Letter from Rosstat for free! Rosstat statistics codes of an organization - how to find out by inn Information letter OKPO.

Litigation 25.05.2020

In the process of monitoring the activities of business entities, the state uses special systems and mechanisms. One such tool is the statistical register. How is a letter about registration in it drawn up, and why is it needed?

What is it and why is it necessary?

The statistical register represents unified system , which records and subsequently identifies OKVED codes of all Russian entrepreneurs who have undergone official registration in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

For each company, this system contains a specific set of information(name, legal address, area of ​​activity, statistical codes).

Statistics codes are usually understood as special digital indicators with the help of which everything legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are subject to classification in accordance with adopted legislation. This information is sent to the State Statistics Service (Rosstat, Goskomstat), and then is subject to recording in the statistical register.

Based on the request, information can be provided to absolutely any person. The procedure in which it is issued is specified in detail in Rosstat Order No. 668 of December 29, 2002.

Any enterprise is included in the statistical register from the moment of registration in the Russian Federation. The document is sent by mail; payment of additional fees is not required.

The purpose of the information letter is to confirm the fact that the enterprise is listed in the statistical register. It is required in the process of many legal transactions. The period within which the letter must be sent is limited to five days.

Notification indicating OKVED codes

A notification is usually understood as a document that includes data on the classifiers assigned to an economic entity:

  • OKPO;
  • OKATO;
  • OKTMO;
  • OKFS;
  • OKSU;
  • OKOPF.

As you can see, this list does not contain the code for the all-Russian species classifier economic activity. You can find it in an extract from the register of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. This will avoid the need to duplicate information in the Rosstat letter.

Eat several situations, which may require the document (letter) in question:

  • preparation of reporting documentation;
  • preparation of primary accounting data;
  • opening bank accounts;
  • registration procedure regarding changes to data;
  • drawing up contracts with counterparties.

If we take into account the fact that the list of statistics codes does not refer to restricted access information. Using a specialized service, each person can obtain this information independently.

Receipt procedure

The letter can be received in several ways, for example, by contacting a specialized institution in Moscow (Mosgorstat), as well as on the web resource of the desired region. Codes are assigned automatically.

When using the first method, the letter is formatted during one week. In the case of the second option, registration takes place in a few minutes; the document can be printed on a printer. Some private organizations provide services to obtain the necessary codes within a day.

To receive you need to provide set of documents:

  • OGRN;
  • information from the Federal Tax Service;
  • identification general director;
  • power of attorney if another person acts on his behalf.


Some time ago, companies could count on receiving this information only after contacting the Moscow City Statistics Service. Currently the situation has simplified. If you have access to the Internet, you can receive the newsletter without leaving your home. To do this you need:

  • visit the official website of Rosstat;
  • select the desired region;
  • go to its web resource;
  • press the code search button;
  • select the section you are interested in (legal entities or individual entrepreneurs);
  • enter your Taxpayer Identification Number;
  • press the search button;
  • Click “Receive accounting data...”;
  • "Continue".

After these steps, the letter will be downloaded to your computer, and then you can print it.

Problems upon receipt

If there are no problems with the documents, Receiving a letter with statistical codes will be quick. But if due to some circumstances the letter is not sent, and the official website does not indicate the service of self-receipt, you must contact Rosstat.

In this case, you will need to submit documents in person and pay the fee directly at Sberbank. In addition, the recipient will have to stand in two lines, since it will require visiting two offices, or pay specialized companies that take on this task themselves.

Frequency of updating databases of the service for issuing statistics codes

After completing the procedure state registration information about the enterprise from the tax service is sent to Rosstat. They are entered into the database and subject to updating twice a month.

This usually occurs in the middle and at the end of a new period. If you need to receive a document urgently, but the information has not yet been received in the database, you need to take an extract from the Federal Tax Service or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

How to print statistics from the official website

The easiest way to obtain the necessary information is to contact the official resource. To print the data, you need to fill out the form by entering information in the OKPO, INN, OGRN/OGRNIP fields. After this, all you have to do is click on the “Receive” button, “Export”, select “Notification about OK TEI codes”, and then save the document and print it.

