The production divisions of Russian Steel are switching to a motivation system based on lean indicators. Qualitative changes: how “Russian Steel” increases the FTT indicator (fit the first time) Consequence of eliminating defects

Accounting and taxes 11.10.2021
Accounting and taxes

This chapter is devoted to the analytical component of lean management and lean manufacturing - lean accounting. In other words, the purpose of the practical part of this work is to show the indicators and models discussed in the theoretical part using practical examples various companies and prove that lean manufacturing needs different from traditional accounting and management accounting accounting system. It is also necessary to ensure that the metrics, techniques and models developed and proposed by scientists are workable and suitable for lean manufacturing.

Non-financial indicators to measure the performance of a production cell

At this stage of the work, the indicators proposed by B. Maskell and Beggley, and the theoretical description of which are given in the previous chapter, will be considered using practical examples.

So, the first indicator is FTT (fist-time-trough) acceptance the first time. I will give an example on the basis of which it will be calculated this indicator.

Company X is a door manufacturer. The technological process of manufacturing each door consists of 4 stages: cutting plywood sheets, installation, pressing and sanding. At the first stage, the average defect rate reaches 5%. At the second stage, 2% of the total number of doors processed at this stage are recognized as defective doors. Half of them, as a rule, can be corrected at subsequent stages of the production cycle, the remaining half must be recycled. At the pressing stage, plywood is glued to the door, and 4% of such operations are recognized as failed and resulting in defects. Also, half of the defective products can be corrected through rework at the next stage, and half can be disposed of. In the final stage, the doors are sanded and 10% of the doors from this operation are re-sanded to a uniform thickness and perfect finish before they are judged acceptable for shipment to the customer.

FTT = = 0.804384 = 80.44%

The obtained result allows us to conclude that only 80.44% of products are completed the first time without rework, that is, the remaining 19.54% of products entail costs that are not reimbursed by the consumer, in other words, losses. These losses can be calculated in money by measuring the time workers spend on rework and multiplying the result by salary rate worker. We should not forget that during alterations it is not only the operator who is working, but also his equipment. Repeated calculation of this indicator allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes made by company managers in order to reduce the percentage of defects and, accordingly, losses.

In the following example, it will be possible to evaluate the following indicators:

operational availability of equipment;

equipment performance;


overall equipment efficiency.

Company Z produces bicycles. The management and employees of the company adhere to the philosophy of lean production, in connection with which they identify and eliminate losses, focus on bottlenecks and look for areas of improvement.

The above indicators can measure the operating efficiency and productivity of each machine. We will look at one of the machines production cell.

So, the productivity of the machine is 180 parts per hour. Operators work in 2 shifts of 8 hours, 5 days a week. The machine is maintained 6 hours a week to prevent the appearance of defective parts. 15 minutes each shift are devoted to cleaning the machine and maintaining its compliance with the 5S principle. 320 minutes per shift are spent weekly in meetings. Over the past week, operators have retooled the machine 60 times. Each changeover takes an average of 12 minutes. This week the equipment broke down 2 times. The first time it took 5 hours to restore it, the second - 1.5 hours. There were 24 problems with the quality of products produced by the machine. It took 5 minutes to solve each question. As a result, the machine produced 7,200 parts that met quality standards and 144 parts that were recycled. Decline consumer demand caused an 8-hour downtime of the machine, but it was in working order and ready to produce parts.

Equipment operational availability = (Total time - Downtime) /Total time.

Equipment operational availability = (8 hours * 2 shifts * 5 days - 6 hours for machine support - 0.5 hours for cleaning per shift * 5 days - 1 hour for meetings - 60 changeovers * 0.2 hours - 6.5 hours for troubleshooting - 0.83 hours to solve quality problems * 24 times) /80 = 0.625 = 62.5%.

Equipment operational availability allows you to determine the percentage of its operating time when it is ready for use. As a result, we can estimate downtime and losses due to non-operational equipment.

Equipment productivity is the next non-financial indicator for calculating the efficiency of LIN production.

Equipment performance = Actual work rate / Ideal work rate.

It is worth noting that the ideal production rate, as a rule, does not correspond to the maximum possible production rate. This is related to takt time and the level of consumer demand.

Equipment productivity = (7200 parts + 144 defective parts) / (180 parts per hour * 42 hours) = 0.971 = 97%.

Quality = (Total number of parts produced - Number of defective parts) / Total number of parts produced.

Quality = (7344 - 144) / 7344 = 0.980 = 98%.

The overall efficiency of the equipment is calculated by multiplying the three above calculated indicators.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness = Equipment Availability * Equipment Performance * Quality

Overall equipment efficiency = 0.625 * 0.971 * 0.980 = 0.595 = 59.5%.

This example illustrates an imperfect process that requires change. Using these indicators, after implementing process improvements, managers will be able to evaluate the results of their actions, and very quickly.


