and not in 5-7 years that a surgeon needs to confidently start operating practice.

People who call binaries "divorce" either never tried to do it, or got very excited. They just don't understand the importance of learning.

Successful traders also once knew nothing about the movement of currency pairs, about the economic calendar and moving straight lines. They just set a goal and learned.

Based on this, the PROCEDURE of the future trader should be as follows:

  • Clear goal setting.

It is necessary not only to get excited about the idea, but to firmly decide that options are really needed. This is the only way to get further motivation to do something.

  • Study of specialized materials.

This stage can take more than a month if you read books and articles for 3-4 hours a day. It is not necessary anymore, as a "mess" forms in the head. If a person by his nature perceives information better in practice, then he needs to study the theory for 3-5 days, no more.

  • Viewing videos.

Lessons, trainings, webinars - in general, any information in video format will be useful. But you need to watch the video only after reading books and articles, otherwise many terms will simply be incomprehensible.

If you follow this algorithm and do not skip any of the stages, then the answer to the question of whether it is possible to make money on binary options will be in the affirmative.

If a person immediately makes a large deposit and tries to understand the binary system on the fly, then he will lose. It's simple.

How do I get started?

I agree with the expression: "A good start is half the battle." In my articles I pay special attention to how to start building a business that is profitable for myself.

After the passed preparatory phase it's time to get to work. Here, too, several stages can be distinguished, but they may not be sequential. With good preparation, all these steps can be implemented in a matter of days.

Choosing a broker

The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to choose a reliable broker who is certified and actually withdraws money.

To do this, read review articles from experienced traders - including my blog - and in no case follow viral advertising... Bright and enticing phrases are a sure sign of scammers. An honest and reliable broker does not need such advertising.

I present to your attention a list that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich binary options actually work:

  • Olymp Trade.

The Cyprus broker has only been in existence for 4 years, but has already acquired an excellent reputation. It is one of the few that is regulated by the CFRM, and this further increases the credit of confidence. The interface is very user-friendly and beginner-friendly. An account can be opened from 350 rubles.

  • Binarium.

A broker with which you can trade from $ 9. Like Olymp Trade, it is regulated by the Center for Financial Development and Trade. This broker is interesting in that it is one of the few created in Russia. Here you can also trade for Russian assets. There is a possibility of withdrawing money 3 times a day.

  • Utrader.

This is a broker with a deposit of $ 200. It was created in Latvia, but focuses mainly on the Russian-speaking CIS countries. It is also regulated by the CFOFR, ensuring full legitimacy in Russia.

  • IQ Option.

Despite the fact that it is one of the most popular brokers in Russia and the CIS, in recent times the company is really disappointing.

Moreover, everything deteriorated - the inconvenience of making a deposit of $ 10 or more, the impossibility of opening an account in some currencies, unstable support work, delays in withdrawing money. A limited number of ways to deposit and withdraw money from it. Very weak bonus programs.

  • 24option.

This is a broker similar to IQ Option - the same "muddy" and inconvenient, but with a deposit of $ 200 or more. A ruble account can also be opened, but from 10,000 rubles. The site contains educational materials of little use, as well as its own indicators and charts that have not proven themselves well.

  • Binary.

This is a broker with a deposit of $ 5 or more, but I would not advise young fans of trading to contact here. He has practically no adherents among professionals, since everyone knows that he was still bred for money. It's all about low income.

Negative reviews about the Binary broker

This list contains only a small part of the reliable brokers available in Russia. You can choose another. But a person must be sure that he is not a fraud.

The choice of a broker must be treated with responsibility, studying reviews and pitfalls. When registering, you should read the user agreement.

Then I list not only the brokers who can be trusted, but also those bastards from whom you need to stay away. It is better to learn from other people's mistakes than from your own!

If you fall for the bait of a scammer, then soon you will add to the list of people who, when asked whether it is possible to make money on binary options, mistakenly answer “no”.

Choosing an asset type

In essence, you can make money on each of the options. The most popular are options for currency pairs such as EUR / USD and USD / GBP.

But other types of assets also offer earning opportunities. Precious metals, oil, company stocks, futures, indices - all this can be earned using binaries. The risks and accuracy of forecasts are different everywhere, but these differences are minimal.

Choosing the type of assets is based on personal preference.

The only condition is that a novice trader should not choose more than 1-2 assets, and it is desirable that they be of the same type. For example, you can trade simultaneously with 2 currency pairs, but no more.