The signature of an authorized person on the document is not required, nor is an imprint of the organization’s seal. The document can be used in the form in which it was received.

A copy of the letter with statistical codes

Taking into account the fact that the notification currently does not require the signature of an authorized person, as well as the stamp of the enterprise, the issue related to the preparation of a copy becomes irrelevant.

Using the specialized electronic service of Rosstat, the user can generate a notification an unlimited number of times, and for free of charge . You can also contact this structure for a document several times; the service is absolutely free.

Instead of a copy of the letter from the State Statistics Committee with information about OKVED, you will need to receive an extract from the register, since such data is not contained in the document in question, but they are in extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. You can receive the document free of charge and in real time through your personal account.

Thus, the information letter on the registration of the statistical register of Rosstat is important document and has a large number of functions. There are several ways to get it, but the easiest way is to do it online. If difficulties arise, you will have to contact the Moscow authority in person.

How to find out statistics codes? Additional instructions presented in the video below.

Rosstat is the federal state statistics service that maintains the statistical register. It contains information about organizations and enterprises: names, numbers in different classifications And so on.

This information allows you to have up-to-date statistical data for informative purposes, control and making timely decisions in the field of economics, taxation, etc.

Rosstat statistics codes are digital indicators that are mandatory for legal entities when they are registered, and are also assigned to individual entrepreneurs. All-Russian classifiers determine the place of each element in the structure, this streamlines the system and allows the data to be used not only by government officials, but also by everyone.

Codes from Rosstat of the Russian Federation are used for:

  1. The need to find out about the type of taxation, the presence or absence of benefits.
  2. Creating a regular report.
  3. Confirmation of your activities in the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, if you need to prove that the reduced tariffs are still relevant.
  4. Identification.
  5. Filling out payment documents.

Each digital combination contains a number of information about the organization/enterprise, and they are entered in accordance with the requirements of the document or government agency.

How and where to find out

Before requesting an information letter about registration in the Rosstat statistical register, it is worth deciding on the purpose of this action.

If you need official papers, you can order them directly from the territorial federal body by letter or apply in person. And for simple information content, online statistics can help.


There are many services that provide information about various digital indicators of organizations and individual entrepreneurs according to federal statistics of Russia. They can display all the data available on their servers. But the relevance of such information remains in doubt, since this is not official information, and even the source is not close to this.

The result will not take long to arrive. Also one of the options is the official website http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/about/territorial/site/, on the same page you can:

Select a region or enter the company name in the search bar directly on the Rosstat website.

will appear the right company, where all data on Rosstat statistics codes is indicated.

This information is displayed in full, so the user will receive complete information about the digital combinations of a particular company.


This mode involves establishing communication with the territorial department of Rosstat. To do this, you can personally visit him at the address, then it is better to have documents and their copies with you (for an individual entrepreneur):

  1. OGRNIP certificate.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  3. Passport.

And for organizations with or without a legal entity, similar papers will be needed, only the passport details indicated are those that relate to the head of the company. A copy of the Articles of Association is also required.

Sometimes they are not asked; to be sure, you should call before visiting and clarify this information. If a letter is sent requesting notification of statistics codes, it is recommended in any case to attach photocopies of the above papers.

If you don’t want to deal with these issues yourself, you can turn to specialized legal companies. Sometimes you can collaborate via the Internet, and the result will be sent by mail.


To receive codes from Rosstat in a separate notification, which means the automatic ability to print the table or text contained in the document, you can make a request. This feature is available both online and offline, depending on the user's preferences. But usually the online method is faster.

You need to find the Classifier codes and go to the page where they will relate to a specific company. There should be a button about exporting or preparing for printing. It is more convenient to save the file in Microsoft Excel format. As a result, a record of the codes, as well as details about each of them, will remain in the device’s memory.

It should be mentioned that a personally printed notice does not require official registration. It is a tool that provides reference information that does not require printing on letterhead or supporting it with a wet stamp.