Mid-19th century. The first cars were produced
machines are assembled individually, workers carry
components to the assembly site.
End of the 19th century. The first serial production is being made
Beginning of the 20th century. Ford releases the first Model T.
40s of the XX century. Toyota is creating a full-fledged
car company.
50s of the XX century. Formation of lean ideas
Toichi Ono, founder of Lean Production,
formulated the basic principles
production Toyota systems(TPS):
produce only what is needed, and only when
need to;
When an error occurs, you should immediately find its cause,
eliminate it and prevent its occurrence in the future;
all employees and suppliers must continually improve
product quality and improve production

Mid-20th century. Automotive
companies around the world operate according to the principles
mass production:
Working in large batches with large
Cars are modified before
The main thing is to never stop
60s of the XX century. Toyota develops
TPS, significantly reducing volumes
batches and increasing speed
re-adjustment of equipment.
80s of the XX century. Toyota forms a joint venture with General Motors in the United States.
90s of the XX century. The emergence of adapted methods, combined into
production concept Lean systems Production.

XX century
the ideology of an ordinary company
"Sell what you produce"
XXI century
Lean ideology
"Produce what sells"
Increased profits
Prosperity Guaranteed
Reduce losses
Selling price
determined by the market
Opportunity to influence
at a profit

“Lean Production” (LP – Lean Production)
takes over the world
The term LP was coined by John Krawczyk in The Triumph of Lean Manufacturing in 1988.
G. Widely known LP received after the release of James Womack's book "The Machine,
which changed the world. History of Lean Manufacturing" in 1990.
In these works:
The automotive production chain in Japan was studied
The authors compared the organization of production of European and Japanese
The term "lean" appeared because Japanese business- fewer people used the methods,
capital investments, production space, materials and time (in lane Lean – 1)
without fat 2) “lean over” (to bend over, you need to be flexible and dynamic)

General idea of ​​the LP:
We do more and spend less
(human effort, equipment,
time, production space),
at the same time we produce high-quality
products that the consumer wants.

Combination high technology, allowing for quick readjustment and
rebuild production when producing batches of any size,
usage-based information technologies And
allowing to increase quality characteristics while simultaneously
cost reduction.
Varzhapetyan A.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. SPbGUAP
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

The super idea of ​​Lean is getting rid of losses
Waste (“muda”) is an activity that consumes resources but does not create or create
non-value added.
Muda of the first kind - actions that do not create value, but are inevitable due to a number of
reasons (quality control).
Muda of the second type are actions that do not create value, but which can be
immediately exclude from the process.
Toiichi Ono identified the processes leading to muda:
waiting for operations to complete
unnecessary transportation
defects, defects
unnecessary movements
overproduction (what is not used
excessive inventories
presence of complex technological equipment from his point of view
losses creative potential
presence of heavy equipment,
impossible to move

Process element
don't add
but they can't
excluded –
Muda I kind
Muda II type - operations that can be excluded from production. process


5 principles for building Lean Manufacturing
Determining the value of a product (service)
Defining a Value Stream
Organization of flow movement
"Pulling" the product
At every stage of production it is necessary to combat Muda, as well as
Mura (variability, process variability) and Muri (overtime)
work of people and overload of equipment)


1. What is value?
The concept of “Value” determines the usefulness of the final
product or service for the consumer in its terms,
having certain characteristics and defining them


2. Define the creation flow
The set of all actions that need to be performed in order to
a certain product has gone through three important stages management –
Solving the problem (enterprise plan from development to release
products), Information flow management (moment from
receiving an order before plotting) and Physical
transformation (from raw materials to finished product).
Muda appears at all stages
Need to focus on those activities that add value
to the consumer. The rest should be eliminated or outsourced.




Cells – arrangement of processing operations in close proximity to each other,
allowing to reduce the time of operator transition from one of them to another



COMPONENTS (for the first time a production line was created - a conveyor)
ITS INEFFICIENCY (Taiichi Ohno, Toyota)
What if you need to make 100 pieces?
What if the organization’s finances are limited?
You can produce products without creating assembly line production!
Quitting work using the “batch” and “department” method in 1 day using
Smoothing production schedule, Fast changeover
Equipment, Kanban systems, organization of work cells
(transformations in the spirit of “Kaikaku” - radical transformations) and much more


or how can you understand by entering the workshop that
it happens in 60 seconds
Available to users (information available on
every workplace, site, workshop, ...)
Operational (changes in the production chain
reflected immediately)
Understandable (users of information - workers,
maintenance personnel, craftsmen, ...)
Sufficient (allows you to accept reasonable
decisions, etc.)




Changeover examples (SMED)
This term is used whenever equipment is being prepared
to the production of a new product. Taking into account daily level fluctuations
orders, the number of products needed is calculated
done in one shift. In this way, only one is produced
product that
is necessary for the enterprise for the long term.
Changeover (reconfiguration) is the time for securing and removing
New type of tool on a processing machine
Replacing paint in a dyeing machine
Changing the mold in an injection molding machine
Installing a new software product
Shigeo Shingo, Japan, 1970s.



To reduce changeover time, it is necessary not only to divide it into
(when they stop
equipment) and external
(performed before stopping or after starting the equipment), but also
try to convert as many works as possible
on the internal
conversion to external. It is this solution that allows significant
way to increase the effective operating time of equipment by
reducing stops for changeovers.
The disadvantages are that SMED requires long-term discipline and
significant change management skills. Frequency and
The duration of trial runs and adjustments depends on qualifications



4. Product pulling
“Pull” the product - be able to provide the consumer with the product at the right time
its peak demand (the consumer receives the product exactly when he
wants this. The results of the work are needed at the next stage only in
certain point in time.)
Don't do anything until you have to, and if you have to, do it.
(KAM(N)BAN system – visual signal system for production
This could be a card or other means of notifying the need for
materials or release finished products, place marking, etc.)


