Specialty: translation and translation studies work. Where is the best place to study as a translator - personal experience

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Training program specialty in the field of “Translation and Translation Studies” is compiled taking into account the fact that for future translators it is important not only to have a perfect knowledge of Russian and foreign languages, but also to master translation tools and be able to overcome translation difficulties during written or oral (including simultaneous) translation . Among the compulsory philological and linguistic disciplines we can highlight:

  • Russian language,
  • lexicology,
  • English language,
  • style,
  • introduction to special philology,
  • theoretical grammar,
  • translation theory,
  • history of the first and second foreign languages,
  • regional studies,
  • history of literature of the countries of the language being studied.
But special attention in the learning process is paid to workshops: on speech culture, on consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, on written translation (from Russian into a foreign language and vice versa). Specialty students learn:
  • speak freely on any topic in a foreign language,
  • organize negotiations, symposiums and conferences using two or more working languages,
  • quickly switch from one working language to another,
  • interpret simultaneously during meetings and various events,
  • carry out written translation in compliance with all grammatical and stylistic norms,
  • conduct language analysis of provided texts,
  • carry out research work in the field of translation studies,
  • teach foreign languages.

Who to work with

In the context of active international cooperation, translation services are in demand today in many areas, both in government agencies and in commercial companies. Young specialists in the field of translation studies can work as simultaneous interpreters during conferences, business negotiations and private meetings; become good specialists in literary translation and translate fiction; find yourself in technical translation and translate various documents, certificates, instructions. The most in demand today are specialists in technical translation, simultaneous interpreters and translators from oriental languages. In addition, young people with a specialty diploma in Translation and Translation Studies can work as assistants, foreign language teachers, guides-interpreters, press secretaries, PR managers, international journalists, editors, and foreign economic activity managers.

In the parable of the Tower of Babel, God, wanting to punish people for their pride, forced them to speak different languages. And this parable is not only about the fact that pride is a bad quality, but also about how important it is to understand each other. The issue of mutual understanding arose especially acutely in Lately. And here translators come to our aid - people who know foreign languages ​​and work so that peoples begin to understand and respect each other.

In the parable of the Tower of Babel, God, wanting to punish people for their pride, forced them to speak different languages. And this parable is not only about the fact that pride is a bad quality, but also about how important it is to understand each other. The issue of mutual understanding has arisen especially acutely recently, when we began to acutely feel that people speaking different languages ​​are becoming closer and closer to each other every day. And here they come to our aid translators– people who know foreign languages ​​and work so that peoples begin to understand and respect each other.

Of course, in order to understand the meaning of what was said or written by a foreign colleague or friend, you can use the appropriate dictionary or electronic translator. But with its help it is impossible to capture all the nuances and details of a text or story, which ultimately can contain very valuable information. After all, a professional “live” translator conveys not just a literal translation of a set of phrases, but also the specifics of the translated text, taking into account the peculiarities of the foreign language.

It seems to you that there is nothing complicated in translator's work no, and is it enough to just learn one or two foreign languages? You are wrong! IN professional activity There are a huge number of specific features of a translator, due to which this profession is available only to a limited number of people who demonstrate curiosity, linguistic abilities and the desire to constantly work on the “purity” of speech. Want to know more about these features? Then read this article carefully.

Who is a translator?

A translator is a highly qualified specialist whose main task is high-quality and the most complete written or oral translation of speech from one language to another.

The name of the profession is a tracing paper (literal translation) of the Latin translatio - to carry something, to convey something. In other words, representatives profession translator conveys the meaning of what is said in a foreign language. In Rus', translators were called interpreters (tolmach is a Slavic word, related to the word “interpret”, “interpreter”). This profession arose at a time when people realized that they spoke different languages, but they needed to communicate. Most likely, this was the period of the early states, when it became obvious that contacts without an interpreter were impossible.

Today there are three main types of profession: technical translator, translator of fiction and simultaneous interpreter. Please note that a technical translator does not deal exclusively with texts of a technical nature. This title rather reflects the essence of the work rather than its content. Most often, this is an employee of a translation agency who deals with texts of various types.

A translator of fiction has higher qualifications. Conveying the style and figurative structure of the author of literary texts is not an easy task, and such translators themselves must have artistic talent. Among these people there are great translators, for example, Tatyana Shchepkina-Kupernik or Mikhail Lozinsky, who discovered Shakespeare and Hugo, Dumas and Schiller for the Russian reader.