Notifications from federated government agency, issued upon registration of an organization/enterprise, have documentary force. They must be saved and updated in accordance with Rosstat requirements.

Information mail

Information mail Rosstat is a document issued to newly founded enterprises and individual entrepreneurs stating that they are included in the general register. According to the law, it is not necessary to provide this paper on registration in the Unified State Register of Pools:

  • when a current account is opened at a bank branch;
  • in funds not related to the budget;
  • when licensing occurs;
  • during participation in tenders;
  • in case of audits.

The document is called OKVED, and its number is usually not included in the list when ordering a notification in order to find out the company codes.

Issuance service databases

The service databases are constantly updated, but the assigned code for the company remains on its account for the entire period of activity. After a company ceases to exist, its code is not entered into the database as free code for another five years.

The most reliable list of these digital combinations is available from the Federal State Statistics Service.


Rosstat codes are special ciphers; they are assigned to organizations and enterprises registered in the common database. Each of them stores a common and useful information about the company, anyone who has information about the company name, INN, OGRN can find out these details.

Now you can receive a letter from Rosstat on your own, without leaving your home, for FREE

Follow the new link and indicate the TIN of the organization!

ATTENTION, ENTREPRENEURS! Don't forget to submit new uniform reporting to Rosstat until April 1, 2016.

Information from the Rosstat Statregister for Moscow.What is Rosstat?

This is the Federal State Statistics Service. It was created to maintain objective and complete statistical information on organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, individuals (authorities and management, the media, the population, the scientific community, commercial organizations and entrepreneurs, international organizations). Rosstat has a central office at the federal level and territorial bodies located in all subjects Russian Federation. Rosstat carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies.

The city of Moscow has its own territorial body- Territorial authority Federal service state statistics for the city of Moscow. The abbreviated name of the territorial body is Mosgorstat. It collects and processes primary statistical data, administrative data, generates and provides official statistical information on social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social processes in Moscow to the Federal State Statistics Service (all data is sent to the central office), government authorities of the city Moscow, authorities local government, organizations and citizens. Simply put, for example, during a population census, it is Rosstat that provides information on the results of the census.

Starting from the January 2005 report, Rosstat stopped developing and providing users with information on economic sectors in accordance with the All-Union Classifier of Economic Sectors (OKONKH) and provides consumers with data on types of economic activities based on the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED). Statistical bodies have exclusive rights for the publication and distribution of their materials.

What is Statregister?

Rosstat conducts its statistical base data (Statistical Register - Statregister). The database contains information on all business entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. The activities of individuals and legal entities are subject to mandatory registration with Rosstat. Thus, the state monitors the activities of individuals and legal entities.

What does the abbreviation OKVED mean?

The application when registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur or when creating a legal entity indicates the types of activities that the individual entrepreneur or legal entity will engage in. Each type of activity is registered in the form of an OKVED code ( All-Russian classifier types of economic activity).

How to register with Rosstat?

After the tax authority has registered an individual as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, it uploads the data to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service. There, the received data is processed and codes of All-Russian classifiers are assigned, such as:

  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Entrepreneurs and Organizations, assigned individual registration number in the Statregister of Rosstat);
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classification of Government and Management Bodies, reflects whose property the enterprise is);
  • OKOPF (All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, indicator of ownership owned by the organization(private, foreign, etc.);
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division, an indicator of the territory in which a particular organization is registered, indicating this code, taxes are paid on a territorial basis);
  • OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territorial Municipal Entities, indicates the territorial affiliation of the organization by municipal units);
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of force property, assigns its own code to a certain form of ownership - Private property, code 16; Property charitable organizations- code 50, etc.).

Thus, registration with Rosstat is carried out automatically by the registering tax authority.

In connection with the above, newly created legal entities or individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs receive an information letter about registration in the Statregister of Rosstat (Statistics) along with documents on state registration with the registering tax authority. But in practice, not everyone is issued a statistics letter. If it has not been issued, then you must contact the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service at the place of registration to receive such a letter.