- Provides information about the place and time of receipt and transportation of products
- Provides information about the product itself
- Prevents overproduction and use of unnecessary transport
- Used as a work order
- Prevents the production of defective products by identifying at what stage
defects appear
- Detects existing problems and helps control volumes
- Kanban only works effectively in conjunction with other Lean tools


Kanban levels need
continuous monitoring and
if Kanban is always full,
then it is better to reduce the level;
if Kanban is always empty,
then there must be a reason for this
determined and adjusted
or the level should be


A consuming process consumes only what it needs.
The supplying process produces only what is allowed and when
allowed by the kanban system.
Even if everyone is available necessary resources for production
(equipment, personnel, materials), without permission, production is not
Defective products are not supplied to the consuming process.
The kanban system should reflect changes in demand.
The number of kanban cards should decrease over time, so
like any inventory, it is a loss in the value stream.
These rules are not negotiable.



Just in time system
Toyota 1950s
Idea by Taiichi Ohno. The system ensures continuous flow in production
only in 2 cases:
Possibility of reducing equipment changeover time
Fluctuations in the daily production schedule are smoothed out taking into account
real change in demand
Otherwise, it all comes down to the banal organization of supplies
from suppliers to assembly production exactly at the right time,
corresponding to a constantly jumping schedule. Stocks from one
places are pumped to another.


5. Improvement
To do well


Kaizen as a thinking style
It's a process continuous improvement personal,
family, social and work life. Everyone is involved!!!
I thought Japan had two religions - Buddhism
and Shintoism. Now I know there's more
and the third – KAIZEN!
W. Manley, President of Cabot Corp.


Japanese understanding of the distribution of work functions
Senior management
Middle management
Western understanding of the distribution of work functions
Senior management
Middle management
If you asked me about the fundamental difference Japanese approach To
management compared to what is accepted in the West, I would not
thoughtfully replied that this is Kaizen and its inherent thinking,
process-oriented, in the West - innovation and result-oriented.
Masaaki Imai



Problems that Quality Circles solve
o Elimination of irregularities on the surface of lipstick
oServing hot shrimp tempura to 5oo customers at a time
oTechnique for remembering customer names
oSaving electricity, stationery
oReducing errors in lists
As of 2006, 170,000 clubs were officially (!) registered in Japan
quality. They work towards reducing costs, increasing
productivity and
improving occupational safety levels



"Poka-Yoke" - protection against unintentional errors.
Creating conditions in which it is difficult to make mistakes and
it is impossible to pass it on to the next stage of the process.
“To be wrong
Poka-yoke devices"
Shigeo Shingo


1. Forgetfulness: Sometimes we forget things if we don't concentrate on them.
your attention.
2. Mistakes due to misunderstanding: Sometimes we make mistakes if, without studying
situation, we draw the wrong conclusion.
3. Misidentification: Sometimes we underestimate the situation because
we look at it either too quickly or rather superficially,
That's why we don't notice a lot.
4. Mistakes due to inexperience: Sometimes we make mistakes due to lack
5. Mistakes due to stubbornness: Sometimes mistakes happen when we decide that
It is possible to ignore the rules in some circumstances.
6. Mistakes due to carelessness: Sometimes we are absent-minded and make mistakes without
analysis of their consequences.
7. Mistakes due to slowness: Sometimes we make mistakes when our
actions are slowed by delays in reaction or judgment.
8. Errors due to lack of standards: Some errors occur
when proper instructions or operating standards are lacking.
9. Errors due to surprise: Sometimes errors occur when
equipment performs differently than expected.
10. Intentional mistakes: Some people make mistakes intentionally.


A defect exists in one of two states: it is either
arises or has already arisen. Therefore there are 2 stages
defectiveness: prediction
- when the defect is only
is about to happen and is predicted to occur,
detection - when a defect has already occurred and it
is discovered.
Poka-Yoke devices perform 3 main functions,
directed against defects: stopping, control and
(Example: installation of photocells above a box with parts, arrangement of parts in
the order in which they are processed)


In the practice of JSC Russian Railways you can find examples
1. The driver's cabin is equipped with a mini traffic light,
duplicating the signal from the main traffic light. IN
In conditions of poor visibility, this device
prevents emergency situations.
2.When the arrow of one way is closed automatically
the prohibitory traffic light turns on
another way, thereby preventing emergency


TPM – total equipment care
(Total Productive Maintance)
TPM aims to maximize efficiency
equipment using a universal system
preventive maintenance throughout the entire period
its operation.
Maintaining equipment in working order, eliminating
Kaizen events in the direction of “zero breakdowns”
Design of new and modernization of existing equipment



Lean Enterprise Metrics
divided into 2 groups:
Macro indicators – comprehensive indicators, used
to monitor system status and processes
production when organizing BP (the company uses
Micro indicators - intended for monitoring
the effectiveness of individual improvement actions
on the state of processes

42. Macro indicators of production efficiency

Ability to produce first time
Overall equipment efficiency
Time from delivery to delivery
Production according to plan

43. Ability to produce first time

Percentage of products that go through the production cycle and
meet quality requirements the first time (not including products
requiring reprocessing, retesting,
off-conveyor processing, returned products and defective products).
(Ntot – Ndef)*100%, where
Ntotal - the total number of parts at the input of the process
Ndef - defective + return + repeat test. + off-conveyor parts

