Resale of fruits and vegetables as a business. Selling fruits and vegetables as a business

Banks 22.04.2020

The sale of fruits and vegetables is a business that is characterized by constant demand for goods and high profitability. Even in a crisis, people find money for food, trying not to save on vitamins. In addition, opening such a business is much easier than opening a whole one.

When opening even a small point for the sale of vegetables and fruits, you will need documentation:

  • the conclusion of the state service of sanitary and epidemiological supervision (up to 5,000 rubles) on the premises;
  • store maintenance contract.

Assortment and seasonality

First, decide whether you will open a fruit and vegetable store or just a small one, maybe even a tent. The range of products will depend on this. The main thing is to offer customers the most popular products.

If the area or equipment allows, the vegetable business should have the widest possible range. In addition, the assortment depends on whether you will trade in imported vegetables and fruits, as well as on seasonality:

  1. Winter. The demand for imported products is not too great, but fruits, especially tangerines, will make a profit;
  2. Spring. These are mostly greenhouse products or imported ones: fruits - banana, kiwi, mango, coconuts; vegetables - cabbage, beets, onions, potatoes, carrots. In spring, the cost increases by an average of 60%;
  3. Summer. The time of a very large assortment of goods (especially the second half of summer). You can sell almost all vegetables, a lot of fruits (strawberries, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, plums, etc.);
  4. Autumn. This is the time of ripening of all vegetables, some fruits, such as grapes, oranges.

Learn a little about different products and varieties so that you can give advice to buyers, as well as know the rules for storage, harvest time, during which you can buy goods at a low cost.

Commercial premises and equipment

Required premises

Experts report that selling fruits as a business is more profitable if you have several small outlets (up to 5 pieces). You can supplement them with a wholesale warehouse. Although still less hassle will be with the opening of the store.

Choose a location in places where there is a constant flow of people, but it does not have to be a bazaar. The area of ​​the premises is up to 60 sq.m., of which about 20 sq.m. m. take under the warehouse (temperature in summer - up to 8 ° C, in winter - not lower than 0 ° C), utility room. At first, you can use a regular, cool garage. If you are not yet sure whether you can manage this business, opt for a tent (20 sq.m. is enough)

To open a tent with vegetables and fruits, you will need a car to deliver groceries.


One of the advantages of this business is an inexpensive or commercial tent.

Perhaps the most expensive purchase will be a car, without which it is impossible to implement a fruit and vegetable business. The same gazelle at the initial stage can be a trading point in the bazaar, and after accumulating money, buy a tent, and then a store. Perhaps even open a subsidiary, for example.


When implementing a vegetable business plan, pay special attention to the recruitment of personnel:

  • 2 sellers ( wage+ percentage of sales);
  • product sorting worker;
  • loader;
  • transportation driver;
  • visiting accountant.


We recommend making purchases from 2-3 suppliers. At good sales you will have to make purchases of goods for at least 10,000 rubles. in a day. Carefully select the product, it must always be fresh. Look for suppliers in the nearest villages: the goods will be fresh at a much lower cost than in wholesalers (markets, bases), but be sure to require documents to check the products.

Nevertheless, you will have to deal with wholesalers - buy exotic fruits and vegetables from them. Do not forget to draw up a contract for the implementation.

Long-term cooperation with suppliers is the key to a successful business. This indicates acceptable quality, prices, and also excludes the delay of the goods.

Risks and Benefits

Risks include:

  • rotting of goods can reach 15%, but do not rush to throw everything away, you can still try to sell some products at a markdown;
  • drying of goods;
  • dishonest sellers who can cheat not only you, but also buyers;
  • inconsistency with all sanitary standards, both goods and premises, sellers, cars, the slightest violation will result in a fine.

Fruit business is an excellent direction in the field healthy food which has more and more followers every year.


Include financial calculations in your business plan.

Small outlet:

  • revenue per day - 6,500 - 20,500 rubles;
  • revenue per month - about 52,000 rubles;
  • seller's salary - 7% of revenue;
  • markup on goods - 50%;
  • write-off of damaged goods - 15%;
  • rent of a trading place - 1,500 rubles;
  • taxes - 2,500 rubles.

