Sample on-the-job initial briefing program. Programs for initial briefing on labor protection in the workplace

Development 28.03.2020

When applying for a job, every citizen must be aware of the specifics of the organization's work, labor protection and safety at the workplace. For this, an initial briefing is carried out. In our article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the program of initial instruction on labor protection in 2020 according to the model.

You can watch the initial briefing step by step in the video above.

What is initial on-the-job briefing?

The legislation requires the employer to conduct an introductory conversation regarding safe work with each newly hired employee, as well as those who change the nature of work due to a transfer to another structural unit of the organization or a change in job responsibilities.

The regulatory framework for this is a number of articles Labor Code regulating the requirements for labor protection and personnel training for labor activity:

  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 13.01.2003 No. 1/29;
  • GOST 12.0.004-90.

The admission to the workplace of an employee who has not passed the induction training is unacceptable. This is a violation of Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and entails the punishment of the head.

Initial briefing should be carried out once before the start of independent activities and with a note in the journal. In this case, the following goals are pursued:

  • familiarization with the nature of the work, the activities of the organization and a specific department or workshop;
  • organization of a safe workplace;
  • informing about actions at the beginning of a shift, preparing equipment for work, checking and turning on equipment;
  • using safe working methods, minimizing risks and exposure to harmful factors;
  • application of funds individual protection and the rules for their use;
  • familiarity with equipment and technology that can pose a danger to life and health;
  • actions during work shift minimizing the potential for injury;
  • use of safety rules in the production of loading and unloading operations;
  • an indication of the location of fire extinguishers and tools needed in an emergency;
  • analysis of causes emergency situations, fires and work injuries what measures should be taken if they occur.

When is it held?

Initial briefing should be carried out with employees before starting independent activities:

  • newly hired by the organization, regardless of the nature of the work;
  • temporarily working for the period of a business trip or practice;
  • transferred to another area of ​​work associated with harmful, hazardous working conditions, or other significantly changing work within the framework of labor protection.

Briefing must be carried out with each employee who is registered on a permanent or temporary basis. The head has the right to approve the list of persons who do not need to pass it. This often concerns office workers, the work of which does not imply the impact of negative factors. However, if they violate labor protection rules, the employer is liable.

Who conducts?

Persons appointed by the order for the organization and responsible for labor protection are allowed to conduct the introductory briefing. They must have completed an appropriate training course earlier. As a rule, they are the heads of the shops or the heads of the departments where the employee enters.

In large organizations, on industrial enterprises there are services whose employees undergo an extended course on labor protection. In their competence are all documents and regulations that are created and implemented at the enterprise in this area. It is they who are entrusted with conducting briefings, including primary ones.

It is permissible to conduct introductory classes on labor protection, as in individually, and in the group. The second option is more often applicable to groups sent to work in an organization or interns.

Initial briefing instructions

Familiarization of the employee with labor protection at the workplace includes theoretical and practical parts.

  1. Theoretical materials are the basic foundations, including a description of the equipment used, familiarization with the rules for its operation and possible risks life and health. This part of the briefing is quite voluminous and lengthy in time.
  2. Practical activities include learning how equipment works, using personal protective equipment, etc.

The safety engineer or a person appointed by the order is required to develop instructions that will be understandable to the new employee, ensure ease of perception of the material and provide answers to questions. A briefing program is preliminarily developed depending on the type of work to which the employee will be allowed. It is based on labor protection regulations, local documents organization, technical and operational documentation.

The list of questions that should be included in the initial briefing program is indicated in GOST 12.0.004-2015, and are aimed at informing the employee about occupational risks at his workplace, labor protection duties and responsibilities.

Initial on-the-job briefing program:

Instructions for each profession or type of work should be developed separately, taking into account their specifics. It must necessarily provide for all the sections to which the training of employees is directed, in order to maximize the achievement of the set goals. When the legislation in the field of labor protection is changed or new equipment is introduced, the instructions must be revised and amended.

Instructions for initial instruction on labor protection for all employees:

Development and modification of documents for the initial briefing, labor protection services or responsible persons should be involved. All of them are agreed with the head of the organization and certified by order.

After studying the instructions for the initial instruction, the employee must answer a series of questions as a test of the knowledge gained. If the result is negative, he is suspended from work and a re-instruction period is assigned (within a month). All actions must be recorded in a journal and fixed by an order for the organization on the basis of a memo from the person conducting the briefing. For this period wage the employee is not charged.

A positive test of the knowledge gained as a result of the introductory conversation makes it possible to admit the employee to independent work, which is confirmed by the order of the head.