Trade for minimal money

Is it possible to win on binary options right away, without prior practice? Unless in case of great luck. Therefore, the training phase is very important!

The first deposit should not exceed $ 10-20. Money should be nothing. It is impossible to practice and earn at the same time. Practice first, then real work with big money.

Remember the trusted brokers mentioned above? Not all of them have a minimum deposit option. But you always need to start with just $ 10-20. This is an unspoken rule to follow.

Many brokers offer the option of trading on a demo account. Virtual money, which cannot be withdrawn anywhere if you win, is, of course, good.

As a result, many people successfully trade on a demo account, but lose real money. And all because it is impossible to get real experience from "toy" trading.

What do you need to trade successfully?

I must say right away: not everyone will be lucky to achieve success, because, in reality, it is not a matter of luck at all. There is no such thing as a kid from the street who comes and starts making millions on the BO trade. You need to be prepared for this.

  • Firstly, people who do not fully understand whether it is possible to make money on binary options, it is better not to enter this area. Their doubts will not allow them to succeed, even if they try to do everything right.
  • Secondly, every trader, from beginner to professional, needs to follow the rules of successful trading.

The rules that every trader must follow are:

  1. Economic calendar - our everything. During trading, you need to constantly monitor the news, because they have a huge impact on the asset market.
  2. Indicators, signals and forecasts of experts - not a panacea, but not a dummy either. Reinsurance is needed to buy an option. You can predict the price movement yourself and play it safe with the opinion of an expert, or you can find out the indicator readings and play it safe with your own forecast. If you are in doubt, it is better not to buy a binary at all.
  3. You need to trade only in optimal hours for your asset... It all depends on the assets you have chosen. As a rule, for currency pairs, the optimal trading period is 4-5 hours during the day. More details about these time periods can be found in the specialized literature.
  4. You can't give in to emotions... If negative emotions or excitement interfere with sound thinking, then it is better to stop trading and return tomorrow. The same goes for the streak of unsuccessful trades.

By following these rules, you will know for sure whether it is realistic to make money on options. Of course, you will have to go a long way to make binaries your main source of income.

But to get the first money and understand that there is no deception here (except for dishonest brokers who must be avoided), you will probably succeed.

Somehow I even envy newbies, that is, those who are just beginning to discover the wonderful world of binary options trading - they have so many “wonderful discoveries” ahead!

And therefore, in the end, I will give some HELPFUL TIPS for those who are just starting their journey in the world of binaries:

  • When registering on the broker's website indicate real data.

Do not be afraid - a good broker does not care about your credit history, lack of temporary registration and other possible troubles. He just needs confirmation that he is working with a real person.

Anyway, when withdrawing money, you will need a scan of your passport, so you do not need to hide anything during registration.

  • Choose your top-up method carefully.

At most brokers, you can make a deposit both from a plastic card and through Internet banking systems. But the bottom line is that you can only withdraw money to the place where it was deposited. Therefore, use the most convenient method for you.

  • Learn money management.

It is fundamental in the field of trading. For example, one of the principles of money management says that the rate should not exceed 5% of the deposit amount. If you do not follow this rule, you risk losing all your money.

  • Don't trade without a strategy.

You need to choose and "test" a strategy even during training trading with a minimum deposit. Thoughtless buying of options is a sure way to lose. Actions within the framework of the strategy are the sure way to profit.

  • Do not "give" your deposit to expert forecasts and advisor applications.

Forecasts, signals, advisors and indicators are useful toolsthat really help to earn. But the decision to buy the option must be made by the trader himself.

To be a successful person - it's your right!

If you click on the buy button just because the forecast says so, you won't be able to earn much. You need to combine outside help and your own mind.

Of course, this is just basic information. To become a successful trader and make money, you need to study a lot more theoretical data. But in order not to give up at the very start, these tips will be very useful.

Follow them, and the questions about whether it is realistic to make money on binary options will disappear by themselves.

You can make money on binary options almost every minute. It's much easier than a beginner thinks. On the first day, $ 100. Believe me, today there are no such generous conditions in any other type of Internet earnings. Moreover, everyone can try without any investment. If you are interested in learning how to make money on binary options, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of this method!

How to make money on binary options and what should you do?

Anyone can trade binary options - it's not difficult. You just need to watch the chart, which moves up and down. And it doesn't matter at all how many points the quotes of this chart will move. Since the main thing is to guess their future direction of movement: rise or fall. And that's all that is required of you. That is, we just guess where will go this graph! To make a profit, it is enough for the quotes to move towards your rate (deal) by at least 1 point.