Starting investments are about 100,000 rubles.

Costs for a small store:

  • rent - 13,000 rubles;
  • repair - about 700,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 160,000 rubles;
  • margin - 40 - 250% depending on the type of product.

Business payback - 6 months.

Video: How to properly store fruits and vegetables

Business ideas for cost-effective stores

The fresh meat business is always on top. Meat is one of the essential products, besides, there are a lot of people who like to savor fresh meat. Profitability - 30%.

In our country there are many lovers of gardening and vegetable gardens. Every year they become more finicky, so provide them with a wide selection of seeds.

is a retail outlet with minimum investment and great potential. A small range of products can provide a stable income.

vegetable business is very popular in different settlements. It has its pitfalls, but it has more advantages.

The capital investment of the vegetable stall is 160,000 rubles.
Payback - 3-4 months.

The capital investment of the vegetable store is 700,000 rubles.
Payback - 8-10 months.

People will always and everywhere need it, because a person purely physiologically cannot but eat.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a normal diet, and if they are grown in the villages on their own, then the townspeople are forced to go to the store to make a regular summer salad.

Entrepreneurs understand this well, so vegetable business is so popular in different localities.

This type of entrepreneurial activity has its pitfalls, but it has many more advantages.

Options for those who want to get into the vegetable business

Vegetable business is a broad enough concept, so you need to decide what exactly you want to do: grow or sell vegetables, and it is still possible to combine both types of activity.

The sale of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, herbs is a fairly profitable business that can bring its owner at least 100,000 rubles a month with proper organization business.

When opening a vegetable shop or stall, you can sell in it:

  1. Handcrafted item.
  2. A product that you bought at a lower price and want to sell at a higher price.

Both options have the right to life and can become profitable startups if you correctly draw up a business plan and think through all the details.

Advantages and disadvantages of vegetable business

Interesting fact:
For a long time The tomato was considered a poisonous plant. For example, in the book Complete Guide on Horticulture, published in Denmark in 1774, it is written: “These fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy.” And in Rus', tomatoes were called "mad berries."

The sale of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and not in vain attracts many entrepreneurs.

Growing a vegetable business has many benefits:

  1. You won’t need large sums to launch a startup, especially if you don’t plan to open a supermarket, but are ready to be content with a stall.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are the goods that customers always and everywhere need, so you definitely won’t have a shortage of customers.
  3. Form competitive advantages easy enough - for this it is enough to honestly conduct business (do not overweight, do not cheat, do not be rude) and sell quality products at affordable prices.
  4. To open, you need to issue a standard package of documents, you will not have to issue any special permits and licenses.
  5. The vegetable business is quite profitable: in high seasons (in summer period, before the holidays) even a stall can bring huge profits to its owner.
  6. In a powerful advertising campaign vegetable business does not need.
    The main thing in it is to correctly locate your store or stall.
  7. Fruits and vegetables even in winter period affordable, so they will be bought.

But the vegetable business has only one drawback: a high level of competition.

You will have to compete with supermarkets, large stores, markets, wholesale bases.

But, if you manage to find a profitable place to open a retail outlet and correctly form competitive advantages, then you won’t have to worry about competitors.

The nuances of the vegetable business

  1. The main thing is to correctly form the assortment of goods.
    If you sell only a few items of domestic vegetables and fruits, you will not earn much.
    Exotic imported fruits, several types of dried fruits, herbs, mushrooms, juices, etc. should also be presented in your store or stall.
  2. In this business, 50% of success depends on the location of the grocery store or stall.
    It should be located at some distance from its direct competitors and be in an area with high traffic.
    This, of course, is not an easy task, but it is possible to cope with it.
  3. Vegetable business has its own seasonality.
    For example, during the pre-holiday period, sales jump.
    In winter, people prefer to buy imported fruits (bananas, oranges, kiwi, tangerines) and domestic apples, in summer - seasonal berries and fruits.
    But, for example, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic are always needed.
    This must be taken into account when forming the assortment of goods.
  4. The success of your business also largely depends on suppliers.
    If you are thinking about how to open a vegetable stall, then you should not enter into agreements with farms, it's better to stock up on wholesale depots where you can buy everything from potatoes to rare dried fruits at an affordable price.
    But the owners of large vegetable shops can enter into direct contracts with producers.
  5. Even if you want to start a small vegetable business, do not ignore the preparation of a financial and calendar plan.
    Only putting in real numbers(for example, in a small provincial town there are some prices, and in Moscow they are completely different), you will be able to understand how much money you need to launch a startup and how much time it will take to implement the idea.