Finally, simultaneous interpreter is a person who translates spoken language online. It is generally accepted that only a highly qualified translator can become a simultaneous interpreter. Why? Yes, because a synchronized interpreter must not only know a foreign language perfectly, but also have a good reaction, speak his native language at a very high level, and also have the makings of a diplomat. After all, he has to very quickly carry out not only an accurate, but also the most diplomatic translation. That is why there are quite a few simultaneous interpreters, and their work is paid very highly.

But if we discard the lyrics and formulate a generalized list of professional translator's duties, then it will look like this: written translation of documents and literature, oral translation (including numbers and simultaneous), support foreign citizens, unification of terms, improvement of definitions and concepts according to topics, etc.

What personal qualities should a translator have?

The professional qualities of a translator are determined by his activities. And above all, the translator must have an excellent memory, constantly expanding his stock of foreign words and knowledge of the language. For example, in a rich and beautiful Chinese about 84 thousand hieroglyphs, commonly used 30 thousand, and the most necessary ones - 10 thousand. It is quite natural that a person who does not have a good memory will simply not be able to remember such a volume of information. Besides, professional translator must have such personal qualities, How:

  • Analytical mind;
  • patience;
  • accuracy;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills;
  • stress resistance;
  • attentiveness;
  • competent and clear speech (both written and oral);
  • neatness and visual attractiveness (not required, but encouraged).

The translator's specialization also places certain demands on the specialist. For example, translating fiction is unthinkable without a “feeling for the word,” an understanding that the word is the same tool for a writer as paint is for an artist or notes for a musician. It is also necessary to have an excellent sense of style, an impeccable command of the Russian language and an understanding of art. In turn, reaction, diplomacy, and the ability to quickly respond to emergency situations are important for a synchronized interpreter. Knowledge of the basics of psychology is also important for such a translator.

Advantages of being a translator

Translators have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the whole world, with a wide variety of cultures, with the traditions and customs of states through language. This opportunity endlessly expands a person’s cognitive capabilities and can be called one of the main advantages of the translator profession. One of the main ones, but not the only one.

Since the translator’s profession is an intellectual one, developing a person’s mind, memory and attention, specialists in this field are almost always distinguished by their erudition, which allows them to feel some superiority over other people.

The specificity of the interpreter's work is such that the interpreters can be people with disabilities. Moreover, latest achievements science and technology make it possible to carry out interpretation (including simultaneous) without leaving home (for example, through the free Skype software).

And most importantly, the work of a translator, as a rule, is highly paid (according to statistics, the average monthly salary of a translator in Russia is about 50-60 thousand rubles). Moreover, good translator cherished and cherished, because the success of negotiations, speeches and communication at various levels depends on his efforts and knowledge of the language.

Of course, the salary level largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the language he speaks. In particular, translators of rare or complex languages ​​(for example, Japanese or Chinese), as well as specialists who studied the language not only through a university curriculum, but also lived among native speakers (that is, are familiar with the peculiarities of and the nuances of the language firsthand).

Disadvantages of the translator profession

Disadvantages of the translator profession associated with a high degree of employment and irregular working hours. This is especially true for simultaneous interpreters, whose working day entirely depends on the working hours of the parties requiring the services of such a specialist. And the services of a synchronizer may be needed late at night and on weekends/holidays.

Despite the high level of payment, a translator is not always able to immediately receive the money earned by his honest work. Quite often the client makes payment after a few days. It is also necessary to take into account that on the professional path of translators, sometimes there are unscrupulous clients who may not pay at all for the services provided to them (mostly freelance translators face similar situations).

High psychological stress from the consciousness of one’s own responsibility (after all, multimillion-dollar contracts and good neighborly relations of states sometimes depend on the quality of translation), as well as the constant need to respond quickly during simultaneous translation can cause enormous fatigue and stress. That is why the professional disease of translators is considered to be “chronic fatigue”.

Where can I get a job as a translator?

If you have demonstrated strong linguistic abilities since childhood, or for a long time lived in another country, then you can start working in the profession even after completing language courses. However become a translator high class with great prospects career growth possible only after graduating from a prestigious university. At the same time, it is desirable not only to obtain a diploma from a Russian university, but also to provide for the possibility of postgraduate practice abroad.

To the best linguistic universities in Russia, whose graduates are in demand for modern market labor not only among domestic companies, but also enterprises with foreign news, include:

  • Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Russian State Humanitarian University:
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations;
  • Moscow State Linguistic University.