In this case, you are guaranteed to receive about 90% of the investment (investment). That is, if you made a deal of 100 USD, then in a minute (the time of the deal can be adjusted manually) you will receive an income of $ 90 !!! I think this is really cool, it is clear that you are taking risks, because it is not always possible to guess the right direction. But the amount possible earnings covers all possible risks.

Trading strategy is a very important issue. With a good strategy, binary options can be very profitable for newbies. The point is that by trading without a strategy, it will be more difficult for you to control your money and find the best moments to bet.

In fact, it is not always easy to predict the direction of the chart movement. It moves in waves and if it is growing now, then in a second it can sharply turn back. Therefore, we closely follow it, if there is a long growth, then a fall is inevitable!

Thus, following fairly simple conditions, you can make about 7 profitable bets out of 10. But this is a guarantee that your earnings on the Internet will grow!

Is it possible to make money on binary options and where to start?

Then, when you figure out what's what, try trading on a demo account. All these conditions are on many sites, but I want to recommend the one on which I work myself, because it has been checked by me and pays money for sure. It also has its own bonuses that caught my attention.

We only need reliable and honest brokers. That is why I recommend the company Today they have one of the best trading platforms.

Why a beginner should choose Binomo:

  • a demo account where you can practice - in the amount of $ 1000;
  • minimum deposit for trade ( initial investment) Total 10 dollars;
  • size of one deal (minimum binomo bet) - $ 1;
  • the company's website has good tutorials. They will help you figure out how to make money on binary options and where to start;
  • withdrawal of funds from binomo is carried out different ways (including on webmoney). To do this, you need to indicate the number of the electronic wallet and every week on Thursdays the money is credited to the account. The minimum withdrawal amount is only $ 10.

Every newbie has a question - a divorce or not making money with binomo? To confirm the reliability of this broker, I present a payment screen. it I made money on options... Money is not big, only 551 dollar, but it is clear that the site really pays.

Agree, it's nice to see such an amount on your balance sheet. It is even more pleasant to withdraw money from a card at an ATM near your home.

Why should a beginner choose Binomo?

In my opinion, today it is the best binary options broker in Russia. After all, no one has such terms of trade, judge for yourself:

  • Every month there are contests with cash prizes.
  • You can trade from your mobile by installing the app.
  • The minimum deposit is only $ 10 or 500 rubles.
  • Deposit bonuses.
  • Positive reviews about Binomo on the Internet, which is also very important when choosing a reliable company. Register on Binomo.

How much can you earn on binary options?

Anyone can earn by trading binary options, but how much will you get? This question interests every novice trader. Of course, binary options for beginners, with minimal investment, will not be able to bring huge amounts of profit in the first months of trading. However, it is possible to increase the initial capital by 50% -100% in one month.

But you need to be realistic - if your investment is only $ 10, then by the end of the month this amount may increase somewhere up to $ 400-500. On the other hand, when trading persistently for good trading strategy, the size of your account in just a month can become 2000-3000 thousand USD and more. And with such an amount on the account, you can expect good profitability.

Try to make money on options. Start today with just $ 10 and increase that amount to $ 100 by the evening. How to make money on binary options? Join our team!

"Do you think it is possible to make money trading binary options?" - a question many traders ask themselves, who have only recently entered the foreign exchange market. They may have heard of him from social networks, or maybe some super-mega specialist recommended them to try a real method for obtaining big profits. It doesn't matter how you found out about this earnings, but everyone is tormented by the question - but is it really possible to make good money on binary options? And if real, in what way? Today we will try to find out!

In this article you will learn:

  • I will give several arguments in favor of my position. I think they are pretty convincing.
  • How can you make money? I will tell you what you need to do before starting trading, how not to lose all your funds, and I will give some advice to beginners.
  • What can affect the profit of a binary options trader and how you can increase it.
  • My earning history. Here I will give real numbers and briefly tell you my experience.

There is not a single example in the world of trading when traders first worked in a big loss, and then suddenly increased their capital several times... If you think that all successful "speculators" in Forex have become such at once, then you are deeply mistaken. Much time and effort is spent on gaining experience and knowledge. Even if you know the theory of trading, no one can save you from losses. But such risks are most often encountered in Forex, and on binary options, it seems to me, trading is much easier! Therefore, if you are a beginner, then your decision to make money on binary options is the right one! It is easier, faster and higher profits.