Vegetable business: calendar plan

The launch date of a startup largely depends on how large-scale a vegetable business you decide to open.

For example, it is quite possible to open a stall even in 3 months, if you can quickly complete the registration procedure.

But if you decide to open a vegetable store where everything is sold, up to dried fruits, then the implementation of the idea can take even six months.

A small store can be opened somewhere in 4 months:

Rent or purchase of premises
Purchase of equipment
Hiring sellers
Purchasing products for sale

Vegetable business: registration

Naturally, you need to legalize your entrepreneurial activity, as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and choose one of the methods of taxation, for example, UTII.

After you receive a trading permit, you must obtain a permit to operate the premises selected for the business. trading activities from SES and the Fire Service, pay all fees and conclude a number of contracts for pest control, garbage disposal, etc.

You can issue a full package of documents in a maximum of 2 months, if you understand all the nuances.

If you are not sure that you can handle it on your own, then it is better to seek professional legal help than to delay starting a vegetable business.

Vegetable business: premises

I think you understand that a retail outlet for the sale of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and other things should be located at the intersection of streets with high traffic: for example, in the central part of the city, and even better - in densely populated residential areas.

The entrance must be from the street.

Installing your store or stall somewhere in the yards is detrimental to business.

Do not forget to order a bright large sign so that you can be seen from afar.

But as for the premises, it all depends on where exactly you are going to sell vegetables, fruits and other products.

If you are thinking about how to open a vegetable store, then you will need a room with a total square of at least 40 square meters. m.

It is better not to build a room from scratch, but to use a ready-made one, which previously housed a retail outlet.

In this case, you do not even have to re-equip it, cosmetic repairs will be enough.

But opening a vegetable stall is even easier: you can purchase a metal container and install it where you want, having, of course, obtained official permission from the city in advance.

To attract the attention of potential buyers, paint it brightly, for example, draw vegetables and fruits on it.

Equipment for a vegetable shop and a stall

To open a vegetable business, you will have to purchase, in addition to standard commercial equipment (shelves, showcases, a counter), a refrigerator in order to keep your products fresher longer, an air conditioner (heat or cold will lead to quick spoilage of fruits and vegetables) and scales.

Well, of course, to conduct business officially, buy and register a cash register.

How much money you have to spend on equipment depends on the size of your outlet.

In the table you will find the approximate cost of one piece of equipment, without which it is impossible to run a vegetable business:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
3 000
1 500
Showcase counter
30 000
Salesman's chair
1 000
Air conditioner
30 000
Cash machine
15 000
20 000
30 000


If you sell fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, do not overcharge, choose a good location for your outlet, but at the same time hire bad sellers (who will impolitely communicate with customers, begin to cheat, do not learn to understand the product, etc. .), you will suffer losses.

The age and gender of the sellers does not matter.

The main thing is that they be friendly, honest, sociable and well versed in the product.

The number of sellers depends on what exactly you open.

For example, for a stall, one seller per shift is enough, for a store with trading floor from 40 squares you will already need 2 sellers.

To increase the profitability of the vegetable business, it is better to work seven days a week, which leads to the need to hire two shifts of sellers with a work schedule of 2/2 days or a week/week.

You will also definitely need a cleaner, because customers are unlikely to be satisfied if they find out that the seller who sells vegetables, fruits and dried fruits to them also has to be distracted by cleaning.

Hire an accountant and a manager or take over their functions, decide for yourself.

The cost of staff salaries depends on the city in which you are going to operate.

IN small town it is enough for sellers to pay 12-16,000 rubles, for a cleaner - 8-11,000 rubles.