Translator - general concept specialists involved in translating spoken or written speech from one language to another. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in foreign languages ​​and Russian language and literature (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

There are several explanations for where different languages ​​came from. For example, the Bible describes the legend about the Tower of Babel. According to this legend, God confused the languages ​​of the tower builders because of their desire to surpass him and excessive pride. People stopped understanding each other and dispersed around the globe without finishing the construction of the tower, which was supposed to reach the heavens.

There is an explanation in the differences in the language of people and from a scientific point of view. Even in prehistoric times, people began to speak different languages ​​due to the separation due to the mountains, deserts and oceans located between them. Languages ​​were formed in isolation among different tribes; one tribe had little contact with others. The greater the degree of geographic isolation, the more different the language is. On the plains, where it is easier to move, individual languages ​​occupy very large spaces (Russian, for example). But whatever the background, there has long been a need for people who know more than just one native language.

Most modern people know not only their own language, but can also speak a foreign language to some extent. Tourism is actively developing, and with it comes the need to communicate with foreigners, to understand at least superficially the language of the country you are traveling to. Most often, the population learns English, which is increasingly taking the place of the universal language of international communication.

But for professional translation, competent, prompt and clear, people with special education and experience are needed. Such specialists are called translators. In a general sense, translators are divided into oral and written.

An important quality of an interpreter is the ability to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and partnership. The specialist must understand that the success of the negotiations largely depends on him. It should help people with different cultures, mentalities and understand business differently to find a common language.

There are two types interpreters- sequential and synchronous.

A consecutive interpreter is indispensable business negotiations, at events where some of the participants speak one language and some speak another. In such cases, the speaker delivers his speech with short pauses so that the interpreter can formulate the phrase in the language of the listeners.

Simultaneous translation- the most difficult type of translation. Such translation is performed using specialized simultaneous translation equipment. A synchronized player must speak a foreign language almost better than his native language. The difficulty of the profession lies in the need to quickly understand and translate what is heard, and sometimes speak at the same time as the speaker. The most valued specialists are those who know how to construct competent and informative sentences that do not allow pauses in their speech.

Translators can translate technical, legal, fiction literature, business documents. Currently, more and more specialists are using modern technologies(for example, electronic dictionaries). So special software for translators will help increase their productivity by up to 40%.

Technical translators work with technical texts containing special scientific and technical information. The distinctive features of such a translation are accuracy, impersonality and unemotionality. The texts contain many terms of Greek or Latin origin. The grammar of technical translations is specific and contains firmly established grammatical norms (for example, indefinite personal and impersonal constructions, passive phrases, impersonal forms of the verb). Types of technical translation include full written translation (the main form of technical translation), abstract translation (the content of the translated text is compressed), abstract translation, translation of headings and oral technical translation (for example, for training employees to work on foreign equipment).

Legal translation is aimed at translating specific texts related to the field of law. This translation is used to exchange professional information related to the socio-political and cultural characteristics of the country. In this regard, the language of legal translation must be extremely accurate, clear and reliable.

Legal translation can be divided into several types:

  • translation of laws, regulations and their drafts;
  • translation of agreements (contracts);
  • translation of legal opinions and memoranda;
  • translation of notarial certificates and apostilles (a special sign certifying signatures, the authenticity of a stamp or seal);
  • translation constituent documents legal entities;
  • translation of powers of attorney.

Translator of fiction- a specialist translating literary texts. He must, in addition to a comprehensive knowledge of a foreign language, have a good understanding of literature, a high level of command of words, and be able to convey the style and style of the author of the work being translated. There are many examples when recognized masters of words were involved in translations (V. Zhukovsky, B. Pasternak, A. Akhmatova, S. Marshak, etc.). Their translations are works of art in themselves.

Translator training

In this course, you can become a translator remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining standard established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The profession of translator can be obtained by graduating from a higher education institution. vocational education at foreign language departments.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • perfect command of one or more foreign languages;
  • competent Russian language;
  • good knowledge of special terminology, both in the original language and in the target language (especially relevant for technical translators);
  • deep knowledge of literature and literary editing skills (for translators of fiction);
  • knowledge of the characteristics of language groups;
  • desire to improve knowledge of a foreign language every day.