Without a letter from statistics, they will not open a current account for you. This letter is also provided to extra-budgetary funds ( Pension Fund, social insurance fund, compulsory health insurance fund).

Good afternoon, dear entrepreneurs!

About five years ago, when I opened my own IP, after opening the IP I should have received a letter from Rosstat. My bank required this letter in order to open an account. I then had to go to Rosstat twice. I submitted an application, and then I had to go get the letter itself (five days later)

Please note that a new one is ready step-by-step instruction on opening an individual entrepreneur for 2017.

If you want to start your own business as an individual entrepreneur, I recommend reading this short e-book and open an individual entrepreneur yourself, without intermediaries.

This instruction is written specifically for beginners, without lengthy discussions.

It turned out that there was no need to go anywhere now.

1. Just go to the website

2. Select your region:

© Screenshot from gks.ru: Selecting your region

For example, we chose the Nizhny Novgorod region:

© Screenshot from the website gks.ru: we are looking for the website of our Rosstat branch.

3. Go to the territorial website for the Nizhny Novgorod region. nizhstat.gks.ru

© Screenshot from the site gks.ru: Making a request for IP

4. Click on the “Search for codes” button

And select the line for the individual entrepreneur

© Screenshot from the site gks.ru: select a line for individual entrepreneurs.

Enter your TIN or OGRNIP

Screenshot from the site gks.ru: enter your data. It is enough to indicate either TIN or OGRNIP

Please note that it is enough to enter either TIN or OGRNIP. A great reason to learn your OGRNIP by heart :)

And click on the “Search” button

In the next window you can see the following message:

© Screenshot from the site gks.ru: download your letter!

Check the box next to “Notification of registration in the statistical register” and click on the “Receive” button. In a couple of seconds, a letter from Rosstat with your individual entrepreneur data will begin downloading to your computer.

You can open it, print it and hang it on your wall :) Just kidding, of course. This letter is often required by banks when opening an online store and in many other situations in the life of an individual entrepreneur.

As you can see, life has become easier, life has become more fun :)

In general, the IT people at Rosstat are great for doing such a wonderful thing, since spending 2 days getting an ordinary piece of paper is not the best idea.

Is it necessary to receive a letter from Rosstat?

No, not necessarily. This letter is of a notification nature and its presence is not strictly required. But it’s better to have it, as the bank requires it when opening an account.

Why isn't this option available on my region's website?

Don't know. You can write a complaint to Rosstat or write a letter to the President of the Russian Federation. Then all authorities will definitely pay attention to you and will come to you right away :). Well, jokes aside, this system

will eventually be introduced throughout Russia. This is very good, because every year there is less and less red tape when opening an individual entrepreneur :)

If such a system is not in your region, then you will have to go the old fashioned way, but be sure to call before going there and find out what documents may be required.

Please ask questions in the comments below!

If you are thinking of opening an individual entrepreneur, be sure to read these articles:

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about the author

Dmitry Robionek

I created this site for everyone who wants to open their own business as an individual entrepreneur, but does not know where to start. And I will try to talk about complex things in the simplest and most understandable language.

Does a printed notice have the same force as an information letter from Rosstat received in person, with a seal and signature?

Stanislav, my bank accepted this letter, so the banks themselves recommend doing exactly as in the article.

Yes, I didn't have any problems either

Wonderful site! THANKS A LOT.

Help, I urgently need to notify Rosstat I can’t do it

There are instructions in the article. Read carefully and everything will work out

There is no “CODE SEARCH” button on the Rosstat website for St. Petersburg. What to do?

Refer to the Rosstat website for St. Petersburg :)

First of all, Dmitry, thank you very much for your work! Your resource makes life much easier for newly minted small entrepreneurs!

Now regarding the lack of a “search for codes” button on the Rosstat website for St. Petersburg and Leningrad. region. I called our (St. Petersburg and L.O.) Rosstat, they explained to me where the treasured “button” is located: petrostat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/petrostat/ru/reporting/classifications. Select the “REPORTING” tab - “CLASSIFIERS” then “Notification of accounting... (according to your situation)” and then according to the scheme described above.