Salaries are much higher in big cities.

How much does it cost to open a vegetable stand?

Those entrepreneurs who do not have too much money, but really want to enter the vegetable business, should figure out how to open a vegetable stall.

To launch such a startup in a small town, it is enough to have only 150–160,000 rubles:

You will have to spend from 40,000 rubles on salaries to sellers, on electricity, taxes, and so on.

How much does it cost to open a grocery store?

Entrepreneurs who are thinking about how to open a vegetable shop need to raise at least 700,000 rubles of capital investment.

You will have to purchase more counters, showcases, etc., perhaps redecorate the rented premises, purchase products for sale in a large amount to fill all the shelves and display cases, etc.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 800,000
Registration20 000
Shop rent (for a year)300 000
Cosmetic repair of the premises70 000
Equipment170 000
Purchase of goods100 000
Advertising20 000
Additional expenses20 000

Yes, and the monthly expenses for the maintenance of a vegetable store will be much higher than a stall:

The video below provides some helpful tips.

how to choose and store vegetables and fruits:

Profitability of the vegetable business

Naturally, entrepreneurs who want to open a retail outlet to sell vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, herbs, etc., are interested in how quickly they can return capital investments and how much they will have monthly net income.

Experts estimate the profitability of the vegetable business at 18-20%.

And how much you will earn depends on many factors: client base, the popularity of a stall or kiosk, margins and other things.

The margin for each unit of goods ranges from 40% to 200%, depending on the season and the country of origin of the vegetable or fruit.

On average, a vegetable stall can bring profits from 150,000 rubles. per month.

We subtract the purchase price of 60,000 rubles. and the amount for the maintenance of his stall - 40,000 rubles.

That is, net profit businessman is about 50,000 p.

With such income, you can return capital investments in 3-4 months of successful work.

A vegetable shop will bring its owner a big profit: from 350,000 rubles.

The purchase of goods will take from 100,000 rubles, the maintenance of the store - from 140,000 rubles, and 100,000 rubles. will be left to you as a profit.

That is, the business will become self-sustaining in 8–10 months after opening.

As you can see, the vegetable business is a very profitable business.

Choose only, focusing on the amount of capital investments you have, what exactly you will open: a stall or a store.

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Food is one of the most sought after products in retail, which is why many entrepreneurs are interested in starting a business in this direction. On our website in the business ideas section you will find a guide to opening many different specialized stores with various types of products. In the same article, we will talk about how to organize a retail trade in fruits and vegetables and try to evaluate whether it is profitable to do it or not.

Business nuances and trading format

Let's now talk about the pros and cons of this business.

From the pros:

  • high profitability;
  • constant demand;
  • small investments in business;
  • the availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits for sale, that is, even in winter there will be no downtime.

Of the minuses:

  • perishable products;
  • high level of competition;
  • Winter work is not very comfortable.

As you can see, we have identified the main advantages and disadvantages of the fruit and vegetable selling business, and whether the pros cover the cons is up to you.

Now let's talk about the formats of doing this business and describe the main ones.

  1. Business selling fruits and vegetables from the car. For such activities, you will need to obtain a fruit trade permit. Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to purchase trucks and not the comfort of work in the winter season. Usually, seasonal fruits or vegetables are sold in this format, for example, watermelons, strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, etc. It makes no sense to rent a full-fledged retail space for seasonal goods, so entrepreneurs trade from a car.
  2. Trade in fruits and vegetables at the market in a kiosk or tent. Also one of the most popular sales methods. The market is a place of accumulation of customers for your product, if you serve customers well and at the same time constantly monitor the quality and availability of products, then you will have regular customers who will bring the main income from the business. The only problem is that it's hard to find good ones. trading place on the market and the second minus is the huge competition concentrated in one place.
  3. Street selling fruit. Usually this is a tent with several racks. One of the features of this format is that you will either need to have your own transport to transport the entire range of goods, or rent a small warehouse to store them. How you will solve this issue, you need to decide right away. Also, when selling fruits and vegetables on the street, you need to get permission from the city administration to trade this product in the place where you want to put up a tent.
  4. Fruit trade in the pavilion. With this format of business, the entrepreneur rents a counter on which he places all the products. It is also a very attractive type of business, but the problem with the warehouse is partially solved there, since usually such places are given out for those who rent a retail outlet there.
  5. A complete store. With the rental of premises, a sign, commercial equipment and others. Here it is worth considering that this is the most expensive start in the fruit business, so it is better to test the niche using the above formats, it will be easier for you to attract buyers there.