Personal qualities

  • linguistic abilities;
  • high level of analytical thinking;
  • ability to store large amounts of information;
  • accuracy, patience, attentiveness;
  • high level of erudition;
  • fast reaction;
  • ability to concentrate and be attentive;
  • communication skills;
  • verbal abilities (the ability to coherently and very clearly express one’s thoughts, a rich vocabulary, well-spoken speech);
  • high efficiency;
  • politeness, tact.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • possibility of implementation in different areas (written translation, simultaneous interpreter, translation of films, books, magazines, etc.);
  • a person who speaks a foreign language can find a very prestigious and highly paid job;
  • there is an opportunity to communicate with people from different countries and cultures;
  • high probability of business trips and travel.


  • in different months the volume of transfers may vary several times, hence the unstable loading;
  • Translators are often paid not upon delivery of the material, but when payment arrives from the customer.

Place of work

  • press centers, radio and television centers;
  • international funds;
  • travel companies;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, consulates;
  • book publishing houses, media;
  • translation agency;
  • museums and libraries;
  • hotel business;
  • international firms, companies;
  • international associations and associations;
  • international funds.

Salary and career

Salary as of September 17, 2019

Russia 11000—55000 ₽

Moscow 35000—120000 ₽

The career path of a professional translator depends on the place of work. Thus, a translator serving government delegations receives a salary much higher than a full-time translator in small company, engaged in international deliveries. However, the more prestigious and profitable the position, the higher the requirements for the translator’s competence. The most valued specialists are those who know 2-3 foreign languages. In general, a successful start to a career for a translator can be employment in a large international company engaged in diverse activities.

Translators who speak common languages ​​(for example, English or German) can count on a stable availability of orders. While translators who know rarer and more complex languages ​​(for example, Japanese or Chinese) have higher prices for their services.

The famous translation master Lilianna Lungina said that the most difficult thing is to work with simple texts. In “Malysh and Carlson,” for example, the hardest thing to come up with was the phrase “Pies don’t make you fat.” And all because in Russia translation is not a craft, as in the West. This is real art. It is no coincidence that the Russian translation school is considered the best in the world.

Over the past twenty years, the situation with translators in the labor market has changed several times. In the early 1990s, in the wake of changes in public policy a real boom in demand for these specialists began. Open borders, business connections with foreign partners, tourism development was required large quantity professional translators. Valuable personnel were literally worth their weight in gold.

The education sector responded quickly. Commercial universities specializing in training translators appeared almost every year, and existing educational institutions urgently opened corresponding departments and faculties. As a result, after 5-10 years they started talking about market oversaturation.

It was especially difficult for those who studied English. This language has become international, and most businessmen learned it on their own, refusing the services of translators. Attractive positions in large companies and at the embassies they found themselves occupied by professionals highly qualified. Rare languages ​​became a way out for gifted young people. Prudent applicants became interested in universities and faculties that train such specialists.

Today, translators with knowledge of English are again in demand. Although there are many who speak this language to one degree or another, there are only a few real professionals: as a result, vacancies remain open for several months. Oriental languages ​​are still popular.

Natalya Sokolova, director of the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University:

English is a kind of communication pass to any region of the world. Speaking about the immediate prospects, one should keep in mind the rapid development of China and the ever-increasing interest in Japan. Despite the fact that in these countries you can communicate in English, Chinese and Japanese are becoming increasingly popular. Communication with foreign partners in their native language promotes mutual understanding and promotion of any business.

Own way

Experts are unanimous: even perfect knowledge of the most popular language is not a guarantee of success. Translator is a fairly general concept.

Translation can be written and oral, consecutive and simultaneous, technical and literary. There are practically no universal specialists who work equally well in negotiations and translate novels.

It is important to choose “your” path correctly professional development. Not everyone can do this right away. Before you settle on anything specific, you should try your hand at different areas and genres. By the way, practice at universities provides ample opportunities for this. Over the years of study, interested students manage to work as simultaneous interpreters, consecutive interpreting specialists, and carry out several private orders for written translation for publishing houses or individuals.

We increase our chances

The translator's profession begins with the choice of an educational institution. If you prefer “time-tested quality,” go to state institutes or universities.

Recognized leader - Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU): a well-known name, qualified teachers, equipped with modern technical means laboratories and offices. The language departments of large universities enjoy well-deserved respect: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University), Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN), Russian State Social University (RGSU), etc. If you decide to study an oriental language, there is no competition - the Institute countries of Asia and Africa MSU. M.V. Lomonosov (ISAA). The only “but” is the extremely high entrance competition to these universities: up to 22 people per place.