44. Time from delivery to delivery

Time between unloading of raw materials and delivery
products to the consumer
Tmat. + Tst cycle + Tready , Where
Tmat. - time the materials are in stock
Tp.cycle - time between the first and last operation of the process (see below)
Tgot. - time spent in stock of finished products
World experience - 15 days from receipt of order to delivery of finished products

45. Production (compliance) according to plan

The indicator shows how well the plant fulfills the plan
production and delivery of products (compliance with volume, time
supplies, nomenclature)
Vfact. X Vfact.necessary
Vplan Vplan.
Vfact. - volume of actual products produced
Vplan - planned production volume
Vfact.necessary - volume of actually produced products needed
K – consistency indicator

46. ​​Micro-indicators of production efficiency

These production efficiency process indicators
are used to monitor the performance of individual
improvement activities. These indicators are used for
tracking individual improvement actions per condition
I. Labor productivity
II. Area occupied by production
III. Distance traveled by products during production
IV. Time for change
V. Volume of work in progress
VI. Production cycle time
VII. Downtime(as part of OEE)

47. Labor productivity

Number of units produced per unit of worker
time. On a plant scale can be calculated by averaging
labor productivity for each process per number of workers,
involved in the relevant process.
Area occupied by production
The total amount of area used to produce a product.
The indicator includes all space occupied by workers, equipment, and
premises for storing unfinished products, tools, etc.

48. Distance traveled by products during the production process

Total distance covered by a part, semi-finished or finished product
products as you move from first to last
production operation. Minimizing the distance (as a consequence,
eliminating Muda unnecessary movements in the creation flow map
product value) is one of the most important tasks for improving
production process.
Time for change
The total amount of time that the machine (process, machine, etc.) is not
works due to changes made on it (changes in settings,
calibration, changeover, production line setup, etc.)


Volume of work in progress
The amount of material assets located between
stages and in processing (value adding)
Ntotal - the total number of all partially completed units of production
Nav - average daily output


Production cycle time
MCT is the time required to produce a product starting from
the first stage of the production cycle and ending with the last. Under
production cycle is understood as a set of purposeful
actions of enterprise personnel to transform raw materials into
finished products.
Main op. + Taux. + Ttrans. , Where
Main op. - time of direct interaction with the subject of labor + time
flow of natural main processes (drying, etc.)
Taux. - time of various auxiliary operations
Trev. - time when the machine is not working (scheduled stops,
readjustment, etc.)

51. OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) Overall equipment efficiency

OEE – availability * performance * quality
World level – 85% or more
OEE comes from the planned production time and analyzes
loss of time with the aim of reducing or eliminating it.
calculated for a specific piece of equipment. There are three
main categories of time loss in production associated with
equipment – ​​losses at stops, losses in speed and
loss in quality. Each of these groups is divided into
several types of losses, which experts collectively call “6
large losses" see below (not to be confused with the 7 main losses on


Reflects downtime losses associated with malfunctions, breakdowns
equipment, stoppages due to shortage of raw materials, lack of space for
storage, changeover time, etc. as a percentage of the planned time
PPV – planned production time
OVR – total operating time of the enterprise
VPO - time of planned equipment shutdowns
= OB
D – accessibility criterion
OB – operating time
NVO - unscheduled stop time (see definition)


Takes into account the loss of operating time that occurs when the machine is running
slower than usual. May be due to wear and tear of the machine, use
poor quality materials, incorrect delivery, ineffective actions

OB – operating time
PS – speed loss
P = IVC * VP
P – performance criterion
IVC – perfect time cycle - theoretical min. time required for the first unit of production
OB – operating time
VP - production output - actual. number of units products released for
operating time OP
INP – ideal production rate – theoretical. Max. number of products,
produced in units time


A criterion that takes into account all manufactured products that do not comply
standards and norms.
NPV – net production time
CHOV – pure operating time
PC – quality loss
K – quality criterion
VPG – release of suitable products – number of released suitable products according to
in fact for the operational time of the OP
VP – production output


Types and sources of losses associated with
equipment (examples of “6 big losses”)
Lost time:
1.Stops due to breakdowns or failures.
2. Time required for commissioning, installation, for example, for replacement
dies in stamping, etc.
Speed ​​loss:
3. Idling due to blocking of work by sensors during contraction
supply of parts, etc.
4. Discrepancy between calculated and actual performance
Losses from defects
5. The occurrence and reproduction of defects in the process itself.
6. Reduction of output in the period between equipment startup
and reaching design loads Visible results of efforts to create a lean
production appears on average only 2 years after
the beginning of changes
There is not a single enterprise in the world that actually
meeting 100% of all Lean requirements
Production to organization
The so-called “Kaizen blitz” events are often
lead to short-term improvements. Always saved
tendency to return to the old status when
any, even the smallest, failures
“Situation “No problem! - This is problem. There are difficulties
Always. The task of a manager in a lean enterprise is
see them."

2.8. How to assess how thrifty you are?

Diomidov Ilya Georgievich, Head of Quality Systems Department, RusPromAvto LLC

The conditions of post-war devastation in Japan confronted business leaders with the task of restoring social, political and economic life. A similar task now faces managers. Russian enterprises. Russia is increasingly lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of production efficiency and labor productivity, and is lagging behind in the ability to manage costs and quality. Every year, Russian industrial goods and Russian engineering enterprises are becoming less and less competitive in the external and domestic market. You can look for (and find) the reasons for this in the influence of unfavorable external conditions and factors on domestic business, for example:

  • features of national character;
  • low purchasing power of the population;
  • unfavorable situation on the world market;
  • etc.