Why do we recommend the market trading format? Because when renting a store, you will need to spend money on advertising, and your competitors will be large retail chains, with which you will not be able to fight either for price or for choice.

Fruit Trade Rules

As in any business on products, you must obtain all the necessary work permits. Let's take a look at what documents are needed for the trade in fruits and vegetables.

- firstly, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;

- secondly, select the necessary OKVED for work. For Russia it is: 52.21. Retail fruits, vegetables and potatoes. For Ukraine: 47.21 Retail sale of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores.

- thirdly, to obtain permission to trade from the SES and the fire service;

- fourthly, arrange a corner of the buyer;

- Fifthly, it is to have all the necessary certificates of product quality on hand.

Selection of retail space and equipment

The next step, if you decide to rent a kiosk or shop, you need to look for sites in the market or near it. There is also an option to look for offers to rent premises for the fruit trade in malls, there may also be a good place.

It is advisable to look for the size of the room from 10 sq.m. and higher. In the case of a stall or kiosk, you will not have much choice.

From the equipment you will need:

  • organize workplace for the seller;
  • shelves on which you will need to beautifully present fruits;
  • racks and showcases;
  • boxes for storing products;
  • scales, preferably electronic;
  • sachets for selling goods.

Range and suppliers

When opening a business selling fruits and vegetables, it is very important to correctly work out the assortment. You should have all the popular items of goods available and, in addition, you can carry more rare options, because it is possible that some of the customers will come for them.

Second an important factor is the freshness of the products and marketable condition. Make sure that all goods are marketable, do not allow rotten fruits or vegetables in the boxes.

So, here is the basic list of the range:


  • Tomatoes cucumbers
  • Potatoes, carrots, beets
  • Cabbage
  • Onion garlic
  • Pepper
  • Zucchini, eggplant
  • Mushrooms, radish, pumpkin
  • Corn, peas, beans, beans


  • Apples and pears
  • Citrus
  • Grape
  • Berries
  • Stone fruits
  • melons
  • exotic


  • Salads
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Herbs

The range can be expanded seasonal goods, we have named only the main categories, each of them has a number of subcategories.

Suppliers can be found either on wholesale markets or work with sales agents directly, which will deliver the right product directly to the store. Here it will already be necessary to navigate by the cost of production, and calculate the benefits.

How much money do you need to open?

In many ways, investments in this business depend on the format of trade and on the volume of the product range, but before thinking about where to start this business, you need to decide on the start-up capital, and then move on to finding suitable solutions for the distribution of initial costs. Here are just a few of the things you will need before starting a fruit and vegetable store from scratch.

  • Room rental - $200 - $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $2000 - $3000
  • Purchase of equipment - $1000 - $1500
  • Signboard, price tags banners — $150
  • Transport costs - $50.

What profit can you expect?

Choosing a place to place a kiosk or tent will determine the success of your fruit trading business. The more customers, the larger volumes of products you can sell, taking into account the fact that you will keep the quality of the product at its best.

The average markup on vegetables and fruits is 30% - 70%.

Based on these figures, you can roughly estimate the required sales volumes.

Conclusions. The opening of the "Fruit-Vegetables" store is a very profitable niche, subject to availability good place for trade. If it is, then year-round income from this outlet is guaranteed to you.

Do you work in this area? Looking forward to your additions to this article.

With the right organization, a business based on the sale of vegetables and fruits will be stable. The demand for food is always constant, because people must replenish their vitality through food. Even in times of crisis, everyone finds money for food and strives not to save on vitamins, since it is these factors that determine human health and the availability of energy, which is so necessary to ensure a normal level of vital activity. The advantage of this type of business is that opening a small store is not difficult, expressed in obtaining permits, in obtaining expensive leases and in large-scale financial investments.