But there is also good news. An employer of a translator, unlike, say, a lawyer or an economist, does not pay such close attention to the status of a diploma. 80% of success in learning a foreign language is hard work, perseverance and regularity of study. Therefore, the prestige of the educational institution fades into the background: you can learn a language well even if it is not at the most famous university. For example, in one of the specialized commercial ones: Institute of English Language, Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow Institute of Linguistics, etc.

Lyudmila Zueva, rector of the Metropolitan Institute of Translators:

At our university, training is conducted according to state standard, many teachers use their own teaching methods. We work closely with representatives of the British Council, organize internships in leading international companies. A separate plus - good

material and technical base that allows the use of modern educational technologies in teaching.

Translator, linguist or engineer?

Some universities graduate specialists, others are gradually switching to international standards stepwise preparation: in this case, after the first four years of study, you will receive a bachelor’s qualification and can, if you wish, enter the next stage - a master’s degree.

There are several popular specialties and areas at language faculties:

"Translation and translation studies". Formally suits the translator best. Firstly, they will teach translation techniques: this is given special attention. Secondly, the diploma will indicate the qualification “translator”. But the specialty is quite narrow: working in one of the related fields will be quite difficult.

"Foreign language", "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures". The final qualification in this case is teacher.

"Theory and practice of intercultural communication". Graduates not only have a good command of foreign languages, but also receive thorough training in psychology, sociology, and cultural studies.

"Linguistics", "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication". Ideal for ambitious young people who want to make a scientific career, as a lot of time is devoted to studying the theory of language.

Rumors and facts:

- The translator spends most of his time with books and a computer.
- Even specialists who deal exclusively with written translations must be sociable people. To find a decent job, you need to be able to present yourself in the most favorable light - the competition is too great.

- The life of a translator is pure pleasure: new people, countries, constant change of impressions.
- Indeed, interpreters have the opportunity to travel around the world, meet interesting people. But at this time they are busy with work. They simply have no time to admire the sights and engage in small talk.

"Oriental and African Studies". Despite the fact that graduates receive the qualification “Orientalist, Africanist,” their knowledge is quite enough to work as translators from oriental languages.

Of course, when studying in different specialties and areas, there are some nuances: in the placement of emphasis, the list of subjects, and internships. But this, by and large, does not matter. According to the translators, among them there are equally often representatives of all the named specialties and areas.

However, one must take into account such a feature of the profession as a narrow focus: translators in a bank and travel agency must speak completely different vocabulary. Moreover, the more specific the industry, the fewer professionals capable of working in it. For example, in order to translate a scientific work on the topic of mechanics, you need to understand the subject at the level of an engineer. Otherwise, there is a great danger of getting confused in terms. Far-sighted high school students receive a specialty in the intended field of translation and additionally learn the language. But some universities have programs that solve both of these problems.

Lyudmila Volkovitskaya, rector of the English Language Institute:

Graduates of not only linguistic specialties of our university, but also such as “public relations”, “socio-cultural service and tourism” know two foreign languages ​​perfectly. While working in their field, they often also serve as translators, which makes them especially valuable specialists.

Exams: an A is not enough

Whatever specialty or direction you prefer, you will have to take Russian and foreign languages. The higher the status of the educational institution, the more difficult it is to pass the test.

Oral examination is now a rarity. Most universities have switched to testing. But don’t let this word deceive you: requirements in government educational institutions very high. If, upon admission to a non-linguistic faculty, a person who speaks fluent English or French will most likely pass the exam easily, then for future translators a good command of oral and in writing- not important. They must feel the language, understand the intricacies of vocabulary, stylistics, morphology and other nuances.

"Excellent" marks received in the regular secondary school, will not be enough, more in-depth knowledge will be required - at least at the level of a special language school. For example, an exam might ask for the following task: “Choose only one correct option grammatical structure." At first glance, each of the given examples is suitable. To answer correctly, you need to thoroughly understand grammar. Applicants often find it difficult to work with unadapted text. Even if the university admissions committee allows the use of a dictionary, this will not help when answering questions. questions, for example, about the use of English phraseological units. Many phrases in the language are ambiguous, and you cannot act at random.

By the way, students who decide to enroll in a paid department of a state university or a non-state university will also have to take a foreign language test. And at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University, applicants for the “linguistics” major take not one, but two exam in foreign language: written and oral. And this despite the fact that there are no budget places for future linguists.

In non-state universities, the meaning of testing is somewhat different: to determine the level of language proficiency in order to distribute students into groups in the future. But if your foreign language is very bad, they will not be accepted into the institute: training from scratch is not provided at the linguistic faculties.