The influence of such factors is significant, but most companies and their leaders are not able to change these conditions and influence these factors - just as we are not able to influence the weather and global climate change.

Let's try to look “inside” a business and try to find ways to increase its competitiveness based on global experience. The traditional approach is based on the belief that competitiveness costs a lot of money. Typically, enterprise managers believe that in order to improve quality and increase production efficiency, it is necessary, first of all, to spend a lot of money on the purchase of the latest equipment, technologies and computer systems, and all these expenses, one way or another, will lead to an increase in production costs. But today's customer wants better quality at a lower price. More than 30 years ago, Japanese managers discovered that best quality and lower cost are compatible. If improve quality of work At every stage of the product life cycle, from product concept development, through design, pre-production, production, sales, marketing and after-sales service, costs can be significantly reduced while quality is improved. Improving productivity means using resources better and achieving better efficiency.

The philosophy of Lean manufacturing (“Leanmanufacturing”) can provide invaluable assistance to the manager of an enterprise on the path to increasing production efficiency. Lean manufacturing is a manufacturing philosophy that reduces the time between a customer placing an order and the finished product being shipped, and eliminating waste that occurs in the value chain. The philosophy and principles of Lean Manufacturing in Russian-language literature are most fully presented in the works of and. A. Baranov in his article provides the most typical results of applying the principles of Lean manufacturing in practice:

  • Increased productivity by 35%
  • Increased equipment efficiency by 25%
  • Freeing up production space by 35%
  • Release manual labor by 25%
  • Reduce work in progress by 50%
  • Reduce waste by 45%
  • Reduction of production cycle by 50%
  • Decline transport costs by 45%
  • Reduce changeover time by 70%
  • Reduce non-production costs by 35%

The basic principles of Lean manufacturing that form the business development strategy are:

  • Elimination of Waste
  • Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
  • Customer focus

In Lean manufacturing, waste (Waste, Muda) usually means:

  • Overproduction of products
  • Inventories (raw materials inventories, finished goods inventories, work in progress),
  • Production of defective products, costs of eliminating defects and correcting errors,
  • Extra (unnecessary) work (work that does not add value to the product),
  • Unnecessary movement of materials, personnel and vehicles,
  • Inefficiency in production operations (for example, unnecessary movement of workers during operations)
  • Downtime and waiting, delays in deliveries, or deliveries ahead of schedule.

Losses are a consequence of a certain organization of work at the enterprise and the “tuning” of processes implemented at the enterprise. Whatever the reasons for the losses (irregularity of supplies, change of product type, equipment failure, etc.), they are always a consequence of imperfection and instability (variability) of processes. Significant process variability increases the likelihood of defective products. To eliminate (or reduce, if it is impossible to eliminate) losses, it is necessary to improve processes. Thus, when mastering lean production methods, all the tools are in demand modern methods quality management, based, as is well known, on process approach(TQM ideology, ISO 9000:2000) and the desire to reduce process variability (6 Sigma concept).

If the management of an enterprise has decided to take the path of transforming the enterprise based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing, then it is interested in ensuring the effectiveness of the transformation process in its enterprise. Indicators used by management at all stages of transformation to evaluate can help in solving this problem. current state enterprises, when setting goals and accepting management decisions. Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of transformations must be developed and put into practice before starting full-scale work to transform the organization. These metrics will help ensure the attention and visible support for change and transformation from the top management of the enterprise, which is necessary to consolidate success in managing the transformation process of the entire business organization, through key indicators and policies. Anand Sharma (Anand Sharma) The book recommends developing seven to ten easy-to-understand operational performance indicators of an enterprise and implementing them systematically, starting with areas (divisions) that are pioneers in the transformation of the organization. The new indicators complement and replace the old ones that were used before the start of the transformation process to evaluate the performance of departments and individual managers. New indicators used as criteria for evaluating performance should be simple and understandable to both lower and middle managers and financial managers of the enterprise.

The indicators used by Western enterprises can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Integral (complex indicators), which allow one to assess the general state of the enterprise’s production system and the impact of the ongoing transformations on the operation of the enterprise or company “as a whole”;
  • Specialized indicators for assessing the impact of specific improvement measures on specific production processes.

Integral (complex) indicators:

Integral indicators for assessing the effectiveness of transformations include such generally accepted indicators of production efficiency as inventory turnover, the volume of work in progress in monetary terms, output per employee or labor productivity. Since these indicators are well known, let us dwell in more detail on the lesser known indicators:

Ability to produce products correctly the first time (FTTFirst-Time-ThroughCapability).

Shows what proportion of all products produced was produced immediately in accordance with consumer requirements. The consumer can be considered both an external consumer (customer, buyer) and an internal consumer (the next production site in the chain, a warehouse).

N in. = the number of products included in the production line for processing (put into production at the production site).

N br. = number of ultimately rejected products

Nrepeat = number of items reprocessed

Nrepeat use = number of products subjected to repeated (additional) tests

Nrem = number of products repaired (out of those put into production)

Typically the observation period is work shift, or working day.