Vegetable and fruit business

When planning business activities in the vegetable and fruit direction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its nuances, which may affect the performance of the outlet. When you open it, you need to strive to earn a positive reputation in the eyes of potential customers. To attract them, you should first think over and correctly form the assortment range. You will not be able to earn much by offering several positions of domestic products. Its assortment needs to be expanded with greens, mushrooms, dried fruits and exotic imported fruits.

The effectiveness of entrepreneurship directly depends on the location of the outlet and on the design of the window. It is best to locate a store or stall close to residential areas, in areas with high traffic, but at a distance from competitors.

Seasonal demand and the formation of an assortment range

The business of selling vegetables and fruits is seasonal.

During the holidays, people buy imported fruits such as bananas, tangerines, oranges and kiwis. In winter, apples and the entire pre-holiday assortment are popular. In summer, seasonal fruits and berries should be laid out on the window, not forgetting to decorate them appetizingly using trays and plastic molds. Strawberries, grapes, currants, raspberries, watermelons and melons will be popular. Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, onions and garlic are in demand at any time of the year, so the entrepreneur needs to make sure that they are constantly present in the assortment range.

Business planning

In the spring, the cost of goods always increases by 60 percent. At this time, consumers prefer to buy fruits, juices, dried fruits, herbs and the first vegetables needed to provide the body with vitamins. In the autumn, you can count on bulk purchases of customers for storage in the cellar, so you should include such an option as wholesale in your trading style.

What knowledge is needed

The entrepreneur must have information about the harvest time of each vegetable and fruit in order to purchase them at a low cost.

When dealing with the question of how to open a vegetable store from scratch, you should study the characteristics of the products, their varieties and storage rules. Such knowledge will allow giving recommendations to buyers who doubt their choice. Additional information to consumers will help increase the rating of the outlet, since it is always a pleasure to communicate with a sociable and competent person who is ready to help with advice.


When compiling a business plan for a vegetable store, you should include a section on finding a supplier. You should not plan cooperation with farms, as they offer a limited range of products, the price of which, most likely, will not be loyal, due to the purchase of an insufficient, in their opinion, batch of goods. Products are recommended to be purchased at wholesale bases, because there you can buy a wide range at a bargain price, since wholesale prices begin to operate after the purchase of several tens of kilograms.

Reading 10 min. Views 533 Published on 05.11.2017

Food products are essential products that are in high demand regardless of the season. TO this species Goods include fruits and vegetables. It is the high demand in this area that pushes many aspiring entrepreneurs to open such a business. Below we propose to consider how to start a vegetable business and carefully analyze the nuances of this market.

Vegetables and fruits are desirable and necessary products in the daily diet of any person.

Market Review

Fruits and vegetables are in high demand not only in summer but also in the winter months. This category of products is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. Despite the high demand at any time of the year, this business is seasonal. Such an enterprise brings the main income from the beginning of August to November.

It is very important that the sale of such products is often accompanied by various difficulties. When considering opening a greengrocery store, one must take into account the various complexities associated with constant checks by quality control authorities. That is why such an enterprise requires a thorough analysis of possible risks.

What to pay attention to

Before opening a retail outlet, it is necessary not only to draw up a business plan, but also to develop a business development strategy. In order for the store to become a source of constant income, many different nuances should be taken into account. It is equally important to attract the attention of a potential audience and achieve the location of buyers.

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully study the proposed location. An open outlet should be convenient for visiting residents of the surrounding areas. In order to attract a potential audience, you need a rich and rich assortment. The interior of the store also plays an important role.

You should also work out a customer acquisition strategy in advance. In order to increase the potential audience and not lose regular customers, you should sell only fresh and high-quality products. Poor product quality is a sure way to lose the bulk of customers, which negatively affects daily profits.

What products are in high demand

A profitable business selling vegetables and fruits is built on a constant analysis of consumer needs. An interesting, popular and wide assortment is a real guarantee of the company's payback. When developing an enterprise development strategy, seasonal demand for various products should be taken into account. The proposed range should include dozens of different positions, so that each potential buyer has a choice.