I want to provide a screenshot of the site, where i worked for a long time:

This is OlympTrade, where I once earned about 2-3 thousand rubles a day, spending a considerable amount of time. You can try it too!

I am answering your question - yes, you can really make money on binary options! But you ask me - "How can this be achieved?" Let's speculate.

In fact, no matter what we do in the world, efforts must be made everywhere. No one becomes successful and wealthy anywhere right away.💰. Remember even Steve Jobswho pushed his product with every possible force. Although now he is no longer alive, but Apple products occupy a leading position in sales all over the world! But how to become a successful trader in the market? For this, there are several rules that all competent specialists adhere to. As I said above, binary options are not forex. Here you can earn more with less investment and faster. On Forex, your profit depends on how much the quote has changed from the start of your trade, and on binary options you only need predict, where the quote will appear after a certain amount of time. It can be a minute, or 5 minutes, or 1 hour, or 1 day.

Making money on binary options is more real than on forex... I know people, but I myself am one of those, when you read books, study, but do not go to Forex. Well, no how! Simple withdrawal of the deposit without profit. And on binary it is easy 2-3 thousand rubles of profit came out for a couple of hours of work. Despite this, there are people (there are not very many of them) who have rather big incomes in Forex. I don’t want to talk badly about Forex, but it’s easier to drain the deposit there. And it is not advisable to go there for 1000 rubles. On binary options, you can start from small amounts.For example, 350 rubles is already enough to make small transactions of 30 rubles. This attracts most people, since this type of income does not require large investments... By placing a bet of 30 rubles, we have the same risks if we had made a bet of 1000 rubles. It's just that someone has the opportunity to start with large sums, while others do not.

How to make money on binary options?

    • Study, study and study again (V.I. Lenin). No autobot, a 10-minute video on YouTube and a short review on VKontakte will lead you to success, believe me. To get started, you need to know how the market works and how the entire binary options system works. When this service first began to develop, it was poorly understood and for obvious reasons was absent. educational material in this region. Options are gaining popularity every year. Now there are a huge number of training courses on earnings on binary options. Moreover, some brokers carry out specialwebinars, courses, tutorials 📗 for their users. At webinars, you can not only gain someone's experience, but also ask questions that interest you. It is so convenient, especially since no investment is needed - most often such training programs are held free of charge. There are various strategies written in the textbooks, which cannot be ignored. It is very important that such courses educate you specifically in the field of binary options.Don't confuse it with forex , since there are completely different strategies for trading, more complex ones. If you have a desire to deal only with binary options, it is better not to delve into trading in the stock market, but to become a specialist in your chosen field.
  • Demo - account. Many brokers have an account function where the money is virtual, but you can trade in real time. There are several advantages to doing this. First, for your first trading experience, you no investment is required. Especially for newbies, investments play a huge role in the beginning of their trading activities. Naturally than less investment required, the more people will try it (you can argue😁). But here you don't need a dime. By the way, some brokers hold free tournaments WITHOUT investments, but with real winning (who will make more money on trading from 100 virtual rubles). Secondly, you will be able to study your chosen strategy and bring her to masteryby making your own adjustments to the trade. Each strategy can lead you to success, but in order to understand all its subtleties, it is better to start learning it on a demo account. it big step towards big earnings already on a real binary options account. Test any strategy you choose. Believe me, there are plenty of them 😉
  • Working on a real account. The main problem with a demo account is that people do not feel trading, they do not take money seriously. This hinders development. Take your time to make a lot of money at once. Usually, such people immediately lose everything! There is never a big income in the beginning. Another tip - you shouldn't switch from a demo account to a real one without a stable growth of balance, skill in the chosen strategy and knowledge in options trading. You can really make money on binary options only with these three points. Otherwise, you will have a quick drain of the deposit. Start with a small investment - 350-500-1000 rubles. Depending on the amount of transactions you will be working with.

After completing all of the above, you can receive income on binary options from several hundred to tens of thousands of rubles!

Below is located chart of a currency pair. We see rectangles of different colors. What do they mean? It's simple. Each rectangle shows how the course has changed over time. For example, in 1 minute, in 1 hour, in 1 day. If the rate grew, then the color will be green, if it fell, it will be red. These rectangles look like candles, which is why they are called "Japanese candles". They make it easier to track the trend.