Target FTT = 100%

Full efficiency of production equipment (OEE-OverallEquipmentEffectiveness)

Shows how effectively a particular piece of equipment (or group of equipment, such as a production line) is used in the production of a specific type of product, or group of products.

Тpol = total operating time of equipment (total operating time of equipment per shift)

Tcm = total working time (shift duration)

Tc.calc. = estimated processing (manufacturing) cycle time for one product.

Nout = number of products released

Ndef = number of detected defective products

Usually a work shift is selected as the observation period

Target OEE = 100%

Total order lead time (DTD-Dock-to-DockTime).

The total time between the unloading of materials and components into the warehouse and the shipment of finished products to the consumer. The indicator can be used to evaluate the enterprise as a whole, and for individual production lines or for individual product groups. Used to evaluate the efficiency and flexibility of a manufacturing system.

T zap.mts - the volume of stocks of raw materials and components in logistics warehouses in days, which can be calculated as:

Using physical or monetary indicators to determine inventory in a warehouse and the average daily requirement of a production line or enterprise.

T pr.ts = total time of the production cycle, that is, the time between the beginning of the first and the end of the last operation of the production process on the product, taking into account the time of equipment changeover and the time of interoperational movement (storage) of the product. In English literature, the abbreviation MCT (ManufacturingCycleTime) is used to denote the total production cycle time.

T – Stock of finished products in the warehouse in days. Can be defined as:

Using physical or monetary indicators to determine finished goods inventories and the average daily productivity of a production line or plant.

Specific DTD values ​​depend on the type of product and production processes used.

The goal of transformations based on lean manufacturing principles is to radically reduce the value of the DTD indicator

Plan completion rate (BTSBuild-to-Schedule)

Shows the ability of an enterprise (production process) to meet consumer requirements in terms of volume, range and sequence of product release.

BTS = Ksht x Ksort x K last x 100

Klast =

The observation period depends on the length of the production cycle, but is usually a shift, a work day or a week.

Target BTS = 100%

Specialized indicators.

It is obvious that many widespread and well-known indicators can be used to assess the effectiveness of transformation processes, for example: total downtime, labor productivity on site, losses from defects, percentage of product returns from consumers, etc. However, the following indicators seem worthy of attention:

Area occupied production site or production line(production cell area).

It is calculated as the sum of the areas occupied by production equipment, storage areas, and areas used for equipment maintenance.

The goal is to reduce the area occupied by the production site while increasing (or maintaining) the level of productivity. Reducing the area occupied by the production site leads to a reduction in losses associated with unnecessary movements of workers, semi-finished products and products.

Product transportation path- The total path (in meters or kilometers) that the product travels from the beginning to the end of the production process

Monitoring is carried out before and after implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to shorten the transportation route of the product.

Equipment downtime due to changeovers - time from the moment the equipment is stopped for retooling (disassembly of the last good product before the start of retooling) until the release of the first good (serial) product after the retooling (in minutes or hours)

monitoring - every changeover.

The goal is to reduce downtime by reducing the wait time for changeovers, reducing the actual changeover time, and reducing the loss of materials used during changeovers.

Work in progress turnover(in days) - the amount of materials, raw materials and components constantly in the production process, related to the average daily requirement of the production process for materials and components.

The advantage of such an indicator for determining inventory turnover is its independence from changes in prices for products and materials used in their production.

Monitoring is carried out before and after implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to reduce the turnover period of work in progress.

Full production cycle time(MST - ManufacturingCycleTime) - the total time from the start of the first operation to the end of the last operation of the production process to create products. Includes time for processing, moving, equipment changeover, etc.

Monitoring is carried out before and after implementation of improvement measures.

The goal is to reduce the total production cycle time (and, as a result, reduce the DTD value).

I hope that this material will help managers of Russian enterprises choose a tool for the practical use of Lean manufacturing principles in practice, because modern business conditions in Russia are no worse than those in post-war Japan. It took Toyota more than 30 years to transition to a lean production system; modern researchers argue that the transformation of the organization and the transition to the principles of Lean production can now be completed faster - in 4...6 years. We can use the experience of the world's best companies accumulated over the past decades in the development of Lean manufacturing principles. Japanese companies have paved the way to the future, you just need to be able to walk along it. The ideas and methods of Lean manufacturing can and should play a decisive role in increasing the competitiveness of Russian industry. The transition to Lean manufacturing principles often does not require major investments. Often, you can do without purchasing new expensive equipment, new expensive materials and technologies - there is no need to automate production at an accelerated pace and introduce expensive computer systems, but you need to change the production culture, change the system of relationships between different levels and divisions of the enterprise, change the system of value orientation of managers and ordinary employees of the enterprise, sometimes it is more difficult than buying, installing and launching new expensive equipment....


  1. Monden Y., Shibikawa R., Takayanagi S. Nagao T., How they work Japanese enterprises. - Abbr. lane from English – Ed. D.N. Bobrysheva - M.: Economics - 1989.
  2. Womack James P., Jones Daniel T., Lean manufacturing: How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company / Trans. from English – M.: Alpina Business Books - 2004.
  3. A. V. Baranov, Principles and practice of Lean. A system of simple solutions to increase the competitiveness and profitability of an enterprise. -
  4. Anand Sharma, Patricia E. Moody., The perfect engine. How to Win in the New Demand Economy by Building to Order with Fewer Resources - Ney York, The Free Press - 2001.
  5. Michael H. McGivern and Alex Stiber, Lean Manufacturing Techniques -

Rice. 3. Pareto diagram for primary coil returns.