An unusual situation arises in universities specializing in rare languages. There are not enough applicants who can pass the Chinese or Japanese exam. Therefore, applicants demonstrate knowledge of one of the European languages, most often English. And they start learning Chinese later.

The second mandatory exam - the Russian language - takes the form of testing or an essay. In some universities, for example, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, you will have to take history. Check the list of entrance tests in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Training: constant practice

The standard of higher linguistic education in full-time education provides for the study of at least two foreign languages.

Usually, in the first years, students perfect the first one. The approximate number of study hours in the main language is at least 20 per week. This is not surprising: to become a highly qualified translator, you need to study constantly. Various introductory disciplines are also studied: “Theoretical Phonetics”, “Introduction to Special Philology and History of Language”, “Theoretical Grammar”, “Lexicology”. In senior years, a second, and sometimes a third, language is added.

It will be especially difficult for students who have chosen oriental languages. The minimum number of characters for reading simple texts in Chinese is 7000. And in Japan, in general, two alphabets are equally common. At the same time, no one canceled the general humanities disciplines. Mandatory courses include the fundamentals of philosophy, literature, fundamentals of economics, etc.

Students undergo practical training working at seminars, conferences, festivals, in translation agencies and commercial companies, and future teachers usually in.

Special article - preparation and defense theses. In some universities these are entire Scientific research, others give topics closer to real life. Thus, graduates of the master's program at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University defend their diploma in the form of a presentation of a business project: they develop a business plan, prepare materials for a conference - and all this in a foreign language.

You should choose a foreign language “for love”!

Lev Porokhovnik, head of LLC "Bureau of Scientific and Technical Translations NORMA-TM".

Which foreign language will be most promising in 5-6 years, when today’s applicants start working?

All. My advice is that you shouldn’t even try to choose a foreign language based on popularity or prospects. It's not you who chooses the language to learn. Rather, he finds you. To master it fully, you need to have a similar psychology. Oriental languages, for example, are easy for fans of the corresponding cultures: Japanese, Chinese, Indian, etc. Random people learn them extremely rarely. The same applies to Europeans: one likes French, another likes German. If you don’t like the language, you won’t become a great specialist and you won’t earn money. If your inner voice is silent, learn English, you won’t go wrong.

Should a translator know several languages ​​or is it better to focus on just one?

Most translators are monolingual. They know a second or even a third language, but more for themselves: for travel or simple translations. It is rare to find those who can translate between two languages. And I don’t know any trilinguals at all.

Are there more translation agencies or private translators on the market?

I think there are approximately the same number of both. But to get a job in an office, you need some experience. You need to pass the tests well: show yourself as a person who not only knows the language, but also has important qualities.

What kind, for example?

Business acumen and ingenuity: you need to have a good idea of ​​where the customer “lives.” A mandatory quality is the ability to present yourself and conduct interviews correctly. This is important both for “freelance artists” and for full-time employees of the bureau. And, of course, activity and sociability: you need to maintain contacts with recruitment agencies, communicate on the Internet, engage in self-promotion.

Is translator the final position or can you “grow” further?

If we talk directly about the profession, then the position is final. A translator always remains a translator. Knowledge and experience are accumulated, fame appears, if you like, but there is no career growth.

However, translators, as people who freely understand representatives different cultures and countries, easily find themselves in any other business related to supplies, international trade, cultural relations, and politics. Even our president, V.V. Putin, in addition to a law diploma from the KGB Academy, has a specialty as a translator.

Translations and translators


Object of work - fiction, magazine and newspaper publications, scientific works, technical documentation.

You can, of course, translate word for word - this is the so-called information translation: it is applicable mainly when working with documents. But literary translation is considered the highest aerobatics, where you can demonstrate not only the talent of a linguist, but also your creative abilities. It’s not for nothing that translators are called co-authors of writers.

According to UN standards, a translator should translate no more than 6-8 pages per day of work. True, we are talking about “clean” text, completely ready for publication. By the way, it is better for beginners to start with written translations. And having gained a certain professional knowledge, you can move on to more complex types.

Required qualities:

  • literacy
  • perseverance
  • good faith
  • respect for the author's text.


Indispensable at international events of any level. The interpreter’s task is to convey the meaning of what was said online as accurately as possible: the translation delay in relation to the speaker’s speech should not exceed one and a half minutes. The interpreter is located in an isolated booth equipped with a special remote control, headphones and a microphone headset.