All information about the passage of the initial briefing is drawn up in the appropriate journal with the date and signature of the instructor and instructor. The data is also reflected in the employee's personal card.

Initial briefing is very an important milestone employment. This is a way to get acquainted with the specifics of the work of an enterprise, to master safe methods of operating equipment, machines and mechanisms, to be able to act correctly in case of emergencies, etc. Its organization and implementation before the admission of a new employee to work is the responsibility of the employer.

Familiarity with safe work practices will prevent the occurrence of situations that are dangerous to the life and health of people, as well as help preserve the property of the employer.


1. General information O technological process and equipment at this workplace, production site, in the shop.

2. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.

3. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace. Basic requirements in the workplace.

4. Internal regulations.

5. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety brakes and guards, interlocking and signaling systems, safety signs).

6. Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

7. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, devices and tools, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

8. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, industrial injuries.

10. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for their use.

11. Collective remedies, requirements for them and rules for their use.

12. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.

13. Intrashop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading, transportation and storage of goods.

14. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Obligation and actions in case of accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using the fire extinguishing means available on the site, emergency protection and signaling their location.

15. Rendering first medical care victims. in case of accidents at work.


An initial on-the-job instruction program is drawn up for each working profession.


Administration decree

Vankovsky rural settlement

dated October 31, 2013 No. 101


1. Explanatory note

In accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia of 13.01.2003 N 1/29, the employer (or his authorized person) is obliged for all employed persons, as well as for workers transferred to another job, instruct on labor protection.

All hired persons, as well as posted workers and employees of third-party organizations who perform work in a dedicated area, students educational institutions relevant levels, internships in the organization, and other persons involved in production activities organizations, undergo initial training at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings.

Initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, etc.) established order training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Conducting briefings on labor protection includes familiarizing employees with existing hazardous or harmful production factors, studying labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection is completed by verbal verification of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe working techniques by the person who instructed.

Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

With all newly hired employees, including employees performing work on terms employment contract, concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in free time from the main job (part-time workers), as well as at home (homeworkers) using materials, tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or acquired by them at their own expense;

With employees of the organization, transferred in accordance with the established procedure from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with the implementation of new work for them;

With posted workers of third-party organizations, students of educational institutions of the appropriate levels, undergoing industrial practice (practical training), and other persons participating in the production activities of the organization.

Initial on-the-job briefing is carried out by managers structural units organizations according to programs developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions on labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

This workplace briefing program is designed in accordance with Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees and taking into account the characteristics of the working conditions and safety of office workers.

The program contains a list of normative, reference, educational, methodological and other documentation on labor protection, recommended for preparation for instructing on labor protection in the workplace.


2.1. Working conditions of office workers

Features and characteristics of the working conditions of office workers. Possible reasons accidents and diseases of office workers. Examples of cases of industrial injuries while working in the office.

2.2. General labor protection requirements

The procedure for admission to work in the office using personal computers, copiers, fax machines and other office equipment.

Introductory and primary at the workplace briefings on labor protection.

Frequency of repeated instruction on labor protection.

Cases of passing unscheduled instructions on labor protection.

Target instruction in the performance of work unusual for the profession (position).

Special instruction and receipt of group I on electrical safety.

Training in labor protection requirements when working with office equipment.

rules technical operation and safety requirements when working with office equipment.

Medical examinations of office workers admitted to permanent work on personal computer.

The main hazardous and harmful production factors that can have an adverse effect on office workers during work.

Adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors on the human body.

Regimes of work and rest.

Requirements fire safety when working with office equipment.

Personal hygiene rules.

Actions of an office worker in case of illness, feeling unwell, insufficient rest.

The actions of an office worker if he witnessed an accident. First aid. First aid kit.

Responsibility for non-compliance or violation of the requirements of the instruction on labor protection.

2.3. Labor protection requirements before starting work

Rational organization of your workplace before starting work.

The minimum allowable distance between personal computers, if there are several of them in the office.

The influence of the relative position of personal computers on the level of radiation generated by them. Hygiene requirements to prevent exposure of other workplaces.

Cleaning the monitor screen from dust, which is intensively deposited on it under the influence of static electricity.

Cleaning from the workplace of all unnecessary items that are not used in work.

Precautions when inspecting office equipment before starting work.

Requirements for the sufficiency and uniformity of illumination of the workplace.

2.4. Labor protection requirements during work

The sequence of putting office equipment into operation. Operating instructions for office equipment.