As a result of joint brainstorming An Ishikawa diagram was constructed for the problem “Return of parts for refinement after operations “Refinement” (Fig. 3), and an analysis was carried out of the state of the finishing process, the reasons for returns for refinement based on roughness and the control scheme.

FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

Rice. 4 Ishikawa diagram on the problem “Return of parts for revision after operation “Refinement””

The Ishikawa diagram (Fig. 4) clearly shows that the most problems were identified in the “Personnel” section, namely

– the regulations on remuneration for mechanics are drawn up in such a way that the contractor has no motivation to hand over the parts on the first presentation. Each employee strives to complete details “just in time” and, as observations have shown, he is in a hurry and transfers part of the responsibility for controlling parts to the quality control department employees. As a result of the analysis of the rear documentation, it was recorded that there were 2 returns from the optical fiber winding site due to roughness discrepancies and 2 research reports, where the cause of fiber breakage was recognized as a manufacturing defect due to the spool roughness not meeting the requirements design documentation. Also because of these circumstances, Quality Control Department employees, feeling increased responsibility,


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while exercising control, we tried to play it safe. And if there was the slightest doubt that the surface roughness did not meet the requirements of the design documentation, the coil was returned for revision. Due to the lack of control samples and the impossibility of measuring hard-to-reach surfaces using a profilograph, returns occurred at the level of subjective feelings “like - don’t like”, and not on the basis of “complies with design documentation - does not correspond to design documentation,” which gave rise to heated debates between performers and controllers.

4. Planning and implementation

After analyzing the causes of the problems, the following directions were outlined to eliminate these inconsistencies:

1. Minimization of subjective assessment of roughness by quality control department employees.

2. Development of alternative technological methods for creating the required roughness.

3. Development and testing of new methods of motivating performers aimed at improving the quality of products.

All events were planned and a plan was drawn up

work in the Gantt chart (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 Action plan in Gantt chart

4.1 To minimize the subjective approach to control operations, according to the work schedule, a


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together with representatives of the consumer workshop, designers, technologists and quality control department representatives. The result of this event was the certification of the control sample and the adjustment of the design and technological documentation, since during the project, unnecessary requirements for the roughness of individual coil surfaces in the design documentation were revealed.

4.2 The next direction to optimize the “finishing” operation was the search for alternative technological methods for forming surface roughness. Due to the inaccessibility of machine polishing, the current technological process uses manual polishing, which takes up more than 25% of the total coil manufacturing time. To optimize this direction of solving the problem, technologists proposed vibrating tumbling of several test samples instead of manual polishing. The result of these activities was one coil, the finishing of which was obtained by vibration dry tumbling. Checking the coil for compliance with the design documentation gave a positive assessment, and it was decided to include this equipment in the procurement plan for the next year and work out the implementation of this cooperation operation before purchasing this equipment according to the procurement plan. From a productivity standpoint this method surface formation, in comparison with the current technological process, is more than 5 times profitable and will allow, when introducing this operation into technological process reduce the production time of one coil by approximately 20%.

4.3 To motivate employees to deliver products from the first presentation, it was decided to link the variable part wages With


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quality indicators, in our case, with the individual key indicator “first time acceptance”, or “FTT”. Motivating employees at the base key indicators, in contrast to the base salary, is focused on achieving the company’s long-term and short-term goals, “motivating to fulfill job responsibilities» the employee himself. And the salary is a fixed monthly salary. The system for forming the variable part of the monetary

remuneration based on key performance indicators encourages employees to achieve high individual results, as well as to increase their contribution to collective results and achievements, and to the achievement of the company’s strategic goals. Wherein KPI indicators in the system for forming the variable part of wages based on KPIs, they should be quite simple and understandable to employees, and the size of the variable part of the compensation package should be economically justified. According to Porter-Lawler's complex process theory of motivation, "the level of effort exerted is determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that a given level of effort will actually entail a certain level of reward."

Based on the above requirements for simplicity and efficiency of calculation, an indicator was determined - acceptance from the first presentation. The purpose of this indicator is to monitor whether the contractor produces products correctly the first time. Some people tend to think of this as an indicator of quality because it tracks waste, defects, rework, and repairs. But B. Maskell suggests viewing it as an indicator of the efficiency of the standardized operation of the cell: “FTT shows the percentage of products manufactured in the cell without the need for rework, repair or rejection. If the requirements of standardized work are followed,


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

the product will be manufactured correctly the first time and the FTT rate will be 100%.” By reducing FTT, we not only improve product quality, but also reduce losses within the process.

FTT is calculated using the following formula:

The data required to calculate FTT is collected based on the marks in the employee’s quality certificate. According to the regulations “on quality passports”, each employee, presenting the product together with accompanying documentation, is obliged to provide a quality certificate. If the Quality Control Department employee identifies defects, then a corresponding entry is made and the part is returned; if the part complies with the technical documentation, the entry “Passed on first presentation” is made. Every month, the site manager collects this data and, based on it, calculates additional monetary remuneration, which is determined using the following formula:

At the pilot site for the implementation of this initiative, it was decided that this additional bonus would be paid on top of all other parts of the salary, in fact it was an increase in salary, but with a slight limitation - the bonus would not be paid if the FTT indicator is less than 70%.