The intensity of the workload of interpreters is equal to the work of air traffic controllers, so at least two interpreters are involved in one event, replacing each other every 15-20 minutes. Even synchronized aces rarely withstand more than two or three days of work in this mode.

Required qualities:

  • developed short-term memory
  • good diction
  • stress resistance
  • communication skills.


They are used at protocol events, business negotiations, during the reception and escort of delegations. With this kind of translation, the speaker pauses specifically for the translator, so that at this time he can voice the entire phrase or part of it.

The main thing that a consecutive interpreting specialist should learn is the ability to memorize the meaning. long statements while simultaneously considering the translation. One of the tools is a special translation shorthand, with which you can record on paper the most difficult moments, numbers, dates, names and titles.

Required qualities:

  • non-conflict
  • sociability
  • presentable appearance.


On initial stages career, getting a job in a large commercial company or translation agency is almost impossible: employers prefer experienced specialists. But there will be no problems with freelance work: there are always private orders. Especially for those who do written translations and know special vocabulary. A huge amount of translated literature is published in Russia: fiction, scientific, popular science, articles in various magazines, encyclopedias, reference books. Most often, a whole team of freelance translators works on such books (it is not profitable to maintain permanent employees).

By the way, experienced professionals often gravitate towards freelancing. The life of a “free artist” has its advantages: he chooses the customer himself, is not tied to a specific office, and works at a pace that suits him. The disadvantage follows from the advantages: you have to look for orders yourself. But after you earn a name for yourself, it will start working for you.

As in any other specialty, there are professionals whose incomes can be envied. However, the salary of an ordinary translator is quite modest. A full-time employee of a translation agency earns on average $500-900. Synchronizers usually work piecework: from $50 per day, depending on the status of the event and the qualifications of the specialist. Fees for technical and artistic translators - from $5-10 per printed sheet.

09.20.2008 18:30:20, Anastasia

uh, the article is interesting, but then because of articles like this, they don’t want to pay us normal money. the employer will say: but I saw on the Internet that synchronized swimmers are paid 50 dollars per day! we already wrote about the printed sheet below. Dear author, at least 80-100 is paid to the guide, translator, and even the synchronized interpreter... if someone offered me 50, I would twirl my finger at my temple

You know, I liked this text, but there is one “but”. In your text, if I’m not mistaken, you mainly specified only English and, unusually, French. But in my opinion, many young people are also learning German. And now it is becoming more and more popular. It is spoken by half of all countries in the world. So be so kind as to tell young people all the details German language. Teacher and translator.

06/18/2006 00:58:11, Tatyana Yurievna

Well, why isn’t there? there is... a beginner. me, for example ;-)

The article seems to be fine, but there are also mistakes that are noticeable to anyone professional translator. For example, what is this translation unit - a “printed sheet” (which translators translate for 5-10 dollars)? This standard page 1800 characters with spaces? Or an author's sheet of 44 thousand characters? Most likely, the first thing is that there is hardly a single translator willing to work at a rate of $5 per sheet :).

14.06.2006 15:40:56, Just passing by

Partner university - Edinburgh Napier University (UK)

Linguistic education- one of the most prestigious areas of training in developed countries of the world.

The main educational goal of the bachelor's degree in "Linguistics", the profile "Translation and Translation Studies", is for the student to receive fundamental academic training in the field of linguistics, translation and translation studies, pedagogy and psychology.

Within the framework of this direction, specialists are trained who are fluent in at least 2 foreign languages ​​and are able to carry out translation and teaching activities.

At the RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages, education is structured in such a way that upon graduation from the university, a comprehensively developed personality emerges from its walls with in-depth knowledge of not only foreign languages, but also intercultural communication, psychology and management, ready for managerial and organizational work in any area - from production to diplomatic. Educational process The “Linguistics” major is taught by the departments of theory and practice of foreign languages ​​and social pedagogy. Both departments are graduating. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is widely known at RUDN for its educational and aesthetic program “University - Family”. Success in studying at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is achieved through an individual psychological and methodological approach to each group and to each individual student.

As part of the educational process, innovative methods, the latest information and communication technologies and modern multimedia courses, high-quality educational material, and innovations in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages ​​are used.

The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the RUDN University is accredited as an International Test Center for the preparation and admission of international qualifying exams in Business English from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry LCCI International Qualifications.

The Russian Academy of Education, on the basis of the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, opened an innovative experimental platform “Formation of social competence of students.”