So everything works for us too.

Dmitry, thank you very much for your work, it’s very pleasant and easy to read, which is important! and all with humor :)))

I'm looking forward to the updated instruction book.

Please tell me how to receive a letter from Rosstat for individual entrepreneurs. I went to gks.ru and chose the region (Tula region). The manager V.V. Nekhaev appeared and clicked on the website, that’s it - there were no links to “search for codes”. Are there other ways to receive a notification?

What is Statregister?

Rosstat maintains its own statistical database (Statistical Register - Statregister). The database contains information on all business entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. The activities of individuals and legal entities are subject to mandatory registration with Rosstat. Thus, the state monitors the activities of individuals and legal entities.

What does the abbreviation OKVED mean?

The application when registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur or when creating a legal entity indicates the types of activities that the individual entrepreneur or legal entity will engage in. Each type of activity is registered in the form of an OKVED code (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities).

How to register with Rosstat?

After the tax authority has registered an individual as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, it uploads the data to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service. There, the received data is processed and codes of All-Russian classifiers are assigned, such as:

  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Entrepreneurs and Organizations, assigned an individual registration number in the Statregister of Rosstat);
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classification of Government and Management Bodies, reflects whose property the enterprise is);
  • OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms, an indicator of the form of ownership of the organization owned (private, foreign, etc.);
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division, an indicator of the territory in which a particular organization is registered, indicating this code, taxes are paid on a territorial basis);
  • OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territorial Municipal Entities, indicates the territorial affiliation of the organization by municipal units);
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of force property, assigns its own code to a certain form of ownership - Private property, code 16; Property of charitable organizations - code 50, etc.).

Thus, registration with Rosstat is carried out automatically by the registering tax authority.

In connection with the above, newly created legal entities or individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs receive an information letter about registration in the Statregister of Rosstat (Statistics) along with documents on state registration with the registering tax authority. But in practice, not everyone is issued a statistics letter. If it has not been issued, then you must contact the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service at the place of registration to receive such a letter.

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Information letter about registration in the Rosstat statistical register with the necessary codes

Rosstat - this civil service, necessary for accounting in all spheres of life of the country's citizens. The body controls the statistical activities of the Russian Federation, providing reliable data for scientific organizations, commercial enterprises and the media.

Generating statistics about organizations is useful for entrepreneurs to successfully invest capital and understand the situation domestic market. Thanks to the existence of Rosstat, it is possible to clearly trace the development or decline in any area of ​​the country.

What is it and why is it necessary?

Any organization is included in the statistical register immediately after registration on Russian territory. The notification document is sent by mail free of charge and without paying additional fees.

The information letter confirms that the organization is now listed in the Statistical Register of Business Entities.

The document itself is necessary for many legal procedures: for example, in the case of opening an organization account in a bank. The period within which the institution must send the letter is 5 working days.

The Rosstat information letter contains codes such as OKPO, OKATO, OKOFS and others. Data about them should be publicly posted on the organization’s official website.

The letter requires updating whenever the organization’s data changes, such as a change in legal address, name or occupation.

How to receive an information letter

The letter can be obtained from a specialized institution, in Moscow a similar one is Moscow.gks.ru, or on the website of the required region. The codes themselves are assigned to the organization automatically and do not require special requests.

The institution issues an information letter within one working week . You can print it yourself in minutes using the capabilities of the site. Some offices offer their services to obtain statistics codes in one business day.

Receipt of the letter is not mandatory for the organization, since it is solely for notification purposes. However, it is required for certain organizational situations: registering a bank account or preparing financial statements.

Documents required when obtaining statistics codes with the Rosstat seal:

  • OGRN;
  • data from the Federal Tax Service;
  • passport of the general director of the LLC;
  • if the codes are not received by the director himself personally, a certified power of attorney addressed to the recipient.

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