5. Results of implementation

Thus, due to the measures implemented in mechanical production, it was possible to “broaden” the bottleneck link (control section): the number of parts awaiting inspection decreased by 90%, and a further downward trend emerged; the FTT parameter for the coil was


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

metalworking department became equal to 95%. Optimal use of the working time fund for quality control department employees gave an increase in labor productivity equal to 31% (see Fig. 6). First of all, this became possible thanks to the production of a control coil, which minimized subjectivity during control operations. It was also decided to make control samples for other parts, where the question was about the impossibility of using objective control methods to assess roughness.

Fig.6 Photo of the working hours of an employee of the Quality Control Department “After”

But the most important thing in this project is that one of the main indicators of lean accounting was tested and put into use - “assessment of the effectiveness of standardized work”, or FTT. The formula for calculating this indicator was adapted to the specifics of


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works

technological process associated with long production cycles of parts. The part is submitted for inspection and is taken into account in the FTT indicator step by step, and not just at the end of the production cycle.

Fig. 7 FTT chart by month after the introduction of the additional bonus provision.

Most companies begin implementing lean manufacturing by organizing pilot lean manufacturing cells. This, according to the American lean accounting practitioner B. Bagalli, is the first step towards lean manufacturing. This early stage of lean requires, first of all, a number of changes in accounting, control and measurement systems. These include new performance metrics for lean cells.


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In the process of the implemented project, about dramatic changes in indicators for such a short time It’s too early to say, but as the statistics in Fig. 7 show, there has been a significant trend towards improving quality and reducing losses such as the cost of defects or the costs of correcting defects. For experienced workers, this indicator has become a source of pride, and for less qualified workers, it has become an area for improvement in the workplace.


1. Elia M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox Purpose. Continuous improvement process. Publisher: “Popuri” 2009 500s.

2. Klochkov A.I. KPIs and staff motivation. A complete collection of practical tools. [Electronic resource] content/uploads/2012/11/KPI-%D0%B8-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D 1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F- %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80 %D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD%D 0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0.pdf(access date 10/30/2015)

3. Theories of motivation [Electronic resource

(access date 10/30/2015)

4. Maskell B., Baggali B. Lean accounting practice: management, financial accounting and reporting system in lean enterprises. / Per. from English − M.: Institute of Complex strategic studies, 2013. − 384 pp.

5. Paretto V., Coursd'EconomiePolitique. Droz, Geneva, 1896

6. FOURTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works. Materials of the IV international scientific conference on production organization. Moscow, December 5-6, 2014 – M.: NP “Association of Controllers”; Higher School of Engineering Business, 2014. – 460s


FIFTH CHARNOV READINGS. Collection of works


K.S. Artemiev


OOO "Bravo Motors", Astrakhan[email protected]

IN the article describes existing methods numerical and hardware control of the efficiency of equipment and employees at the enterprise and is proposed new way, based on hardware and software control and analysis of equipment operating cycles, which does not require stopping or modifying the equipment for its implementation.

Key words: lean manufacturing, hardware and software systems, production control, employee control.


CEO of Bravo Motors, LLC

[email protected]

The existing ways of numerical and hardware control of equipment and employees overall performance at the enterprise are described


We thank the Department internal communications and corporate media of the Severstal company for providing this material.

From January 1, 2015, coke blast furnace, steel smelting and pipe and flat rolled products production (except for the roll-formed section shop and the Sheksna TPZ - they are expected to change in March), the pipe rolling production will begin to operate according to new system motivation.

This means that the main production flows will be focused primarily on customer needs and order fulfillment, rather than on volumes.

Section rollers have already worked for a year according to the lean indicators system, showing good results

Client Market

Competition in the steel market is constantly intensifying and moving into the area of ​​product supply, explains senior manager of the Business System Development Center Egor Rybin. - A manufacturer that produces high-quality metal and delivers it on time has every chance of winning the fight for the client.

Now some of the divisions of Russian Steel still work according to a system based on the principles of “push-out”. Each workshop has a production plan, and often the client remains dissatisfied, since the focus is more on volumes rather than on fulfilling orders.

Employee salaries will directly depend on the achievement of lean targets. The better they are, the higher the salary. At the same time, colleagues in redistribution will fulfill the agreed goals, which will make the work truly teamwork.

The new goal-setting system assumes a clear focus on fulfilling orders for the client. When working with the team, they will evaluate such indicators as OTIF (on-time shipment), Lead-time (average time from accepting an order to transferring it to the client) and FTT (fit the first time).

Several departments have already worked for a year using the lean metrics system. The pioneer in this project was the production of long products, which showed good results at the end of 2014. For example, FTT rates ranged from 93 to 95 percent.

Efficient chain

At the same time, it is very important to establish production without losses - to build a chain so that time and resources are not lost at any of the links. Only in this case will the cost of production at each processing stage be minimal, which means the profit from its sale will increase. In this case, the FTT indicator will help control deviations.

It is important to implement end-to-end flow control so that the links in the chain work as a single whole,” explains Egor Nikolaevich. - This will allow us to meet customer requirements.

For example, if a company promises a customer a specific date for delivery of products, then this will become competitive advantage on the domestic market. A reduced order fulfillment time will make it possible to process additional requests, which means expanding the geography of sales.

Anastasia Chikisheva

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