Studying at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University is not only a good start for a career in business life. It opens up limitless opportunities for graduates of the Institute in the field of intercultural communication, providing a comfortable and uninterrupted stay in foreign-language countries, free dialogue and interaction with business partners around the world, but it also becomes the first step into big science.

A graduate diploma from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University is, first of all, a high level of education, excellent employment, the opportunity to make a successful scientific career, and realize oneself in almost all areas of life.

A graduate of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University is a person who easily adapts to any living conditions and activities of any kind, with the makings of a professional leader.

Brief information about the program

  • 1st year:
  • 2nd year: undergraduate studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University in the direction 45.03.02 “Linguistics”;
  • 3rd year: undergraduate studies at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University in the direction 45.03.02 “Linguistics”;
  • 4th year: Study at level 10 (60 ECTS) of the extended Bachelor of Arts in Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication - Linguistics at Edinburgh Naypiea University.
  • RUDN University students studying at Edinburgh Naypieh University for two semesters are entitled to defend a bachelor's degree from Edinburgh Naypieh University.
  • Change state exams and protection final work in the bachelor's degree at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University in the direction 45.03.02 “Linguistics”

Admission conditions to network educational program Bachelor's degree from Edinburgh Napier University (UK)

  • 120 credits (120 ECTS) in the undergraduate study program at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in the direction 45.03.02 “Linguistics”;
  • minimum score in English 6.5 in the international IELTS exam;
  • level B1 in a second foreign language in accordance with international system assessment of the level of foreign language proficiency.

Graduates of the bachelor's degree in "Translation and Translation Studies" in the direction of "Linguistics" can continue their studies in the master's program:

  • "Communication Theory and international connections public relations (PR)",
  • "Foreign Regional Studies. European Studies - European Region",
  • “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of organizational and managerial activities.”
  • Further, postgraduate studies in linguistic, psychological and pedagogical profiles are possible.


Basic disciplines

  • Practical course of the first foreign language;
  • Translation theory
  • Translation practice
  • Translation workshop
  • Summarizing and annotating texts in the first foreign language
  • Summarizing and annotating texts in a second foreign language
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • General linguistics
  • History of language and introduction to special philology
  • Comparative-historical and typological linguistics
  • Introduction to the theory of intercultural communication
  • Theoretical phonetics
  • Theoretical grammar
  • Lexicology
  • Stylistics
  • Literature of the countries of the first foreign language
  • Linguistic and regional studies


Basic disciplines

  • Service sector management
  • English language
  • Second foreign language
  • Culture and society of Scotland


The program provides educational (translation) and practical training on the basis of Edinburgh Napier University (UK). Industrial practice is pre-graduation.

Results of mastering the program:

  • acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of linguistic education, interlingual communication, intercultural communication
  • mastering the basics of translation, consulting, communication, and research activities
  • ability to provide intercultural communication in various professional fields
  • mastering translation skills, taking into account the nature of the text being translated and the translation conditions to achieve maximum communicative effect, conducting professional activities, incl. in two foreign languages


High-tech innovative training. The bulk of the classrooms are divided into lecture halls, seminar rooms, linguistic rooms, equipped according to the round table discussion principle, and computer classes. All classrooms are equipped modern technology and special furniture. Transformable auditoriums provide the opportunity for their multifunctional use. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​operates a laboratory of information technologies for linguistic teaching. The Institute has created a diploma design office, where students are provided with excellent conditions for working on final qualifying works, thanks to which the process of perception, mastery and practical output educational material increases by more than 30 percent relative to the generally accepted norm.

Library of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN University. The Institute of Foreign Languages ​​has its own library, which presents a wide range of psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical scientific and educational literature, as well as a large assortment of educational and methodological literature By foreign languages, published, for example, in Oxford and Cambridge.

Center additional education IFL RUDN. A wide range of additional professional education programs in foreign languages ​​are offered, programs “Translator in the field of professional communication”, “Teacher”, “Translator”, etc. Preparation is underway for passing international certification exams in foreign languages.

Areas of professional activity of graduates:

  • government and municipal government
  • foreign diplomatic and consular missions of Russia
  • foreign embassies
  • largest research institutes and laboratories
  • Media, including television
  • Russian and international news agencies
  • prestigious domestic companies; large foreign companies
  • prestigious international publishing houses, translation companies and organizations
  • banking structures, tourism and hospitality industry
  • hotel and show business
  • state and non-state educational institutions
  • linguistic centers
  • own business

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