Vegetable business is very popular in different localities

Speaking about seasonal preferences, it should be noted that in the winter months, tangerines, lemons, apples, beets and potatoes are in high demand. In the summer months, berries, sweet cherries, cherries, watermelons and melons play the role of demanded goods. There is another category of goods that is popular regardless of the season. These commodities include onions, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplant, and cauliflower.

A competent approach to compiling the assortment and a thorough analysis of seasonal demand will not only increase income, but also significantly increase the reach of potential audience.

Where to get goods

There are several ways to obtain products, therefore, at the stage of creating a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the methods of obtaining goods. Let's look at the main ways to get an assortment:

  1. Purchase from farmers. One of the most common ways to get the necessary goods. Most of the inhabitants of villages and villages willingly enter into contracts for the supply of vegetables and fruits. This option involves a low level of investment in the purchase of goods.
  2. Import. This method most often used to purchase exotic products that are grown abroad. These foods include mangoes, kiwis, pineapples, and bananas.
  3. Own farm. One of the most costly options, due to the need for a prepared land plot. A similar method is used by various hypermarket chains. It is important to consider here that own farming is significantly limited due to climatic conditions.

The business plan of a vegetable store is based precisely on the method of obtaining goods. All of the above methods can be combined, which will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing certain goods.

Sale format

There are several formats appearance point of sale. Below we offer you to get acquainted with the various formats of outlets:

  1. Tent in the market. In order to interest a potential buyer, it is necessary to have a wide and rich assortment. A tent in the market should attract the attention of the audience, due to the high level of competition.
  2. Sale from the car. This method is most often used by farmers who, after harvesting, take their products to markets and food fairs.
  3. Stationary store. When opening such a point, one should take into account the future location of the store. It is very important that your store is located near sleeping areas and the roadway. A small shop should offer the buyer a rich assortment. In order to increase the number regular customers, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of the goods.
  4. Wholesale. The last option considers the sale of existing products to catering establishments or small retail outlets.

Selling fruits and vegetables comes with many risks

Wholesale fruits and vegetables as a business can become a source of constant profit and high income, given the presence of certain connections. Useful acquaintances with the authorities of institutions Catering will allow you to have a stable demand for your offer. Despite this, the most popular format of such a business is the opening of a full-fledged outlet.

Market analysis

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully analyze the situation on the market. Increased attention should be paid to possible competitors. An objective assessment of competitors' offers will allow you to correctly approach the compilation of the assortment. Also this business plan should take into account possible risks.

Such an analysis allows you to get a lot of information that will serve as a kind of foundation for your business. At the initial stage, the location and number of competitors should be determined. Next, you should analyze the demand for various categories of goods.

An important role in this matter is the target audience. At the stage of market analysis, you should identify the possibility of supplying your future store with unique or rare goods.
A business plan for fruits and vegetables should be based on a careful processing of the offer of competitors. In order to interest the buyer, your store must offer services and products that are not available from competitors.

Possible risks and benefits

It should be understood that, despite the profitability of this business area, such an enterprise is always accompanied by certain risks. That is why before opening a store, you should carefully weigh the various factors that negatively affect business development.

One of the highest risks in this area is the short shelf life of the assortment. If the received product is not sold within the first week, then most products will lose their aesthetic appeal. It is the loss of presentation - one of the most common causes of losses. Competition also plays a significant role, so you need to constantly monitor the price dynamics of competitors.

The purpose of opening a retail outlet specializing in the sale of vegetables and fruits is to obtain high profits.

The above risks, with the right approach to the organizational issue, can become a kind of advantage. The short shelf life of fruits and vegetables allows you to refuse to rent a warehouse with a large area. You can also refuse significant investments in the purchase of large quantities of goods, and purchase the necessary products in small bulk. On early stages development, such an approach allows us to assess the demand of the audience.

The main advantage of this area of ​​trade is that the products in question are always in demand regardless of the region. Also, the low cost of the proposed range allows you to work for a wide audience.