A rational working posture when working on office equipment.

Requirements for the type and design of a working chair and desktop when working with a personal computer.

Labor protection requirements when working on a personal computer. The minimum distance of the video monitor from the eyes of an office worker. Correct location keyboards on the table surface. Sets the monitor screen to the optimal color mode to reduce eye strain. Duration continuous work with a video monitor.

Defects or malfunctions of duplicating equipment, in which work on it is not allowed.

Fire safety measures in the room where duplicating works are performed. Precautions for direct work with chemicals (for example, with paints, powders, etc.).

Ventilation of the room in which the copier works are carried out.

Office Equipment Maintenance Precautions.

2.5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

The actions of an office worker in the event of any malfunctions in the operation of office equipment.

Actions of an office worker in case of an accident, sudden illness.

First aid methods for injuries, electric shock.

The actions of an office worker upon detecting a fire or signs of combustion (smoke, burning smell, temperature rise, etc.). Features of extinguishing electrical equipment under voltage. Rules for the use of carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

2.6. Occupational safety requirements upon completion of work

Precautions when turning off office equipment, unplugging the power cord from the mains.

Safety measures when putting in order the workplace, cleaning disks, floppy disks, documentation, etc.

Personal hygiene rules at the end of work.

3.1. SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03. Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization (with amendment No. 1 of April 25, 2007).

3.2. SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of work on duplicating equipment.

3.3. Standard instruction on labor protection when working on a personal computer (TOI R-45-084-01).

3.4. Typical instruction on labor protection when working on duplicating equipment (such as "Canon", "Xerox", etc.) (TI RO 29-001-009-02).

3.5. Standard instruction on labor protection for workers moving around the territory and industrial premises(TOI R-218-54-95).

3.6. GOST 12.2.003-91 SSBT. Manufacturing equipment. General safety requirements.

3.7. GOST 12.2.036-78. SSBT. Workplace when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements.

3.8. GOST 21829-76. System "Man - machine". Visual coding. General ergonomic requirements.

3.9. GOST 22269-76. System "Man - machine". Operator's workplace. Mutual arrangement of workplace elements. General ergonomic requirements.

3.10. Fire safety rules in Russian Federation(PPB 01-03).

3.11. Cross-industry instruction to provide first aid in case of accidents at work. - M .: Publishing house NTs ENAS, 2007.

Conducting briefings. Objectives and procedure for organizing introductory briefing on labor protection. Appointment of those responsible.

Workplace briefings. The procedure for conducting, types of briefings, their design. Exempt from briefings. Development of labor protection instructions.

Almost everyone knows that labor protection needs to be instructed. This is indeed one of the most important health and safety challenges. The main thing is not to stop there.

The main document regulating the conduct of briefings with employees is the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 N 1/29 "On Approval of the Procedure for Training in Occupational Safety and Testing the Knowledge of Occupational Safety Requirements of Employees of Organizations." Popularly referred to as: "Order 1/29".

There is also a completely new GOST 12.0.004-2015 Occupational Safety Standards System (SSBT). Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions... From March 1, 2017, it replaced GOST 12.0.004-90.

The main thing you need to know about GOST 12.0.004-2015 is that it is being introduced for voluntary use as a national standard in the Russian Federation. This is far from the first and, unfortunately, not the last document, written "with feet."

Induction training

The introductory briefing is carried out with the employee immediately after he is hired. In essence, this is a story about how to comply with safety rules while being at the enterprise as a whole. As a rule (but not at all necessary) this type of briefing is carried out by an OSH specialist. Sometimes it is right for several people to have the right to conduct an introductory briefing, since a specialist can get sick, quit, or go on vacation. Sometimes even hiring can be carried out at different addresses.

The main thing is that this employee (employees) was appointed by order of the director.

As an example:

Download the program of the induction briefing


Download the introductory instruction manual


On-the-job briefing

Instruction in the workplace is called so because the story on it is about the rules for the safe production of work directly at the workplace of the employee.

This responsibility rests with the immediate supervisor of the work. If, for example, several teams work in a shop, then the task of conducting briefings at the workplace lies with the foremen, and not with the head of the shop.

Initial on-the-job briefing

Conducted with everyone before starting independent work. Conducting briefings on labor protection includes familiarizing employees with existing hazardous or harmful production factors, studying labor protection requirements contained in the organization's local regulations, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of safe methods and techniques for performing work.

The briefing on labor protection is completed by verbal verification of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe working techniques by the person who instructed.

All types of briefings are recorded in the briefing log.