Usually, after a series of red candles there is a red one, after a series of green ones - green. In some moments, one green is found between the succession of reds. This is a small rollback. The rate tends to stabilize, return to the previous value. It is also called correction... This material is important if you want to really make money on binary options. I brought him here only to make it easier for my dear readers to understand trading in the market.

And now for the most delicious.

How much can you earn on binary options?

It all depends on some factors. The most important thing is which broker you have chosen and which asset yield he offers you. There are sites that promise 92% of the profit from the transaction, while others only 70%. It also depends on the selected asset. Usually the more volatile (more volatility) the asset, the more profit. If the currency pair does not show any activity (trades are closed, for example), then the yield will automatically be reduced. This is done by brokers on purpose so as not to go into the red, because during the period closed market it is much easier to make successful trades on binary options. The rate changes slightly and usually in one direction for the entire period until the auction opens.

Another factor that affects the amount of funds that you can earn is your deposit... The more funds are in active trading, the more profit you get. It is logical that from $ 100 you will get more profit than from $ 10. But this does not mean that you need to bet large amounts of money. Only professionals in their field or ... naive beginners work with large sums.

We are gradually coming to the conclusion - the last factor affecting the amount of income, percentage of successful transactions... It is clear that if there are more losing trades than profitable ones, then such a trade will sooner or later bring your balance to zero. In other words, you will gradually merge the entire deposit, but do you need it? If the percentage of losing trades exceeds the percentage of profitable ones, then look for the reasons for such a trade. Trader analyzes every trade . If he is winning - what emotions he experiences, what strategy he played, why, in his opinion, the deal went through. If the loss is again emotions during the transaction, why the strategy did not enter and the bet turned out to be unprofitable. It may sound like crazy, but they do it successful people... Otherwise, you won't be able to make money on binary options! To increase the parameter of successful trades go to anything. The most important thing - look for mistakes and fix them. Maybe their strategy is unsuccessful and impractical in the current environment. Or maybe it's all about the trader, his behavior and attitude. Human psychology also plays a big role.

By the way, I am planning to write a long article about trading strategies for binary options ... The work is big, but I think it will be useful for many newbies👍. We will also look at some brokers in more detail, find out their pros and cons, decide for ourselves where it is better to trade.

Where can you start making real money on binary options?

Before starting work, I recommend that you competently study a binary options broker. The most popular of them are Binomo and Olymp Trade. They differ in that they provide the opportunity to start trading with a small initial capital. For example, you can earn Olymp Trade from 350 rubles, and from Binomo from 10 dollars. The rates there are also very small - 30 rubles and 1 dollar. Not all brokers have such a threshold. For example, there are binary options brokers where the initial deposit is $ 50-100, and the minimum rates are about $ 10. There are risks of losing more money here, which scares away users. Therefore, it is better to start with the proven Olymp Trade and Binomo. Earnings, preferably withdraw in small portions. For example, 2-3 thousand rubles. They usually arrive during business hours. I do not advise you to immediately withdraw large amounts of 10-20 thousand rubles, as there may be problems with verification. We will consider this in a separate article.

My experience

One of the first brokers where I was lucky to work - OlympTrade. I think you've heard of him too. Then he was at the very beginning of his work. Now it is one of the most popular binary options brokers in the CIS and is actively promoted abroad. Its main plus is that anyone can register there, you can start trading with minimum investment350 rubles, and the deal can be concluded from 30 rubles. Same a large number of currency pairs makes this broker a leader in his field. There are also bonuses (promotional codes) that increase your balance upon replenishment:

If you tell me how many times I raised and poured money here, it will take several hours. I will say briefly that on Olympus in better days I managed to really earn up to 5-6 thousand rubles of income per day... And not once did I drain the entire deposit either. Now my main job is this site. Therefore, I trade on binary options only occasionally, when there is time. Why did I switch to running my own blog? Trading is nerve, health, income instability, jackpot opportunity. Someone from this "kicks", but I decided to move away from this business and do what I really like.

I also tried the Binomo binary options broker, where I raised with no investment at all. But he himself traded a little on a real account on a cryptoindex quote.

I only want to wish you success in trading! Never give up to reach your cherished goal!

Greetings, dear readers of the economic blog Sokolov! I have been making money on the Internet for many years, so I can answer any of your questions! I'm just as good at banking and I can advise. Remember, to avoid spam, all comments under articles are checked. So don't be alarmed if you haven't seen your comment after submitting it!

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