Marketing promotion

Considering the question of how to open a vegetable store from scratch, it is necessary to emphasize the importance marketing plan. The right approach to the advertising campaign allows you to attract the attention of the general public. To do this, you need to equip the store with a bright sign. An important role is played by the aesthetic appearance of the room itself.

To attract the first customers, you should organize the distribution of leaflets and arrange "discount" days. In order to increase the potential audience, the products offered should only be High Quality. In addition, the level of service is of no small importance.

Choosing the right room

At the stage of developing a business strategy, it is necessary to take into account the location of the future store. You should also take care of suppliers and purchase of various equipment in advance. One of the most important aspects development in this area right choice trade locations.

When opening a small store, factors such as remoteness from possible competitors and location close to a busy highway should be taken into account. It is important that the store being opened is located within walking distance for residents of the nearest sleeping areas. The main requirement for vegetable shops is the location on the ground floor. You should also take care in advance of placing bright outdoor advertising, so that at the stage of equipping, the surrounding residents are looking forward to the opening of the outlet.

Creating an interesting and popular assortment is the key to the profitability and prospects of any commercial enterprise

How to properly equip a store

Grocery store equipment is one of the most important components of a profitable business. It is necessary to purchase freezers that allow you to increase the shelf life of the goods and maintain the presentation for a long time. In addition to industrial freezers, cooling chambers are also needed for fruits that require careful storage.

However, showcases for displaying goods have the first place in terms of importance. When purchasing equipment, you should give preference only to high-quality models from a trusted manufacturer. Proper display of fruits and vegetables is the key to increasing profits.

But in order to have a product, you need to choose a responsible and conscientious supplier. Most of these companies independently carry out the delivery of goods to retail outlets. However, some farmers do not have such opportunities, so you should take care of renting trucks and hiring appropriate personnel in advance.

In order to avoid possible financial loss due to the expiration date of the goods, the store must be equipped with sufficient refrigeration equipment. Compliance with storage conditions will significantly extend the shelf life of many vegetables.

Organizational plan and business registration

At the time of opening your store, your business must be officially registered. In addition, the necessary staff must be fully staffed. With a small size of the outlet, the staff can consist of four people. For the sale of goods, two sellers are needed, working in shift schedule. For the supply of goods from farmers and villagers, it is necessary to hire a driver who can combine the position of a loader. IN without fail Such an enterprise requires an accountant who will keep financial records.

One of the important requirements for hired personnel is the availability of a medical book.

When opening a grocery store, it is necessary to register with the tax authorities, in the status individual entrepreneur.Before the official opening, a number of certain documents should be collected. To open a retail outlet, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station. The presence of such a package of documents will help to avoid various problems during checks.

The opening of a grocery store is carried out in two stages, lasting several months. At the first stage, a search for suppliers is carried out and a more convenient location is selected. At the second stage, the purchase of goods and specialized equipment is carried out, employees are hired, and the goods are placed on display windows.

Competent compilation of the assortment in different seasons contributes to a significant increase in profits and attract customers

Business plan with calculations

The average level of initial costs for opening a retail outlet is about 1,200,000 rubles. The cost of monthly rent of the premises is 25,000 rubles. An amount equal to 200,000 rubles will cost repairs and outdoor advertising. The approximate cost of purchasing fruits and vegetables is 200,000 rubles. The purchase of freezers and cooling chambers, as well as showcases, will result in 250,000 rubles. The cost of purchasing a truck will be about 500,000.

Next, consider your monthly expenses. To renew the sold goods, at least 200,000 will be required. The remuneration of personnel is about 55,000 (for regions). The cost of gasoline, payment of utility bills and taxes is about 20,000. It is also necessary to take into account unforeseen expenses - about 5,000 rubles every month. Thus, the amount of monthly expenses is about 300,000 rubles.

Let's evaluate the level of profitability of such an enterprise. The average daily income of a small outlet is 12,000. The average revenue for one month is about 350,000. If you subtract monthly expenses from this amount, you can get an approximate amount of monthly income - about 50,000 rubles. Thus, it is possible to recoup the invested capital within two years.

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