Not all workers are required to undergo on-the-job training. If the responsibility to instruct lies with the boss, then who will instruct the director? Or why instruct people who are themselves empowered to instruct workers?

Employees may be exempted from initial on-the-job briefing. The list of professions and positions of employees exempted from primary instruction at the workplace is approved by the employer.

Download an example of a list of exempt workplace briefings



All workers are re-instructed at least once every six months. Drivers are briefed every quarter.

Re-instruction is carried out according to the program of initial instruction at the workplace in full.

Initial briefing program

This is a document issued for each profession. It specifies the topics of the briefing and the time required to study them. And most importantly, the numbers of instructions, which instruct workers in a particular profession.

Download a sample initial briefing program


If the enterprise treats instructing formally, then sometimes you can see in the magazine how a dozen people were instructed in one department in one day, and according to different instructions. If at least one hour is allotted for each according to the program, then the instructor should have a ten-hour working day. This can only mean that, in fact, people were given to sign in a pre-filled magazine.

At the same time, you can conduct briefings with employees who have the same training programs.

Unscheduled instruction

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

  • when new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection are introduced, as well as changes to them;
  • when changing the technological process, replacing or modernizing equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;
  • at the request of the supervisory authorities;
  • during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

Targeted briefing

Target instruction is carried out when performing one-time work that is not related to direct responsibilities in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural Disasters and disasters; the production of works for which a work permit, permit and other documents are issued; conducting excursions at the enterprise, organization mass events(excursions, hikes, sports competitions, etc.).

Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work on a permit-admission, order, etc. is recorded in the work permit or other documentation permitting the production of work.

How to make an instruction on labor protection

The procedure for the development, approval, revision and accounting of OSH instructions for employees is described in Methodical recommendations for the development of public regulatory requirements labor protection (approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2002 No. 80).

Instructions for workers by profession and on certain types works are developed in accordance with the list, which is drawn up by the head of the labor protection service.

Download a sample list of OSH instructions


Labor protection instructions for employees or for certain types of work should contain the following sections:

  • General labor protection requirements;
  • Labor protection requirements before starting work;
  • Labor protection requirements during work;
  • Labor protection requirements in emergency situations;
  • Labor protection requirements at the end of work.

Profession instructions are based on typical instruction on labor protection. The responsibility for the development of instructions lies with the immediate supervisor of the work. An occupational safety specialist provides him with methodological and methodological assistance. The trade union organization (if any) must agree on a ready-made instruction. Ready instructions approved by the director.

As a basis for the instructions for the type of work, you can take the device's passport and carefully study the section on safety measures during work, make your own instructions for those who work with this equipment.

Labor protection instructions are valid for five years.

They can be revised earlier than this period in the event of:

  • when revising legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents;
  • at the direction of higher authorities;
  • when introducing new technology and technology;
  • according to the results of the investigation of industrial injuries, accidents, catastrophes.

An employee who is entrusted with these powers by order of the organization's management.
An introductory briefing on labor protection can be carried out by an organization or a specialist providing services in the field of labor protection, if they have passed compulsory state accreditation on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 205-N dated 01.04.2010 "On approval of the list of services in the field of labor protection for the provision of which need accreditation ”.

At different addresses - workshop foreman, can he conduct an introductory briefing?

Initial briefing on labor protection, as well as all other types of briefings at the workplace (repeated, unscheduled, targeted), must be carried out in accordance with the approved program. The program, in turn, needs to be developed, coordinated and approved in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90. Moreover, such a program should be developed separately for each profession. Provided a scrupulous approach to this task, it can turn out to be no less dreary than the development of instructions. Therefore, the most common option is to copy indicative list questions of primary instruction at the workplace from our native GOST 12.0.004-90 (Appendix 5, see below). Of course, any additions and clarifications in the text, aside narrow specialization are welcome. Then we call this document, for example, the Program for the initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace for the driver of a car, insert the endorsement attributes into it (AGREED, APPROVED) and you're done. We carry out this operation for all professions, according to staffing table, with the exception of positions and professions exempted from primary briefing at the workplace.

Appendix 5
from GOST 12.0.004-90


1. General information about the technological process and equipment at this workplace, production area, in the shop. The main hazardous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.
2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.
3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety, braking devices and fences, blocking and signaling systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.
4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).
5. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.
6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them.
7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.
8. Intrashop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.
9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, industrial injuries.
10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Obligation and actions in case of accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using the fire extinguishing, emergency protection and signaling equipment available on the site, their location.

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